Exemple #1
def combineFilesWithParas(dir_path, filename, targetDir=None, connector="="):
    """ Combine all files with name filename. Also, parameters will be added as seperated
    columns in the combined file. The order of parameters of corresponding to the inserted
    columns is indicated by the file name. """
    filenameL = listR.toList(filename)

    for filename in filenameL: # do the following for each file:
        # get list of common parameters:
        allParas = []
        for aDir in dirR.listNestedDirContainsFiles(dir_path, filename):
            allParas.append(listR.readCSESD(path.join(aDir, filename)).keys())
        allParas = listR.removeDuplicates(listR.intersect(allParas))

        # generate modified file name:
        if targetDir == None: targetDir=getcwd()
        new_filename = path.join(targetDir,path.splitext(filename)[0]+"("+",".join(listR.stringizeL(allParas))+")"+path.splitext(filename)[1])

        # generate the combined data file:
        outFile = open(new_filename, "w")
        for aDir in dirR.listNestedDirContainsFiles(dir_path, filename):
            to_read = path.join(aDir, filename) # target file: path+name
            parasD = listR.readCSESD(to_read) # get a dictionary of parameter values
            para_str = " ".join(listR.stringizeL(listR.getValueListFromDict(allParas, parasD))) # get the associated parameter list in string format
            inFile = open(to_read, "r")
            buffer = inFile.readlines() # read target file
            for aLine in buffer: # concarnate target file with parameter list:
                outFile.write(para_str+" "+aLine)
Exemple #2
def descendDirTreeSharp(baseDir,
		Return a list of directories and a list of the corresponding var_name:var_value
		dictionaries under baseDir. The valuse are given using string, like "1" instead of 1.
		The subdirectaries are so chosen that all variables in mustBeDefined
		must be defined.

		Only those directories that barely defined mustBeDefined (sharp) are returned.
    tmp_result = descendDirTree(baseDir, mustBeDefined, connectionSymbol,
    if tmp_result == []: return tmp_result
    tmp_list = []
    for aPath in tmp_result:  # for each dir in result
        while list(
                    readCSED(os.path.basename(aPath), connectionSymbol,
                             seperationSymbol).keys())) == []:
            # if the lowerest dir definds a variable in the mustBeDefined list
            aPath = os.path.dirname(aPath)  # cut the lowerest dir
            if aPath == baseDir: break  # if it's the shortest dir, return it
    tmp_list = listR.removeDuplicates(tmp_list)
    return tmp_list
Exemple #3
def descendDirTreeSharp(baseDir, mustBeDefined, connectionSymbol="=", seperationSymbol=","):
    Return a list of directories and a list of the corresponding var_name:var_value
    dictionaries under baseDir. The valuse are given using string, like "1" instead of 1.
    The subdirectaries are so chosen that all variables in mustBeDefined
    must be defined.

    Only those directories that barely defined mustBeDefined (sharp) are returned.
  tmp_result = descendDirTree(baseDir, mustBeDefined, connectionSymbol, seperationSymbol)
  if tmp_result==[]: return tmp_result
  tmp_list = []
  for aPath in tmp_result: # for each dir in result
    while list(listR.biIntersectI(mustBeDefined,readCSED(path.basename(aPath),connectionSymbol,seperationSymbol).keys()))==[]:
      # if the lowerest dir definds a variable in the mustBeDefined list
      aPath = path.dirname(aPath) # cut the lowerest dir
      if aPath == baseDir: break # if it's the shortest dir, return it
  tmp_list = listR.removeDuplicates(tmp_list)
  return tmp_list