Exemple #1
def tsXML_to_psdXML(inxmlpath, outxmldir):
    Not too nice function for opening a TDIsignal xml file, reading the time-series' inside, calculate the PSDs for each, and then saving them in a similar xml file, but with the time-series replaced by PSDs.  Will have to do for now.
    inxml = lisaxml.readXML(inxmlpath)
    source = inxml.SourceData[0]
    lisa = inxml.LISAData
    tdiobs = inxml.TDIData[0]

    hr = 60.0**2
    patches = int(tdiobs.TimeSeries.Duration / hr)
    specAA = synthlisa.spect(tdiobs.A, tdiobs.TimeSeries.Cadence, patches)
    specEE = synthlisa.spect(tdiobs.E, tdiobs.TimeSeries.Cadence, patches)
    specTT = synthlisa.spect(tdiobs.T, tdiobs.TimeSeries.Cadence, patches)
    f = specAA[:, 0]
    pAA = specAA[:, 1]
    pEE = specEE[:, 1]
    pTT = specTT[:, 1]

    pobs = lisaxml.Observable('f,pAA,pEE,pTT', DataType='FractionalFrequency')
    pobs.TimeSeries = lisaxml.TimeSeries([f, pAA, pEE, pTT], 'f,pAA,pEE,pTT')
    pobs.TimeSeries.Cadence = f[1] - f[0]
    pobs.TimeSeries.Cadence_Unit = 'Hertz'
    pobs.TimeSeries.TimeOffset = 0
    pobs.TimeSeries.TimeOffset_Unit = 'Hertz'

    inxmlname = os.path.basename(inxmlpath)
    outxmlpath = outxmldir + re.sub('\.xml$', '', inxmlname) + '-psd.xml'
    outxml = lisaxml.lisaXML(outxmlpath, author='J.Yu')
Exemple #2
def tsXML_to_psdXML(inxmlpath,outxmldir):
    Not too nice function for  opening a TDIsignal xml file, reading the time-series' inside, calculate the PSDs for each, and then saving them in a similar xml file, but with the PSDs saved as lisaxml's TimeSeries objects.  Will have to do for now.                                                                                                                               """
    inxml = lisaxml.readXML(inxmlpath)
    sources = inxml.SourceData
    lisa = inxml.LISAData
    tdiobs = inxml.TDIData[0]

    segduration = 2*60.0**2
    patches = int(tdiobs.TimeSeries.Duration/segduration)
    specAA = synthlisa.spect(tdiobs.A,tdiobs.TimeSeries.Cadence,patches)
    specEE = synthlisa.spect(tdiobs.E,tdiobs.TimeSeries.Cadence,patches)
    specTT = synthlisa.spect(tdiobs.T,tdiobs.TimeSeries.Cadence,patches)
    f = specAA[:,0]
    pAA = specAA[:,1]
    pEE = specEE[:,1]
    pTT = specTT[:,1]

    pobs = lisaxml.Observable('f,pAA,pEE,pTT',DataType = 'FractionalFrequency')
    pobs.TimeSeries = lisaxml.TimeSeries([f,pAA,pEE,pTT],'f,pAA,pEE,pTT')
    pobs.TimeSeries.Cadence = f[1] - f[0]
    pobs.TimeSeries.Cadence_Unit = 'Hertz'
    pobs.TimeSeries.TimeOffset = 0
    pobs.TimeSeries.TimeOffset_Unit = 'Hertz'

    inxmlname = os.path.basename(inxmlpath)
    outxmlpath = outxmldir + re.sub('\.xml$','',inxmlname) + '-psd.xml'
    outxml = lisaxml.lisaXML(outxmlpath,author='J.Yu')
    for source in sources:
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self,xmlfilepath):
     inxml = lisaxml.readXML(xmlfilepath)
     tdiobs = inxml.TDIData[0]
     self.t = tdiobs.t
     self.A, self.E, self.T = tdiobs.A, tdiobs.E, tdiobs.T
     self.TimeOffset = tdiobs.TimeSeries.TimeOffset
     self.Cadence = tdiobs.TimeSeries.Cadence
     self.Length = tdiobs.TimeSeries.Length
     print 'Time-series file read successfully!'
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, xmlfilepath):
     inxml = lisaxml.readXML(xmlfilepath)
     pobs = inxml.TDIData[0]
     self.f = pobs.f
     self.pAA, self.pEE, self.pTT = pobs.pAA, pobs.pEE, pobs.pTT
     self.FreqOffset = pobs.TimeSeries.TimeOffset
     self.Cadence = pobs.TimeSeries.Cadence
     self.Length = pobs.TimeSeries.Length
     print 'Auto-spectra file read sucessfully!'
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self, xmlfilepath):
     inxml = lisaxml.readXML(xmlfilepath)
     tdiobs = inxml.TDIData[0]
     self.t = tdiobs.t
     self.A, self.E, self.T = tdiobs.A, tdiobs.E, tdiobs.T
     self.TimeOffset = tdiobs.TimeSeries.TimeOffset
     self.Cadence = tdiobs.TimeSeries.Cadence
     self.Length = tdiobs.TimeSeries.Length
     print 'Time-series file read successfully!'
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self,xmlfilepath):
     inxml = lisaxml.readXML(xmlfilepath)
     pobs = inxml.TDIData[0]
     self.f = pobs.f
     self.pAA, self.pEE, self.pTT = pobs.pAA, pobs.pEE, pobs.pTT
     self.FreqOffset = pobs.TimeSeries.TimeOffset
     self.Cadence = pobs.TimeSeries.Cadence
     self.Length = pobs.TimeSeries.Length
     print 'Auto-spectra file read sucessfully!'
Exemple #7
def avg_psdXML_avg(day, psdlxmlpath, psdrxmlpath, psddir):
    xmll = lisaxml.readXML(psdlxmlpath)
    xmlr = lisaxml.readXML(psdrxmlpath)

    sources = xmll.SourceData
    lisa = xmll.LISAData

    pobsl = xmll.TDIData[0]
    pobsr = xmlr.TDIData[0]


    pAAl, pEEl, pTTl = pobsl.pAA, pobsl.pEE, pobsl.pTT
    pAAr, pEEr, pTTr = pobsr.pAA, pobsr.pEE, pobsr.pTT

    f = pobsl.f
    pAA, pEE, pTT = (pAAl + pAAr) / 2, (pEEl + pEEr) / 2, (pTTl + pTTr) / 2

    pobs = lisaxml.Observable('f,pAA,pEE,pTT', DataType='FractionalFrequency')
    pobs.TimeSeries = lisaxml.TimeSeries([f, pAA, pEE, pTT], 'f,pAA,pEE,pTT')
    pobs.TimeSeries.Cadence = pobsl.TimeSeries.Cadence
    pobs.TimeSeries.Cadence_Unit = pobsl.TimeSeries.Cadence_Unit
    pobs.TimeSeries.TimeOffset = pobsl.TimeSeries.TimeOffset
    pobs.TimeSeries.TimeOffset_Unit = pobsl.TimeSeries.TimeOffset_Unit

    psdlxmlname = os.path.basename(psdlxmlpath)
    psdxmlname = re.split('-', psdlxmlname, 1)[0] + '-s%03d-psd.xml' % day
    psdxmlpath = psddir + psdxmlname
    psdxml = lisaxml.lisaXML(psdxmlpath, author='J.Yu')
    for source in sources:
Exemple #8
def avg_psdXML_avg(day,psdlxmlpath,psdrxmlpath,psddir):
    xmll = lisaxml.readXML(psdlxmlpath)
    xmlr = lisaxml.readXML(psdrxmlpath)

    sources = xmll.SourceData
    lisa   = xmll.LISAData

    pobsl = xmll.TDIData[0]
    pobsr = xmlr.TDIData[0]


    pAAl, pEEl, pTTl = pobsl.pAA, pobsl.pEE, pobsl.pTT
    pAAr, pEEr, pTTr = pobsr.pAA, pobsr.pEE, pobsr.pTT

    f = pobsl.f
    pAA, pEE, pTT = (pAAl + pAAr)/2, (pEEl + pEEr)/2, (pTTl + pTTr)/2
    pobs = lisaxml.Observable('f,pAA,pEE,pTT', DataType = 'FractionalFrequency')
    pobs.TimeSeries = lisaxml.TimeSeries([f,pAA,pEE,pTT],'f,pAA,pEE,pTT')
    pobs.TimeSeries.Cadence = pobsl.TimeSeries.Cadence
    pobs.TimeSeries.Cadence_Unit = pobsl.TimeSeries.Cadence_Unit
    pobs.TimeSeries.TimeOffset = pobsl.TimeSeries.TimeOffset
    pobs.TimeSeries.TimeOffset_Unit = pobsl.TimeSeries.TimeOffset_Unit

    psdlxmlname = os.path.basename(psdlxmlpath)
    psdxmlname = re.split('-',psdlxmlname,1)[0] + '-s%03d-psd.xml' % day
    psdxmlpath = psddir + psdxmlname
    psdxml = lisaxml.lisaXML(psdxmlpath,author='J.Yu')
    for source in sources:
__version__ = '$Id:  $'

import lisaxml
from lisaxml.convertunit import convertUnit
import sys, re
import math

import synthlisa

if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
    print "missing name of xml file: usage create_quadratures.py XMLFILE"

xmlInput = sys.argv[1]
outputname1 = xmlInput[:-4] + "_0.xml"

inputXML = lisaxml.readXML(xmlInput)
mysystems = inputXML.getLISASources()

outputXML1 = lisaxml.lisaXML(outputname1, author='Stas Babak')

Zerosystems = mysystems

for system in Zerosystems:
    system.InitialAngularOrbitalPhase = 0.0

import lisaxml
from lisaxml.convertunit import convertUnit
import sys, re
import math

import synthlisa

if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
    print "missing name of xml file: usage create_quadratures.py XMLFILE"

xmlInput = sys.argv[1]
outputname1 = xmlInput[:-4]+"_0.xml" 

inputXML = lisaxml.readXML(xmlInput)
mysystems = inputXML.getLISASources()

outputXML1 = lisaxml.lisaXML(outputname1,author='Stas Babak')

Zerosystems = mysystems

for system in Zerosystems:
  system.InitialAngularOrbitalPhase = 0.0


Exemple #11
parser = OptionParser(
    usage="usage: %prog [options] MERGED.xml TDIFILE-1.xml TDIFILE-2.xml ...",
    version="$Id: mergeXML.py 401 2007-05-23 20:22:23Z vallisneri $")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

# currently we support only a single source parameter file

if len(args) < 2:
        "You must specify at least the output file and one input file!")

inputfile = args[0]
outputfile = args[1]

inputtdifile = lisaxml.readXML(inputfile)

lisa = inputtdifile.getLISAgeometry()

sources = inputtdifile.getLISASources()

tdi = inputtdifile.getTDIObservables()[0]

# take author and comments, if any, from MERGED.xml

author = inputtdifile.Author
if not author:
    author = 'Michele Vallisneri (through mergeXML.py)'

comments = inputtdifile.Comment
print Injfile
print "Analysis files"
print Detfiles

# To do: Need to read quadrutures as well...

if options.phasemax :
   if ( re.search('Challenge1.2', Injfile) == None and \
        re.search('Challenge1.1.1', Injfile) == None ):
	print "phase maximization can be done only for 1.2 and 1.1.1 chalenges"

# Reading the data 

Datatdifile = lisaxml.readXML(Datafile)
tdiData = Datatdifile.getTDIObservables()[0]
Xdata = tdiData.Xs
Adata = (2.0*tdiData.Xs -tdiData.Ys - tdiData.Zs)/3.0
Edata = (tdiData.Zs - tdiData.Ys)/math.sqrt(3.0) 

samples = Numeric.shape(Xdata)[0]

# computing useful number of points
pdlen3 = samples/2
nyquistf = 0.5/15.0   #   !!! hardcoded !!!!
freqs = Numeric.arange(0,pdlen3+1,dtype='d') * (nyquistf / pdlen3)
ind = 0
for i in xrange(pdlen3):
    if (freqs[i] > 1.e-5 and freqs[i]<0.009):
        ind += 1    
ParamRange.append(0.2)  # 4-Spin
ParamRange.append(1.0)  # 5-MassOfCompactObject
ParamRange.append(1.e6)  # 6-MassOfSMBH (for 1.3.1) should be 5.e5 for 132,3 and 1.e5 for 134,5
ParamRange.append("NA")  # 7-InitialAzimuthalOrbitalFrequency
ParamRange.append(2.*pi)  # 8-InitialAzimuthalOrbitalPhase
ParamRange.append(options.de)  # 9- InitialEccentricity (guess)
ParamRange.append(2.*pi)  # 10-InitialTildeGamma
ParamRange.append(2.*pi)  # 11-InitialAlphaAngle
ParamRange.append(pi)  # 12-LambdaAngle
ParamRange.append("NA")  # 13-Distance
ParamRange.append(5.e7) # 14 to be filled up with Plunge time

print ParamRange

print "Dealing with ", keyFile
inputXML = lisaxml.readXML(keyFile)
KeySystems = inputXML.getLISASources()

SourceXML = lisaxml.readXML(datFile)
RecSystems = SourceXML.getLISASources()

fout = open(outF, 'w')

spr = "    "

for key in KeySystems:
    #print "Keys: ", key.name
    if (key.name == keyS):
        for emri in RecSystems:
           err = []
Exemple #14
# make a temporary directory
here = os.getcwd()
workdir = os.path.abspath(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='.'))

# XML and binary filenames for the input (source or barycentric) file
xmlfile = os.path.abspath(inputfile)
binfile = re.sub('.xml', '-0.bin', xmlfile)

# XML filename for output (TDI) file; create empty
tdifile = os.path.abspath(outputfile)
sourcefileobj = lisaxml.lisaXML(tdifile).close()

if options.immediate:  # process sources in source file, one by one
    copylisasim(lisasimdir, workdir)  # make virtual LISAsim environment

    inputxml = lisaxml.readXML(xmlfile)

    for src in inputxml.getLISASources():
        sourcefilename = workdir + '/XML/tmpsource.xml'
        baryfilename = workdir + '/XML/tmpbary_Barycenter.xml'

        sourcefile = lisaxml.lisaXML(sourcefilename)

        if options.debug:
            print "---> Generating barycentric file for source", src.name
        run('%s/makebarycentric.py -T %s -d %s %s %s' %
            (execdir, options.duration, options.timestep, sourcefilename,
# make a temporary directory
here = os.getcwd()
workdir = os.path.abspath(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='.'))

# XML and binary filenames for the input (source or barycentric) file
xmlfile = os.path.abspath(inputfile)
binfile = re.sub('.xml','-0.bin',xmlfile)

# XML filename for output (TDI) file; create empty
tdifile = os.path.abspath(outputfile)
sourcefileobj = lisaxml.lisaXML(tdifile).close()

if options.immediate:   # process sources in source file, one by one
    copylisasim(lisasimdir,workdir) # make virtual LISAsim environment
    inputxml = lisaxml.readXML(xmlfile)
    for src in inputxml.getLISASources():
        sourcefilename = workdir + '/XML/tmpsource.xml'
        baryfilename   = workdir + '/XML/tmpbary_Barycenter.xml'
        sourcefile = lisaxml.lisaXML(sourcefilename)
        if options.debug: print "---> Generating barycentric file for source", src.name 
        run('%s/makebarycentric.py -T %s -d %s %s %s' % (execdir,options.duration,options.timestep,sourcefilename,baryfilename))
        if options.debug: print "---> Generating TDI file for source", src.name 
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if options.duration < 10:
    options.duration = options.duration * 31457280

# for the moment, support a single input barycentric file

samples = int(options.duration / options.timestep + 0.1)

if len(args) != 2:
    parser.error("You must specify an input file and an output file!")

(inputfile, outputfile) = args

inputXML = lisaxml.readXML(inputfile)
allsources = inputXML.getLISASources()

sourceobjects = []

settime = False

for waveforms in allsources:
    if hasattr(waveforms, 'RequestSN') and len(allsources) > 1:
        print "Cannot process multiple sources with RequestSN."

    if hasattr(waveforms, 'RequestTimeOffset') and hasattr(
            waveforms, 'RequestDuration'):
        # modify the region where we are making TDI, but not beyond the boundaries
Exemple #17
timestep = options.timestep
duration = options.duration
lcseed = options.seed
LISAmodel = options.LISAmodel
PhasemF = "Off"

### Define phasemeters' output 
if(options.rawMeasurements == False):
	rawcname = "None"
	outsignals = "t,Xf,Yf,Zf"
	rawcname = cname
	outsignals = "t,Xf,Yf,Zf,y231,y321,z231,z321,y312,y132,z312,z132,y123,y213,z123,z213"

inputsrc = lisaxml.readXML(inputfile)
sources = inputsrc.getLISASources()

#print "Duration = " , duration
#print "TimeOffset = ", timeoffset

isrc = 0
for source in sources:
    isrc = isrc + 1
    if hasattr(source,'RequestTimeOffset') and hasattr(source,'RequestDuration'):
        #print "Request Duration = " , source.RequestDuration
        #print "Request TimeOffset = ", source.RequestTimeOffset
        if((timeoffset > source.RequestTimeOffset) or (isrc == 1)):
            timeoffset = source.RequestTimeOffset
        if((duration < source.RequestDuration) or (isrc == 1)):
            duration = source.RequestDuration
Exemple #18
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 2:
        "You must specify one input file (XML), or an input file (XML) and an output file (WAV)!"

inputfile = args[0]

if len(args) == 2:
    outputfile = args[1]
    outputfile = re.sub('\.xml', '.wav', inputfile)

inputxml = lisaxml.readXML(inputfile)
tdi = inputxml.getTDIObservables()[0]

DataType = tdi.DataType
Length = tdi.TimeSeries.Length
Cadence = tdi.TimeSeries.Cadence

if tdi.DataType == 'FractionalFrequency':
    A = (2.0 * tdi.Xf - tdi.Yf - tdi.Zf) / 3.0
    E = (tdi.Zf - tdi.Yf) / math.sqrt(3.0)
elif tdi.DataType == 'Strain':
    A = (2.0 * tdi.Xs - tdi.Ys - tdi.Zs) / 3.0
    E = (tdi.Zs - tdi.Ys) / math.sqrt(3.0)
Exemple #19
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] TDIFILE.xml WAVEFILE.wav ...",
                      version="$Id:  $")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 2:
    parser.error("You must specify one input file (XML), or an input file (XML) and an output file (WAV)!")

inputfile = args[0]

if len(args) == 2:
	outputfile = args[1]
	outputfile = re.sub('\.xml','.wav',inputfile)

inputxml = lisaxml.readXML(inputfile)
tdi = inputxml.getTDIObservables()[0]

DataType = tdi.DataType
Length   = tdi.TimeSeries.Length
Cadence  = tdi.TimeSeries.Cadence

if tdi.DataType == 'FractionalFrequency':
	A = (2.0*tdi.Xf - tdi.Yf - tdi.Zf) / 3.0
	E = (tdi.Zf - tdi.Yf) / math.sqrt(3.0)
elif tdi.DataType == 'Strain':
	A = (2.0*tdi.Xs - tdi.Ys - tdi.Zs) / 3.0
	E = (tdi.Zs - tdi.Ys) / math.sqrt(3.0)
### Make base XML input file
makefromtemplate('%s-LCbase.xml' % cname, '%s/../Template/LISACode2.xml' % execdir, challengename=cname, rawchallengename=rawcname, outputsignals=outsignals, cadence=timestep, duration=duration , timeoffset= timeoffset, randomseed=lcseed, orbit=LISAmodel, phasemeterfilter=PhasemF)

## Make lisacode noise (note that the random seed is really set above in the standard instruction set)
#run('makeTDInoise-synthlisa2.py --keyOnly --keyOmitsLISA --seed=123456 --duration=%(duration)s --timeStep=%(timestep)s %(noiseoptions)s SLnoise.xml')
#run('mergeXML.py %(cname)s-input.xml noise.xml')
#run('rm noise.xml')

#### Merge XML file
## Extract informations from LISACode XML input file
LCBaseXML = cname + '-LCbase.xml'
LCbasefile = lisaxml.readXML(LCBaseXML)
LClisa = LCbasefile.getLISAgeometry()
LCsources = LCbasefile.getLISASources()    
LCextrasecs = []
for sec in ['Simulate','LISACode','NoiseData']:
    if LCbasefile.getExtraSection(sec):
author = "Antoine Petiteau and Michele Vallisneri"
comments = LCbasefile.Comment

## Make lisacode noise (note that the random seed is really set above in the standard instruction set)
run('makeTDInoise-synthlisa2.py --keyOnly --keyOmitsLISA --seed=123456 --duration=%(duration)s --timeStep=%(timestep)s %(noiseoptions)s SLnoise.xml')
## Extract informations from SyntheticLISA XML noise file
SLinputXML = 'SLnoise.xml'

### Make base XML input file
makefromtemplate('%s-input.xml' % cname, '%s/../Template/LISACode2.xml' % execdir, challengename=cname, rawchallengename=rawcname, outputsignals=outsignals, cadence=timestep, duration=duration , timeoffset= timeoffset, randomseed=lcseed, orbit=LISAmodel, phasemeterfilter=PhasemF)

### Make GW+noise XML input file
if donoise:
    ## Make lisacode noise (note that the random seed is really set above in the standard instruction set)
    run('makeTDInoise-synthlisa2.py --keyOnly --keyOmitsLISA --seed=123456 --duration=%(duration)s --timeStep=%(timestep)s %(noiseoptions)s noise.xml')
    run('mergeXML.py %(cname)s-input.xml noise.xml')
    run('rm noise.xml')

LCinputXML = cname + '-input.xml'
## Merge with source data into a single lisacode input file
basefile = lisaxml.readXML(LCinputXML)
lisa = basefile.getLISAgeometry()
sources = basefile.getLISASources()    
extrasecs = []
for sec in ['Simulate','LISACode','NoiseData']:
    if basefile.getExtraSection(sec):
author = "Antoine Petiteau and Michele Vallisneri"
comments = basefile.Comment

newbasefile = lisaxml.lisaXML(LCinputXML,author=author,comments=comments)
for inputfilename in args:
    inputfile = lisaxml.readXML(inputfilename)
    sources = inputfile.getLISASources()
    if not lisa:
Exemple #22
)  # 6-MassOfSMBH (for 1.3.1) should be 5.e5 for 132,3 and 1.e5 for 134,5
ParamRange.append("NA")  # 7-InitialAzimuthalOrbitalFrequency
ParamRange.append(2. * pi)  # 8-InitialAzimuthalOrbitalPhase
ParamRange.append(options.de)  # 9- InitialEccentricity (guess)
ParamRange.append(2. * pi)  # 10-InitialTildeGamma
ParamRange.append(2. * pi)  # 11-InitialAlphaAngle
ParamRange.append(pi)  # 12-LambdaAngle
ParamRange.append("NA")  # 13-Distance
ParamRange.append(5.e7)  # 14 to be filled up with Plunge time

print ParamRange

print "Dealing with ", keyFile
inputXML = lisaxml.readXML(keyFile)
KeySystems = inputXML.getLISASources()

SourceXML = lisaxml.readXML(datFile)
RecSystems = SourceXML.getLISASources()

fout = open(outF, 'w')

spr = "    "

for key in KeySystems:
    #print "Keys: ", key.name
    if (key.name == keyS):
        for emri in RecSystems:
            err = []
            keyPar = []
ParamRange.append(2. * pi)  # 11-InitialAlphaAngle
ParamRange.append(pi)  # 12-LambdaAngle
ParamRange.append("NA")  # 13-Distance
ParamRange.append(5.e7)  # 14 to be filled up with Plunge time

print ParamRange

if (challengename == "Challenge1.3"):
    sources = "Source/Challenge1.3/*xml"
elif (challengename == "Challenge1B.3"):
    sources = "Source/Challenge1B.3/*xml"

print glob.glob(sources)

for xmlKey in KeysChal1_3:
    inputXML = lisaxml.readXML(xmlKey)
    KeySystem = inputXML.getLISASources()[0]
    print "Dealing with ", xmlKey
    for xmlfile in glob.glob(sources):
        SourceXML = lisaxml.readXML(xmlfile)
        RecSystems = SourceXML.getLISASources()
        if (re.search('3.1', xmlKey) != None
                and re.search('3.1', xmlfile) != None):
            print "processing file", xmlfile
            Errors = FindDeltas("EMRI-1", ParamRange, RecSystems, KeySystem)
#            print Errors
#            print ParamRange
#            print xmlfile
#            print xmlKey
#            sys.exit(0)
        elif (re.search('3.2', xmlKey) != None
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if options.duration < 10:
    options.duration = options.duration * 31457280

# for the moment, support a single input barycentric file

samples = int( options.duration / options.timestep + 0.1 )

if len(args) != 2:
    parser.error("You must specify an input file and an output file!")

(inputfile,outputfile) = args

inputXML = lisaxml.readXML(inputfile)
allsources = inputXML.getLISASources()

sourceobjects = []

settime = False

for waveforms in allsources:
    if hasattr(waveforms,'RequestSN') and len(allsources) > 1:
        print "Cannot process multiple sources with RequestSN."
    if hasattr(waveforms,'RequestTimeOffset') and hasattr(waveforms,'RequestDuration'):
        # modify the region where we are making TDI, but not beyond the boundaries
        # of the region requested by command-line arguments
run('mkdir Binary', quiet=True)
run('mkdir Data', quiet=True)
run('mkdir XML', quiet=True)

run('ln -s %s/Data/dwd_GWR_all_pars.dat ./Data/dwd_GWR_all_pars.dat' %
run('ln -s %s/Data/Verification.dat ./Data/Verification.dat' % galaxydir,

# begin work


readgalaxy = lisaxml.readXML(galaxyfile)
sources = readgalaxy.getLISASources()

stream = None

for src in sources:
    if type(src) == lisaxml.PlaneWaveTable:
        if '-bright' not in src.name:
            streamlen = src.Table.StreamLength

            if (src.Table.parameters == [
                    'Frequency', 'EclipticLatitude', 'EclipticLongitude',
                    'Amplitude', 'Inclination', 'Polarization', 'InitialPhase'
            ] and streamlen > 0):
                stream = src.Table.StreamName
                streamseed = 42
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if len(args) != 3:
    parser.error("I need the Galaxy input file and the output TDI files!")

galaxyfile = args[0]

sltdifile = args[1]
lstdifile = args[2]

galaxywhich = None

# find the Galaxy table

readgalaxy = lisaxml.readXML(galaxyfile)
sources = readgalaxy.getLISASources()

stream = None

# will use the first PlaneWaveTable it finds, but skip the -bright Galaxies...

for src in sources:
    if type(src) == lisaxml.PlaneWaveTable:
        if '-bright' not in src.name:
            streamlen = src.Table.StreamLength
            # should be easy to generalize this to recognize which Galaxy code should be used
            if (src.Table.parameters == ['Frequency', 'EclipticLatitude', 'EclipticLongitude','Amplitude',
                                         'Inclination', 'Polarization', 'InitialPhase'] and streamlen > 0):
ParamRange.append(2.*pi)  # 11-InitialAlphaAngle
ParamRange.append(pi)  # 12-LambdaAngle
ParamRange.append("NA")  # 13-Distance
ParamRange.append(5.e7) # 14 to be filled up with Plunge time

print ParamRange

if (challengename == "Challenge1.3"):
   sources = "Source/Challenge1.3/*xml"
elif (challengename == "Challenge1B.3"):
   sources = "Source/Challenge1B.3/*xml"

print glob.glob(sources)

for xmlKey in KeysChal1_3:
    inputXML = lisaxml.readXML(xmlKey)
    KeySystem = inputXML.getLISASources()[0]
    print "Dealing with ", xmlKey
    for xmlfile in glob.glob(sources):
        SourceXML = lisaxml.readXML(xmlfile)
        RecSystems = SourceXML.getLISASources()
        if (re.search('3.1', xmlKey) != None and re.search('3.1', xmlfile) != None):
            print "processing file", xmlfile
            Errors  = FindDeltas("EMRI-1", ParamRange, RecSystems, KeySystem)
#            print Errors
#            print ParamRange
#            print xmlfile
#            print xmlKey
#            sys.exit(0)
        elif (re.search('3.2', xmlKey) != None and re.search('3.2', xmlfile) != None):
            print "processing file", xmlfile

## Make lisacode noise (note that the random seed is really set above in the standard instruction set)
#run('makeTDInoise-synthlisa2.py --keyOnly --keyOmitsLISA --seed=123456 --duration=%(duration)s --timeStep=%(timestep)s %(noiseoptions)s SLnoise.xml')
#run('mergeXML.py %(cname)s-input.xml noise.xml')
#run('rm noise.xml')

#### Merge XML file
## Extract informations from LISACode XML input file
LCBaseXML = cname + '-LCbase.xml'
LCbasefile = lisaxml.readXML(LCBaseXML)
LClisa = LCbasefile.getLISAgeometry()
LCsources = LCbasefile.getLISASources()
LCextrasecs = []
for sec in ['Simulate', 'LISACode', 'NoiseData']:
    if LCbasefile.getExtraSection(sec):
author = "Antoine Petiteau and Michele Vallisneri"
comments = LCbasefile.Comment

## Make lisacode noise (note that the random seed is really set above in the standard instruction set)
run('makeTDInoise-synthlisa2.py --keyOnly --keyOmitsLISA --seed=123456 --duration=%(duration)s --timeStep=%(timestep)s %(noiseoptions)s SLnoise.xml'
## Extract informations from SyntheticLISA XML noise file
SLinputXML = 'SLnoise.xml'

### Make GW+noise XML input file
if donoise:
    ## Make lisacode noise (note that the random seed is really set above in the standard instruction set)
    run('makeTDInoise-synthlisa2.py --keyOnly --keyOmitsLISA --seed=123456 --duration=%(duration)s --timeStep=%(timestep)s %(noiseoptions)s noise.xml'
    run('mergeXML.py %(cname)s-input.xml noise.xml')
    run('rm noise.xml')

LCinputXML = cname + '-input.xml'
## Merge with source data into a single lisacode input file
basefile = lisaxml.readXML(LCinputXML)
lisa = basefile.getLISAgeometry()
sources = basefile.getLISASources()
extrasecs = []
for sec in ['Simulate', 'LISACode', 'NoiseData']:
    if basefile.getExtraSection(sec):
author = "Antoine Petiteau and Michele Vallisneri"
comments = basefile.Comment

newbasefile = lisaxml.lisaXML(LCinputXML, author=author, comments=comments)
for inputfilename in args:
    inputfile = lisaxml.readXML(inputfilename)
    sources = inputfile.getLISASources()
    if not lisa:
   for i in xrange(sz):
      if i !=0:
         Detfiles[i] = Detfiles[i][:-1]

# To do: Need to read quadrutures as well...
if options.phasemax :
   if ( re.search('challenge2.2', Injfile) == None ):
	print "phase maximization can be done only for 2.2 chalenge"

# Reading the data 

Datatdifile = lisaxml.readXML(Datafile)
tdiData = Datatdifile.getTDIObservables()[0]
Xdata = tdiData.Xf
Adata = (2.0*tdiData.Xf -tdiData.Yf - tdiData.Zf)/3.0
Edata = (tdiData.Zf - tdiData.Yf)/math.sqrt(3.0) 

samples = Numeric.shape(Xdata)[0]

# computing useful number of points
pdlen3 = samples/2
nyquistf = 0.5/15.0   #   !!! hardcoded !!!!
freqs = Numeric.arange(0,pdlen3+1,dtype='d') * (nyquistf / pdlen3)
ind = 0
for i in xrange(pdlen3):
    if (freqs[i] > fLow and freqs[i]<= fHigh):
        ind += 1    
tdiGens = []
if(re.search("X", options.tdidata) != None):
if(re.search("Y", options.tdidata) != None):
if(re.search("Z", options.tdidata) != None):

for tdiG in tdiGens:
    print "--> For TDI ", tdiG , ":"
    X = []
    for Sim in xrange(len(args)):
        Datatdifile = lisaxml.readXML(args[Sim])
        tdiData = Datatdifile.getTDIObservables()[0]
        if (Sim == 0):
            stime = tdiData.TimeSeries.Cadence
            if (stime != tdiData.TimeSeries.Cadence):
                print "All the file should have the same time step."
        if ( (UsedSim[Sim] == 'SL') or (UsedSim[Sim] == 'LC') ):
            if (options.verbose):
                if (UsedSim[Sim] == 'SL'):
                    print " --> Read synthlisa data : ", args[Sim], " ..."
                    print " --> Read lisacode data : ", args[Sim], " ..."
            if(tdiG == 'X'):