#  0 |-|-|-|-|
#  1 |-|-|-|-|
#  2 |-|-|-|-|
#  3 |-|-|-|-|

output = ""
# Column index header:
row_size = ll.length(new_board)
output += "   "
for col_index in range(0, row_size):
    output += str(col_index) + " "
output += "\n"

# Rows to string:
for row in new_board:
    (row_index, _, d) = ll.head(row)
    rest_rows = ll.tail(row)
    row_str = "|" + d
    for (r, c, d) in rest_rows:
        cell = "|" + d
        row_str += cell  # output = output + cell
    if row_index < 10:
        row_str = " " + str(row_index) + " " + row_str + "|\n"
        row_str = str(row_index) + " " + row_str + "|\n"
    output += row_str


# Redo do this problem using a list comprehension.
import list_lib as ll

# Write the following list comprehension using an explicit for-loop:
# squares = [x**2 for x in range(0,43)]
# Then write a for-loop to print the list out to the screen in list format.

squares = []
for x in range(0,43):
    squares = ll.cons(x**2,squares)
squares = ll.reverse(squares)

output = "["
for x in range(0,ll.length(squares) - 1):
    next_element = str(ll.head(squares))
    squares = ll.tail(squares)
    output = output + next_element + ", "
last_element = str(ll.head(squares))
output = output + last_element + "]"
##    if nums_sum > 50:
##        break
##    nums_len -= 1
##print("The sum is "+str(nums_sum))

for x in nums:


x = 0
proc_nums = nums
while nums_len > 0:
    x = ll.head(proc_nums)
    proc_nums = ll.tail(proc_nums)
    nums_len -= 1

##power_off = false
##while True:
##    ...
##    if power_off:
##        break

##while !stopButtonUp:
##    ...

# Continue : Ends the iteration early (forces loop to return to the condition).
Exemple #4
            ("Stephanie", "Doe", 50505050), ("Andy", "Bernard", 606060606)]

new_students = []
length = ll.length(students)

##while length > 0:
##    (first, last, sid) = ll.head(students)
##    students = ll.tail(students)
##    length -= 1
##    if first == "Stephanie" and last == "Doe":
##        continue
##    else:
##        sid += 1
##        new_students = ll.cons((first, last, sid),new_students)

first_name = "Pam"
last_name = "Beesly"
found_sid = 0

while length > 0:
    (first, last, sid) = ll.head(students)
    students = ll.tail(students)
    length -= 1

    if first == first_name and last == last_name:
        found_sid = sid
        break  # stop looking now!
    print("Still looking..")
print("Found: " + str(found_sid))