def edit(id): conn = loft.getConn('loft') if request.method == 'GET': if 'UID' not in session: return redirect(url_for('login')) UID_session = session['UID'] UID_prop = loft.getHost(conn, id) if UID_session == UID_prop: conn = loft.getConn('loft') prop = loft.getOne(conn, id) return render_template('edit.html', item=prop, UID=UID) else: return redirect(url_for('showPage', id=id)) else: conn = loft.getConn('loft') name = request.form.get('name') descrip = request.form.get('descrip') loc = request.form.get('location') price = request.form.get('price') smoker = request.form.get('smoker') gender = request.form.get('gender') pet = request.form.get('pet') loft.updateProperty(conn, id, name, descrip, loc, price, smoker, gender, pet) return redirect(url_for('showPage', id=id))
def showProperties(): conn = loft.getConn('loft') if request.method == 'POST': gender = int(request.form.get('gender')) location = request.form.get('location') price = request.form.get( 'price') #might use price ranges in the future if price == '': price = 100000 #no upper limit start = request.form.get('start') end = request.form.get('end') if start == '': start = '3000-12-31' #no lower limit if end == '': end = '1000-01-01' #no upper limit # print("Gender: " + str(gender)) # print("Location: " + (location)) # print("Price: " + str(price)) # print("Start: " + start) # print("End: " + end) # # propList = loft.getAll(conn) #shows all properties propList = loft.searchProp(conn, gender, location, price, start, end) else: propList = loft.getAll(conn) #shows all properties if 'UID' not in session: return render_template('index.html', propList=propList) UID = session['UID'] return render_template('index.html', propList=propList, UID=UID)
def ajaxRate(): UID = session['UID'] if UID == "": flash('you are not logged in. Please login or join') return redirect(url_for('login')) conn = loft.getConn('loft') PID = request.form.get('PID') rating = request.form.get('rating') avg = loft.updateRating(conn, UID, PID, rating) return jsonify({'avg': float(avg)})
def showMyReservations(): conn = loft.getConn('loft') if 'UID' not in session: flash('You must be logged in to view properties') return redirect(url_for('login')) UID = session['UID'] propList = loft.getRenterProps(conn, UID) print(propList) return render_template('my-reservations.html', propList=propList, UID=UID)
def delete(id): conn = loft.getConn('loft') if 'UID' in session: UID_session = session['UID'] UID_prop = loft.getHost(conn, id) if UID_session == UID_prop: loft.deleteProp(conn, id) return redirect(url_for('showMyProperties')) else: return redirect(url_for('showProperties')) else: return redirect(url_for('login'))
def showMyProperties(): conn = loft.getConn('loft') if 'UID' not in session: flash('You must be logged in to view properties') return redirect(url_for('login')) UID = session['UID'] propList = loft.getHostProps(conn, UID) bookList = loft.getBookings(conn, UID) return render_template('my-properties.html', propList=propList, bookList=bookList, UID=UID)
def addUser(): if request.method == 'POST': conn = loft.getConn('loft') name = request.form.get('name') email = request.form.get('email') school = request.form.get('school') pw = request.form.get('pw') pw2 = request.form.get('pw_confirm') valid = True if (email[-4:] != ".edu" or "@" not in email): flash("Please enter a valid school email") valid = False if (pw != pw2): flash("The passwords do not match") valid = False elif (len(pw) < 6 or any(char.isdigit() for char in pw) == False): #only checks when passwords match flash( "Password is too weak, must be longer than 6 characters and contain a digit" ) valid = False curs = conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) curs.execute('SELECT email FROM users WHERE email = %s', [email]) row = curs.fetchone() if row is not None: flash('An account with that email already exists') valid = False if valid == True: hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(pw.encode('utf-8'), bcrypt.gensalt()) loft.createUser(conn, name, email, hashed, school) return redirect(url_for('login')) else: user = { "name": name, "email": email, "school": school, "pw": pw, "pw2": pw2 } return render_template('addUser.html', user=user) else: return render_template('addUser.html')
def showPage(id): conn = loft.getConn('loft') curs = conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) if 'UID' not in session: return redirect(url_for('login')) UID = session['UID'] UID_prop = loft.getHost(conn, id) host = True if UID == UID_prop else False if request.method == 'POST': prop = loft.getOne(conn, id) dates = loft.getDates(conn, id) start = request.form.get('start') end = request.form.get('end'), UID, id, start, end) return redirect(url_for('showMyReservations')) else: prop = loft.getOne(conn, id) dates = loft.getDates(conn, id) bookList = loft.getBookings(conn, UID) noDates = (True if len(dates) == 0 else False) noBookings = True for booking in bookList: if int(booking['PID']) == int(id): noBookings = False return render_template('show.html', item=prop, dates=dates, bookList=bookList, host=host, noDates=noDates, noBookings=noBookings, UID=UID)
def login(): if request.method == 'POST': email = request.form['email'] passwd = request.form['pw'] conn = loft.getConn('loft') curs = conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) curs.execute('SELECT pw FROM users WHERE email = %s', [email]) row = curs.fetchone() if row is None: # Same response as wrong password, so no information about what went wrong flash('login incorrect. Try again or join') return redirect(url_for('login')) hashed = row['pw'] # strings always come out of the database as unicode objects if bcrypt.hashpw(passwd.encode('utf-8'), hashed.encode('utf-8')) == hashed: curs2 = conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) curs2.execute('''select UID from users where email = %s''', [email]) #emails are unique row2 = curs2.fetchone() UID = row2['UID'] flash('successfully logged in with ' + email) session['UID'] = UID #session['logged_in'] = True #session['visits'] = 1 return redirect(url_for('showProperties')) else: flash('login incorrect. Try again or join') return redirect(url_for('login')) else: if 'UID' in session: flash( 'You are already logged in. Please first logout to log in again.' ) return redirect(url_for('showProperties')) return render_template('login.html')
def profilePage(id): conn = loft.getConn('loft') profile = loft.getProfile(conn, id) return render_template('profile.html', profile=profile, UID=id)
def addProperty(): if request.method == 'POST': if 'UID' not in session: return redirect(url_for('login')) conn = loft.getConn('loft') UID = session['UID'] name = request.form.get('name') descrip = request.form.get('descrip') loc = request.form.get('location') price = request.form.get('price') smoker = request.form.get('smoker') gender = request.form.get('gender') pet = request.form.get('pet') start1 = request.form.get('start1') end1 = request.form.get('end1') Valid = True if name == '': flash('Please enter a valid name') Valid = False if loc == '': flash('Please enter a valid location') Valid = False if price < 0 or price == '': flash('Please enter a valid price') Valid = False if start1 == '' or end1 == '': flash('Please insert at least 1 date range') Valid = False if Valid == False: item = { "propName": name, "propDesciption": descrip, "propLocation": loc, "propPrice": price, "propSmoker": smoker, "propGender": gender, "propPet": pet } return render_template('addProp.html', item=item, UID=UID) else: try: f = request.files['pic'] #update front-end to ask for pic print(f) mime_type = imghdr.what( print mime_type.lower() if mime_type.lower() not in ['jpeg', 'gif', 'png']: raise Exception( 'Not a JPEG, GIF or PNG: {}'.format(mime_type)) #filename = secure_filename('{}'.format(mime_type)) filename = secure_filename('{}-{}.{}'.format( UID, name, mime_type)) print("filename: ", filename) pathname = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOADS'], filename) print("pathname: ", pathname) flash('Upload successful') except Exception as err: flash('Upload failed {why}'.format(why=err)) print('Upload failed {why}'.format(why=err)) return render_template('addProp.html', UID=UID) row = loft.createProperty(conn, name, descrip, loc, price, smoker, gender, pet, filename) PID = row['last_insert_id()'] loft.createDate(conn, PID, start1, end1) start2 = request.form.get('start2') end2 = request.form.get('end2') if start2 != '' or end2 != '': loft.createDate(conn, PID, start2, end2) start3 = request.form.get('start3') end3 = request.form.get('end3') if start3 != '' or end3 != '': loft.createDate(conn, PID, start3, end3) UID = session['UID'] loft.addHostProp(conn, UID, PID) return redirect(url_for('showMyProperties')) else: if 'UID' not in session: flash('You must be logged in to create a property') return redirect(url_for('login')) else: UID = session['UID'] return render_template('addProp.html', UID=UID)