def get_location(namestr, dbname=settings.MONGO_DATABASE_NAME, just_one=True, starts_with=False, postcodes=True, create_location=False): """ namestr can be postcode, placename, or 'placename: district' for places with same name """ # could do lat_lon search by testing namestr for '123.456, 123.456' # split on ',' # check len=2 # check parts 1 and 2 (trimmed) convert to real # return {'lat_lon': [real, real] } default = [] namestr = namestr.strip() if not namestr: return default db = get_db() coll = db.location district =None pc = False pc_matcher = re.compile(POSTCODE_START_REGEX) if pc_matcher.match(namestr): name = namestr.upper().replace(' ', '') field = '_id' pc = True else: names = [n.strip() for n in namestr.split(':')] name = names[0] district = names[1] if len(names) > 1 else None field = 'place_name' coll.ensure_index([ ('place_name', ASCENDING), ('country_code', ASCENDING), ('accuracy', DESCENDING) ]) # removed this- supposed to be slow cos index not used # but seems ok, and improves usability # if starts_with: name = re.compile('^%s' % name, re.IGNORECASE) find_dict = {field: name} if district: find_dict['district'] = district if not postcodes and not pc: find_dict['postcode'] = None result = coll.find_one(find_dict) if just_one else coll.find(find_dict).limit(20) if result and (type(result) == dict or result.count() > 0): return result elif create_location: loc = Location.create_from(namestr) # print ' ###################### CREATED LOCATION ######################' if loc: return loc.to_mongo() return default
def clean_new_location(self): data = self.cleaned_data['new_location'] if data: loc_ids = data.split(',') locs = list(Location.objects(id__in=loc_ids)) new_locs = [l for l in loc_ids if l not in [ for loc in locs]] new_locs_errors = [] for new_loc in new_locs: loc = Location.create_from(new_loc) if loc: locs.append(loc) else: increment_failed_locations(new_loc) new_locs_errors.append(new_loc) self.locations = locs if new_locs_errors: raise forms.ValidationError('Could not find these locations: %s' % ', '.join(new_locs_errors)) return data