def load_board_db(game_id):
    Loads the game board state from the database by its ID.
    :param game_id: board's ID
    :return: game board
    result = {'error': False, 'reason': '', 'game_board': {}}

        game_board = db.read_game(str(game_id))
        if game_board == "nah bro idk about it":
            result['error'] = True
            result['reason'] = "Game Not Found!"
            return result

        # Serialize the JSON object
        game_board = json.loads(json_util.dumps(game_board))
        result['game_board'] = game_board

        # Remove the database entry ID from user's view
        del game_board['_id']

    except Exception as err:
        result['error'] = True
        result['reason'] = str(err)
        return result

    return result
Exemple #2
    def test_read_nonexist(self):
        """ The document should not be read from the database """
        read_game = mongo.read_game(
            "This name should really not exist in the database, and if it does, YEESH!" )

        self.assertEqual( read_game, self.fail_phrase,
            msg=f'{BColors.FAIL}\t[-]\tIncorrect return for non-existant game!{BColors.ENDC}')
        print(f"{BColors.OKGREEN}\t[+]\tPass gameboard database read nonexistant.{BColors.ENDC}")
Exemple #3
    def test_purge_new_games(self):
        """ The new document was successfully retained """
        read_game = mongo.read_game( self.board2["game_id"] )

        self.assertEqual( read_game, self.board2,
            msg=f'{BColors.FAIL}\t[-]\t New game not found after purge!{BColors.ENDC}')
        print(f"{BColors.OKGREEN}\t[+]\tPass gameboard database purge, new game remains.{BColors.ENDC}")
Exemple #4
    def test_read_correct(self):
        """ The document was read from the database """
        read_game = mongo.read_game( "60afce36-085a-11eb-b6ab-acde48001122" )

        self.assertEqual( read_game["game_id"], self.board["game_id"],
            msg=f'{BColors.FAIL}\t[-]\tGame Id returned from read board does not equal expected!\
        print(f"{BColors.OKGREEN}\t[+]\tPass gameboard database read.{BColors.ENDC}")
Exemple #5
    def test_remove_old_games(self):
        """ The old document was successfully deleted """

        read_game = mongo.read_game( self.board["game_id"] )

        self.assertEqual( read_game, self.fail_phrase,
            msg=f'{BColors.FAIL}\t[-]\tStill found old game after purge!{BColors.ENDC}')
        print(f"{BColors.OKGREEN}\t[+]\tPass gameboard database purge old games.{BColors.ENDC}")