def setUp(self): # clear out cache from previous runs keyedcache.cache_delete() g = ConfigurationGroup('modules', 'module test') self.g = g self.c = config_register(ModuleValue(g, 'test'))
default=False), StringValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, 'CAPTURE', description=_('Payment Capture'), help_text= _('This can be "Payment" which captures immediately, or "Deferred". Note that you can only use the latter if you set option on your Sage pay account first.' ), choices=( (('PAYMENT', 'Payment')), (('DEFERRED', 'Deferred')), ), default='PAYMENT'), ModuleValue(PAYMENT_GROUP, 'MODULE', description=_('Implementation module'), hidden=True, default='payment.modules.sagepay'), StringValue(PAYMENT_GROUP, 'KEY', description=_("Module key"), hidden=True, default='SAGEPAY'), StringValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, 'LABEL', description=_('English name for this group on the checkout screens'), default='Sage Pay Secure Payments', dummy=_( 'Sage Pay Secure Payments'), # Force this to appear on po-files help_text=_('This will be passed to the translation utility')),
StringValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, 'RETURN_ADDRESS', description=_('Return URL'), help_text= _('Where Concardis will return the customer after the purchase is complete. This can be a named url and defaults to the standard checkout success.' ), default='satchmo_checkout-success'), BooleanValue(PAYMENT_GROUP, 'LIVE', description=_('Accept real payments'), help_text=_('False if you want to be in test mode'), default=False), ModuleValue(PAYMENT_GROUP, 'MODULE', description=_('Implementation module'), hidden=True, default='djangoplicity.concardis'), StringValue(PAYMENT_GROUP, 'KEY', description=_('Module key'), hidden=True, default='CONCARDIS'), StringValue( PAYMENT_GROUP, 'LABEL', description=_('English name for this group on the checkout screens'), default='Concardis', dummy=_('Concardis'), # Force this to appear on po-files help_text=_('This will be passed to the translation utility')), StringValue(