def base_spiral_trail(): blue_bubbles = loader.loads(""" { "description": "main particles - close to water color", "spec": { "shader": "particle_transparent", "size": [ [ 0, 1.5 ], [ 0.1, 0.5 ], [ 1, 0 ] ], "red": 0.15, "green": 0.5, "blue": 1.0, "alpha": [ [ 0, 0.4 ], [ 1, 0 ] ], "baseTexture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/softdot.papa" }, "velocityY": 100, "sizeX": 1.0, "sizeRangeX": 1, "emissionRate": 150, "lifetime": 1.4, "emitterLifetime": 2.0, "lifetimeRange": 5.0, "useWorldSpace": true, "killOnDeactivate": false, "bLoop": true, "endDistance": 1500 } """) white_bubbles = loader.loads(""" { "description": "adds some white dots", "spec": { "shader": "particle_transparent", "size": [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0.1, 0.5 ], [ 1, 0 ] ], "red": 1, "green": 1, "blue": 1, "alpha": [ [ 0, 0.5 ], [ 1, 0 ] ], "baseTexture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/dot.papa" }, "velocityY": 100, "sizeX": 0.8, "emissionRate": 75, "lifetime": 1.4, "emitterLifetime": 2.0, "lifetimeRange": 5.0, "useWorldSpace": true, "killOnDeactivate": false, "bLoop": true, "endDistance": 1500 } """) return copy.deepcopy({'emitters': [blue_bubbles, white_bubbles]})
def run(): loader.dump_effect({'emitters':[]}, "blank.pfx") return loader.loads("""[ { "target" : "/pa/units/land/tank_armor/tank_armor.json", "patch" : [ {"op" : "replace", "path" : "/events/fired/effect_spec", "value" : "/mod/blue_muzzle.pfx socket_muzzle"} ] }, { "target" : "/blueflamethrower.papa", "destination" : "/mod/blueflamethrower.papa" }, { "target" : "/pa/units/land/tank_armor/tank_armor_muzzle_flame.pfx", "destination" : "/mod/blue_muzzle.pfx", "patch" : [ {"op" : "move", "path" : "/emitters/0/spec/_blue", "from" : "/emitters/0/spec/red"}, {"op" : "move", "path" : "/emitters/0/spec/red", "from" : "/emitters/0/spec/blue"}, {"op" : "move", "path" : "/emitters/0/spec/blue", "from" : "/emitters/0/spec/_blue"}, {"op" : "move", "path" : "/emitters/1/spec/_blue", "from" : "/emitters/1/spec/red"}, {"op" : "move", "path" : "/emitters/1/spec/red", "from" : "/emitters/1/spec/blue"}, {"op" : "move", "path" : "/emitters/1/spec/blue", "from" : "/emitters/1/spec/_blue"}, {"op" : "move", "path" : "/emitters/2/spec/_blue", "from" : "/emitters/2/spec/red"}, {"op" : "move", "path" : "/emitters/2/spec/red", "from" : "/emitters/2/spec/blue"}, {"op" : "move", "path" : "/emitters/2/spec/blue", "from" : "/emitters/2/spec/_blue"}, {"op" : "replace", "path" : "/emitters/1/spec/baseTexture", "value" : "/mod/blueflamethrower.papa"} ] }, { "target" : "/blank.pfx", "destination" : "/mod/inferno/spark_trail.pfx" }, { "target" : "/blank.pfx", "destination" : "/mod/inferno/spark_hit.pfx" } ]""")
base_trail = loader.loads("""{ "emitters": [ { "spec": { "shader": "particle_add", "red": 6, "green": 1, "blue": 0.2, "alpha" : 6, "cameraPush": 0.5, "baseTexture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/softdot.papa", "dataChannelFormat": "PositionAndColor" }, "sizeX": 1, "emissionBurts": 1, "lifetime": 127, "maxParticles": 1, "killOnDeactivate": true, "endDistance": 1400 }, { "spec": { "shader": "particle_add", "red": 6, "green": 1, "blue": 0.2, "alpha" : 6, "cameraPush": 0.6, "baseTexture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/dot.papa", "dataChannelFormat": "PositionAndColor" }, "sizeX": 0.6, "emissionBurts": 1, "lifetime": 127, "maxParticles": 1, "killOnDeactivate": true, "endDistance": 1400 }, { "spec": { "shader": "particle_transparent", "shape" : "string", "red": 6, "green": 0.8, "blue": 0.1, "size" : [[0, 1], [0.9, 0]], "alpha": 1, "baseTexture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/flat.papa", "dataChannelFormat": "PositionColorAndAlignVector" }, "sizeX": 0.1, "emissionBurts": 1, "lifetime": 0.4, "emitterLifetime" : 1, "killOnDeactivate": true, "useWorldSpace": true, "endDistance": 2000 }, { "spec": { "shader": "particle_transparent_lit", "shape" : "string", "red": 6, "green": 1, "blue": 0.1, "size" : [[0, 1], [0.9, 0]], "alpha": 0.2, "baseTexture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/softdot.papa", "dataChannelFormat": "PositionColorAndAlignVector" }, "sizeX": 0.5, "emissionBurts": 1, "lifetime": 0.4, "offsetRangeX": 0.2, "offsetRangeZ": 0.2, "emitterLifetime" : 1, "useWorldSpace": true, "endDistance": 2000 }, { "spec": { "shader": "particle_transparent_lit", "shape" : "string", "red": 6, "green": 1, "blue": 0.1, "size" : [[0, 1], [0.9, 0]], "alpha": 0.2, "baseTexture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/flat.papa", "dataChannelFormat": "PositionColorAndAlignVector" }, "sizeX": 0.3, "lifetime": 0.4, "emitterLifetime" : 1, "useWorldSpace": true, "endDistance": 2000 } ] }""")
for op in diff: # here just to make things robust, we use the more generic version of 'add' to array if op['path'].startswith('/fx_offsets/'): # this path just means append to the end of the array # which means we are not relying on the number of fx that are already on a unit in PA's base game files # this makes the patch itself more robust op['path'] = '/fx_offsets/-' print (op['op'], op['path']) # store this patch if diff: patches.append(OrderedDict([('target', unit_file),('patch', diff )])) options = loader.loads("""{ "output_dir" : ".", "pretty_print_effects" : true, "indent" : 2 }""") modinfo = loader.loads("""{ "context": "client", "identifier": "", "display_name": "CResources", "description": "changes and adds particles effects to powerplants, extractors and storage buildings", "author": "Alpha2546", "version": "1.1", "signature": "not yet implemented", "forum": "", "icon": "", "category": [ "in-game",
diff = [op for op in diff if op['path'].startswith('/fx_offsets')] for op in diff: # here just to make things robust, we use the more generic version of 'add' to array if op['path'].startswith('/fx_offsets/'): # this path just means append to the end of the array # which means we are not relying on the number of fx that are already on a unit in PA's base game files # this makes the patch itself more robust op['path'] = '/fx_offsets/-' # store this patch loader.dump(OrderedDict([('target', unit_file), ('patch', diff)]), 'src/' + unit_file + '.patch', indent=2) patches.append({'from_file': unit_file + '.patch'}) options = loader.loads("""{ "output_dir" : "..", "pretty_print_effects" : true, "indent" : 2 }""") modinfo = loader.load("modinfo.json") patcher_mod_file = OrderedDict([('options', options), ('modinfo', modinfo), ('mod', patches)]) # now store all these patches in a single file loader.dump(patcher_mod_file, 'src/mod.json', indent=2)
def sub_explosion(boat_name, boat): bounds = boat.get('mesh_bounds', [0, 10, 0]) model = loader.loads('''{ "spec": { "shader": "meshParticle_unit", "shape": "mesh", "facing": "emitterZ", "red" : 0, "green" : 0, "blue" : 0, "size": [[0.9, 1], [1, 0]], "papa": "/pa/units/sea/''' + boat_name + '/' + boat_name + '''.papa", "polyAdjustCenter": 5, "materialProperties": { "DiffuseTexture": "/pa/units/sea/''' + boat_name + '/' + boat_name + '''_diffuse.papa", "MaterialTexture": "/pa/units/sea/''' + boat_name + '/' + boat_name + '''_material.papa", "MaskTexture": "/pa/units/sea/''' + boat_name + '/' + boat_name + '''_mask.papa", "TeamColor_Primary": 0, "TeamColor_Secondary": 0 } }, "gravity": [[0, 0], [1, -20]], "drag": 0.95, "lifetime": 5, "emissionBursts": 1, "bLoop": false }''') base_water_ring = loader.loads('''{ "spec": { "shader": "particle_add", "facing": "EmitterZ", "size": [[0, 0.3 ], [0.2, 0.5 ] , [0.4, 0.75 ], [0.6, 0.875], [1, 1]], "red": 0.15, "green": 0.8, "blue": 1.0, "alpha": [[0, 1 ], [0.3, 0.3 ], [0.5, 0.2 ], [1, 0 ]], "baseTexture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/simpleExplosionRing.papa" }, "delay" : 0.4, "sizeX": 40.0, "sizeRangeX": 20, "offsetZ": 1.5, "emissionBursts": 1, "rotationRange": 0.5, "lifetime": 2, "lifetimeRange" : 1, "emitterLifetime": 2, "bLoop": false, "sort": "NoSort" }''') rings = [] for i in range(0, 3): ring = copy.deepcopy(base_water_ring) rings.append(ring) base_mist = loader.loads('''{ "spec": { "shader": "particle_transparent", "size": [[0, 0], [0.15, 3.5], [0.5, 2], [1, 1]], "red": 0.7, "green": 0.7, "blue": 1.5, "alpha": [[0.0, 0.1], [1.0, 0]], "cameraPush" : 1, "baseTexture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/softSmoke.papa" }, "delay" : 0.4, "offsetRangeX" : 1, "offsetRangeY" : 1, "offsetZ" : 0, "velocityZ" : 1, "velocity" : 7, "drag" : 0.97, "sizeX": 3.5, "emissionBursts": 9, "lifetime": 3.5, "lifetimeRange" : 0.7, "emitterLifetime": 1.0, "useWorldSpace" : true, "bLoop": false }''') mists = [] for i in range(1, 5): mist = copy.deepcopy(base_mist) mist['offsetRangeX'] = 4 * (i - 1) + 0.4 mist['offsetRangeY'] = mist['offsetRangeX'] mist['velocity'] = 10.0 / (i * 2) mist['velocity'] = 3.5 / (i * 2) mists.append(mist) base_splash = loader.loads('''{ "spec": { "shader": "particle_transparent", "facing" : "velocity", "red": 1, "green": 1, "blue": 1, "alpha": [[0.5, 0.8], [1.0, 0]], "sizeX": [[0, 1 ], [1, 0.1 ]], "sizeY" : [[0, 1], [1, 0.1 ]], "cameraPush" : 1, "baseTexture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/simpleSmoke.papa" }, "delay" : 0.4, "type" : "SHELL", "offsetRangeX" : 0.1, "offsetRangeY" : 0.1, "offsetRangeZ" : 0.5, "useRadialVelocityDir" : true, "offsetAllowNegZ" : false, "velocity" : 8, "velocityRange" : 7, "gravity" : -5, "sizeX": 1.5, "sizeY": 5, "sizeRangeY" : 2, "emissionBursts": 80, "lifetime": 1.4, "emitterLifetime": 1.0, "useWorldSpace" : true, "bLoop": false }''') splash_white = copy.deepcopy(base_splash) splash_blue = copy.deepcopy(base_splash) splash_blue['spec']['red'] = 0.15 splash_blue['spec']['green'] = 0.5 splash_blue['spec']['blue'] = 1 light = loader.loads('''{ "spec": { "shape": "pointlight", "red": 3.0, "green": 2.0, "blue": 0.7, "alpha": [[0, 3], [0.25, 1], [1, 0]] }, "gravity": [[0, 0], [1, -20]], "drag": 0.95, "sizeX": 60, "emissionBursts": 1, "lifetime": 5, "emitterLifetime": 0.5, "bLoop": false, "endDistance": 2000 }''') base_fire = loader.loads('''{ "spec": { "shader": "particle_clip", "shape": "mesh", "facing": "EmitterZ", "red": [[0, 100], [0.35, 30]], "green": [[0, 50], [0.35, 4]], "blue": [[0, 10], [0.35, 1]], "alpha": [[0, 1], [0.8, 0.5], [1, 0]], "size": [[0, 0], [0.1, 1], [0.2, 1.5], [0.3, 1.6], [1, 0]], "papa": "/pa/effects/fbx/particles/sphere_ico16seg.papa", "materialProperties": { "Texture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/flat.papa" } }, "gravity": [[0, 0], [1, -20]], "rotationRange" : 3.14, "rotationRateRange" : 3.14, "drag": 0.95, "offsetZ" : 0, "sizeX": 4, "lifetime": 2, "emissionBursts": 1, "bLoop": false, "endDistance": 2000 }''') base_obscure = loader.loads('''{ "spec": { "shader": "particle_clip", "shape": "mesh", "facing": "EmitterZ", "red": 0.1, "green": 0.1, "blue": 0.2, "alpha": [[0, 0.0], [0.3, 0.3], [1, 0]], "size": [[0, 0], [0.1, 1], [0.2, 1.5], [0.3, 1.6], [1, 0]], "papa": "/pa/effects/fbx/particles/sphere_ico16seg.papa", "materialProperties": { "Texture": "/pa/effects/textures/particles/fire_puff.papa" } }, "gravity": [[0, 0], [1, -20]], "rotationRange" : 3.14, "rotationRateRange" : 1, "drag": 0.95, "offsetZ" : 0, "sizeX": 5, "lifetime": 2, "emissionBursts": 1, "bLoop": false, "endDistance": 2000 }''') explosions = [] for i in range(0, 3): fire = copy.deepcopy(base_fire) smoke = copy.deepcopy(base_obscure) scale = Decimal(1.0 - abs(i - 1) / 3.0) time_scale = Decimal(1.0 - abs(i - 1) / 2.0) fire['offsetRangeY'] = 1 * (i - 1) fire['offsetY'] = (i - 1) * bounds[1] / 3.0 fire['delay'] = (i - 1) * 0.3 smoke['delay'] = (i - 1) * 0.3 + 0.1 fire['lifetime'] *= time_scale smoke['lifetime'] *= time_scale fire['sizeX'] *= scale smoke['sizeX'] *= scale smoke['type'] = 'EMITTER' smoke['linkIndex'] = i * 2 explosions.append(fire) explosions.append(smoke) base_bubbles = loader.loads('''{ "spec" : { "shader" : "particle_add", "red" : 1, "green" : 1, "blue" : 1, "alpha" : [[0, 1], [1, 0]], "baseTexture" : "/pa/effects/textures/particles/dot.papa", "dataChannelFormat" : "PositionAndColor" }, "sizeX" : 0.3, "emitterLifetime" : 10, "type" : "EMITTER", "lifetime" : 1, "gravity" : 10, "drag" : 0.95, "bLoop" : false }''') base_bubbles['offsetRangeX'] = bounds[0] / 3 base_bubbles['offsetRangeY'] = bounds[1] / 3 base_bubbles['offsetRangeZ'] = bounds[2] / 3 base_bubbles['linkIndex'] = len(explosions) return explosions + [model, base_bubbles, light, splash_white, splash_blue] + rings + mists
def run(): pa_base = utils.pa_media_dir() t1_sub_path = "pa/units/sea/attack_sub/attack_sub.json" t2_sub_path = "pa/units/sea/nuclear_sub/nuclear_sub.json" trail_offsets = {} trail_offsets['attack_sub'] = (0, 8, 0) trail_offsets['nuclear_sub'] = (0, 17.5, -2) units = [t1_sub_path, t2_sub_path] patches = [] for boat_path in units: boat = loader.load(os.path.join(pa_base, boat_path)) boat_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(boat_path))[0] offset_x = [] offset_z = [] bounds = boat.get('mesh_bounds', [0, 0, 0]) print (boat_name, bounds) trail = base_spiral_trail() for bubble_spiral in trail['emitters']: time_end = float(bubble_spiral['emitterLifetime']) rate = float(bubble_spiral['emissionRate']) bubble_spiral['offsetX'] = {'keys': [], "stepped" : True} bubble_spiral['offsetZ'] = {'keys': [], "stepped" : True} steps = int(time_end * rate) coils = 4 radius = bounds[0] / 4.5 for j in range(steps): o = j % 2 d = 1 a = float(j) / steps bubble_spiral['offsetX']['keys'].append([time_end * a, radius * math.cos(o * math.pi + d * a * math.pi * 2 * coils)]) bubble_spiral['offsetZ']['keys'].append([time_end * a, radius * math.sin(o * math.pi + d * a * math.pi * 2 * coils)]) #bubble_spiral['gravity'] = 1 bubble_spiral['velocity'] = float(boat['navigation']['move_speed']) / 2 bubble_spiral['velocityY'] = 1 bubble_spiral['velocityZ'] = 0.25 bubble_spiral['drag'] = 0.9887 patches.append(loader.loads('''{ "target" : "/base/wake_trail.pfx", "destination" : "/mod/sea/''' + boat_name + '''/trail.pfx", "patch" : [ {"op" : "replace", "path" : "", "value" : ''' + loader.dumps(trail) + '''} ] }''')) patches.append(loader.loads('''{ "target" : "/pa/effects/specs/default_explosion.pfx", "destination" : "/mod/sea/''' + boat_name + '''/death.pfx", "patch" : [ {"op" : "replace", "path" : "/emitters", "value" : ''' + loader.dumps(sub_explosion(boat_name, boat), indent=2) + '''} ] }''')) patches.append(loader.loads('''{ "target" : "/''' + boat_path + '''", "patch" : [ {"op" : "add", "path" : "/fx_offsets", "value" : [ { "type" : "moving", "bone" : "bone_root", "filename" : "/mod/sea/''' + boat_name + '''/trail.pfx", "offset" : ''' + loader.dumps(trail_offsets.get(boat_name, [0, bounds[1]/2, 0])) + ''' } ] }, {"op" : "add", "path" : "/events/died/effect_spec", "value" : "/mod/sea/''' + boat_name + '''/death.pfx"}, {"op" : "add", "path" : "/events/died/effect_scale", "value" : 1} ] }''')) # print(loader.dumps(patches)) return patches
base_mover = loader.loads(""" { "spec" : { "red" : 10, "green" : 10, "blue" : 10, "alpha" : 1, "dataChannelFormat" : "PositionColorAndAlignVector" }, "bLoop" : true, "lifetime" : 100, "emitterLifetime" : 10, "emissionRate" : 10, "useWorldSpace" : true, "alignVelocityToSurface" : true, "useArcLengthSpace" : true, "snapToSurface" : true, "snapToSurfaceOffset" : 10, "offsetRangeX" : 4082, "offsetRangeY" : 4082, "offsetZ" : 20, "velocityRangeX" : 1, "velocityRangeY" : 1, "velocityRange" : 20, "velocity" : 100, "endDistance" : -1 } """)
for op in diff: # here just to make things robust, we use the more generic version of 'add' to array if op['path'].startswith('/fx_offsets/'): # this path just means append to the end of the array # which means we are not relying on the number of fx that are already on a unit in PA's base game files # this makes the patch itself more robust op['path'] = '/fx_offsets/-' # store this patch loader.dump(OrderedDict([('target', unit_file),('patch', diff )]), 'src/' + unit_file + '.patch', indent=2) patches.append({'from_file' : unit_file + '.patch'}) options = loader.loads("""{ "output_dir" : "..", "pretty_print_effects" : true, "indent" : 2 }""") modinfo = loader.load("modinfo.json") patcher_mod_file = OrderedDict([ ('options', options), ('modinfo', modinfo), ('mod', patches) ]) # now store all these patches in a single file loader.dump(patcher_mod_file, 'src/mod.json', indent=2)