Exemple #1
    def push_find_missing_labels(self, commit, tmpDB: lmdb.Environment = None):

        if tmpDB is None:
            with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempD:
                tmpDF = os.path.join(tempD, 'test.lmdb')
                tmpDB = lmdb.open(path=tmpDF, **c.LMDB_SETTINGS)
                commiting.unpack_commit_ref(self.env.refenv, tmpDB, commit)
                c_hashset = set(queries.RecordQuery(tmpDB).metadata_hashes())
                c_hashes = list(c_hashset)
            c_hashset = set(queries.RecordQuery(tmpDB).metadata_hashes())
            c_hashes = list(c_hashset)

        c_hashs_raw = [
            chunks.serialize_ident(digest, '') for digest in c_hashes
        raw_pack = chunks.serialize_record_pack(c_hashs_raw)
        pb2_func = hangar_service_pb2.FindMissingLabelsRequest
        cIter = chunks.missingHashRequestIterator(commit, raw_pack, pb2_func)
        responses = self.stub.PushFindMissingLabels(cIter)
        for idx, response in enumerate(responses):
            if idx == 0:
                commit = response.commit
                hBytes, offset = bytearray(response.total_byte_size), 0
            size = len(response.hashs)
            hBytes[offset:offset + size] = response.hashs
            offset += size

        uncompBytes = blosc.decompress(hBytes)
        s_missing_raw = chunks.deserialize_record_pack(uncompBytes)
        s_mis_hsh = [
            chunks.deserialize_ident(raw).digest for raw in s_missing_raw
        return s_mis_hsh
Exemple #2
    def push_find_missing_hash_records(self, commit, tmpDB: lmdb.Environment = None):

        if tmpDB is None:
            with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempD:
                tmpDF = os.path.join(tempD, 'test.lmdb')
                tmpDB = lmdb.open(path=tmpDF, **c.LMDB_SETTINGS)
                commiting.unpack_commit_ref(self.env.refenv, tmpDB, commit)
                c_hashs_schemas = queries.RecordQuery(tmpDB).data_hash_to_schema_hash()
                c_hashes = list(set(c_hashs_schemas.keys()))
            c_hashs_schemas = queries.RecordQuery(tmpDB).data_hash_to_schema_hash()
            c_hashes = list(set(c_hashs_schemas.keys()))

        pb2_func = hangar_service_pb2.FindMissingHashRecordsRequest
        cIter = chunks.missingHashRequestIterator(commit, c_hashes, pb2_func)
        responses = self.stub.PushFindMissingHashRecords(cIter)
        for idx, response in enumerate(responses):
            if idx == 0:
                commit = response.commit
                hBytes, offset = bytearray(response.total_byte_size), 0
            size = len(response.hashs)
            hBytes[offset: offset + size] = response.hashs
            offset += size

        uncompBytes = blosc.decompress(hBytes)
        s_missing_hashs = msgpack.unpackb(uncompBytes, raw=False, use_list=False)
        s_mis_hsh_sch = [(s_hsh, c_hashs_schemas[s_hsh]) for s_hsh in s_missing_hashs]
        return s_mis_hsh_sch
Exemple #3
    def push_find_missing_schemas(self, commit, tmpDB: lmdb.Environment = None):

        if tmpDB is None:
            with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempD:
                tmpDF = os.path.join(tempD, 'test.lmdb')
                tmpDB = lmdb.open(path=tmpDF, **c.LMDB_SETTINGS)
                commiting.unpack_commit_ref(self.env.refenv, tmpDB, commit)
                c_schemaset = set(queries.RecordQuery(tmpDB).schema_hashes())
                c_schemas = list(c_schemaset)
            c_schemaset = set(queries.RecordQuery(tmpDB).schema_hashes())
            c_schemas = list(c_schemaset)

        request = hangar_service_pb2.FindMissingSchemasRequest()
        request.commit = commit

        response = self.stub.PushFindMissingSchemas(request)
        return response
Exemple #4
class Database(object):
    Representation of a Database, this is the main API class
    :param name: The name of the database to open
    :type name: str
    :param conf: Any additional or custom options for this environment
    :type conf: dict  
    _debug = False
    _conf = {
        'map_size': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 2,
        'subdir': True,
        'metasync': False,
        'sync': True,
        'lock': True,
        'max_dbs': 64,
        'writemap': True,
        'map_async': True

    def __init__(self, name, conf=None, binlog=True, size=None):
        conf = dict(self._conf, **conf.get('env', {})) if conf else self._conf
        if size: conf['map_size'] = size
        self._tables = {}
        self._env = Environment(name, **conf)
        self._db = self._env.open_db()
        self._transaction = None
            self._binlog = self.env.open_db('__binlog__'.encode(),
        except NotFoundError:
            self._binlog = None
            self._metadata = self.env.open_db('__metadata__'.encode(),
        except NotFoundError:

    def __del__(self):

    def migrate_metadata(self):
        self._metadata = self.env.open_db('__metadata__'.encode(), create=True)
        with self.env.begin(write=True) as txn:
            with Cursor(self._db, txn) as cursor:
                move_next = cursor.first
                while move_next():
                    move_next = cursor.next
                    name = cursor.key().decode()
                    if name[0] == '@':
                        record = txn.get(cursor.key(), db=self._db)
                        if not txn.put(
                                name[1:].encode(), record, db=self._metadata):
                            print("Failed to create new record")
                        if not txn.delete(cursor.key(), db=self._db):
                            print("Failed to delete old record")

    def env(self):
        Return a reference to the current database environment
        :return: A Database Environment
        :rtype: Environment
        return self._env

    def transaction(self):
        Return a reference to the current transaction
        :return: The current transaction (or None) 
        :rtype: DBTransaction
        return self._transaction

    def binlog(self, enable=True):
        Enable or disable binary logging, disable with delete the transaction history too ...
        :param enable: Whether to enable or disable logging 
        if enable:
            if not self._binlog:
                self._binlog = self.env.open_db('__binlog__'.encode())
            if self._binlog:
                if self.transaction:
                    self.transaction.txn.drop(self._binlog, True)
                    with self.env.begin(write=True) as txn:
                        txn.drop(self._binlog, True)

            self._binlog = None

    def begin(self):
        Begin a new transaction returning a transaction reference (use with "with")
        :return: Reference to the new transaction
        :rtype: DBTransaction
        self._transaction = DBTransaction(self)
        return self._transaction

    def end(self):
        End an existing transaction committing all replication changes
        self._transaction = None

    def close(self):
        Close the current database
        if self._env:
            self._env = None

    def sync(self, force=False):

    def exists(self, name):
        Test whether a table with a given name already exists

        :param name: Table name
        :type name: str
        :return: True if table exists
        :rtype: bool
        return name in self.tables

    def tables(self):
        return self._return_tables(False)

    def tables_all(self):
        return self._return_tables(True)

    def _return_tables(self, all):
        PROPERTY - Generate a list of names of the tables associated with this database

        :getter: Returns a list of table names
        :type: list
        if self.transaction:
            txn = self.transaction.txn
            abort = False
            txn = self.env.begin()
            abort = True

            result = []
            with Cursor(self._db, txn) as cursor:
                if cursor.first():
                    while True:
                        name = cursor.key().decode()
                        if all or name[0] not in ['_', '~']:
                        if not cursor.next():
            return result
            if abort:

    def drop(self, name):
        Drop a database table
        :param name: Name of table to drop
        :type name: str
        if name not in self.tables_all:
            raise xTableMissing

        if name not in self._tables:
            table = self.table(name)

        if name in self._tables:
        del self._tables[name]

    def restructure(self, name):
        Restructure a table, copy to a temporary table, then copy back. This will recreate the table
        and all it's ID's but will retain the original indexes. (which it will regenerate)
        :param name: Name of the table to restructure
        :type name: str
        txn = self.transaction.txn
        if name not in self.tables: raise xTableMissing
        src = self._tables[name]
        dst_name = '~' + name
        if dst_name in self.tables: raise xTableExists
        dst = self.table(dst_name)
        for doc in src.find():
            dst.append(doc, txn=txn)

        for doc in dst.find(txn=txn):
            src.append(doc, txn=txn)
        del self._tables[dst_name]

    def table(self, name):
        Return a reference to a table with a given name, creating first if it doesn't exist
        :param name: Name of table
        :type name: str
        :return: Reference to table
        :rtype: Table
        if name not in self._tables:
            self._tables[name] = Table(self, name)
        return self._tables[name]