Exemple #1
def canRunLibcxxTests():
    from lldbsuite.test import lldbplatformutil

    platform = lldbplatformutil.getPlatform()

    if lldbplatformutil.target_is_android(
    ) or lldbplatformutil.platformIsDarwin():
        return True, "libc++ always present"

    if platform == "linux":
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
            cmd = [
                configuration.compiler, "-xc++", "-stdlib=libc++", "-o",
                f.name, "-"
            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
            _, stderr = p.communicate("#include <cassert>\nint main() {}")
            if not p.returncode:
                return True, "Compiling with -stdlib=libc++ works"
            return False, "Compiling with -stdlib=libc++ fails with the error: %s" % stderr

    return False, "Don't know how to build with libc++ on %s" % platform
Exemple #2
def canRunLibstdcxxTests():
    from lldbsuite.test import lldbplatformutil

    platform = lldbplatformutil.getPlatform()
    if lldbplatformutil.target_is_android():
        platform = "android"
    if platform == "linux":
        return True, "libstdcxx always present"
    return False, "Don't know how to build with libstdcxx on %s" % platform
Exemple #3
def canRunLibcxxTests():
    from lldbsuite.test import lldbplatformutil

    platform = lldbplatformutil.getPlatform()

    if lldbplatformutil.target_is_android() or lldbplatformutil.platformIsDarwin():
        return True, "libc++ always present"

    if platform == "linux":
        if not os.path.isdir("/usr/include/c++/v1"):
            return False, "Unable to find libc++ installation"
        return True, "Headers found, let's hope they work"

    return False, "Don't know how to build with libc++ on %s" % platform
def skipUnlessTargetAndroid(func):
    return unittest2.skipUnless(lldbplatformutil.target_is_android(),
                                "requires target to be Android")(func)
def skipIfTargetAndroid(func):
    return unittest2.skipIf(lldbplatformutil.target_is_android(),
                            "skip on target Android")(func)