Exemple #1
    def __init__(self,
        self.aggregation_fn = aggregation_fn

        # Special case: if we're using the minimum to aggregate, swap it for
        # max if bigger_is_better.
        if aggregation_fn == stats.safe_min and bigger_is_better:
            aggregation_fn = stats.safe_max

        self.cur_hash = cur_hash
        self.prev_hash = prev_hash
        self.cur_profile = cur_profile
        self.prev_profile = prev_profile

        if samples:
            self.current = aggregation_fn(samples)
            self.current = None

        self.previous = None

        # Compute the comparison status for the test value.
        self.delta = 0
        self.pct_delta = 0.0
        if self.current and prev_samples:
            self.delta, value = absmin_diff(self.current, prev_samples)
            if value != 0:
                self.pct_delta = self.delta / value
            self.previous = value

        # If we have multiple values for this run, use that to estimate the
        # distribution.
        # We can get integer sample types here - for example if the field is
        # .exec.status. Make sure we don't assert by avoiding the stats
        # functions in this case.
        if samples and len(samples) > 1 and isinstance(samples[0], float):
            self.stddev = stats.standard_deviation(samples)
            self.MAD = stats.median_absolute_deviation(samples)
            self.stddev = None
            self.MAD = None

        self.failed = cur_failed
        self.prev_failed = prev_failed
        self.samples = samples
        self.prev_samples = prev_samples

        self.confidence_lv = confidence_lv
        self.bigger_is_better = bigger_is_better
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, aggregation_fn,
                 cur_failed, prev_failed, samples, prev_samples,
                 cur_hash, prev_hash, cur_profile=None, prev_profile=None,
                 confidence_lv=0.05, bigger_is_better=False):
        self.aggregation_fn = aggregation_fn

        # Special case: if we're using the minimum to aggregate, swap it for
        # max if bigger_is_better.
        if aggregation_fn == stats.safe_min and bigger_is_better:
            aggregation_fn = stats.safe_max

        self.cur_hash = cur_hash
        self.prev_hash = prev_hash
        self.cur_profile = cur_profile
        self.prev_profile = prev_profile

        if samples:
            self.current = aggregation_fn(samples)
            self.current = None

        self.previous = None

        # Compute the comparison status for the test value.
        self.delta = 0
        self.pct_delta = 0.0
        if self.current and prev_samples:
            self.delta, value = absmin_diff(self.current, prev_samples)
            if value != 0:
                self.pct_delta = self.delta / value
            self.previous = value

        # If we have multiple values for this run, use that to estimate the
        # distribution.
        # We can get integer sample types here - for example if the field is
        # .exec.status. Make sure we don't assert by avoiding the stats
        # functions in this case.
        if samples and len(samples) > 1 and isinstance(samples[0], float):
            self.stddev = stats.standard_deviation(samples)
            self.MAD = stats.median_absolute_deviation(samples)
            self.stddev = None
            self.MAD = None

        self.stddev_mean = None  # Only calculate this if needed.
        self.failed = cur_failed
        self.prev_failed = prev_failed
        self.samples = samples
        self.prev_samples = prev_samples

        self.confidence_lv = confidence_lv
        self.bigger_is_better = bigger_is_better
Exemple #3
def v4_graph():
    from lnt.server.ui import util
    from lnt.testing import PASS
    from lnt.util import stats
    from lnt.external.stats import stats as ext_stats

    ts = request.get_testsuite()

    # Parse the view options.
    options = {}
    options['hide_lineplot'] = bool(request.args.get('hide_lineplot'))
    show_lineplot = not options['hide_lineplot']
    options['show_mad'] = show_mad = bool(request.args.get('show_mad'))
    options['show_stddev'] = show_stddev = bool(request.args.get('show_stddev'))
    options['hide_all_points'] = hide_all_points = bool(
    options['show_linear_regression'] = show_linear_regression = bool(
    options['show_failures'] = show_failures = bool(
    options['normalize_by_median'] = normalize_by_median = bool(
    options['show_moving_average'] = moving_average = bool(
    options['show_moving_median'] = moving_median = bool(
    options['moving_window_size'] = moving_window_size = int(
        request.args.get('moving_window_size', 10))
    options['hide_highlight'] = bool(
    show_highlight = not options['hide_highlight']

    def convert_revision(dotted):
        """Turn a version number like 489.2.10 into something
        that is ordered and sortable.
        For now 489.2.10 will be returned as a tuple of ints.
        dotted = integral_rex.findall(dotted)
        return tuple([int(d) for d in dotted])

    # Load the graph parameters.
    graph_parameters = []
    for name,value in request.args.items():
        # Plots to graph are passed as::
        #  plot.<unused>=<machine id>.<test id>.<field index>
        if not name.startswith(str('plot.')):

        # Ignore the extra part of the key, it is unused.
        machine_id_str,test_id_str,field_index_str = value.split('.')
            machine_id = int(machine_id_str)
            test_id = int(test_id_str)
            field_index = int(field_index_str)
            return abort(400)

        if not (0 <= field_index < len(ts.sample_fields)):
            return abort(404)

            machine = \
                ts.query(ts.Machine).filter(ts.Machine.id == machine_id).one()
            test = ts.query(ts.Test).filter(ts.Test.id == test_id).one()
            field = ts.sample_fields[field_index]
        except NoResultFound:
            return abort(404)
        graph_parameters.append((machine, test, field))

    # Order the plots by machine name, test name and then field.
    graph_parameters.sort(key = lambda (m,t,f): (m.name, t.name, f.name))

    # Extract requested mean trend.
    mean_parameter = None
    for name,value in request.args.items():
        # Mean to graph is passed as:
        #  mean=<machine id>.<field index>
        if name != 'mean':

        machine_id_str,field_index_str  = value.split('.')
            machine_id = int(machine_id_str)
            field_index = int(field_index_str)
        except ValueError:
            return abort(400)

        if not (0 <= field_index < len(ts.sample_fields)):
            return abort(404)

            machine = \
                ts.query(ts.Machine).filter(ts.Machine.id == machine_id).one()
        except NoResultFound:
            return abort(404)
        field = ts.sample_fields[field_index]

        mean_parameter = (machine, field)

    # Sanity check the arguments.
    if not graph_parameters and not mean_parameter:
        return render_template("error.html", message="Nothing to graph.")

    # Extract requested baselines, and their titles.
    baseline_parameters = []
    for name,value in request.args.items():
        # Baselines to graph are passed as:
        #  baseline.title=<run id>
        if not name.startswith(str('baseline.')):

        baseline_title = name[len('baseline.'):]

        run_id_str = value
            run_id = int(run_id_str)
            return abort(400)

            run = ts.query(ts.Run).join(ts.Machine).filter(ts.Run.id == run_id).one()
            err_msg = "The run {} was not found in the database.".format(run_id)
            return render_template("error.html",

        baseline_parameters.append((run, baseline_title))

    # Create region of interest for run data region if we are performing a
    # comparison.
    revision_range = None
    highlight_run_id = request.args.get('highlight_run')
    if show_highlight and highlight_run_id and highlight_run_id.isdigit():
        highlight_run = ts.query(ts.Run).filter_by(
        if highlight_run is None:

        # Find the neighboring runs, by order.
        prev_runs = list(ts.get_previous_runs_on_machine(highlight_run, N = 1))
        if prev_runs:
            start_rev = prev_runs[0].order.llvm_project_revision
            end_rev = highlight_run.order.llvm_project_revision
            revision_range = {
                "start": convert_revision(start_rev),
                "end": convert_revision(end_rev) }

    # Build the graph data.
    legend = []
    graph_plots = []
    graph_datum = []
    overview_plots = []
    baseline_plots = []
    num_plots = len(graph_parameters)
    for i,(machine,test,field) in enumerate(graph_parameters):
        # Determine the base plot color.
        col = list(util.makeDarkColor(float(i) / num_plots))
        legend.append((machine, test.name, field.name, tuple(col)))

        # Load all the field values for this test on the same machine.
        # FIXME: Don't join to Order here, aggregate this across all the tests
        # we want to load. Actually, we should just make this a single query.
        # FIXME: Don't hard code field name.
        q = ts.query(field.column, ts.Order.llvm_project_revision, ts.Run.start_time).\
            filter(ts.Run.machine_id == machine.id).\
            filter(ts.Sample.test == test).\
            filter(field.column != None)

        # Unless all samples requested, filter out failing tests.
        if not show_failures:
            if field.status_field:
                q = q.filter((field.status_field.column == PASS) |
                             (field.status_field.column == None))

        # Aggregate by revision.
        data = util.multidict((rev, (val, date)) for val,rev,date in q).items()
        data.sort(key=lambda sample: convert_revision(sample[0]))

        graph_datum.append((test.name, data, col, field))

        # Get baselines for this line
        num_baselines = len(baseline_parameters)
        for baseline_id, (baseline, baseline_title) in enumerate(baseline_parameters):
            q_baseline = ts.query(field.column, ts.Order.llvm_project_revision, ts.Run.start_time, ts.Machine.name).\
                         filter(ts.Run.id == baseline.id).\
                         filter(ts.Sample.test == test).\
                         filter(field.column != None)
            # In the event of many samples, use the mean of the samples as the baseline.
            samples = []
            for sample in q_baseline:
            # Skip this baseline if there is no data.
            if not samples:
            mean = sum(samples)/len(samples)
            # Darken the baseline color distinguish from non-baselines.
            # Make a color closer to the sample than its neighbour.
            color_offset = float(baseline_id) / num_baselines / 2
            my_color = (i + color_offset) / num_plots
            dark_col = list(util.makeDarkerColor(my_color))
            str_dark_col =  util.toColorString(dark_col)
            baseline_plots.append({'color': str_dark_col,
                                   'lineWidth': 2,
                                   'yaxis': {'from': mean, 'to': mean},
                                   'name': q_baseline[0].llvm_project_revision})
            baseline_name = "Baseline {} on {}".format(baseline_title,  q_baseline[0].name)
            legend.append((BaselineLegendItem(baseline_name, baseline.id), test.name, field.name, dark_col))

    # Draw mean trend if requested.
    if mean_parameter:
        machine, field = mean_parameter
        test_name = 'Geometric Mean'

        col = (0,0,0)
        legend.append((machine, test_name, field.name, col))

        q = ts.query(sqlalchemy.sql.func.min(field.column),
            filter(ts.Run.machine_id == machine.id).\
            filter(field.column != None).\
            group_by(ts.Order.llvm_project_revision, ts.Test)

        # Calculate geomean of each revision.
        data = util.multidict(((rev, date), val) for val,rev,date in q).items()
        data = [(rev, [(lnt.server.reporting.analysis.calc_geomean(vals), date)])
                for ((rev, date), vals) in data]

        # Sort data points according to revision number.
        data.sort(key=lambda sample: convert_revision(sample[0]))

        graph_datum.append((test_name, data, col, field))

    for name, data, col, field in graph_datum:
        # Compute the graph points.
        errorbar_data = []
        points_data = []
        pts = []
        moving_median_data = []
        moving_average_data = []

        if normalize_by_median:
            normalize_by = 1.0/stats.median([min([d[0] for d in values])
                                           for _,values in data])
            normalize_by = 1.0

        for pos, (point_label, datapoints) in enumerate(data):
            # Get the samples.
            data = [data_date[0] for data_date in datapoints]
            # And the date on which they were taken.
            dates = [data_date[1] for data_date in datapoints]

            # When we can, map x-axis to revisions, but when that is too hard
            # use the position of the sample instead.
            rev_x = convert_revision(point_label)
            x = rev_x[0] if len(rev_x)==1 else pos

            values = [v*normalize_by for v in data]
            aggregation_fn = min
            if field.bigger_is_better:
                aggregation_fn = max
            agg_value, agg_index = \
                aggregation_fn((value, index)
                               for (index, value) in enumerate(values))

            # Generate metadata.
            metadata = {"label":point_label}
            metadata["date"] = str(dates[agg_index])
            if len(graph_datum) > 1:
                # If there are more than one plot in the graph, also label the
                # test name.
                metadata["test_name"] = name

            pts.append((x, agg_value, metadata))

            # Add the individual points, if requested.
            # For each point add a text label for the mouse over.
            if not hide_all_points:
                for i,v in enumerate(values):
                    point_metadata = dict(metadata)
                    point_metadata["date"] = str(dates[i])
                    points_data.append((x, v, point_metadata))
            # Add the standard deviation error bar, if requested.
            if show_stddev:
                mean = stats.mean(values)
                sigma = stats.standard_deviation(values)
                errorbar_data.append((x, mean, sigma))

            # Add the MAD error bar, if requested.
            if show_mad:
                med = stats.median(values)
                mad = stats.median_absolute_deviation(values, med)
                errorbar_data.append((x, med, mad))

        # Compute the moving average and or moving median of our data if requested.
        if moving_average or moving_median:
            fun = None

            def compute_moving_average(x, window, average_list, median_list):
                average_list.append((x, lnt.util.stats.mean(window)))
            def compute_moving_median(x, window, average_list, median_list):
                median_list.append((x, lnt.util.stats.median(window)))
            def compute_moving_average_and_median(x, window, average_list, median_list):
                average_list.append((x, lnt.util.stats.mean(window)))
                median_list.append((x, lnt.util.stats.median(window)))

            if moving_average and moving_median:
                fun = compute_moving_average_and_median
            elif moving_average:
                fun = compute_moving_average
                fun = compute_moving_median

            len_pts = len(pts)
            for i in range(len_pts):
                start_index = max(0, i - moving_window_size)
                end_index = min(len_pts, i + moving_window_size)

                window_pts = [x[1] for x in pts[start_index:end_index]]
                fun(pts[i][0], window_pts, moving_average_data, moving_median_data)

        # On the overview, we always show the line plot.
                "data" : pts,
                "color" : util.toColorString(col) })

        # Add the minimum line plot, if requested.
        if show_lineplot:
                    "data" : pts,
                    "color" : util.toColorString(col) })

        # Add regression line, if requested.
        if show_linear_regression:
            xs = [t for t,v,_ in pts]
            ys = [v for t,v,_ in pts]

            # We compute the regression line in terms of a normalized X scale.
            x_min, x_max = min(xs), max(xs)
                norm_xs = [(x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min)
                           for x in xs]
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                norm_xs = xs

                info = ext_stats.linregress(norm_xs, ys)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                info = None
            except ValueError:
                info = None

            if info is not None:
                slope, intercept,_,_,_ = info

                reglin_col = [c * .7 for c in col]
                reglin_pts = [(x_min, 0.0 * slope + intercept),
                              (x_max, 1.0 * slope + intercept)]
                graph_plots.insert(0, {
                        "data" : reglin_pts,
                        "color" : util.toColorString(reglin_col),
                        "lines" : {
                            "lineWidth" : 2 },
                        "shadowSize" : 4 })

        # Add the points plot, if used.
        if points_data:
            pts_col = (0,0,0)
                    "data" : points_data,
                    "color" : util.toColorString(pts_col),
                    "lines" : {
                        "show" : False },
                    "points" : {
                        "show" : True,
                        "radius" : .25,
                        "fill" : True } })

        # Add the error bar plot, if used.
        if errorbar_data:
            bar_col = [c*.7 for c in col]
                    "data" : errorbar_data,
                    "lines" : { "show" : False },
                    "color" : util.toColorString(bar_col),
                    "points" : {
                        "errorbars" : "y",
                        "yerr" : { "show" : True,
                                   "lowerCap" : "-",
                                   "upperCap" : "-",
                                   "lineWidth" : 1 } } })

        # Add the moving average plot, if used.
        if moving_average_data:
            col = [0.32, 0.6, 0.0]
                    "data" : moving_average_data,
                    "color" : util.toColorString(col) })

        # Add the moving median plot, if used.
        if moving_median_data:
            col = [0.75, 0.0, 1.0]
                    "data" : moving_median_data,
                    "color" : util.toColorString(col) })

    if bool(request.args.get('json')):
        json_obj = dict()
        json_obj['data'] = graph_plots
        # Flatten ORM machine objects to their string names.
        simple_type_legend = []
        for machine, test, unit, color in legend:
            # Flatten name, make color a dict.
            new_entry = {'name': machine.name,
                         'test': test,
                         'unit': unit,
                         'color': util.toColorString(color),}
        json_obj['legend'] = simple_type_legend
        json_obj['revision_range'] = revision_range
        json_obj['current_options'] = options
        json_obj['test_suite_name'] = ts.name
        json_obj['baselines'] = baseline_plots
        return flask.jsonify(**json_obj)

    return render_template("v4_graph.html", ts=ts, options=options,
                           overview_plots=overview_plots, legend=legend,
Exemple #4
def v4_graph():
    from lnt.server.ui import util
    from lnt.testing import PASS
    from lnt.util import stats
    from lnt.external.stats import stats as ext_stats

    ts = request.get_testsuite()

    # Parse the view options.
    options = {}
    options['hide_lineplot'] = bool(request.args.get('hide_lineplot'))
    show_lineplot = not options['hide_lineplot']
    options['show_mad'] = show_mad = bool(request.args.get('show_mad'))
    options['show_stddev'] = show_stddev = bool(
    options['hide_all_points'] = hide_all_points = bool(
    options['show_linear_regression'] = show_linear_regression = bool(
    options['show_failures'] = show_failures = bool(
    options['normalize_by_median'] = normalize_by_median = bool(
    options['show_moving_average'] = moving_average = bool(
    options['show_moving_median'] = moving_median = bool(
    options['moving_window_size'] = moving_window_size = int(
        request.args.get('moving_window_size', 10))
    options['hide_highlight'] = bool(request.args.get('hide_highlight'))
    show_highlight = not options['hide_highlight']

    def convert_revision(dotted):
        """Turn a version number like 489.2.10 into something
        that is ordered and sortable.
        For now 489.2.10 will be returned as a tuple of ints.
        dotted = integral_rex.findall(dotted)
        return tuple([int(d) for d in dotted])

    # Load the graph parameters.
    graph_parameters = []
    for name, value in request.args.items():
        # Plots to graph are passed as::
        #  plot.<unused>=<machine id>.<test id>.<field index>
        if not name.startswith(str('plot.')):

        # Ignore the extra part of the key, it is unused.
        machine_id_str, test_id_str, field_index_str = value.split('.')
            machine_id = int(machine_id_str)
            test_id = int(test_id_str)
            field_index = int(field_index_str)
            return abort(400)

        if not (0 <= field_index < len(ts.sample_fields)):
            return abort(404)

            machine = \
                ts.query(ts.Machine).filter(ts.Machine.id == machine_id).one()
            test = ts.query(ts.Test).filter(ts.Test.id == test_id).one()
            field = ts.sample_fields[field_index]
        except NoResultFound:
            return abort(404)
        graph_parameters.append((machine, test, field, field_index))

    # Order the plots by machine name, test name and then field.
    graph_parameters.sort(key=lambda (m, t, f, _): (m.name, t.name, f.name, _))

    # Extract requested mean trend.
    mean_parameter = None
    for name, value in request.args.items():
        # Mean to graph is passed as:
        #  mean=<machine id>.<field index>
        if name != 'mean':

        machine_id_str, field_index_str = value.split('.')
            machine_id = int(machine_id_str)
            field_index = int(field_index_str)
        except ValueError:
            return abort(400)

        if not (0 <= field_index < len(ts.sample_fields)):
            return abort(404)

            machine = \
                ts.query(ts.Machine).filter(ts.Machine.id == machine_id).one()
        except NoResultFound:
            return abort(404)
        field = ts.sample_fields[field_index]

        mean_parameter = (machine, field)

    # Sanity check the arguments.
    if not graph_parameters and not mean_parameter:
        return render_template("error.html", message="Nothing to graph.")

    # Extract requested baselines, and their titles.
    baseline_parameters = []
    for name, value in request.args.items():
        # Baselines to graph are passed as:
        #  baseline.title=<run id>
        if not name.startswith(str('baseline.')):

        baseline_title = name[len('baseline.'):]

        run_id_str = value
            run_id = int(run_id_str)
            return abort(400)

            run = ts.query(ts.Run).join(
                ts.Machine).filter(ts.Run.id == run_id).one()
            err_msg = "The run {} was not found in the database.".format(
            return render_template("error.html", message=err_msg)

        baseline_parameters.append((run, baseline_title))

    # Create region of interest for run data region if we are performing a
    # comparison.
    revision_range = None
    highlight_run_id = request.args.get('highlight_run')
    if show_highlight and highlight_run_id and highlight_run_id.isdigit():
        highlight_run = ts.query(
        if highlight_run is None:

        # Find the neighboring runs, by order.
        prev_runs = list(ts.get_previous_runs_on_machine(highlight_run, N=1))
        if prev_runs:
            start_rev = prev_runs[0].order.llvm_project_revision
            end_rev = highlight_run.order.llvm_project_revision
            revision_range = {
                "start": convert_revision(start_rev),
                "end": convert_revision(end_rev)

    # Build the graph data.
    legend = []
    graph_plots = []
    graph_datum = []
    overview_plots = []
    baseline_plots = []
    num_plots = len(graph_parameters)
    for i, (machine, test, field, field_index) in enumerate(graph_parameters):
        # Determine the base plot color.
        col = list(util.makeDarkColor(float(i) / num_plots))
        url = "/".join([str(machine.id), str(test.id), str(field_index)])
        legend.append((machine, test.name, field.name, tuple(col), url))

        # Load all the field values for this test on the same machine.
        # FIXME: Don't join to Order here, aggregate this across all the tests
        # we want to load. Actually, we should just make this a single query.
        # FIXME: Don't hard code field name.
        q = ts.query(field.column, ts.Order.llvm_project_revision, ts.Run.start_time, ts.Run.id).\
            filter(ts.Run.machine_id == machine.id).\
            filter(ts.Sample.test == test).\
            filter(field.column != None)

        # Unless all samples requested, filter out failing tests.
        if not show_failures:
            if field.status_field:
                q = q.filter((field.status_field.column == PASS)
                             | (field.status_field.column == None))

        # Aggregate by revision.
        data = util.multidict((rev, (val, date, run_id))
                              for val, rev, date, run_id in q).items()
        data.sort(key=lambda sample: convert_revision(sample[0]))

        graph_datum.append((test.name, data, col, field, url))

        # Get baselines for this line
        num_baselines = len(baseline_parameters)
        for baseline_id, (baseline,
                          baseline_title) in enumerate(baseline_parameters):
            q_baseline = ts.query(field.column, ts.Order.llvm_project_revision, ts.Run.start_time, ts.Machine.name).\
                         filter(ts.Run.id == baseline.id).\
                         filter(ts.Sample.test == test).\
                         filter(field.column != None)
            # In the event of many samples, use the mean of the samples as the baseline.
            samples = []
            for sample in q_baseline:
            # Skip this baseline if there is no data.
            if not samples:
            mean = sum(samples) / len(samples)
            # Darken the baseline color distinguish from non-baselines.
            # Make a color closer to the sample than its neighbour.
            color_offset = float(baseline_id) / num_baselines / 2
            my_color = (i + color_offset) / num_plots
            dark_col = list(util.makeDarkerColor(my_color))
            str_dark_col = util.toColorString(dark_col)
                'color': str_dark_col,
                'lineWidth': 2,
                'yaxis': {
                    'from': mean,
                    'to': mean
                'name': q_baseline[0].llvm_project_revision
            baseline_name = "Baseline {} on {}".format(baseline_title,
            legend.append((BaselineLegendItem(baseline_name, baseline.id),
                           test.name, field.name, dark_col))

    # Draw mean trend if requested.
    if mean_parameter:
        machine, field = mean_parameter
        test_name = 'Geometric Mean'

        col = (0, 0, 0)
        legend.append((machine, test_name, field.name, col, None))

        q = ts.query(sqlalchemy.sql.func.min(field.column),
            filter(ts.Run.machine_id == machine.id).\
            filter(field.column != None).\
            group_by(ts.Order.llvm_project_revision, ts.Test)

        # Calculate geomean of each revision.
        data = util.multidict(
            ((rev, date), val) for val, rev, date in q).items()
        data = [(rev, [(lnt.server.reporting.analysis.calc_geomean(vals), date)
                       ]) for ((rev, date), vals) in data]

        # Sort data points according to revision number.
        data.sort(key=lambda sample: convert_revision(sample[0]))

        graph_datum.append((test_name, data, col, field, None))

    for name, data, col, field, url in graph_datum:
        # Compute the graph points.
        errorbar_data = []
        points_data = []
        pts = []
        moving_median_data = []
        moving_average_data = []

        if normalize_by_median:
            normalize_by = 1.0 / stats.median(
                [min([d[0] for d in values]) for _, values in data])
            normalize_by = 1.0

        for pos, (point_label, datapoints) in enumerate(data):
            # Get the samples.
            data = [data_date[0] for data_date in datapoints]
            # And the date on which they were taken.
            dates = [data_date[1] for data_date in datapoints]
            # Run where this point was collected.
            runs = [
                data_pts[2] for data_pts in datapoints if len(data_pts) == 3

            # When we can, map x-axis to revisions, but when that is too hard
            # use the position of the sample instead.
            rev_x = convert_revision(point_label)
            x = rev_x[0] if len(rev_x) == 1 else pos

            values = [v * normalize_by for v in data]
            aggregation_fn = min
            if field.bigger_is_better:
                aggregation_fn = max
            agg_value, agg_index = \
                aggregation_fn((value, index)
                               for (index, value) in enumerate(values))

            # Generate metadata.
            metadata = {"label": point_label}
            metadata["date"] = str(dates[agg_index])
            if runs:
                metadata["runID"] = str(runs[agg_index])

            if len(graph_datum) > 1:
                # If there are more than one plot in the graph, also label the
                # test name.
                metadata["test_name"] = name

            pts.append((x, agg_value, metadata))

            # Add the individual points, if requested.
            # For each point add a text label for the mouse over.
            if not hide_all_points:
                for i, v in enumerate(values):
                    point_metadata = dict(metadata)
                    point_metadata["date"] = str(dates[i])
                    points_data.append((x, v, point_metadata))

            # Add the standard deviation error bar, if requested.
            if show_stddev:
                mean = stats.mean(values)
                sigma = stats.standard_deviation(values)
                errorbar_data.append((x, mean, sigma))

            # Add the MAD error bar, if requested.
            if show_mad:
                med = stats.median(values)
                mad = stats.median_absolute_deviation(values, med)
                errorbar_data.append((x, med, mad))

        # Compute the moving average and or moving median of our data if requested.
        if moving_average or moving_median:
            fun = None

            def compute_moving_average(x, window, average_list, median_list):
                average_list.append((x, lnt.util.stats.mean(window)))

            def compute_moving_median(x, window, average_list, median_list):
                median_list.append((x, lnt.util.stats.median(window)))

            def compute_moving_average_and_median(x, window, average_list,
                average_list.append((x, lnt.util.stats.mean(window)))
                median_list.append((x, lnt.util.stats.median(window)))

            if moving_average and moving_median:
                fun = compute_moving_average_and_median
            elif moving_average:
                fun = compute_moving_average
                fun = compute_moving_median

            len_pts = len(pts)
            for i in range(len_pts):
                start_index = max(0, i - moving_window_size)
                end_index = min(len_pts, i + moving_window_size)

                window_pts = [x[1] for x in pts[start_index:end_index]]
                fun(pts[i][0], window_pts, moving_average_data,

        # On the overview, we always show the line plot.
        overview_plots.append({"data": pts, "color": util.toColorString(col)})

        # Add the minimum line plot, if requested.
        if show_lineplot:
            plot = {"data": pts, "color": util.toColorString(col)}
            if url:
                plot["url"] = url
        # Add regression line, if requested.
        if show_linear_regression:
            xs = [t for t, v, _ in pts]
            ys = [v for t, v, _ in pts]

            # We compute the regression line in terms of a normalized X scale.
            x_min, x_max = min(xs), max(xs)
                norm_xs = [(x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min) for x in xs]
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                norm_xs = xs

                info = ext_stats.linregress(norm_xs, ys)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                info = None
            except ValueError:
                info = None

            if info is not None:
                slope, intercept, _, _, _ = info

                reglin_col = [c * .7 for c in col]
                reglin_pts = [(x_min, 0.0 * slope + intercept),
                              (x_max, 1.0 * slope + intercept)]
                    0, {
                        "data": reglin_pts,
                        "color": util.toColorString(reglin_col),
                        "lines": {
                            "lineWidth": 2
                        "shadowSize": 4

        # Add the points plot, if used.
        if points_data:
            pts_col = (0, 0, 0)
            plot = {
                "data": points_data,
                "color": util.toColorString(pts_col),
                "lines": {
                    "show": False
                "points": {
                    "show": True,
                    "radius": .25,
                    "fill": True
            if url:
                plot['url'] = url

        # Add the error bar plot, if used.
        if errorbar_data:
            bar_col = [c * .7 for c in col]
                "data": errorbar_data,
                "lines": {
                    "show": False
                "color": util.toColorString(bar_col),
                "points": {
                    "errorbars": "y",
                    "yerr": {
                        "show": True,
                        "lowerCap": "-",
                        "upperCap": "-",
                        "lineWidth": 1

        # Add the moving average plot, if used.
        if moving_average_data:
            col = [0.32, 0.6, 0.0]
                "data": moving_average_data,
                "color": util.toColorString(col)

        # Add the moving median plot, if used.
        if moving_median_data:
            col = [0.75, 0.0, 1.0]
                "data": moving_median_data,
                "color": util.toColorString(col)

    if bool(request.args.get('json')):
        json_obj = dict()
        json_obj['data'] = graph_plots
        # Flatten ORM machine objects to their string names.
        simple_type_legend = []
        for machine, test, unit, color, url in legend:
            # Flatten name, make color a dict.
            new_entry = {
                'name': machine.name,
                'test': test,
                'unit': unit,
                'color': util.toColorString(color),
                'url': url
        json_obj['legend'] = simple_type_legend
        json_obj['revision_range'] = revision_range
        json_obj['current_options'] = options
        json_obj['test_suite_name'] = ts.name
        json_obj['baselines'] = baseline_plots
        return flask.jsonify(**json_obj)

    return render_template("v4_graph.html",
Exemple #5
    def get_comparison_result(self, runs, compare_runs, test_id, field):
        # Get the field which indicates the requested field's status.
        status_field = field.status_field

        # Load the sample data for the current and previous runs and the
        # comparison window.
        run_samples = []
        prev_samples = []
        for run in runs:
            samples = self.sample_map.get((run.id, test_id))
            if samples is not None:
        for run in compare_runs:
            samples = self.sample_map.get((run.id, test_id))
            if samples is not None:

        # Determine whether this (test,pset) passed or failed in the current and
        # previous runs.
        # FIXME: Support XFAILs and non-determinism (mixed fail and pass)
        # better.
        run_failed = prev_failed = False
        if status_field:
            for sample in run_samples:
                run_failed |= sample[status_field.index] == FAIL
            for sample in prev_samples:
                prev_failed |= sample[status_field.index] == FAIL

        # Get the current and previous values.
        run_values = [s[field.index] for s in run_samples
                      if s[field.index] is not None]
        prev_values = [s[field.index] for s in prev_samples
                       if s[field.index] is not None]
        if run_values:
            run_value = self.aggregation_fn(run_values)
            run_value = None
        if prev_values:
            prev_value = self.aggregation_fn(prev_values)
            prev_value = None

        # If we have multiple values for this run, use that to estimate the
        # distribution.
        if run_values and len(run_values) > 1:
            stddev = stats.standard_deviation(run_values)
            MAD = stats.median_absolute_deviation(run_values)
            stddev_mean = stats.mean(run_values)
            stddev = None
            MAD = None
            stddev_mean = None

        # If we are missing current or comparison values we are done.
        if run_value is None or prev_value is None:
            return ComparisonResult(
                run_value, prev_value, delta=None,
                pct_delta = None, stddev = stddev, MAD = MAD,
                cur_failed = run_failed, prev_failed = prev_failed,
                samples = run_values, prev_samples = prev_values,
                confidence_lv = self.confidence_lv)

        # Compute the comparison status for the test value.
        delta = run_value - prev_value
        if prev_value != 0:
            pct_delta = delta / prev_value
            pct_delta = 0.0

        return ComparisonResult(run_value, prev_value, delta,
                                pct_delta, stddev, MAD,
                                run_failed, prev_failed, run_values,
                                prev_values, stddev_mean, self.confidence_lv)