Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, xml):
        """Initializes from a XML string

            - xml -- file content of an XForm XML file
            self.document = parseString(xml)
        except ExpatError as e:
            raise XFormException('could not parse XML : ' + str(e))

        instance = self.get_path(('h:html', 'h:head', 'model', 'instance'))
        forms = [child for child in instance.childNodes
                if child.nodeType == self.document.ELEMENT_NODE]
        if len(forms) != 1:
            raise XFormException('no unique form instance found')

        self.template = forms[0]
        self.name = self.template.nodeName
        formid = self.template.attributes.get('id')
        if not formid:
            raise XFormException('instance %s has no id attribute' % self.name)
        self.formid = formid.value

        #TODO implement 'required' and 'constraint'

        self.paths = []
        self.add_paths(self.template, tuple())


        lo.debug('loaded XForm %s "%s" : %d paths' % (
            self.name, self.formid, len(self.paths)))
Exemple #2
    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        """Set value of a XForm field

        Raises XFormException if no field with given name can be found
        in this form.

            - name -- name of field, path parts separated by '/'
            - value -- value; int, float, date, time, and datetime will be
              converted to string; None will forestall the sending of
              this path
        if not name in self.paths:
            raise XFormException('path "%s" not found in form "%s"' % (
                name, self.name))

        if value is None:

        if isinstance(value, int):
            value = str(value)
        elif isinstance(value, float):
            value = str(value)
        elif isinstance(value, datetime.time):
            value = value.strftime('%H:%M:%S.0')
        elif isinstance(value, datetime.date):
            value = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
            value = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.0')

        if not isinstance(value, str):
            raise XFormException('cannot convert value : ' + str(value))
        self.items[name] = value
        lo.debug('setting %s[%s] = %s' % (self.formid, name, value))
 def parse_datetime(self, value):
         value = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013/01/02 23:44:08.843',
                                            '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
         return value
     except ValueError:
         lo.debug('could not convert _date/_time value %s' % value)
         return value
Exemple #4
 def process(self):
     src = self.path1()
     dst = self.path2()
     lo.debug('converting "%s" to "%s"' % (src, dst))
         self.config.convert_executable, src, '-quality', '100', '-resize',
         '%d>' % self.config.pixels, dst
 def parse_datetime(self, value):
         value = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                 '2013/01/02 23:44:08.843',
                 '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
         return value
     except ValueError:
         lo.debug('could not convert _date/_time value %s' % value)
         return value
 def process(self):
     src = self.path1()
     dst = self.path2()
     lo.debug('converting "%s" to "%s"' % (src, dst))
             '-quality', '100',
             '-resize', '%d>' % self.config.pixels,
    def run(self):
        n = 0
        while not self.should_stop:

            lo.debug('uploader running n=%d' % n)

            if not self.dryrun and not self.try_connect():
                lo.info('cannot connect; wait for 1 minute')
                for sec in range(60):
                    if self.should_stop:

            for name in sorted(self.model.tables):

                if self.should_stop:

                table = self.model.tables[name]

                # be quiet when polling data apart from first time
                if n == 0:
                    lo.info('sync data with MS-SQL table "%s"' % name)

                row = self.model.get_next_new(name)
                while row is not None:

                    if self.should_stop:

                    rowname = table.rowname(row)
                    if self.dryrun:
                        lo.info('would upload form %s from table %s' %
                                (rowname, name))
                        if self.try_send(table, row):
                            lo.info('uploaded form %s from table %s' %
                                    (rowname, name))
                            self.model.mark_done(name, row)

                    row = self.model.get_next_new(name)

            seconds = self.interval
            while seconds > 0 and not self.should_stop:
                seconds -= 1

            n += 1
    def run(self):
        n = 0
        while not self.should_stop:

            lo.debug('uploader running n=%d' % n)

            if not self.dryrun and not self.try_connect():
                lo.info('cannot connect; wait for 1 minute')
                for sec in range(60):
                    if self.should_stop:

            for name in sorted(self.model.tables):

                if self.should_stop:

                table = self.model.tables[name]

                # be quiet when polling data apart from first time
                if n == 0:
                    lo.info('sync data with MS-SQL table "%s"' % name)

                row = self.model.get_next_new(name)
                while row is not None:

                    if self.should_stop:

                    rowname = table.rowname(row)
                    if self.dryrun:
                        lo.info('would upload form %s from table %s' % (
                                rowname, name))
                        if self.try_send(table, row):
                            lo.info('uploaded form %s from table %s' % (
                                    rowname, name))
                            self.model.mark_done(name, row)

                    row = self.model.get_next_new(name)

            seconds = self.interval
            while seconds > 0 and not self.should_stop:
                seconds -= 1

            n += 1
Exemple #9
def discover_testsuites(paths=[]):
    ''' returns dictionary mapping name to python file for all
        testsuites discovered in the usual places: kvarq root path,
        user home directory, current working directory,
        KVARQ_TESTSUITES environment variable, and any more paths
        specified paths as arguments -- later occurrences of the same
        testsuite override previous '''

    testsuite_paths = {}

    # 1) discover in root path
    root_base = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(get_root_path(), 'testsuites'))
    lo.debug('discovering testsuites in root path')
    add_testsuites_dir(testsuite_paths, root_base)

    # 2) discover from $HOME
    base = os.path.join(expanduser('~'), 'kvarq_testsuites')
    lo.debug('discovering testsuites in home directory')
    add_testsuites_dir(testsuite_paths, base)

    # 3) discover from CWD if not in root path
    cwd_base = os.path.abspath('testsuites')
    if cwd_base != root_base:
        lo.debug('discovering testsuites in current working directory')
        add_testsuites_dir(testsuite_paths, cwd_base)

    # 4) discover from KVARQ_TESTSUITES
    from_env = os.environ.get('KVARQ_TESTSUITES')
    if from_env:
        lo.debug('discovering testsuites in $KVARQ_TESTSUITES')
        for base in from_env.split(os.path.pathsep):
            add_testsuites_dir(testsuite_paths, base)

    # 5) explicitely specified paths
    for base in paths:
        if os.path.isdir(base):
            lo.debug('discovering testsuites in "%s"' % base)
            add_testsuites_dir(testsuite_paths, base)
            lo.warning('could not find directory "%s"' % base)

    return testsuite_paths
Exemple #10
 def fill_xform(self, row):
     xform = XForm(self.xform)
     ignored = []
     lowerpaths = [path.lower() for path in xform.paths]
     for i, colname in enumerate(self.colnames):
         if colname in lowerpaths:
             idx = lowerpaths.index(colname)
             path = xform.paths[idx]
             # are stored as varchar(24)...
             if colname.endswith('_date') or colname.endswith('_time'):
                 value = self.parse_datetime(row[i])
                 value = row[i]
             xform[path] = value
     if ignored:
         lo.debug('created XForm : ignored %d values from db : %s' %
                  (len(ignored), ignored))
     return xform
 def fill_xform(self, row):
     xform = XForm(self.xform)
     ignored = []
     lowerpaths = [path.lower() for path in xform.paths]
     for i, colname in enumerate(self.colnames):
         if colname in lowerpaths:
             idx = lowerpaths.index(colname)
             path = xform.paths[idx]
             # are stored as varchar(24)...
             if colname.endswith('_date') or colname.endswith('_time'):
                 value = self.parse_datetime(row[i])
                 value = row[i]
             xform[path] = value
     if ignored:
         lo.debug('created XForm : ignored %d values from db : %s' % (
                 len(ignored), ignored))
     return xform
Exemple #12
    def set_file(self, name, filename, mimetype=None):
        """Set value of a XForm "file type" field

        Raises XFormException if no field with given name can be found
        in this form.

            - name -- name of field, path parts separated by '/'
            - filename -- name of file to be sent as value of field
            - mimetype (optional) -- will be used as the file's
        if mimetype is None:
            mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
            if mimetypes is None:
                mimetype = 'application/binary'

        self[name] = os.path.basename(filename)
        self.filenames[name] = filename
        self.mimetypes[name] = mimetype
        lo.debug('(mimetype %s)' % mimetype)
Exemple #13
    def post_multipart(self, items):
        """Post items to server

        Sends the specified items to the server, raising an
        AggregateException in case of error.

            - items -- a sequence of sequences 
              ``(name, filename, value, file_content_type)``
              such as returned by XForm.get_items()
        content_type, body = self.encode_multipart(items)
        self.request('POST', self.submission_uri, body, {
                'Content-Type': content_type,
                'Content-Length': len(body)
        r = self.conn.getresponse()
        r_body = r.read()

        lo.debug('POST %s -> status=%d reason=%s data="%s"' % (
            self.submission_uri, r.status, r.reason, r_body))

        if r.status == 404:
            lo.error('could not find form with specified id')
            lo.debug('response body : ' + r_body.decode('utf8'))
            raise AggregateFormNotFoundException('Form not found on server')

        if r.status != 201:
            lo.error('expected status=201 after posting, got ' + str(r.status))
            lo.debug('response body : ' + r_body.decode('utf8'))
            raise AggregateException('Could not post multipart')
Exemple #14
    def get_authentication(self, method, uri):
        """Create new authentication token

            - method -- HTTP method
            - uri -- URI for which authentication will be valid

        Return value: value that can be used for the 'Authorization'
            HTTP header

        realm = self.www_auth['realm']
        snonce = self.www_auth['nonce']
        qop = self.www_auth['qop']

        nc = '%08d' % self.nc
        self.nc += 1

        HA1 = hashlib.md5(':'.join([self.username, realm, self.password]).encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
        HA2 = hashlib.md5(':'.join([method, uri]).encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
        HAx = hashlib.md5(':'.join([HA1, snonce, nc, self.cnonce, qop, HA2]).encode('utf8')).hexdigest()

        lo.debug('DAA : username=%s realm=%s => HA1=%s' % (self.username, realm, HA1))
        lo.debug('DAA : method=%s uri=%s => HA2=%s' % (method, uri, HA2))
        lo.debug('DAA : snonce=%s nc=%s cnonce=%s qop=%s => response=%s' % (
                snonce, nc, self.cnonce, qop, HAx))

        auth = {
                'username': self.username,
                'realm': realm,
                'nonce': snonce,
                'uri': uri,
                'response': HAx,
                'cnonce': self.cnonce,
                'algorithm': 'MD5',
                'nc': nc,
                'qop': qop,

        auth = ', '.join([
                '%s="%s"' % (key, value)
                for key, value in auth.items()

        lo.debug('DAA response : ' + auth)

        return 'Digest ' + auth
Exemple #15
def add_testsuites_dir(testsuite_paths, base):

    if not os.path.isdir(base):

    for subdir in os.listdir(base):

        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base, subdir)) or (
                subdir[0] == '_' or subdir[0] == '.'):

        for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(base, subdir)):

            if not fname.endswith('.py') or (
                    fname[0] == '_' or fname[0] == '.'):

            name = subdir + '/' + fname[:-3]
            path = os.path.join(base, subdir, fname)
            if name in testsuite_paths:
                lo.info('testsuite %s loaded from "%s"' % (name, path))
                lo.debug('testsuite %s loaded from "%s"' % (name, path))
            testsuite_paths[name] = path
Exemple #16
 def set_client(self, client):
     if self.client is None:
         self.button['state'] = 'normal'
     self.client = client
     lo.debug('using aggregate version ' + str(AGGREGATE_VERSION))
Exemple #17
    def connect(self, user=None, password=None):
        """Connect to ODK Aggregate server

        Connects to server, performing initial authentication and 
        raising AggregateException in case of error.  If the initial
        request was successful, the attribute .conn will be set to a
        value different fron None.

            - user (optional) -- username to use for authentication
            - password (optional) -- password to use for authentication

        if self.scheme == 'https':
            self.conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(self.address, self.port)
            #TODO check against provided certificate
            lo.info('SSL : server certificate NOT checked')
            self.conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(self.address, self.port)

        self.daa = None
        # raises ConnectionRefusedError
        self.request('HEAD', self.submission_uri, '')
        r = self.conn.getresponse()
        r_body = r.read()

        #cookie = r.getheader('Set-Cookie')
        #if cookie:
        #    cookie = cookie[:cookie.index(';')]

        lo.debug("HEAD %s : status=%d reason=%s" % (
                self.submission_url, r.status, r.reason))

        # anonymous user has Data Collector rights -> status=204
        if r.status == 204:
            self.daa = None
            lo.info('connected to %s (no authentication)' % self.url)

        # anonymous user has no Data Collector rights -> status=401
        elif r.status == 401:
            lo.info('Aggregate replied status=401 -> digest access authentication (DAA)')

            if user is None or password is None:
                raise AggregateException('Must specify user/password for authentication')

            self.daa = DAA(r.getheader('www-authenticate'), user, password)

            #headers = create_headers(cookie)
            self.request('HEAD', self.submission_uri, '')
            r = self.conn.getresponse()
            r_body = r.read()

            lo.debug("server response DAA : status=%d reason=%s" % (r.status, r.reason))

            if r.status == 401:
                lo.error('cannot authenticate : received second 401 response')
                raise AggregateException('Cannot authenticate')

            if r.status != 204:
                lo.error('expected status=204 (got %d) after authentication' %
                if r.status == 403:
                    raise AggregateException(
                            'user "%s" is not allowed to post forms' % user)
                raise AggregateException('cannot authenticate')

            lo.info('connected to %s (authenticated as "%s")' % (self.url, user))

        elif r.status == 404:
            raise AggregateException('Could not connect : path "%s" not found' %

            raise AggregateException('Could not connect : unknown status')
Exemple #18
 def set_client(self, client):
     if self.client is None:
         self.button['state'] = 'normal'
     self.client = client
     lo.debug('using aggregate version ' + str(AGGREGATE_VERSION))