class Resistance(Sketchy): def setup(self): width, height = [600, 400] self.liquid = Liquid(width/2, height/2, width, height) self.balls = [] for i in range(0, 10): self.balls.append(Ball(width, height)) self.size(width, height) def update(self): width, height = [600, 400] for i in range(len(self.balls)): if self.liquid.isInside(self.balls[i]): self.balls[i].friction = self.liquid.resist(self.balls[i]) applyForce(self.balls[i], self.balls[i].wind, self.balls[i].gravity, self.balls[i].friction) else: applyForce(self.balls[i], self.balls[i].wind, self.balls[i].gravity) self.balls[i].update(width, height) checkEdges(self.balls[i], width, height) def draw(self, g): g.background(1, 1, 1) self.liquid.draw(g) for i in range(len(self.balls)): self.balls[i].draw(g)
def test_types(): tpl = "The current user is {{ }}" assert Liquid(tpl).render(user={"name": None}) == 'The current user is ' tpl = """ {%- for user in site.users %} {{ user }} {%- endfor -%} """ assert Liquid(tpl).render( site={"users": ["Tobi", "Laura", "Tetsuro", "Adam"] }) == ' Tobi Laura Tetsuro Adam' tpl = "{{ site.users[0] }} {{ site.users[1] }} {{ site.users[3] }}" assert Liquid(tpl).render( site={"users": ["Tobi", "Laura", "Tetsuro", "Adam"] }) == 'Tobi Laura Adam'
def test_include_extends_stacks(HERE): with pytest.raises(LiquidSyntaxError) as exc: liquid = Liquid(""" {{%- mode compact %}} {{% extends {0}/templates/extends.liq %}} {{% block b2 %}} {{% include "{0}/templates/include4.liq" x %}} {{{{x}}}} {{% endblock %}} """.format(HERE), liquid_loglevel='debug') stream = LiquidStream.from_string(str(exc.value)) _, tag = stream.until( ["'for' node expects format: 'for var1, var2 in expr'"]) assert bool(tag) _, tag = stream.until(["File <LIQUID TEMPLATE SOURCE>"]) assert bool(tag) _, tag = stream.until(["> 5."]) assert bool(tag) _, tag = stream.until(["File"]) assert bool(tag) _, tag = stream.until(["> 1. {% include include3.liq %}"]) assert bool(tag) _, tag = stream.until(["File"]) assert bool(tag) _, tag = stream.until(["> 9."], wraps=[]) assert bool(tag)
def test_dot(): a = lambda: None setattr(a, 'a-b', 1) b = lambda: None setattr(b, 'a-b', 2) assert Liquid("{{a | where: 'a-b', 1 | map: 'a-b' | first}}").render( a=[a, b]) == '1'
def setup(self): width, height = [600, 400] self.liquid = Liquid(width/2, height/2, width, height) self.balls = [] for i in range(0, 10): self.balls.append(Ball(width, height)) self.size(width, height)
def test_basic_typecasting(set_default_standard): assert Liquid('{{ "1" | int | plus: 1 }}').render() == "2" assert Liquid('{{ "1" | float | plus: 1 }}').render() == "2.0" assert Liquid('{{ 1 | str | append: "1" }}').render() == "11" assert Liquid('{{ 1 | bool }}').render() == "True" assert Liquid('{{ int("1") | plus: 1 }}').render() == "2" assert Liquid('{{ float("1") | plus: 1 }}').render() == "2.0" assert Liquid('{{ str(1) | append: "1" }}').render() == "11" assert Liquid('{{ bool(1) }}').render() == "True"
def compile_template(template_dict, template_name): """Compile template.""" template_path = "tplbench/engines/liquidpy/" template = Liquid( template_dict[template_name], liquid_config={"extends_dir": [template_path]}, ) return template
def test_unless(set_default_standard): tpl = """ {% unless product.title == "Awesome Shoes" %} These shoes are not awesome. {% endunless %} """ assert (Liquid(tpl).render(product={ "title": "Not Awesome Shoes" }).strip() == "These shoes are not awesome.") # in python: # bool(0.0) == False # bool("") == False # assert Liquid('{% unless "" %}1{% endunless %}').render() == "" assert Liquid('{% unless "" %}{% else %}1{% endunless %}').render() == "" assert Liquid("{% unless 0.0 %}{% else %}1{% endunless %}").render() == "" assert Liquid("{% unless empty %}1{% endunless %}").render() == "1"
def test_python_block(set_default_wild): tpl = """ {% python %} a = 1 {% endpython %} {{a}} """ assert Liquid(tpl).render().strip() == "1"
def create_issue(cls, repository, event_object, issue_template=None): """ Create an issue for an event. """ if issue_template: with open(issue_template, "r") as template_file: liq = Liquid( rendered = liq.render(event_object=event_object, yaml=event_object.to_yaml()) else: rendered = event_object.to_yaml() repository.issues.create({ 'title':, 'description': rendered })
def test_capture(set_default_standard): tpl = """{% capture my_variable %}I am being captured.{% endcapture -%} {{ my_variable }}""" assert Liquid(tpl).render() == "I am being captured." tpl = """ {% assign favorite_food = "pizza" %} {% assign age = 35 %} {% capture about_me %} I am {{ age }} and my favorite food is {{ favorite_food }}. {% endcapture %} {{ about_me }} """ assert Liquid(tpl).render().strip() == ( "I am 35 and my favorite food is pizza.")
def test_or_and(): tpl = """ {%- if true or false and false -%} This evaluates to true, since the `and` condition is checked first. {%- endif -%} """ assert Liquid(tpl).render() == ( "This evaluates to true, since the `and` condition is checked first.")
def test_raw(): tpl = """ {%- raw %} In Handlebars, {{ this }} will be HTML-escaped, but {{{ that }}} will not. {% endraw -%} """ assert Liquid(tpl, dict(debug=True)).render() == """
def test_addfilter_err(set_default_wild): tpl = """ {% addfilter path_join %} x = 1 {% endaddfilter %} """ with pytest.raises(TemplateSyntaxError, match="No such filter defined"): Liquid(tpl)
def test_for(set_default_standard): tpl = """ {%- for product in collection.products %} {{ product.title }} {%- endfor -%} """ assert (Liquid(tpl).render( collection={ "products": [ { "title": "hat" }, { "title": "shirt" }, { "title": "pants" }, ] }) == " hat shirt pants") tpl = """ {%- for product in collection.products %} {{ product.title }} {% else %} The collection is empty. {%- endfor -%} """ assert (Liquid(tpl).render(collection={ "products": [] }).strip() == "The collection is empty.") assert (Liquid("{{(1..5) | list}}", filters={ "list": list }).render() == "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]") tpl = """ {% for i in (1..5) %} {% if i == 4 %} {% break %} {% else %} {{ i }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} """ assert Liquid(tpl).render().split() == ["1", "2", "3"]
def test_dot(set_default_standard): a = lambda: None setattr(a, "a-b", 1) b = lambda: None setattr(b, "a-b", 2) assert ( Liquid("{{a | where: 'a-b', 1 | map: 'a-b' | first}}").render(a=[a, b]) == "1" )
def renderTemplate(type, foundation): template_file = open(eval('FoundationWelcomeTemplate.' + type), 'r') ret = Liquid(**foundation) output_file = open( "welcome-" + foundation['foundation']['mailing_lists'][type] + ".txt", "w") output_file.write(ret) output_file.close() print("Created " +
def renderTemplate(type, project): template_file = open(eval('UmbrellaWelcomeTemplate.' + type), 'r') ret = Liquid(**project) output_file = open( "welcome-" + project['project']['mailing_lists'][type] + ".txt", "w") output_file.write(ret) output_file.close() print("Created " +
def test_types(set_default_standard): tpl = "The current user is {{ }}" assert Liquid(tpl).render(user={}) == "The current user is " tpl = """ {%- for user in site.users %} {{ user }} {%- endfor -%} """ assert ( Liquid(tpl).render(site={"users": ["Tobi", "Laura", "Tetsuro", "Adam"]}) == " Tobi Laura Tetsuro Adam" ) tpl = "{{ site.users[0] }} {{ site.users[1] }} {{ site.users[3] }}" assert ( Liquid(tpl).render(site={"users": ["Tobi", "Laura", "Tetsuro", "Adam"]}) == "Tobi Laura Adam" )
def test_for_reversed(): tpl = """ {% for item in array reversed %} {{ item }} {% endfor %} """ assert Liquid(tpl).render(array=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).split() == [ "6", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1" ]
def build_jvarkit(rev, date=None): date = date or get_date_of_commit(rev) print("- Rendering meta.yaml ...") METAFILE.write_text( Liquid(METATPL.read_text()).render(version=date.replace('-', '.'), rev=rev[:7])) print("- Start bulding the package ...")
def test_addfilter(set_default_wild): tpl = """ {% addfilter path_join %} import os path_join = os.path.join {% endaddfilter %} {{"a" | path_join: "b"}} """ assert Liquid(tpl).render().strip() == "a/b"
def test_if(set_default_standard): tpl = """ {% if product.title == "Awesome Shoes" %} These shoes are awesome! {% endif %} """ assert (Liquid(tpl).render(product={ "title": "Awesome Shoes" }).strip() == "These shoes are awesome!")
def test_concat(set_default_standard): tpl = """ {%- assign fruits = "apples, oranges, peaches" | split: ", " -%} {%- assign vegetables = "carrots, turnips, potatoes" | split: ", " -%} {%- assign everything = fruits | concat: vegetables -%} {%- for item in everything %} - {{ item }} {%- endfor %} """ assert ( Liquid(tpl).render() == """ - apples - oranges - peaches - carrots - turnips - potatoes """ ) tpl = """ {%- assign fruits = "apples, oranges, peaches" | split: ", " -%} {%- assign furniture = "chairs, tables, shelves" | split: ", " -%} {%- assign vegetables = "carrots, turnips, potatoes" | split: ", " -%} {%- assign everything = fruits | concat: vegetables | concat: furniture -%} {%- for item in everything %} - {{ item }} {%- endfor %} """ assert ( Liquid(tpl).render() == """ - apples - oranges - peaches - carrots - turnips - potatoes - chairs - tables - shelves """ )
def test_truthy_falsy(): tpl = """ {% assign tobi = "Tobi" %} {% if tobi %} This condition will always be true. {% endif %} """ assert Liquid( tpl).render().strip() == 'This condition will always be true.' tpl = """ {% if settings.fp_heading %} <h1>{{ settings.fp_heading }}</h1> {% endif %} """ assert Liquid(tpl).render(settings={ 'fp_heading': '' }).strip() == '<h1></h1>'
def test_no_parser_liquid_syntax_error(): liq = Liquid(liquid_loglevel='debug') with pytest.raises(LiquidSyntaxError) as exc: raise LiquidSyntaxError( 'message', Diot( filename='file', lineno=10, parser=None, )) assert "file:10\nmessage" in str(exc.value)
def test_extends_stacks(): # if lineno is correct with pytest.raises(LiquidSyntaxError) as exc: liq = Liquid(""" {% extends x %} {% if 1 %} {% endif %} """, liquid_loglevel='debug') assert '> 2.' in str(exc.value)
def test_case_when(set_default_standard): tpl = """ {% assign handle = handle %} {% case handle %} {% when "cake" %} This is a cake {% when "cookie" %} This is a cookie {% else %} This is not a cake nor a cookie {% endcase %} """ assert Liquid(tpl).render(handle="cake").strip() == "This is a cake" assert (Liquid(""" {% case true %} {% when false %} {% endcase %} """).render().strip() == "")
def test_find(set_default_jekyll): liq = Liquid('{{ obj | find: "a", 1 }}') out = liq.render(obj=[ { "a": 1, "b": 2 }, { "a": 2, "b": 4 }, ]) assert out == "{'a': 1, 'b': 2}" out = liq.render(obj=[]) assert out == "None" out = liq.render(obj=[{}]) assert out == "None"
def addLiquid(self, color): sx = sy = - self.height + \ self.height_per_volume * (self.getNumLiquids()) liquid = Liquid(sx, sy, self.width, self.height_per_volume, color) self.liquids.push(liquid) if color not in self.colors: self.colors[color] = 0 self.colors[color] += 1
def test_tablerow_arg_error(set_default_standard): tpl = """ <table> {% tablerow product in collection.products limit:"a" %} {{ product.title }} {% endtablerow %} </table> """ with pytest.raises(TemplateSyntaxError, match="Expected an integer or a variable"): Liquid(tpl)
def test_raw(set_default_standard): tpl = """ {%- raw %} In Handlebars, {{ this }} will be HTML-escaped, but {{{ that }}} will not. {% endraw -%} """ assert (Liquid(tpl).render() == """ In Handlebars, {{ this }} will be HTML-escaped, but {{{ that }}} will not. """)
incoming.bind(('', 1111)) incoming.listen(3) while True: try: (client, addr) = incoming.accept() header = Header(client.recv(8)) print("Receiving {} bytes from {}".format(header.size, addr)) buf = client.recv(header.size - 8) while len(buf) < header.size - 8: buf += client.recv(header.size - 8 - len(buf)) liquid = Liquid(buf) liquid.treat_hg() print("Found {} after mercury".format(len(liquid.hazmats))) liquid.treat_pb() print("Found {} after lead".format(len(liquid.hazmats))) liquid.treat_se() print("Found {} after selenium".format(len(liquid.hazmats))) print("Found {} hazardous contaminants from {}".format(len(liquid.hazmats), addr)) hazmat_outgoing = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) hazmat_outgoing.connect(("downstream", 8888)) header.type = 4 header.size = 8 + 8*len(liquid.hazmats)