Exemple #1
def get_onedays(session=None):
    Get oneday records from ONEDAYS page
    if session is None:
        session = get_session()
    return get_page_data(ONEDAYS, GetOnedayInfo(), session=session)
def collect_onedays(year=-1, session=None):
    Year is a keyword argument.  Default is collect all.
    if session is None:
        session = get_session()
    return get_page_data(ONEDAYS, GetOneDayQuiz(year), session=session)
Exemple #3
def get_rundle_comp(season, rundle, fsize, session_id=None,
    Perform a calculation between all members of a rundle.

        season -- LL season number
        rundle -- rundle name "B_Pacific" for example
        fsize -- size of the field to be displayed
        func_parm -- name of the routine to be executed for all pairs in
                     this rundle.  Keyword parameter, defaults to calc_hun.

    Returns: A dictionary indexed by player name (in alphabetical order).
        Each element is a list of tuples consisting of two fields.
        The fields in the tuple are the player's opponent and caculated nunber
        based on func_parm.  These tuples are arranged in decending value
        of this func_parm number.
    if session_id is None:
        session_id = get_session()
    folks = get_rundle_members(season, rundle, session=session_id)
    result = {}
    for plyr in folks:
        result[plyr] = []
    for indx, plyr in enumerate(folks):
        for opp in folks[indx+1:]:
            hun_val = format_float(func_parm(plyr, opp, session_id=session_id),
            result[plyr].append((opp, hun_val))
            result[opp].append((plyr, hun_val))
    oresult = {}
    for plyr in sorted(folks):
        nlist = sorted(result[plyr], key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
        oresult[plyr] = nlist
    return oresult
Exemple #4
def get_leagues(season, session=None):
    Get a list of leagues for the season specified.
    if session is None:
        session = get_session()
    main_data = LLSTANDINGS + "%d" % season
    return get_page_data(main_data, GetLeagueNames(season), session=session)
Exemple #5
def get_rundles(season, league, session=get_session()):
    Get a list of rundles for the season and league specified.
    main_data = LLSTANDINGS + "%d&%s" % (season, league)
    return get_page_data(main_data,
                         GetRundles(season, league),
Exemple #6
def get_csv_oneday_data(quiz, session=None):
    Given a quiz name, return the csv file for that quiz.
    if session is None:
        session = get_session()
    httpv = "%s/oneday/csv/%s.csv" % (LLHEADER, quiz)
    return read_csv_data(httpv, session=session)
def get_wlt_patterns(player, session=None):
    Call get_user_data to get w-l-t record prior to calling find_wlt_patterns.
    if session is None:
        session = get_session()
    pinfo = get_user_data(player.lower(), session=session)[1]
    return find_wlt_patterns(pinfo)
def get_csv_oneday_players(quiz, session=get_session()):
    Return a list of Llamas who participated in the indicated one-day quiz.
    results = get_csv_oneday_data(quiz, session=session)
    retval = []
    for data in results:
    return retval
Exemple #9
def get_qhist(player, session=get_session()):
    Extract player's question history.

    Returns a dict indexed by categories.  Each dict entry consists
    of a 'correct' list and a 'wrong' list of questions asked.
    pname = player.lower()
    main_data = QHIST % pname
    return get_page_data(main_data, GetQhist(pname), session=session)
Exemple #10
def get_season(session=get_session()):
    Find the season number

        session request

    Returns most recent season number
    return int(get_page_data(LLHEADER, GetSeasonNumber(), session=session))
Exemple #11
def get_matchcount(session=get_session()):
    Find matches in current season

        session request

    return get_page_data(ARUNDLE % (get_season(), 'Pacific'),
Exemple #12
def get_personal_data(person, session=get_session()):
    Get information on a person

        person -- LL id.
        session request

    Returns: dictionary of user's metadata (Location, Gender, College)
    page = "%s/profiles.php?%s" % (LLHEADER, person.lower())
    return get_page_data(page, GetPersonalInfo(), session=session)
def read_csv_data(url, session=get_session()):
    Read a csv file pointed to by a url.  Return a list of lines.  Each
    line is a list of fields.
    main_data = session.get(url)
    flines = main_data.text.strip().split('\n')
    retval = []
    for peep in flines[1:]:
        newpeep = peep.split(',')
    return retval
def get_rundle_members(season, rundle, session=get_session()):
    Get players in a rundle

        season -- season number
        rundle -- rundle name (B_Pacific, for example)
        session request

    Returns list of user names of players in the rundle
    page = "%s%d&%s" % (LLSTANDINGS, season, rundle)
    return get_page_data(page, GetRundleMembers(), session=session)
Exemple #15
def parse_oneday_get_date(oneday, session=get_session()):
    Find the date of a oneday event.

    Returns a date value
    urlv = "%s.php?%s" % (ONEDAYS, oneday)
    one_day_str = get_page_data(urlv, GetDateFromUrl(), session=session)
    extract = one_day_str.strip()
    if not extract:
        return date.today() + timedelta(days=1)
    extdate = extract.split(':')[0]
    return datetime.strptime(extdate, "%B %d, %Y").date()
Exemple #16
def calc_wonder(season, rundle, session_id=None):
    Calculate a season's worth of WONDER values for a rundle.

    WONDER ("Warren's Overtly Narcissistic Defensive Efficiency Rating") is a
    statistic that measures how much defense affected the standings points
    of a player.  It compares match point scores with total questions scores
    for a match.  If player A and player B tie on total questions but player A
    beats player B on matchpoints, then player A's WONDER score goes up by 1
    and player B's WONDER score goes down by 1.  Similarly, a loss in total
    questions with a tie in matchpoints would also change WONDER values by 1,
    and a loss in total questions with a win in matchpoints would change
    WONDER values by 2.

    Since this value only changes by a low integer, the tracking of this
    value is only being done for each season.

        season -- season number
        rundle -- name of rundle (R_Pacific_Div_2, for example)

    Returns -- a list of two item lists whose values are the name of a person
               and the corresponding WONDER values accumlated for the
               entire season
    wonderv = [0, -1, -2, 1, 0, -1, 2, 1, 0]
    if session_id is None:
        session_id = get_session()
    current_season = get_season(session=session_id)
    if season == current_season:
        match_count = get_matchcount(session=session_id)
        match_count = TOTAL_MATCHES_PER_SEASON
    pdata = get_rundle_personal(season, rundle, session=session_id)
    players = {}
    for plyr in pdata:
        players[plyr] = 0
    for day in range(0, match_count):
        for match_res in get_matchresult(season, day+1, rundle,
            results = match_anal(match_res)
            players[results[0]] += wonderv[results[2]]
            players[results[1]] -= wonderv[results[2]]
    output = []
    for oplyr in sorted(players.keys()):
        output.append([oplyr, players[oplyr]])
    output = sorted(output, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    for entry in output:
        entry[1] = str(entry[1])
    return output
def get_user_data(player, session=get_session()):
    Return information about a user:
        Tuple of two dicts:
            first Dict -- indexed by season, list of scores as 2 x 2 tuples.
            second Dict -- indexed by season, list of W-L-T records as tuples
        All values are integers

        player -- player name
        session request
    return get_page_data(USER_DATA % player.lower(),
def get_rundle_personal(season, rundle, session=get_session()):
    Call get_personal_data on all members of a rundle.

        season -- season number
        rundle -- rundle name (B_Pacific, for example)
        session request

    Return personal info in a dictionary indexed by person.
    retv = {}
    plist = get_rundle_members(season, rundle, session=session)
    for person in plist:
        retv[person] = get_personal_data(person, session)
    return retv
Exemple #19
 def __init__(self, season, match_day, rundle, session=get_session()):
     self.info = {}
     self.info['season'] = season
     self.info['day'] = match_day
     parts = rundle.split('_')
     self.info['rundle'] = parts[0]
     self.info['league'] = parts[1]
     self.info['division'] = 0
     self.result = {}
     if len(parts) > 2:
         self.info['division'] = int(parts[-1])
     page = '&'.join([str(season), str(match_day), rundle])
     self.url = MATCH_DATA % page
     self.raw_data = get_page_data(self.url, GetMatchDay(), session)
     if len(self.raw_data) % MatchDay.INFO_PER_USER != 0:
         raise ValueError('LL Parsing Error')
     self.num_folks = len(self.raw_data) // MatchDay.INFO_PER_USER
def get_matchresult(season, day, rundle, session=get_session()):
    Extract match day results

        season -- season number
        day -- match day number in range 1 to 25
        rundle -- name of rundle (R_Pacific_Div_2, for example)

        A list of match results.  Each entry consists of a dictionary
        whose values are:
            players -- list of players (2 in a match)
            score -- list of corresponding match scores (strings)
    page = '&'.join([str(season), str(day), rundle])
    this_url = MATCH_DATA % page
    return get_page_data(this_url, GetMatchResult(), session=session)
Exemple #21
def calc_hun(player1, player2, session_id=None):
    Calculate Hamill/Usui numbers

    Hamill/Usui numbers (HUN) are a metric to determine how similar a player
    is to another player.  This value is the number of questions on which they
    got the same result (both got right or bot missed) divided by the total
    number of questions that they answered in common.  This has a maximum
    value of one and the higher the number is, the similar to two players are.

        player1 -- first player
        player2 -- player first player is being compared to.

    Returns -- a HUN number in the range of 0 to 1.  A higher value indicates
               that the players are more 'like' each other.
    if not session_id:
        session_id = get_session()
    plyr1 = get_qhist(player1, session_id)
    plyr2 = get_qhist(player2, session_id)
    return comp_hun(plyr1, plyr2)
def ll_oneday_players(oneday, session=get_session()):
    Extract a list of players from the oneday passed in
    dval = parse_oneday_get_date(oneday, session=session)
    indx = 0
    for boundary in DATE_BOUNDARIES:
        if dval < boundary:
        indx += 1
    if indx == ERROR_BOUNDARY:
        return []
    if indx == CSV_BOUNDARY:
        return get_csv_oneday_players(oneday, session=session)
    ostr = ONEDAYS + FILE_PATTERNS[indx] % oneday
    odata = get_page_data(ostr, GetOldOnedayData(indx), session=session)
    retval = []
    for entry in odata:
        if entry == 'LearnedLeague':
    return list(set(retval))
Exemple #23
def get_matchday(season, day, rundle, session=get_session()):
    Extract match day information

        season -- season number
        day -- match day number in range 1 to 25
        rundle -- name of rundle (R_Pacific_Div_2, for example)

        A list with two entries.
        The first entry is a dict indexed by player name, whose contents are
            dicts containing the following information:
                answers -- list of right ('1'), wrong ('0'), or forfeited
                ratings -- list of the point assignments for the questions
                opp -- name of this day's opponent.
        The second entry is a dictionary of values related to the entire
        match day object (league, rundle, division, day, season).
    matchday = MatchDay(season, day, rundle, session=session)
    return [matchday.get_results(), matchday.get_info()]
Exemple #24
        Find first href referring to standings.php
        if self.skipsofar:
        if tag == 'a':
            if attrs[0][0] == 'href':
                if attrs[0][1].startswith(STANDINGS):
                    tindx = attrs[0][1].find('&') + 1

    def handle_data(self, data):
        Indicate when we should start checking
        if data == self.seasontag:
            self.skipsofar = False

def get_leagues(season, session=get_session()):
    Get a list of leagues for the season specified.
    main_data = LLSTANDINGS + "%d" % season
    return get_page_data(main_data, GetLeagueNames(season), session=session)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(get_leagues(66, get_session()))