def read_one_public(self): """ Return one :term:`Activity`. .. seealso:: :class:`lmkp.views.activities.ActivityView.read_one` for details on the request parameters. In contrary to :class:`lmkp.views.activities.ActivityView.read_one`, no pending versions are returned even if the user is logged in. Matchdict parameters: ``/activities/public/{output}/{uid}`` ``output`` (str): If the output format is not valid, a 404 Response is returned. The following output formats are supported: ``json``: Return the :term:`Activity` as JSON. All versions visible to the current user are returned. ``html``: Return the :term:`Activity` as HTML (eg. the `Detail View`). ``uid`` (str): An :term:`Activity` :term:`UID`. Returns: ``HTTPResponse``. Either a HTML or a JSON response. """ output_format = get_output_format(self.request) uid = self.request.matchdict.get("uid", None) if validate_uuid(uid) is not True: raise HTTPNotFound() if output_format in ["json", "html"]: return self.read_one(public=True) else: raise HTTPNotFound()
def read_one_active(self): """ Return one active :term:`Activity`. .. seealso:: :ref:`read-one` Read one active :term:`Activity` version. Only return the active version. If there is no active version, no version is returned. Matchdict parameters: ``/activities/active/{output}/{uid}`` ``output`` (str): If the output format is not valid, a 404 Response is returned. The following output formats are supported: ``json``: Return the :term:`Activity` as JSON. All versions visible to the current user are returned. ``uid`` (str): An :term:`Activity` :term:`UID`. Returns: ``HTTPResponse``. Either a HTML or a JSON response. """ output_format = get_output_format(self.request) uid = self.request.matchdict.get("uid", None) if validate_uuid(uid) is not True: raise HTTPNotFound() if output_format == "json": item = activity_protocol.read_one_active(self.request, uid=uid) return render_to_response("json", item, self.request) else: raise HTTPNotFound()
def history(self): """ Return the history of an :term:`Activity`. Logged in users can see their own pending versions and moderators of the current profile can see pending versions as well. By default, the versions are ordered with the most recent changes being on top. Matchdict parameters: ``/activities/history/{output}/{uid}`` ``output`` (str): If the output format is not valid, a 404 Response is returned. The following output formats are supported: ``html``: Return the history view as HTML. ``rss``: Return history view as RSS feed. ``uid`` (str): An :term:`Activity` :term:`UID`. Returns: ``HTTPResponse``. Either a HTML or a JSON response. """ output_format = get_output_format(self.request) uid = self.request.matchdict.get("uid", None) if validate_uuid(uid) is not True: raise HTTPNotFound() __, is_moderator = get_user_privileges(self.request) items, count = activity_protocol.read_one_history(self.request, uid=uid) active_version = None for i in items: if "statusName" in i: i["statusName"] = get_translated_status(self.request, i["statusName"]) if i.get("statusId") == 2: active_version = i.get("version") template_values = self.get_base_template_values() template_values.update( {"versions": items, "count": count, "activeVersion": active_version, "isModerator": is_moderator} ) if output_format == "html": template = get_customized_template_path(self.request, "activities/history.mak") elif output_format == "rss": template = get_customized_template_path(self.request, "activities/history_rss.mak") else: raise HTTPNotFound() return render_to_response(template, template_values, self.request)
def read_one(self, public=False): """ Return one :term:`Activity`. .. seealso:: :ref:`read-one` Read one :term:`Activity` or one version of an :term:`Activity`. By default, this is the latest visible version to the current user. This means that logged in users can see their own pending version and moderators of the current profile can see a pending version as well. If you don't want to see a version pending, consider using :class:`lmkp.views.activities.ActivityView.read_one_public` instead. Args: ``public`` (bool): A boolean indicating to return only a version visible to the public (eg. pending) or not. Matchdict parameters: ``/activities/{output}/{uid}`` ``output`` (str): If the output format is not valid, a 404 Response is returned. The following output formats are supported: ``json``: Return the :term:`Activity` as JSON. All versions visible to the current user are returned. ``geojson``: Return the :term:`Activity` as GeoJSON. A version parameter is required. ``html``: Return the :term:`Activity` as HTML (eg. the `Detail View`). ``form``: Returns the form to edit an existing :term:`Activity`. ``compare``: Return the page to compare two versions of the :term:`Activity`. ``review``: Return the page to review a pending version of an :term:`Activity`. ``statistics``: Return a page with the areal statistics of an :term:`Activity`. ``uid`` (str): An :term:`Activity` :term:`UID`. Request parameters: ``translate`` (bool): Return translated values or not. This is only valid for the output formats ``json`` or ``geojson``. ``v`` (int): Indicate a specific version to return. This is only valid for the output formats ``geojson``, ``html`` and ``form``. ``inv`` (str): Only valid for output format ``form``. Indicate an involvement of the form to return to after creating a new :term:`Stakeholder`. ``ref`` (int) and ``new`` (int): Indicate specific versions. This is only valid for the output formats ``compare`` and ``review``. Returns: ``HTTPResponse``. Either a HTML or a JSON response. """ output_format = get_output_format(self.request) uid = self.request.matchdict.get("uid", None) if validate_uuid(uid) is not True: raise HTTPNotFound() if output_format == "json": translate = self.request.params.get("translate", "true").lower() == "true" item = activity_protocol.read_one(self.request, uid=uid, public=public, translate=translate) return render_to_response("json", item, self.request) elif output_format == "geojson": # A version is required version = self.request.params.get("v", None) if version is None: raise HTTPBadRequest("You must specify a version as parameter ?v=X") translate = self.request.params.get("translate", "true").lower() == "true" item = activity_protocol.read_one_geojson_by_version(self.request, uid, version, translate=translate) return render_to_response("json", item, self.request) elif output_format == "html": version = self.request.params.get("v", None) item = activity_protocol.read_one(self.request, uid=uid, public=public, translate=False) for i in item.get("data", []): item_version = i.get("version") if version is None: # If there was no version provided, show the first # version visible to the user version = str(item_version) if str(item_version) == version: template_values = self.get_base_template_values() template_values.update(renderReadonlyForm(self.request, "activities", i)) template_values.update( { "uid": uid, "shortuid": shorten_uuid(uid), "version": version, "site_key": comments_sitekey(self.request)["site_key"], "comments_url": self.request.registry.settings["lmkp.comments_url"], } ) return render_to_response( get_customized_template_path(self.request, "activities/details.mak"), template_values, self.request, ) return HTTPNotFound() elif output_format == "form": is_logged_in, __ = get_user_privileges(self.request) if not is_logged_in: raise HTTPForbidden() version = self.request.params.get("v", None) item = activity_protocol.read_one(self.request, uid=uid, public=False, translate=False) for i in item.get("data", []): item_version = i.get("version") if version is None: # If there was no version provided, show the first # version visible to the user version = str(item_version) if str(item_version) == version: new_involvement = self.request.params.get("inv") template_values = renderForm(self.request, "activities", itemJson=i, inv=new_involvement) if isinstance(template_values, Response): return template_values template_values.update(self.get_base_template_values()) template_values.update({"uid": uid, "version": version}) return render_to_response( get_customized_template_path(self.request, "activities/form.mak"), template_values, self.request ) return HTTPNotFound() elif output_format in ["review", "compare"]: if output_format == "review": # Only moderators can see the review page. is_logged_in, is_moderator = get_user_privileges(self.request) if not is_logged_in or not is_moderator: raise HTTPForbidden() review = ActivityReview(self.request) is_review = output_format == "review" available_versions = review._get_available_versions(Activity, uid, review=is_review) recalculated = False default_ref_version, default_new_version = review._get_valid_versions(Activity, uid) try: ref_version = int(self.request.params.get("ref")) except: ref_version = None # For review or if no valid reference version is provided, use the # default reference version. if ( output_format == "review" or ref_version is None or ref_version not in [v.get("version") for v in available_versions] ): ref_version = default_ref_version try: new_version = int(self.request.params.get("new")) except: new_version = None # If no valid new version is provided, use the default new version. if new_version is None or new_version not in [v.get("version") for v in available_versions]: new_version = default_new_version if output_format == "review": # If the Items are to be reviewed, only the changes which were # applied to the new_version are of interest items, recalculated = review.get_comparison(Activity, uid, ref_version, new_version) else: # If the Items are to be compared, the versions as they are # stored in the database are of interest, without any # recalculation items = [ activity_protocol.read_one_by_version( self.request, uid, ref_version, geometry="full", translate=False ), activity_protocol.read_one_by_version( self.request, uid, new_version, geometry="full", translate=False ), ] template_values = renderReadonlyCompareForm( self.request, "activities", items[0], items[1], review=is_review ) # Collect the metadata ref_metadata = {} new_metadata = {} missing_keys = [] reviewable = False if items[0] is not None: ref_metadata = items[0].get_metadata(self.request) if items[1] is not None: new_metadata = items[1].get_metadata(self.request) items[1].mark_complete(get_mandatory_keys(self.request, "a", False)) missing_keys = items[1]._missing_keys localizer = get_localizer(self.request) if localizer.locale_name != "en": db_lang = Session.query(Language).filter(Language.locale == localizer.locale_name).first() missing_keys = get_translated_db_keys(A_Key, missing_keys, db_lang) missing_keys = [m[1] for m in missing_keys] reviewable = ( len(missing_keys) == 0 and "reviewableMessage" in template_values and template_values["reviewableMessage"] is None ) if output_format == "review": pending_versions = [] for v in sorted(available_versions, key=lambda v: v.get("version")): if v.get("status") == 1: pending_versions.append(v.get("version")) template_values.update({"pendingVersions": pending_versions}) template_values.update(self.get_base_template_values()) template_values.update( { "identifier": uid, "refVersion": ref_version, "refMetadata": ref_metadata, "newVersion": new_version, "newMetadata": new_metadata, "missingKeys": missing_keys, "reviewable": reviewable, "recalculated": recalculated, } ) if output_format == "review": template = get_customized_template_path(self.request, "activities/review.mak") else: template = get_customized_template_path(self.request, "activities/compare.mak") return render_to_response(template, template_values, self.request) elif output_format == "formtest": version = self.request.params.get("v", None) # Test if an Item is valid according to the form configuration items = activity_protocol.read_one(self.request, uid=uid, public=False, translate=False) for i in item.get("data", []): item_version = i.get("version") if version is None: # If there was no version provided, show the first # version visible to the user version = str(item_version) if str(item_version) == version: categorylist = getCategoryList(self.request, "activities") return render_to_response("json", checkValidItemjson(categorylist, i), self.request) return HTTPNotFound() elif output_format == "statistics": # Try to get the base URL to the web processing service which # provides the areal statistics. # If no web processing service is configured, it is assumed that # the platform does not provide the areal statistics try: wps_host = self.request.registry.settings["lmkp.base_wps"] except KeyError: raise HTTPNotFound() # Check if the spatial accuracy map is configured in the # application .yml file spatial_accuracy_map = get_spatial_accuracy_map(self.request) if spatial_accuracy_map is None: raise HTTPNotFound() # Show the details of an Activity by rendering the form in readonly # mode. activities = activity_protocol.read_one(self.request, uid=uid, public=False, translate=False) activity = activities["data"][0] coords = activity["geometry"]["coordinates"] for taggroup in activity["taggroups"]: if taggroup["main_tag"]["key"] == "Spatial Accuracy": spatial_accuracy = taggroup["main_tag"]["value"] buffer = spatial_accuracy_map[spatial_accuracy] wps_parameters = { "ServiceProvider": "", "metapath": "", "Service": "WPS", "Request": "Execute", "Version": "1.0.0", "Identifier": "BufferStatistics", "DataInputs": "lon=%s;lat=%s;epsg=4326;buffer=%s" % (coords[0], coords[1], buffer), "RawDataOutput": "bufferstatistics@mimeType=application/json", } if not wps_host.endswith("?"): wps_host = "%s?" % wps_host for k, v in wps_parameters.items(): wps_host = "%s%s=%s&" % (wps_host, k, v) log.debug("Accessing: %s" % wps_host) try: handle = urllib.urlopen(wps_host) except IOError: return HTTPInternalServerError("Remote server not accessible.") templateValues = json.loads( templateValues["uid"] = uid templateValues["shortuid"] = uid.split("-")[0] return render_to_response( get_customized_template_path(self.request, "activities/statistics.mak"), templateValues, self.request ) else: raise HTTPNotFound()
def by_stakeholders(self, public=False): """ Return many :term:`Activities` based on :term:`Stakeholders`. Based on the :term:`UIDs` of one or many :term:`Stakeholders`, all :term:`Activities` in which the :term:`Stakeholder` is involved are returned. .. seealso:: :ref:`read-many` For each :term:`Activity`, only one version is visible, always the latest visible version to the current user. This means that logged in users can see their own pending versions and moderators of the current profile can see pending versions as well. If you don't want to show pending versions, consider using :class:`lmkp.views.activities.ActivityView.by_stakeholder_public` instead. By default, the :term:`Activities` are ordered with the :term:`Activity` having the most recent change being on top. Args: ``public`` (bool): A boolean indicating whether to return only versions visible to the public (eg. pending) or not. Matchdict parameters: ``/activities/bystakeholders/{output}/{uids}`` ``output`` (str): If the output format is not valid, a 404 Response is returned. The following output formats are supported: ``json``: Return the :term:`Activities` as JSON. ``html``: Return the :term:`Activities` as HTML (eg. the `Grid View`) ``uids`` (str): A comma-separated list of :term:`Stakeholder` :term:`UIDs`. Request parameters: ``page`` (int): The page parameter is used to paginate :term:`Items`. In combination with ``pagesize`` it defines the offset. ``pagesize`` (int): The pagesize parameter defines how many :term:`Items` are displayed at once. It is used in combination with ``page`` to allow pagination. ``status`` (str): Use the status parameter to limit results to displaying only versions with a certain :term:`status`. Returns: ``HTTPResponse``. Either a HTML or a JSON response. """ output_format = get_output_format(self.request) uids = self.request.matchdict.get("uids", "").split(",") # Remove any invalid UIDs for uid in uids: if validate_uuid(uid) is not True: uids.remove(uid) if len(uids) == 0: raise HTTPNotFound() if output_format == "json": items = activity_protocol.read_many_by_stakeholders(self.request, uids=uids, public=public) return render_to_response("json", items, self.request) elif output_format == "html": page, page_size = get_page_parameters(self.request) items = activity_protocol.read_many_by_stakeholders( self.request, uids=uids, public=public, limit=page_size, offset=page_size * page - page_size ) # No spatial filter is used if the Activities are filtered # by a Stakeholder spatial_filter = None status_filter = None template_values = self.get_base_template_values() template_values.update( { "data": items["data"] if "data" in items else [], "total": items["total"] if "total" in items else 0, "spatialfilter": spatial_filter, "invfilter": uids, "statusfilter": status_filter, "currentpage": page, "pagesize": page_size, "handle_query_string": handle_query_string, } ) return render_to_response( get_customized_template_path(self.request, "activities/grid.mak"), template_values, self.request ) else: raise HTTPNotFound()
def file_view(request): """ Show an uploaded file. .../{action}/{identifier} """ TEMP_FOLDER_NAME = "temp" try: action = request.matchdict["action"] identifier = request.matchdict["identifier"] except KeyError: raise HTTPNotFound() # Check if the action is valid if not (action == "view" or action == "download"): raise HTTPNotFound() # Check if the identifier is valid if validate_uuid(identifier) is False: raise HTTPNotFound() # Try to find necessary information of the file (mime-type) db_file_query = Session.query(File).filter(File.identifier == identifier) try: db_file = except NoResultFound: raise HTTPNotFound() except MultipleResultsFound: # This should actually never happen since we are dealing with UUIDs raise HTTPNotFound() # Get file extension extension = get_valid_file_extension(request, db_file.mime) if extension is None: # This should also never happen because files without valid mime type # should not have been uploaded in the first place raise HTTPNotFound() # Put together the filename filename = "%s%s" % (identifier, extension) # Try to find the file on disk upload_path = upload_directory_path(request) folder1, folder2 = get_folders_from_identifier(str(identifier)) filepath = os.path.join(upload_path, folder1, folder2, filename) # Check that the file is on the disk temporaryFile = False if not os.path.exists(filepath): # If the file was not found in its proper directory, try to find it in # the temporary upload directory. This means the Activity was not (yet) # submitted and the file is only visible for logged in users. filepath = os.path.join(upload_path, TEMP_FOLDER_NAME, filename) if not os.path.exists(filepath): # If it is still not found, raise error raise HTTPNotFound() # TODO: Authentication: Handle it properly if "system.Authenticated" not in effective_principals(request): raise HTTPForbidden() temporaryFile = True # If the file is not in the temporary folder, find its Activity versions by # searching for its A_Value (filename|UID). if temporaryFile is False: a_value = "%s|%s" % (, db_file.identifier) a_db_query = ( Session.query(Activity) .join(A_Tag_Group, A_Tag_Group.fk_activity == .join(A_Tag, A_Tag.fk_tag_group == .join(A_Key, A_Tag.fk_key == .join(A_Value, A_Tag.fk_value == .filter(A_Key.type.ilike("File")) .filter(A_Value.value.ilike(a_value)) ) # Files for Activities are always visible if there is an active version # having the file attached. # Files for pending versions of Activities are only visible if the # current user is moderator or edited at least one pending version. showFile = False for a in a_db_query.all(): if a.fk_status == 2: # Active: There is an active version with the file, show it showFile = True break if a.fk_status == 1 and request.user is not None: # Pending: Check if user is moderator or created the version. if "group:moderators" in effective_principals(request): # Moderator showFile = True break if a.changeset.user == request.user: # Editor of a version showFile = True break if showFile is False: raise HTTPForbidden() # Open the file file = open(filepath, "rb").read() response = Response(body=file, content_type=str(db_file.mime)) if action == "download": response.content_disposition = "attachment; filename=%s" % return response
def read_one(self, public=False): """ Return one :term:`Stakeholder`. .. seealso:: :ref:`read-one` Read one :term:`Stakeholder` or one version of a :term:`Stakeholder`. By default, this is the latest visible version to the current user. This means that logged in users can see their own pending version and moderators of the current profile can see a pending version as well. If you don't want to see a version pending, consider using :class:`lmkp.views.stakeholders.StakeholderView.read_one_public` instead. Args: ``public`` (bool): A boolean indicating to return only a version visible to the public (eg. pending) or not. Matchdict parameters: ``/stakeholders/{output}/{uid}`` ``output`` (str): If the output format is not valid, a 404 Response is returned. The following output formats are supported: ``json``: Return the :term:`Stakeholder` as JSON. All versions visible to the current user are returned. ``html``: Return the :term:`Stakeholder` as HTML (eg. the `Detail View`). ``form``: Returns the form to edit an existing :term:`Stakeholder`. ``compare``: Return the page to compare two versions of the :term:`Stakeholder`. ``review``: Return the page to review a pending version of a :term:`Stakeholder`. ``uid`` (str): An :term:`Stakeholder` :term:`UID`. Request parameters: ``translate`` (bool): Return translated values or not. This is only valid for the output format ``json``. ``v`` (int): Indicate a specific version to return. This is only valid for the output formats ``html`` and ``form``. ``camefrom`` (uid): Only valid for output format ``review``. Indicate a :term:`Activity` to return to after reviewing the :term:`Stakeholder`. ``ref`` (int) and ``new`` (int): Indicate specific versions. This is only valid for the output formats ``compare`` and ``review``. Returns: ``HTTPResponse``. Either a HTML or a JSON response. """ output_format = get_output_format(self.request) uid = self.request.matchdict.get('uid', None) if validate_uuid(uid) is not True: raise HTTPNotFound() if output_format == 'json': translate = self.request.params.get( 'translate', 'true').lower() == 'true' item = stakeholder_protocol.read_one( self.request, uid=uid, public=public, translate=translate) return render_to_response('json', item, self.request) elif output_format == 'html': version = self.request.params.get('v', None) item = stakeholder_protocol.read_one( self.request, uid=uid, public=public, translate=False) for i in item.get('data', []): item_version = i.get('version') if version is None: # If there was no version provided, show the first # version visible to the user version = str(item_version) if str(item_version) == version: template_values = self.get_base_template_values() template_values.update(renderReadonlyForm( self.request, 'stakeholders', i)) template_values.update({ 'uid': uid, 'shortuid': shorten_uuid(uid), 'version': version, 'site_key': comments_sitekey(self.request)['site_key'], 'comments_url': self.request.registry.settings[ 'lmkp.comments_url'] }) return render_to_response( get_customized_template_path( self.request, 'stakeholders/details.mak'), template_values, self.request) return HTTPNotFound() elif output_format == 'form': is_logged_in, __ = get_user_privileges(self.request) if not is_logged_in: raise HTTPForbidden() version = self.request.params.get('v', None) item = stakeholder_protocol.read_one( self.request, uid=uid, public=False, translate=False) for i in item.get('data', []): item_version = i.get('version') if version is None: # If there was no version provided, show the first # version visible to the user version = str(item_version) if str(item_version) == version: template_values = renderForm( self.request, 'stakeholders', itemJson=i) if isinstance(template_values, Response): return template_values template_values.update(self.get_base_template_values()) return render_to_response( get_customized_template_path( self.request, 'stakeholders/form.mak'), template_values, self.request) return HTTPNotFound() elif output_format in ['review', 'compare']: if output_format == 'review': # Only moderators can see the review page. is_logged_in, is_moderator = get_user_privileges(self.request) if not is_logged_in or not is_moderator: raise HTTPForbidden() review = StakeholderReview(self.request) is_review = output_format == 'review' available_versions = review._get_available_versions( Stakeholder, uid, review=is_review) recalculated = False default_ref_version, default_new_version = review.\ _get_valid_versions(Stakeholder, uid) try: ref_version = int(self.request.params.get('ref')) except: ref_version = None # For review or if no valid reference version is provided, use the # default reference version. if (output_format == 'review' or ref_version is None or ref_version not in [ v.get('version') for v in available_versions]): ref_version = default_ref_version try: new_version = int(self.request.params.get('new')) except: new_version = None if new_version is None or new_version not in [ v.get('version') for v in available_versions]: new_version = default_new_version if output_format == 'review': # If the Items are to be reviewed, only the changes which were # applied to the new_version are of interest items, recalculated = review.get_comparison( Stakeholder, uid, ref_version, new_version) else: # If the Items are to be compared, the versions as they are # stored in the database are of interest, without any # recalculation items = [ stakeholder_protocol.read_one_by_version( self.request, uid, ref_version, translate=False ), stakeholder_protocol.read_one_by_version( self.request, uid, new_version, translate=False ) ] template_values = renderReadonlyCompareForm( self.request, 'stakeholders', items[0], items[1], review=is_review) # Collect the metadata ref_metadata = {} new_metadata = {} missing_keys = [] reviewable = False if items[0] is not None: ref_metadata = items[0].get_metadata(self.request) # Collect metadata and missing keys for the new version if items[1] is not None: new_metadata = items[1].get_metadata(self.request) items[1].mark_complete(get_mandatory_keys( self.request, 'sh', False)) missing_keys = items[1]._missing_keys localizer = get_localizer(self.request) if localizer.locale_name != 'en': db_lang = Session.query(Language).filter( Language.locale == localizer.locale_name).first() missing_keys = get_translated_db_keys( SH_Key, missing_keys, db_lang) missing_keys = [m[1] for m in missing_keys] reviewable = (len(missing_keys) == 0 and 'reviewableMessage' in template_values and template_values['reviewableMessage'] is None) if output_format == 'review': pending_versions = [] for v in sorted( available_versions, key=lambda v: v.get('version')): if v.get('status') == 1: pending_versions.append(v.get('version')) template_values['pendingVersions'] = pending_versions template_values.update(self.get_base_template_values()) template_values.update({ 'identifier': uid, 'refVersion': ref_version, 'refMetadata': ref_metadata, 'newVersion': new_version, 'newMetadata': new_metadata, 'missingKeys': missing_keys, 'reviewable': reviewable, 'recalculated': recalculated, 'camefrom': self.request.params.get('camefrom', ''), }) if output_format == 'review': template = get_customized_template_path( self.request, 'stakeholders/review.mak') else: template = get_customized_template_path( self.request, 'stakeholders/compare.mak') return render_to_response(template, template_values, self.request) elif output_format == 'formtest': version = self.request.params.get('v', None) # Test if an Item is valid according to the form configuration items = stakeholder_protocol.read_one( self.request, uid=uid, public=False, translate=False) for i in item.get('data', []): item_version = i.get('version') if version is None: # If there was no version provided, show the first # version visible to the user version = str(item_version) if str(item_version) == version: categorylist = getCategoryList( self.request, 'stakeholders') return render_to_response( 'json', checkValidItemjson(categorylist, i), self.request) return HTTPNotFound() else: raise HTTPNotFound()
def by_activities(self, public=False): """ Return many :term:`Stakeholders` based on :term:`Activities`. Based on the :term:`UIDs` of one or many :term:`Activities`, all :term:`Stakeholders` which are involved in the :term:`Activity` are returend. .. seealso:: :ref:`read-many` For each :term:`Stakeholder`, only one version is visible, always the latest visible version to the current user. This means that logged in users can see their own pending versions and moderators of the current profile can see pending versions as well. If you don't want to show pending versions, consider using :class:`lmkp.views.stakeholders.StakeholderView.by_activities_public` instead. By default, the :term:`Stakeholders` are ordered with the :term:`Stakeholder` having the most recent change being on top. Args: ``public`` (bool): A boolean indicating whether to return only versions visible to the public (eg. pending) or not. Matchdict parameters: ``/stakeholders/byactivities/{output}`` or ``/stakeholders/byactivities/{output}/{uids}`` ``output`` (str): If the output format is not valid, a 404 Response is returned. The following output formats are supported: ``json``: Return the :term:`Stakeholders` as JSON. ``html``: Return the :term:`Stakeholders` as HTML (eg. the `Grid View`) ``uids`` (str): An optional comma-separated list of :term:`Activity` :term:`UIDs`. Request parameters: ``page`` (int): The page parameter is used to paginate :term:`Items`. In combination with ``pagesize`` it defines the offset. ``pagesize`` (int): The pagesize parameter defines how many :term:`Items` are displayed at once. It is used in combination with ``page`` to allow pagination. ``status`` (str): Use the status parameter to limit results to displaying only versions with a certain :term:`status`. Returns: ``HTTPResponse``. Either a HTML or a JSON response. """ output_format = get_output_format(self.request) uids = self.request.matchdict.get('uids', '').split(',') # Remove any invalid UIDs for uid in uids: if validate_uuid(uid) is not True: uids.remove(uid) if output_format == 'json': items = stakeholder_protocol.read_many_by_activities( self.request, public=public, uids=uids) return render_to_response('json', items, self.request) elif output_format == 'html': page, page_size = get_page_parameters(self.request) items = stakeholder_protocol.read_many_by_activities( self.request, public=public, uids=uids, limit=page_size, offset=page_size * page - page_size) # Show a spatial filter only if there is no involvement # filter (no Activity UID set) spatial_filter = None if len(uids) == 0: spatial_filter = 'profile' if get_bbox_parameters( self.request)[0] == 'profile' else 'map' status_filter = None __, is_moderator = get_user_privileges(self.request) template_values = self.get_base_template_values() template_values.update({ 'data': items['data'] if 'data' in items else [], 'total': items['total'] if 'total' in items else 0, 'spatialfilter': spatial_filter, 'invfilter': uids, 'statusfilter': status_filter, 'currentpage': page, 'pagesize': page_size, 'is_moderator': is_moderator, 'handle_query_string': handle_query_string }) return render_to_response( get_customized_template_path( self.request, 'stakeholders/grid.mak'), template_values, self.request) else: raise HTTPNotFound()