Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, loggername, db):
        # Have to record this object in the db so that we can reset the connection if necessary.
        # This function also sets self.conn
        self._db = db
        from lmfdb.utils.config import Configuration

        logging_options = Configuration().get_logging()
        self.slow_cutoff = logging_options["slowcutoff"]
        handler = logging.FileHandler(logging_options["slowlogfile"])
        formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(message)s")
        filt = QueryLogFilter()
        self.logger = make_logger(loggername,
Exemple #2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

abvarfq_page = Blueprint("abvarfq", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
abvarfq_logger = make_logger(abvarfq_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'abvarfq'}

import main
assert main

app.register_blueprint(abvarfq_page, url_prefix="/Variety/Abelian/Fq")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import Counter
import os, yaml

from flask import url_for
from sage.all import (
    gcd, Set, ZZ, is_even, is_odd, euler_phi, CyclotomicField, gap, RealField,
    AbelianGroup, QQ, gp, NumberField, PolynomialRing, latex, pari, cached_function)

from lmfdb import db
from lmfdb.utils import (web_latex, coeff_to_poly, pol_to_html,
        display_multiset, factor_base_factor, factor_base_factorization_latex)
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from lmfdb.galois_groups.transitive_group import WebGaloisGroup, group_display_knowl, galois_module_knowl, group_pretty_and_nTj
wnflog = make_logger("WNF")

dir_group_size_bound = 10000
dnc = 'data not computed'

# Dictionary of field label: n for abs(disc(Q(zeta_n)))
# Does all cyclotomic fields of degree n s.t. 2<n<24
cycloinfo = {'': 5, '6.0.16807.1': 7, '': 8,
  '6.0.19683.1': 9, '10.0.2357947691.1': 11, '': 12,
  '12.0.1792160394037.1': 13, '8.0.1265625.1': 15, '8.0.16777216.1': 16,
  '16.0.2862423051509815793.1': 17, '18.0.5480386857784802185939.1': 19,
  '8.0.4000000.1': 20, '12.0.205924456521.1': 21,
  '22.0.39471584120695485887249589623.1': 23, '8.0.5308416.1': 24,
  '20.0.2910383045673370361328125.1': 25,
  '18.0.2954312706550833698643.1': 27, '12.0.1157018619904.1': 28,
  '16.0.18446744073709551616.1': 32, '20.0.328307557444402776721569.1': 33,
  '24.0.304383340063522342681884765625.1': 35,
Exemple #4
from seminars.utils import (

from seminars.tokens import generate_timed_token, read_timed_token, read_token
from datetime import datetime

login_page = Blueprint("user", __name__, template_folder="templates")
logger = make_logger(login_page)

login_manager = LoginManager()

from .pwdmanager import userdb, SeminarsUser, SeminarsAnonymousUser

def load_user(uid):
    return SeminarsUser(uid)

login_manager.login_view = "user.info"

login_manager.anonymous_user = SeminarsAnonymousUser
Exemple #5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import
from .main import login_page, login_manager, admin_required, housekeeping

assert admin_required  # silence pyflakes
assert housekeeping  # silence pyflakes
from flask_login import __version__ as FLASK_LOGIN_VERSION

from seminars.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from distutils.version import StrictVersion

# secret key, necessary for sessions, and sessions are
# in turn necessary for users to login
app.secret_key = "vVjYyCM99DtirZqMaGMrle"


app.register_blueprint(login_page, url_prefix="/user")

users_logger = make_logger("user", hl=True)

if StrictVersion(FLASK_LOGIN_VERSION) < StrictVersion(FLASK_LOGIN_LIMIT):
    raise RuntimeError(
        "flask-login is older than version {version} and must be updated, perhaps through `sage -pip install flask-login`"
Exemple #6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

higher_genus_w_automorphisms_page = Blueprint("higher_genus_w_automorphisms",
                                       __name__, template_folder='templates',
logger = make_logger(higher_genus_w_automorphisms_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'higher_genus_w_automorphisms'}

import main
assert main # silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(higher_genus_w_automorphisms_page, url_prefix="/HigherGenus/C/Aut")

Exemple #7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

g2c_page = Blueprint("g2c", __name__, template_folder='templates',
g2c_logger = make_logger(g2c_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'g2c'}

import main
assert main # silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(g2c_page, url_prefix="/Genus2Curve")
Exemple #8
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint
from lmfdb.api2.searchers import register_search_function, register_singleton
import searchers

ec_page = Blueprint("ec", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
ec_logger = make_logger(ec_page)
#ec_logger.info("Initializing elliptic curves blueprint")

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'ec'}

import elliptic_curve
assert elliptic_curve # for pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(ec_page, url_prefix="/EllipticCurve/Q")

register_search_function("elliptic_curves_q", "Elliptic Curves over Rationals",
    "Search over elliptic curves defined over rationals", auto_search = 'ec_curves')
register_singleton('EllipticCurve/Q', 'ec_curves',
    simple_search = searchers.ec_simple_label_search)
Exemple #9
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

artin_representations_page = Blueprint(
    "artin_representations", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
artin_logger = make_logger("artin", hl=True)

# artin_logger.info("Initializing Artin representations blueprint")

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'artin_representations'}

import main
assert main # silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(artin_representations_page, url_prefix="/ArtinRepresentation")
Exemple #10
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

galois_groups_page = Blueprint("galois_groups", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
logger = make_logger(galois_groups_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'galois_groups'}

import main
assert main

app.register_blueprint(galois_groups_page, url_prefix="/GaloisGroup")
Exemple #11
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

permutations_page = Blueprint("permutations", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
logger = make_logger(permutations_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'Permutations'}

import main
assert main

app.register_blueprint(permutations_page, url_prefix="/Permutations")
Exemple #12
def field_data(s):
    Returns full field data from field label.
    deg, r1, abs_disc, n = [int(c) for c in s.split(".")]
    sig = [r1, (deg - r1) // 2]
    return [s, deg, sig, abs_disc]

def sort_field(F):
    Returns data to sort by, from field label.
    return [int(c) for c in F.split(".")]

logger = make_logger("ecnf")

class ECNF_stats(StatsDisplay):
    ec_knowls = '<a knowl="ec">elliptic curves</a>'
    ec_knowl = '<a knowl="ec">elliptic curve</a>'
    iso_knowls = '<a knowl="ec.isogeny_class">isogeny classes</a>'
    iso_knowl = '<a knowl="ec.isogeny_class">isogeny class</a>'
    nf_knowls = '<a knowl="nf">number fields</a>'
    nf_knowl = '<a knowl="nf">number field</a>'
    deg_knowl = '<a knowl="nf.degree">degree</a>'
    cond_knowls = '<a knowl="ec.conductor">conductors</a>'
    cond_knowl = '<a knowl="ec.conductor">conductor</a>'
    def ncurves(self):
        return db.ec_nfcurves.count()
Exemple #13
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

cmf_page = Blueprint("cmf", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
cmf = cmf_page
cmf_logger = make_logger(cmf_page)

import main
assert main # silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(cmf_page, url_prefix="/ModularForm/GL2/Q/holomorphic")
Exemple #14
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

nf_page = Blueprint("number_fields", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
nf_logger = make_logger(nf_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'nf'}

import number_field
assert number_field

app.register_blueprint(nf_page, url_prefix="/NumberField")
Exemple #15
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

hiwf_page = Blueprint("hiwf", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
hiwf_logger = make_logger(hiwf_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'hiwf'}

import half_integral_form
assert half_integral_form

app.register_blueprint(hiwf_page, url_prefix="/ModularForm/GL2/Q/holomorphic/half")

Exemple #16
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from flask import url_for
from lmfdb import db
from lmfdb.utils import encode_plot, names_and_urls, web_latex 
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from lmfdb.ecnf.WebEllipticCurve import web_ainvs, FIELD
from lmfdb.number_fields.web_number_field import field_pretty, nf_display_knowl
from sage.all import latex, Matrix, ZZ, Infinity
from lmfdb.lfunctions.LfunctionDatabase import (get_lfunction_by_url,

logger = make_logger("ecnf")

class ECNF_isoclass(object):

    Class for an isogeny class of elliptic curves over Q

    def __init__(self, dbdata):

            - dbdata: the data from the database
        #logger.info("Constructing an instance of ECNF_isoclass")

Exemple #17
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

hiwf_page = Blueprint("hiwf",
hiwf_logger = make_logger(hiwf_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'hiwf'}

from . import half_integral_form
assert half_integral_form

Exemple #18
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.utils import comma, format_percentage
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from lmfdb import db
from flask import url_for

logger = make_logger("ec")

the_ECstats = None

def get_stats():
    global the_ECstats
    if the_ECstats is None:
        the_ECstats = ECstats()
    return the_ECstats

def elliptic_curve_summary():
    counts = get_stats().counts()
    ecstaturl = url_for('ec.statistics')
    return r'The database currently contains the Cremona database of all %s <a title="Elliptic curves [ec]" knowl="ec" kwargs="">elliptic curves</a> defined over $\Q$ with <a title="Conductor of an elliptic curve over $\Q$ [ec.q.conductor]" knowl="ec.q.conductor" kwargs="">conductor</a> at most %s, all of which have <a title="Rank of an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$ [ec.rank]" knowl="ec.rank" kwargs="">rank</a> $\leq %s$.   Here are some <a href="%s">further statistics</a>.' % (str(counts['ncurves_c']), str(counts['max_N_c']), str(counts['max_rank']), ecstaturl)

def ctx_elliptic_curve_summary():
    return {'elliptic_curve_summary': elliptic_curve_summary}

class ECstats(object):
    Class for creating and displaying statistics for elliptic curves over Q
Exemple #19
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

hecke_algebras_page = Blueprint("hecke_algebras",
hecke_algebras_logger = make_logger(hecke_algebras_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'hecke_algebras'}

import main
assert main

Exemple #20
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

MWF = "mwf"  # Maass waveforms
mwf = Blueprint(MWF, __name__, template_folder="views/templates", static_folder="views/static")
mwf_logger = make_logger(mwf)

import backend
assert backend
import views
assert views
Exemple #21
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

abvar_page = Blueprint("abvar", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
abvar_logger = make_logger(abvar_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'abvar'}

app.register_blueprint(abvar_page, url_prefix="/Variety/Abelian")
Exemple #22
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

rep_galois_modl_page = Blueprint("rep_galois_modl", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
rep_galois_modl_logger = make_logger(rep_galois_modl_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'rep_galois_modl'}

import main
assert main #silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(rep_galois_modl_page, url_prefix="/Representation/Galois/ModL")
Exemple #23
from collections import Counter
import os, yaml

from flask import url_for
from sage.all import (gcd, Set, ZZ, is_even, is_odd, euler_phi,
                      CyclotomicField, gap, RealField, AbelianGroup, QQ, gp,
                      NumberField, PolynomialRing, latex, pari,

from lmfdb import db
from lmfdb.utils import (web_latex, coeff_to_poly, pol_to_html,
                         display_multiset, factor_base_factor,
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from lmfdb.galois_groups.transitive_group import WebGaloisGroup, group_display_knowl, galois_module_knowl, group_pretty_and_nTj
wnflog = make_logger("WNF")

dir_group_size_bound = 10000
dnc = 'data not computed'

# Dictionary of field label: n for abs(disc(Q(zeta_n)))
# Does all cyclotomic fields of degree n s.t. 2<n<24
cycloinfo = {
Exemple #24
from main import (login_page, login_manager, admin_required, knowl_reviewer_required,
                  housekeeping, FLASK_LOGIN_VERSION, FLASK_LOGIN_LIMIT)
assert admin_required  # silence pyflakes
assert knowl_reviewer_required  # silence pyflakes
assert housekeeping  # silence pyflakes

from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from distutils.version import StrictVersion

# secret key, necessary for sessions, and sessions are
# in turn necessary for users to login
app.secret_key = '9af"]ßÄ!_°$2ha€42~µ…010'


app.register_blueprint(login_page, url_prefix="/users")

users_logger = make_logger("users", hl=True)

if StrictVersion(FLASK_LOGIN_VERSION) < StrictVersion(FLASK_LOGIN_LIMIT):
        "flask-login is older than version {version}. "
        "Versions older than {version} have different functionality and may "
        "stop working in the future. "
        "Consider updating, perhaps through "
        "`sage -pip install flask-login`.".format(version=FLASK_LOGIN_LIMIT))
Exemple #25
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

maass_page = Blueprint("maass", __name__, template_folder='templates')
logger = make_logger(maass_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'maass'}

from . import main
assert main  # silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(maass_page, url_prefix="/ModularForm/GL2/Q/Maass")

# API2 has been disabled for now
#from lmfdb.api2.searchers import register_search_function
#    "gl2_maass_forms",
#    "GL2 Maass forms",
#    "Search over GL2 Maass forms",
#    auto_search = 'maass_newforms'
Exemple #26
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
import os
from flask import Blueprint, Response, render_template, request, url_for

FirstZeros = Blueprint('first L-function zeros',
                       __name__, template_folder="templates")
logger = make_logger(FirstZeros)

import sqlite3
data_location = os.path.expanduser("~/data/zeros/")

def firstzeros():
    start = request.args.get('start', None, float)
    end = request.args.get('end', None, float)
    limit = request.args.get('limit', 100, int)
    degree = request.args.get('degree', None, int)
    # signature_r = request.arts.get("signature_r", None, int)
    # signature_c = request.arts.get("signature_c", None, int)
    if limit > 1000:
        limit = 1000
    if limit < 0:
        limit = 100

    # return render_template("first_zeros.html", start=start, end=end,
    # limit=limit, degree=degree, signature_r=signature_r,
    # signature_c=signature_c)
    title = "Search for First Zeros of L-functions"
    bread = [("L-functions", url_for("l_functions.l_function_top_page")),
Exemple #27
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Class created to aid in uploading HMF data from the Magma output data files.
# Incomplete, and currently not used for real work.
# In particular this code assumes that all the data for one HMF is in
# a single collection, which is no longer the case.
from __future__ import print_function
from six import text_type
from sage.all import QQ, polygen

from lmfdb import db
from lmfdb.hilbert_modular_forms.hilbert_field import HilbertNumberField
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger

logger = make_logger("hmf")

def construct_full_label(field_label, weight, level_label, label_suffix):
    if all([w==2 for w in weight]):           # Parellel weight 2
        weight_label = ''
    elif all([w==weight[0] for w in weight]): # Parellel weight
        weight_label = str(weight[0]) + '-'
    else:                                     # non-parallel weight
        weight_label = str(weight) + '-'
    return ''.join([field_label, '-', weight_label, level_label, '-', label_suffix])

class WebHMF(object):
    Class for an Hilbert Modular Newform
Exemple #28
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

smf_page = Blueprint('smf', __name__,
                     template_folder='templates', static_folder='static')
smf_logger = make_logger(smf_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'smf'}

import siegel_modular_form
assert siegel_modular_form #silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(smf_page, url_prefix='/ModularForm/GSp/Q')
Exemple #29
    return "%s.%s%s" % (conductor, iso_class, number)

def curve_cremona_label(conductor, iso_class, number):
    return "%s%s%s" % (conductor, iso_class, number)

def class_lmfdb_label(conductor, iso_class):
    return "%s.%s" % (conductor, iso_class)

def class_cremona_label(conductor, iso_class):
    return "%s%s" % (conductor, iso_class)

logger = make_logger("ec")

def split_galois_image_code(s):
    """Each code starts with a prime (1-3 digits but we allow for more)
    followed by an image code or that prime.  This function returns
    two substrings, the prefix number and the rest.
    p = re.findall(r'\d+', s)[0]
    return p, s[len(p):]

def trim_galois_image_code(s):
    """Return the image code with the prime prefix removed.
    return split_galois_image_code(s)[1]
Exemple #30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

tensor_products_page = Blueprint(
    "tensor_products", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
tensor_products_logger = make_logger("tensor_products", hl=True)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'tensor_products'}

import main
assert main #silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(tensor_products_page, url_prefix="/TensorProducts")
Exemple #31
import flask
from mpmath import nstr, inf
from sage.all import floor, log
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import render_template, request, url_for

ZetaZeros = flask.Blueprint("zeta zeros", __name__, template_folder="templates")
logger = make_logger(ZetaZeros)

from platt_zeros import zeros_starting_at_N, zeros_starting_at_t

def zetazeros():
    N = request.args.get("N", None, int)
    t = request.args.get("t", 0, float)
    limit = request.args.get("limit", 100, int)
    if limit > 1000:
        return list_zeros(N=N, t=t, limit=limit)
        title = "Zeros of $\zeta(s)$"
        bread = [("L-functions", url_for("l_functions.l_function_top_page")),
                 ('Zeros of $\zeta(s)$', ' ')]
        learnmore = [("Completeness of this data",url_for(".extent") ),("How data was computed", url_for(".howcomputed"))]
        return render_template('zeta.html', N=N, t=t, limit=limit, title=title, bread=bread, learnmore=learnmore)

def extent ():
    t = 'Extent of Data for Riemann Zeta Zeros'
    bread = [("L-functions", url_for("l_functions.l_function_top_page")),
Exemple #32
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

hmf_page = Blueprint("hmf", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
hmf_logger = make_logger(hmf_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'hmf'}

import hilbert_modular_form
assert hilbert_modular_form

app.register_blueprint(hmf_page, url_prefix="/ModularForm/GL2/TotallyReal")
Exemple #33
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

belyi_page = Blueprint("belyi",
belyi_logger = make_logger(belyi_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'belyi'}

import main
assert main  # silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(belyi_page, url_prefix="/Belyi")
Exemple #34
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

lattice_page = Blueprint("lattice", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
lattice_logger = make_logger(lattice_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'lattice'}

import main
assert main

app.register_blueprint(lattice_page, url_prefix="/Lattice")
Exemple #35
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from seminars.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

create_page = Blueprint("create",
create = create_page
create_logger = make_logger(create_page)

from . import main
assert main  # silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(create_page, url_prefix="/create")
Exemple #36
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from flask import url_for
from lmfdb import db
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.utils import comma
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from lmfdb.number_fields.web_number_field import nf_display_knowl
from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_method

def field_sort_key(F):
    dsdn = F.split(".")
    return (int(dsdn[0]), int(dsdn[2]))  # by degree then discriminant

logger = make_logger("hmf")

the_HMFstats = None

def get_counts():
    global the_HMFstats
    if the_HMFstats is None:
        the_HMFstats = HMFstats()
    return the_HMFstats.counts()

def get_stats(d=None):
    global the_HMFstats
    if the_HMFstats is None:
        the_HMFstats = HMFstats()
    return the_HMFstats.stats(d)

def hmf_summary():
    counts = get_stats().counts()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb import db
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.utils import comma
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_method

logger = make_logger("rep_galois_modls")

the_rep_galois_modlstats = None

def get_stats():
    global the_rep_galois_modlstats
    if the_rep_galois_modlstats is None:
        the_rep_galois_modlstats = rep_galois_modlstats()
    return the_rep_galois_modlstats

def rep_galois_modl_summary():
    counts = get_stats().counts()
    return r"<p>The database currently contains %s <a title='mod &#x2113; Galois representation'[rep_galois_modl.definition]' knowl='rep_galois_modl.definition' kwargs=''>mod &#x2113; Galois representations</a>.</p>" % (

def ctx_rep_galois_modl_summary():
    return {'rep_galois_modl_summary': rep_galois_modl_summary}

class rep_galois_modlstats(object):
Exemple #38
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

l_function_page = Blueprint("l_functions", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
logger = make_logger("LF")

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'l_functions'}

import main
assert main # silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(l_function_page, url_prefix="/L")

Exemple #39
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb import db
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from lmfdb.number_fields.web_number_field import nf_display_knowl, field_pretty
from lmfdb.elliptic_curves.web_ec import split_lmfdb_label
from lmfdb.nfutils.psort import primes_iter, ideal_from_label, ideal_label
from lmfdb.utils import web_latex, names_and_urls
from lmfdb.lfunctions.LfunctionDatabase import (get_instances_by_Lhash,
        get_instances_by_trace_hash, get_lfunction_by_url)
from flask import url_for
from sage.all import QQ, PolynomialRing, NumberField

logger = make_logger("bmf")

class WebBMF(object):
    Class for an Bianchi Newform
    def __init__(self, dbdata):

            - dbdata: the data from the database

        dbdata is expected to be a database entry from which the class
        is initialised.

        logger.debug("Constructing an instance of WebBMF class from database")
        # All other fields are handled here
Exemple #40
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

crystals_page = Blueprint("crystals", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
logger = make_logger(crystals_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'Crystals'}

import main
assert main # silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(crystals_page, url_prefix="/Crystals")
Exemple #41
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

belyi_page = Blueprint("belyi", __name__, template_folder='templates',
belyi_logger = make_logger(belyi_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'belyi'}

import main
assert main # silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(belyi_page, url_prefix="/Belyi")
Exemple #42
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

motive_page = Blueprint("motive",
motive_logger = make_logger(motive_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'motive'}

import main
assert main  # silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(motive_page, url_prefix="/Motive")
Exemple #43
import flask
from mpmath import nstr, inf
from sage.all import floor, log
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import render_template, request, url_for

ZetaZeros = flask.Blueprint("zeta zeros",
logger = make_logger(ZetaZeros)

from platt_zeros import zeros_starting_at_N, zeros_starting_at_t

credit_string = "David Platt"

def learnmore_list():
    return [('Completeness of the data', url_for(".completeness")),
            ('Source of the data', url_for(".source")),
            ('Reliability of the data', url_for(".reliability"))]

# Return the learnmore list with the matchstring entry removed
def learnmore_list_remove(matchstring):
    return filter(lambda t: t[0].find(matchstring) < 0, learnmore_list())

def zetazeros():
    N = request.args.get("N", None, int)
    t = request.args.get("t", 0, float)
Exemple #44
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

api_page = Blueprint("API", __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder="static")
api_logger = make_logger(api_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'api'}

import api
assert api # silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(api_page, url_prefix="/api")
Exemple #45
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
import os
from flask import Blueprint, Response, render_template, request, url_for

FirstZeros = Blueprint('first L-function zeros',
logger = make_logger(FirstZeros)

import sqlite3

data_location = os.path.expanduser("~/data/zeros/")

def firstzeros():
    start = request.args.get('start', None, float)
    end = request.args.get('end', None, float)
    limit = request.args.get('limit', 100, int)
    degree = request.args.get('degree', None, int)
    # signature_r = request.arts.get("signature_r", None, int)
    # signature_c = request.arts.get("signature_c", None, int)
    if limit > 1000:
        limit = 1000
    if limit < 0:
        limit = 100

    # return render_template("first_zeros.html", start=start, end=end,
    # limit=limit, degree=degree, signature_r=signature_r,
    # signature_c=signature_c)
Exemple #46
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint
from lmfdb.api2.searchers import register_search_function

nf_page = Blueprint("number_fields",
nf_logger = make_logger(nf_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'nf'}

from . import number_field
assert number_field

app.register_blueprint(nf_page, url_prefix="/NumberField")

                         "Global number fields",
                         "Search over global number fields",
Exemple #47
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from beantheory.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

knowledge_page = Blueprint("knowledge", __name__, template_folder='templates')
logger = make_logger(knowledge_page)

from . import main
assert main

app.register_blueprint(knowledge_page, url_prefix="/knowledge")
Exemple #48
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

abvar_page = Blueprint("abvar",
abvar_logger = make_logger(abvar_page)

def body_class():
    return {"body_class": "abvar"}

app.register_blueprint(abvar_page, url_prefix="/Variety/Abelian")

# API2 has been disabled for now
#from lmfdb.api2.searchers import register_search_function
#    "abvar",
#    "Abelian varieties",
#    "Search over abelian varieties",
#    auto_search="av_fqisog",
#    inv=["av", "av_fqisog"],
Exemple #49
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint
from lmfdb.api2.searchers import register_search_function

local_fields_page = Blueprint("local_fields",
logger = make_logger(local_fields_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'local_fields'}

import main
assert main

app.register_blueprint(local_fields_page, url_prefix="/LocalNumberField")

                         "Local number fields",
                         "Search over local number fields",
Exemple #50
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

tensor_products_page = Blueprint("tensor_products",
tensor_products_logger = make_logger("tensor_products", hl=True)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'tensor_products'}

import main
assert main  #silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(tensor_products_page, url_prefix="/TensorProducts")
Exemple #51
from flask import url_for
from collections import defaultdict
from sage.all import (gcd, ZZ, Rational, Integers, cached_method,
                      euler_phi, latex)
from sage.databases.cremona import cremona_letter_code
from sage.misc.lazy_attribute import lazy_attribute
from lmfdb import db
from lmfdb.utils import prop_int_pretty
from lmfdb.utils.utilities import num2letters
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from lmfdb.number_fields.web_number_field import WebNumberField, formatfield, nf_display_knowl
from lmfdb.characters.TinyConrey import (ConreyCharacter, kronecker_symbol,
                symbol_numerator, PariConreyGroup, get_sage_genvalues)
from lmfdb.characters.utils import url_character, complex2str
from lmfdb.groups.abstract.main import abstract_group_display_knowl
logger = make_logger("DC")

def parity_string(n):
    return "odd" if n == -1 else "even"

def bool_string(b):
    return "yes" if b else "no"

###    Class for Web objects

class WebCharObject(object):
    """ class for all characters and character groups """
Exemple #52
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

bmf_page = Blueprint("bmf",
bmf_logger = make_logger(bmf_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'bmf'}

from . import bianchi_modular_form
assert bianchi_modular_form

Exemple #53
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

abvarfq_page = Blueprint("abvarfq",
abvarfq_logger = make_logger(abvarfq_page)

def body_class():
    return {"body_class": "abvarfq"}

from . import main
assert main

app.register_blueprint(abvarfq_page, url_prefix="/Variety/Abelian/Fq")
Exemple #54
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.utils import comma
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from lmfdb import db

logger = make_logger("hecke_algebras")

def hecke_algebras_summary():
    heckestats = db.hecke_algebras.stats
    hecke_knowl = '<a knowl="hecke_algebra.definition">Hecke algebras</a>'
    level_knowl = '<a knowl="cmf.level">level</a>'
    weight_knowl = '<a knowl="cmf.weight">weight</a>'
    gamma0_knowl = '<a knowl="group.sl2z.subgroup.gamma0n">$\Gamma_0$</a>'
    level_data = heckestats.get_oldstat('level')
    number = level_data['total']
    max_level = level_data['max']
    weight_data = heckestats.get_oldstat('weight')
    max_weight = weight_data['max']
    return ''.join([r'The database currently contains {} '.format(comma(number)),
                    hecke_knowl,'. The largest ', level_knowl, ' for ' , gamma0_knowl , ' is {}, '.format(comma(max_level)),
                    'the largest ', weight_knowl, ' is {}.'.format(comma(max_weight))])

def ctx_hecke_algebras_summary():
    return {'hecke_algebras_summary': hecke_algebras_summary}
Exemple #55
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint

modlmf_page = Blueprint("modlmf",
modlmf_logger = make_logger(modlmf_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'modlmf'}

from . import main
assert main

app.register_blueprint(modlmf_page, url_prefix="/ModularForm/GL2/ModL")
Exemple #56
from sage.rings.all import PolynomialRing, ZZ

from lmfdb import db
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from lmfdb.utils import (
    parse_ints, parse_string_start, parse_nf_string, parse_galgrp,
    parse_subset, parse_submultiset, parse_bool, parse_bool_unknown,
from . import abvarfq_page
from .search_parsing import parse_newton_polygon
from .isog_class import validate_label, AbvarFq_isoclass
from .stats import AbvarFqStats

logger = make_logger("abvarfq")

#    Top level

def get_bread(*breads):
    bc = [('Abelian Varieties', url_for(".abelian_varieties")),
          ('Fq', url_for(".abelian_varieties"))]
    map(bc.append, breads)
    return bc

abvarfq_credit = 'Taylor Dupuy, Kiran Kedlaya, David Roe, Christelle Vincent'

def ECFq_redirect():
Exemple #57
            4: 5
        7: {
            1: 343,
            2: 343,
            3: 7
    maxgen = {1: 500, 2: 211, 3: 25}
    if p < 10:
        return maxspec[p][g]
        return maxgen[g]

logger = make_logger("abvarfq")

#   Label manipulation

def validate_label(label):
    parts = label.split(".")
    if len(parts) != 3:
        raise ValueError(
            "it must be of the form g.q.iso, with g a dimension and q a prime power"
    g, q, iso = parts
        g = int(g)
Exemple #58
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb import db
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from lmfdb.number_fields.web_number_field import nf_display_knowl, field_pretty
from lmfdb.elliptic_curves.web_ec import split_lmfdb_label
from lmfdb.nfutils.psort import primes_iter, ideal_from_label, ideal_label
from lmfdb.utils import web_latex, names_and_urls, prop_int_pretty
from lmfdb.lfunctions.LfunctionDatabase import (
    get_lfunction_by_url, get_instances_by_Lhash_and_trace_hash)
from flask import url_for
from sage.all import QQ, PolynomialRing, NumberField

logger = make_logger("bmf")

# Labels of BMFs which have no elliptic curve but are not twists of
# base change.  Those which have no curve but are twists of base
# change are detectable automatically in the code below, but these are
# not.  Up to Galois conjugacy and quadratic twist there are only four
# of these known; each is associated to the Jacobian of a genus 2
# curve over the base field; these curves were found by Ciaran
# Schembri.  At some point we will want to list these abelian surfaces
# as friends when there is no curve.

# TO (after adding 31 more for make this list into a table,
# OR add a column to the bmf_forms table to indicate whether or not a
# curve exists (which could be because we have not foud one, but is
# normally because there really is not curve).

bmfs_with_no_curve = [
    '', '', '',
    '', '', '',
Exemple #59
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lmfdb.app import app
from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from flask import Blueprint
from lmfdb.api2.searchers import register_search_function

higher_genus_w_automorphisms_page = Blueprint("higher_genus_w_automorphisms",
                                       __name__, template_folder='templates',
logger = make_logger(higher_genus_w_automorphisms_page)

def body_class():
    return {'body_class': 'higher_genus_w_automorphisms'}

import main
assert main # silence pyflakes

app.register_blueprint(higher_genus_w_automorphisms_page, url_prefix="/HigherGenus/C/Aut")

    "Group actions on higher genus curves",
    "Search over group actions on higher genus curves",
    auto_search = 'hgcwa_passports'
Exemple #60
# / modular_forms/__init__.py

import flask

from lmfdb.logger import make_logger
from lmfdb.app import app

MF_TOP = "Modular Forms"
MF = "mf"
mf = flask.Blueprint(MF, __name__, template_folder="views/templates", static_folder="views/static")
mf_logger = make_logger(mf)

import maass_forms
assert maass_forms
import views
assert views

app.register_blueprint(mf, url_prefix="/ModularForm/")
app.register_blueprint(mf, url_prefix="/AutomorphicForm/")
app.register_blueprint(maass_forms.maassf, url_prefix="/ModularForm/Maass")
app.register_blueprint(maass_forms.maass_waveforms.mwf, url_prefix="/ModularForm/GL2/Q/Maass")
app.register_blueprint(maass_forms.picard.mwfp, url_prefix="/ModularForm/GL2/C/Maass")