def geomModel(sim, cellCenter=lm.point(*micron(2.0, 2.0, 2.0)), nucleusRadius=micron(0.4), cellRadius=micron(2.0)): # Add locations cytoplasm = lm.Sphere(cellCenter, cellRadius, sim.siteTypes["Cytoplasm"]) nucleus = lm.Sphere(cellCenter, nucleusRadius, sim.siteTypes["Nucleus"]) sim.addShape(cytoplasm) sim.addShape(nucleus)
def geometryModel(sim, cellCenter=lm.point(*micron(9, 9, 9)), cellRadius=micron(8.9), membraneThickness=micron(0.128), nuclSize=micron(4.15), speckleRadius=micron(0.35), cajalRadius=micron(0.5), poreRadius=micron(0.083), n_cajals=4, n_speckles=20, n_NPCs=1515, n_mito=2000, n_ribo=750, fb=0.9, fd=0.8, steps=11, lsize=288, buildER=True, limits=[lambda x: x <= 65.0**2, lambda x: x > 139.0**2]): # Create cell components CellWall = lm.Sphere(cellCenter, cellRadius, sim.siteTypes['CellWall']) Cytoplasm = lm.Sphere(cellCenter, cellRadius - membraneThickness, sim.siteTypes['Cytoplasm']) NucEnv = lm.Sphere(cellCenter, nuclSize, sim.siteTypes['NucEnv']) Nucleus = lm.Sphere(cellCenter, nuclSize - membraneThickness, sim.siteTypes['Nucleus']) CellWall.thisown = 0 Cytoplasm.thisown = 0 NucEnv.thisown = 0 Nucleus.thisown = 0 ###### Cajal body: "n_cajal" with radius "cajalRadius" ############################# dist = [] listdist = [] Cajalpre = [] accepted = [] np_accepted = [] cc = 1 point = 0 while cc < n_cajals + 1: x, y, z = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, 3) Rp = nuclSize - cajalRadius - micron(0.1) xpp = x * Rp + cellCenter.x ypp = y * Rp + cellCenter.y zpp = z * Rp + cellCenter.z caj = [xpp, ypp, zpp] listdist = [] point += 1 if (point == 1): accepted.append(caj) np_accepted = np.array(accepted) for i in range(0, cc): dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(caj) - np_accepted[i])**2)) listdist.append(dist) np_dist = np.array(listdist) if (np.all(np_dist > 2 * cajalRadius + micron(0.05))): accepted.append(caj) np_accepted = np.array(accepted) listdist = [] cc += 1 NCajal = np.array(accepted) cc = [] Cajal = lm.UnionSet(sim.siteTypes['Cajal']) Cajal.thisown = 0 for k in range(0, n_cajals): w = lm.Sphere(lm.point(NCajal[k][0], NCajal[k][1], NCajal[k][2]), cajalRadius, sim.siteTypes['Cajal']) w.thisown = 0 cc.append(w) Cajal.addShape(w) print("Cajal done!") ################ Nuclear Speckles: "n_speckles" with radius "speckleRadius" ########################## counter = 0 taken = 0 listdist = [] np_acceptspeck = [] acceptspeck = [] while counter < n_speckles + 1: u = np.random.uniform(-1, 1) thet = np.random.uniform(0, 2.0 * math.pi) rad = np.random.uniform(speckleRadius * 1e6, nuclSize * 1e6 - (speckleRadius * 1e6 + 0.1)) xm = micron(rad * math.sqrt(1 - u**2) * np.cos(thet)) + cellCenter.x ym = micron(rad * math.sqrt(1 - u**2) * np.sin(thet)) + cellCenter.y zm = micron(rad * u) + cellCenter.z point = [xm, ym, zm] listdist = [] dist = 0 np_dist = [] taken += 1 if (taken == 1): acceptspeck.append(point) np_acceptspeck = np.array(acceptspeck) for i in range(0, counter): dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((point - np_acceptspeck[i])**2)) listdist.append(dist) np_dist = np.array(listdist) tt = 0 if (np.all(np_dist > 2 * speckleRadius + micron(0.1))): for k in range(0, n_cajals): if (np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(point) - NCajal[k])**2)) > speckleRadius + cajalRadius + micron(0.1)): tt += 1 if (tt == 4): acceptspeck.append(point) np_acceptspeck = np.array(acceptspeck) counter += 1 listdist = [] NSpeck = np.array(acceptspeck) collection = [] j = 0 Speckle = lm.UnionSet(sim.siteTypes['Speckle']) Speckle.thisown = 0 for k in range(0, n_speckles): q = lm.Sphere( lm.point(NSpeck[k][j], NSpeck[k][j + 1], NSpeck[k][j + 2]), speckleRadius, sim.siteTypes['Speckle']) q.thisown = 0 collection.append(q) Speckle.addShape(q) print("Speckles done!") ################# NPC ######################### NPCpre = [] taken = 0 ldist = [] npcdist = 0 np_npcdist = [] acceptnpc = [] npc = 0 while npc < n_NPCs + 1: x, y, z = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, 3) r = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) Rp = (nuclSize - sim.latticeSpacing) / r xpp = x * Rp + cellCenter.x ypp = y * Rp + cellCenter.y zpp = z * Rp + cellCenter.z pores = [xpp, ypp, zpp] NPCpre.append(pores) ldist = [] np_npcdist = [] taken += 1 if (taken == 1): acceptnpc.append(pores) np_acceptnpc = np.array(acceptnpc) for i in range(0, npc): npcdist = np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(pores) - np_acceptnpc[i])**2)) ldist.append(npcdist) np_npcdist = np.array(ldist) if (np.all(np_npcdist > 0.2e-6)): acceptnpc.append(pores) np_acceptnpc = np.array(acceptnpc) ldist = [] npc += 1 NP = np.array(NPCpre) collect = [] j = 0 NPC = lm.UnionSet(sim.siteTypes['NPC']) NPC.thisown = 0 for k in range(0, n_NPCs): s = lm.Sphere(lm.point(NP[k][j], NP[k][j + 1], NP[k][j + 2]), poreRadius, sim.siteTypes['NPC']) s.thisown = 0 collect.append(s) NPC.addShape(s) print("NPCs done!") ####################### Golgi Apparatus ################################################# m1 = lm.Sphere(lm.point(*micron(15, 15, 15)), micron(3.5), sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) m11 = lm.Sphere(lm.point(*micron(15, 15, 15)), micron(3.308), sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) m12 = lm.Sphere(lm.point(*micron(15, 15, 15)), micron(3.116), sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) m13 = lm.Sphere(lm.point(*micron(15, 15, 15)), micron(2.924), sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) m14 = lm.Sphere(lm.point(*micron(15, 15, 15)), micron(2.732), sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) m2 = lm.Cone(cellCenter, micron(2), micron(6.5), sim.siteTypes['Golgi'], lm.vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) m22 = lm.Cone(cellCenter, micron(2.5), micron(8), sim.siteTypes['Golgi'], lm.vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) m23 = lm.Cone(cellCenter, micron(3), micron(9.5), sim.siteTypes['Golgi'], lm.vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) m24 = lm.Cone(cellCenter, micron(3.5), micron(10.5), sim.siteTypes['Golgi'], lm.vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) Gol1 = lm.Difference(m1, m11, sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) Gol2 = lm.Difference(m11, m12, sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) Gol3 = lm.Difference(m12, m13, sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) Gol4 = lm.Difference(m13, m14, sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) G1 = lm.Intersection(Gol1, m2, sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) G2 = lm.Intersection(Gol2, m22, sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) G3 = lm.Intersection(Gol3, m23, sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) G4 = lm.Intersection(Gol4, m24, sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) G11 = lm.Union(G1, G2, sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) G22 = lm.Union(G3, G4, sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) Golgi = lm.Union(G11, G22, sim.siteTypes['Golgi']) Golgi.thisown = 0 print("Golgi done!") ######################## Mitochondria ###############################3 mit = [] pp1 = [] pp2 = [] Mito = lm.UnionSet(sim.siteTypes['Mito']) Mito.thisown = 0 for i in range(1, n_mito + 1): u = np.random.uniform(-1, 1) thet = np.random.uniform(0, 2.0 * math.pi) rad = np.random.uniform(4.706, 8.5) xm = micron(rad * math.sqrt(1 - u**2) * np.cos(thet)) + micron(9) ym = micron(rad * math.sqrt(1 - u**2) * np.sin(thet)) + micron(9) zm = micron(rad * u) + micron(9) centers = [xm, ym, zm] if i < 666: point1 = [xm - micron(0.125), ym - micron(0.125), zm] point2 = [xm + micron(0.125), ym + micron(0.125), zm] elif i >= 666 and i < 1332: point1 = [xm, ym - micron(0.125), zm - micron(0.125)] point2 = [xm, ym + micron(0.125), zm + micron(0.125)] elif i >= 1332: point1 = [xm - micron(0.125), ym, zm - micron(0.125)] point2 = [xm + micron(0.125), ym, zm + micron(0.125)] pp1.append(point1) pp2.append(point2) mp1 = np.array(pp1) mp2 = np.array(pp2) for h in range(0, n_mito): m = lm.Capsule(lm.point(mp1[h][0], mp1[h][1], mp1[h][2]), lm.point(mp2[h][0], mp2[h][1], mp2[h][2]), micron(0.249), sim.siteTypes['Mito']) m.thisown = 0 mit.append(m) Mito.addShape(m) print("Mito done!") # Add all geometries to the simulation sim.lm_builder.addRegion(CellWall) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(Cytoplasm) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(NucEnv) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(Nucleus) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(NPC) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(Cajal) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(Speckle) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(Mito) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(Golgi) ######################### ER ######################################### print("Building ER") if buildER: deathLimitFxn = lambda s: int(fd * 27 * (steps - 0.25 * s)**2 / steps**2) birthNumberFxn = lambda s: int(fb * 27) im = createERCellularAutomaton(lsize, dimensions=3, survivalRate=0.85, deathLimitFxn=deathLimitFxn, birthNumberFxn=birthNumberFxn, steps=steps, limits=limits) # Save the grid to a 3D lattice as a numpy array; this can be loaded with np.load()"ER.npy", np.array(im, dtype="float")) print("Done building ER") print("Loading ER") ER = np.load("ER.npy") print("Discretizing") lattice = sim.getLattice() print("Setting ER") for x in range(ER.shape[0]): for y in range(ER.shape[1]): for z in range(ER.shape[2]): idx = (x, y, z) if ER[x, y, z]: sim.setLatticeSite(idx, "ER") print("ER Done") ######################### Ribosomes ######################################### # Add 750 ribosomes to the cell's cytoplasm randomly if n_ribo > 0: added = 0 for x, y, z in np.random(5 * n_ribo * 3).reshape( (5 * n_ribo, 3)) * cellRadius: if Cytoplasm.intersects(lm.Sphere(lm.Point(x, y, z)), nm(32), sim.siteTypes['Cytoplasm']): sim.setLatticeSite((x, y, z), 'Ribosome') added += 1 if added >= n_ribo: break
def geometryModel(sim, cellCenter = lm.point(*micron(2.755,2.755,2.755)), cellRadius1 = micron(2.625), # Long dimension of ellipsoid for cell cellRadius2 = micron(1.75), # Short dimension of ellipsoid for cell membraneThickness= nm(28.7), # As determined from the Earnest et al. manuscript nuclSize1 = micron(1.09), # Long dimension of ellipsoid for nucleus nuclSize2 = micron(0.911), # Short dimension of ellipsoid for nucleus speckleRadius=micron(0.05), # Size reduced for smaller nuclear volume cajalRadius=micron(0.07), # Size reduced for smaller nuclear volume poreRadius=micron(0.040), # As determined in Earnest et al. n_cajals=4, n_speckles=20, n_NPCs=139, # As determined in Earnest et al. n_mito=95, # Scaled by ratio of yeast:HeLa cell volume ): ########################## # Create cell components # ########################## # Create an ellipsoid aligned along the X-axis with an # aspect ratio of 1.5 as determined in the Earnest et al. manuscript CellWall = lm.Ellipse(cellCenter, cellRadius1, cellRadius2, cellRadius2, sim.siteTypes['CellWall']) Cytoplasm = lm.Ellipse(cellCenter, cellRadius1-membraneThickness, cellRadius2-membraneThickness, cellRadius2-membraneThickness, sim.siteTypes['Cytoplasm']) # Create an ellipsoid aligned along the X-axis with an # aspect ratio of 1.2 as determined in the Earnest et al. manuscript NucEnv = lm.Ellipsoid(cellCenter, nuclSize1, nuclSize2, nuclSize2 sim.siteTypes['NucEnv']) Nucleus = lm.Ellipsoide(cellCenter, nuclSize1-membraneThickness, nuclSize2-membraneThickness, nuclSize2-membraneThickness, sim.siteTypes['Nucleus']) # The following code snippets are required to prevent python from # garbage collecting the objects when the function exits, allowing # lattice microbes to refer to them later when building the cell CellWall.thisown = 0 Cytoplasm.thisown = 0 NucEnv.thisown = 0 Nucleus.thisown = 0 ###### Cajal body: "n_cajal" with radius "cajalRadius" ############################# dist = [] ; listdist = [] Cajalpre = [] accepted = [] np_accepted = [] cc = 1 ; point = 0 while cc < n_cajals + 1: x,y,z = np.random.uniform(-0.5,0.5,3) Rp = nuclSize2 - cajalRadius - micron(0.1) # Account for elliposoidal nature of nucleus in X-axis xpp = 1.2*x*Rp + cellCenter.x ypp = y*Rp + cellCenter.y zpp = z*Rp + cellCenter.z caj = [xpp,ypp,zpp] listdist = [] point += 1 if (point == 1 ): accepted.append(caj) np_accepted = np.array(accepted) for i in range (0, cc): dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(caj)-np_accepted[i])**2)) listdist.append(dist) np_dist = np.array(listdist) if(np.all(np_dist > 2*cajalRadius + micron(0.05))): accepted.append(caj) np_accepted = np.array(accepted) listdist = [] cc += 1 NCajal = np.array(accepted) cc = [] Cajal = lm.UnionSet(sim.siteTypes['Cajal']) Cajal.thisown = 0 for k in range(0, n_cajals): w = lm.Sphere(lm.point(NCajal[k][0], NCajal[k][1], NCajal[k][2]), cajalRadius, sim.siteTypes['Cajal']) w.thisown=0 cc.append(w) Cajal.addShape(w) print("Cajal done!") ################ Nuclear Speckles: "n_speckles" with radius "speckleRadius" ########################## counter = 0 taken = 0 listdist = [] ; np_acceptspeck = [] ; acceptspeck = [] while counter < n_speckles + 1: u = np.random.uniform(-1, 1) thet = np.random.uniform(0, 2.0*math.pi) rad = np.random.uniform(speckleRadius*1e6 , nuclSize2*1e6 - (speckleRadius*1e6 + 0.1)) # Account for elliposoidal nature of nucleus xm = 1.2*micron(rad*math.sqrt(1-u**2)*np.cos(thet)) + cellCenter.x ym = micron(rad*math.sqrt(1-u**2)*np.sin(thet)) + cellCenter.y zm = micron(rad*u) + cellCenter.z point = [xm, ym, zm] listdist = [] ; dist = 0 ; np_dist = [] taken += 1 if ( taken == 1 ): acceptspeck.append(point) np_acceptspeck = np.array(acceptspeck) for i in range (0, counter): dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((point-np_acceptspeck[i])**2)) listdist.append(dist) np_dist = np.array(listdist) tt = 0 if(np.all(np_dist > 2*speckleRadius + micron(0.1))): for k in range (0, n_cajals): if (np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(point)-NCajal[k])**2)) > speckleRadius + cajalRadius + micron(0.1)): tt += 1 if (tt == 4): acceptspeck.append(point) np_acceptspeck = np.array(acceptspeck) counter += 1 listdist = [] NSpeck = np.array(acceptspeck) collection = [] j = 0 Speckle = lm.UnionSet(sim.siteTypes['Speckle']) Speckle.thisown = 0 for k in range(0, n_speckles): q = lm.Sphere(lm.point(NSpeck[k][j], NSpeck[k][j+1], NSpeck[k][j+2]), speckleRadius, sim.siteTypes['Speckle']) q.thisown=0 collection.append(q) Speckle.addShape(q) print("Speckles done!") ################# NPC ######################### NPCpre = [] taken = 0 ldist = [] ; npcdist = 0 ; np_npcdist = [] acceptnpc = [] npc = 0 while npc < n_NPCs + 1: x,y,z = np.random.uniform(-0.5,0.5,3) r = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) # Account for elliposoidal nature of nucleus Rp = (nuclSize2 - sim.latticeSpacing)/r xpp = 1.2*x*Rp + cellCenter.x ypp = y*Rp + cellCenter.y zpp = z*Rp + cellCenter.z pores = [xpp,ypp,zpp] NPCpre.append(pores) ldist = [] ; np_npcdist = [] taken += 1 if (taken == 1 ): acceptnpc.append(pores) np_acceptnpc = np.array(acceptnpc) for i in range (0, npc): npcdist = np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(pores)-np_acceptnpc[i])**2)) ldist.append(npcdist) np_npcdist = np.array(ldist) if(np.all(np_npcdist > 0.2e-6)): acceptnpc.append(pores) np_acceptnpc = np.array(acceptnpc) ldist = [] npc += 1 NP = np.array(NPCpre) collect = [] j = 0 NPC = lm.UnionSet(sim.siteTypes['NPC']) NPC.thisown = 0 for k in range(0, n_NPCs): s = lm.Sphere(lm.point(NP[k][j], NP[k][j+1], NP[k][j+2]), poreRadius, sim.siteTypes['NPC']) s.thisown=0 collect.append(s) NPC.addShape(s) print("NPCs done!") ####################### Golgi Apparatus ################################################# # Skip golgi apparatus as done in Earnest et al. ######################## Mitochondria ###############################3 mit = [] pp1 = [] pp2 = [] Mito = lm.UnionSet(sim.siteTypes['Mito']) Mito.thisown=0 for i in range(1, n_mito+1): u = np.random.uniform(-1, 1) thet = np.random.uniform(0, 2.0*math.pi) rad = np.random.uniform(0.5, 2.5) # Modified for smaller cell xm = 1.5*micron(rad*math.sqrt(1-u**2)*np.cos(thet)) + micron(9) ym = micron(rad*math.sqrt(1-u**2)*np.sin(thet)) + micron(9) zm = micron(rad*u) + micron(9) centers = [xm, ym, zm] if i < 666 : point1 = [xm - micron(0.125), ym-micron(0.125) , zm] point2 = [xm + micron(0.125), ym+micron(0.125) , zm] elif i >= 666 and i < 1332 : point1 = [xm, ym - micron(0.125), zm- micron(0.125)] point2 = [xm, ym + micron(0.125), zm+ micron(0.125)] elif i >= 1332 : point1 = [xm - micron(0.125), ym , zm - micron(0.125)] point2 = [xm + micron(0.125), ym , zm + micron(0.125)] pp1.append(point1) pp2.append(point2) mp1 = np.array(pp1) mp2 = np.array(pp2) for h in range(0, n_mito): m = lm.Capsule(lm.point(mp1[h][0], mp1[h][1], mp1[h][2]), lm.point(mp2[h][0], mp2[h][1], mp2[h][2]), micron(0.249), sim.siteTypes['Mito']) m.thisown = 0 mit.append(m) Mito.addShape(m) print("Mito done!") # Add all geometries to the simulation sim.lm_builder.addRegion(CellWall) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(Cytoplasm) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(NucEnv) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(Nucleus) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(NPC) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(Cajal) #sim.lm_builder.addRegion(Cajal) # Removed sim.lm_builder.addRegion(Speckle) sim.lm_builder.addRegion(Mito)