def mock_create_labbooks(fixture_working_dir): # Create a labbook in the temporary directory config_file = fixture_working_dir[0] lb = LabBook(fixture_working_dir[0]){"username": UT_USERNAME}, name=UT_LBNAME, description="Cats labbook 1") # Create a file in the dir with open(os.path.join(fixture_working_dir[1], 'unittest-examplefile'), 'w') as sf: sf.write("test data") FileOperations.insert_file(lb, 'code', assert os.path.isfile( os.path.join(lb.root_dir, 'code', 'unittest-examplefile')) # Create test client schema = graphene.Schema(query=LabbookQuery, mutation=LabbookMutations) with patch.object(Configuration, 'find_default_config', lambda self: config_file): app = Flask("lmsrvlabbook") app.config["LABMGR_CONFIG"] = Configuration() app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"] = get_identity_manager(Configuration()) with app.app_context(): flask.g.user_obj = app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"].get_user_profile() client = Client( schema, middleware=[LabBookLoaderMiddleware(), error_middleware], context_value=ContextMock()) yield lb, client, schema shutil.rmtree(fixture_working_dir, ignore_errors=True)
def fixture_working_dir_with_cached_user(): """A pytest fixture that creates a temporary working directory, config file, schema, and local user identity """ # Create temp dir config_file, temp_dir = _create_temp_work_dir() # Create user identity user_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, '.labmanager', 'identity') os.makedirs(user_dir) with open(os.path.join(user_dir, 'user.json'), 'wt') as user_file: json.dump( { "username": "******", "email": "*****@*****.**", "given_name": "Jane", "family_name": "Doe" }, user_file) with patch.object(Configuration, 'find_default_config', lambda self: config_file): app = Flask("lmsrvlabbook") # Load configuration class into the flask application app.config["LABMGR_CONFIG"] = Configuration() app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"] = get_identity_manager(Configuration()) with app.app_context(): # within this block, current_app points to app. yield config_file, temp_dir # name of the config file, temporary working directory # Remove the temp_dir shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
def fixture_working_dir_env_repo_scoped(): """A pytest fixture that creates a temporary working directory, a config file to match, creates the schema, and populates the environment component repository. Class scope modifier attached """ # Create temp dir config_file, temp_dir = _create_temp_work_dir() # Create user identity user_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, '.labmanager', 'identity') os.makedirs(user_dir) with open(os.path.join(user_dir, 'user.json'), 'wt') as user_file: json.dump( { "username": "******", "email": "*****@*****.**", "given_name": "Jane", "family_name": "Doe" }, user_file) # Create test client schema = graphene.Schema(query=LabbookQuery, mutation=LabbookMutations) # get environment data and index erm = RepositoryManager(config_file) erm.update_repositories() erm.index_repositories() with patch.object(Configuration, 'find_default_config', lambda self: config_file): # Load User identity into app context app = Flask("lmsrvlabbook") app.config["LABMGR_CONFIG"] = Configuration() app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"] = get_identity_manager(Configuration()) with app.app_context(): # within this block, current_app points to app. Set current user explicitly (this is done in the middleware) flask.g.user_obj = app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"].get_user_profile() # Create a test client client = Client( schema, middleware=[LabBookLoaderMiddleware(), error_middleware], context_value=ContextMock()) yield config_file, temp_dir, client, schema # name of the config file, temporary working directory, the schema # Remove the temp_dir shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
def fixture_working_dir_lfs_disabled(): """A pytest fixture that creates a temporary working directory, config file, schema, and local user identity """ # Create temp dir config_file, temp_dir = _create_temp_work_dir(lfs_enabled=False) # Create user identity user_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, '.labmanager', 'identity') os.makedirs(user_dir) with open(os.path.join(user_dir, 'user.json'), 'wt') as user_file: json.dump( { "username": "******", "email": "*****@*****.**", "given_name": "Jane", "family_name": "Doe" }, user_file) # Create test client schema = graphene.Schema(query=LabbookQuery, mutation=LabbookMutations) with patch.object(Configuration, 'find_default_config', lambda self: config_file): # Load User identity into app context app = Flask("lmsrvlabbook") app.config["LABMGR_CONFIG"] = Configuration() app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"] = get_identity_manager(Configuration()) with app.app_context(): # within this block, current_app points to app. Set current usert explicitly(this is done in the middleware) flask.g.user_obj = app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"].get_user_profile() # Create a test client client = Client(schema, middleware=[LabBookLoaderMiddleware()], context_value=ContextMock()) yield config_file, temp_dir, client, schema # name of the config file, temporary working directory, the schema # Remove the temp_dir shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)
from lmcommon.environment import RepositoryManager from lmcommon.auth.identity import AuthenticationError, get_identity_manager from lmcommon.labbook.lock import reset_all_locks from lmcommon.labbook import LabBook from lmsrvcore.auth.user import get_logged_in_author logger = LMLogger.get_logger() # Create Flask app app = Flask("lmsrvlabbook") # Load configuration class into the flask application random_bytes = os.urandom(32) app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = base64.b64encode(random_bytes).decode('utf-8') app.config["LABMGR_CONFIG"] = config = Configuration() app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"] = get_identity_manager(Configuration()) if config.config["flask"]["allow_cors"]: # Allow CORS CORS(app, max_age=7200) # Set Debug mode app.config['DEBUG'] = config.config["flask"]["DEBUG"] # Register LabBook service app.register_blueprint(blueprint.complete_labbook_service) # Configure CHP try: api_prefix = app.config["LABMGR_CONFIG"].config['proxy'][ "labmanager_api_prefix"]
def build_image_for_jupyterlab(): # Create temp dir config_file, temp_dir = _create_temp_work_dir() # Create user identity user_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, '.labmanager', 'identity') os.makedirs(user_dir) with open(os.path.join(user_dir, 'user.json'), 'wt') as user_file: json.dump( { "username": "******", "email": "*****@*****.**", "given_name": "unittester", "family_name": "tester" }, user_file) # Create test client schema = graphene.Schema(query=LabbookQuery, mutation=LabbookMutations) # get environment data and index erm = RepositoryManager(config_file) erm.update_repositories() erm.index_repositories() with patch.object(Configuration, 'find_default_config', lambda self: config_file): # Load User identity into app context app = Flask("lmsrvlabbook") app.config["LABMGR_CONFIG"] = Configuration() app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"] = get_identity_manager(Configuration()) with app.app_context(): # within this block, current_app points to app. Set current user explicitly (this is done in the middleware) flask.g.user_obj = app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"].get_user_profile() # Create a test client client = Client( schema, middleware=[LabBookLoaderMiddleware(), error_middleware], context_value=ContextMock()) # Create a labook lb = LabBook(config_file)"containerunittestbook", description="Testing docker building.", owner={"username": "******"}) # Create Component Manager cm = ComponentManager(lb) # Add a component cm.add_component("base", ENV_UNIT_TEST_REPO, ENV_UNIT_TEST_BASE, ENV_UNIT_TEST_REV) cm.add_packages("pip3", [{ "manager": "pip3", "package": "requests", "version": "2.18.4" }]) ib = ImageBuilder(lb) ib.assemble_dockerfile(write=True) docker_client = get_docker_client() try: lb, docker_image_id = ContainerOperations.build_image( labbook=lb, username="******") yield lb, ib, docker_client, docker_image_id, client, "unittester" finally: shutil.rmtree(lb.root_dir) try: docker_client.containers.get(docker_image_id).stop() docker_client.containers.get(docker_image_id).remove() except: pass try: docker_client.images.remove(docker_image_id, force=True, noprune=False) except: pass
def fixture_working_dir_populated_scoped(): """A pytest fixture that creates a temporary working directory, a config file to match, creates the schema, and populates the environment component repository. Class scope modifier attached """ # Create temp dir config_file, temp_dir = _create_temp_work_dir() # Create user identity user_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, '.labmanager', 'identity') os.makedirs(user_dir) with open(os.path.join(user_dir, 'user.json'), 'wt') as user_file: json.dump( { "username": "******", "email": "*****@*****.**", "given_name": "Jane", "family_name": "Doe" }, user_file) # Create test client schema = graphene.Schema(query=LabbookQuery, mutation=LabbookMutations) # Create a bunch of lab books lb = LabBook(config_file){"username": "******"}, name="labbook1", description="Cats labbook 1") time.sleep(1.1){"username": "******"}, name="labbook2", description="Dogs labbook 2") time.sleep(1.1){"username": "******"}, name="labbook3", description="Mice labbook 3") time.sleep(1.1){"username": "******"}, name="labbook4", description="Horses labbook 4") time.sleep(1.1){"username": "******"}, name="labbook5", description="Cheese labbook 5") time.sleep(1.1){"username": "******"}, name="labbook6", description="Goat labbook 6") time.sleep(1.1){"username": "******"}, name="labbook7", description="Turtle labbook 7") time.sleep(1.1){"username": "******"}, name="labbook8", description="Lamb labbook 8") time.sleep(1.1){"username": "******"}, name="labbook9", description="Taco labbook 9") time.sleep(1.1){"username": "******"}, name="labbook-0", description="This should not show up.") with patch.object(Configuration, 'find_default_config', lambda self: config_file): # Load User identity into app context app = Flask("lmsrvlabbook") app.config["LABMGR_CONFIG"] = Configuration() app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"] = get_identity_manager(Configuration()) with app.app_context(): # within this block, current_app points to app. Set current user explicitly (this is done in the middleware) flask.g.user_obj = app.config["LABMGR_ID_MGR"].get_user_profile() # Create a test client client = Client(schema, middleware=[LabBookLoaderMiddleware()], context_value=ContextMock()) yield config_file, temp_dir, client, schema # Remove the temp_dir shutil.rmtree(temp_dir)