Exemple #1
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
''' Align a list of molecules using `super` command in PyMol.  The first item 
    in the list is considered as the reference.  

import pymolPy3
import pyrotein as pr
import os
import colorsimple as cs
from loaddata import load_xlsx

# Specify chains to process...
fl_chain = "chains.comp.xlsx"
lines = load_xlsx(fl_chain)
drc = "pdb"

# Define atoms used for distance matrix analysis...
peptide = ["N", "CA", "C", "O"]

# Specify the range of atoms from rhodopsin...
nterm = 1
cterm = 322
len_peptide = (cterm - nterm + 1) * len(peptide)

# Start pymol
pm = pymolPy3.pymolPy3()
## pm("bg white")

# Get the color palette...
color_items = [i[4] for i in lines]
    gp("plot \\")
    gp(f"'-' using 1:2 with      points pointtype 7 linecolor rgb 'blue',\\")
    for i, v in enumerate(omega.reshape(-1)):
        v *= 180 / np.pi
        gp(f"{i} {v}")

    gp("unset multiplot")

# Specify chains to process...
fl_chain = "chains.comp.xlsx"
lines = load_xlsx(fl_chain, sheet="DesKC", splitchain=True)

# Select residues...
nterm = 170
cterm = 206
## cterm = 200
sample_per_rise = 1
num_turn = (cterm - nterm + 1)

# Consider offset...
offterm = 4
nterm_aux = nterm - offterm
cterm_aux = cterm + offterm
num_turn += offterm * 2

# The range to highlight...
Exemple #3
# User defined range...
nterm, cterm = 1, 322
len_seg = cterm - nterm + 1
super_seg = super_seq[nseqi:nseqi + len_seg]

# Load constant -- atomlabel...
label_dict = pr.atom.constant_atomlabel()
aa_dict = pr.atom.constant_aminoacid_code()

# Calculate the total length of distance matrix...
len_dmat = np.sum([len(label_dict[aa_dict[i]]) for i in super_seg])

# Specify chains to process...
fl_chain = "chains.comp.xlsx"
lines = load_xlsx(fl_chain, sheet="Sheet1")
drc = "pdb"
## dmats = np.zeros((len(lines), len_dmat, len_dmat))
len_lower_tri = (len_dmat * len_dmat - len_dmat) // 2
dmats = np.zeros((len(lines), len_lower_tri))

# Process each entry...
for i_fl, line in enumerate(lines[:]):
    # Unpack parameters
    _, pdb, chain, species = line[:4]

    print(f"Processing {pdb}_{chain}")

    # Read coordinates from a PDB file...
    fl_pdb = f"{pdb}.pdb"
    pdb_path = os.path.join(drc, fl_pdb)
Exemple #4

def reverse_sign(u, vh, rank, index_from_zero = True):
    # Comply with the convention (1-based index)
    rank_in_data = rank if index_from_zero else rank - 1

    # Reverse sign...
    u[:, rank_in_data]  = - u[:, rank_in_data]
    vh[rank_in_data, :] = -vh[rank_in_data, :]

    return None

# Specify chains to process...
fl_chain = "rhodopsin.db.xlsx"
lines    = load_xlsx(fl_chain, sheet = "total", splitchain = True)

# Load upstream data...
u     = np.load("u.seq.npy")
s     = np.load("s.seq.npy")
vh    = np.load("vh.seq.npy")
len_seq = np.load("len_seq.npy")

# Allow positive value that fits the distance in nature (optinal)...
reverse_sign(u, vh, 1, index_from_zero = False)
## reverse_sign(u, vh, 2, index_from_zero = False)
## reverse_sign(u, vh, 4, index_from_zero = False)
## reverse_sign(u, vh, 6, index_from_zero = False)

# Calculate the weighted coefficients...
# The following is a computational equivalence to c = RMS(u @ s, axis = 0) @ vh