def render_Dirichletwebpage(modulus=None, number=None): if modulus == None: return render_DirichletNavigation() modulus = modulus.replace(' ','') if number == None and re.match('^[1-9][0-9]*\.[1-9][0-9]*$', modulus): return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", label=modulus), 301) args={} args['type'] = 'Dirichlet' args['modulus'] = modulus args['number'] = number try: modulus = int(modulus) except ValueError: modulus = 0 if modulus <= 0: flash_error ("%s is not a valid modulus for a Dirichlet character. It should be a positive integer.", args['modulus']) return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")) if modulus > 10**20: flash_error ("specified modulus %s is too large, it should be less than $10^{20}$.", modulus) return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")) if number == None: if modulus < 100000: info = WebDirichletGroup(**args).to_dict() else: info = WebSmallDirichletGroup(**args).to_dict() info['bread'] = [('Characters', url_for(".render_characterNavigation")), ('Dirichlet', url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")), ('%d'%modulus, url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus))] info['learnmore'] = learn() info['code'] = dict([(k[4:],info[k]) for k in info if k[0:4] == "code"]) info['code']['show'] = { lang:'' for lang in info['codelangs'] } # use default show names if 'gens' in info: info['generators'] = ', '.join([r'<a href="%s">$\chi_{%s}(%s,\cdot)$'%(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage",modulus=modulus,number=g),modulus,g) for g in info['gens']]) return render_template('CharGroup.html', **info) try: number = int(number) except ValueError: number = 0; if number <= 0 or gcd(modulus,number) != 1 or number > modulus: flash_error("the value %s is invalid. It should be a positive integer coprime to and no greater than the modulus %s.", args['number'],args['modulus']) return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")) if modulus < 100000: webchar = WebDirichletCharacter(**args) info = webchar.to_dict() else: info = WebSmallDirichletCharacter(**args).to_dict() info['bread'] = [('Characters', url_for(".render_characterNavigation")), ('Dirichlet', url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")), ('%s'%modulus, url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus)), ('%s'%number, url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus, number=number)) ] info['learnmore'] = learn() info['code'] = dict([(k[4:],info[k]) for k in info if k[0:4] == "code"]) info['code']['show'] = { lang:'' for lang in info['codelangs'] } # use default show names return render_template('Character.html', **info)
def dc_calc(calc, modulus, number): val = request.args.get("val", []) args = {'type':'Dirichlet', 'modulus':modulus, 'number':number} if not val: return flask.abort(404) try: if calc == 'value': return WebDirichletCharacter(**args).value(val) if calc == 'gauss': return WebDirichletCharacter(**args).gauss_sum(val) elif calc == 'jacobi': return WebDirichletCharacter(**args).jacobi_sum(val) elif calc == 'kloosterman': return WebDirichletCharacter(**args).kloosterman_sum(val) else: return flask.abort(404) except Warning, e: return "<span style='color:gray;'>%s</span>" % e
def line(n): l = [] count = 0 q = n while count < limit: if modn_exponent(q) % n == 0: G = DirichletGroup_conrey(q) for chi in G: j = chi.number() c = WebDirichletCharacter(modulus=q, number=j) if chi.multiplicative_order() == n: l.append((q, j, chi.is_primitive(), chi.multiplicative_order(), c.symbol)) count += 1 if count == limit: break q += 1 return l
def line(N): l = [] if N % 4 == 2: return l count = 0 q = N while count < limit: if q % N == 0: G = DirichletGroup_conrey(q) for chi in G: j = chi.number() c = WebDirichletCharacter(modulus=q, number=j) if chi.conductor() == q: l.append((q, j, chi.is_primitive(), chi.multiplicative_order(), c.symbol)) count += 1 if count == limit: break q += N return l
def galois_rep_from_path(p): if p[0] == 'EllipticCurve': # create the sage elliptic curve then create Galois rep object ainvs = db.ec_curves.lucky({'lmfdb_label': p[2] + "." + p[3] + p[4]}, 'ainvs') E = EllipticCurve(ainvs) return GaloisRepresentation(E) elif (p[0] == 'Character' and p[1] == 'Dirichlet'): dirichletArgs = { 'type': 'Dirichlet', 'modulus': int(p[2]), 'number': int(p[3]) } chi = WebDirichletCharacter(**dirichletArgs) return GaloisRepresentation(chi) elif (p[0] == 'ModularForm'): level = int(p[4]) weight = int(p[5]) conrey_label = p[6] # this should be zero; TODO check this is the case hecke_orbit = p[7] # this is a, b, c, etc.; chooses the galois orbit embedding = p[8] # this is the embedding of that galois orbit label = convert_newformlabel_from_conrey( str(level) + "." + str(weight) + "." + str(conrey_label) + "." + hecke_orbit) form = WebNewform(label) return GaloisRepresentation([form, ZZ(embedding)]) elif (p[0] == 'ArtinRepresentation'): dim = p[1] conductor = p[2] index = p[3] rho = ArtinRepresentation(dim, conductor, index) return GaloisRepresentation(rho) else: return
def galois_rep_from_path(p): C = getDBConnection() if p[0] == 'EllipticCurve': # create the sage elliptic curve then create Galois rep object data = C.elliptic_curves.curves.find_one( {'lmfdb_label': p[2] + "." + p[3] + p[4]}) ainvs = [int(a) for a in data['ainvs']] E = EllipticCurve(ainvs) return GaloisRepresentation(E) elif (p[0] == 'Character' and p[1] == 'Dirichlet'): dirichletArgs = { 'type': 'Dirichlet', 'modulus': int(p[2]), 'number': int(p[3]) } chi = WebDirichletCharacter(**dirichletArgs) return GaloisRepresentation(chi) elif (p[0] == 'ModularForm'): N = int(p[4]) k = int(p[5]) chi = p[6] # this should be zero; TODO check this is the case label = p[7] # this is a, b, c, etc.; chooses the galois orbit embedding = p[8] # this is the embedding of that galois orbit form = WebNewForm(N, k, chi=chi, label=label) return GaloisRepresentation([form, ZZ(embedding)]) elif (p[0] == 'ArtinRepresentation'): dim = p[1] conductor = p[2] index = p[3] rho = ArtinRepresentation(dim, conductor, index) return GaloisRepresentation(rho) else: return
def render_Dirichletwebpage(modulus=None, number=None): if modulus == None: return render_DirichletNavigation() modulus = modulus.replace(' ','') if number == None and re.match('^[1-9][0-9]*\.[1-9][0-9]*$', modulus): return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", label=modulus), 301) args={} args['type'] = 'Dirichlet' args['modulus'] = modulus args['number'] = number try: modulus = int(modulus) except ValueError: modulus = 0 if modulus <= 0: flash_error ("%s is not a valid modulus for a Dirichlet character. It should be a positive integer.", args['modulus']) return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")) if modulus > 10**20: flash_error ("specified modulus %s is too large, it should be less than $10^{20}$.", modulus) return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")) if number == None: if modulus < 10000: info = WebDBDirichletGroup(**args).to_dict() info['show_orbit_label'] = True elif modulus < 100000: info = WebDirichletGroup(**args).to_dict() else: info = WebSmallDirichletGroup(**args).to_dict() info['title'] = 'Group of Dirichlet Characters of Modulus ' + str(modulus) info['bread'] = [('Characters', url_for(".render_characterNavigation")), ('Dirichlet', url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")), ('%d'%modulus, url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus))] info['learnmore'] = learn() info['code'] = dict([(k[4:],info[k]) for k in info if k[0:4] == "code"]) info['code']['show'] = { lang:'' for lang in info['codelangs'] } # use default show names if 'gens' in info: info['generators'] = ', '.join([r'<a href="%s">$\chi_{%s}(%s,\cdot)$'%(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage",modulus=modulus,number=g),modulus,g) for g in info['gens']]) return render_template('CharGroup.html', **info) try: number = int(number) except ValueError: number = 0; if number <= 0 or gcd(modulus,number) != 1 or number > modulus: flash_error("the value %s is invalid. It should be a positive integer coprime to and no greater than the modulus %s.", args['number'],args['modulus']) return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")) if modulus < 10000: webchar = WebDBDirichletCharacter(**args) info = webchar.to_dict() elif modulus < 100000: webchar = WebDirichletCharacter(**args) info = webchar.to_dict() else: info = WebSmallDirichletCharacter(**args).to_dict() info['bread'] = [('Characters', url_for(".render_characterNavigation")), ('Dirichlet', url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")), ('%s'%modulus, url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus)), ('%s'%number, url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus, number=number)) ] info['learnmore'] = learn() info['code'] = dict([(k[4:],info[k]) for k in info if k[0:4] == "code"]) info['code']['show'] = { lang:'' for lang in info['codelangs'] } # use default show names return render_template('Character.html', **info)