Exemple #1
class Board():

    #board = np.zeros((19,19))
    timeStart = time.time()

    #moves = [[Stone() for j in range(19)] for i in range(19)]

    #print (board)

    countTrain = 0
    countTest = 0

    max = 3672204

    rootDir = sys.argv[1]

    # name of DB:

    #inputDB = sys.argv[2]

    #dbNameTrain = sys.argv[2]
    #dbNameTest = sys.argv[3]

    train = True
    writeData = np.array([], dtype=np.uint8).reshape(0, 4, 21, 21)
    writeSequence = np.array([])

    for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):
        print('Found directory: %s' % dirName)
        for fname in fileList:


                print('\t%s' % fname)

                # /home/nathan/Go_Database/expanded-GoGod/rotation-7/69/1994-02-17g_7.sgf  new troublesome one
                # 2015-03-23b_0.sgf is the troublesome one
                if fname.endswith('.sgf'):
                    path = os.path.join(dirName, fname)
                    f = open(path, 'r')
                sgfString = f.read()

                game = SGFsequence(sgfString)
                board = Board(19)

                # legit moves
                onesA = np.ones((len(game.moves)))

                # random moves
                # random number of random moves
                zerosLen = random.randrange(len(onesA) * 2)
                zerosA = np.zeros(zerosLen)

                sequence = np.append(onesA, (zerosA))

                #make a random sequence between random and pro moves
                #so we will know the total length
                #this is also the labels


                batchLen = len(sequence)

                #lets write all the data for a game at once
                data = np.empty((batchLen, 4, 21, 21), dtype=np.uint8)
                labels = np.empty((batchLen, 1, 21, 21), dtype=np.uint8)

                # game[i].order[0][0][0] this is how you get X
                # game[i].order[0][0][1] this is how you get Y
                # process move by move

                i = 0
                j = 0
                randGame = True
                path = countTrain / 100000

                for item in sequence:

                    label = np.zeros((21, 21), dtype=np.uint8)
                    #just tring single stream learning so commenting out siamese thing for now

                    #writeData2 = lmdbReadWrite2.getRandDataPoint(  max, inputDB)[0] #read from db

                    #moves = random.randrange(280)
                    if (path >= i and randGame):
                        if (i > 0):
                            moves = i - 1
                            moves = 0
                    elif (randGame):
                        moves = random.randrange(path, i)

                    if (not item and not randGame):
                        #randBoard = Board(19)
                        #for randMove in range(0,moves):
                        #randomPosition = random.sample((randBoard.libertySet),1)
                        #x = randomPosition[0] % 19
                        #y = randomPosition[0] / 19
                        #randBoard.place_stone(x, y, 1 if randMove % 2 else -1, i-1)
                        randomPosition = random.sample((board.libertySet), 1)
                        #print("randompos: %d" % randomPosition[0])
                        x = randomPosition[0] % 19
                        y = randomPosition[0] / 19
                        writeData1 = board.poof_stone(x, y, 0 if i % 2 else -1,

                        label[y + 1, x + 1] = 100  #-1

                    elif (not item):  # randgame alternative move here

                        randBoard = Board(19)
                        for orderMove in range(0, moves):
                            x = game.moves[orderMove][
                                0]  #randomPosition[0] % 19
                            y = game.moves[orderMove][
                                1]  #randomPosition[0] / 19
                            writeData1 = randBoard.place_stone(
                                x, y, 1 if orderMove % 2 else -1, i - 1)

                        for randMove in range(moves, i + 1):
                            randomPosition = random.sample(
                                (randBoard.libertySet), 1)
                            x = randomPosition[0] % 19
                            y = randomPosition[0] / 19
                            writeData1 = randBoard.place_stone(
                                x, y, 1 if randMove % 2 else -1, i - 1)
                            label[y + 1, x + 1] = 100  #-1

                        x = game.moves[i][0]
                        y = game.moves[i][1]
                        #x, y = board.__board_to_ints__(xchar, ychar)
                        writeData1 = board.place_stone(x, y,
                                                       0 if i % 2 else -1, i)
                        i = i + 1
                        #print("i = %s" % i)
                        #array2 = board.print_board()
                        #array3 = board.print_weight()
                        #array1 = board.print_board_liberty()

                    transpose1 = writeData1.transpose((2, 0, 1))
                    #labelTranspose = label.transpose((2, 0, 1))
                    #transpose2 = writeData2 #.transpose((2, 0, 1))

                    #concatedData = np.concatenate((transpose1, transpose2))

                    data[j, :, :, :] = transpose1  #concatedData
                    labels[j, 0, :, :] = label
                    #print("J: %s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`" % j)
                    #array2 = board.print_board()
                    #array1 = board.print_board_liberty()


                    j = j + 1

                #	def writeToDB(data, label, index, database):

                train = train + 1
                writeData = np.concatenate((data, writeData))
                writeSequence = np.concatenate((sequence, writeSequence))

                if (train >= 30):

                    if (countTrain > 6000000):
                        error = 1 / 0
                    print("writing to database")
                    rng_state = np.random.get_state()
                    length = len(labels)
                    part = length / 50
                        writeData[part:], None, countTrain,
                        "shuf2_trainD_%s_%s_randboard:%s" %
                        (sys.argv[1], countTrain / 7000000, randGame))
                        labels[part:], None, countTrain,
                        "shuf2_trainL_%s_%s_randboard:%s" %
                        (sys.argv[1], countTrain / 7000000, randGame))
                    countTrain = countTrain + length - part
                        writeData[:part], None, countTest,
                        "shuf2_testD_%s_%s_randboard:%s" %
                        (sys.argv[1], countTest / 140000, randGame))
                        labels[:part], None, countTest,
                        "shuf2_testL_%s_%s_randboard:%s" %
                        (sys.argv[1], countTest / 140000, randGame))
                    countTest = countTest + part
                    train = 0
                    writeData = np.array([],
                                         dtype=np.uint8).reshape(0, 4, 21, 21)
                    writeSequence = np.array([])


                #if(train < 50):
                #  lmdbReadWrite2.writeToDB(data, sequence, countTrain, "train_%s_%s" % (sys.argv[1], countTrain/7000000))
                #  countTrain = countTrain + len(sequence)
                #  train = train + 1;
                #  lmdbReadWrite2.writeToDB(data, sequence, countTest, "test_%s_%s" % (sys.argv[1], countTest/140000))
                #  countTest = countTest + len(sequence)
                #  train = 0;

                print('Error in \t%s' % fname)

            #count = count + len(sequence)

#trainLabel = 'pro_vs_random_moves_train_data'

#a, b, c, d, e = np.dsplit(writeData, 5)

#array3 = board.print_weight()
#array4 = board.print_info()
#array5 = board.print_guide()

# 5 arrays








    print(time.time() - timeStart)
class Board():

    #board = np.zeros((19,19))
    timeStart = time.time()

    #moves = [[Stone() for j in range(19)] for i in range(19)]

    #print (board)

    countTrain = 0
    countTest = 0

    max = 3672204

    rootDir = sys.argv[1]

    # name of DB:

    #inputDB = sys.argv[2]

    #dbNameTrain = sys.argv[2]
    #dbNameTest = sys.argv[3]

    train = True

    for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):
        print('Found directory: %s' % dirName)
        for fname in fileList:


                print('\t%s' % fname)

                # /home/nathan/Go_Database/expanded-GoGod/rotation-7/69/1994-02-17g_7.sgf  new troublesome one
                # 2015-03-23b_0.sgf is the troublesome one
                if fname.endswith('.sgf'):
                    path = os.path.join(dirName, fname)
                    f = open(path, 'r')
                sgfString = f.read()

                game = SGFsequence(sgfString)
                board = Board(19)

                onesA = np.ones((len(game.moves)))
                zerosA = np.zeros((len(game.moves)))

                sequence = np.append(onesA, (zerosA))

                #make a random sequence between random and pro moves
                #so we will know the total length
                #this is also the labels


                batchLen = len(sequence)

                #lets write all the data for a game at once
                data = np.empty((batchLen, 4, 21, 21), dtype=np.uint8)

                # game[i].order[0][0][0] this is how you get X
                # game[i].order[0][0][1] this is how you get Y
                # process move by move

                i = 0
                j = 0
                path = countTrain / 100000

                for item in sequence:

                    #just tring single stream learning so commenting out siamese thing for now

                    #writeData2 = lmdbReadWrite2.getRandDataPoint(  max, inputDB)[0] #read from db

                    if (path >= i):
                        if (i > 0):
                            moves = i - 1
                            moves = 0
                        moves = random.randrange(path, i)

                    #print("moves = %s" % moves)
                    #print("    i = %s" % i)

                    if (not item):
                        randBoard = Board(19)
                        for orderMove in range(0, moves):
                            #print("ordermove: %s" % orderMove)
                            #randomPosition = random.sample((randBoard.libertySet),1)
                            x = game.moves[orderMove][
                                0]  #randomPosition[0] % 19
                            y = game.moves[orderMove][
                                1]  #randomPosition[0] / 19
                            #print("x: %s" % x)
                            #print("y: %s" % y)
                            #print((set(range(361)) - randBoard.libertySet))
                            writeData1 = randBoard.place_stone(
                                x, y, 1 if orderMove % 2 else -1, i - 1)

                        for randMove in range(moves, i + 1):
                            #print("randmove: %s" % randMove)
                            #print((set(range(361)) - randBoard.libertySet))
                            randomPosition = random.sample(
                                (randBoard.libertySet), 1)
                            #print("randomPos: %s " % randomPosition)
                            x = randomPosition[0] % 19
                            y = randomPosition[0] / 19
                            writeData1 = randBoard.place_stone(
                                x, y, 1 if randMove % 2 else -1, i - 1)
                        #randomPosition = random.sample((board.libertySet),1)
                        #print("randompos: %d" % randomPosition[0])
                        #x = randomPosition[0] % 19
                        #y = randomPosition[0] / 19
                        #writeData1 = board.poof_stone(x, y, 1 if i % 2 else -1, i)

                        x = game.moves[i][0]
                        y = game.moves[i][1]
                        #x, y = board.__board_to_ints__(xchar, ychar)
                        writeData1 = board.place_stone(x, y,
                                                       1 if i % 2 else -1, i)
                        i = i + 1
                        #print("i = %s" % i)
                        #array2 = board.print_board()
                        #array3 = board.print_weight()
                        #array1 = board.print_board_liberty()


                    transpose1 = writeData1.transpose((2, 0, 1))

                    #transpose2 = writeData2 #.transpose((2, 0, 1))

                    #concatedData = np.concatenate((transpose1, transpose2))

                    data[j, :, :, :] = transpose1  #concatedData

                    #array2 = board.print_board()
                    #array1 = board.print_board_liberty()


                    j = j + 1

                #	def writeToDB(data, label, index, database):

                if (train < 50):
                        data, sequence, countTrain, "halfrand_train_%s_%s" %
                        (sys.argv[1], countTrain / 1000000))
                    countTrain = countTrain + len(sequence)
                    train = train + 1
                        data, sequence, countTest, "halfrand_test_%s_%s" %
                        (sys.argv[1], countTest / 20000))
                    countTest = countTest + len(sequence)
                    train = 0

                print('Error in \t%s' % fname)

            #count = count + len(sequence)

#trainLabel = 'pro_vs_random_moves_train_data'

#a, b, c, d, e = np.dsplit(writeData, 5)

#array3 = board.print_weight()
#array4 = board.print_info()
#array5 = board.print_guide()

# 5 arrays








    print(time.time() - timeStart)