def _createlog(self): """ Create the logfile and the link to the logfile (if requested). """ if self.toemail and self.fromemail and self.smtphost: # Use the email logger as the first logger, so that when sending the email (in :meth:`EmailLogger.close`) fails, it will still be logged to the log file/stdout/stderr self._loggers.append(EmailLogger(self)) if self.log2stderr: self._loggers.append(StreamLogger(self, sys.stderr, self._formatlogline)) if self.log2stdout: self._loggers.append(StreamLogger(self, sys.stdout, self._formatlogline)) if self.log2file: # Create the log file logfilename = ul4c.Template(self.logfilename, "logfilename").renders(job=self) logfilename = url.File(logfilename).abs() self.logfileurl = str(url.Ssh(misc.sysinfo.user_name, misc.sysinfo.host_fqdn or misc.sysinfo.host_name, logfilename.local())) skipurls = [logfilename] logfile ="w", encoding=self.encoding, errors=self.errors) if self.loglinkname is not None: # Create the log link loglinkname = ul4c.Template(self.loglinkname, "loglinkname").renders(job=self) loglinkname = url.File(loglinkname).abs() skipurls.append(loglinkname) logfilename = logfilename.relative(loglinkname) try: logfilename.symlink(loglinkname) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: loglinkname.remove() logfilename.symlink(loglinkname) else: raise self._loggers.append(URLResourceLogger(self, logfile, skipurls, self._formatlogline))
def from_args(self, args): """ Sets the attributes of :obj:`self` from the object :obj:`args` (which must be an instance of :class:`argparse.Namespace`). Returns the main template. """ templates = {} maintemplate = None for templatename in args.templates: if templatename == "-": templatesource = templatename = "stdin" else: with open(templatename, "r", encoding=args.encoding) as f: templatesource = templatename = os.path.basename(templatename) if os.path.extsep in templatename: templatename = templatename.rpartition(os.extsep)[0] templatename = fixname(templatename) if args.stacktrace == "short": try: template = ul4c.Template(templatesource, name=templatename, whitespace=args.whitespace) except Exception as exc: print_exception_chain(exc) raise SystemExit(1) else: template = ul4c.Template(templatesource, name=templatename, whitespace=args.whitespace) # The first template is the main template if maintemplate is None: maintemplate = template templates[] = template self.templates = templates self.vars = dict(args.vars) if args.vars is not None else {} def option(name): if getattr(args, name): if getattr(self, name) is None: delattr(self, name) else: if getattr(self, name) is not None: setattr(self, name, None) option("oracle") option("mysql") option("sqlite") option("redis") option("system") option("load") option("save") option("compile") return maintemplate
def test_oracle_execute_procedure_out(globals): if globals: template = ul4c.Template(""" <?code db => <?code db.execute(''' create or replace procedure ul4test(p_intarg out integer, p_numberarg out number, p_strarg out varchar2, p_clobarg out clob, p_datearg out timestamp) as begin p_intarg := 42; p_numberarg := 42.5; p_strarg := 'foo'; dbms_lob.createtemporary(p_clobarg, true); for i in 1..100000 loop dbms_lob.writeappend(p_clobarg, 3, 'foo'); end loop; p_datearg := to_date('05.10.2014 16:17:18', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS'); end; ''')?> <?code vint => <?code vnumber = db.number()?> <?code vstr = db.str()?> <?code vclob = db.clob()?> <?code vdate => <?code db.execute('call ul4test(', vint, ', ', vnumber, ', ', vstr, ', ', vclob, ', ', vdate, ')')?> <?print vint.value?>|<?print vnumber.value?>|<?print vstr.value?>|<?print vclob.value?>|<?print vdate.value?> <?code db.execute('drop procedure ul4test')?> """, whitespace="strip") assert template.renders( globals=globals) == "42|42.5|foo|{}|2014-10-05 16:17:18".format( 100000 * "foo")
def test_oracle_query(globals): if globals: template = ul4c.Template(""" <?code db => <?code db.execute(''' create table ul4test( ul4_int integer, ul4_char varchar2(1000), ul4_clob clob) ''')?> <?code db.execute('insert into ul4test values(1, ', 'first', ', ', 10000*'first', ')')?> <?code db.execute('insert into ul4test values(2, ', 'second', ', ', 10000*'second', ')')?> <?code db.execute('insert into ul4test values(3, ', 'third', ', ', 10000*'third', ')')?> <?code vin => <?for row in db.query('select * from ul4test where ul4_int <= ', vin, ' order by ul4_int')?> <?print row.ul4_int?>| <?print row.ul4_char?>| <?print row.ul4_clob?>| <?end for?> <?code db.execute('drop table ul4test')?> """, whitespace="strip") assert template.renders( globals=globals) == "1|first|{}|2|second|{}|".format( 10000 * "first", 10000 * "second")
def compile(self, source, name=None, whitespace="keep", signature=None, startdelim="<?", enddelim="?>"): """ Compile the UL4 source ``source`` into a :class:`~ll.ul4c.Template` object and return it. All other parameters are passed to the :class:`~ll.ul4c.Template` constructor too. """ return ul4c.Template(source, name=name, whitespace=whitespace, signature=signature, startdelim=startdelim, enddelim=enddelim)
def test_oracle_execute_function(globals): if globals: template = ul4c.Template(""" <?code db => <?code db.execute(''' create or replace function ul4test(p_arg integer) return integer as begin return 2*p_arg; end; ''')?> <?code vin => <?code vout => <?code db.execute('begin ', vout, ' := ul4test(', vin, '); end;')?> <?print vout.value?> <?code db.execute('drop function ul4test')?> """, whitespace="strip") assert template.renders(globals=globals) == "84"
def test_template(t): template = ul4c.Template("<?for i in range(10)?>(<?print i?>)<?end for?>") assert template.renders() == t(template).renders()
def _handleexecution(self): """ Handle executing the job including handling of duplicate or hanging jobs. """ if self.jobname is None: self.jobname = self.__class__.__qualname__ self._tasks = [] self._loggers = [] self._exceptioncount = 0 self._originalproctitle = setproctitle.getproctitle() if self.setproctitle and setproctitle else None # Obtain a lock on the script file to make sure we're the only one running with open(misc.sysinfo.script_name, "rb") as f: if fcntl is not None: try: fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.EWOULDBLOCK: # some other error raise # The previous invocation of the job is still running return # Return without calling :meth:`execute` # we were able to obtain the lock, so we are the only one running self.starttime = self.endtime = None self._getscriptsource() # Get source code self._getcrontab() # Get crontab self.log = Tag(self._log) # Create tagged logger for files self._formatlogline = ul4c.Template(self.formatlogline, "formatlogline", whitespace="strip") # Log line formatting template self._formatemailsubject = ul4c.Template(self.formatemailsubject, "formatemailsubject", whitespace="strip") # Email subject formatting template self._formatemailbodytext = ul4c.Template(self.formatemailbodytext, "formatemailbodytext", whitespace="strip") # Email body formatting template (plain text) self._formatemailbodyhtml = ul4c.Template(self.formatemailbodyhtml, "formatemailbodyhtml", whitespace="strip") # Email body formatting template (HTML) self._createlog() # Create loggers maxtime = self.getmaxtime() self.log.sisyphus.init(f"{misc.sysinfo.script_name} (max time {maxtime}; pid {})") # Check for support of various thing we'd like to use if fcntl is None: self.log.sisyphus.init.warning("Can't lock script file (module fcntl not available)") if self.fork and not hasattr(os, "fork"): self.log.sisyphus.init.warning("Can't fork (function os.fork not available)") self.fork = False if not hasattr(signal, "SIGALRM"): self.log.sisyphus.init.warning("Can't use signals (signal.SIGALRM not available)") self.fork = False if self.setproctitle and setproctitle is None: self.log.sisyphus.init.warning("Can't set process title (module setproctitle not available)") if self.fork: # Forking mode? # Fork the process; the child will do the work; the parent will monitor the maximum runtime self.killpid = pid = os.fork() if pid: # We are the parent process msg = f"logging to {self.logfileurl}" if self.logfileurl else "no logging" self.setproctitle("parent", f"{msg} (max time {maxtime})") # set a signal to kill the child process after the maximum runtime if hasattr(signal, "SIGALRM"): signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self._alarm_fork) signal.alarm(self.getmaxtime_seconds()) try: os.waitpid(pid, 0) # Wait for the child process to terminate except BaseException as exc: pass return # Exit normally # Here we are in the child process self.setproctitle("child") self.log.sisyphus.init(f"forked worker child (child pid {os.getpid()})") else: # We didn't fork # set a signal to kill ourselves after the maximum runtime if hasattr(signal, "SIGALRM"): signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self._alarm_nofork) signal.alarm(self.getmaxtime_seconds()) self.setproctitle("child", "Setting up") self.notifystart() result = None try: with url.Context(): self.setproctitle("child", "Working") result = self.execute() except Exception as exc: self.endtime = self.setproctitle("child", "Handling exception") result = f"failed with {misc.format_exception(exc)}" # log the error to the logfile, because the job probably didn't have a chance to do it self.failed() # Make sure that exceptions at the top level get propagated if they are not reported by email if not (self.toemail and self.fromemail and self.smtphost): raise else: self.endtime = self.setproctitle("child", "Finishing") # log the result if self._exceptioncount: self.log.sisyphus.result.errors(result) else: self.log.sisyphus.result.ok(result) finally: self.setproctitle("child", "Cleaning up logs") for logger in self._loggers: logger.close() self.notifyfinish(result) if fcntl is not None: fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN | fcntl.LOCK_NB) if self.fork: os._exit(0)