# Name of the data release, set paths
drelease = 'FLUXNET2015_a'

af_path = '/home/greg/sftp/eddyflux/Ameriflux_files/' + drelease + '/'
outpath = '/home/greg/current/NMEG_utils/processed_data/daily_aflx/' + drelease + '/'

# Years to load
startyr = 2007
endyr = 2016
# Sites to load
sites = ['Seg', 'Ses', 'Sen', 'Wjs', 'Mpj', 'Mpg', 'Vcp', 'Vcm']

# Fill a dict with multiyear dataframes for each site in sites
hourly = { x : 
        ld.get_multiyr_aflx( 'US-' + x, af_path, gapfilled=True,
            startyear=startyr, endyear=endyr) 
        for x in sites }

# Resample to daily sums with integration
daily = { x : 
        tr.resample_30min_aflx( hourly[x], freq='1D', 
            c_fluxes=[ 'GPP', 'RECO', 'FC_F' ],
            le_flux=[ 'LE_F' ], 
            avg_cols=[ 'TA_F', 'RH_F', 'SW_IN_F', 'RNET_F', 'VPD_F', 'PAR',
                'LE_F', 'H_F' ],
            int_cols=['LE_F', 'H_F' ],
            sum_cols=['P_F'] , tair_col='TA_F' ) 
        for x in hourly.keys() }

# Add ET, PET and put into daily dataframes
for i, site in enumerate(sites):
        'Lass10 ECB'])
    plt.plot(site_df_resamp.index, site_df_resamp.RECO_g_int, '-k')
    plt.plot(site_df_resamp.index, site_df_resamp.Reco_MR2005_g_int, '--r')
    plt.plot(site_df_resamp.index, site_df_resamp.Reco_GL2010_g_int, '--b')
    plt.plot(site_df_resamp.index, site_df_resamp.Reco_MR2005_g_int_ecb, ':r')
    plt.plot(site_df_resamp.index, site_df_resamp.Reco_GL2010_g_int_ecb, ':b')

    return fig

for i, site in enumerate( siteNames ):

    # Get the multi-year ameriflux dataframe 
    site_df = ld.get_multiyr_aflx( site, datapath, gapfilled=True, 
                                   startyear=startyear, endyear=endyear )

    # Create a daily dataframe these are pretty much the defaults
    site_df_resamp = tr.resample_30min_aflx( site_df, 
            freq='1D', c_fluxes=[ 'GPP', 'RECO', 'FC_F' ], 
            le_flux=['LE_F'], avg_cols=['TA_F', 'RH_F', 'SW_IN_F', 'RNET_F'], 
            sum_cols=['P_F'] , tair_col='TA_F' )
    # Get multiyear eddyproc file
    site_df_MR2005 = ld.get_multiyr_eddyproc( site, datapath + 'eddyproc_out/',
            GL2010=False, startyear=startyear, endyear=endyear )
    # Ensure carbon balance steps (GPP = RE-NEE, add negative values to RE)
    # Raw GPP (contains negative values)
    diff = site_df_MR2005.Reco - site_df.FC_F
    negGPPix = diff<0
    site_df_MR2005['GPP_ecb'] = diff
Exemple #3
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pdb as pdb
import datetime as dt

# Years to load
start = 2007
end = 2015
# Sites to load
sites = ['Seg', 'Ses', 'Sen', 'Wjs', 'Mpj', 'Mpg', 'Vcp', 'Vcm']
#sites = ['Mpj','Wjs']

# Load hourly data into multiyear dataframes (1/site) within a dict
hourly = {
    x: ld.get_multiyr_aflx('US-' + x,
    for x in sites

# Now calculate the hours of C uptake
for site in sites:
    # Add a column with 0.5 for each uptake period (to sum)
    hourly[site]['hrs_C_uptake'] = 0
    test = hourly[site].FC_F < 0
    hourly[site].loc[test, 'hrs_C_uptake'] = 0.5

# Turn this into a daily dataset
daily = {
    x: tr.resample_30min_aflx(
datapath = ('/home/greg/sftp/eddyflux/Ameriflux_files/provisional/')
fileList = os.listdir(datapath)

startyear = 2008
endyear = 2014

# List AF site names in same order
siteNames = ['US-Mpj']

for i, site in enumerate(siteNames):

    # Get the multi-year ameriflux dataframe
    site_df = ld.get_multiyr_aflx(site,

    site_df = site_df[[
        'FC_F', 'FC_F_FLAG', 'TA_F', 'TA_F_FLAG', 'VPD_F', 'VPD_F_FLAG'

    # Export
    site_df.to_csv('../processed_data/' + site + '_Cleverly.csv',

# Function for plotting fixed and original data
#def plotfixed(df, var1):
#    # Plot filled series over original data