Exemple #1
def write_deps(dirname, deps):
    """Writes dependencies into a given module. """

    f = lmh_locate("content", match_repo(dirname), "META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF")
    n = re.sub(r"dependencies: (.*)", "dependencies: "+",".join(deps), read_file(f))
    write_file(f, n)
    std("Wrote new dependencies to", f)
Exemple #2
 def my_excepthook(exctype, value, tb):
     if exctype == KeyboardInterrupt:
     e = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exctype, value, tb))
     err("lmh seems to have crashed with %s"%exctype)
     err("a report will be generated in ")
     s = "cwd = {0}\n args = {1}\n".format(cwd, sys.argv)
     s = s + e
     write_file(lmh_locate("logs", time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.log")), s)
Exemple #3
 def my_excepthook(exctype, value, tb):
     if exctype == KeyboardInterrupt:
     e = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exctype, value, tb))
     err("lmh seems to have crashed with %s" % exctype)
     err("a report will be generated in ")
     s = "cwd = {0}\n args = {1}\n".format(cwd, sys.argv)
     s = s + e
     write_file(lmh_locate("logs", time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.log")),
Exemple #4
def find_and_replace_file(file, match, replace, replace_match = None):
    """Finds and replaces a single file. """

    if len(match) != len(replace):
        err("Find and Replace patterns are not of the same length. ")
        return False

    # Compile thex regexp
        match_regex = [re.compile(m) for m in match]
    except Exception as e:
        err("Unable to compile regular expressions. ")
        return False

    # get the repository
    repo = os.path.relpath(find_repo_dir(file), lmh_locate("content"))

    # We did nothing yet
    did = False
    if replace_match == None:
        def replace_match(match, replace):
            # TODO: Migrate this to the parent scope.
            # did = True

            # Make a template,
            replacer_template = {}
            replacer_template["repo"] = repo
            for i, g in enumerate(match.groups()):
                replacer_template["g"+str(i)] = g

            # And replace in it
            return Template(replace).substitute(replacer_template)

    # Read file and search
    file_content = read_file(file)
    new_file_content = file_content

    # Iterate over the regexes and replace
    for (m, r) in zip(match_regex, replace):
        new_file_content = re.sub(m, lambda x:replace_match(x, r), new_file_content)

    if file_content != new_file_content:
        # If something has changed, write back the file.
        write_file(file, new_file_content)
    if did:
    return did
Exemple #5
def export(f=None):
    """Exports the list of currently installed repositories. """

    # Get all locally installed directories
    installed = match_repos(lmh_locate("content"))

    if (f == None):
        for mod in installed:
        return True
        write_file(f, os.linesep.join(installed))
        return True
        err("Unable to write %s" % f)
        return False
Exemple #6
def export(f = None):
    """Exports the list of currently installed repositories. """

    # Get all locally installed directories
    installed = match_repos(lmh_locate("content"))

    if(f == None):
        for mod in installed:
        return True
        write_file(f, os.linesep.join(installed))
        return True
        err("Unable to write %s" % f)
        return False
Exemple #7
def add_symbols(fname, warns=[]):
    # Add missing symbols form language bindings to module

    q = find_sds(fname, warns)
    if len(q) == 1:
        # we have already done something
        return q[0]

    (fmodname, defs, syms, symdefs, modcontent) = q

    # check if we still need them
    def need_sym(d):
        # negated
        req = ["sym", d[1], d[2]]
            name = "-".join(d[2])
            name = ""

        # Normalise for issue #166
        req[2] = "-".join(req[2]).split("-")
        req[1] = len(req[2])

        # We have an empty argument, what's this?
        if name == "":
            # it is empty
            return False

        return not ((req in syms) or (name in symdefs))

    # OK filter them out
    required = list(filter(need_sym, defs))

    # Add them if we need to
    if len(required) > 0:
        std("Adding %s symbol definition(s) from %s: " %
            (len(required), fname),
        towrite = add_symis(modcontent, required)
        write_file(fmodname, towrite)

    return True
Exemple #8
def add_symbols(fname, warns=[]):
    # Add missing symbols form language bindings to module

    q = find_sds(fname, warns)
    if len(q) == 1:
    # we have already done something
        return q[0]

    (fmodname, defs, syms, symdefs, modcontent) = q

    # check if we still need them
    def need_sym(d):
        # negated
        req = ["sym", d[1], d[2]]
            name = "-".join(d[2])
            name = ""

        # Normalise for issue #166
        req[2] = "-".join(req[2]).split("-")
        req[1] = len(req[2])

        # We have an empty argument, what's this?
        if name == "":
            # it is empty
            return False

        return not ((req in syms) or (name in symdefs))

    # OK filter them out
    required = list(filter(need_sym, defs))

    # Add them if we need to
    if len(required) > 0:
        std("Adding %s symbol definition(s) from %s: " % (len(required), fname), newline = False)
        towrite = add_symis(modcontent, required)
        write_file(fmodname, towrite)

    return True
Exemple #9
def copy_template_dir(source, destination, vars):
    """Copies over a template directory. """

    # Make absolute paths
    source = os.path.abspath(source)
    destination = os.path.abspath(destination)

        # Remove already existing files.
        distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(source, destination)

        # Find all the template files
        for f in find_files(destination, "tpl")[0]:
            # Substitute everything in the template
            newcontent = Template(read_file(f)).safe_substitute(vars)
            write_file(f[:-len(".tpl")], newcontent)
            # Delete the tpl file
    except Exception as e:
        err("Error initalising template. ")
        return False

    return True
Exemple #10
    def install_branch(self, branch):
            Installs the given branch.

        # Resolve path to branch.
        (rpath, dpath) = self.get_paths(branch)

        # make sure it exists
        if not dpath:
            err("Unable to find given generated content branch '" + branch +
                "'. ")
            return False

        # and is not installed.
        if self.is_installed(branch):
            err("Given generated branch '" + branch +
                "' already installed. Did you want to pull?")
            return False

        (o, e) = do_data(rpath, "config", "--local", "--get",

        if not do(rpath, "rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", branch):
            if not do(rpath, "branch", branch, "--track", "origin/" + branch):
                return False

        # Clone it shared
        if not do(rpath, "clone", rpath, dpath, "--shared", "-b", branch):
            return False

        # set up .git/objects/info/alternates relatively
        if not write_file(os.path.join(dpath, ".git/objects/info/alternates"),
            return False

        # and set the origin correctly.
        if not do(dpath, "remote", "set-url", "origin", o.rstrip("\n")):
            return False

        return do(rpath, "branch", "-D", branch)
Exemple #11
    def install_branch(self, branch):
            Installs the given branch.

        # Resolve path to branch.
        (rpath, dpath) = self.get_paths(branch)

        # make sure it exists
        if not dpath:
            err("Unable to find given generated content branch '"+branch+"'. ")
            return False

        # and is not installed.
        if self.is_installed(branch):
            err("Given generated branch '"+branch+"' already installed. Did you want to pull?")
            return False

        (o, e) = do_data(rpath, "config", "--local", "--get", "remote.origin.url")

        if not do(rpath, "rev-parse", "--verify", "--quiet", branch):
            if not do(rpath, "branch", branch, "--track", "origin/"+branch):
                return False

        # Clone it shared
        if not do(rpath, "clone", rpath, dpath, "--shared", "-b", branch):
            return False

        # set up .git/objects/info/alternates relatively
        if not write_file(os.path.join(dpath, ".git/objects/info/alternates"), "../../../.git/objects"):
            return False

        # and set the origin correctly.
        if not do(dpath, "remote", "set-url", "origin", o.rstrip("\n")):
            return False

        return do(rpath, "branch", "-D", branch)
Exemple #12
def create_multi(modname, pre_terms, *langs):
    if len(langs) == 0:
        err("You need to create at least one language. ")
        return False
    lang = langs[0]

    # Read the module
        content = read_file(modname + ".tex")
        err("Unable to read original module", modname + ".tex")
        return False

    # Module content
    module_content_regex = r"^((?:.|\n)*)\\begin\{module\}\[(?:(.*),\s*)?id=([^,\]]*)(?:\s*(.*))\]((?:.|\n)*?)\\end\{module\}((?:.|\n)*)$"
    module_move_regex = r"(\\(?:gimport|symdef|symtest|symvariant|symi+)(?:(?:\[(?:[^\]])*\])|(?:\{(?:[^\}])*\}))*((\n|$|\s)?))"

    # Find the module
    mod_content = re.findall(module_content_regex, content)

    if len(mod_content) != 1:
        err("Expected exactly one module environment. (Is the module really monolingual?)"
        return False

    mod_content = mod_content[0]

    # Main Language Content
    main_module = ""
    main_language = ""

    # Prefix and suffix to add to the module
    mod_prefix = mod_content[0]
    mod_suffix = mod_content[5]

    # Id of the module
    mod_id = mod_content[2]
    mod_meta = mod_content[1] + mod_content[3]
    if mod_meta != "":
        mod_meta = "[" + mod_meta + "]"

    # We only want to move these
    module_to_move = "".join(
        [m[0] for m in re.findall(module_move_regex, mod_content[4])])
    module_keep = re.sub(module_move_regex, lambda match: match.group(2),

    # Assemble the main module
    main_module = mod_prefix
    main_module += "\\begin{modsig}" + mod_meta + "{" + mod_id + "}"
    main_module += module_to_move
    main_module += "\\end{modsig}"
    main_module += mod_suffix

        write_file(modname + ".tex", main_module)
        err("Unable to write", modname + ".tex")
        return False

    # Assemble the main language binding
    main_language = mod_prefix
    main_language += "\\begin{modnl}" + mod_meta + "{" + mod_id + "}{" + lang + "}\n"
    main_language += module_keep
    main_language += "\n\\end{modnl}"
    main_language += mod_suffix

        write_file(modname + "." + lang + ".tex", main_language)
        err("Unable to write", modname + "." + lang + ".tex")
        return False

    lmh.lib.io.__supressStd__ = True

    # Add the symbols frome the language file name
    add_symbols(modname + "." + lang + ".tex")

    # Translate to all the other languages
    for l in langs[1:]:
        if not transmod(modname, lang, l, pre_terms=pre_terms):
            lmh.lib.io.__supressStd__ = False
            return False
    lmh.lib.io.__supressStd__ = False

    std("Created multilingual module", modname + ".tex")

    # Thats it.
    return True
Exemple #13
    def init_branch(self, branch):
            Creates a new branch for status information.

        # Get name and path.
        bsplit = branch.split(":")
        if len(bsplit) == 1:
            (name, pth) = (bsplit[0], bsplit[0])
            (name, pth) = (bsplit[0], bsplit[1])

        std("Creating branch '" + name + "' at '" + pth + "'. ")

        # Check if the branch already exists.
        if name in self.get_all_branches(tuple=False):
            err("Branch '" + name +
                "' already exists, can not create it again. Use --install to install. "
            return False

        # Get the paths
        rpath = match_repo(self.repo, abs=True)
        dpath = os.path.join(rpath, pth)
        meta_inf_path = os.path.join(rpath, "META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF")

        # Find paths for the .gitignore
        gitignore_path = os.path.join(rpath, ".gitignore")
        gitignore_entry = os.path.join("/", pth) + "\n"

        # and either add to it or create it.
        if os.path.isfile(gitignore_path):
                       read_file(gitignore_path) + gitignore_entry)
            write_file(gitignore_path, gitignore_entry)

        # Update the meta-inf
        written = False
        lines = get_metainf_lines(self.repo)

        # try to append it to a line that already exists.
        for (i, l) in enumerate(lines):
            if l.startswith(gbranchstring):
                lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip("\n") + " " + branch
                written = True

        # or make a new one.
        if written == False:
            lines.extend([gbranchstring + " " + branch])

        # and write that file.
        write_file(meta_inf_path, lines)

        # Create the orphaned branch.
        if not make_orphan_branch(rpath, name):
            return False

        # push it
        if not do(rpath, "push", "-u", "origin", name):
            err("Pushing branch to origin failed. ")
            return False

        # Clear the deploy branch cache for this repository.

        # install it.
        if not self.install_branch(name):
            return False

        # change the commit message
        if not do(dpath, "commit", "--amend", "--allow-empty", "-m",
                  "Create deploy branch. "):
            return False

        # and push it.
        if not do(dpath, "push", "--force", "origin", name):
            return False

        std("Generated files branch '" + name +
            "' created, installed and pushed. ")
        std("Please commit and push META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and .gitignore to publish installation. "

        return True
Exemple #14
def transmod(modname, org_lang, dest_lang, pre_terms = {}):
    """Translate a module from one language to another. """

    # Load json from a file if pre_terms is a string
    if type(pre_terms) == str:
            pre_terms = json.loads(read_file(pre_terms))
                pre_terms = json.loads(pre_terms)
                err("Unable to load json in file %r" % pre_terms)
                err("Make sure you have given a valid JSON-encoded string or path to a valid .json file. ")
                return False

    # Load the set of pre-translated terms
    if org_lang in pre_terms:
        pre_terms = pre_terms[org_lang]
        if dest_lang in pre_terms:
            pre_terms = pre_terms[dest_lang]
            pre_terms = {}
        pre_terms = {}

    # filenames for the original + translated modules
    orfn = "%s.%s.tex" % (modname, org_lang)
    newfn = "%s.%s.tex" % (modname, dest_lang)

    # read the original file
        content = read_file(orfn)
        err("Unable to read original module", orfn)
        return False

    # STEP 1: Replace the third argument to the modnl + viewnl environments

    content = re.sub(r"(\\begin\{modnl\}\[[^\]]*\]\{[^\}]*\})\{"+org_lang+r"\}", r"\1{"+dest_lang+"}", content)
    content = re.sub(r"(\\begin\{viewnl\}\[[^\]]*\]\{[^\}]*\})\{"+org_lang+r"\}", r"\1{"+dest_lang+"}", content)

    # STEP 2: Update everything inside the environments

    def replacer(match):
        content = match.group(2)

        # trefi -> mtrefi
        content = re.sub(r"\\trefi\[([^\]]*)\]\{([^\}]*)\}", r"\\mtrefi[\1?\2]{\\ttl{\2}}", content)
        # trefii -> mtrefii
        content = re.sub(r"\\trefii\[([^\]]*)\]\{([^\}]*)\}\{([^\}]*)\}", r"\\mtrefii[\1?\2-\3]{\\ttl{\2 \3}}", content)
        # trefiii -> mtrefiii
        content = re.sub(r"\\trefiii\[([^\]]*)\]\{([^\}]*)\}\{([^\}]*)\}\{([^\}]*)\}", r"\\mtrefiii[\1?\2-\3-\4]{\\ttl{\2 \3 \4}}", content)

        # defi
        content = re.sub(r"\\defi\[([^\]]*)\]\{([^\}]*)\}", r"\\defi[\1]{\\ttl{\2}}", content)
        content = re.sub(r"\\defi\{([^\}]*)\}", r"\\defi[\1]{\\ttl{\1}}", content)
        # defii
        content = re.sub(r"\\defii\[([^\]]*)\]\{([^\}]*)\}\{([^\}]*)\}", r"\\defii[\1]{\\ttl{\2}}{\\ttl{\3}}", content)
        content = re.sub(r"\\defii\{([^\}]*)\}\{([^\}]*)\}", r"\\defii[\1-\2]{\\ttl{\1}}{\\ttl{\2}}", content)
        # defiii
        content = re.sub(r"\\defiii\[([^\]]*)\]\{([^\}]*)\}\{([^\}]*)\}\{([^\}]*)\}", r"\\defiii[\1]{\\ttl{\2}}{\\ttl{\3}}{\\ttl{\4}}", content)
        content = re.sub(r"\\defiii\{([^\}]*)\}\{([^\}]*)\}\{([^\}]*)\}", r"\\defiii[\1-\2-\3]{\\ttl{\1}}{\\ttl{\2}}{\\ttl{\3}}", content)

        def inner_supper(m):
            # Inner replacement function
            # Inserts the \ttl before any trailing whitespace.

            (sub_inner, n) = re.subn(r"([\n\f\t\v\s]+)$", r"}\1", m.group(1))
            if n == 0:

            return r"\ttl{"+sub_inner+m.group(6)

        def supper(m):
            # Outer replacement function.
            toreplace = m.group(4)

            if re.match(r"^([\n\f\t\v\s]*)$", toreplace):
                # we are only whitespaces => do nothing
                # we are ntop only whitespaces => replace some sentences.
                toreplace = re.sub(r"(((\w)+\s+)*((\w)+\s*))([\.\!\?\,\;]?)", inner_supper, toreplace)
            return m.group(1)+toreplace+m.group(5)

        # Replace non-wrapped text fragments
        content = re.sub(r"((\]|\}|\$[^\$]*\$)(\w*))([^\\\{\}\$\]\[]+)(\s*)", supper, content)

        # and return the content
        return match.group(1)+content+match.group(4)

    # Replace text inside the environments of modnl and viewnl
    content = re.sub(r"(\\begin{modnl})((.|\n)*)(\\end{modnl})", replacer, content)
    content = re.sub(r"(\\begin{viewnl})((.|\n)*)(\\end{viewnl})", replacer, content)

    # STEP 3: Apply the pre-translated directory to \ttl{...}

    # Replace all the technical terms
    def replacer2(match):
        # prefer full matches
        if match.groups(1)[0] in pre_terms:
            return match.groups(1)[0][pre_terms]

        # Split the terms and look check if we can translate them
        terms = []
        for t in match.groups(1)[0].split(" "):
            if t in pre_terms:
                terms.append((pre_terms[t], True))
                terms.append((t, False))

        # Put the results back together
        result = ""
        is_open_ttl = False

        # For each of the terms
        for (r, s) in terms:
            if not is_open_ttl:
                # We do not have an openn ttl
                if s:
                    result+=r+" "
                    result+="\\ttl{"+r+" "
                    is_open_ttl = True
                # We do have an open ttl
                if s:
                    result += result[:-1]+"} "+r+" "
                    is_open_ttl = False
                    result += r+" "
        # Close the last bracket if needed
        result = result[:-1]
        if is_open_ttl:
            result +="}"

        return result

    content = re.sub(r"\\ttl\{([^\}]*)\}", replacer2, content)

    # write back the file
        write_file(newfn, content)
        err("Unable to write new module", newfn)
        return False

    # and do some logging
    std("Prepared translation of", modname, "from")
    std("Please finish the translation and then commit the module. ")

    # we need it for the return code
    return True
Exemple #15
def create_multi(modname, pre_terms, *langs):
    if len(langs) == 0:
        err("You need to create at least one language. ")
        return False
    lang = langs[0]

    # Read the module
        content = read_file(modname+".tex")
        err("Unable to read original module", modname+".tex")
        return False

    # Module content
    module_content_regex = r"^((?:.|\n)*)\\begin\{module\}\[(?:(.*),\s*)?id=([^,\]]*)(?:\s*(.*))\]((?:.|\n)*?)\\end\{module\}((?:.|\n)*)$"
    module_move_regex = r"(\\(?:gimport|symdef|symtest|symvariant|symi+)(?:(?:\[(?:[^\]])*\])|(?:\{(?:[^\}])*\}))*((\n|$|\s)?))"

    # Find the module
    mod_content = re.findall(module_content_regex, content)

    if len(mod_content) != 1:
        err("Expected exactly one module environment. (Is the module really monolingual?)")
        return False

    mod_content = mod_content[0]

    # Main Language Content
    main_module = ""
    main_language = ""

    # Prefix and suffix to add to the module
    mod_prefix = mod_content[0]
    mod_suffix = mod_content[5]

    # Id of the module
    mod_id = mod_content[2]
    mod_meta = mod_content[1]+mod_content[3]
    if mod_meta != "":
        mod_meta = "["+mod_meta+"]"

    # We only want to move these
    module_to_move = "".join([m[0] for m in re.findall(module_move_regex, mod_content[4])])
    module_keep = re.sub(module_move_regex, lambda match:match.group(2), mod_content[4])

    # Assemble the main module
    main_module = mod_prefix
    main_module += "\\begin{modsig}"+mod_meta+"{"+mod_id+"}"
    main_module += module_to_move
    main_module += "\\end{modsig}"
    main_module += mod_suffix

        write_file(modname+".tex", main_module)
        err("Unable to write", modname+".tex")
        return False

    # Assemble the main language binding
    main_language = mod_prefix
    main_language += "\\begin{modnl}"+mod_meta+"{"+mod_id+"}{"+lang+"}\n"
    main_language += module_keep
    main_language += "\n\\end{modnl}"
    main_language += mod_suffix

        write_file(modname+"."+lang+".tex", main_language)
        err("Unable to write", modname+"."+lang+".tex")
        return False

    lmh.lib.io.__supressStd__ = True

    # Add the symbols frome the language file name

    # Translate to all the other languages
    for l in langs[1:]:
        if not transmod(modname, lang, l, pre_terms = pre_terms):
            lmh.lib.io.__supressStd__ = False
            return False
    lmh.lib.io.__supressStd__ = False

    std("Created multilingual module", modname+".tex")

    # Thats it.
    return True
Exemple #16
def set_config(key, value):
    Sets a configuration setting to a certain value. 
    # first ensure the value is a string
    value = str(value)

    # check if the given key exists
    if not key in config_meta:
        err("Option", key, "does not exist. ")
        return False

    # Get the datatype of the config setting
    datatype = config_meta[key]["type"]
    # and typecast to the given type
    if datatype == "string":
        value = str(value)
    elif datatype == "bool":
        value = value.lower()
        if value == "true" or value == "1" or value == "on":
            value = True
        elif value == "false" or value == "0" or value == "off":
            value = False
            err("Option", key, " is of type boolean, please use the values 'true' or 'false'. ")
            return False
    elif datatype == "int":
            value = int(value)
            err("Option", key, " is of type integer, please use a valid integer. ")
            return False
    elif datatype == "int+":
            value = int(value)
            if value < 0:
                raise ValueError
            err("Option", key, " is of type positive integer, please use a valid positive integer. ")
            return False

    # Re-load the existing data
    data = {}
        data = json.loads(read_file(config_file))
    # write the config setting
    data[key] = value

    # and rew-rite the json file. 
        write_file(config_file, json.dumps(data, indent=4))
        err("Unable to write to config file. ")
        return False

    return True
Exemple #17
def set_config(key, value):
    Sets a configuration setting to a certain value. 

    # first ensure the value is a string
    value = str(value)

    # check if the given key exists
    if not key in config_meta:
        err("Option", key, "does not exist. ")
        return False

    # Get the datatype of the config setting
    datatype = config_meta[key]["type"]

    # and typecast to the given type
    if datatype == "string":
        value = str(value)
    elif datatype == "bool":
        value = value.lower()
        if value == "true" or value == "1" or value == "on":
            value = True
        elif value == "false" or value == "0" or value == "off":
            value = False
                "Option", key,
                " is of type boolean, please use the values 'true' or 'false'. "
            return False
    elif datatype == "int":
            value = int(value)
            err("Option", key,
                " is of type integer, please use a valid integer. ")
            return False
    elif datatype == "int+":
            value = int(value)
            if value < 0:
                raise ValueError
                "Option", key,
                " is of type positive integer, please use a valid positive integer. "
            return False

    # Re-load the existing data
    data = {}
        data = json.loads(read_file(config_file))

    # write the config setting
    data[key] = value

    # and rew-rite the json file.
        write_file(config_file, json.dumps(data, indent=4))
        err("Unable to write to config file. ")
        return False

    return True
Exemple #18
def rename(where, renamings, simulate = False):
    """Moves modules from source to dest. """

    where = os.path.abspath(where)

    if not os.path.isdir(where):
        err("Cannot rename:", where, "is not a directory. ")
        return False

    if len(renamings) % 2 != 0:
        err("You must provide renamings in pairs. ")
        return False

    if len(renamings) == 0:
        std("Nothing to rename ...")
        return True

    regexes = []
    replaces = []

    # Compile regexes
    i = 0
    while i< len(renamings):

        # What we need to find
        find = renamings[i]
        find_parts = find.split("-")
        find_args = r"\{"+(r"\}\{".join(find_parts))+r"\}"
        find_i = "i"*len(find_parts)

        # What we need to replace
        replace = renamings[i+1]
        replace_parts = replace.split("-")
        replace_args = "{"+("}{".join(replace_parts))+"}"
        replace_i = "i"*len(replace_parts)

        # defi

        # defi (Michael)

        # trefi

        # atrefi

        # mtrefi

        # go to the next pattern.
        i = i+2

    actions = zip(regexes, replaces)

    # Find all the files
    for file in find_files(where, "tex")[0]:
        # Read a file
        content = read_file(file)

        # Run all of the actions
        for (f, r) in actions:
            content = f.sub(r, content)

        write_file(file, content)

    return True
Exemple #19
def rename(where, renamings, simulate=False):
    """Moves modules from source to dest. """

    where = os.path.abspath(where)

    if not os.path.isdir(where):
        err("Cannot rename:", where, "is not a directory. ")
        return False

    if len(renamings) % 2 != 0:
        err("You must provide renamings in pairs. ")
        return False

    if len(renamings) == 0:
        std("Nothing to rename ...")
        return True

    regexes = []
    replaces = []

    # Compile regexes
    i = 0
    while i < len(renamings):

        # What we need to find
        find = renamings[i]
        find_parts = find.split("-")
        find_args = r"\{" + (r"\}\{".join(find_parts)) + r"\}"
        find_i = "i" * len(find_parts)

        # What we need to replace
        replace = renamings[i + 1]
        replace_parts = replace.split("-")
        replace_args = "{" + ("}{".join(replace_parts)) + "}"
        replace_i = "i" * len(replace_parts)

        # defi
            re.compile(r"\\def" + find_i + r"\[" + find + r"\]" + find_args))
        replaces.append("\\def" + replace_i + "[" + replace + "]" +

        # defi (Michael)
            re.compile(r"(\\def(?:i{1,3}))\[" + find + r"\](\{(?:[^\}]*)\})"))
        replaces.append("\\1[" + replace + "]\\2")

        # trefi
            re.compile(r"\\tref" + find_i + r"\[([^\]]*)\]" + find_args))
        replaces.append("\\\\tref" + replace_i + "[\\1]" + replace_args)

        # atrefi
            re.compile(r"\\atref" + find_i + r"\[([^\]]*)\]\{([^\}]*)\}" +
        replaces.append("\\\\atref" + replace_i + "[\\1]{\\2}" + replace_args)

        # mtrefi
            re.compile(r"\\mtref" + find_i + r"\[([^\]\?]*)\?" + find + r"\]" +
        replaces.append("\\mtref" + replace_i + "[\\1?" + replace + "]" +

        # go to the next pattern.
        i = i + 2

    actions = zip(regexes, replaces)

    # Find all the files
    for file in find_files(where, "tex")[0]:
        # Read a file
        content = read_file(file)

        # Run all of the actions
        for (f, r) in actions:
            content = f.sub(r, content)

        write_file(file, content)

    return True
Exemple #20
def transmod(modname, org_lang, dest_lang, pre_terms={}):
    """Translate a module from one language to another. """

    # Load json from a file if pre_terms is a string
    if type(pre_terms) == str:
            pre_terms = json.loads(read_file(pre_terms))
                pre_terms = json.loads(pre_terms)
                err("Unable to load json in file %r" % pre_terms)
                err("Make sure you have given a valid JSON-encoded string or path to a valid .json file. "
                return False

    # Load the set of pre-translated terms
    if org_lang in pre_terms:
        pre_terms = pre_terms[org_lang]
        if dest_lang in pre_terms:
            pre_terms = pre_terms[dest_lang]
            pre_terms = {}
        pre_terms = {}

    # filenames for the original + translated modules
    orfn = "%s.%s.tex" % (modname, org_lang)
    newfn = "%s.%s.tex" % (modname, dest_lang)

    # read the original file
        content = read_file(orfn)
        err("Unable to read original module", orfn)
        return False

    # STEP 1: Replace the third argument to the modnl + viewnl environments

    content = re.sub(
        r"(\\begin\{modnl\}\[[^\]]*\]\{[^\}]*\})\{" + org_lang + r"\}",
        r"\1{" + dest_lang + "}", content)
    content = re.sub(
        r"(\\begin\{viewnl\}\[[^\]]*\]\{[^\}]*\})\{" + org_lang + r"\}",
        r"\1{" + dest_lang + "}", content)

    # STEP 2: Update everything inside the environments

    def replacer(match):
        content = match.group(2)

        # trefi -> mtrefi
        content = re.sub(r"\\trefi\[([^\]]*)\]\{([^\}]*)\}",
                         r"\\mtrefi[\1?\2]{\\ttl{\2}}", content)
        # trefii -> mtrefii
        content = re.sub(r"\\trefii\[([^\]]*)\]\{([^\}]*)\}\{([^\}]*)\}",
                         r"\\mtrefii[\1?\2-\3]{\\ttl{\2 \3}}", content)
        # trefiii -> mtrefiii
        content = re.sub(
            r"\\mtrefiii[\1?\2-\3-\4]{\\ttl{\2 \3 \4}}", content)

        # defi
        content = re.sub(r"\\defi\[([^\]]*)\]\{([^\}]*)\}",
                         r"\\defi[\1]{\\ttl{\2}}", content)
        content = re.sub(r"\\defi\{([^\}]*)\}", r"\\defi[\1]{\\ttl{\1}}",
        # defii
        content = re.sub(r"\\defii\[([^\]]*)\]\{([^\}]*)\}\{([^\}]*)\}",
                         r"\\defii[\1]{\\ttl{\2}}{\\ttl{\3}}", content)
        content = re.sub(r"\\defii\{([^\}]*)\}\{([^\}]*)\}",
                         r"\\defii[\1-\2]{\\ttl{\1}}{\\ttl{\2}}", content)
        # defiii
        content = re.sub(
            r"\\defiii[\1]{\\ttl{\2}}{\\ttl{\3}}{\\ttl{\4}}", content)
        content = re.sub(
            r"\\defiii[\1-\2-\3]{\\ttl{\1}}{\\ttl{\2}}{\\ttl{\3}}", content)

        def inner_supper(m):
            # Inner replacement function
            # Inserts the \ttl before any trailing whitespace.

            (sub_inner, n) = re.subn(r"([\n\f\t\v\s]+)$", r"}\1", m.group(1))
            if n == 0:
                sub_inner += "}"

            return r"\ttl{" + sub_inner + m.group(6)

        def supper(m):
            # Outer replacement function.
            toreplace = m.group(4)

            if re.match(r"^([\n\f\t\v\s]*)$", toreplace):
                # we are only whitespaces => do nothing
                # we are ntop only whitespaces => replace some sentences.
                toreplace = re.sub(r"(((\w)+\s+)*((\w)+\s*))([\.\!\?\,\;]?)",
                                   inner_supper, toreplace)
            return m.group(1) + toreplace + m.group(5)

        # Replace non-wrapped text fragments
        content = re.sub(r"((\]|\}|\$[^\$]*\$)(\w*))([^\\\{\}\$\]\[]+)(\s*)",
                         supper, content)

        # and return the content
        return match.group(1) + content + match.group(4)

    # Replace text inside the environments of modnl and viewnl
    content = re.sub(r"(\\begin{modnl})((.|\n)*)(\\end{modnl})", replacer,
    content = re.sub(r"(\\begin{viewnl})((.|\n)*)(\\end{viewnl})", replacer,

    # STEP 3: Apply the pre-translated directory to \ttl{...}

    # Replace all the technical terms
    def replacer2(match):
        # prefer full matches
        if match.groups(1)[0] in pre_terms:
            return match.groups(1)[0][pre_terms]

        # Split the terms and look check if we can translate them
        terms = []
        for t in match.groups(1)[0].split(" "):
            if t in pre_terms:
                terms.append((pre_terms[t], True))
                terms.append((t, False))

        # Put the results back together
        result = ""
        is_open_ttl = False

        # For each of the terms
        for (r, s) in terms:
            if not is_open_ttl:
                # We do not have an openn ttl
                if s:
                    result += r + " "
                    result += "\\ttl{" + r + " "
                    is_open_ttl = True
                # We do have an open ttl
                if s:
                    result += result[:-1] + "} " + r + " "
                    is_open_ttl = False
                    result += r + " "
        # Close the last bracket if needed
        result = result[:-1]
        if is_open_ttl:
            result += "}"

        return result

    content = re.sub(r"\\ttl\{([^\}]*)\}", replacer2, content)

    # write back the file
        write_file(newfn, content)
        err("Unable to write new module", newfn)
        return False

    # and do some logging
    std("Prepared translation of", modname, "from")
    std("Please finish the translation and then commit the module. ")

    # we need it for the return code
    return True
Exemple #21
    def init_branch(self, branch):
            Creates a new branch for status information.

        # Get name and path.
        bsplit = branch.split(":")
        if len(bsplit) == 1:
            (name, pth) = (bsplit[0], bsplit[0])
            (name, pth) = (bsplit[0], bsplit[1])

        std("Creating branch '"+name+"' at '"+pth+"'. ")

        # Check if the branch already exists.
        if name in self.get_all_branches(tuple=False):
            err("Branch '"+name+"' already exists, can not create it again. Use --install to install. ")
            return False

        # Get the paths
        rpath = match_repo(self.repo, abs=True)
        dpath = os.path.join(rpath, pth)
        meta_inf_path = os.path.join(rpath, "META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF")

        # Find paths for the .gitignore
        gitignore_path = os.path.join(rpath, ".gitignore")
        gitignore_entry = os.path.join("/", pth)+"\n"

        # and either add to it or create it.
        if os.path.isfile(gitignore_path):
            write_file(gitignore_path, read_file(gitignore_path)+gitignore_entry)
            write_file(gitignore_path, gitignore_entry)

        # Update the meta-inf
        written = False
        lines = get_metainf_lines(self.repo)

        # try to append it to a line that already exists.
        for (i, l) in enumerate(lines):
            if l.startswith(gbranchstring):
                lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip("\n") + " " + branch
                written = True

        # or make a new one.
        if written == False:
            lines.extend([gbranchstring+" "+ branch])

        # and write that file.
        write_file(meta_inf_path, lines)

        # Create the orphaned branch.
        if not make_orphan_branch(rpath, name):
            return False

        # push it
        if not do(rpath, "push", "-u", "origin", name):
            err("Pushing branch to origin failed. ")
            return False

        # Clear the deploy branch cache for this repository.

        # install it.
        if not self.install_branch(name):
            return False

        # change the commit message
        if not do(dpath, "commit", "--amend", "--allow-empty", "-m", "Create deploy branch. "):
            return False

        # and push it.
        if not do(dpath, "push", "--force", "origin", name):
            return False

        std("Generated files branch '"+name+"' created, installed and pushed. ")
        std("Please commit and push META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and .gitignore to publish installation. ")

        return True