def get_listings(self, shop_id): """ This method allows us to get all of the active listings given a shop_id @param shop_id: the id of the Etsy shop @return: a list of Listings """ url = self.ETSY_API_URL url += self.GET_SHOP_LISTINGS.format(shop_id) url += self.API_PARAM.format(self.api_key) response = requests.get(url) try: if response.status_code == 403: error = "Error: request is not authenticated please" error += " enter a valid API key and try again" print(error) sys.exit(-1) elif response.headers["X-RateLimit-Remaining"] == 0: error = "Your rate limit is surpassed please try again " error += "in a number of hours" print(error) sys.exit(-1) elif response.status_code == 404: return [listing.Listing("", "", "ShopId does not exist")] elif response.status_code == 200: self.print_help( "Shop id {}'s codes were fetched successfully".format( shop_id)) response_json = response.json() listing_list = [] for listings in response_json["results"]: product_listing = listing.Listing(listings["title"], listings["description"], shop_id) listing_list.append(product_listing) return listing_list except JSONDecodeError: return [listing.Listing("", "", "ShopId does not exist")]
def main(stdscr): branch_data = branch.get_branches() branch_names = branch.get_branch_names() (height, width) = branch.get_branch_dimensions(branch_data) curses.start_color() curses.curs_set(0) curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_WHITE) border_bounds = 2 branch_layout = (curses.LINES - 1, curses.COLS, 1, 0) # 1 for the nav height itself nav_layout = (1, 1, curses.LINES, 0) prompt_layout = (5, curses.COLS, 0, 0) prompt_option = prompt.Prompt(prompt_layout) # Layout is (height, width, y_coord, x_coord) branch_list = listing.Listing(branch_layout, branch_data, branch_names) branch_list.set_prompt(prompt_option) stdscr.addstr(0, 0, ' Press enter to delete a local branch') stdscr.refresh() # Nav nav = navigator.Navigator(nav_layout, { 's': { 'window': branch_list }, 'd': { 'window': prompt_option } }, stdscr)
def run(self): print ""'Starting others module...') allow_method.AllowMethod(agent=self.agent, proxy=self.proxy, redirect=self.redirect, timeout=self.timeout, url=self.url, cookie=self.cookie).run() xst.XST(agent=self.agent, proxy=self.proxy, redirect=self.redirect, timeout=self.timeout, url=self.url, cookie=self.cookie).run() dav.Dav(agent=self.agent, proxy=self.proxy, redirect=self.redirect, timeout=self.timeout, url=self.url, cookie=self.cookie).run() listing.Listing(agent=self.agent, proxy=self.proxy, redirect=self.redirect, timeout=self.timeout, url=self.url, cookie=self.cookie).run() robots.Robots(agent=self.agent, proxy=self.proxy, redirect=self.redirect, timeout=self.timeout, url=self.url, cookie=self.cookie).run() phpinfo.Phpinfo(agent=self.agent, proxy=self.proxy, redirect=self.redirect, timeout=self.timeout, url=self.url, cookie=self.cookie).run() htmlobject.HtmlObject(agent=self.agent, proxy=self.proxy, redirect=self.redirect, timeout=self.timeout, url=self.url, cookie=self.cookie).run()
def post(self): netid = self.request.get("netid") wantsPasses = self.request.get("wantsPasses") if wantsPasses == "True": wantsPasses = True else: wantsPasses = False club = self.request.get("club") details = self.request.get("details") nickname = self.request.get("nickname") print nickname if club != "select": newListing = listing.Listing(parent=listing.listing_key()) newListing.populate(netid=netid, wantsPasses=wantsPasses, club=club.lower(), details=details, nickname=nickname) newListing.put() if wantsPasses: self.redirect("/passes?requested=%s" % club) else: self.redirect("/latemeal?requested=latemeal")
def create_listing_classes(list_of_listings): list_of_homes = [] days = days_between(date_1, date_2) for x in list_of_listings: #If statement adds San Diego and Oceanside taxes. Applies flat 10% tax. if x['listing']['city'] == 'San Diego' or 'Oceanside': untaxed_price = int(x['pricing_quote']['price']['total']['amount']) real_price = untaxed_price + untaxed_price * .10 else: real_price = x['pricing_quote']['price']['total']['amount'] fake_rate = x['pricing_quote']['rate']['amount'] fake_price = int(fake_rate) * int(days) nightly_rate = int(real_price / days) listing_obj = x['listing'] if 'neighborhood' in listing_obj: neighborhood = listing_obj['neighborhood'] else: neighborhood = listing_obj['city'] amenities = listing_obj['amenity_ids'] if 'beds' in listing_obj: pass else: listing_obj['beds'] = 1 monthly_rate = nightly_rate * 30 a_listing = listing.Listing(amenities=amenities, fake_price=fake_price, price=real_price, nightly_rate=nightly_rate, monthly_rate=monthly_rate, name=listing_obj['name'], bathrooms=listing_obj['bathrooms'], beds=listing_obj['beds'], neighborhood=neighborhood, listing_id=listing_obj['id']) list_of_homes.append(a_listing) return list_of_homes
def notify_me(recipient=None, search_term=None, maxprice=None, sortlistings='newest', itemcondition='parts', buyitnow=True, best_offer=False, load_results=5): recommended: set = load(f'{recipient}.dat') html_template = \ ''' <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Page Title</title> </head> <body> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><strong>{0}</strong></h1> <pre>URL {1}</pre> <pre>Condition: {2}</pre> <pre>Price: {3}</pre> <pre>Shipping: {4}</pre> <pre>Auction: {5}</pre> <pre>Best Offer: {6}</pre> <pre>Images:</pre> {7} </body> </html> ''' img_template = '<p><img src="{0}" alt="" /></p>\n' s = requests.Session() # using to generate a search results page url searchresultspage_url = ebay_url.get_searchresults_url( s, search_term, item_condition=itemcondition, sort_listings=sortlistings, max_price=maxprice) source = s.get(searchresultspage_url).text #print(source) soup = BeautifulSoup(source, 'lxml') html_str = soup.prettify() # Using regex to search for links to listings, titles, and item condition in the HTML. # Split method and stuff is used to separate link, titles, and item condition from other useless things. pattern = re.compile( r'href=".+">\n\s+<h3\sclass="s-item__title">\s+.+\n\s+</h3>\n\s*.*\n\s*.*\n\s*.*SECONDARY_INFO">\n\s+.+\n' ) listing_results = pattern.findall(html_str) #listings_found = 1 for match in listing_results[:load_results]: matched_parts = match.split('\n') url = matched_parts[0][6:-2] # print(url) listing_title = matched_parts[2][13:] # print(listing_title) item_condition = matched_parts[7][13:] # print(item_condition) # GOING INTO THE PAGE FOR EACH LISTING, AWAY FROM SEARCH RESULTS PAGE if url in recommended: print("An email was sent before already!") continue # continue if we already sent a mail about it r = s.get(str(url)) page_html = r.text # FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY # with open('temp1.html', 'a') as f: # f.write(page_html) # find price on page pattern = re.compile(r'>US\s\$\d+\.\d\d') matches = pattern.findall(page_html) for match in matches: item_price = match[4:] # print(item_price) # Auction? auction_ = False if "Current bid" in page_html: auction_ = True elif "Place bid" in page_html: auction_ = True # Best Offer? best_offer = False if "Best Offer" in page_html: # print('or Best Offer') best_offer = True # Free Shipping? If no, how much? pattern = re.compile(r'fshippingCost.+\n\s+<span>(FREE|\$\d+\.\d+)') matches = pattern.findall(page_html) # the findall will only find things in the group, so it will only return FREE or $xx.xx. shipping_cost = r'$0.00' for match in matches: if match == 'FREE': shipping_cost = r'$0.00' else: shipping_cost = match # Description. Description on ebay listings is another webpage. First we find the link to this webpage: pattern = re.compile(r'src=".+"\stitle="S') matches = pattern.findall(page_html) for match in matches: # separate the URL from other useless things in the search result match = match.split('" ') desc_url = match[0][5:] # going to the desc_url and getting the HTML data for the page r = s.get(desc_url) desc_html = r.text # searching for the actual description inside the desc_html. This only works when the description is # completely unformatted, so doesn't work often. pattern = re.compile(r'ds_div">\n\s+(.+)\s</div>') matches = pattern.findall(desc_html) for match in matches: ##print(match) pass # Find image URLs. # Create a set with URLs. # Find the first big image. image_str = "" pattern = re.compile(r'image"\ssrc="(.+)"\ss') matches = pattern.findall(page_html) big_image = None for match in matches[:-1]: match = match.replace('300', '1000') big_image = match # print(big_image) image_str += img_template.format(big_image) # Find the small images (thumbanails). pattern = re.compile(r'img\ssrc="(.+)"\sstyle') matches = pattern.findall(page_html) for match in matches: full_size_thumbnail_url = match.replace('64', '1000') # making sure we don't get the big image and the same thumbnail if big_image == full_size_thumbnail_url: pass else: # print(full_size_thumbnail_url) image_str += img_template.format(full_size_thumbnail_url) # create instance of class Listing, starting with name listing1 for instance and so forth, and print # attributes of instance # instance_title = 'listing' + str(listings_found) instance_title = listing.Listing(listing_title, url, item_condition, item_price, shipping_cost, best_offer, auction_) print(instance_title.__dict__) html = html_template.format(instance_title.Title, instance_title.URL, instance_title.Condition, instance_title.Price, instance_title.Shipping, instance_title.Auction, instance_title.Best_Offer, image_str) textcontent = f''' Link: {instance_title.URL} Condition: {instance_title.Condition} Price: {instance_title.Price} Shipping: {instance_title.Shipping} Auction: {instance_title.Auction} Best Offer: {instance_title.Best_Offer}''' # print(html) # print(image_str) # Send email based on Best Offer, then auction/buyitnow. if best_offer: if float(str(instance_title.Price[1:])) + float( str(instance_title.Shipping[1:])) <= maxprice and str( instance_title.Auction ) == "False" and buyitnow: #buyitnow sendemail.send_an_email( subject=f'We found a {instance_title.Title}', recipient=recipient, text_content=textcontent, html_content=html) recommended.add(instance_title.URL) # add to set print('Sent an email') elif float(str(instance_title.Price[1:])) + float( str(instance_title.Shipping[1:])) <= maxprice and str( instance_title.Auction ) == "True" and not buyitnow: #auction sendemail.send_an_email( subject=f'We found a {instance_title.Title}', recipient=recipient, text_content=textcontent, html_content=html) recommended.add(instance_title.URL) # add to set elif not best_offer: if float(str(instance_title.Price[1:])) + float( str(instance_title.Shipping[1:])) <= maxprice and str( instance_title.Auction ) == "False" and buyitnow: #buy it now sendemail.send_an_email( subject=f'We found a {instance_title.Title}', recipient=recipient, text_content=textcontent, html_content=html) recommended.add(instance_title.URL) # add to set print('Sent an email') elif float(str(instance_title.Price[1:])) + float( str(instance_title.Shipping[1:])) <= maxprice and str( instance_title.Auction ) == "True" and not buyitnow: #auction sendemail.send_an_email( subject=f'We found a {instance_title.Title}', recipient=recipient, text_content=textcontent, html_content=html) recommended.add(instance_title.URL) # add to set print('Sent an email') save(f'{recipient}.dat', recommended) # saving the set to file print('\n')
import listing import random import string for i in range(50000): title_size = random.randrange(10, 180) title = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + " ") for x in range(title_size)) description_size = random.randrange(50, 250) description = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + " ") for x in range(description_size)) price = random.lognormvariate(4, .5) list = listing.Listing(1+i, title, description, price) print list.toJson()