def main(argv=None): """Run Linkage Priority tool.""" stime = lm_util.start_time() if argv is None: argv = sys.argv # Get parameters from ArcGIS tool dialog try: lm_env.configure(lm_env.TOOL_LP, argv) lm_util.gprint("\nLinkage Priority Version " + lm_env.releaseNum) lm_util.check_project_dir() log_setup(argv) run_analysis() except AppError as err: lm_util.gprint(err.message) lm_util.write_log(err.message) except arcpy.ExecuteError: msg = arcpy.GetMessages(2) arcpy.AddError(msg) lm_util.write_log(msg) exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()[2] lm_util.gprint("Traceback (most recent call last):\n" + "".join(traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback)[:-1])) except Exception: exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()[1:] arcpy.AddError(exc_value) lm_util.gprint("Traceback (most recent call last):\n" + "".join(traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback))) finally: if not lm_env.KEEPINTERMEDIATE: lm_util.delete_dir(lm_env.SCRATCHDIR) arcpy.CheckInExtension("Spatial") lm_util.run_time(stime) lm_util.close_log_file()
def lm_master(argv=None): """Main function for linkage mapper. Called by ArcMap with parameters or run from command line with parameters entered in script below. Calls functions in dedicated scripts for each of 5 processing steps. """ # Setup global variables if not cfg.lm_configured: # Causing problems with iterative scripting if argv is None: argv = sys.argv cfg.configure(cfg.TOOL_LM, argv) gp = try: gprint = lu.gprint # Move results from earlier versions to new directory structure lu.move_old_results() gp.OverwriteOutput = True gp.pyramid = "NONE" gp.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # Create output directories if they don't exist if gp.Exists(cfg.OUTPUTDIR): gp.RefreshCatalog(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.LOGDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.DATAPASSDIR) # Create fresh scratch directory if not restarting in midst of step 3 # if cfg.S2EUCDISTFILE != None: # if cfg.S2EUCDISTFILE.lower() == "restart": pass # else: lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR) if cfg.TOOL == 'Linkage Mapper': cfg.logFilePath = lu.create_log_file(cfg.MESSAGEDIR, cfg.TOOL, cfg.PARAMS) lu.print_drive_warning() installD = gp.GetInstallInfo("desktop") gprint('\nLinkage Mapper Version ' + cfg.releaseNum) try: gprint('on ArcGIS ' + installD['ProductName'] + ' ' + installD['Version'] + ' Service Pack ' + installD['SPNumber']) except: pass if cfg.CONNECTFRAGS: gwarn = gp.AddWarning lu.dashline(1) gwarn( 'Custom mode: will run steps 1-2 ONLY to cluster core polygons within ' ) gwarn('the maximum Euclidean corridor distance from one another ') gwarn('into polygons with a single cluster_ID value.') gwarn( 'Make sure you have set a Maximum Euclidean corridor distance.' ) lu.dashline(2) cfg.STEP3 = False cfg.STEP4 = False cfg.STEP5 = False if cfg.MAXEUCDIST == None: raise RuntimeError('Maximum Euclidean distance required ' 'for custom cluster mode.') # Set data frame spatial reference to coordinate system of input data # Problems arise in this script (core raster creation) and in S2 # (generate near table) if they differ. lu.set_dataframe_sr() # Check core ID field and project directory name. lu.check_cores(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN) lu.check_project_dir() # Identify first step cleanup link tables from that point lu.dashline(1) if cfg.STEP1: gprint('Starting at step 1.') firststep = 1 elif cfg.STEP2: gprint('Starting at step 2.') firststep = 2 elif cfg.STEP3: gprint('Starting at step 3.') firststep = 3 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=3) # Check exists elif cfg.STEP4: gprint('Starting at step 4.') firststep = 4 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=4) # Check exists elif cfg.STEP5: gprint('Starting at step 5.') firststep = 5 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) # Check exists lu.clean_up_link_tables(firststep) # Make a local grid copy of resistance raster for cwd runs- # will run faster than gdb. # Don't know if raster is in a gdb if entered from TOC lu.delete_data(cfg.RESRAST) gprint('\nMaking temporary copy of resistance raster for this run.') gp.OutputCoordinateSystem = gp.describe(cfg.COREFC).SpatialReference gp.Extent = gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).Extent gp.SnapRaster = cfg.RESRAST_IN gp.cellSize = gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).MeanCellHeight # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() gp.CopyRaster_management(cfg.RESRAST_IN, cfg.RESRAST) if (cfg.STEP1) or (cfg.STEP3): # Make core raster file gprint('\nMaking temporary raster of core file for this run.') lu.delete_data(cfg.CORERAS) gp.FeatureToRaster_conversion( cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN, cfg.CORERAS, gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).MeanCellHeight) # # gp.RasterToPolygon_conversion(cfg.CORERAS, cfg.COREFC, # "NO_SIMPLIFY") def delete_final_gdb(finalgdb): """Deletes final geodatabase""" if gp.Exists(finalgdb) and cfg.STEP5: try: lu.clean_out_workspace(finalgdb) except: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: Could not remove contents of geodatabase ' + finalgdb + '. \nIs it open in ArcMap? You may ' 'need to re-start ArcMap to release the file lock.') lu.raise_error(msg) lu.delete_dir(finalgdb) # Delete final output geodatabase delete_final_gdb(cfg.OUTPUTGDB_OLD) delete_final_gdb(cfg.OUTPUTGDB) delete_final_gdb(cfg.EXTRAGDB) delete_final_gdb(cfg.LINKMAPGDB) # Run linkage mapper processing steps if cfg.STEP1: s1.STEP1_get_adjacencies() if cfg.STEP2: s2.STEP2_build_network() if cfg.STEP3: s3.STEP3_calc_cwds() if cfg.STEP4: s4.STEP4_refine_network() if cfg.STEP5: s5.STEP5_calc_lccs() lu.dashline() gprint('Results from this run can be found in your output ' 'directory:') gprint(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) # Clean up lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) # lu.delete_data(cfg.FCORES) gp.addmessage('\nDone with linkage mapping.\n') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) finally: lu.dashline() gprint('A record of run settings and messages can be found in your ' 'log directory:') gprint(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) lu.dashline(2) lu.close_log_file()
def lm_master(argv=None): """Main function for linkage mapper. Called by ArcMap with parameters or run from command line with parameters entered in script below. Calls functions in dedicated scripts for each of 5 processing steps. """ # Setup global variables if not cfg.lm_configured: # Causing problems with iterative scripting if argv is None: argv = sys.argv cfg.configure(cfg.TOOL_LM, argv) gp = try: gprint = lu.gprint # Move results from earlier versions to new directory structure lu.move_old_results() gp.OverwriteOutput = True gp.pyramid = "NONE" gp.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # Create output directories if they don't exist if gp.Exists(cfg.OUTPUTDIR): gp.RefreshCatalog(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.LOGDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.DATAPASSDIR) # Create fresh scratch directory if not restarting in midst of step 3 # if cfg.S2EUCDISTFILE != None: # if cfg.S2EUCDISTFILE.lower() == "restart": pass # else: lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR) if cfg.TOOL == 'Linkage Mapper': cfg.logFilePath = lu.create_log_file(cfg.MESSAGEDIR, cfg.TOOL, cfg.PARAMS) lu.print_drive_warning() installD = gp.GetInstallInfo("desktop") gprint('\nLinkage Mapper Version ' + cfg.releaseNum) try: gprint('on ArcGIS ' + installD['ProductName'] + ' ' + installD['Version'] + ' Service Pack ' + installD['SPNumber']) except: pass if cfg.CONNECTFRAGS: gwarn = gp.AddWarning lu.dashline(1) gwarn('Custom mode: will run steps 1-2 ONLY to cluster core polygons within ') gwarn('the maximum Euclidean corridor distance from one another ') gwarn('into polygons with a single cluster_ID value.') gwarn('Make sure you have set a Maximum Euclidean corridor distance.') lu.dashline(2) cfg.STEP3 = False cfg.STEP4 = False cfg.STEP5 = False if cfg.MAXEUCDIST == None: raise RuntimeError('Maximum Euclidean distance required ' 'for custom cluster mode.') # Set data frame spatial reference to coordinate system of input data # Problems arise in this script (core raster creation) and in S2 # (generate near table) if they differ. lu.set_dataframe_sr() # Check core ID field and project directory name. lu.check_cores(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN) lu.check_project_dir() # Identify first step cleanup link tables from that point lu.dashline(1) if cfg.STEP1: gprint('Starting at step 1.') firststep = 1 elif cfg.STEP2: gprint('Starting at step 2.') firststep = 2 elif cfg.STEP3: gprint('Starting at step 3.') firststep = 3 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=3) # Check exists elif cfg.STEP4: gprint('Starting at step 4.') firststep = 4 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=4) # Check exists elif cfg.STEP5: gprint('Starting at step 5.') firststep = 5 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) # Check exists lu.clean_up_link_tables(firststep) # Make a local grid copy of resistance raster for cwd runs- # will run faster than gdb. # Don't know if raster is in a gdb if entered from TOC lu.delete_data(cfg.RESRAST) gprint('\nMaking temporary copy of resistance raster for this run.') gp.OutputCoordinateSystem = gp.describe(cfg.COREFC).SpatialReference gp.Extent = gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).Extent gp.SnapRaster = cfg.RESRAST_IN gp.cellSize = gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).MeanCellHeight # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() gp.CopyRaster_management(cfg.RESRAST_IN, cfg.RESRAST) if (cfg.STEP1) or (cfg.STEP3): # Make core raster file gprint('\nMaking temporary raster of core file for this run.') lu.delete_data(cfg.CORERAS) gp.FeatureToRaster_conversion(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN, cfg.CORERAS, gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).MeanCellHeight) # # gp.RasterToPolygon_conversion(cfg.CORERAS, cfg.COREFC, # "NO_SIMPLIFY") def delete_final_gdb(finalgdb): """Deletes final geodatabase""" if gp.Exists(finalgdb) and cfg.STEP5: try: lu.clean_out_workspace(finalgdb) except: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: Could not remove contents of geodatabase ' + finalgdb + '. \nIs it open in ArcMap? You may ' 'need to re-start ArcMap to release the file lock.') lu.raise_error(msg) lu.delete_dir(finalgdb) # Delete final output geodatabase delete_final_gdb(cfg.OUTPUTGDB_OLD) delete_final_gdb(cfg.OUTPUTGDB) delete_final_gdb(cfg.EXTRAGDB) delete_final_gdb(cfg.LINKMAPGDB) # Run linkage mapper processing steps if cfg.STEP1: s1.STEP1_get_adjacencies() if cfg.STEP2: s2.STEP2_build_network() if cfg.STEP3: s3.STEP3_calc_cwds() if cfg.STEP4: s4.STEP4_refine_network() if cfg.STEP5: s5.STEP5_calc_lccs() lu.dashline() gprint('Results from this run can be found in your output ' 'directory:') gprint(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) # Clean up lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) # lu.delete_data(cfg.FCORES) gp.addmessage('\nDone with linkage mapping.\n') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) finally: lu.dashline() gprint('A record of run settings and messages can be found in your ' 'log directory:') gprint(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) lu.dashline(2) lu.close_log_file()
def lm_master(argv=None): """Main function for linkage mapper. Called by ArcMap with parameters or run from command line with parameters entered in script below. Calls functions in dedicated scripts for each of 5 processing steps. """ # Setup global variables if cfg.TOOL != cfg.TOOL_CC: if argv is None: argv = sys.argv cfg.configure(cfg.TOOL_LM, argv) gprint = lu.gprint try: # Move results from earlier versions to new directory structure lu.move_old_results() arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "NONE" # Create output directories if they don't exist lu.create_dir(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.LOGDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.DATAPASSDIR) if cfg.TOOL != cfg.TOOL_CC: lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR) if cfg.TOOL == cfg.TOOL_LM: cfg.logFilePath = lu.create_log_file(cfg.PARAM_NAMES, argv) lu.write_custom_to_log(cfg.LMCUSTSETTINGS) lu.log_metadata(cfg.COREFC, [cfg.RESRAST_IN]) lu.print_drive_warning() if cfg.CONNECTFRAGS: lu.dashline(1) lu.warn('Custom mode: will run steps 1-2 ONLY to cluster core polygons within ') lu.warn('the maximum Euclidean corridor distance from one another ') lu.warn('into polygons with a single cluster_ID value.') lu.warn('Make sure you have set a Maximum Euclidean corridor distance.') lu.dashline(2) cfg.STEP3 = False cfg.STEP4 = False cfg.STEP5 = False if cfg.MAXEUCDIST == None: raise RuntimeError('Maximum Euclidean distance required ' 'for custom cluster mode.') # Set data frame spatial reference to coordinate system of input data # Problems arise in this script (core raster creation) and in S2 # (generate near table) if they differ. lu.set_dataframe_sr() # Check core ID field and project directory name. lu.check_cores(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN) lu.check_project_dir() # Identify first step cleanup link tables from that point lu.dashline(1) if cfg.STEP1: gprint('Starting at step 1.') firststep = 1 elif cfg.STEP2: gprint('Starting at step 2.') firststep = 2 elif cfg.STEP3: gprint('Starting at step 3.') firststep = 3 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=3) # Check exists elif cfg.STEP4: gprint('Starting at step 4.') firststep = 4 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=4) # Check exists elif cfg.STEP5: gprint('Starting at step 5.') firststep = 5 linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=5) # Check exists lu.clean_up_link_tables(firststep) # Make a local grid copy of resistance raster for cwd runs- # will run faster than gdb. # Don't know if raster is in a gdb if entered from TOC lu.delete_data(cfg.RESRAST) gprint('\nMaking temporary copy of resistance raster for this run.') arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = arcpy.Describe(cfg.COREFC).SpatialReference arcpy.env.extent = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).Extent arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST_IN arcpy.env.cellSize = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).MeanCellHeight try: arcpy.CopyRaster_management(cfg.RESRAST_IN, cfg.RESRAST) except Exception: msg = ('ERROR: Could not make a copy of your resistance raster. ' + 'Try re-starting ArcMap to release the file lock.') lu.raise_error(msg) if (cfg.STEP1) or (cfg.STEP3): # Make core raster file gprint('\nMaking temporary raster of core file for this run.') lu.delete_data(cfg.CORERAS) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN, cfg.CORERAS, arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).MeanCellHeight) def delete_final_gdb(finalgdb): """Deletes final geodatabase""" if arcpy.Exists(finalgdb) and cfg.STEP5: try: lu.clean_out_workspace(finalgdb) except Exception: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: Could not remove contents of geodatabase ' + finalgdb + '. \nIs it open in ArcMap? You may ' 'need to re-start ArcMap to release the file lock.') lu.raise_error(msg) lu.delete_dir(finalgdb) # Delete final output geodatabase delete_final_gdb(cfg.OUTPUTGDB_OLD) delete_final_gdb(cfg.OUTPUTGDB) delete_final_gdb(cfg.EXTRAGDB) delete_final_gdb(cfg.LINKMAPGDB) # Run linkage mapper processing steps if cfg.STEP1: s1.STEP1_get_adjacencies() if cfg.STEP2: s2.STEP2_build_network() if cfg.STEP3: s3.STEP3_calc_cwds() if cfg.STEP4: s4.STEP4_refine_network() if cfg.STEP5: s5.STEP5_calc_lccs() lu.dashline() gprint('Results from this run can be found in your output ' 'directory:') gprint(cfg.OUTPUTDIR) # Clean up lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) arcpy.AddMessage('\nDone with linkage mapping.\n') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except Exception: lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) finally: lu.dashline() gprint('A record of run settings and messages can be found in your ' 'log directory:') gprint(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) lu.dashline(2) lu.close_log_file()