def bfexporter(imp, savepath, useLOCI=True): if useLOCI: paramstring = "outfile=[" + savepath + "] windowless=true compression=Uncompressed saveROI=false" plugin = LociExporter() plugin.arg = paramstring exporter = Exporter(plugin, imp) # save as OME-TIFF using BioFormats library using the method if not useLOCI: # 2019-04-25: This does not seem to work in headless anymore paramstring = "save=[" + savepath + "] compression=Uncompressed", "Bio-Formats Exporter", paramstring) return paramstring
#@String round_or_square #@String final_tile_size #@String xoffset_tiles #@String yoffset_tiles #@String compress from ij import IJ, WindowManager import os import string import sys import time from loci.plugins.out import Exporter from loci.plugins import LociExporter plugin = LociExporter() def tiffextend(imname): if '.tif' in imname: return imname if '.' in imname: return imname[:imname.index('.')] + '.tiff' else: return imname + '.tiff' def savefile(im, imname, plugin, compress='false'): attemptcount = 0 imname = tiffextend(imname) print('Saving ', imname, im.width, im.height)
# run image analysis pipeline filtered_image = run(IMAGEPATH, useBF=True, series=0) # get time at the end and calc duration of processing end = time.clock()'Duration of whole Processing : ' + str(end - start)) ########################################################### start = time.clock() # create the argument string for the BioFormats Exporter and save as OME.TIFF paramstring = "outfile=" + outputimagepath + " " + "windowless=true compression=Uncompressed saveROI=false" plugin = LociExporter() plugin.arg = paramstring exporter = Exporter(plugin, filtered_image) # get time at the end and calc duration of processing end = time.clock()'Duration of saving as OME-TIFF : ' + str(end - start)) # show the image # finish'Done.')
def main(): # Get active dataset #img = IJ.getImage() display = displayservice.getActiveDisplay() active_dataset = imagedisplayservice.getActiveDataset(display) if not active_dataset: IJ.showMessage('No image opened.') return # Get image path fname = active_dataset.getSource() dir_path = os.path.dirname(fname) if not fname: IJ.showMessage('Source image needs to match a file on the system.') return # Open ROIs rois = RoiManager.getInstance() if not rois: roi_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "") if not os.path.isfile(roi_path): try: roi_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_path, "*.roi"))[0] except: roi_path = None if not roi_path: IJ.showMessage('No ROIs. Please use Analyze > Tools > ROI Manager...') return rois = RoiManager(True) rois.reset() rois.runCommand("Open", roi_path) IJ.log('Image filename is %s' % fname) dt = get_dt(active_dataset) rois_array = rois.getRoisAsArray() for i, roi in enumerate(rois_array): crop_id = i + 1 IJ.log("Croping %i / %i" % (crop_id, len(rois_array))) # Get filename and basename of the current cropped image crop_basename = "crop%i_%s" % (crop_id, active_dataset.getName()) crop_basename = os.path.splitext(crop_basename)[0] + ".ome.tif" crop_fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fname), crop_basename) # Get bounds and crop bounds = roi.getBounds() dataset = crop(ij, datasetservice, active_dataset, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, crop_basename) # Show cropped image ij.ui().show(dataset.getName(), dataset) # Save cropped image (ugly hack) IJ.log("Saving crop to %s" % crop_fname) imp = IJ.getImage() bfExporter = LociExporter() macroOpts = "save=[" + crop_fname + "]" bfExporter.setup(None, imp) Macro.setOptions(macroOpts) imp.close() IJ.log('Done')