def __init__(self, command, owner): self.owner = owner self.subj = None self.verb = None = None targeted_commands = r"[a-zA-V]\d+ (mov|atk|spt|inf) [a-zA-V]\d+" info_command = r"info [a-zA-V]\d{1,2}" unary_commands = r"^[A-Za-z]*$" if type(command) == type(b'a'): command = command.decode('ascii') if command in World.verbs: self.verb = command elif, command) != None: #command is of the form #info a1 #info z31 #info A1 #info V31 words = command.split(" ") self.verb = "inf" self.subj = location(words[1]) = None elif, command) != None: #command is targeted #a1 atk A1 #V31 mov a1 words = command.split(" ") self.subj = location(words[0]) self.verb = words[1] = location(words[2])
def move( self, moves ): #location of peice to move from to each spot in array, removes pieces in way if moves == None: return 0 if len(moves) < 2: #Not enough moves entered return 0 peice = self.realBoard.get(moves[0]) #gets peice that is moving startingLocation = moves[0] for i in range(1, len(moves)): #to account for starting move currentLocation = moves[i] direction = currentLocation - startingLocation #Direction of piece moved converted to numpy for division ease for i in range(2): direction[i] = round(direction[i] / 2) checkLocation = p.location( currentLocation - p.location(direction)) #Location of piece hopped over if not == 0: #If hopped if not self.realBoard.get(checkLocation)[0] == peice: self.realBoard.set(checkLocation, " ") #set blank where hopped else: print("Move not allowed") #Can't hop your own peice type return 0 self.realBoard.set(startingLocation, " ") #Set old spot blank self.realBoard.set(currentLocation, peice) #Set new spot with piece startingLocation = currentLocation #Update for next tick return 1
def load_game(self, file_name): self.players = [] current_team_name = None current_team_obj = None with open(file_name, "r") as f: first_line = f.readline() if first_line[0] == "M": self.map_name = first_line.split(":")[1].rstrip() = World(self.map_name) print("creating map from " + self.map_name) self.set_color_prefs(Game.default_prefs) for line in f: # print(line[0]) if line[0] == "t": current_team_name = line.split("-")[1].split("@")[0] host, port = line.split("-")[1].split("@")[1].split(":") port = int(port) print("creating new team: " + current_team_name) current_team_obj = Team(, current_team_name) self.add_player(Server_Facing_Networked_Player(self, current_team_obj, host, port)) elif line[0] == "m": loc = location(line.split("@")[1][:-1]) current_team_obj.create_mech(line[2:6], loc) elif line[0] == "s": loc = location(line.split("@")[1][:-1]), current_team_obj)
def updateToKings(self, board): for j in range(8): checkB = p.location(0, j) checkW = p.location(7, j) if board.get(checkB) == "b": board.set(checkB, "bk") if board.get(checkW) == "w": board.set(checkW, "wk")
def checkForHops(self, board): for i in range(8): for j in range(8): pos = p.location(i, j) e = board.get(pos) if e[0] == self.piece: temp = self.findHops(e, p.location(i, j), board) if temp: return temp return None
def do(self, turn): if turn.get_subj_loc() is None: turn.subj = location("n0") if turn.get_target_loc() is None: = location("n0") m = if m is Mech and not m.prepped: m.prep()[turn.verb](m, turn.get_target_loc())
def possibleMoves(self, startLocation, piece): #used to find possible moves in order to find valid moves #Don't directly call if piece == "w": Moves = list() Moves.append( p.location(startLocation.row() + 1, startLocation.column() - 1)) Moves.append( p.location(startLocation.row() + 1, startLocation.column() + 1)) elif piece == "b": Moves = list() Moves.append( p.location(startLocation.row() - 1, startLocation.column() - 1)) Moves.append( p.location(startLocation.row() - 1, startLocation.column() + 1)) else: Moves = list() Moves.append( p.location(startLocation.row() - 1, startLocation.column() - 1)) Moves.append( p.location(startLocation.row() - 1, startLocation.column() + 1)) Moves.append( p.location(startLocation.row() + 1, startLocation.column() - 1)) Moves.append( p.location(startLocation.row() + 1, startLocation.column() + 1)) return Moves
def test_location_equality_tests(self): a = location("chr1:1000-2000") b = location("chr1:1001-2000") c = location("chr1:1000-2001") d = location("chr2:1000-2000") e = location("chr1:1000-2000") self.assertEqual(a == b, False) # internal self.assertEqual(a == c, False) # internal self.assertEqual(a == d, False) # internal self.assertEqual(a == e, True) # internal self.assertEqual(a == b, False) # internal self.assertEqual(a == "chr1:1000-2000", True) self.assertEqual(a == "chr1:1000-2001", False)
def __init__(self,name,new): """ Constructor Uses algorithm to turn string data from txt file into a player object. ... Parameters ---------- :param name: Name of user :type name: str :param new: if the game is a new or must be loaded :type new: Bool """ if new == True: self.user = player(level=1, name = name, EXP=0, gold= 150, items ={}) else: x = name.lower() + ".txt" # create string with name matching one used to create savegames with open(x, 'r') as f: # open file in read mode and parse through lines in same order as data was stored name = f.readline().rstrip('\n') # strip of \n level = int(f.readline()) # turn strings into int gold = int(f.readline()) items_keys = f.readline() item_am = f.readline() cl_map = f.readline().rstrip('\n') cl_row = int(f.readline()) cl_col = int(f.readline()) exp = int(f.readline()) exp_n = int(f.readline()) st = int(f.readline()) curr_map = None # emptry var to be assigned current map for i in all_maps: if i.key == cl_map: curr_map = i non_pot_items = [] # items that are not pots try: bag = self.get_items(items_keys,item_am) # bag containing all items for i in bag: if i.key != "hpo" and i.key != "mpo" and i.key != "upo":# if itst not a pot then remove from bag and add via add_item method to ensure stats are updated non_pot_items.append(i) for i in non_pot_items: del bag[i] except: bag = {} user1 = player(location(curr_map,cl_row,cl_col),location(curr_map,cl_row,cl_col), level,name,exp,exp_n,gold, bag,st) for i in non_pot_items: user1.add_item(i) self.user = user1
def test_loading(self): a = location(loc="Chr1:10-20") self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr1:10-20") a = location(chr="1", left=1000, right=2000) self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr1:1000-2000") a = location(chr=1, left=1000, right=2000) self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr1:1000-2000") a = location(chr="X", left=1000, right=2000) self.assertEqual(str(a), "chrX:1000-2000") a = location(loc="Chr2_RANDOM:100-200") # should still load... self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr2_RANDOM:100-200")
def __init__(self, listofplaces, listofplaces2): self.locations = [] self.locations2 = [] for place in listofplaces: try: self.locations.append( location.location(place['geometry'], name=place['name'])) except: print('error') for place in listofplaces2: try: self.locations2.append( location.location(place['geometry'], name=place['name'])) except: print('error')
def savegame(self): """ Creates a savegame txt Return ------ :return True: To inform completion without error :type True: Bools """ x = ) + ".txt" # create var string with name of user and txt at end things = [] # to store item keys amount = [] # to store item quantities for i, j in self.items.items(): # Fill things and amount things.append(i.key) amount.append(j) with open(x, 'w') as f: # Opens file x and writes or overwrites data f.write( f"{}\n{self.level}\n{}\n{things}\n{amount}\n{}\n{self.current_location.row}\n{self.current_location.col}\n{self.EXP}\n{self.exp_needed}\n{self.story_tracker}" ) self.last_save_location = location(, self.current_location.row, self.current_location.col) # Changes last save location return True
def __init__(self, info_dict=dict()): = "" = "" self.location = location() if len(info_dict) != 0: self.load_info_from_dict(info_dict)
def TFoutput(self): #Converts board into T/F table to simulate board output = [[0 for i in range(8)] for j in range(8)] for i in range(8): for j in range(8): if not self.realBoard.get(p.location(i, j)) == " ": output[i][j] = 1 return output
def left_right_pointify(self): a = location("chr1:1000-2000") l = a.pointLeft() r = a.pointRight() self.assertEqual(l, "chr1:1000-1000") self.assertEqual(r, "chr1:2000-2000")
def test_location_modifications(self): a = location(loc="chr1:1000-2000") a = a.expand(100) # answer = chr1:900-2100 self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr1:900-2100") a = a.expandLeft(10) # answer = chr1:890-2100 self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr1:890-2100") a = a.expandRight(10) # answer = chr1:890-2110 self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr1:890-2110") a = a.shrinkLeft(10) # answer = chr1:900-2110 self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr1:900-2110") a = a.shrinkRight(10) # answer = chr1:900-2100 self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr1:900-2100") a = a.shrink( 100) # should be back where it started answer = chr1:1000-2000 self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr1:1000-2000") a = a.pointify() # get the middle # answer = chr1:1500-1500 self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr1:1500-1500") a = a.expand(100) # and make a 200bp window answer = chr1:1400-1600 self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr1:1400-1600")
def bot(): print(self_intro()) print(get_time()) name = input("Please Enter your Name :") print(welcome(name)) # print(get_time()) choice = showmenu() while choice != 5: if (choice == 1): print(location()) elif choice == 2: print(college()) elif choice == 3: print('1.ECE', '2.CSE', '3.EEE', '4.MECH', '5.CIVIL', '6.IT', sep='\n') print("Enter your choice") c = (int(input())) print(branch(c)) elif choice == 4: print("AC or Non AC") print(hostel(input())) elif choice >= 5: print("I can't understand... sorry") else: return 0 choice = showmenu()
def locations(): # API Call to Dataframe # Parse Data frame if need # Return data to template worksheet ="p3database").sheet1 dataFrame = pandas.DataFrame(worksheet.get_all_records()) latList = pandas.Series(dataFrame["latitude"]).tolist() lngtList = pandas.Series(dataFrame["longitude"]).tolist() nameList = pandas.Series(dataFrame["name"]).tolist() idList = pandas.Series(dataFrame["id"]).tolist() locationDic = [] for i in range(len(latList)): locationDic.append( location.location(latList[i], lngtList[i], nameList[i], idList[i]).hotspot) locations = Map(identifier="locations", lat=32.7157, lng=-117.1611, zoom=13, style="height:300px;width:600px;margin:0;", markers=locationDic) return render_template('locations.html', locations=locations)
def getMove(self, board): #first get all allowed moves then choose one at random allowed_moves = [] for i in range(board.getSize()): for j in range(board.getSize()): if board.get(p.location(i, j)) == " ": allowed_moves.append([i, j]) output = [] for move in allowed_moves: tempBoard = board.getGrid() """For each open square check if either player can win next turn""" tempBoard[move[0]][move[1]] = self.piece if self.checkForWin(tempBoard) == self.piece: output = move tempBoard[move[0]][move[1]] = " " #Reset since python things break tempBoard[move[0]][move[1]] = self.oppopiece if self.checkForWin(tempBoard) == self.oppopiece: output = move tempBoard[move[0]][move[1]] = " " #Reset since python things break tempBoard[move[0]][move[1]] = " " #Reset since python things else: output = random.choice(allowed_moves) return output
def getMove(self, board): #first get all allowed moves then choose one at random allowed_moves = [] for i in range(board.getSize()): for j in range(board.getSize()): if board.get(p.location(i, j)) == " ": allowed_moves.append([i, j]) return random.choice(allowed_moves)
def stopJourney(chasis, ssos_passenger, lat, lng): p1 = load_file(ssos_passenger, passenger.Passenger) locationStop = location.location(str(time.strftime("%c")), lat, lng) t1 = p1.get_travels() t1 = t1[len(t1) - 1] t1.set_timeStop(locationStop) p1.set_travels(t1) save_file(p1)
def updateBoard(self, inBoard): """ Takes 2d array of 1/0 's and converts to string board """ for i in range(self.board.getSize()): for j in range(self.board.getSize()): if inBoard[i][j] == 1 and self.board.get(p.location(i, j)) == " ": self.board.set(p.location(i, j), self.turnM.currentPlayer().getPiece()) #Success self.recent_move.update( i, j ) #Store the most recent move to make checking for win faster return 1 #No update print("nothing changed") return 0
def getCentre(self): xloccum,yloccum = 0,0 for v in self.__vv: l = v.getLocation() xloccum = xloccum + l.getX() yloccum = yloccum + l.getY() nieuwex = float(xloccum / self.getNumberOfBirds()) nieuwey = float(yloccum / self.getNumberOfBirds()) return location.location(nieuwex, nieuwey)
def death(self): """ Resets location to last_save_location and HP to max_HP and deducts 10% gold """ self.current_location = location(, self.last_save_location.row, self.last_save_location.col) # Reset location self.HP = self.max_HP # Reset HP = int( * 0.9) # Lose 10% gold each time you die
def checkForWin(self): """ If game over returns player piece and 'wins' to be printed Elif game stalemate returns stalemate Else returns nothing """ #Rows for i in range(self.board_size): if not self.board.get( p.location(self.recent_move.row(), i)) == self.turnM.currentPlayer().getPiece(): break if i == (self.board_size - 1): return str(self.turnM.currentPlayer()) + " wins" #Column for i in range(self.board_size): if not self.board.get(p.location(i, self.recent_move.column()) ) == self.turnM.currentPlayer().getPiece(): break if i == (self.board_size - 1): return str(self.turnM.currentPlayer()) + " wins" #Diag if self.recent_move.row() == self.recent_move.column(): for i in range(self.board_size): if not self.board.get(p.location( i, i)) == self.turnM.currentPlayer().getPiece(): break if i == (self.board_size - 1): return str(self.turnM.currentPlayer()) + " wins" #Other Diag if (self.recent_move.row() + self.recent_move.column()) == (self.board_size - 1): for i in range(self.board_size): if not self.board.get(p.location( i, (self.board_size - 1) - i)) == self.turnM.currentPlayer().getPiece(): break if i == (self.board_size - 1): return str(self.turnM.currentPlayer()) + " wins" #Stalemate if self.turnM.count() == self.board_size**2: return "Stalemate" return None
def getListOfLocations(version): locationFile = getLocationFile(version) if(locationFile == 0): return []; listOfLocations = [] locationFile.readline() #Read the first line and throw it away, it's just world size and whatnot for line in locationFile.readlines(): l = location.location(line) listOfLocations.append(l) return listOfLocations
def __init__(self, orid=-1, epochtime=0, lon=0, lat=0, depth=0, ml=-999.9, mb=-999.9, ms=-999.9, mw=-999.9): """ initialise an origin object """ import converttime self.orid = orid self.datetime = converttime.epoch2datetime(epochtime) self.location = location.location(lon, lat, depth, 'down') = ml self.mb = mb = ms = mw
def test_sort_location(self): a = [{ 'loc': location("chr1:1000-2000") }, { 'loc': location("chr1:1001-2000") }, { 'loc': location("chr1:1000-2001") }, { 'loc': location("chr2:1050-2000") }, { 'loc': location("chr1:999-2000") }] gl = glbase3.genelist() gl.load_list(a) gl.sort('loc') self.assertEqual(str(gl[-1]['loc']), "chr2:1050-2000") self.assertEqual(str(gl[0]['loc']), "chr1:999-2000")
def startJourney(chasis, ssos_passenger, lat, lng): p1 = load_file(ssos_passenger, passenger.Passenger) locationStart = location.location(str(time.strftime("%c")), lat, lng) t1 = travels.Travels(chasis, locationStart) p1.set_travels(t1) save_file(p1) v1 = load_file(chasis, vehicle.Vehicle) v1.set_passengers(p1) save_file(v1) return str(v1.get_ap_mac())
def test_pass_throughs(self): # pass a var through and check it is properly copied/modifiable. a = location(loc="chr1:100-200") b = location(loc=a) # this will copy. c = location(loc=a) a = a.pointify() b = b.expand(5) self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr1:150-150") self.assertEqual(str(b), "chr1:95-205") self.assertEqual(str(c), "chr1:100-200") # should still be original. b = location(chr=c["chr"], left=c["left"], right=c["right"]) b = b.expand(5) self.assertEqual(str(c), "chr1:100-200") self.assertEqual(str(b), "chr1:95-205") a = b.expand(10) # b should be left untouched. self.assertEqual(str(b), "chr1:95-205") self.assertEqual(str(a), "chr1:85-215")
def __init__(self, current_location=location(home, 1, 1), last_save_location=location(home, 1, 1), level=1, name="No Name", EXP=0, exp_needed=500, gold=0, items={}, story_tracker=1): """ Constructor ... Parameters ---------- :param current_location: stores position at any time :type current_location: location :param last_save_location: stores position of last save point :type last_save_location: location :param level: character strength level - determines HP, AD :type level: int :param name: chosen name for character (default = "No Name") :type name: str :param EXP: experience points :type EXP: int :param exp_needed: number of experience points required to hit next level :type exp_needed: int :param gold: Currency used in game (default = 0) :type gold: int :param items: Items carried by user (default = {}) :type items: dictionary """ super().__init__(level, name, gold, items) self.current_location = current_location self.last_save_location = last_save_location self.EXP = EXP self.exp_needed = exp_needed self.HP = 500 + self.level * 200 # HP increases 200 per level self.max_HP = 500 + self.level * 200 self.AD = self.level * 50 # AD increases 50 per level self.story_tracker = story_tracker #Tracks story and allows for starting game at various points in story
def updateBoardfromScan(self, board, scanData, currentPlayer): #Compares board to scan #finds differences and updates board #returns false if two pieces different pieceToSet = p.location( -1, -1) #Stores the location of the piece to be set to currentPlayer oldPieces = list( ) #Stores the locations of the piece to that need to be removed scan = grid.grid(0) scan.massSet(scanData) pieceTypeToSet = currentPlayer #this gets changed if their is a missing king, therefore piece moved was a king kindof hacky for i in range(8): for j in range(8): currentPos = p.location(i, j) if scan.get( currentPos) == 1 and not board.get(currentPos) == " ": continue elif scan.get(currentPos) == 1 and board.get( currentPos) == " ": pieceToSet = currentPos elif scan.get( currentPos) == 0 and not board.get(currentPos) == " ": if board.get(currentPos)[0] == currentPlayer: pieceTypeToSet = board.get( currentPos ) #if the piece removed was of the current player, set that type to be set oldPieces.append(currentPos) elif scan.get(currentPos) == 0 and board.get( currentPos) == " ": continue else: print("ERROR IN SETTING BOARD") return False done = board.set(pieceToSet, pieceTypeToSet) if done == None: print("no move done") return False for l in oldPieces: board.set(l, " ") self.updateToKings(board) return None
def get(self): try: getUserFromToken(self.get_argument("token")) global locations name = self.get_argument("name") for l in locations: if == name: self.write(json.dumps({'type': 'addLocation','response': 'failure','reason':'location_exists'}\ ,indent=4,separators=(',', ': '))) return try: lat = self.get_argument("latitude") log = self.get_argument("longitude") rad = self.get_argument("radius") locations += [ location(name=name, latitude=lat, longitude=log, radius=rad), ] except tornado.web.MissingArgumentError: try: bssids = parseIds(self.get_argument("bssids")) ssids = self.get_argument("ssid") locations += [ location(name=name, bssids=bssids, ssids=ssids), ] except tornado.web.MissingArgumentError: ssids = self.get_argument("ssid") locations += [ location(name=name, ssids=ssids), ] except LoginError: self.write(json.dumps({'type': 'addLocation','response': 'failure','reason':'invalid_token'}\ ,indent=4,separators=(',', ': '))) except: self.write(json.dumps({'type': 'addLocation','response': 'failure'}\ ,indent=4,separators=(',', ': ')))
def generate(self, n, start, end): self.start = start self.end = end for i in range(n): self.Locations.append(location()) if i == 0: self.Locations[0].id_location = i self.Locations[0].name = "start" self.Locations[0].opening = self.start self.Locations[0].closing = self.end self.Locations[0].score = 0 self.Locations[0].max_shift = 0 self.Locations[0].shift = 0 self.Locations[0].ratio = 0 self.Locations[0].arrival = 0 self.Locations[0].leave = 0 elif i == n-1: self.Locations[i].id_location = i self.Locations[i].name = "End" self.Locations[i].opening = start self.Locations[i].closing = end self.Locations[i].score = 0 self.Locations[i].wait = 0 self.Locations[i].max_shift = 0 self.Locations[i].shift = 0 self.Locations[i].ratio = 0 self.Locations[i].arrival = 0 self.Locations[i].leave = 0 else: self.Locations[i].id_location = i self.Locations[i].name = "Loc"+str(i) self.Locations[i].opening = random.randint(8,11) self.Locations[i].closing = random.randint(self.Locations[i].opening,20)+1 self.Locations[i].score = random.randint(1,5) self.Locations[i].wait = 0 self.Locations[i].max_shift = 0 self.Locations[i].shift = 0 self.Locations[i].ratio = 0 self.Locations[i].arrival = 0 self.Locations[i].leave = 0 return self.Locations
def search(location1Id, location2Id, departureDate, departureTime, arrivalDate, arrivalTime): resultFound = True resultNum = 0 trips = [] while(resultFound): r = requests.get("" + \ "avgnr=" + str(resultNum) + "&" + \ "from=" + location1Id + "&" + \ "to=" + location2Id + "&" + \ "departureDate=" + departureDate + "&" + \ "departureTime=" + departureTime + "&" + \ "arrivalDate=" + arrivalDate + "&" + \ "arrivalTime=" + arrivalTime) r.encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' #f ='result.json','w','utf-8') #f.write(json.dumps(r.json(), sort_keys=True, indent=2)) #f.close() data = json.loads(r.text) if (data.keys() != [u'error']): for i in range (len(data['timetableresult']['ttitem'])): trip = ttitem.ttitem() trip.totalPrice = float(data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['price']) trip.sellerName = data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['sellername'] trip.totalTravelTime = data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['traveltimetotal'] trip.URL = data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['url'] trip.segments = [] for j in range (len(data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'])): currentSegment = segment.segment() currentSegment.arrivalTime = \ time.strptime(data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['arrival']['datetime'], \ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") currentSegment.arrivalLocation = location.location( data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['arrival']['location']['id'], \ data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['arrival']['location']['name'], \ data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['arrival']['location']['x'], \ data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['arrival']['location']['y'] \ ) currentSegment.departureTime = \ time.strptime(data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['departure']['datetime'], \ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") currentSegment.departureLocation = location.location( data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['departure']['location']['id'], \ data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['departure']['location']['name'], \ data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['departure']['location']['x'], \ data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['departure']['location']['y'] \ ) if('direction' in data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j].keys()): currentSegment.direction = data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['direction'] currentSegment.lowestPrice = data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['lowestprice'] currentSegment.lowestPriceCompany = data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['lowestpriceseller']['name'] currentSegment.lowestPriceURL = data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['lowestpriceseller']['url'] currentSegment.segmentNumber = j trip.segments.append(currentSegment) trips.append(trip) resultNum += 1 print str(int(trip.totalPrice)) + " sek " + \ datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(currentSegment.departureTime)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + "\n\t" + trip.totalTravelTime + "\n\t" + trip.URL else: if data.keys() == [u'error']: print data['error'] resultFound = False return trips
def test_y_larger_than_0(self): loc = location.location() self.assertTrue(0 < loc.getY())
def load_instance(self, n, file_name): n = n+2 # + start and end #file = open('c101.txt', 'r') #identify file name file = open(file_name, 'r') #identify file name lines = file.readlines() new_lines = [] for line in lines: new_lines.append( line.split() ) self.start = 0 self.end = float(new_lines[2][8]) for i in range(n): self.Locations.append(location()) if i == 0: self.Locations[0].id_location = i self.Locations[0].name = "start" self.Locations[0].opening = self.start self.Locations[0].closing = self.end self.Locations[0].score = 0 self.Locations[0].max_shift = 0 self.Locations[0].shift = 0 self.Locations[0].ratio = 0 self.Locations[0].arrival = 0 self.Locations[0].leave = 0 self.Locations[0].x = new_lines[2][1] self.Locations[0].y = new_lines[2][2] self.Locations[0].required_time = float(new_lines[2][3]) new_lines.pop(0) new_lines.pop(0) elif i == n-1: self.Locations[i].id_location = i self.Locations[i].name = "End" self.Locations[i].opening = self.start self.Locations[i].closing = self.end self.Locations[i].score = 0 self.Locations[i].wait = 0 self.Locations[i].max_shift = 0 self.Locations[i].shift = 0 self.Locations[i].ratio = 0 self.Locations[i].arrival = 0 self.Locations[i].leave = 0 self.Locations[i].x = new_lines[0][1] self.Locations[i].y = new_lines[0][2] self.Locations[i].required_time = float(new_lines[0][3]) else: self.Locations[i].id_location = i self.Locations[i].name = "Loc"+str(i) self.Locations[i].opening = float(new_lines[i][8]) self.Locations[i].closing = float(new_lines[i][9]) self.Locations[i].score = float(new_lines[i][4]) self.Locations[i].wait = 0 self.Locations[i].max_shift = 0 self.Locations[i].shift = 0 self.Locations[i].ratio = 0 self.Locations[i].arrival = 0 self.Locations[i].leave = 0 self.Locations[i].x = new_lines[i][1] self.Locations[i].y = new_lines[i][2] self.Locations[i].required_time = float(new_lines[i][3]) return self.Locations, self.start, self.end
def test_y_smaller_than_scherm(self): loc = location.location() self.assertTrue(loc.getY() < g_groottescherm)
def test_division_x(self): setx = float(1)/2 sety = 1 loc = location.location(x=setx, y=1) self.assertTrue(loc.getX(), 0.5)
def test_init(self): loc = location.location() pass
def __init__(self): self.sailors = {boat.boat(): location.location(10, 10)} self.buoys = [location.location(10, 100)] self.wind = np.random.random() * 16 + 4 self.direction = 0 self.init_draw()
trip = ttitem.ttitem() trip.totalPrice = float(data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['price']) trip.sellerName = data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['sellername'] trip.totalTravelTime = data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['traveltimetotal'] trip.URL = data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['url'] trip.segments = [] for j in range (len(data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'])): currentSegment = segment.segment() currentSegment.arrivalTime = \ time.strptime(data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['arrival']['datetime'], \ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") currentSegment.arrivalLocation = location.location( data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['arrival']['location']['id'], \ data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['arrival']['location']['name'], \ data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['arrival']['location']['x'], \ data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['arrival']['location']['y'] \ ) currentSegment.departureTime = \ time.strptime(data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['departure']['datetime'], \ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") currentSegment.departureLocation = location.location( data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['departure']['location']['id'], \ data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['departure']['location']['name'], \ data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['departure']['location']['x'], \ data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['departure']['location']['y'] \ ) if('direction' in data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j].keys()): currentSegment.direction = data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['direction'] currentSegment.lowestPrice = data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['lowestprice'] currentSegment.lowestPriceCompany = data['timetableresult']['ttitem'][i]['segment'][j]['lowestpriceseller']['name']
print "-- name: ", print "-- score: ",e.score print "-- wait: ",e.wait print "-- max_shift: ",e.max_shift print "-- shift: ",e.shift print "-- ratio: ",e.ratio print " " start = 9 #hours end = 20 #hours Locations = [] for e in range(5): Locations.append(location()) #Instance of 4 elements Locations[0].id_location = 0 Locations[0].name = "start" Locations[0].opening = start Locations[0].closing = start Locations[0].score = 0 Locations[0].max_shift = 0 Locations[0].shift = 0 Locations[0].ratio = 0 Locations[0].arrival = 0 Locations[1].id_location = 1 Locations[1].name = "Loc2" Locations[1].opening = 9
def __init__(self,swarm,ifv): self.__ifv = ifv self.__ll = location.location() self.__ifv.drawBird(self) self.__swarm = swarm