Exemple #1
    def test_performance_sanity(self) -> ResultBundle:
        Assert that higher CPU frequency leads to more work done
        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(True)

        cpu_items = {
            cpu: {
                # We expect only one item per frequency
                item.freq: item
                for item in freq_items
            for cpu, freq_items in groupby(self.sanity_items, key=lambda item: item.cpu)

        failed = []
        passed = True
        for cpu, freq_items in cpu_items.items():
            sorted_items = sorted(freq_items.values(), key=lambda item: item.freq)
            work = [item.work for item in sorted_items]
            if work != sorted(work):
                passed = False

        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(passed)
        work_metric = {
            cpu: {freq: item.work for freq, item in freq_items.items()}
            for cpu, freq_items in cpu_items.items()
        res.add_metric('CPUs work', work_metric)
        res.add_metric('Failed CPUs', failed)

        return res
Exemple #2
    def test_task_placement(self, energy_est_threshold_pct=5,
            nrg_model: EnergyModel = None, capacity_margin_pct=20) -> ResultBundle:
        Test that task placement was energy-efficient

        :param nrg_model: Allow using an alternate EnergyModel instead of
        :type nrg_model: EnergyModel

        :param energy_est_threshold_pct: Allowed margin for estimated vs
            optimal task placement energy cost
        :type energy_est_threshold_pct: int

        Compute optimal energy consumption (energy-optimal task placement)
        and compare to energy consumption estimated from the trace.
        Check that the estimated energy does not exceed the optimal energy by
        more than ``energy_est_threshold_pct``` percents.
        nrg_model = nrg_model or self.nrg_model

        exp_power = self._get_expected_power_df(nrg_model, capacity_margin_pct)
        est_power = self._get_estimated_power_df(nrg_model)

        exp_energy = series_integrate(exp_power.sum(axis=1), method='rect')
        est_energy = series_integrate(est_power.sum(axis=1), method='rect')

        msg = f'Estimated {est_energy} bogo-Joules to run workload, expected {exp_energy}'
        threshold = exp_energy * (1 + (energy_est_threshold_pct / 100))

        passed = est_energy < threshold
        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(passed)
        res.add_metric("estimated energy", est_energy, 'bogo-joules')
        res.add_metric("energy threshold", threshold, 'bogo-joules')

        return res
Exemple #3
    def _test_cpus_busy(self, task_state_dfs, cpus, allowed_idle_time_s):
        Test that for every window in which the tasks are running, :attr:`cpus`
        are not idle for more than :attr:`allowed_idle_time_s`
        if allowed_idle_time_s is None:
            # Regular interval is 1 ms * nr_cpus, rounded to closest jiffy multiple
            jiffy = 1 / self.plat_info['kernel']['config']['CONFIG_HZ']
            interval = 1e-3 * self.plat_info["cpus-count"]

            allowed_idle_time_s = ceil(interval / jiffy) * jiffy

        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(True)

        for task, state_df in task_state_dfs.items():
            # Have a look at every task activation
            task_idle_times = [self._max_idle_time(index, index + row.delta, cpus)
                               for index, row in state_df.iterrows()]

            if not task_idle_times:

            max_time, max_cpu = max(task_idle_times)
            res.add_metric("{} max idle".format(task), data={
                "time": TestMetric(max_time, "seconds"), "cpu": TestMetric(max_cpu)})

            if max_time > allowed_idle_time_s:
                res.result = Result.FAILED

        return res
Exemple #4
    def _test_cpus_busy(self, task_state_dfs, cpus, allowed_idle_time_s):
        Test that for every window in which the tasks are running, :attr:`cpus`
        are not idle for more than :attr:`allowed_idle_time_s`
        if allowed_idle_time_s is None:
            allowed_idle_time_s = 1e-3 * self.plat_info["cpus-count"]

        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(True)

        for task, state_df in task_state_dfs.items():
            # Have a look at every task activation
            task_idle_times = [
                self._max_idle_time(index, index + row.delta, cpus)
                for index, row in state_df.iterrows()

            if not task_idle_times:

            max_time, max_cpu = max(task_idle_times)
            res.add_metric("{} max idle".format(task),
                               "time": TestMetric(max_time, "seconds"),
                               "cpu": TestMetric(max_cpu)

            if max_time > allowed_idle_time_s:
                res.result = Result.FAILED

        return res
Exemple #5
    def test_slack(self, negative_slack_allowed_pct=15) -> ResultBundle:
        Assert that the RTApp workload was given enough performance

        :param negative_slack_allowed_pct: Allowed percentage of RT-app task
            activations with negative slack.
        :type negative_slack_allowed_pct: int

        Use :class:`lisa.analysis.rta.PerfAnalysis` to find instances where the
        RT-App workload wasn't able to complete its activations (i.e. its
        reported "slack" was negative). Assert that this happened less than
        ``negative_slack_allowed_pct`` percent of the time.
        analysis = PerfAnalysis.from_dir(self.res_dir)

        passed = True
        bad_activations = {}
        for task in analysis.tasks:
            slack = analysis.get_df(task)["Slack"]

            bad_activations_pct = len(slack[slack < 0]) * 100 / len(slack)
            if bad_activations_pct > negative_slack_allowed_pct:
                passed = False

            bad_activations[task] = bad_activations_pct

        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(passed)

        for task, bad_activations_pct in bad_activations.items():
            res.add_metric("{} delayed activations".format(task),
                           bad_activations_pct, '%')
        return res
Exemple #6
    def test_ramp_boost(self,
                        bad_samples_threshold_pct=0.1) -> ResultBundle:
        Test that the energy boost feature is triggering as expected.
        # If there was no cost_margin sample to look at, that means boosting
        # was not exhibited by that test so we cannot conclude anything
        df = self.df_ramp_boost()

        if df.empty:
            return ResultBundle(Result.UNDECIDED)

        # Make sure the boost is always positive (negative cannot really happen
        # since the kernel is using unsigned arithmetic, but still check in
        # case there are some dataframe handling issues)
        assert not (df['expected_cost_margin'] < 0).any()
        assert not (df['cost_margin'] < 0).any()

        # "rect" method is accurate here since the signal is really following
        # "post" steps
        expected_boost_nrg = series_mean(df['expected_cost_margin'])
        actual_boost_nrg = series_mean(df['cost_margin'])

        # Check that the total amount of boost is close to expectations
        lower = max(0, expected_boost_nrg - nrg_threshold_pct)
        higher = expected_boost_nrg
        passed_overhead = lower <= actual_boost_nrg <= higher

        # Check the shape of the signal: actual boost must be lower or equal
        # than the expected one.
        good_shape_nr = (df['cost_margin'] <= df['expected_cost_margin']).sum()

        df_len = len(df)
        bad_shape_nr = df_len - good_shape_nr
        bad_shape_pct = bad_shape_nr / df_len * 100

        # Tolerate a few bad samples that added too much boost
        passed_shape = bad_shape_pct < bad_samples_threshold_pct

        passed = passed_overhead and passed_shape
        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(passed)
        res.add_metric('expected boost energy overhead', expected_boost_nrg,
        res.add_metric('boost energy overhead', actual_boost_nrg, '%')
        res.add_metric('bad boost samples', bad_shape_pct, '%')

        # Add some slack metrics and plots
        analysis = self.trace.analysis.rta
        for task in self.rtapp_tasks:

        res.add_metric('avg slack', self.get_avg_slack(), 'us')
        res.add_metric('avg negative slack',
                       self.get_avg_slack(only_negative=True), 'us')

        return res
    def test_slack(self, negative_slack_allowed_pct=15) -> ResultBundle:
        Assert that the RTApp workload was given enough performance

        :param negative_slack_allowed_pct: Allowed percentage of RT-app task
            activations with negative slack.
        :type negative_slack_allowed_pct: int

        Use :class:`lisa.analysis.rta.RTAEventsAnalysis` to find instances
        where the RT-App workload wasn't able to complete its activations (i.e.
        its reported "slack" was negative). Assert that this happened less than
        ``negative_slack_allowed_pct`` percent of the time.

        passed = True
        bad_activations = {}
        test_tasks = list(chain.from_iterable(self.rtapp_tasks_map.values()))
        for task in test_tasks:
            slack = self.trace.ana.rta.df_rtapp_stats(task)["slack"]

            bad_activations_pct = len(slack[slack < 0]) * 100 / len(slack)
            if bad_activations_pct > negative_slack_allowed_pct:
                passed = False

            bad_activations[task] = bad_activations_pct

        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(passed)

        for task, bad_activations_pct in bad_activations.items():
            res.add_metric(f"{task} delayed activations", bad_activations_pct,
        return res
Exemple #8
    def test_stune_task_placement(self, bad_cpu_margin_pct=10) -> ResultBundle:
        Test that the task placement satisfied the boost requirement

        Check that top-app tasks spend no more than ``bad_cpu_margin_pct`` of
        their time on CPUs that don't have enough capacity to serve their
        assert len(self.rtapp_tasks) == 1
        task = self.rtapp_tasks[0]
        df = self.trace.analysis.tasks.df_task_total_residency(task)

        # Find CPUs without enough capacity to meet the boost
        boost = self.boost
        cpu_caps = self.plat_info['cpu-capacities']
        ko_cpus = list(
            filter(lambda x: (cpu_caps[x] / 10.24) < boost, cpu_caps))

        # Count how much time was spend on wrong CPUs
        time_ko = 0
        total_time = 0
        for cpu in cpu_caps:
            t = df['runtime'][cpu]
            if cpu in ko_cpus:
                time_ko += t
            total_time += t

        pct_ko = time_ko * 100 / total_time
        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(pct_ko < bad_cpu_margin_pct)
        res.add_metric("time spent on inappropriate CPUs", pct_ko, '%')
        res.add_metric("boost", boost, '%')

        return res
Exemple #9
    def _test_behaviour(self, signal_name, error_margin_pct):

        task = self.task_name
        phase = self.wlgen_task.phases[0]
        df = self.get_simulated_pelt(task, signal_name)

        cpus = sorted(phase['cpus'])
        assert len(cpus) == 1
        cpu = cpus[0]

        expected_duty_cycle_pct = phase['wload'].unscaled_duty_cycle_pct(self.plat_info)
        expected_final_util = expected_duty_cycle_pct / 100 * UTIL_SCALE
        settling_time = pelt_settling_time(10, init=0, final=expected_final_util)
        settling_time += df.index[0]

        df = df[settling_time:]

        # Instead of taking the mean, take the average between the min and max
        # values of the settled signal. This avoids the bias introduced by the
        # fact that the util signal stays high while the task sleeps
        settled_signal_mean = kernel_util_mean(df[signal_name], plat_info=self.plat_info)
        expected_signal_mean = expected_final_util

        signal_mean_error_pct = abs(expected_signal_mean - settled_signal_mean) / UTIL_SCALE * 100
        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(signal_mean_error_pct < error_margin_pct)

        res.add_metric('expected mean', expected_signal_mean)
        res.add_metric('settled mean', settled_signal_mean)
        res.add_metric('settled mean error', signal_mean_error_pct, '%')

        self._plot_pelt(task, signal_name, df['simulated'], 'behaviour')

        res = self._add_cpu_metric(res)
        return res
Exemple #10
    def _test_correctness(self, signal_name, mean_error_margin_pct,

        task = self.task_name
        df = self.get_simulated_pelt(task, signal_name)

        abs_error = df['error'].abs()
        mean_error_pct = series_mean(abs_error) / UTIL_SCALE * 100
        max_error_pct = abs_error.max() / UTIL_SCALE * 100

        mean_ok = mean_error_pct <= mean_error_margin_pct
        max_ok = max_error_pct <= max_error_margin_pct

        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(mean_ok and max_ok)

        res.add_metric('actual mean', series_mean(df[signal_name]))
        res.add_metric('simulated mean', series_mean(df['simulated']))
        res.add_metric('mean error', mean_error_pct, '%')

        res.add_metric('actual max', df[signal_name].max())
        res.add_metric('simulated max', df['simulated'].max())
        res.add_metric('max error', max_error_pct, '%')

        self._plot_pelt(task, signal_name, df['simulated'], 'correctness')

        res = self._add_cpu_metric(res)
        return res
Exemple #11
    def _test_signal(self, signal_name, allowed_error_pct):
        passed = True
        expected_data = {}
        trace_data = {}

        capacity = self.plat_info['cpu-capacities'][self.cpu]

        # Scale the capacity linearly according to the frequency
        max_freq = max(self.plat_info['freqs'][self.cpu])
        capacity *= (self.freq / max_freq)

        for name, task in self.rtapp_profile.items():
            ok, exp_util, signal_mean = self._test_task_signal(
                signal_name, allowed_error_pct, self.trace, self.cpu, name,

            if not ok:
                passed = False

            expected_data[name] = TestMetric(exp_util)
            trace_data[name] = TestMetric(signal_mean)

        freq_str = '@{}'.format(self.freq) if self.freq is not None else ''
        bundle = ResultBundle.from_bool(passed)
        bundle.add_metric("cpu", '{}{}'.format(self.cpu, freq_str))
        bundle.add_metric("Expected signals", expected_data)
        bundle.add_metric("Trace signals", trace_data)
        return bundle
Exemple #12
 def test_cpus_alive(self) -> ResultBundle:
     Test that all CPUs came back online after the hotplug operations
     res = ResultBundle.from_bool(self.hotpluggable_cpus == self.live_cpus)
     res.add_metric("hotpluggable CPUs", self.hotpluggable_cpus)
     res.add_metric("Online CPUs", self.live_cpus)
     return res
Exemple #13
    def test_output(self):
        passed = False
        for line in self.shell_output:
            if '42' in line:
                passed = True

        return ResultBundle.from_bool(passed)
Exemple #14
 def test_cpus_alive(self) -> ResultBundle:
     Test that all CPUs came back online after the hotplug operations
     res = ResultBundle.from_bool(self.hotpluggable_cpus == self.live_cpus)
     dead_cpus = sorted(set(self.hotpluggable_cpus) - set(self.live_cpus))
     res.add_metric("dead CPUs", dead_cpus)
     res.add_metric("number of dead CPUs", len(dead_cpus))
     return res
Exemple #15
    def test_util_task_migration(self, allowed_error_pct=3) -> ResultBundle:
        Test that a migrated task properly propagates its utilization at the CPU level

        :param allowed_error_pct: How much the trace averages can stray from the
          expected values
        :type allowed_error_pct: float
        expected_util = self.get_expected_cpu_util()
        trace_util = self.get_trace_cpu_util()

        passed = True

        expected_metrics = {}
        trace_metrics = {}
        deltas = {}

        for cpu in self.cpus:
            expected_cpu_util = expected_util[cpu]
            trace_cpu_util = trace_util[cpu]

            cpu_str = f"cpu{cpu}"
            expected_metrics[cpu_str] = TestMetric({})
            trace_metrics[cpu_str] = TestMetric({})
            deltas[cpu_str] = TestMetric({})

            for phase in sorted(trace_cpu_util.keys()
                                & expected_cpu_util.keys()):
                # TODO: remove that once we have named phases to skip the buffer phase
                if phase == 0:

                expected_phase_util = expected_cpu_util[phase]
                trace_phase_util = trace_cpu_util[phase]
                is_equal, delta = self.is_almost_equal(expected_phase_util,

                if not is_equal:
                    passed = False

                # Just some verbose metric collection...
                phase_str = f"phase{phase}"
                expected_metrics[cpu_str].data[phase_str] = TestMetric(
                trace_metrics[cpu_str].data[phase_str] = TestMetric(
                deltas[cpu_str].data[phase_str] = TestMetric(delta, "%")

        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(passed)
        res.add_metric("Expected utilization", expected_metrics)
        res.add_metric("Trace utilization", trace_metrics)
        res.add_metric("Utilization deltas", deltas)


        return res
Exemple #16
    def test_placement(self) -> ResultBundle:
        For each phase, checks if the task placement is compatible with
        UtilClamp requirements. This is done by comparing the maximum capacity
        of the CPU on which the task has been placed, with the UtilClamp

        metrics = {}
        test_failures = []
        capacity_margin = self.CAPACITY_MARGIN
        cpu_max_capacities = self.plat_info['cpu-capacities']['rtapp']

        def parse_phase(df, phase):
            uclamp_val = phase['uclamp_val']
            num_activations = df['active'][df['active'] == 1].count()
            cpus = set(df.cpu.dropna().unique())
            fitting_cpus = {
                for cpu, cap in cpu_max_capacities.items()
                if (cap == PELT_SCALE) or (cap * capacity_margin) > uclamp_val

            failures = df[(df['active'] == 1)
                          & (df['cpu'].isin(cpus -
            num_failures = len(failures)

            phase_str = f"Phase-{phase['phase']}"
            metrics[phase_str] = {
                TestMetric(num_failures * 100 / num_activations, "%"),

            return cpus.issubset(fitting_cpus)

        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(self._for_each_phase(parse_phase).all())
        res.add_metric('Phases', metrics)

        self._plot_phases('test_placement', test_failures)

        return res
Exemple #17
    def test_util_task_migration(self, allowed_error_pct=5) -> ResultBundle:
        Test that a migrated task properly propagates its utilization at the CPU level

        :param allowed_error_pct: How much the trace averages can stray from the
          expected values
        :type allowed_error_pct: float
        expected_cpu_util = self.get_expected_cpu_util()
        trace_cpu_util = self.get_trace_cpu_util()

        passed = True

        expected_metrics = {}
        trace_metrics = {}
        deltas = {}

        for cpu in self.cpus:
            cpu_str = "cpu{}".format(cpu)

            expected_metrics[cpu_str] = TestMetric({})
            trace_metrics[cpu_str] = TestMetric({})
            deltas[cpu_str] = TestMetric({})

            for phase in range(self.nr_phases):
                if not self.is_almost_equal(trace_cpu_util[cpu][phase],
                    passed = False

                # Just some verbose metric collection...
                phase_str = "phase{}".format(phase)

                expected = expected_cpu_util[cpu][phase]
                trace = trace_cpu_util[cpu][phase]
                delta = 100 * (trace - expected) / expected

                expected_metrics[cpu_str].data[phase_str] = TestMetric(
                trace_metrics[cpu_str].data[phase_str] = TestMetric(trace)
                deltas[cpu_str].data[phase_str] = TestMetric(delta, "%")

        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(passed)
        res.add_metric("Expected utilization", expected_metrics)
        res.add_metric("Trace utilization", trace_metrics)
        res.add_metric("Utilization deltas", deltas)

        return res
Exemple #18
    def test_performance_sanity(self) -> ResultBundle:
        Assert that higher CPU frequency leads to more work done
        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(True)

        for cpu, freq_work in self.cpu_work.items():
            sorted_freqs = sorted(freq_work.keys())
            work = [freq_work[freq] for freq in sorted_freqs]

            if not work == sorted(work):
                res.result = Result.FAILED

            res.add_metric("CPU{} work".format(cpu), freq_work)

        return res
Exemple #19
    def test_capacity_sanity(self) -> ResultBundle:
        Assert that higher CPU capacity means more work done
        sorted_capacities = sorted(self.capacity_work.keys())
        work = [self.capacity_work[cap] for cap in sorted_capacities]

        # Check the list of work units is monotonically increasing
        work_increasing = (work == sorted(work))
        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(work_increasing)

        capa_score = {}
        for capacity, work in self.capacity_work.items():
            capa_score[capacity] = TestMetric(work)

        res.add_metric("Capacity to performance", capa_score)

        return res
Exemple #20
    def test_task_remains(self) -> ResultBundle:
        Test that task remains on the same core
        test_passed = True
        metrics = {}

        for task_id in self.rtapp_task_ids:
            cpu_df = self._get_task_cpu_df(task_id)
            core_migrations = len(cpu_df.index)
            metrics[task_id] = TestMetric(core_migrations)

            # Ideally, task with 50% utilization
            # should stay on the same core
            if core_migrations > 1:
                test_passed = False

        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(test_passed)
        res.add_metric("Migrations", metrics)

        return res
Exemple #21
    def test_preempt_time(self, allowed_preempt_pct=1) -> ResultBundle:
        Test that tasks are not being preempted too much

        sdf = self.trace.df_events('sched_switch')
        task_state_dfs = {
            task : self.trace.analysis.tasks.df_task_states(task)
            for task in self.rtapp_tasks

        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(True)
        for task, state_df in task_state_dfs.items():
            # The sched_switch dataframe where the misfit task
            # is replaced by another misfit task
            preempt_sdf = sdf[
                (sdf.prev_comm == task) &

            state_df = self._trim_state_df(
                    (state_df.index.isin(preempt_sdf.index)) &
                    # Ensure this is a preemption and not just the task ending
                    (state_df.curr_state == TaskState.TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE)

            preempt_time = state_df.delta.sum()
            preempt_pct = (preempt_time / self.duration) * 100

            res.add_metric("{} preemption".format(task), {
                "ratio" : TestMetric(preempt_pct, "%"),
                "time" : TestMetric(preempt_time, "seconds")})

            if preempt_pct > allowed_preempt_pct:
                res.result = Result.FAILED

        return res
Exemple #22
    def test_stune_frequency(self, freq_margin_pct=10) -> ResultBundle:
        Test that frequency selection followed the boost

        :param: freq_margin_pct: Allowed margin between estimated and measured
            average frequencies
        :type freq_margin_pct: int

        Compute the expected frequency given the boost level and compare to the
        real average frequency from the trace.
        Check that the difference between expected and measured frequencies is
        no larger than ``freq_margin_pct``.
        kernel_version = self.plat_info['kernel']['version']
        if kernel_version.parts[:2] < (4, 14):
                'This test requires the RT boost hold, but it may be disabled in {}'

        cpu = self.plat_info['capacity-classes'][-1][0]
        freqs = self.plat_info['freqs'][cpu]
        max_freq = max(freqs)

        # Estimate the target frequency, including sugov's margin, and round
        # into a real OPP
        boost = self.boost
        target_freq = min(max_freq, max_freq * boost / 80)
        target_freq = list(filter(lambda f: f >= target_freq, freqs))[0]

        # Get the real average frequency
        avg_freq = self.trace.analysis.frequency.get_average_cpu_frequency(cpu)

        distance = abs(target_freq - avg_freq) * 100 / target_freq
        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(distance < freq_margin_pct)
        res.add_metric("target freq", target_freq, 'kHz')
        res.add_metric("average freq", avg_freq, 'kHz')
        res.add_metric("boost", boost, '%')

        return res
Exemple #23
    def _test_signal(self, signal_name, allowed_error_pct):
        passed = True
        expected_data = {}
        trace_data = {}

        capacity = self._get_freq_capa(self.cpu, self.freq, self.plat_info)

        for name in self.rtapp_tasks:
            ok, exp_util, signal_mean = self._test_task_signal(
                signal_name, allowed_error_pct, self.trace, self.cpu, name, capacity)

            if not ok:
                passed = False

            expected_data[name] = TestMetric(exp_util)
            trace_data[name] = TestMetric(signal_mean)

        freq_str = '@{}'.format(self.freq) if self.freq is not None else ''
        bundle = ResultBundle.from_bool(passed)
        bundle.add_metric("cpu", '{}{}'.format(self.cpu, freq_str))
        bundle.add_metric("Expected signals", expected_data)
        bundle.add_metric("Trace signals", trace_data)
        return bundle
Exemple #24
    def _test_range(self, signal_name, allowed_error_pct):
        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(True)
        task = self.rtapp_profile[self.task_name]
        cpu = task.phases[0].cpus[0]

        # Note: This test-case is only valid if executed at capacity == 1024.
        # The below assertion is insufficient as it only checks the CPU can potentially
        # reach a capacity of 1024.
        assert self.plat_info["cpu-capacities"][cpu] == UTIL_SCALE

        peltsim, pelt_task, sim_df = self.get_simulated_pelt(cpu, signal_name)
        signal_df = self.get_task_sched_signal(cpu, signal_name)

        sim_range = peltsim.stableRange(pelt_task)

        # Get signal statistics in a period of time where the signal is
        # supposed to be stable
        signal_stats = signal_df[UTIL_AVG_CONVERGENCE_TIME_S:][

        expected_data = {}
        trace_data = {}

        for stat in ['min', 'max']:
            stat_value = getattr(sim_range, '{}_value'.format(stat))

            if not self.is_almost_equal(stat_value, signal_stats[stat],
                res.result = Result.FAILED

            trace_data[stat] = TestMetric(signal_stats[stat])
            expected_data[stat] = TestMetric(stat_value)

        res.add_metric("Trace signal", trace_data)
        res.add_metric("Expected signal", expected_data)

        return res
Exemple #25
    def test_activations(self) -> ResultBundle:
        Test signals are properly "aggregated" at enqueue/dequeue time.

        On fast-ramp systems, `util_est_enqueud` is expected to be always
        smaller than `util_est_ewma`.

        On non fast-ramp systems, the `util_est_enqueued` is expected to be
        smaller then `util_est_ewma` in ramp-down phases, or bigger in ramp-up

        Those conditions are checked on a single execution of a task which has
        three main behaviours:

            * STABLE: periodic big task running for a relatively long period to
              ensure `util_avg` saturation.
            * DOWN: periodic ramp-down task, to slowly decay `util_avg`
            * UP: periodic ramp-up task, to slowly increase `util_avg`

        failure_reasons = {}
        metrics = {}

        # We have only two task: the main 'rt-app' task and our 'test_task'
        test_task = self.trace.analysis.rta.rtapp_tasks[-1]

        # Get list of task's activations
        df = self.trace.analysis.tasks.df_task_states(test_task)
        activations = df[(df.curr_state == TaskState.TASK_WAKING)
                         & (df.next_state == TaskState.TASK_ACTIVE)].index

        # Check task signals at each activation
        df = self.trace.df_events('sched_util_est_task')
        df = df_filter_task_ids(df, [test_task])

        # Define a time interval to correlate relative trace events.
        def restrict(df, time, delta=1e-3):
            return df[time - delta:time + delta]

        failures = []
        for idx, activation in enumerate(activations):
            avg, enq, ewma = restrict(df, activation)[[
                'util_avg', 'util_est_enqueued', 'util_est_ewma'

            metrics[idx + 1] = ActivationSignals(activation, avg, enq, ewma)

            # UtilEst is not updated when within 1% of previous activation
            if 1.01 * enq < avg:
                failure_reasons[idx] = 'enqueued({}) smaller than util_avg({}) @ {}'\
                    .format(enq, avg, activation)

            # Running on FastRamp kernels:
            if self.fast_ramp:

                # STABLE, DOWN and UP:
                if enq > ewma:
                    failure_reasons[idx] = 'enqueued({}) bigger than ewma({}) @ {}'\
                        .format(enq, ewma, activation)

            # Running on (legacy) non FastRamp kernels:

                phase = self.trace.analysis.rta.task_phase_at(
                    test_task, activation)

                # STABLE: ewma ramping up
                if phase.id == 0 and enq < ewma:
                    failure_reasons[idx] = 'enqueued({}) smaller than ewma({}) @ {}'\
                        .format(enq, ewma, activation)

                # DOWN: ewma ramping down
                if 0 < phase.id < 5 and enq > ewma:
                    failure_reasons[idx] = 'enqueued({}) bigger than ewma({}) @ {}'\
                        .format(enq, ewma, activation)

                # UP: ewma ramping up
                if phase.id > 4 and enq < ewma:
                    failure_reasons[idx] = 'enqueued({}) smaller than ewma({}) @ {}'\
                        .format(enq, ewma, activation)

        self._plot_signals(test_task, 'activations', failures)

        bundle = ResultBundle.from_bool(not failure_reasons)
        bundle.add_metric("signals", metrics)
        bundle.add_metric("failure reasons", failure_reasons)
        return bundle
Exemple #26
    def test_areas(self) -> ResultBundle:
        Test signals are properly "dominated".

        The integral of `util_est_enqueued` is expected to be always not
        smaller than that of `util_avg`, since this last is subject to decays
        while the first not.

        The integral of `util_est_enqueued` is expected to be always greater or
        equal than the integral of `util_avg`, since this `util_avg` is subject
        to decays while `util_est_enqueued` not.

        On fast-ramp systems, the `util_est_ewma` signal is never smaller then
        the `util_est_enqueued`, thus his integral is expected to be bigger.

        On non fast-ramp systems instead, the `util_est_ewma` is expected to be
        smaller then `util_est_enqueued` in ramp-up phases, or bigger in
        ramp-down phases.

        Those conditions are checked on a single execution of a task which has
        three main behaviours:

            * STABLE: periodic big task running for a relatively long period to
              ensure `util_avg` saturation.
            * DOWN: periodic ramp-down task, to slowly decay `util_avg`
            * UP: periodic ramp-up task, to slowly increase `util_avg`

        failure_reasons = {}
        metrics = {}

        # We have only two task: the main 'rt-app' task and our 'test_task'
        test_task = self.trace.analysis.rta.rtapp_tasks[-1]

        ue_df = self.trace.df_events('sched_util_est_task')
        ue_df = df_filter_task_ids(ue_df, [test_task])
        ua_df = self.trace.analysis.load_tracking.df_tasks_signal('util')
        ua_df = df_filter_task_ids(ua_df, [test_task])

        failures = []
        for phase in self.trace.analysis.rta.task_phase_windows(test_task):
            phase_df = ue_df[phase.start:phase.end]
            area_enqueued = series_integrate(phase_df.util_est_enqueued)
            area_ewma = series_integrate(phase_df.util_est_ewma)

            phase_df = ua_df[phase.start:phase.end]
            area_util = series_integrate(phase_df.util)

            metrics[phase.id] = PhaseStats(phase.start, phase.end, area_util,
                                           area_enqueued, area_ewma)

            phase_name = "phase {}".format(phase.id)
            if area_enqueued < area_util:
                    phase_name] = 'Enqueued smaller then Util Average'

            # Running on FastRamp kernels:
            if self.fast_ramp:

                # STABLE, DOWN and UP:
                if area_ewma < area_enqueued:
                        phase_name] = 'NO_FAST_RAMP: EWMA smaller then Enqueued'

            # Running on (legacy) non FastRamp kernels:

                # STABLE: ewma ramping up
                if phase.id == 0 and area_ewma > area_enqueued:
                        phase_name] = 'FAST_RAMP(STABLE): EWMA bigger then Enqueued'

                # DOWN: ewma ramping down
                if 0 < phase.id < 5 and area_ewma < area_enqueued:
                        phase_name] = 'FAST_RAMP(DOWN): EWMA smaller then Enqueued'

                # UP: ewma ramping up
                if phase.id > 4 and area_ewma > area_enqueued:
                        phase_name] = 'FAST_RAMP(UP): EWMA bigger then Enqueued'

        bundle = ResultBundle.from_bool(failure_reasons)
        bundle.add_metric("fast ramp", self.fast_ramp)
        bundle.add_metric("phases stats", metrics)
        if not failure_reasons:
            return bundle

        # Plot signals to support debugging analysis
        self._plot_signals(test_task, 'areas', failures)
        bundle.add_metric("failure reasons", failure_reasons)

        return bundle
Exemple #27
    def test_activations(self) -> ResultBundle:
        Test signals are properly "aggregated" at enqueue/dequeue time.

        On fast-ramp systems, `enqueued` is expected to be always
        smaller than `ewma`.

        On non fast-ramp systems, the `enqueued` is expected to be
        smaller then `ewma` in ramp-down phases, or bigger in ramp-up

        Those conditions are checked on a single execution of a task which has
        three main behaviours:

            * STABLE: periodic big task running for a relatively long period to
              ensure `util` saturation.
            * DOWN: periodic ramp-down task, to slowly decay `util`
            * UP: periodic ramp-up task, to slowly increase `util`

        metrics = {}
        task = self.rtapp_task_ids_map['test'][0]

        # Get list of task's activations
        df = self.trace.ana.tasks.df_task_states(task)
        activations = df[(df.curr_state == TaskState.TASK_WAKING)
                         & (df.next_state == TaskState.TASK_ACTIVE)].index

        # Check task signals at each activation
        df = self.trace.df_event('sched_util_est_se')
        df = df_filter_task_ids(df, [task])

        for idx, activation in enumerate(activations):

            # Get the value of signals at their first update after the activation
            row = df_window(df, (activation, None), method='post').iloc[0]
            # It can happen that the first updated after the activation is
            # actually in the next phase, in which case we need to check the
            # util values against the right phase
            activation = row.name

            # If we are outside a phase, ignore the activation
                phase = self.trace.ana.rta.task_phase_at(
                    task, activation, wlgen_profile=self.rtapp_profile)
            except KeyError:

            util = row['util']
            enq = row['enqueued']
            ewma = row['ewma']

            def make_issue(msg):
                return msg.format(

            issue = None

            # UtilEst is not updated when within 1% of previous activation
            if 1.01 * enq < util:
                issue = make_issue('{enq} smaller than {util}')

            # Running on FastRamp kernels:
            elif self.fast_ramp:

                # ewma stable, down and up
                if enq > ewma:
                    issue = make_issue('{enq} bigger than {ewma}')

            # Running on (legacy) non FastRamp kernels:
                if not phase.properties['meta']['from_test']:

                # ewma stable
                if phase.id.startswith('test/stable'):
                    if enq < ewma:
                        issue = make_issue('stable: {enq} smaller than {ewma}')

                # ewma ramping down
                elif phase.id.startswith('test/ramp_down'):
                    if enq > ewma:
                        issue = make_issue(
                            'ramp down: {enq} bigger than {ewma}')

                # ewma ramping up
                elif phase.id.startswith('test/ramp_up'):
                    if enq < ewma:
                        issue = make_issue(
                            'ramp up: {enq} smaller than {ewma}')

            metrics[idx] = ActivationSignals(activation, util, enq, ewma,

        failures = [(idx, activation_signals)
                    for idx, activation_signals in metrics.items()
                    if activation_signals.issue]

        bundle = ResultBundle.from_bool(not failures)
                          sorted(idx for idx, activation in failures))
        bundle.add_metric("activations", metrics)

        failures_time = [activation.time for idx, activation in failures]
        self._plot_signals(task, 'activations', failures_time)
        return bundle
Exemple #28
    def test_means(self) -> ResultBundle:
        Test signals are properly "dominated".

        The mean of `enqueued` is expected to be always not
        smaller than that of `util`, since this last is subject to decays
        while the first not.

        The mean of `enqueued` is expected to be always greater or
        equal than the mean of `util`, since this `util` is subject
        to decays while `enqueued` not.

        On fast-ramp systems, the `ewma` signal is never smaller then
        the `enqueued`, thus his mean is expected to be bigger.

        On non fast-ramp systems instead, the `ewma` is expected to be
        smaller then `enqueued` in ramp-up phases, or bigger in
        ramp-down phases.

        Those conditions are checked on a single execution of a task which has
        three main behaviours:

            * STABLE: periodic big task running for a relatively long period to
              ensure `util` saturation.
            * DOWN: periodic ramp-down task, to slowly decay `util`
            * UP: periodic ramp-up task, to slowly increase `util`

        failure_reasons = {}
        metrics = {}

        task = self.rtapp_task_ids_map['test'][0]

        ue_df = self.trace.df_event('sched_util_est_se')
        ue_df = df_filter_task_ids(ue_df, [task])
        ua_df = self.trace.ana.load_tracking.df_task_signal(task, 'util')

        failures = []
        for phase in self.trace.ana.rta.task_phase_windows(
                task, wlgen_profile=self.rtapp_profile):
            if not phase.properties['meta']['from_test']:

            apply_phase_window = functools.partial(df_refit_index,

            ue_phase_df = apply_phase_window(ue_df)
            mean_enqueued = series_mean(ue_phase_df['enqueued'])
            mean_ewma = series_mean(ue_phase_df['ewma'])

            ua_phase_df = apply_phase_window(ua_df)
            mean_util = series_mean(ua_phase_df['util'])

            def make_issue(msg):
                return msg.format(

            issue = None
            if mean_enqueued < mean_util:
                issue = make_issue('{enq} smaller than {util}')

            # Running on FastRamp kernels:
            elif self.fast_ramp:

                # STABLE, DOWN and UP:
                if mean_ewma < mean_enqueued:
                    issue = make_issue(
                        'no fast ramp: {ewma} smaller than {enq}')

            # Running on (legacy) non FastRamp kernels:

                # STABLE: ewma ramping up
                if phase.id.startswith('test/stable'):
                    if mean_ewma > mean_enqueued:
                        issue = make_issue(
                            'fast ramp, stable: {ewma} bigger than {enq}')

                # DOWN: ewma ramping down
                elif phase.id.startswith('test/ramp_down'):
                    if mean_ewma < mean_enqueued:
                        issue = make_issue(
                            'fast ramp, down: {ewma} smaller than {enq}')

                # UP: ewma ramping up
                elif phase.id.startswith('test/ramp_up'):
                    if mean_ewma > mean_enqueued:
                        issue = make_issue(
                            'fast ramp, up: {ewma} bigger than {enq}')

            metrics[phase.id] = PhaseStats(phase.start, phase.end, mean_util,
                                           mean_enqueued, mean_ewma, issue)

        failures = [(phase, stat) for phase, stat in metrics.items()
                    if stat.issue]

        # Plot signals to support debugging analysis
        self._plot_signals(task, 'means',
                           sorted(stat.start for phase, stat in failures))

        bundle = ResultBundle.from_bool(not failures)
        bundle.add_metric("fast ramp", self.fast_ramp)
        bundle.add_metric("phases", metrics)
                          sorted(phase for phase, stat in failures))
        return bundle
Exemple #29
    def test_freq_selection(self) -> ResultBundle:
        For each phase, checks if the task placement and frequency selection
        is compatible with UtilClamp requirements. This is done by comparing
        the current CPU capacity on which the task has been placed, with the
        UtilClamp value.

        The expected capacity is the schedutil projected frequency selection
        for the given uclamp value.

        metrics = {}
        test_failures = []
        capacity_dfs = []
        # (
        #    # schedutil factor that converts util to a frequency for a
        #    # given CPU:
        #    #
        #    #   next_freq = max_freq * C * util / max_cap
        #    #
        #    #   where C = 1.25
        #    schedutil_factor,
        #    # list of frequencies available for a given CPU.
        #    frequencies,
        # )
        cpu_frequencies = {
            cpu: ((max(capacities) * (1 / self.CAPACITY_MARGIN)) /
                  max(capacities.values()), sorted(capacities))
            for cpu, capacities in self._collect_capacities(
        cpu_capacities = self._collect_capacities(self.plat_info)

        def schedutil_map_util_cap(cpu, util):
            Returns, for a given util on a given CPU, the capacity that
            schedutil would select.

            schedutil_factor, frequencies = cpu_frequencies[cpu]
            schedutil_freq = schedutil_factor * util

            # Find the first available freq that meet the schedutil freq
            # requirement.
            for freq in frequencies:
                if freq >= schedutil_freq:

            return cpu_capacities[cpu][freq]

        def parse_phase(df, phase):
            uclamp_val = phase['uclamp_val']
            num_activations = df['active'][df['active'] == 1].count()
            expected = schedutil_map_util_cap(df['cpu'].unique()[0],

            # Activations numbering
            df['activation'] = df['active'].cumsum()

            # Only keep the activations
            df = df[df['active'] == 1]

            # Actual capacity at which the task is running
            for cpu, freq_to_capa in cpu_capacities.items():
                df[cpu] = df[cpu].map(freq_to_capa)
            df['capacity'] = df.apply(lambda line: line[line.cpu], axis=1)

            failures = df[df['capacity'] != expected]
            num_failures = failures['activation'].nunique()


            phase_str = f"Phase-{phase['phase']}"
            metrics[phase_str] = {
                TestMetric(num_failures * 100 / num_activations, "%"),

            return failures.empty

        res = ResultBundle.from_bool(self._for_each_phase(parse_phase).all())
        res.add_metric('Phases', metrics)

        self._plot_phases('test_frequency', test_failures,

        return res
Exemple #30
 def test_target_alive(self) -> ResultBundle:
     Test that the hotplugs didn't leave the target in an unusable state
     return ResultBundle.from_bool(self.target_alive)