Exemple #1
def o0(packet, source_str, sport):
    if 30 - 30: O0 * OoooooooOO
    I1iIIIi1 = lisp.lisp_control_header()
    if (I1iIIIi1.decode(packet) == None):
        lisp.lprint("Could not decode control header")
        if 17 - 17:
            iIii1I11I1II1.OoooooooOO / I11i % II111iiii % i1IIi / i11iIiiIii
        if 58 - 58: Oo0Ooo.II111iiii + oO0o - i11iIiiIii / II111iiii / O0
        if 85 - 85: OoOoOO00 + OOooOOo
        if 10 - 10: IiII / OoO0O00 + OoOoOO00 / i1IIi
        if 27 - 27: Ii1I
    oO0OO0 = lisp.lisp_address(lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE, "", 0, 0)
    if 82 - 82: IiII - IiII + OoOoOO00
    if 8 - 8: o0oOOo0O0Ooo % iII111i * oO0o % Ii1I.ooOoO0o / ooOoO0o
    if 81 - 81: OoO0O00
    if 99 - 99: oO0o * II111iiii * I1Ii111
    if 92 - 92: Oo0Ooo
    if 40 - 40: OoOoOO00 / IiII
    if (I1iIIIi1.type == lisp.LISP_ECM):
        OOOoO000 = (len(II1Ii1iI1i) > 0)
        if (lisp.lisp_is_running("lisp-ms") and OOOoO000 == False):
            packet = lisp.lisp_packet_ipc(packet, source_str, sport)
            lisp.lisp_ipc(packet, i111I, "lisp-ms")
            if 57 - 57: II111iiii
            if 54 - 54: Oo0Ooo + oO0o + i11iIiiIii
            if 28 - 28: oO0o
            if 70 - 70: IiII
            if 34 - 34: I1Ii111 % IiII
        if (OOOoO000):
            lisp.lisp_process_ecm(II1iII1i, packet, oO0OO0, sport)
            if 3 - 3: II111iiii / OOooOOo + IiII.ooOoO0o.OoO0O00
        lisp.lprint("Map-Resolver dropping ECM, DDT or Map-Server not " +
        if 83 - 83: oO0o + OoooooooOO
        if 22 - 22: Ii1I % iII111i * OoooooooOO - o0oOOo0O0Ooo / iIii1I11I1II1
        if 86 - 86:
            OoooooooOO.iII111i % OoOoOO00 / I11i * iII111i / o0oOOo0O0Ooo
        if 64 - 64: i11iIiiIii
        if 38 - 38: IiII / I1IiiI - IiII.I11i
        if 69 - 69: OoooooooOO + I1ii11iIi11i
    if (I1iIIIi1.type == lisp.LISP_MAP_REFERRAL):
        lisp.lisp_process_map_referral(II1iII1i, packet, oO0OO0)
        if 97 - 97: OOooOOo - OoO0O00 / Ii1I.i11iIiiIii % oO0o * oO0o
        if 1 - 1: I1IiiI % ooOoO0o
        if 65 - 65: I1IiiI + OoOoOO00 / OOooOOo
        if 83 - 83: o0oOOo0O0Ooo.iII111i - Oo0Ooo
        if 65 - 65: iIii1I11I1II1 / ooOoO0o.IiII - II111iiii
        "Map-Resolver received an unexpected LISP packet, type: {}".format(
    if 72 - 72: iIii1I11I1II1 / IiII % iII111i % OOooOOo - I11i % OOooOOo
    if 100 - 100: Oo0Ooo + i11iIiiIii
    if 71 - 71: I11i / o0oOOo0O0Ooo / I1Ii111 % OOooOOo
    if 51 - 51: IiII * O0 / II111iiii.Ii1I % OOooOOo / I1IiiI
    if 9 - 9: I1IiiI % I1IiiI % II111iiii
    if 30 - 30: IiII + I1Ii111 - IiII.IiII - II111iiii + O0
    if 86 - 86: i1IIi
    if 41 - 41: OoOoOO00 * I11i / OoOoOO00 % oO0o
Exemple #2
def lisp_ms_show_site_detail_command(eid_key, group_key):

    eid = lisp.lisp_address(lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE, "", 0, 0)
    if (eid_key): 
        if (eid_key == "[0]/0"): 
            eid.store_iid_range(0, 0)
    group = lisp.lisp_address(lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE, "", 0, 0)
    if (group_key): group.store_prefix(group_key)

    eid_str = lisp.lisp_print_eid_tuple(eid, group)
    eid_str = lisp.lisp_print_cour(eid_str)

    # Do longest match lookup. We do this so prefix slashes are not in URLs.
    site_eid = lisp.lisp_site_eid_lookup(eid, group, True)
    if (site_eid == None): 
        output = "Could not find EID {} in site cache".format(eid_str)

    indent4 = lisp.space(4)
    indent8 = lisp.space(8)
    indent12 = lisp.space(12)

    yesno = lisp.green("yes", True) if site_eid.registered else \
        lisp.red("no", True)

    output = '<font face="Sans-Serif">'

    sn = lisp.lisp_print_cour(site_eid.site.site_name)
    si = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(site_eid.site_id))
    xi = "0" if site_eid.xtr_id == 0 else lisp.lisp_hex_string(site_eid.xtr_id)
    xi = lisp.lisp_print_cour("0x" + xi)
    fr = lisp.lisp_print_elapsed(site_eid.first_registered)
    lr = lisp.lisp_print_elapsed(site_eid.last_registered)
    if (time.time() - site_eid.last_registered >= 
        (site_eid.register_ttl / 2) and lr != "never"):
        lr = lisp.red(lr, True)
    if (site_eid.last_registerer.afi == lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE): 
        reger = "none"
        reger = site_eid.last_registerer.print_address()
    reger = lisp.lisp_print_cour(reger)
    shutdown = ", " + lisp.lisp_print_cour("site is in admin-shutdown") if \
        site_eid.site.shutdown else ""
    ams = ", accepting more specifics" if site_eid.accept_more_specifics \
        else ""
    if (ams == "" and site_eid.dynamic): ams = ", dynamic"
    output += '''Site name: {}, EID-prefix: {}, registered: {}{}{}
        <br>'''.format(sn, eid_str, yesno, ams, shutdown)

    output += "{}Description: {}<br>".format(indent4, 
    output += "{}Last registerer: {}, xTR-ID: {}, site-ID: {}<br>".format( \
        indent4, reger, xi, si)

    flags = site_eid.print_flags(False)
    flags = lisp.lisp_print_cour(flags)
    auth_type = "none"
    if (site_eid.registered): 
        auth_type = "sha1" if (site_eid.auth_sha1_or_sha2) else "sha2"
    output += ("{}First registered: {}, last registered: {}, auth-type: " + \
        "{}, registration flags: {}<br>").format(indent4, 
         lisp.lisp_print_cour(fr), lisp.lisp_print_cour(lr),
         lisp.lisp_print_cour(auth_type), flags)

    ttl = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(site_eid.register_ttl) + " seconds")
    output += "{}{} registration timeout TTL: {}<br>".format( \
        indent4, "Registered" if site_eid.use_register_ttl_requested else \
        "Default", ttl)

    # First print a policy line, if one is configured for this site-eid.
    if (site_eid.policy):
        p = lisp.lisp_print_cour(site_eid.policy)
        output += "{}Apply policy: '{}'<br>".format(indent4, p)

    # Show proxy-reply settings.
    yesno = "yes" if site_eid.force_proxy_reply else "no"
    yesno = lisp.lisp_print_cour(yesno)
    output += "{}Forcing proxy Map-Reply: {}<br>".format(indent4, yesno)

    if (site_eid.force_ttl != None):
        ttl = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(site_eid.force_ttl) + " seconds")
        output += "{}Forced proxy Map-Reply TTL: {}<br>".format( \
            indent4, ttl)

    yesno = "yes" if site_eid.force_nat_proxy_reply else "no"
    yesno = lisp.lisp_print_cour(yesno)
    output += "{}Forcing proxy Map-Reply for xTRs behind NATs: {}<br>". \
        format(indent4, yesno)

    yesno = "yes" if site_eid.pitr_proxy_reply_drop else "no"
    yesno = lisp.lisp_print_cour(yesno)
    output += "{}Send drop-action proxy Map-Reply to PITR: {}<br>".format( \
        indent4, yesno)

    action = "not configured" if site_eid.proxy_reply_action == "" else \
    action = lisp.lisp_print_cour(action)
    output += "{}Proxy Map-Reply action: {}<br>".format(indent4, action)

    if (site_eid.force_proxy_reply and site_eid.echo_nonce_capable):
        yes = lisp.lisp_print_cour("yes")
        output += "{}RLOCs are echo-nonce capable: {}<br>".format(indent4, yes)

    yesno = "yes" if site_eid.require_signature else "no"
    yesno = lisp.lisp_print_cour(yesno)
    output += "{}Require signatures: {}<br>".format(indent4, yesno)

    yesno = "yes" if site_eid.encrypt_json else "no"
    yesno = lisp.lisp_print_cour(yesno)
    output += "{}Encrypt JSON RLOC-records: {}<br>".format(indent4, yesno)

    # Print configured allowed RLOC-sets, if any.
    any_rloc = "any" if len(site_eid.site.allowed_rlocs) == 0 else ""
    if (any_rloc != ""): any_rloc = lisp.lisp_print_cour(any_rloc)
    output += "{}Allowed RLOC-set: {}<br>".format(indent4, any_rloc)
    if (any_rloc == ""):                                      
        for rloc in site_eid.site.allowed_rlocs.values():
            a = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.rloc.print_address())
            s = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.print_state())
            up = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(rloc.priority))
            uw = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(rloc.weight))
            mp = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(rloc.mpriority))
            mw = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(rloc.mweight))
            rn = rloc.print_rloc_name(True)
            if (rn != "") : rn = ", " + rn

            output += '''{}{}, state: {}, up/uw/mp/mw: {}/{}/{}/{}{}<br>'''. \
                format(indent8, a, s, up, uw, mp, mw, rn)

    none = "none" if len(site_eid.registered_rlocs) == 0 else ""
    if (none != ""): none = lisp.lisp_print_cour(none)
    output += "<br>Registered RLOC-set ({}): {}<br>".format("merge-semantics" \
        if (site_eid.merge_register_requested) else "replacement-semantics", 
    if (none == ""):
        for rloc in site_eid.registered_rlocs:
            a = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.rloc.print_address())
            s = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.print_state())
            up = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(rloc.priority))
            uw = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(rloc.weight))
            mp = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(rloc.mpriority))
            mw = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(rloc.mweight))
            rn = rloc.print_rloc_name(True)
            if (rn != "") : rn = ", " + rn

            output += '''{}{}, state: {}, up/uw/mp/mw: {}/{}/{}/{}{}<br>'''.\
                format(indent4, a, s, up, uw, mp, mw, rn)
            if (rloc.geo):
                geo = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.geo.print_geo_url())
                output += "{}geo: {}<br>".format(indent12, geo)
            if (rloc.elp):
                elp = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.elp.print_elp(False))
                output += "{}elp: {}<br>".format(indent12, elp)
            if (rloc.rle):
                rle = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.rle.print_rle(True, True))
                output += "{}rle: {}<br>".format(indent12, rle)
            if (rloc.json):
                json = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.json.print_json(True))
                output += "{}json: {}<br>".format(indent12, json)

    none = "none" if len(site_eid.individual_registrations) == 0 else ""
    if (none == "none"): 
        none = lisp.lisp_print_cour(none)
    elif (site_eid.inconsistent_registration):
        none = lisp.red("inconsistent registrations", True)
        none = lisp.lisp_print_cour(none)
    output += "<br>Individual registrations: {}<br>".format(none)

    for site_eid in site_eid.individual_registrations.values():
        yesno = lisp.green("yes", True) if site_eid.registered else \
            lisp.red("no", True)
        auth_type = "sha1" if (site_eid.auth_sha1_or_sha2) else "sha2"
        auth_type = lisp.lisp_print_cour(auth_type)
        flags = site_eid.print_flags(False)
        flags = lisp.lisp_print_cour(flags)
        a = lisp.lisp_print_cour(site_eid.last_registerer.print_address())
        fr = lisp.lisp_print_elapsed(site_eid.first_registered)
        fr = lisp.lisp_print_cour(fr)
        lr = lisp.lisp_print_elapsed(site_eid.last_registered)
        if (time.time() - site_eid.last_registered >= 
            (site_eid.register_ttl / 2) and lr != "never"):
            lr = lisp.red(lr, True)
        lr = lisp.lisp_print_cour(lr)
        si = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(site_eid.site_id))
        xi = lisp.lisp_print_cour(lisp.lisp_hex_string(site_eid.xtr_id))

        output += '''
            {}Registerer: {}, xTR-ID: 0x{}, site-id: {}, registered: {}<br>
            {}First registered: {}, last registered: {}, auth-type: {}, 
            registration flags: {}<br>
        '''.format(indent4, a, xi, si, yesno, indent4, fr, lr, auth_type, 

        none = "none" if len(site_eid.registered_rlocs) == 0 else ""
        none = lisp.lisp_print_cour(none)
        output += "{}Registered RLOC-set: {}<br>".format(indent4, none)

        for rloc in site_eid.registered_rlocs:
            a = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.rloc.print_address())
            s = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.print_state())
            up = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(rloc.priority))
            uw = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(rloc.weight))
            mp = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(rloc.mpriority))
            mw = lisp.lisp_print_cour(str(rloc.mweight))
            rn = rloc.print_rloc_name(True)
            if (rn != "") : rn = ", " + rn

            output += '''{}{}, state: {}, up/uw/mp/mw: {}/{}/{}/{}{}<br>'''.\
                format(indent8, a, s, up, uw, mp, mw, rn)
            if (rloc.geo):
                geo = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.geo.print_geo_url())
                output += "{}geo: {}<br>".format(indent12, geo)
            if (rloc.elp):
                elp = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.elp.print_elp(False))
                output += "{}elp: {}<br>".format(indent12, elp)
            if (rloc.rle):
                rle = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.rle.print_rle(True, True))
                output += "{}rle: {}<br>".format(indent12, rle)
            if (rloc.json):
                json = lisp.lisp_print_cour(rloc.json.print_json(True))
                output += "{}json: {}<br>".format(indent12, json)
        output += "<br>"
    output += "</font>"
Exemple #3
def lisp_rtr_glean_mapping_command(kv_pair):
    entry = { "rloc-probe" : False }

    for kw in kv_pair.keys():
        value = kv_pair[kw]

        if (kw == "instance-id"):
            v = value.split("-")
            entry["instance-id"] = [0, 0]
            if (len(v) == 1):
                entry["instance-id"][0] = int(v[0])
                entry["instance-id"][1] = int(v[0])
                entry["instance-id"][0] = int(v[0])
                entry["instance-id"][1] = int(v[1])
        if (kw == "eid-prefix"):
            eid = lisp.lisp_address(lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE, "", 0, 0)
            entry["eid-prefix"] = eid
        if (kw == "group-prefix"):
            geid = lisp.lisp_address(lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE, "", 0, 0)
            entry["group-prefix"] = geid
        if (kw == "rloc-prefix"):
            rloc = lisp.lisp_address(lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE, "", 0, 0)
            entry["rloc-prefix"] = rloc
        if (kw == "rloc-probe"):
            entry["rloc-probe"] = (value == "yes")

    # Check if entry already exists. If so, just return.
    for e in lisp.lisp_glean_mappings:
        if (e.has_key("eid-prefix") ^ entry.has_key("eid-prefix")): continue
        if (e.has_key("eid-prefix") and entry.has_key("eid-prefix")):
            old = e["eid-prefix"]
            new = entry["eid-prefix"]
            if (old.is_exact_match(new) == False): continue

        if (e.has_key("group-prefix") ^ entry.has_key("group-prefix")):
        if (e.has_key("group-prefix") and entry.has_key("group-prefix")):
            old = e["group-prefix"]
            new = entry["group-prefix"]
            if (old.is_exact_match(new) == False): continue

        if (e.has_key("rloc-prefix") ^ entry.has_key("rloc-prefix")): continue
        if (e.has_key("rloc-prefix") and entry.has_key("rloc-prefix")):
            old = e["rloc-prefix"]
            new = entry["rloc-prefix"]
            if (old.is_exact_match(new) == False): continue

        if (e.has_key("instance-id") ^ entry.has_key("instance-id")): continue
        if (e.has_key("instance-id") and entry.has_key("instance-id")):
            old = e["instance-id"]
            new = entry["instance-id"]
            if (old != new): continue

        # Found a match. Do not append existing entry to array.

    # Add dictionary array to array.
Exemple #4
    print("Invalid EID address {}".format(dest_eid))

if (lisp.lisp_valid_address_format("address", dest_eid) == False):
    print("Invalid address syntax '{}'".format(dest_eid))

# Store just a destination address unless S->G was specified.
map_request.target_eid = lisp.lisp_address(afi, "", ml, iid)
if (sg):
    target_eid_str = map_request.target_eid.print_sg(map_request.target_group)
    target_eid_str = map_request.target_eid.print_address()

# Fill in source-eid field.
if (source_eid == ""): 
    map_request.source_eid.afi = lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE
Exemple #5
    ml = 48
    print("Invalid EID address {}".format(dest_eid))

if (lisp.lisp_valid_address_format("address", dest_eid) == False):
    print("Invalid address syntax '{}'".format(dest_eid))

# Store just a destination address unless S->G was specified.
map_request.target_eid = lisp.lisp_address(afi, "", ml, iid)
if (sg):
    target_eid_str = map_request.target_eid.print_sg(map_request.target_group)
    target_eid_str = map_request.target_eid.print_address()

# Fill in source-eid field.
map_request.source_eid.afi = lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE

if (lisp.lisp_get_local_addresses() == False): 
Exemple #6
# This is a python fast data plane that is limited in features and process
# packets in a raw manner. That is, there are no library calls and no byte
# swaps done. It is designed to make the gleaning RTR data-plane with LISP
# to non-LISP interworking go faster.
# Any non-fast operations returns False to allow lisp_rtr_data_plane() to
# process the packet normally.
# The first byte of 'packet' is assumed to be either the first byte of the
# LISP encapsulated packet (coming from an ITR) or a regular IP packet
# (arriving from a non-LISP source). All other packets (like LISP control-plane
# packets that can come in the form of both encapsulated or non encapsulated,
# return False, for lisp_rtr_data_plane() to process.
lisp_seid_cached = lisp.lisp_address(lisp.LISP_AFI_IPV4, "", 32, 0)
lisp_deid_cached = lisp.lisp_address(lisp.LISP_AFI_IPV4, "", 32, 0)

def lisp_rtr_fast_data_plane(packet):
    global lisp_map_cache, lisp_raw_socket

    ts = lisp_latency_debug(None, "Fast")

    # Check if UDP ports for any type of LISP packet. Strict outer headers
    # if LISP encapsulated packet.
    iid = 0
    srloc = None
    if (packet[9] == '\x11'):
        if (packet[20:22] == '\x10\xf6'): return(False)
Exemple #7
    ooOO00O00oo = 48
    print("Invalid EID address {}".format(O000oo))
    if 3 - 3: I1Ii111 - O0 / I1Ii111 % OoO0O00 / I1Ii111.I1IiiI
    if 50 - 50: IiII
if (lisp.lisp_valid_address_format("address", O000oo) == False):
    print("Invalid address syntax '{}'".format(O000oo))
    if 14 - 14: I11i % OoO0O00 * I11i
    if 16 - 16: OoOoOO00.ooOoO0o + i11iIiiIii
    if 38 - 38: IiII * OOooOOo.o0oOOo0O0Ooo
    if 98 - 98: OoooooooOO + iII111i.OoOoOO00
    if 67 - 67: i11iIiiIii - i1IIi % I1ii11iIi11i.O0
OOO0o.target_eid = lisp.lisp_address(IIi1i11111, "", ooOO00O00oo, III1ii1iII)
if (ooO0o0Oo):
    o0oo = OOO0o.target_eid.print_sg(OOO0o.target_group)
    o0oo = OOO0o.target_eid.print_address()
    if 91 - 91: IiII
    if 15 - 15: II111iiii
    if 18 - 18: i11iIiiIii.i1IIi % OoooooooOO / O0
    if 75 - 75: OoOoOO00 % o0oOOo0O0Ooo % o0oOOo0O0Ooo.I1Ii111
    if 5 - 5: o0oOOo0O0Ooo * ooOoO0o + OoOoOO00.OOooOOo + OoOoOO00
OOO0o.source_eid.afi = lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE
if 91 - 91: O0
if (lisp.lisp_get_local_addresses() == False):
Exemple #8
def lisp_ms_scale_inject():
    global lisp_inject_mode_count

    # Only do it once or never.
    if (lisp_inject_mode_count == 0): return
    count = lisp_inject_mode_count
    i = lisp.bold("Injecting", False)
    lisp.fprint("{} {} entries into mapping system for scale testing". \
        format(i, count))

    # Create EID-record info.
    iid = 1300
    phone = 9990000000
    eid = lisp.lisp_address(lisp.LISP_AFI_NAME, "ct", 0, iid)
    group = lisp.lisp_address(lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE, "", 0, 0)

    parent_site = lisp.lisp_site_eid_lookup(eid, group, False)
    if (parent_site == None):
        lisp.fprint("No site found for instance-ID {}".format(iid))
    if (parent_site.accept_more_specifics == False):
        lisp.fprint("Site must be configured with accept-more-specifics")
    # Create RLOC-record info.
    rloc = lisp.lisp_rloc()

    gps_record = ' "phone" : "{}", "text-interval" : "10", ' + \
        '"gps" : "(37.623322,-122.384974579)" '

    hs_record = ' "phone" : "{}", "health-state" : "not-tested" '

    # Now loop.
    ts = lisp.lisp_get_timestamp()
    mem = 0
    for i in range(1, count + 1):
        site_eid = lisp.lisp_site_eid(parent_site.site)
        site_eid.eid = copy.deepcopy(eid)
        site_eid.eid.address = hmac.new(b"ct", str(phone),

        site_eid.dynamic = True
        site_eid.parent_for_more_specifics = parent_site

        # Add GPS and HS RLOC records for EID entry.
        gr = copy.deepcopy(rloc)
        json_string = "{" + gps_record.format(phone) + "}"
        gr.json = lisp.lisp_json(site_eid.eid.address, json_string)
        hr = copy.deepcopy(rloc)
        json_string = "{" + hs_record.format(phone) + "}"
        hr.json = lisp.lisp_json(site_eid.eid.address, json_string)
        site_eid.registered_rlocs = [gr, hr]
        mem += sys.getsizeof(site_eid)

        # Print every 100 added.
        if (i % 100 == 0):
            lisp.fprint("Added {} site-eid entries".format(i))

        # Pause after 10000.
        if (i % 10000 == 0 and i != count):
            lisp.fprint("Sleeping for 100ms ...")
        phone += 1

    # Compute and print elapsed time.
    ts = time.time() - ts
    if (ts < 60):
        lisp.fprint("Finished in {} secs, memory {}".format(round(ts, 3), mem))
        ts = old_div(ts, 60)
        lisp.fprint("Finished in {} mins, memory {}".format(round(ts, 1), mem))
    lisp_inject_mode_count = 0
Exemple #9
    I1I1iIiII1 = 48
    print("Invalid EID address {}".format(ii11iIi1I))
    if 4 - 4: ooOoO0o + O0 * OOooOOo
    if 55 - 55: Oo0Ooo + iIii1I11I1II1 / OoOoOO00 * oO0o - i11iIiiIii - Ii1I
if (lisp.lisp_valid_address_format("address", ii11iIi1I) == False):
    print("Invalid address syntax '{}'".format(ii11iIi1I))
    if 25 - 25: I1ii11iIi11i
    if 7 - 7: i1IIi / I1IiiI * I1Ii111.IiII.iIii1I11I1II1
    if 13 - 13: OOooOOo / i11iIiiIii
    if 2 - 2: I1IiiI / O0 / o0oOOo0O0Ooo % OoOoOO00 % Ii1I
    if 52 - 52: o0oOOo0O0Ooo
o0.target_eid = lisp.lisp_address(i1i, "", I1I1iIiII1, i11Iiii)
if (o0o00o0):
    o0OO0oOO0O0 = o0.target_eid.print_sg(o0.target_group)
    o0OO0oOO0O0 = o0.target_eid.print_address()
    if 8 - 8: oO0o
    if 7 - 7: o0oOOo0O0Ooo - I1IiiI
    if 100 - 100: oO0o + I11i.OOooOOo * Ii1I
    if 73 - 73: i1IIi + I1IiiI
    if 46 - 46: OoO0O00.Oo0Ooo - OoooooooOO
o0.source_eid.afi = lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE
if 93 - 93: iII111i
if (lisp.lisp_get_local_addresses() == False):
Exemple #10
def II11iI111i1(packet, source_str, sport):
    if 95 - 95: OoooooooOO - IiII * I1IiiI + OoOoOO00
    iIi1 = lisp.lisp_control_header()
    if (iIi1.decode(packet) == None):
        lisp.lprint("Could not decode control header")
        if 21 - 21: I11i
        if 92 - 92: i11iIiiIii / I1Ii111 - iII111i % ooOoO0o * I1Ii111 + Oo0Ooo
        if 11 - 11: OoooooooOO.I1Ii111
        if 80 - 80:
            OoooooooOO - OOooOOo * Ii1I * I1ii11iIi11i / I1IiiI / OOooOOo
        if 13 - 13: I1Ii111 * ooOoO0o + i11iIiiIii * I1Ii111 - ooOoO0o
    Ii1i1i1i1I1Ii = lisp.lisp_address(lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE, "", 0, 0)
    if 25 - 25: II111iiii
    if 11 - 11: Oo0Ooo
    if 74 - 74: OoOoOO00 * o0oOOo0O0Ooo + OoOoOO00.OOooOOo * OoooooooOO % O0
    if 85 - 85: ooOoO0o / O0
    if 18 - 18: o0oOOo0O0Ooo % O0 * I1ii11iIi11i
    if 62 - 62: I1Ii111.IiII.OoooooooOO
    if (iIi1.type == lisp.LISP_ECM):
        i111 = (len(oo00) > 0)
        if (lisp.lisp_is_running("lisp-ms") and i111 == False):
            packet = lisp.lisp_packet_ipc(packet, source_str, sport)
            lisp.lisp_ipc(packet, o0oO0, "lisp-ms")
            if 27 - 27: i11iIiiIii / I1ii11iIi11i
            if 84 - 84: Oo0Ooo
            if 43 - 43: oO0o - OoooooooOO
            if 3 - 3: O0 / iII111i
            if 31 - 31: OOooOOo + o0oOOo0O0Ooo.OoooooooOO
        if (i111):
            lisp.lisp_process_ecm(i1I1ii1II1iII, packet, Ii1i1i1i1I1Ii, sport)
            if 89 - 89: II111iiii + i1IIi + II111iiii
        lisp.lprint("Map-Resolver dropping ECM, DDT or Map-Server not " +
        if 7 - 7: O0 % o0oOOo0O0Ooo + I1ii11iIi11i * iII111i - iII111i
        if 42 - 42: OoOoOO00 * OoOoOO00 * I1Ii111.I11i
        if 51 - 51:
            OOooOOo % iIii1I11I1II1 - OoooooooOO % ooOoO0o * iIii1I11I1II1 % OoO0O00
        if 99 - 99: oO0o * II111iiii * I1Ii111
        if 92 - 92: Oo0Ooo
        if 40 - 40: OoOoOO00 / IiII
    if (iIi1.type == lisp.LISP_MAP_REFERRAL):
        lisp.lisp_process_map_referral(i1I1ii1II1iII, packet, Ii1i1i1i1I1Ii)
        if 79 - 79: OoO0O00 - iIii1I11I1II1 + Ii1I - I1Ii111
        if 93 - 93: II111iiii.I1IiiI - Oo0Ooo + OoOoOO00
        if 61 - 61: II111iiii
        if 15 - 15: i11iIiiIii % I1IiiI * I11i / I1Ii111
        if 90 - 90: iII111i
        "Map-Resolver received an unexpected LISP packet, type: {}".format(
    if 31 - 31: OOooOOo + O0
    if 87 - 87: ooOoO0o
    if 45 - 45: OoO0O00 / OoooooooOO - iII111i / Ii1I % IiII
    if 83 - 83: I1IiiI.iIii1I11I1II1 - IiII * i11iIiiIii
    if 20 - 20: i1IIi * I1Ii111 + II111iiii % o0oOOo0O0Ooo % oO0o
    if 13 - 13: Oo0Ooo
    if 60 - 60: I1ii11iIi11i * I1IiiI
    if 17 - 17: OOooOOo % Oo0Ooo / I1ii11iIi11i.IiII * OOooOOo - II111iiii
Exemple #11
    print("Invalid EID address {}".format(IIi))
    if 62 - 62: I1IiiI
    if 100 - 100: Ii1I - O0 % oO0o * OOooOOo + I1IiiI
if (lisp.lisp_valid_address_format("address", IIi) == False):
    print("Invalid address syntax '{}'".format(IIi))
    if 88 - 88: OoooooooOO - OoO0O00 * O0 * OoooooooOO.OoooooooOO
    if 33 - 33: I1Ii111 + iII111i * oO0o / iIii1I11I1II1 - I1IiiI
    if 54 - 54: I1Ii111 / OOooOOo.oO0o % iII111i
    if 57 - 57: i11iIiiIii.I1ii11iIi11i - Ii1I - oO0o + OoOoOO00
    if 63 - 63: OoOoOO00 * iII111i
oO0o0.target_eid = lisp.lisp_address(iI1Ii11iIiI1, "", OO0Oooo0oOO0O,
if (iIIi1i1):
    oo = oO0o0.target_eid.print_sg(oO0o0.target_group)
    oo = oO0o0.target_eid.print_address()
    if 44 - 44: oO0o / I11i / I11i
    if 87 - 87: Oo0Ooo.I1IiiI - II111iiii + O0 / Oo0Ooo / oO0o
    if 25 - 25: I1IiiI.I1IiiI - OoOoOO00 % OoOoOO00 - i11iIiiIii / I1Ii111
    if 51 - 51: Oo0Ooo / OoOoOO00.OOooOOo * o0oOOo0O0Ooo + OoO0O00 * IiII
    if 73 - 73: OoO0O00 + OoooooooOO - O0 - Ii1I - II111iiii
if (iiII1i1 == ""):
    oO0o0.source_eid.afi = lisp.LISP_AFI_NONE