def my_map_function(x): return x + 7 def my_reduce_function(results): total = 0 for map_result in results: total = total + map_result return total if __name__ == "__main__": """ By default the reducer will be launched within a Cloud Function when the local Lithops have all the results from the mappers. """ pw = lithops.ibm_cf_executor() pw.map_reduce(my_map_function, iterdata, my_reduce_function) print(pw.get_result()) """ Set 'reducer_wait_local=True' to wait for the results locally. """ pw = lithops.ibm_cf_executor() pw.map_reduce(my_map_function, iterdata, my_reduce_function, reducer_wait_local=True) print(pw.get_result())
# upload results to IBM COS res = ['confout.gro', 'ener.edr', 'md.log', 'state.cpt'] for name in res: f = open(os.path.join(temp_dir, name), "rb") ibm_cos.put_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=os.path.join('gmx-mem', name), Body=f) with open('md.log', 'r') as file: data = return {'run_time': run_time, 'md_log': data} if __name__ == '__main__': # Example of using bechMEM from param1 = 'param1 example' total_start = time.time() pw = lithops.ibm_cf_executor(runtime='cactusone/lithops-gromacs:1.0.2', runtime_memory=2048), iterdata, extra_args=(param1, )) res = pw.get_result() pw.clean() print("GROMACS execution time {}".format(res[0]['run_time'])) print("Total execution time {}".format(time.time() - total_start)) print(res[0]['md_log'])
def scheduler(total): iterdata = range(total) pw = lithops.ibm_cf_executor() return, iterdata)
def my_function(x): iterdata = range(x) pw = lithops.ibm_cf_executor() return, iterdata)
co2 = storage.put_cobject('Cloudobject test 2: {}'.format(text, )) return [co1, co2] def my_function_get(co, storage): data = storage.get_cobject(co) return data if __name__ == "__main__": """ Managing cloudobjects with context manager. At the end of the with statement all cloudobjects are automatically deleted. """ with lithops.ibm_cf_executor() as pw: pw.call_async(my_function_put, 'Hello World') cloudobjects = pw.get_result(), cloudobjects) print(pw.get_result()) """ Managing cloudobjects without context manager. pw.clean() must be called at the end to delete the cloudobjects created in the same executor as long as you used the default location. Alternatively, you can call pw.clean(cs=cloudobjects) to delete a specific list of cloudobjects. pw.clean(cs=cloudobjects) is mandatory if you created the cloudobjects in a custom location. """
""" Simple Lithops example using rabbitmq to wait map function invocations RabbitMQ amqp_url must be in configuration to make it working. """ import lithops import time total = 10 def my_function(x): time.sleep(2) return x + 7 if __name__ == "__main__": pw = lithops.ibm_cf_executor(runtime_memory=256), range(total)) pw.wait() # blocks current execution until all function activations finish pw.clean() # Activate RabbitMQ as a monitoring system pw = lithops.ibm_cf_executor(runtime_memory=256, rabbitmq_monitor=True), range(total)) pw.wait() # blocks current execution until all function activations finish pw.clean()