Exemple #1
pics = np.genfromtxt(imgs_loc, delimiter=',')
boxs = np.genfromtxt(boxs_loc, delimiter=',')

# Resize the box lists
boxs = boxs.reshape(boxs.shape[0], -1, 4)

# dimensions of the whole pictures, constant for now
picshape = 240, 240  # height and width

# Create the NN model

localizer = Localizer(picshape=(240, 240), hidden_layers=(42, 30, 10))

epochs = 20
batch_size = 20
localizer.train(pics, boxs, epochs, batch_size)

i = random.randint(0, pics.shape[0] - 1)
pic = pics[i, :].reshape(240, 240)
utils.test_localizer(localizer, pic, show_probs=True)

# a hard test, just for fun

resistors = Image.open('resistors.png', mode='r')
resistors = resistors.convert(mode='F')

utils.test_localizer(localizer, np.asarray(resistors), show_probs=True)
