def get_question_info_url(appid, qid):
    qurl = "" + str(qid)
    authorize_url = str.format(
        % (appid, qurl)
    return authorize_url
def retrieve_weuser(openid):
    userinfo = wechat.get_user_info(openid)
    query = Query(WeUsers)
    query.equal_to("openid", userinfo.get("openid"))
    wuser = query.find()
    if len(wuser) <= 0:
        wuser = WeUsers()
        wuser.openid = userinfo.get("openid") = userinfo.get("city")
        wuser.nickname = userinfo.get("nickname")
        wuser.headimgurl = userinfo.get("headimgurl")
        wuser.province = userinfo.get("province") = userinfo.get("sex")
        wuser.unionid = userinfo.get("unionid")
        return wuser
        wuser = wuser[0]
        logger.debug("%s had already been subscribed", userinfo.get("nickname"))
        return wuser
def handler(body, signature, timestamp, nonce):
    logger.debug("request body: %s", body)
    wechat.parse_data(body, signature, timestamp, nonce)
    message = wechat.get_message()

    id =  # 对应于 XML 中的 MsgId
    target =  # 对应于 XML 中的 ToUserName
    source = wechat.message.source  # 对应于 XML 中的 FromUserName
    time = wechat.message.time  # 对应于 XML 中的 CreateTime
    type = wechat.message.type  # 对应于 XML 中的 MsgType
    raw = wechat.message.raw  # 原始 XML 文本,方便进行其他分析

    response = None
    if isinstance(message, TextMessage):
        logger.debug("handling: %s", message.content)
        content = message.content
        response = text_handler(content, source)
    elif isinstance(message, ImageMessage):
        logger.debug("handling: mediaId: %s, picurl: %s", message.media_id, message.picurl)
        response = wechat.response_image(message.media_id)
    elif isinstance(message, EventMessage):
        logger.debug("handling eventMessage: %s", message.type)
        key = None
        if wechat.message.type == "subscribe":  # 关注事件(包括普通关注事件和扫描二维码造成的关注事件)
            key = wechat.message.key  # 对应于 XML 中的 EventKey (普通关注事件时此值为 None)
            ticket = wechat.message.ticket  # 对应于 XML 中的 Ticket (普通关注事件时此值为 None)
            if source:
                response = wechat.response_text("Welcome to playground :-)")
        elif wechat.message.type == "unsubscribe":  # 取消关注事件(无可用私有信息)
            logger.debug("%s unsubscribe", source)
        elif wechat.message.type == "scan":  # 用户已关注时的二维码扫描事件
            key = wechat.message.key  # 对应于 XML 中的 EventKey
            ticket = wechat.message.ticket  # 对应于 XML 中的 Ticket
        elif wechat.message.type == "location":  # 上报地理位置事件
            latitude = wechat.message.latitude  # 对应于 XML 中的 Latitude
            longitude = wechat.message.longitude  # 对应于 XML 中的 Longitude
            precision = wechat.message.precision  # 对应于 XML 中的 Precision
            response = wechat.response_text("Welcome to playground :-)")
        elif wechat.message.type == "click":  # 自定义菜单点击事件
            key = wechat.message.key  # 对应于 XML 中的 EventKey
        elif wechat.message.type == "view":  # 自定义菜单跳转链接事件
            key = wechat.message.key  # 对应于 XML 中的 EventKey
        elif wechat.message.type == "templatesendjobfinish":  # 模板消息事件
            status = wechat.message.status  # 对应于 XML 中的 Status
        elif wechat.message.type in [
        ]:  # 其他事件
            key = wechat.message.key  # 对应于 XML 中的 EventKey
        logger.debug("eventmessage: %s", key)

        response = wechat.response_text("unsupported yet :-(")
    if not response:
        response = wechat.response_text("unsupported yet :-(")
    return response
def get_user_info(openid, access_token):
    url = "" + access_token + "&openid=" + openid + "&lang=zh_CN"
    resp = requests.get(url)
    authorize_result = json.loads(resp.text)
    logger.debug("get user info: %s", str(authorize_result))