def exec_lambda_code(script, handler_function='handler', lambda_cwd=None, lambda_env=None): if lambda_cwd or lambda_env: exec_mutex.acquire() if lambda_cwd: previous_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(lambda_cwd) sys.path = [lambda_cwd] + sys.path if lambda_env: previous_env = dict(os.environ) os.environ.update(lambda_env) # generate lambda file name lambda_id = 'l_%s' % short_uid() lambda_file = LAMBDA_SCRIPT_PATTERN.replace('*', lambda_id) save_file(lambda_file, script) # delete temporary .py and .pyc files on exit TMP_FILES.append(lambda_file) TMP_FILES.append('%sc' % lambda_file) try: handler_module = imp.load_source(lambda_id, lambda_file) module_vars = handler_module.__dict__ except Exception as e: LOG.error('Unable to exec: %s %s' % (script, traceback.format_exc())) raise e finally: if lambda_cwd or lambda_env: if lambda_cwd: os.chdir(previous_cwd) sys.path.pop(0) if lambda_env: os.environ = previous_env exec_mutex.release() return module_vars[handler_function]
def generate_processor_script(events_file, log_file=None): script_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '' % short_uid()) if log_file: log_file = "'%s'" % log_file else: log_file = 'None' content = """#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, glob, json, socket, time, logging, tempfile import subprocess32 as subprocess logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) for path in glob.glob('%s/lib/python*/site-packages'): sys.path.insert(0, path) sys.path.insert(0, '%s') from localstack.config import DEFAULT_ENCODING from localstack.utils.kinesis import kinesis_connector from localstack.utils.common import timestamp events_file = '%s' log_file = %s error_log = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'kclipy.error.log') if __name__ == '__main__': sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) num_tries = 3 sleep_time = 2 error = None for i in range(0, num_tries): try: sock.connect(events_file) error = None break except Exception as e: error = e if i < num_tries: msg = '%%s: Unable to connect to UNIX socket. Retrying.' %% timestamp() subprocess.check_output('echo "%%s" >> %%s' %% (msg, error_log), shell=True) time.sleep(sleep_time) if error: print("WARN: Unable to connect to UNIX socket after retrying: %%s" %% error) raise error def receive_msg(records, checkpointer, shard_id): try: # records is a list of amazon_kclpy.messages.Record objects -> convert to JSON records_dicts = [j._json_dict for j in records] message_to_send = {'shard_id': shard_id, 'records': records_dicts} string_to_send = '%%s\\n' %% json.dumps(message_to_send) bytes_to_send = string_to_send.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) sock.send(bytes_to_send) except Exception as e: msg = "WARN: Unable to forward event: %%s" %% e print(msg) subprocess.check_output('echo "%%s" >> %%s' %% (msg, error_log), shell=True) kinesis_connector.KinesisProcessor.run_processor(log_file=log_file, processor_func=receive_msg) """ % (LOCALSTACK_VENV_FOLDER, LOCALSTACK_ROOT_FOLDER, events_file, log_file) save_file(script_file, content) chmod_r(script_file, 0o755) TMP_FILES.append(script_file) return script_file
def generate_processor_script(events_file, log_file=None): script_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '' % short_uid()) if log_file: log_file = "'%s'" % log_file else: log_file = 'None' content = """#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, glob, json, socket, time, logging, subprocess, tempfile logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) for path in glob.glob('%s/lib/python*/site-packages'): sys.path.insert(0, path) sys.path.insert(0, '%s') from localstack.config import DEFAULT_ENCODING from localstack.utils.kinesis import kinesis_connector from localstack.utils.common import timestamp events_file = '%s' log_file = %s error_log = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'kclipy.error.log') if __name__ == '__main__': sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) num_tries = 3 sleep_time = 2 error = None for i in range(0, num_tries): try: sock.connect(events_file) error = None break except Exception as e: error = e if i < num_tries: msg = '%%s: Unable to connect to UNIX socket. Retrying.' %% timestamp() subprocess.check_output('echo "%%s" >> %%s' %% (msg, error_log), shell=True) time.sleep(sleep_time) if error: print("WARN: Unable to connect to UNIX socket after retrying: %%s" %% error) raise error def receive_msg(records, checkpointer, shard_id): try: # records is a list of amazon_kclpy.messages.Record objects -> convert to JSON records_dicts = [j._json_dict for j in records] message_to_send = {'shard_id': shard_id, 'records': records_dicts} string_to_send = '%%s\\n' %% json.dumps(message_to_send) bytes_to_send = string_to_send.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) sock.send(bytes_to_send) except Exception as e: msg = "WARN: Unable to forward event: %%s" %% e print(msg) subprocess.check_output('echo "%%s" >> %%s' %% (msg, error_log), shell=True) kinesis_connector.KinesisProcessor.run_processor(log_file=log_file, processor_func=receive_msg) """ % (LOCALSTACK_VENV_FOLDER, LOCALSTACK_ROOT_FOLDER, events_file, log_file) save_file(script_file, content) chmod_r(script_file, 0o755) TMP_FILES.append(script_file) return script_file
def start_kcl_client_process(stream_name, listener_script, log_file=None, env=None, configs={}, endpoint_url=None, ddb_lease_table_suffix=None, env_vars={}, kcl_log_level=DEFAULT_KCL_LOG_LEVEL, log_subscribers=[]): env = aws_stack.get_environment(env) # decide which credentials provider to use credentialsProvider = None if (('AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN' in os.environ or 'AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN' in env_vars) and ('AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_SESSION_NAME' in os.environ or 'AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_SESSION_NAME' in env_vars)): # use special credentials provider that can assume IAM roles and handle temporary STS auth tokens credentialsProvider = 'com.atlassian.DefaultSTSAssumeRoleSessionCredentialsProvider' # pass through env variables to child process for var_name in ['AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN', 'AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_SESSION_NAME', 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', 'AWS_SESSION_TOKEN']: if var_name in os.environ and var_name not in env_vars: env_vars[var_name] = os.environ[var_name] if env.region == REGION_LOCAL: # need to disable CBOR protocol, enforce use of plain JSON, # see env_vars['AWS_CBOR_DISABLE'] = 'true' if kcl_log_level or (len(log_subscribers) > 0): if not log_file: log_file = LOG_FILE_PATTERN.replace('*', short_uid()) TMP_FILES.append(log_file) run('touch %s' % log_file) # start log output reader thread which will read the KCL log # file and print each line to stdout of this process... reader_thread = OutputReaderThread({'file': log_file, 'level': kcl_log_level, 'log_prefix': 'KCL', 'log_subscribers': log_subscribers}) reader_thread.start() # construct stream info stream_info = get_stream_info(stream_name, log_file, env=env, endpoint_url=endpoint_url, ddb_lease_table_suffix=ddb_lease_table_suffix, env_vars=env_vars) props_file = stream_info['properties_file'] # set kcl config options kwargs = { 'metricsLevel': 'NONE', 'initialPositionInStream': 'LATEST' } # set parameters for local connection if env.region == REGION_LOCAL: kwargs['kinesisEndpoint'] = '%s:%s' % (HOSTNAME, config.PORT_KINESIS) kwargs['dynamodbEndpoint'] = '%s:%s' % (HOSTNAME, config.PORT_DYNAMODB) kwargs['kinesisProtocol'] = 'http%s' % ('s' if USE_SSL else '') kwargs['dynamodbProtocol'] = 'http%s' % ('s' if USE_SSL else '') kwargs['disableCertChecking'] = 'true' kwargs.update(configs) # create config file kclipy_helper.create_config_file(config_file=props_file, executableName=listener_script, streamName=stream_name, applicationName=stream_info['app_name'], credentialsProvider=credentialsProvider, **kwargs) TMP_FILES.append(props_file) # start stream consumer stream = KinesisStream(id=stream_name, params=stream_info) thread_consumer = KinesisProcessorThread.start_consumer(stream) TMP_THREADS.append(thread_consumer) return thread_consumer
def execute(event, context): event_file = EVENT_FILE_PATTERN.replace('*', short_uid()) save_file(event_file, json.dumps(event)) TMP_FILES.append(event_file) class_name = arn_to_lambda[arn].handler.split('::')[0] classpath = '%s:%s' % (LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, main_file) cmd = 'java -cp %s %s %s %s' % (classpath, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, class_name, event_file) result, log_output = run_lambda_executor(cmd)'Lambda output: %s' % log_output.replace('\n', '\n> ')) return result
def __init__(self, params): props_file = params['properties_file'] env_vars = params['env_vars'] cmd = kclipy_helper.get_kcl_app_command('java', MULTI_LANG_DAEMON_CLASS, props_file) if not params['log_file']: params['log_file'] = '%s.log' % props_file TMP_FILES.append(params['log_file']) env = aws_stack.get_environment() quiet = aws_stack.is_local_env(env) ShellCommandThread.__init__(self, cmd, outfile=params['log_file'], env_vars=env_vars, quiet=quiet)
def execute_java_lambda(self, event, context, handler, main_file): event_file = EVENT_FILE_PATTERN.replace('*', short_uid()) save_file(event_file, json.dumps(event)) TMP_FILES.append(event_file) class_name = handler.split('::')[0] classpath = '%s:%s:%s' % (LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, main_file, Util.get_java_classpath(main_file)) cmd = 'java -cp %s %s %s %s' % (classpath, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, class_name, event_file) result, log_output = self.run_lambda_executor(cmd) LOG.debug('Lambda result / log output:\n%s\n> %s' % ( result.strip(), log_output.strip().replace('\n', '\n> '))) return result, log_output
def __init__(self, params): props_file = params['properties_file'] env_vars = params['env_vars'] cmd = kclipy_helper.get_kcl_app_command('java', MULTI_LANG_DAEMON_CLASS, props_file) if not params['log_file']: params['log_file'] = '%s.log' % props_file TMP_FILES.append(params['log_file']) # print(cmd) env = aws_stack.get_environment() quiet = env.region == REGION_LOCAL ShellCommandThread.__init__(self, cmd, outfile=params['log_file'], env_vars=env_vars, quiet=quiet)
def execute_java_lambda(self, event, context, main_file, func_details=None): handler = func_details.handler opts = config.LAMBDA_JAVA_OPTS if config.LAMBDA_JAVA_OPTS else '' event_file = EVENT_FILE_PATTERN.replace('*', short_uid()) save_file(event_file, json.dumps(json_safe(event))) TMP_FILES.append(event_file) class_name = handler.split('::')[0] classpath = '%s:%s:%s' % (main_file, Util.get_java_classpath(main_file), LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR) cmd = 'java %s -cp %s %s %s %s' % (opts, classpath, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, class_name, event_file) LOG.warning(cmd) result = self.run_lambda_executor(cmd, func_details=func_details) return result
def __init__(self, params): props_file = params["properties_file"] env_vars = params["env_vars"] cmd = kclipy_helper.get_kcl_app_command("java", MULTI_LANG_DAEMON_CLASS, props_file) if not params["log_file"]: params["log_file"] = "%s.log" % props_file TMP_FILES.append(params["log_file"]) env = aws_stack.get_environment() quiet = aws_stack.is_local_env(env) ShellCommandThread.__init__( self, cmd, outfile=params["log_file"], env_vars=env_vars, quiet=quiet )
def create_zip_file(file_path, zip_file=None, get_content=False, content_root=None, mode="w"): """ Creates a zipfile to the designated file_path. By default, a new zip file is created but the mode parameter can be used to append to an existing zip file """ base_dir = file_path if not os.path.isdir(file_path): base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=ARCHIVE_DIR_PREFIX) shutil.copy(file_path, base_dir) TMP_FILES.append(base_dir) tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=ARCHIVE_DIR_PREFIX) full_zip_file = zip_file if not full_zip_file: zip_file_name = "" full_zip_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, zip_file_name) # special case where target folder is empty -> create empty zip file if is_empty_dir(base_dir): # see content = ( b"PK\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" ) if get_content: return content save_file(full_zip_file, content) return full_zip_file # create zip file if is_alpine(): # todo: extend CLI with the new parameters create_zip_file_cli(source_path=file_path, base_dir=base_dir, zip_file=full_zip_file) else: create_zip_file_python( source_path=file_path, base_dir=base_dir, zip_file=full_zip_file, content_root=content_root, mode=mode, ) if not get_content: TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) return full_zip_file with open(full_zip_file, "rb") as file_obj: zip_file_content = rm_dir(tmp_dir) return zip_file_content
def create_lambda_archive(script, get_content=False, libs=[], runtime=None, file_name=None): """Utility method to create a Lambda function archive""" runtime = runtime or LAMBDA_DEFAULT_RUNTIME tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=ARCHIVE_DIR_PREFIX) TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) file_name = file_name or get_handler_file_from_name(LAMBDA_DEFAULT_HANDLER, runtime=runtime) script_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, file_name) if os.path.sep in script_file: mkdir(os.path.dirname(script_file)) # create files along the path to allow Python imports path = file_name.split(os.path.sep) for i in range(1, len(path)): save_file(os.path.join(tmp_dir, *(path[:i] + [""])), "") save_file(script_file, script) chmod_r(script_file, 0o777) # copy libs for lib in libs: paths = [lib, "" % lib] try: module = importlib.import_module(lib) paths.append(module.__file__) except Exception: pass target_dir = tmp_dir root_folder = os.path.join(LOCALSTACK_VENV_FOLDER, "lib/python*/site-packages") if lib == "localstack": paths = ["localstack/*.py", "localstack/utils"] root_folder = LOCALSTACK_ROOT_FOLDER target_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, lib) mkdir(target_dir) for path in paths: file_to_copy = path if path.startswith("/") else os.path.join( root_folder, path) for file_path in glob.glob(file_to_copy): name = os.path.join(target_dir, file_path.split(os.path.sep)[-1]) if os.path.isdir(file_path): copy_dir(file_path, name) else: shutil.copyfile(file_path, name) # create zip file result = create_zip_file(tmp_dir, get_content=get_content) return result
def listen_to_kinesis(stream_name, listener_func=None, processor_script=None, events_file=None, endpoint_url=None, log_file=None, configs={}, env=None, ddb_lease_table_suffix=None, env_vars={}, kcl_log_level=DEFAULT_KCL_LOG_LEVEL, log_subscribers=[], wait_until_started=False): """ High-level function that allows to subscribe to a Kinesis stream and receive events in a listener function. A KCL client process is automatically started in the background. """ env = aws_stack.get_environment(env) if not events_file: events_file = EVENTS_FILE_PATTERN.replace('*', short_uid()) TMP_FILES.append(events_file) if not processor_script: processor_script = generate_processor_script(events_file, log_file=log_file) run('rm -f %s' % events_file) # start event reader thread (this process) ready_mutex = threading.Semaphore(0) thread = EventFileReaderThread(events_file, listener_func, ready_mutex=ready_mutex) thread.start() # Wait until the event reader thread is ready (to avoid 'Connection refused' error on the UNIX socket) ready_mutex.acquire() # start KCL client (background process) if processor_script[-4:] == '.pyc': processor_script = processor_script[0:-1] # add log listener that notifies when KCL is started if wait_until_started: listener = KclStartedLogListener() log_subscribers.append(listener) process = start_kcl_client_process(stream_name, processor_script, endpoint_url=endpoint_url, log_file=log_file, configs=configs, env=env, ddb_lease_table_suffix=ddb_lease_table_suffix, env_vars=env_vars, kcl_log_level=kcl_log_level, log_subscribers=log_subscribers) if wait_until_started: # Wait at most 90 seconds for initialization. Note that creating the DDB table can take quite a bit try: listener.sync_init.get(block=True, timeout=90) except Exception: raise Exception('Timeout when waiting for KCL initialization.') # wait at most 30 seconds for shard lease notification try: listener.sync_take_shard.get(block=True, timeout=30) except Exception: # this merely means that there is no shard available to take. Do nothing. pass return process
def execute(event, context): event_file = EVENT_FILE_PATTERN.replace('*', short_uid()) save_file(event_file, json.dumps(event)) TMP_FILES.append(event_file) class_name = arn_to_lambda[arn].handler.split('::')[0] classpath = '%s:%s' % (LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, main_file) cmd = 'java -cp %s %s %s %s' % (classpath, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, class_name, event_file) async = False # flip async flag depending on origin if 'Records' in event: # TODO: add more event supporting async lambda execution if 'Sns' in event['Records'][0]: async = True result, log_output = run_lambda_executor(cmd, async=async)
def listen_to_kinesis(stream_name, listener_func=None, processor_script=None, events_file=None, endpoint_url=None, log_file=None, configs={}, env=None, ddb_lease_table_suffix=None, env_vars={}, kcl_log_level=DEFAULT_KCL_LOG_LEVEL, log_subscribers=[], wait_until_started=False, fh_d_stream=None): """ High-level function that allows to subscribe to a Kinesis stream and receive events in a listener function. A KCL client process is automatically started in the background. """ env = aws_stack.get_environment(env) if not events_file: events_file = EVENTS_FILE_PATTERN.replace('*', short_uid()) TMP_FILES.append(events_file) if not processor_script: processor_script = generate_processor_script(events_file, log_file=log_file) run('rm -f %s' % events_file) # start event reader thread (this process) ready_mutex = threading.Semaphore(0) thread = EventFileReaderThread(events_file, listener_func, ready_mutex=ready_mutex, fh_d_stream=fh_d_stream) thread.start() # Wait until the event reader thread is ready (to avoid 'Connection refused' error on the UNIX socket) ready_mutex.acquire() # start KCL client (background process) if processor_script[-4:] == '.pyc': processor_script = processor_script[0:-1] # add log listener that notifies when KCL is started if wait_until_started: listener = KclStartedLogListener() log_subscribers.append(listener) process = start_kcl_client_process(stream_name, processor_script, endpoint_url=endpoint_url, log_file=log_file, configs=configs, env=env, ddb_lease_table_suffix=ddb_lease_table_suffix, env_vars=env_vars, kcl_log_level=kcl_log_level, log_subscribers=log_subscribers) if wait_until_started: # Wait at most 90 seconds for initialization. Note that creating the DDB table can take quite a bit try: listener.sync_init.get(block=True, timeout=90) except Exception: raise Exception('Timeout when waiting for KCL initialization.') # wait at most 30 seconds for shard lease notification try: listener.sync_take_shard.get(block=True, timeout=30) except Exception: # this merely means that there is no shard available to take. Do nothing. pass return process
def execute_java_lambda(self, event, context, handler, main_file): event_file = EVENT_FILE_PATTERN.replace('*', short_uid()) save_file(event_file, json.dumps(event)) TMP_FILES.append(event_file) class_name = handler.split('::')[0] classpath = '%s:%s' % (LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, main_file) cmd = 'java -cp %s %s %s %s' % (classpath, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, class_name, event_file) async = False # flip async flag depending on origin if 'Records' in event: # TODO: add more event supporting async lambda execution if 'Sns' in event['Records'][0]: async = True if 'dynamodb' in event['Records'][0]: async = True result, log_output = self.run_lambda_executor(cmd, async=async)
def execute_java_lambda(self, event, context, handler, main_file): event_file = EVENT_FILE_PATTERN.replace('*', short_uid()) save_file(event_file, json.dumps(event)) TMP_FILES.append(event_file) class_name = handler.split('::')[0] classpath = '%s:%s' % (LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, main_file) cmd = 'java -cp %s %s %s %s' % (classpath, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, class_name, event_file) asynchronous = False # flip asynchronous flag depending on origin if 'Records' in event: # TODO: add more event supporting asynchronous lambda execution if 'Sns' in event['Records'][0]: asynchronous = True if 'dynamodb' in event['Records'][0]: asynchronous = True result, log_output = self.run_lambda_executor(cmd, asynchronous=asynchronous) LOG.debug('Lambda result / log output:\n%s\n> %s' % (result.strip(), log_output.strip().replace('\n', '\n> '))) return result, log_output
def create_lambda_archive(script, get_content=False, libs=[], runtime=None, file_name=None): """Utility method to create a Lambda function archive""" tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=ARCHIVE_DIR_PREFIX) TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) file_name = file_name or get_handler_file_from_name(LAMBDA_DEFAULT_HANDLER, runtime=runtime) script_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, file_name) if os.path.sep in script_file: mkdir(os.path.dirname(script_file)) save_file(script_file, script) # copy libs for lib in libs: paths = [lib, '' % lib] try: module = importlib.import_module(lib) paths.append(module.__file__) except Exception: pass target_dir = tmp_dir root_folder = os.path.join(LOCALSTACK_VENV_FOLDER, 'lib/python*/site-packages') if lib == 'localstack': paths = ['localstack/*.py', 'localstack/utils'] root_folder = LOCALSTACK_ROOT_FOLDER target_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, lib) mkdir(target_dir) for path in paths: file_to_copy = path if path.startswith('/') else os.path.join( root_folder, path) for file_path in glob.glob(file_to_copy): name = os.path.join(target_dir, file_path.split(os.path.sep)[-1]) if os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.copytree(file_path, name) else: shutil.copyfile(file_path, name) # create zip file return create_zip_file(tmp_dir, get_content=get_content)
def create_zip_file(file_path, include='*', get_content=False): base_dir = file_path if not os.path.isdir(file_path): base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=ARCHIVE_DIR_PREFIX) run('cp "%s" "%s"' % (file_path, base_dir)) include = os.path.basename(file_path) TMP_FILES.append(base_dir) tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=ARCHIVE_DIR_PREFIX) zip_file_name = '' zip_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, zip_file_name) # create zip file run('cd "%s" && zip -r "%s" %s' % (base_dir, zip_file, include)) if not get_content: TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) return zip_file zip_file_content = None with open(zip_file, 'rb') as file_obj: zip_file_content = run('rm -r "%s"' % tmp_dir) return zip_file_content
def create_zip_file(file_path, include='*', get_content=False): base_dir = file_path if not os.path.isdir(file_path): base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=ARCHIVE_DIR_PREFIX) run('cp "%s" "%s"' % (file_path, base_dir)) include = os.path.basename(file_path) TMP_FILES.append(base_dir) tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=ARCHIVE_DIR_PREFIX) zip_file_name = '' zip_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, zip_file_name) # create zip file run('cd "%s" && zip -r "%s" %s' % (base_dir, zip_file, include)) if not get_content: TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) return zip_file zip_file_content = None with open(zip_file, "rb") as file_obj: zip_file_content = run('rm -r "%s"' % tmp_dir) return zip_file_content
def execute_java_lambda(self, event, context, main_file, func_details=None): handler = func_details.handler opts = config.LAMBDA_JAVA_OPTS if config.LAMBDA_JAVA_OPTS else "" event_file = EVENT_FILE_PATTERN.replace("*", short_uid()) save_file(event_file, json.dumps(json_safe(event))) TMP_FILES.append(event_file) class_name = handler.split("::")[0] classpath = "%s:%s:%s" % ( main_file, Util.get_java_classpath(main_file), LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, ) cmd = "java %s -cp %s %s %s %s" % ( opts, classpath, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, class_name, event_file, ) result = self._execute_in_custom_runtime(cmd, func_details=func_details) return result
def create_zip_file(file_path, get_content=False): base_dir = file_path if not os.path.isdir(file_path): base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=ARCHIVE_DIR_PREFIX) shutil.copy(file_path, base_dir) TMP_FILES.append(base_dir) tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=ARCHIVE_DIR_PREFIX) zip_file_name = '' full_zip_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, zip_file_name) # create zip file if is_alpine(): create_zip_file_cli(file_path, base_dir, zip_file=full_zip_file) else: create_zip_file_python(file_path, base_dir, zip_file=full_zip_file) if not get_content: TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) return full_zip_file zip_file_content = None with open(full_zip_file, 'rb') as file_obj: zip_file_content = rm_dir(tmp_dir) return zip_file_content
def start_sqs_elasticmq(port=None, asynchronous=False, update_listener=None): global PORT_SQS_BACKEND port = port or config.PORT_SQS install_elasticmq() PORT_SQS_BACKEND = get_free_tcp_port() # create config file config_params = """ include classpath("application.conf") node-address { protocol = http host = "%s" port = %s context-path = "" } rest-sqs { enabled = true bind-port = %s bind-hostname = "" sqs-limits = strict } """ % ( LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME, port, PORT_SQS_BACKEND, ) config_file = os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, "sqs.%s.conf" % short_uid()) TMP_FILES.append(config_file) save_file(config_file, config_params) # start process cmd = "java -Dconfig.file=%s -Xmx%s -jar %s/elasticmq-server.jar" % ( config_file, MAX_HEAP_SIZE, INSTALL_DIR_ELASTICMQ, ) log_startup_message("SQS") start_proxy_for_service("sqs", port, PORT_SQS_BACKEND, update_listener) return do_run(cmd, asynchronous)
def set_archive_code(code, lambda_name, zip_file_content=None): # get metadata lambda_arn = func_arn(lambda_name) lambda_details = arn_to_lambda[lambda_arn] is_local_mount = code.get('S3Bucket') == BUCKET_MARKER_LOCAL if is_local_mount and config.LAMBDA_REMOTE_DOCKER: msg = 'Please note that Lambda mounts (bucket name "%s") cannot be used with LAMBDA_REMOTE_DOCKER=1' raise Exception(msg % BUCKET_MARKER_LOCAL) # Stop/remove any containers that this arn uses. LAMBDA_EXECUTOR.cleanup(lambda_arn) if is_local_mount: # Mount or use a local folder lambda executors can reference # WARNING: this means we're pointing lambda_cwd to a local path in the user's # file system! We must ensure that there is no data loss (i.e., we must *not* add # this folder to TMP_FILES or similar). return code['S3Key'] # get file content zip_file_content = zip_file_content or get_zip_bytes(code) # Save the zip file to a temporary file that the lambda executors can reference code_sha_256 = base64.standard_b64encode( hashlib.sha256(zip_file_content).digest()) lambda_details.get_version('$LATEST')['CodeSize'] = len(zip_file_content) lambda_details.get_version('$LATEST')['CodeSha256'] = code_sha_256.decode( 'utf-8') tmp_dir = '%s/zipfile.%s' % (config.TMP_FOLDER, short_uid()) mkdir(tmp_dir) tmp_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, LAMBDA_ZIP_FILE_NAME) save_file(tmp_file, zip_file_content) TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) lambda_details.cwd = tmp_dir return tmp_dir
def create_lambda_archive(script, stream=None, get_content=False, libs=[], runtime=None): """Utility method to create a Lambda function archive""" tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=ARCHIVE_DIR_PREFIX) TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) file_name = get_handler_file_from_name(LAMBDA_DEFAULT_HANDLER, runtime=runtime) script_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, file_name) save_file(script_file, script) # copy libs for lib in libs: paths = [lib, '' % lib] target_dir = tmp_dir root_folder = '%s/lib/python*/site-packages' % LOCALSTACK_VENV_FOLDER if lib == 'localstack': paths = ['localstack/*.py', 'localstack/utils'] root_folder = LOCALSTACK_ROOT_FOLDER target_dir = '%s/%s/' % (tmp_dir, lib) mkdir(target_dir) for path in paths: file_to_copy = '%s/%s' % (root_folder, path) for file_path in glob.glob(file_to_copy): run('cp -r %s %s/' % (file_path, target_dir)) # create zip file return create_zip_file(tmp_dir, get_content=True)
def set_function_code(code, lambda_name): def generic_handler(event, context): raise Exception(( 'Unable to find executor for Lambda function "%s". ' + 'Note that Node.js and .NET Core Lambdas currently require LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker' ) % lambda_name) lambda_cwd = None arn = func_arn(lambda_name) runtime = arn_to_lambda[arn].runtime handler_name = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).handler lambda_environment = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).envvars if not handler_name: handler_name = LAMBDA_DEFAULT_HANDLER # Stop/remove any containers that this arn uses. LAMBDA_EXECUTOR.cleanup(arn) # Save the zip file to a temporary file that the lambda executors can reference. zip_file_content = get_zip_bytes(code) if isinstance(zip_file_content, Response): return zip_file_content tmp_dir = '%s/zipfile.%s' % (config.TMP_FOLDER, short_uid()) mkdir(tmp_dir) tmp_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, LAMBDA_ZIP_FILE_NAME) save_file(tmp_file, zip_file_content) TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) lambda_cwd = tmp_dir # Set the appropriate lambda handler. lambda_handler = generic_handler if runtime == LAMBDA_RUNTIME_JAVA8: # The Lambda executors for Docker subclass LambdaExecutorContainers, # which runs Lambda in Docker by passing all *.jar files in the function # working directory as part of the classpath. Because of this, we need to # save the zip_file_content as a .jar here. if is_jar_archive(zip_file_content): jar_tmp_file = '{working_dir}/{file_name}'.format( working_dir=tmp_dir, file_name=LAMBDA_JAR_FILE_NAME) save_file(jar_tmp_file, zip_file_content) lambda_handler = get_java_handler(zip_file_content, handler_name, tmp_file) if isinstance(lambda_handler, Response): return lambda_handler else: handler_file = get_handler_file_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime) handler_function = get_handler_function_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime) # Lambda code must be uploaded in the Zip format. if not is_zip_file(zip_file_content): raise Exception( 'Uploaded Lambda code for runtime ({}) is not in Zip format'. format(runtime)) unzip(tmp_file, tmp_dir) main_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, handler_file) if os.path.isfile(main_file): # make sure the file is actually readable, then read contents ensure_readable(main_file) with open(main_file, 'rb') as file_obj: zip_file_content = else: file_list = run('ls -la %s' % tmp_dir) LOG.debug('Lambda archive content:\n%s' % file_list) return error_response( 'Unable to find handler script in Lambda archive.', 400, error_type='ValidationError') if runtime.startswith('python') and not use_docker(): try: lambda_handler = exec_lambda_code( zip_file_content, handler_function=handler_function, lambda_cwd=lambda_cwd, lambda_env=lambda_environment) except Exception as e: raise Exception( 'Unable to get handler function from lambda code.', e) add_function_mapping(lambda_name, lambda_handler, lambda_cwd) return {'FunctionName': lambda_name}
def set_function_code(code, lambda_name): def generic_handler(event, context): raise Exception(( 'Unable to find executor for Lambda function "%s". ' + 'Note that Node.js Lambdas currently require LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker' ) % lambda_name) lambda_handler = generic_handler lambda_cwd = None arn = func_arn(lambda_name) runtime = arn_to_lambda[arn].runtime handler_name = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).handler lambda_environment = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).envvars if not handler_name: handler_name = LAMBDA_DEFAULT_HANDLER handler_file = get_handler_file_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime) handler_function = get_handler_function_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime) # Stop/remove any containers that this arn uses. LAMBDA_EXECUTOR.cleanup(arn) if 'S3Bucket' in code: s3_client = aws_stack.connect_to_service('s3') bytes_io = BytesIO() try: s3_client.download_fileobj(code['S3Bucket'], code['S3Key'], bytes_io) zip_file_content = bytes_io.getvalue() except Exception as e: return error_response( 'Unable to fetch Lambda archive from S3: %s' % e, 404) elif 'ZipFile' in code: zip_file_content = code['ZipFile'] zip_file_content = base64.b64decode(zip_file_content) else: return error_response('No valid Lambda archive specified.', 400) # save tmp file tmp_dir = '%s/zipfile.%s' % (config.TMP_FOLDER, short_uid()) run('mkdir -p %s' % tmp_dir) tmp_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, LAMBDA_ZIP_FILE_NAME) save_file(tmp_file, zip_file_content) TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) lambda_cwd = tmp_dir # check if this is a ZIP file is_zip = is_zip_file(zip_file_content) if is_zip: unzip(tmp_file, tmp_dir) main_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, handler_file) if not os.path.isfile(main_file): # check if this is a zip file that contains a single JAR file jar_files = glob.glob('%s/*.jar' % tmp_dir) if len(jar_files) == 1: main_file = jar_files[0] if os.path.isfile(main_file): # make sure the file is actually readable, then read contents ensure_readable(main_file) with open(main_file, 'rb') as file_obj: zip_file_content = else: file_list = run('ls -la %s' % tmp_dir) LOG.debug('Lambda archive content:\n%s' % file_list) return error_response( 'Unable to find handler script in Lambda archive.', 400, error_type='ValidationError') # it could be a JAR file (regardless of whether wrapped in a ZIP file or not) is_jar = is_jar_archive(zip_file_content) if is_jar: def execute(event, context): result, log_output = lambda_executors.EXECUTOR_LOCAL.execute_java_lambda( event, context, handler=arn_to_lambda[arn].handler, main_file=main_file) return result lambda_handler = execute elif runtime.startswith('python') and not use_docker(): try: lambda_handler = exec_lambda_code( zip_file_content, handler_function=handler_function, lambda_cwd=lambda_cwd, lambda_env=lambda_environment) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Unable to get handler function from lambda code.', e) if not is_zip and not is_jar: raise Exception('Uploaded Lambda code is neither a ZIP nor JAR file.') add_function_mapping(lambda_name, lambda_handler, lambda_cwd) return {'FunctionName': lambda_name}
def _create_and_register_temp_dir(): if EVENTS_TMP_DIR not in TMP_FILES: mkdir(EVENTS_TMP_DIR) TMP_FILES.append(EVENTS_TMP_DIR)
def start_sqs(port=PORT_SQS, async=False, update_listener=None): install_elasticmq() backend_port = DEFAULT_PORT_SQS_BACKEND # create config file config = ''' include classpath("application.conf") node-address { protocol = http host = "%s" port = %s context-path = "" } rest-sqs { enabled = true bind-port = %s bind-hostname = "" sqs-limits = strict } ''' % (LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME, port, backend_port) config_file = os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, 'sqs.%s.conf' % short_uid()) TMP_FILES.append(config_file) save_file(config_file, config) # start process cmd = ('java -Dconfig.file=%s -jar %s/elasticmq-server.jar' % (config_file, INSTALL_DIR_ELASTICMQ)) print("Starting mock SQS (%s port %s)..." % (get_service_protocol(), port)) start_proxy_for_service('sqs', port, backend_port, update_listener) return do_run(cmd, async)
def start_kcl_client_process( stream_name, listener_script, log_file=None, env=None, configs={}, endpoint_url=None, ddb_lease_table_suffix=None, env_vars={}, region_name=None, kcl_log_level=DEFAULT_KCL_LOG_LEVEL, log_subscribers=[], ): env = aws_stack.get_environment(env) # make sure to convert stream ARN to stream name stream_name = aws_stack.kinesis_stream_name(stream_name) # decide which credentials provider to use credentialsProvider = None if ("AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN" in os.environ or "AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN" in env_vars) and ("AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_SESSION_NAME" in os.environ or "AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_SESSION_NAME" in env_vars): # use special credentials provider that can assume IAM roles and handle temporary STS auth tokens credentialsProvider = "cloud.localstack.DefaultSTSAssumeRoleSessionCredentialsProvider" # pass through env variables to child process for var_name in [ "AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN", "AWS_ASSUME_ROLE_SESSION_NAME", "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN", ]: if var_name in os.environ and var_name not in env_vars: env_vars[var_name] = os.environ[var_name] if aws_stack.is_local_env(env): # need to disable CBOR protocol, enforce use of plain JSON, # see env_vars["AWS_CBOR_DISABLE"] = "true" if kcl_log_level or (len(log_subscribers) > 0): if not log_file: log_file = LOG_FILE_PATTERN.replace("*", short_uid()) TMP_FILES.append(log_file) run("touch %s" % log_file) # start log output reader thread which will read the KCL log # file and print each line to stdout of this process... reader_thread = OutputReaderThread({ "file": log_file, "level": kcl_log_level, "log_prefix": "KCL", "log_subscribers": log_subscribers, }) reader_thread.start() # construct stream info stream_info = get_stream_info( stream_name, log_file, env=env, endpoint_url=endpoint_url, ddb_lease_table_suffix=ddb_lease_table_suffix, env_vars=env_vars, ) props_file = stream_info["properties_file"] # set kcl config options kwargs = {"metricsLevel": "NONE", "initialPositionInStream": "LATEST"} # set parameters for local connection if aws_stack.is_local_env(env): kwargs["kinesisEndpoint"] = "%s:%s" % (LOCALHOST, config.PORT_KINESIS) kwargs["dynamodbEndpoint"] = "%s:%s" % (LOCALHOST, config.PORT_DYNAMODB) kwargs["kinesisProtocol"] = get_service_protocol() kwargs["dynamodbProtocol"] = get_service_protocol() kwargs["disableCertChecking"] = "true" kwargs.update(configs) # create config file kclipy_helper.create_config_file( config_file=props_file, executableName=listener_script, streamName=stream_name, applicationName=stream_info["app_name"], credentialsProvider=credentialsProvider, region_name=region_name, **kwargs, ) TMP_FILES.append(props_file) # start stream consumer stream = KinesisStream(id=stream_name, params=stream_info) thread_consumer = KinesisProcessorThread.start_consumer(stream) TMP_THREADS.append(thread_consumer) return thread_consumer
def set_function_code(code, lambda_name): def generic_handler(event, context): raise Exception(( 'Unable to find executor for Lambda function "%s". ' + 'Note that Node.js Lambdas currently require LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker' ) % lambda_name) lambda_handler = generic_handler lambda_cwd = None arn = func_arn(lambda_name) runtime = arn_to_lambda[arn].runtime handler_name = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).handler lambda_environment = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).envvars if not handler_name: handler_name = LAMBDA_DEFAULT_HANDLER handler_file = get_handler_file_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime) handler_function = get_handler_function_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime) if 'S3Bucket' in code: s3_client = aws_stack.connect_to_service('s3') bytes_io = BytesIO() try: s3_client.download_fileobj(code['S3Bucket'], code['S3Key'], bytes_io) zip_file_content = bytes_io.getvalue() except Exception as e: return error_response( 'Unable to fetch Lambda archive from S3: %s' % e, 404) elif 'ZipFile' in code: zip_file_content = code['ZipFile'] zip_file_content = base64.b64decode(zip_file_content) else: return error_response('No valid Lambda archive specified.', 400) # save tmp file tmp_dir = '%s/zipfile.%s' % (config.TMP_FOLDER, short_uid()) run('mkdir -p %s' % tmp_dir) tmp_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, LAMBDA_ZIP_FILE_NAME) save_file(tmp_file, zip_file_content) TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) lambda_cwd = tmp_dir # check if this is a ZIP file is_zip = is_zip_file(zip_file_content) if is_zip: unzip(tmp_file, tmp_dir) main_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, handler_file) if not os.path.isfile(main_file): # check if this is a zip file that contains a single JAR file jar_files = glob.glob('%s/*.jar' % tmp_dir) if len(jar_files) == 1: main_file = jar_files[0] if os.path.isfile(main_file): with open(main_file, 'rb') as file_obj: zip_file_content = else: file_list = run('ls -la %s' % tmp_dir) LOG.debug('Lambda archive content:\n%s' % file_list) return error_response( 'Unable to find handler script in Lambda archive.', 400, error_type='ValidationError') # it could be a JAR file (regardless of whether wrapped in a ZIP file or not) is_jar = is_jar_archive(zip_file_content) if is_jar: def execute(event, context): event_file = EVENT_FILE_PATTERN.replace('*', short_uid()) save_file(event_file, json.dumps(event)) TMP_FILES.append(event_file) class_name = arn_to_lambda[arn].handler.split('::')[0] classpath = '%s:%s' % (LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_JAR, main_file) cmd = 'java -cp %s %s %s %s' % (classpath, LAMBDA_EXECUTOR_CLASS, class_name, event_file) async = False # flip async flag depending on origin if 'Records' in event: # TODO: add more event supporting async lambda execution if 'Sns' in event['Records'][0]: async = True result, log_output = run_lambda_executor(cmd, async=async)'Lambda output: %s' % log_output.replace('\n', '\n> ')) return result
def do_download(param): tmp_file = tmp_file_pattern % param TMP_FILES.append(tmp_file) download('http://localhost:%s/%s' % (test_port, param), tmp_file)
def _create_and_register_temp_dir(): tmp_dir = _get_events_tmp_dir() if tmp_dir not in TMP_FILES: mkdir(tmp_dir) TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir)
def set_function_code(code, lambda_name): def generic_handler(event, context): raise Exception(('Unable to find executor for Lambda function "%s". ' + 'Note that Node.js and .NET Core Lambdas currently require LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker') % lambda_name) lambda_handler = generic_handler lambda_cwd = None arn = func_arn(lambda_name) runtime = arn_to_lambda[arn].runtime handler_name = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).handler lambda_environment = arn_to_lambda.get(arn).envvars if not handler_name: handler_name = LAMBDA_DEFAULT_HANDLER handler_file = get_handler_file_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime) handler_function = get_handler_function_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime) # Stop/remove any containers that this arn uses. LAMBDA_EXECUTOR.cleanup(arn) if 'S3Bucket' in code: s3_client = aws_stack.connect_to_service('s3') bytes_io = BytesIO() try: s3_client.download_fileobj(code['S3Bucket'], code['S3Key'], bytes_io) zip_file_content = bytes_io.getvalue() except Exception as e: return error_response('Unable to fetch Lambda archive from S3: %s' % e, 404) elif 'ZipFile' in code: zip_file_content = code['ZipFile'] zip_file_content = base64.b64decode(zip_file_content) else: return error_response('No valid Lambda archive specified.', 400) # save tmp file tmp_dir = '%s/zipfile.%s' % (config.TMP_FOLDER, short_uid()) mkdir(tmp_dir) tmp_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, LAMBDA_ZIP_FILE_NAME) save_file(tmp_file, zip_file_content) TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) lambda_cwd = tmp_dir # check if this is a ZIP file is_zip = is_zip_file(zip_file_content) if is_zip: unzip(tmp_file, tmp_dir) main_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, handler_file) if not os.path.isfile(main_file): # check if this is a zip file that contains a single JAR file jar_files = glob.glob('%s/*.jar' % tmp_dir) if len(jar_files) == 1: main_file = jar_files[0] if os.path.isfile(main_file): # make sure the file is actually readable, then read contents ensure_readable(main_file) with open(main_file, 'rb') as file_obj: zip_file_content = else: file_list = run('ls -la %s' % tmp_dir) LOG.debug('Lambda archive content:\n%s' % file_list) return error_response('Unable to find handler script in Lambda archive.', 400, error_type='ValidationError') # it could be a JAR file (regardless of whether wrapped in a ZIP file or not) is_jar = is_jar_archive(zip_file_content) if is_jar: def execute(event, context): result, log_output = lambda_executors.EXECUTOR_LOCAL.execute_java_lambda(event, context, handler=arn_to_lambda[arn].handler, main_file=main_file) return result lambda_handler = execute elif runtime.startswith('python') and not use_docker(): try: lambda_handler = exec_lambda_code(zip_file_content, handler_function=handler_function, lambda_cwd=lambda_cwd, lambda_env=lambda_environment) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Unable to get handler function from lambda code.', e) if not is_zip and not is_jar: raise Exception('Uploaded Lambda code is neither a ZIP nor JAR file.') add_function_mapping(lambda_name, lambda_handler, lambda_cwd) return {'FunctionName': lambda_name}
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def start_sqs(port=PORT_SQS, async=False, update_listener=None): install_elasticmq() backend_port = DEFAULT_PORT_SQS_BACKEND # create config file config = """ include classpath("application.conf") node-address { protocol = http host = "%s" port = %s context-path = "" } rest-sqs { enabled = true bind-port = %s bind-hostname = "" sqs-limits = strict } """ % (LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME, port, backend_port) config_file = os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, 'sqs.%s.conf' % short_uid()) TMP_FILES.append(config_file) save_file(config_file, config) # start process cmd = ('java -Dconfig.file=%s -jar %s/elasticmq-server.jar' % (config_file, INSTALL_DIR_ELASTICMQ)) print('Starting mock SQS (%s port %s)...' % (get_service_protocol(), port)) start_proxy_for_service('sqs', port, backend_port, update_listener) return do_run(cmd, async)
def _create_and_register_temp_dir(): tmp_dir = _get_events_tmp_dir() if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): mkdir(tmp_dir) TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) return tmp_dir
def set_function_code(code, lambda_name): def generic_handler(event, context): raise Exception(('Unable to find executor for Lambda function "%s". ' + 'Note that Node.js and .NET Core Lambdas currently require LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker') % lambda_name) lambda_cwd = None arn = func_arn(lambda_name) lambda_details = arn_to_lambda[arn] runtime = lambda_details.runtime handler_name = lambda_details.handler lambda_environment = lambda_details.envvars if not handler_name: handler_name = LAMBDA_DEFAULT_HANDLER # Stop/remove any containers that this arn uses. LAMBDA_EXECUTOR.cleanup(arn) zip_file_content = None is_local_mount = code.get('S3Bucket') == BUCKET_MARKER_LOCAL if is_local_mount: # Mount or use a local folder lambda executors can reference # WARNING: this means we're pointing lambda_cwd to a local path in the user's # file system! We must ensure that there is no data loss (i.e., we must *not* add # this folder to TMP_FILES or similar). lambda_cwd = code['S3Key'] else: # Save the zip file to a temporary file that the lambda executors can reference zip_file_content = get_zip_bytes(code) if isinstance(zip_file_content, Response): return zip_file_content tmp_dir = '%s/zipfile.%s' % (config.TMP_FOLDER, short_uid()) mkdir(tmp_dir) tmp_file = '%s/%s' % (tmp_dir, LAMBDA_ZIP_FILE_NAME) save_file(tmp_file, zip_file_content) TMP_FILES.append(tmp_dir) lambda_cwd = tmp_dir # Set the appropriate lambda handler. lambda_handler = generic_handler if runtime == LAMBDA_RUNTIME_JAVA8: # The Lambda executors for Docker subclass LambdaExecutorContainers, # which runs Lambda in Docker by passing all *.jar files in the function # working directory as part of the classpath. Because of this, we need to # save the zip_file_content as a .jar here. if is_jar_archive(zip_file_content): jar_tmp_file = '{working_dir}/{file_name}'.format( working_dir=tmp_dir, file_name=LAMBDA_JAR_FILE_NAME) save_file(jar_tmp_file, zip_file_content) lambda_handler = get_java_handler(zip_file_content, handler_name, tmp_file) if isinstance(lambda_handler, Response): return lambda_handler else: handler_file = get_handler_file_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime) handler_function = get_handler_function_from_name(handler_name, runtime=runtime) if not is_local_mount: # Lambda code must be uploaded in Zip format if not is_zip_file(zip_file_content): raise Exception( 'Uploaded Lambda code for runtime ({}) is not in Zip format'.format(runtime)) unzip(tmp_file, lambda_cwd) main_file = '%s/%s' % (lambda_cwd, handler_file) if os.path.isfile(main_file): # make sure the file is actually readable, then read contents ensure_readable(main_file) with open(main_file, 'rb') as file_obj: zip_file_content = else: # Raise an error if (1) this is not a local mount lambda, or (2) we're # running Lambdas locally (not in Docker), or (3) we're using remote Docker. # -> We do *not* want to raise an error if we're using local mount in non-remote Docker if not is_local_mount or not use_docker() or config.LAMBDA_REMOTE_DOCKER: file_list = run('ls -la %s' % lambda_cwd) LOG.debug('Lambda archive content:\n%s' % file_list) return error_response( 'Unable to find handler script in Lambda archive.', 400, error_type='ValidationError') if runtime.startswith('python') and not use_docker(): try: lambda_handler = exec_lambda_code( zip_file_content, handler_function=handler_function, lambda_cwd=lambda_cwd, lambda_env=lambda_environment) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Unable to get handler function from lambda code.', e) add_function_mapping(lambda_name, lambda_handler, lambda_cwd) return {'FunctionName': lambda_name}
def mountable_tmp_file(): f = os.path.join(config.TMP_FOLDER, short_uid()) TMP_FILES.append(f) return f