Exemple #1
def rational_elliptic_curves(err_args=None):
    if err_args is None:
        if len(request.args) != 0:
            return elliptic_curve_search(**request.args)
            err_args = {}
            for field in ["conductor", "jinv", "torsion", "rank", "sha_an", "optimal", "torsion_structure", "msg"]:
                err_args[field] = ""
            err_args["count"] = "100"
    conductor_list_endpoints = [1, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, max_N + 1]
    conductor_list = [
        "%s-%s" % (start, end - 1) for start, end in zip(conductor_list_endpoints[:-1], conductor_list_endpoints[1:])
    info = {
        "rank_list": range(max_rank + 1),
        "torsion_list": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16],
        "conductor_list": conductor_list,
        "ncurves": comma(ncurves),
        "max_N": comma(max_N),
        "max_rank": max_rank,
    credit = "John Cremona"
    t = "Elliptic curves/$\Q$"
    bread = [("Elliptic Curves", url_for("rational_elliptic_curves")), ("Elliptic curves/$\Q$", " ")]
    return render_template(
        "elliptic_curve/elliptic_curve_Q.html", info=info, credit=credit, title=t, bread=bread, **err_args
Exemple #2
 def short_summary(self):
     return r'The database currently contains {nreps} Galois conjugacy classes of {repknowl}, for a total of {nfields} {nfknowl}.  Here are some <a href="{url}">further statistics</a>.'.format(
         repknowl=display_knowl("artin", "Artin representations"),
         nfknowl=display_knowl("artin.number_field", "number fields"),
Exemple #3
    def init_hmf_count(self):
        if self._counts:
        #print("initializing HMF counts")
        counts = {}

        formstats = db_forms_stats()

        nforms = formstats.find_one({'_id': 'deg'})['total']
        counts['nforms'] = nforms
        counts['nforms_c'] = comma(nforms)

        degs = formstats.find_one({'_id': 'fields_summary'})
        nfields = degs['total']
        degrees = [x[0] for x in degs['counts']]
        max_deg = max(degrees)
        counts['degrees'] = degrees = [str(d) for d in degrees]
        counts['nfields'] = nfields
        counts['nfields_c'] = comma(nfields)
        counts['maxdeg'] = max_deg
        counts['max_deg_c'] = comma(max_deg)

        fields = formstats.find_one({'_id': 'fields_by_degree'})
        counts['fields_by_degree'] = dict([(d, fields[d]['fields'])
                                           for d in degrees])
        counts['nfields_by_degree'] = dict([(d, fields[d]['nfields'])
                                            for d in degrees])
        counts['max_disc_by_degree'] = dict([(d, fields[d]['maxdisc'])
                                             for d in degrees])
        self._counts = counts
Exemple #4
 def init_ecnfdb_count(self):
     if self._counts:
     logger.debug("Computing elliptic curve (nf) counts...")
     ecdb = self.ecdb
     counts = {}
     fields = ecdb.distinct('field_label')
     counts['fields'] = fields
     counts['nfields'] = len(fields)
     degrees = ecdb.distinct('degree')
     counts['degrees'] = degrees
     counts['maxdeg'] = max(degrees)
     counts['ncurves_by_degree'] = dict([(d, ecdb.find({
         'degree': d
     }).count()) for d in degrees])
     counts['fields_by_degree'] = dict([(d,
                                             'degree': d
                                        for d in degrees])
     counts['nfields_by_degree'] = dict([
         (d, len(counts['fields_by_degree'][d])) for d in degrees
     ncurves = ecdb.count()
     counts['ncurves'] = ncurves
     counts['ncurves_c'] = comma(ncurves)
     nclasses = ecdb.find({'number': 1}).count()
     counts['nclasses'] = nclasses
     counts['nclasses_c'] = comma(nclasses)
     self._counts = counts
     logger.debug("... finished computing elliptic curve (nf) counts.")
Exemple #5
def rational_elliptic_curves(err_args=None):
    if err_args is None:
        if len(request.args) != 0:
            return elliptic_curve_search(**request.args)
            err_args = {}
            for field in ['conductor', 'jinv', 'torsion', 'rank', 'sha_an', 'optimal', 'torsion_structure', 'msg']:
                err_args[field] = ''
            err_args['count'] = '100'
    conductor_list_endpoints = [1, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, max_N + 1]
    conductor_list = ["%s-%s" % (start, end - 1) for start, end in zip(conductor_list_endpoints[:-1],
    info = {
        'rank_list': range(max_rank + 1),
        'torsion_list': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16],
        'conductor_list': conductor_list,
        'ncurves': comma(ncurves),
        'max_N': comma(max_N),
        'max_rank': max_rank
    credit = 'John Cremona'
    t = 'Elliptic curves/$\Q$'
    bread = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for("rational_elliptic_curves")), ('Elliptic curves/$\Q$', ' ')]
    return render_template("elliptic_curve/elliptic_curve_Q.html", info=info, credit=credit, title=t, bread=bread, **err_args)
Exemple #6
    def init_hmf_count(self):
        if self._counts:
        #print("initializing HMF counts")
        counts = {}

        formstats = db_forms_stats()

        nforms = formstats.find_one({'_id':'deg'})['total']
        counts['nforms']  = nforms
        counts['nforms_c']  = comma(nforms)

        degs = formstats.find_one({'_id':'fields_summary'})
        nfields = degs['total']
        degrees = [x[0] for x in degs['counts']]
        max_deg = max(degrees)
        counts['degrees'] = degrees = [str(d) for d in degrees]
        counts['nfields'] = nfields
        counts['nfields_c']  = comma(nfields)
        counts['maxdeg'] = max_deg
        counts['max_deg_c'] = comma(max_deg)

        fields = formstats.find_one({'_id':'fields_by_degree'})
        counts['fields_by_degree'] = dict([(d,fields[d]['fields']) for d in degrees])
        counts['nfields_by_degree'] = dict([(d,fields[d]['nfields']) for d in degrees])
        counts['max_disc_by_degree'] = dict([(d,fields[d]['maxdisc']) for d in degrees])
        self._counts  = counts
Exemple #7
    def counts(self):
        counts = {}

        counts['nforms'] = self.nforms
        counts['nforms_c'] = comma(self.nforms)

        attrs = ["degree", "discriminant", "label"]
        fields = list(db.hmf_fields.search({}, attrs, sort=attrs))
        degrees = sorted(set(F["degree"] for F in fields))
        by_deg = {d: [F for F in fields if F["degree"] == d] for d in degrees}
        counts["degrees"] = degrees
        counts["nfields"] = len(fields)
        counts["nfields_c"] = comma(len(fields))
        counts["maxdeg"] = max(degrees)
        counts["max_deg_c"] = comma(max(degrees))
        counts["fields_by_degree"] = {
            d: [F["label"] for F in by_deg[d]]
            for d in degrees
        counts["nfields_by_degree"] = {d: len(by_deg[d]) for d in degrees}
        counts["max_disc_by_degree"] = {
            d: max(F["discriminant"] for F in by_deg[d])
            for d in degrees
        return counts
Exemple #8
    def init_hmf_count(self):
        if self._counts:
        # print("Computing HMF counts...")
        forms = self.forms
        fields = self.fields
        counts = {}

        nforms = forms.count()
        counts["nforms"] = nforms
        counts["nforms_c"] = comma(nforms)

        ff = fields.distinct("label")
        counts["fields"] = ff
        counts["nfields"] = nfields = len(ff)
        counts["nfields_c"] = comma(nfields)

        counts["degrees"] = degrees = fields.distinct("degree")
        counts["maxdeg"] = max_deg = max(degrees)
        counts["max_deg_c"] = comma(max_deg)

        counts["fields_by_degree"] = dict(
            [(d, [F["label"] for F in fields.find({"degree": d}, ["label"]).hint("degree_1")]) for d in degrees]
        counts["discs_by_degree"] = dict(
                (d, [F["discriminant"] for F in fields.find({"degree": d}, ["discriminant"]).hint("degree_1")])
                for d in degrees
        counts["max_disc_by_degree"] = dict([(d, max(counts["discs_by_degree"][d])) for d in degrees])
        counts["nfields_by_degree"] = dict([(d, len(counts["fields_by_degree"][d])) for d in degrees])
        self._counts = counts
Exemple #9
    def init_ecdb_count(self):
        if self._counts:
        logger.debug("Computing elliptic curve counts...")
        ecdbstats = db.ec_curves.stats
        counts = {}
        rankstats = ecdbstats.get_oldstat('rank')
        ncurves = rankstats['total']
        counts['ncurves']  = ncurves
        counts['ncurves_c'] = comma(ncurves)
        nclasses = ecdbstats.get_oldstat('class/rank')['total']
        counts['nclasses'] = nclasses
        counts['nclasses_c'] = comma(nclasses)
        max_N = ecdbstats.get_oldstat('conductor')['max']
        # round up to nearest multiple of 1000
        max_N = 1000*((max_N/1000)+1)
        # NB while we only have the Cremona database, the upper bound
        # will always be a multiple of 1000, but it looks funny to
        # show the maximum condictor as something like 399998; there
        # are no elliptic curves whose conductor is a multiple of
        # 1000.

        counts['max_N'] = max_N
        counts['max_N_c'] = comma(max_N)
        counts['max_rank'] = int(rankstats['max'])
        self._counts  = counts
        logger.debug("... finished computing elliptic curve counts.")
def lattice_summary():
    latstats = db_latstats()

    integral = '<a knowl="lattice.definition">integral lattices</a>'
    positivedef = '<a knowl="lattice.postive_definite">positive definite</a>'
    catalogue = '<a knowl="lattice.catalogue_of_lattices">Catalogue of Lattices</a>'
    cn = '<a knowl="lattice.class_number">class number</a>'
    dim = '<a knowl="lattice.dimension">dimension</a>'
    det = '<a knowl="lattice.determinant">determinant</a>'
    pri = '<a knowl="lattice.primitive">primitive</a>'
    cn_data = latstats.find_one('class_number')
    number = cn_data['total']
    max_cn = cn_data['max']
    dim_data = latstats.find_one('dim')
    max_dim = dim_data['max']
    det_data = latstats.find_one('det')
    max_det = det_data['max']

    return ''.join([
        r'<p>The database currently contains {} '.format(comma(number)),
        positivedef, ' ', integral, '. It includes data from the ', catalogue,
        '.</p><p>The largest ', cn, ' is {}, '.format(comma(max_cn)),
        ' the largest ', dim, ' is {}, '.format(comma(max_dim)),
        'and the largest ', det, ' is {}.</p> '.format(comma(max_det)),
        '<p>In the case of ', pri, ' ', integral, ' of ', cn,
        ' one the database is complete.</p>'
Exemple #11
    def init_hmf_count(self):
        if self._counts:
        #print("Computing HMF counts...")
        forms = self.forms
        fields = self.fields
        counts = {}

        nforms = forms.count()
        counts['nforms']  = nforms
        counts['nforms_c']  = comma(nforms)

        ff = fields.distinct('label')
        counts['fields'] = ff
        counts['nfields'] = nfields = len(ff)
        counts['nfields_c']  = comma(nfields)

        counts['degrees'] = degrees = fields.distinct('degree')
        counts['maxdeg'] = max_deg = max(degrees)
        counts['max_deg_c'] = comma(max_deg)

        counts['fields_by_degree'] = dict([(d,[F['label'] for F in fields.find({'degree':d},['label']).hint('degree_1')]) for d in degrees])
        counts['discs_by_degree'] = dict([(d,[F['discriminant'] for F in fields.find({'degree':d},['discriminant']).hint('degree_1')]) for d in degrees])
        counts['max_disc_by_degree'] = dict([(d,max(counts['discs_by_degree'][d])) for d in degrees])
        counts['nfields_by_degree'] = dict([(d,len(counts['fields_by_degree'][d])) for d in degrees])
        self._counts  = counts
Exemple #12
    def init_hmf_count(self):
        if self._counts:
        print("Computing HMF counts...")
        forms = self.forms
        fields = self.fields
        counts = {}

        nforms = forms.count()
        counts['nforms']  = nforms
        counts['nforms_c']  = comma(nforms)

        ff = fields.distinct('label')
        counts['fields'] = ff
        counts['nfields'] = nfields = len(ff)
        counts['nfields_c']  = comma(nfields)

        counts['degrees'] = degrees = fields.distinct('degree')
        counts['maxdeg'] = max_deg = max(degrees)
        counts['max_deg_c'] = comma(max_deg)

        counts['fields_by_degree'] = dict([(d,[F['label'] for F in fields.find({'degree':d},['label']).hint('degree_1')]) for d in degrees])
        counts['discs_by_degree'] = dict([(d,[F['discriminant'] for F in fields.find({'degree':d},['discriminant']).hint('degree_1')]) for d in degrees])
        counts['max_disc_by_degree'] = dict([(d,max(counts['discs_by_degree'][d])) for d in degrees])
        counts['nfields_by_degree'] = dict([(d,len(counts['fields_by_degree'][d])) for d in degrees])
        self._counts  = counts
Exemple #13
    def counts(self):
        counts = {}

        formstats = db.hmf_forms.stats

        nforms = formstats.get_oldstat('deg')['total']
        counts['nforms']  = nforms
        counts['nforms_c']  = comma(nforms)

        degs = formstats.get_oldstat('fields_summary')
        nfields = degs['total']
        degrees = [x[0] for x in degs['counts']]
        max_deg = max(degrees)
        counts['degrees'] = degrees = [str(d) for d in degrees]
        counts['nfields'] = nfields
        counts['nfields_c']  = comma(nfields)
        counts['maxdeg'] = max_deg
        counts['max_deg_c'] = comma(max_deg)

        fields = formstats.get_oldstat('fields_by_degree')
        counts['fields_by_degree'] = dict([(d,fields[d]['fields']) for d in degrees])
        counts['nfields_by_degree'] = dict([(d,fields[d]['nfields']) for d in degrees])
        counts['max_disc_by_degree'] = dict([(d,fields[d]['maxdisc']) for d in degrees])
        return counts
Exemple #14
 def summary(self):
     return "The database currently contains %s %s of %s up to %s, lying in %s %s.  The tables below show counts of Galois orbits." % (
         display_knowl("character.dirichlet", "Dirichlet characters"),
                       "modulus"), comma(self.maxmod), comma(self.norbits),
         display_knowl("character.dirichlet.galois_orbit", "Galois orbits"))
Exemple #15
    def init_ecdb_count(self):
        if self._counts:
        logger.debug("Computing elliptic curve counts...")
        ecdbstats = db.ec_curves.stats
        counts = {}
        rankstats = ecdbstats.get_oldstat('rank')
        ncurves = rankstats['total']
        counts['ncurves'] = ncurves
        counts['ncurves_c'] = comma(ncurves)
        nclasses = ecdbstats.get_oldstat('class/rank')['total']
        counts['nclasses'] = nclasses
        counts['nclasses_c'] = comma(nclasses)
        max_N = ecdbstats.get_oldstat('conductor')['max']
        # round up to nearest multiple of 1000
        max_N = 1000 * ((max_N / 1000) + 1)
        # NB while we only have the Cremona database, the upper bound
        # will always be a multiple of 1000, but it looks funny to
        # show the maximum condictor as something like 399998; there
        # are no elliptic curves whose conductor is a multiple of
        # 1000.

        counts['max_N'] = max_N
        counts['max_N_c'] = comma(max_N)
        counts['max_rank'] = int(rankstats['max'])
        self._counts = counts
        logger.debug("... finished computing elliptic curve counts.")
Exemple #16
    def counts(self):
        counts = {}

        formstats = db.hmf_forms.stats

        nforms = formstats.get_oldstat('deg')['total']
        counts['nforms'] = nforms
        counts['nforms_c'] = comma(nforms)

        degs = formstats.get_oldstat('fields_summary')
        nfields = degs['total']
        degrees = [x[0] for x in degs['counts']]
        max_deg = max(degrees)
        counts['degrees'] = degrees = [str(d) for d in degrees]
        counts['nfields'] = nfields
        counts['nfields_c'] = comma(nfields)
        counts['maxdeg'] = max_deg
        counts['max_deg_c'] = comma(max_deg)

        fields = formstats.get_oldstat('fields_by_degree')
        counts['fields_by_degree'] = dict([(d, fields[d]['fields'])
                                           for d in degrees])
        counts['nfields_by_degree'] = dict([(d, fields[d]['nfields'])
                                            for d in degrees])
        counts['max_disc_by_degree'] = dict([(d, fields[d]['maxdisc'])
                                             for d in degrees])
        return counts
Exemple #17
    def init_ecdb_count(self):
        if self._counts:
        logger.debug("Computing elliptic curve counts...")
        ecdb = self.ecdb
        counts = {}
        ncurves = ecdb.count()
        counts['ncurves']  = ncurves
        counts['ncurves_c'] = comma(ncurves)
        nclasses = ecdb.find({'number': 1}).count()
        counts['nclasses'] = nclasses
        counts['nclasses_c'] = comma(nclasses)
        max_N = ecdb.find().sort('conductor', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['conductor']
        # round up to nearest multiple of 1000
        max_N = 1000*((max_N/1000)+1)
        # NB while we only have the Cremona database, the upper bound
        # will always be a multiple of 1000, but it looks funny to
        # show the maximum condictor as something like 399998; there
        # are no elliptic curves whose conductor is a multiple of
        # 1000.

        counts['max_N'] = max_N
        counts['max_N_c'] = comma(max_N)
        counts['max_rank'] = ecdb.find().sort('rank', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['rank']
        self._counts  = counts
        logger.debug("... finished computing elliptic curve counts.")
Exemple #18
    def init_ecdb_count(self):
        if self._counts:
        logger.debug("Computing elliptic curve counts...")
        ecdb = self.ecdb
        counts = {}
        ncurves = ecdb.count()
        counts['ncurves'] = ncurves
        counts['ncurves_c'] = comma(ncurves)
        nclasses = ecdb.find({'number': 1}).count()
        counts['nclasses'] = nclasses
        counts['nclasses_c'] = comma(nclasses)
        max_N = ecdb.find().sort('conductor',
        # round up to nearest multiple of 1000
        max_N = 1000 * ((max_N / 1000) + 1)
        # NB while we only have the Cremona database, the upper bound
        # will always be a multiple of 1000, but it looks funny to
        # show the maximum condictor as something like 399998; there
        # are no elliptic curves whose conductor is a multiple of
        # 1000.

        counts['max_N'] = max_N
        counts['max_N_c'] = comma(max_N)
        counts['max_rank'] = ecdb.find().sort('rank',
        self._counts = counts
        logger.debug("... finished computing elliptic curve counts.")
Exemple #19
 def summary(self):
     return r"The database currently contains %s %s of weight 2 over %s imaginary quadratic fields.  It also contains %s %s over %s imaginary quadratic fields (including all with class number one)." % (
             "Bianchi modular forms"), self.nformfields, comma(self.ndims),
                       "spaces of cusp forms"), self.ndimfields)
Exemple #20
 def short_summary(self):
     return 'The database currently contains %s %s of %s up to %s, lying in %s %s.  Among these, L-functions are available for characters of modulus up to 2,800 (and some of higher modulus).  Here are some <a href="%s">further statistics</a>.' % (
         display_knowl("character.dirichlet", "Dirichlet characters"),
                       "modulus"), comma(self.maxmod), comma(self.norbits),
                       "Galois orbits"), url_for(".statistics"))
Exemple #21
 def __init__(self):
     ngalmaps = comma(db.belyi_galmaps.stats.count())
     npassports = comma(db.belyi_passports.stats.count())
     max_deg = comma(db.belyi_passports.max('deg'))
     deg_knowl = display_knowl('belyi.degree', title = "degree")
     belyi_knowl = '<a title="Belyi maps (up to Galois conjugation) [belyi.galmap]" knowl="belyi.galmap" kwargs="">Belyi maps</a>'
     stats_url = url_for(".statistics")
     self.short_summary = 'The database currently contains %s %s of %s up to %s.  Here are some <a href="%s">further statistics</a>.' % (ngalmaps, belyi_knowl, deg_knowl, max_deg, stats_url)
     self.summary = "The database currently contains %s Galois orbits of Belyi maps in %s passports, with %s at most %s." % (ngalmaps, npassports, deg_knowl, max_deg)
Exemple #22
 def __init__(self):
     ncurves = comma(db.g2c_curves.count())
     nclasses = comma(db.lfunc_instances.count({'type':'G2Q'}))
     max_D = comma(db.g2c_curves.max('abs_disc'))
     g2c_knowl = display_knowl('g2c.g2curve', title='genus 2 curves')
     disc_knowl = display_knowl('g2c.abs_discriminant', title = "absolute discriminant")
     stats_url = url_for(".statistics")
     self.short_summary = 'The database currently contains %s %s over $\Q$ of %s up to %s.  Here are some <a href="%s">further statistics</a>.' % (ncurves, g2c_knowl, disc_knowl, max_D, stats_url)
     self.summary = 'The database currently contains %s genus 2 curves in %s isogeny classes, with %s at most %s.' % (ncurves, nclasses, disc_knowl, max_D)
Exemple #23
 def summary(self):
     return ''.join([
         r'The database currently contains {} '.format(comma(self.ncurves)),
         self.ec_knowls, r' in {} '.format(comma(self.nclasses)),
         self.iso_knowls, r', over {} '.format(len(self.field_counts)),
         self.nf_knowls, ' of ', self.deg_knowl,
         r' from 2 up to {}.'.format(self.maxdeg),
         ' Elliptic curves defined over $\mathbb{Q}$ are contained in a <a href="/EllipticCurve/Q/">separate database</a>.'
Exemple #24
 def summary(self):
     return ''.join([r'The database currently contains {} '.format(comma(self.ncurves)),
                     r' in {} '.format(comma(self.nclasses)),
                     r', over {} '.format(len(self.field_counts)),
                     self.nf_knowls, ' (not including $\mathbb{Q}$) of ',
                     r' up to {}.'.format(self.maxdeg)])
Exemple #25
 def short_summary(self):
     return 'The database currently contains %s %s of %s up to %s, lying in %s %s.  Among these, L-functions are available for characters of modulus up to 2,800 (and some of higher modulus).  In addition, %s, Galois orbits and %s are available up to modulus $10^{20}$.  Here are some <a href="%s">futher statistics</a>.' % (
         display_knowl("character.dirichlet", "Dirichlet characters"),
         display_knowl("character.dirichlet.modulus", "modulus"),
         display_knowl("character.dirichlet.galois_orbit", "Galois orbits"),
         display_knowl("character.dirichlet.basic_properties", "basic properties"),
         display_knowl("character.dirichlet.value_field", "field of values"),
Exemple #26
 def __init__(self):
     ngalmaps = comma(db.belyi_galmaps.stats.count())
     npassports = comma(db.belyi_passports.stats.count())
     max_deg = comma(db.belyi_passports.max('deg'))
     deg_knowl = display_knowl('belyi.degree', title="degree")
     belyi_knowl = '<a title="Belyi maps (up to Galois conjugation) [belyi.galmap]" knowl="belyi.galmap" kwargs="">Belyi maps</a>'
     stats_url = url_for(".statistics")
     self.short_summary = 'The database currently contains %s %s of %s up to %s.  Here are some <a href="%s">further statistics</a>.' % (
         ngalmaps, belyi_knowl, deg_knowl, max_deg, stats_url)
     self.summary = "The database currently contains %s Galois orbits of Belyi maps in %s passports, with %s at most %s." % (
         ngalmaps, npassports, deg_knowl, max_deg)
Exemple #27
 def summary(self):
     return r"The database currently contains {nreps} Galois conjugacy classes of {repknowl}, for a total of {nfields} {nfknowl} with {ngroups} {gpknowl}.  The largest {dimknowl} is ${mdim}$ and the largest {condknowl} is ${mcond} \approx {amcond}$.".format(
         repknowl=display_knowl("artin", "Artin representations"),
         nfknowl=display_knowl("artin.number_field", "number fields"),
         gpknowl=display_knowl("artin.gg_quotient", "Galois groups"),
         dimknowl=display_knowl("artin.dimension", "dimension"),
         condknowl=display_knowl("artin.conductor", "conductor"),
Exemple #28
    def counts(self):
        counts = {}
        ngalmaps = db.belyi_galmaps.stats.count()
        counts['ngalmaps']  = ngalmaps
        counts['ngalmaps_c'] = comma(ngalmaps)

        npassports =  db.belyi_passports.stats.count()
        counts['npassports'] = npassports
        counts['npassports_c'] = comma(npassports)
        max_deg = db.belyi_passports.max('deg')
        counts['max_deg'] = max_deg
        counts['max_deg_c'] = comma(max_deg)
        return counts
 def init_g2c_count(self):
     if self._counts:
     counts = {}
     ncurves = g2cdb().curves.count()
     counts['ncurves']  = ncurves
     counts['ncurves_c'] = comma(ncurves)
     nclasses = g2cdb().isogeny_classes.count()
     counts['nclasses'] = nclasses
     counts['nclasses_c'] = comma(nclasses)
     max_D = g2cdb().curves.find().sort('abs_disc', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['abs_disc']
     counts['max_D'] = max_D
     counts['max_D_c'] = comma(max_D)
     self._counts  = counts
Exemple #30
def hecke_algebras_summary():
    hecke_knowl = '<a knowl="hecke_algebra.definition">Hecke algebras</a>'
    level_knowl = '<a knowl="cmf.level">level</a>'
    weight_knowl = '<a knowl="cmf.weight">weight</a>'
    gamma0_knowl = r'<a knowl="group.sl2z.subgroup.gamma0n">$\Gamma_0$</a>'
    number = db.hecke_algebras.count()
    max_level = db.hecke_algebras.max('level')
    max_weight = db.hecke_algebras.max('weight')
    return ''.join([
        r'The database currently contains {} '.format(comma(number)),
        hecke_knowl, '. The largest ', level_knowl, ' for ', gamma0_knowl,
        ' is {}, '.format(comma(max_level)), 'the largest ', weight_knowl,
        ' is {}.'.format(comma(max_weight))
Exemple #31
 def __init__(self):
     nforms = comma(db.mf_newforms.count())
     nspaces = comma(db.mf_newspaces.count())
     ndim = comma(db.mf_hecke_cc.count())
     weight_knowl = display_knowl('mf.elliptic.weight', title='weight')
     level_knowl = display_knowl('mf.elliptic.level', title='level')
     newform_knowl = display_knowl('mf.elliptic.newform', title='newforms')
     #stats_url = url_for(".statistics")
     self.short_summary = r'The database currently contains %s (Galois orbits of) %s of %s \(k\) and %s \(N\) satisfying \(Nk^2 \le %s\), corresponding to %s modular forms over the complex numbers.' % (
         nforms, newform_knowl, weight_knowl, level_knowl, Nk2_bound(),
     self.summary = r"The database currently contains %s (Galois orbits of) %s and %s spaces of %s \(k\) and %s \(N\) satisfying \(Nk^2 \le %s\), corresponding to %s modular forms over the complex numbers." % (
         nforms, newform_knowl, nspaces, weight_knowl, level_knowl,
         Nk2_bound(), ndim)
Exemple #32
 def counts(self):
     logger.debug("Computing modlmf counts...")
     counts = {}
     nmodlmf = db.modlmf_forms.count()
     counts['nmodlmf'] = nmodlmf
     counts['nmodlmf_c'] = comma(nmodlmf)
     max_level = db.modlmf_forms.max('level')
     counts['max_level'] = max_level
     counts['max_level_c'] = comma(max_level)
     max_weight = db.modlmf_forms.max('weight_grading')
     counts['max_weight'] = max_weight
     counts['max_weight_c'] = comma(max_weight)
     logger.debug("... finished computing modlmf counts.")
     return counts
Exemple #33
def hecke_algebras_summary():
    heckestats = db.hecke_algebras.stats
    hecke_knowl = '<a knowl="hecke_algebra.definition">Hecke algebras</a>'
    level_knowl = '<a knowl="cmf.level">level</a>'
    weight_knowl = '<a knowl="cmf.weight">weight</a>'
    gamma0_knowl = '<a knowl="group.sl2z.subgroup.gamma0n">$\Gamma_0$</a>'
    level_data = heckestats.get_oldstat('level')
    number = level_data['total']
    max_level = level_data['max']
    weight_data = heckestats.get_oldstat('weight')
    max_weight = weight_data['max']
    return ''.join([r'The database currently contains {} '.format(comma(number)),
                    hecke_knowl,'. The largest ', level_knowl, ' for ' , gamma0_knowl , ' is {}, '.format(comma(max_level)),
                    'the largest ', weight_knowl, ' is {}.'.format(comma(max_weight))])
Exemple #34
 def counts(self):
     logger.debug("Computing modlmf counts...")
     counts = {}
     nmodlmf = db.modlmf_forms.count()
     counts['nmodlmf']  = nmodlmf
     counts['nmodlmf_c']  = comma(nmodlmf)
     max_level = db.modlmf_forms.max('level')
     counts['max_level'] = max_level
     counts['max_level_c'] = comma(max_level)
     max_weight = db.modlmf_forms.max('weight_grading')
     counts['max_weight'] = max_weight
     counts['max_weight_c'] = comma(max_weight)
     logger.debug("... finished computing modlmf counts.")
     return counts
Exemple #35
    def counts(self):
        counts = {}
        ncurves = db.g2c_curves.count()
        counts['ncurves']  = ncurves
        counts['ncurves_c'] = comma(ncurves)
        nclasses = db.lfunc_instances.count({'type':'G2Q'})
        counts['nclasses'] = nclasses
        counts['nclasses_c'] = comma(nclasses)
        max_D = db.g2c_curves.max('abs_disc')
        counts['max_D'] = max_D
        counts['max_D_c'] = comma(max_D)
        return counts

        return self._counts
Exemple #36
    def counts(self):
        counts = {}
        ncurves = db.g2c_curves.count()
        counts['ncurves'] = ncurves
        counts['ncurves_c'] = comma(ncurves)
        nclasses = db.lfunc_instances.count({'type': 'G2Q'})
        counts['nclasses'] = nclasses
        counts['nclasses_c'] = comma(nclasses)
        max_D = db.g2c_curves.max('abs_disc')
        counts['max_D'] = max_D
        counts['max_D_c'] = comma(max_D)
        return counts

        return self._counts
Exemple #37
 def __init__(self):
     self.ncurves = db.ec_curvedata.count()
     self.ncurves_c = comma(self.ncurves)
     self.nclasses = db.ec_classdata.count()
     self.nclasses_c = comma(self.nclasses)
     self.max_N_Cremona = 500000
     self.max_N_Cremona_c = comma(500000)
     self.max_N = db.ec_curvedata.max('conductor')
     self.max_N_c = comma(self.max_N)
     self.max_rank = db.ec_curvedata.max('rank')
     self.max_rank_c = comma(self.max_rank)
     self.cond_knowl = display_knowl('ec.q.conductor', title="conductor")
     self.rank_knowl = display_knowl('ec.rank', title="rank")
     self.ec_knowl = display_knowl('ec.q', title='elliptic curves')
     self.cl_knowl = display_knowl('ec.isogeny', title="isogeny classes")
Exemple #38
 def init_g2c_count(self):
     if self._counts:
     curves = g2c_db_curves()
     counts = {}
     ncurves = curves.count()
     counts['ncurves']  = ncurves
     counts['ncurves_c'] = comma(ncurves)
     nclasses = g2c_db_isogeny_classes_count()
     counts['nclasses'] = nclasses
     counts['nclasses_c'] = comma(nclasses)
     max_D = curves.find().sort('abs_disc', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['abs_disc']
     counts['max_D'] = max_D
     counts['max_D_c'] = comma(max_D)
     self._counts  = counts
Exemple #39
    def __init__(self):
        self.genus_max = db.hgcwa_passports.max('genus')
        self.dim_max = db.hgcwa_passports.max('dim')
        self.g0_max = db.hgcwa_passports.max('g0')
        self.refined_passports_knowl = display_knowl(
            'curve.highergenus.aut.refinedpassport', title='refined passports')
        self.generating_vectors_knowl = display_knowl(
            title='generating vectors')
        self.dimension_knowl = display_knowl('curve.highergenus.aut.dimension',
        self.distinct_generating_vectors = comma(db.hgcwa_passports.count())
        self.distinct_refined_passports = comma(compute_total_refined_pp())

        self.by_genus_data = init_by_genus_data()
Exemple #40
 def init_belyi_count(self):
     if self._counts:
     galmaps = belyi_db_galmaps()
     counts = {}
     ngalmaps = galmaps.count()
     counts['ngalmaps'] = ngalmaps
     counts['ngalmaps_c'] = comma(ngalmaps)
     passports = belyi_db_passports()
     npassports = passports.count()
     counts['npassports'] = npassports
     counts['npassports_c'] = comma(npassports)
     max_deg = passports.find().sort('deg', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['deg']
     counts['max_deg'] = max_deg
     counts['max_deg_c'] = comma(max_deg)
     self._counts = counts
Exemple #41
def fixed_prec(r, digs=3):
  n = RealField(200)(r)*(10**digs)
  n = str(n.round())
  head = int(n[:-digs])
  if head>=10**4:
    head = comma(head)
  return str(head)+'.'+n[-digs:]
Exemple #42
def number_field_render_webpage():
    args = request.args
    sig_list = sum([[[d - 2 * r2, r2] for r2 in range(1 + (d // 2))] for d in range(1, 7)], []) + sum(
        [[[d, 0]] for d in range(7, 11)], []
    sig_list = sig_list[:10]
    if len(args) == 0:
        discriminant_list_endpoints = [-10000, -1000, -100, 0, 100, 1000, 10000]
        discriminant_list = [
            "%s..%s" % (start, end - 1)
            for start, end in zip(discriminant_list_endpoints[:-1], discriminant_list_endpoints[1:])
        info = {
            "degree_list": range(1, max_deg + 1),
            "signature_list": sig_list,
            "class_number_list": range(1, 6) + ["6..10"],
            "count": "20",
            "nfields": comma(nfields),
            "maxdeg": max_deg,
            "discriminant_list": discriminant_list,
        t = "Global Number Fields"
        bread = [("Global Number Fields", url_for(".number_field_render_webpage"))]
        info["learnmore"] = [
            ("Global number field labels", url_for(".render_labels_page")),
            ("Galois group labels", url_for(".render_groups_page")),
            (Completename, url_for(".render_discriminants_page")),
        return render_template(
            "number_field_all.html", info=info, credit=NF_credit, title=t, bread=bread
        )  # , learnmore=info.pop('learnmore'))
        return number_field_search(**args)
Exemple #43
def count_records_and_types(inv_db, coll_id, as_string=False):
    """ Count the number of record types in given collection.
    If as_string is true, return a formatted string pair rather than a pair of ints
    counts = (-1, -1)
        tbl = inv.ALL_STRUC.record_types[inv.STR_NAME]
        recs = list(inv_db[tbl].find({'coll_id': coll_id}))
        n_types = len(recs)
        n_rec = sum([rec['count'] for rec in recs])
        counts = (n_rec, n_types)
    except Exception as e:
        inv.log_dest.error("Error getting counts "+str(e))
    if as_string:
        counts = (comma(counts[0]), comma(counts[1]))
    return counts
Exemple #44
def number_field_render_webpage():
    args = request.args
    sig_list = sum([[[d - 2 * r2, r2] for r2 in range(
        1 + (d // 2))] for d in range(1, 7)], []) + sum([[[d, 0]] for d in range(7, 11)], [])
    sig_list = sig_list[:10]
    if len(args) == 0:
        discriminant_list_endpoints = [-10000, -1000, -100, 0, 100, 1000, 10000]
        discriminant_list = ["%s..%s" % (start, end - 1) for start, end in zip(
            discriminant_list_endpoints[:-1], discriminant_list_endpoints[1:])]
        info = {
            'degree_list': range(1, max_deg + 1),
            'signature_list': sig_list,
            'class_number_list': range(1, 6) + ['6..10'],
            'count': '20',
            'nfields': comma(nfields),
            'maxdeg': max_deg,
            'discriminant_list': discriminant_list
        t = 'Global Number Fields'
        bread = [('Global Number Fields', url_for(".number_field_render_webpage"))]
        info['learnmore'] = [(Completename, url_for(".render_discriminants_page")), ('How data was computed', url_for(".how_computed_page")), ('Global number field labels', url_for(".render_labels_page")), ('Galois group labels', url_for(".render_groups_page")), ('Quadratic imaginary class groups', url_for(".render_class_group_data"))]
        return render_template("number_field_all.html", info=info, credit=NF_credit, title=t, bread=bread, learnmore=info.pop('learnmore'))
        return number_field_search(**args)
Exemple #45
def retrieve_db_listing(db_name=None):
    """Retrieve listing for all or given database.

    db_name -- If absent, get listing of all dbs, if present, get listing of tables in named db
        if db_name is None:
            #query = {}
            records = list(db.inv_dbs.search({}, ['name', 'nice_name']))
            counts = defaultdict(int)
            for tablename in db.tablenames:
                dbname = tablename.split('_')[0]
                counts[dbname] += 1
            records = [(rec['name'], rec['nice_name'], counts[rec['name']]) for rec in records]
            db_id = idc.get_db_id(db_name)
            records = list(db.inv_tables.search({'db_id': db_id},
                                                ['_id', 'name', 'nice_name', 'status']))
            records = [(rec['name'], rec['nice_name'],
                        ih.code_to_status(rec['status']), check_locked(rec['_id'])) for rec in records]
        return sorted(records, key=lambda s: s[0].lower())
    except Exception as e:
        inv.log_dest.error("Something went wrong retrieving db info "+str(e))
        return None
Exemple #46
def number_field_render_webpage():
    args = request.args
    sig_list = sum([[[d - 2 * r2, r2] for r2 in range(
        1 + (d // 2))] for d in range(1, 7)], []) + sum([[[d, 0]] for d in range(7, 11)], [])
    sig_list = sig_list[:10]
    if len(args) == 0:
        discriminant_list_endpoints = [-10000, -1000, -100, 0, 100, 1000, 10000]
        discriminant_list = ["%s..%s" % (start, end - 1) for start, end in zip(
            discriminant_list_endpoints[:-1], discriminant_list_endpoints[1:])]
        info = {
            'degree_list': range(1, max_deg + 1),
            'signature_list': sig_list,
            'class_number_list': range(1, 6) + ['6..10'],
            'count': '20',
            'nfields': comma(nfields),
            'maxdeg': max_deg,
            'discriminant_list': discriminant_list
        t = 'Global Number Fields'
        bread = [('Global Number Fields', url_for(".number_field_render_webpage"))]
        info['learnmore'] = [(Completename, url_for(".render_discriminants_page")), ('How data was computed', url_for(".how_computed_page")), ('Global number field labels', url_for(".render_labels_page")), ('Galois group labels', url_for(".render_groups_page")), ('Quadratic imaginary class groups', url_for(".render_class_group_data"))]
        return render_template("number_field_all.html", info=info, credit=NF_credit, title=t, bread=bread, learnmore=info.pop('learnmore'))
        return number_field_search(**args)
Exemple #47
def number_field_render_webpage():
    info = to_dict(request.args, search_array=NFSearchArray())
    sig_list = sum([[[d - 2 * r2, r2] for r2 in range(1 + (d // 2))]
                    for d in range(1, 11)], []) + sum(
                        [[[d, 0]] for d in range(11, 21)], [])
    sig_list = [str(s).replace(' ', '') for s in sig_list[:16]]
    if not request.args:
        discriminant_list_endpoints = [
            -10000, -1000, -100, 0, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000
        discriminant_list = [
            "%s..%s" % (start, end - 1)
            for start, end in zip(discriminant_list_endpoints[:-1],
        info['degree_list'] = list(range(1, max_deg + 1))
        info['signature_list'] = sig_list
        info['class_number_list'] = list(range(1, 25))
        info['count'] = '50'
        info['nfields'] = comma(nfields)
        info['maxdeg'] = max_deg
        info['discriminant_list'] = discriminant_list
        t = 'Number fields'
        bread = bread_prefix()
        return render_template("nf-index.html",
        return number_field_search(info)
Exemple #48
def fixed_prec(r, digs=3):
    n = RealField(200)(r) * (10**digs)
    n = str(n.round())
    head = int(n[:-digs])
    if head >= 10**4:
        head = comma(head)
    return str(head) + '.' + n[-digs:]
Exemple #49
 def init_modlmf_count(self):
     if self._counts:
     logger.debug("Computing modlmf counts...")
     modlmf = self.modlmf
     counts = {}
     nmodlmf = modlmf.count()
     counts["nmodlmf"] = nmodlmf
     counts["nmodlmf_c"] = comma(nmodlmf)
     max_level = modlmf.find().sort("level", DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]["level"]
     counts["max_level"] = max_level
     counts["max_level_c"] = comma(max_level)
     max_weight = modlmf.find().sort("weight_grading", DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]["weight_grading"]
     counts["max_weight"] = max_weight
     counts["max_weight_c"] = comma(max_weight)
     self._counts = counts
     logger.debug("... finished computing modlmf counts.")
Exemple #50
def statistics():
    info = {
        "ncurves": comma(ncurves),
        "nclasses": comma(nclasses),
        "max_N": comma(max_N),
        "max_rank": max_rank,
        "rank_counts": rank_counts,
        "tor_counts": tor_counts,
        "max_sha": max_sha,
        "sha_counts": sha_counts,
    credit = "John Cremona"
    t = "Elliptic curves/$\Q$: statistics"
    bread = [("Elliptic Curves", url_for("rational_elliptic_curves")), ("Elliptic curves/$\Q$: statistics", " ")]
    return render_template("elliptic_curve/statistics.html", info=info, credit=credit, title=t, bread=bread)
def statistics():
    info = {
        'ncurves': comma(ncurves),
        'nclasses': comma(nclasses),
        'max_N': comma(max_N),
        'max_rank': max_rank,
        'rank_counts': rank_counts,
        'tor_counts': tor_counts,
        'max_sha': max_sha,
        'sha_counts': sha_counts
    credit = 'John Cremona'
    t = 'Elliptic curves/$\Q$: statistics'
    bread = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for("rational_elliptic_curves")), ('Elliptic curves/$\Q$: statistics', ' ')]
    return render_template("statistics.html", info=info, credit=credit, title=t, bread=bread)
Exemple #52
 def init_modlmf_count(self):
     if self._counts:
     logger.debug("Computing modlmf counts...")
     modlmf = self.modlmf
     counts = {}
     nmodlmf = modlmf.count()
     counts['nmodlmf']  = nmodlmf
     counts['nmodlmf_c']  = comma(nmodlmf)
     max_level = modlmf.find().sort('level', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['level']
     counts['max_level'] = max_level
     counts['max_level_c'] = comma(max_level)
     max_weight = modlmf.find().sort('min_weight', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['min_weight']
     counts['max_weight'] = max_weight
     counts['max_weight_c'] = comma(max_weight)
     self._counts  = counts
     logger.debug("... finished computing modlmf counts.")
Exemple #53
 def counts(self):
     logger.debug("Computing rep_galois_modl counts...")
     counts = {}
     nrep_galois_modl = db.modlgal_reps.count()
     counts['nrep_galois_modl']  = nrep_galois_modl
     counts['nrep_galois_modl_c']  = comma(nrep_galois_modl)
     logger.debug("... finished computing rep_galois_modl counts.")
     return counts
Exemple #54
 def init_ecdb_count(self):
     if self._counts:
     logger.debug("Computing elliptic curve counts...")
     ecdb = self.ecdb
     counts = {}
     ncurves = ecdb.count()
     counts['ncurves']  = ncurves
     counts['ncurves_c'] = comma(ncurves)
     nclasses = ecdb.find({'number': 1}).count()
     counts['nclasses'] = nclasses
     counts['nclasses_c'] = comma(nclasses)
     max_N = ecdb.find().sort('conductor', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['conductor']
     counts['max_N'] = max_N
     counts['max_N_c'] = comma(max_N)
     counts['max_rank'] = ecdb.find().sort('rank', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['rank']
     self._counts  = counts
     logger.debug("... finished computing elliptic curve counts.")
Exemple #55
 def init_hmf_count(self):
     if self._counts:
     logger.debug("Computing HMF counts...")
     forms = self.forms
     fields = self.fields
     counts = {}
     nforms = forms.count()
     counts['nforms']  = nforms
     counts['nforms_c']  = comma(nforms)
     nfields = fields.count()
     counts['nfields']  = nfields
     counts['nfields_c']  = comma(nfields)
     max_deg = fields.find().sort('degree', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['degree']
     counts['max_deg'] = max_deg
     counts['max_deg_c'] = comma(max_deg)
     self._counts  = counts
     logger.debug("... finished computing HMF counts.")
Exemple #56
 def init_lattice_count(self):
     if self._counts:
     logger.debug("Computing Lattice counts...")
     lattice = self.lattice
     counts = {}
     nlattice = lattice.count()
     counts["nlattice"] = nlattice
     counts["nlattice_c"] = comma(nlattice)
     max_dim = lattice.find().sort("dim", DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]["dim"]
     counts["max_dim"] = max_dim
     counts["max_dim_c"] = comma(max_dim)
     max_det = lattice.find().sort("det", DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]["det"]
     counts["max_det"] = max_det
     max_class_number = lattice.find().sort("class_number", DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]["class_number"]
     counts["max_class_number"] = max_class_number
     self._counts = counts
     logger.debug("... finished computing Lattice counts.")
Exemple #57
    def init_lattice_count(self):
        if self._counts:
        logger.debug("Computing Lattice counts...")
        lattice = self.lattice
        counts = {}
        nlattice = lattice.count()
        counts['nlattice']  = nlattice
        counts['nlattice_c']  = comma(nlattice)
	max_dim = lattice.find().sort('dim', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['dim']
        counts['max_dim'] = max_dim
	counts['max_dim_c'] = comma(max_dim)
	max_det = lattice.find().sort('det', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['det']
        counts['max_det'] = comma(max_det)
	max_class_number = lattice.find().sort('class_number', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['class_number']
        counts['max_class_number'] = max_class_number
        self._counts  = counts
        logger.debug("... finished computing Lattice counts.")
Exemple #58
 def counts(self):
     counts = {}
     counts['nclasses'] = ncurves = sum(sum(L) for L in self._counts.itervalues())
     counts['nclasses_c'] = comma(ncurves)
     counts['gs'] = self.gs
     counts['qs'] = self.qs
     counts['qg_count'] = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
     for (g,q), cnt in self._counts.items():
         counts['qg_count'][q][g] = cnt
     return counts