def ClockSyncDaemon(self): syncRateMS = 300000 while self.IsConnected(): with ExceptionEater('Exception during soft clock sync'): blue.synchro.SleepWallclock(syncRateMS) log.LogInfo('*** Soft Clock Sync Starting ***') results = [] numPings = 5 blue.os.timeSyncAdjust = 0 for i in xrange(numPings): myTime = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() serverTime = sm.ProxySvc('machoNet').GetTime() now = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() elaps = now - myTime serverTime += elaps / 2 diff = float(now - serverTime) results.append((elaps, diff)) log.LogInfo('SoftClock:', elaps, diff) averageElaps = sum([ x[0] for x in results ]) / numPings results = filter(lambda x: x[0] < averageElaps * 1.2, results) log.LogInfo('SoftClock results:', results) avgDiff = sum([ x[1] for x in results ]) / len(results) log.LogInfo('*** Soft Clock Sync adjusting by', -avgDiff / const.SEC, 'seconds') blue.os.timeSyncAdjust = long(-avgDiff) if abs(avgDiff) > 3 * const.SEC: log.LogError('Having to adjust more than 3 seconds in a single timesync interval! (%fs per %ds)' % (avgDiff / float(const.SEC), syncRateMS / 1000)) syncRateMS = max(60000, syncRateMS - 60000) else: syncRateMS = min(300000, syncRateMS + 60000) driftFactor = abs(avgDiff) / float(syncRateMS * const.MSEC) driftFactor = min(0.95, max(0.02, driftFactor)) blue.os.timeSyncAdjustFactor = driftFactor
def DDXTabStationServiceAccessControl(self): try: log.LogInfo('>>>DDXTabStationServiceAccessControl') for serviceID, service in self.servicesByID.iteritems(): if not self.IsActiveService(serviceID): continue log.LogInfo('>>>--', service.serviceName, '--<<<') rule = self.serviceAccessRulesByServiceID[serviceID] minimumStanding = self.GetNodeValue('%smods_minimumStanding' % serviceID) minimumCharSecurity = self.GetNodeValue('%smods_minimumCharSecurity' % serviceID) maximumCharSecurity = self.GetNodeValue('%smods_maximumCharSecurity' % serviceID) minimumCorpSecurity = self.GetNodeValue('%smods_minimumCorpSecurity' % serviceID) maximumCorpSecurity = self.GetNodeValue('%smods_maximumCorpSecurity' % serviceID) if rule.minimumStanding == minimumStanding and rule.minimumCharSecurity == minimumCharSecurity and rule.maximumCharSecurity == maximumCharSecurity and rule.minimumCorpSecurity == minimumCorpSecurity and rule.maximumCorpSecurity == maximumCorpSecurity: continue log.LogInfo('!!!--', service.serviceName, ' has modified data--!!!') rule.minimumStanding = minimumStanding rule.minimumCharSecurity = minimumCharSecurity rule.maximumCharSecurity = maximumCharSecurity rule.minimumCorpSecurity = minimumCorpSecurity rule.maximumCorpSecurity = maximumCorpSecurity self.modifiedServiceAccessRulesByServiceID[serviceID] = rule finally: log.LogInfo('<<<DDXTabStationServiceAccessControl')
def DDXTabCostModifiers(self): try: log.LogInfo('>>>DDXTabCostModifiers') for row in self.serviceCostModifiers: if not self.IsServiceAvailable(row.serviceID): continue if not self.IsActiveService(row.serviceID): continue taskname = self.GetServiceName(self.servicesByID[row.serviceID]) discountPerGoodStandingPoint = float(self.GetEntryDataByName('cost_%s_discountPerGoodStandingPoint' % taskname).setValue) surchargePerBadStandingPoint = float(self.GetEntryDataByName('cost_%s_surchargePerBadStandingPoint' % taskname).setValue) if discountPerGoodStandingPoint == row.discountPerGoodStandingPoint and surchargePerBadStandingPoint == row.surchargePerBadStandingPoint: continue row.discountPerGoodStandingPoint = discountPerGoodStandingPoint row.surchargePerBadStandingPoint = surchargePerBadStandingPoint bFound = 0 for each in self.modifiedServiceCostModifiers: if each.serviceID == row.serviceID: bFound = 1 each.discountPerGoodStandingPoint = discountPerGoodStandingPoint each.surchargePerBadStandingPoint = surchargePerBadStandingPoint break if not bFound: self.modifiedServiceCostModifiers.append(row) finally: log.LogInfo('<<<DDXTabCostModifiers')
def _Populate_t(self, gender, path, key, callBack): log.LogInfo('ResData: populating from ', path) if gender not in self.genderData: self.CreateGenderData(gender) genderData = self.genderData[gender] entries = genderData.GetEntries(key) pathsToEntries = genderData.GetPathsToEntries(key) path = path.lower() def processAsync(root, respath, dirs, files): self._AddEntry(gender, entries, pathsToEntries, root, respath, dirs, files) try: i = 0 for root, dirs, files in walk.walk(path): if dirs or files: pdCf.BeFrameNice(300) respath = root.split(path)[1] t =, root, respath, dirs, files) i += 1 self._tasklets[t] = True finally: log.LogInfo('ResData:', i, ' entries populated from ', path) if callBack:
def Setup(self, menu, parent = None, minwidth = None): log.LogInfo('Menu.Setup', id(self)) entries = menu.GetEntries() wasLine = 0 idNo = 0 for i, entry in enumerate(entries): if entry is None: if not len( or i == len(entries) - 1 or wasLine: continue item = uicls.Line(align=uiconst.TOTOP, wasLine = 1 else: size = settings.user.ui.Get('cmenufontsize', 10) menuEntryViewClass = entry.menuClass or uicls.MenuEntryView item = menuEntryViewClass(name='entry', align=uiconst.TOTOP, state=uiconst.UI_NORMAL, item.Setup(entry, size, menu, idNo) idNo += 1 wasLine = 0 self.height = sum([ each.height for each in ]) + + if len( self.width = max(max([ each.width for each in ]) + 8, minwidth or 0) + + else: self.width = 100 = menu log.LogInfo('Menu.Setup Completed', id(self))
def PropogateLODRules(self): """ Propogates lod cutoff values from entries that have values to those decendants of theirs that dont. """ log.LogInfo('PaperDoll - ResData: Propagating LOD rules') def TraverseLODCutoff(currentEntry, lodCutoff, entries): if not currentEntry: return if currentEntry.lodCutoff is not None: lodCutoff = currentEntry.lodCutoff elif lodCutoff is not None: currentEntry.lodCutoff = lodCutoff for childEntry in entries[currentEntry]: TraverseLODCutoff(childEntry, lodCutoff, entries) pdCf.BeFrameNice() for gender in self.genderData.iterkeys(): genderData = self.genderData[gender] for key, entries in genderData.IterEntries(): rootEntries = [ entry for entry in entries.iterkeys() if not entry.respath ] for rootEntry in rootEntries: TraverseLODCutoff(rootEntry, 2, entries) log.LogInfo('PaperDoll - ResData: Done propagating LOD rules!')
def AggregateEvent(eventTypeID, event, storage, aggregatePath, aggregateKeys, valueIx): prevPath = None prevKey = None for key in aggregateKeys: prevPath = aggregatePath if event[key] not in aggregatePath: aggregatePath[event[key]] = {} aggregatePath = aggregatePath[event[key]] prevKey = event[key] if not len(aggregatePath): log.LogInfo('IGS has no record for the current aggregate event. IGS will create a new record for aggregation.') prevPath[prevKey] = event storage[eventTypeID].append(prevPath[prevKey]) else: log.LogInfo('IGS already has a record for the current aggregate event. IGS will aggregate on non grouping columns.') for ix in valueIx.difference([IDX_DATETIME]): if type(event[ix]) == types.IntType: log.LogInfo('IGS Treating aggregate event parameter at idx=', ix, 'as an Integer') if prevPath[prevKey][ix] + event[ix] <= const.maxInt: prevPath[prevKey][ix] += event[ix] else: log.LogException('Integer Overflow error on event! Event discarded: Consider using float!') elif type(event[ix]) == types.LongType: log.LogInfo('IGS Treating aggregate event parameter at idx=', ix, 'as Bigint') if prevPath[prevKey][ix] + event[ix] <= const.maxBigint: prevPath[prevKey][ix] += event[ix] else: log.LogException('Integer Overflow error on event! Event discared: Consider using float!') elif type(event[ix]) == types.FloatType: log.LogInfo('IGS Treating aggregate event parameter at idx=', ix, 'as an Float') prevPath[prevKey][ix] += event[ix] elif ix > 0: log.LogException('IGS received data of unhandled datatype!')
def Expand(self, *args): self.expanding = 1 if sm.GetService('connection').IsConnected(): eve.Message('ComboExpand') log.LogInfo('ColorPreview',, 'expanding') colorpar = uiprimitives.Container(name='colors', align=uiconst.TOPLEFT, width=112, height=62), colorpar) colorSwatch = ColorSwatch(name='colorSwatch', align=uiconst.TOALL, parent=colorpar) colorSwatch.Startup() = self = uicontrols.WindowUnderlay(parent=colorpar) = -6 l, t, w, h = colorpar.left = [l + w, l - colorpar.width ][l + w + colorpar.width > uicore.desktop.width] = [t + h, t - colorpar.height ][t + h + colorpar.height > uicore.desktop.height] colorpar.state = uiconst.UI_NORMAL self.colorpar = colorpar = uicore.event.RegisterForTriuiEvents( uiconst.UI_MOUSEUP, self.OnGlobalClick) self.expanding = 0 self.expanded = 1 log.LogInfo('ColorPreview',, 'expanded')
def ShowMembers(self): log.LogInfo('ShowMembers') try: sm.GetService('corpui').ShowLoad() scrolllist = [] headers = [] hint = localization.GetByLabel( 'UI/Corporations/CorporationWindow/Alliances/Members/NoMembersFound' ) if self is None or self.destroyed: log.LogInfo('ShowAllianceApplications Destroyed or None') hint = '\xfe\xfa s\xe1st mig ekki.' elif eve.session.allianceid is None: hint = localization.GetByLabel( 'UI/Corporations/CorporationWindow/Alliances/Members/CorporationNotInAllianceATM', corpName=cfg.eveowners.Get(eve.session.corpid).ownerName) else: members = sm.GetService('alliance').GetMembers() log.LogInfo('ShowMembers len(members):', len(members)) owners = [] for member in members.itervalues(): if member.corporationID not in owners: owners.append(member.corporationID) if len(owners): cfg.eveowners.Prime(owners) for member in members.itervalues(): self.__AddToList(member, scrolllist) = 1,, noContentHint=hint) finally: sm.GetService('corpui').HideLoad()
def OnJumpQueueMessage(self, msgtext, ready): if ready: log.LogInfo('Jump Queue: ready, slamming through...') self.__Confirm(sm.GetService('jumpQueue').GetPreparedQueueCharID()) else: log.LogInfo('Jump Queue: message=', msgtext) sm.GetService('gameui').Say(msgtext)
def _RequestTrust(self, inputUrl): if not inputUrl.startswith('http://') and not inputUrl.startswith( 'https://'): log.LogError( 'CCPEVE.RequestTrust - Input URL must start with either http:// or https:// -- received', inputUrl) return scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(inputUrl) if path is None or path == '': path = '/' trustUrl = '%s://%s%s' % (scheme, netloc, path) if sm.GetService('sites').IsTrusted(trustUrl) or sm.GetService( 'sites').IsIgnored(trustUrl): log.LogInfo( 'CCPEVE.RequestTrust - Received top-level URL is already trusted or ignored:', trustUrl) return currentUrl = self.GetCurrentURL() if sm.GetService('sites').IsIgnored(currentUrl): log.LogInfo( 'CCPEVE.RequestTrust - Calling URL is ignored, discarding:', currentUrl) return wnd = uicls.TrustedSitePromptWindow.GetIfOpen( windowID='trustPromptWindow_%s' % netloc) if wnd: wnd.Maximize() log.LogWarn( 'CCPEVE.RequestTrust - Trust prompt window was already open - skipping!' ) return wnd = uicls.TrustedSitePromptWindow.Open( windowID='trustPromptWindow_%s' % netloc, trustUrl=inputUrl, inputUrl=currentUrl)
def update_image_titles(client, nmb_threads=8): log.LogInfo('Getting all images...') images = client.findImages() total = len(images) log.LogInfo(f"Found {total} images") if total == 0: log.LogInfo('Why are you even running this plugin?') return # nmb of finished images count = 0 # in the rare case, that there are less then #threads images nmb_threads = min(nmb_threads, total) thread_lock = threading.Lock() q = Queue(maxsize=0) for image in images: q.put(image) log.LogInfo('Start updating images (this might take a while)') # Create threads and start them for i in range(nmb_threads): worker = threading.Thread(target=thread_function, name=f"Thread-{i}", args=(q, thread_lock, count, total, client)) worker.start() # Wait for all threads to be finished q.join() log.LogInfo(f'Finished updating all {total} images')
def ShowAllianceApplications(self, viewRejected): log.LogInfo('ShowAllianceApplications') try: sm.GetService('corpui').ShowLoad() scrolllist = [] headers = [] hint = localization.GetByLabel('UI/Corporations/CorporationWindow/Alliances/Applications/NoApplicationsFound') if eve.session.allianceid is None: hint = localization.GetByLabel('UI/Corporations/CorporationWindow/Alliances/Applications/CorporationNotInAlliance', corpName=cfg.eveowners.Get(eve.session.corpid).ownerName) elif const.corpRoleDirector & eve.session.corprole != const.corpRoleDirector: log.LogInfo('ShowAllianceApplications Invalid Callee') hint = localization.GetByLabel('UI/Corporations/CorporationWindow/Alliances/Applications/RequireDirectorHint') elif self is None or self.destroyed: log.LogInfo('ShowAllianceApplications Destroyed or None') else: nameLabel = localization.GetByLabel('UI/Corporations/CorporationWindow/Alliances/Applications/Name') statusLabel = localization.GetByLabel('UI/Corporations/CorporationWindow/Alliances/Applications/Status') headers = [nameLabel, statusLabel] applications = sm.GetService('alliance').GetApplications(viewRejected) log.LogInfo('ShowAllianceApplications len(applications):', len(applications)) owners = [] for application in applications.itervalues(): if application.corporationID not in owners: owners.append(application.corporationID) if len(owners): cfg.eveowners.Prime(owners) for application in applications.itervalues(): self.__AddApplicationToList(application, scrolllist, 0) = uiconst.UI_PICKCHILDREN, contentList=scrolllist, headers=headers, noContentHint=hint) finally: sm.GetService('corpui').HideLoad()
def DDXTabOffices(self): try: log.LogInfo('>>>DDXTabOffices') for each in self.rentableItems: if each.typeID == const.typeOfficeFolder: pass else: log.LogError('Unknown typeID on Corporation Folder %s (typeID) %s (CorpID)' % each.typeID, eve.session.corpid) continue publiclyAvailable = self.GetEntryDataByName('offices_type%s_number%s' % (each.typeID, each.number)).checked if each.publiclyAvailable == publiclyAvailable: continue each.publiclyAvailable = publiclyAvailable bFound = 0 for row in self.modifiedRentableItems: if row.typeID == each.typeID and row.number == each.number: bFound = 1 row.publiclyAvailable = publiclyAvailable break if not bFound: self.modifiedRentableItems.append(each) finally: log.LogInfo('<<<DDXTabOffices')
def add_tag(client): tag_id = client.findTagIdWithName(control_tag) if tag_id is None: client.createTagWithName(control_tag) log.LogInfo("Tag created successfully") else: log.LogInfo("Tag already exists")
def InitializeList(self): if self.ddxFunction is not None: try: log.LogInfo('Calling ddxFunction:', self.ddxFunction) self.ddxFunction() log.LogInfo('Called ddxFunction:', self.ddxFunction) finally: self.ddxFunction = None self.ddxArguments = {}
def remove_tag(client): tag_id = client.findTagIdWithName(control_tag) if tag_id is None: log.LogInfo("Tag does not exist. Nothing to remove") return log.LogInfo("Destroying tag") client.destroyTag(tag_id)
def add_tag(client): tag_name = "scrape" tag_id = client.findTagIdWithName(tag_name) if tag_id is None: client.createTagWithName(tag_name) log.LogInfo("Tag created successfully") else: log.LogInfo("Tag already exists")
def removeTag(client): tagName = "Hawwwwt" tagID = client.findTagIdWithName(tagName) if tagID == None: log.LogInfo("Tag does not exist. Nothing to remove") return log.LogInfo("Destroying tag") client.destroyTag(tagID)
def Expand(self): self.expanding = 1 if sm.GetService('connection').IsConnected(): eve.Message('ComboExpand') log.LogInfo('Combo',, 'expanding') colorpar = uiprimitives.Container(name='colors', align=uiconst.TOPLEFT, width=130, height=133), colorpar) colorscroll = Scroll(parent=colorpar) colors = [((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'white'), ((0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0), 'grey 70%'), ((0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0), 'grey 30%'), ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'black'), ((1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'yellow'), ((0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'green'), ((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'red'), ((0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'blue'), ((0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0), 'dark yellow'), ((0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0), 'dark green'), ((0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 'dark red'), ((0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0), 'dark blue'), ((0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0), 'dark mangenta'), ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'cyan'), ((1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'mangenta'), ((0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0), 'dark blue'), ((1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0), 'dark blue')] x = y = 0 scrolllist = [] icons = [] import listentry for each in colors: color, labelstr = each icons.append((None, color, color, self.PickCol)) x += 1 if x == 4: scrolllist.append(listentry.Get('Icons', {'icons': icons})) icons = [] y += 1 x = 0 colorscroll.Load(32, contentList=scrolllist) colorpar.left, =, [ +, - colorpar.height ][ + + colorpar.height > uicore.desktop.height] colorpar.state = uiconst.UI_NORMAL = _weakref.ref(colorscroll) uicore.event.RegisterForTriuiEvents(uiconst.UI_MOUSEUP, self.OnGlobalClick) self.expanding = 0 self.expanded = 1 log.LogInfo('Colors',, 'expanded')
def OnAllianceChanged(self, allianceID, change): log.LogInfo('OnAllianceChanged allianceID', allianceID, 'change', change) if eve.session.allianceid != allianceID: return if self.state != uiconst.UI_NORMAL: log.LogInfo('OnAllianceChanged state != UI_NORMAL') return if is None: log.LogInfo('OnAllianceChanged no scroll') return self.ShowDetails()
def LoadTypeIcon(self, *args): attrs = self.attrs src = attrs.src typeID = None try: typeID = int(src[9:]) except: log.LogInfo("couldn't convert string to typeID, looking up constvalue, Img::Load", src) typeID = util.LookupConstValue('type%s' % attrs.src[9:].strip().capitalize(), None) bumped = getattr(attrs, 'bumped', 0) showFitting = getattr(attrs, 'showfitting', 0) showTechLevel = getattr(attrs, 'showtechlevel', 0) isCopy = getattr(attrs, 'iscopy', 0) if not typeID: kw = htmlwriter.PythonizeArgs(src[9:]) typeID = kw.get('typeID', None) bumped = kw.get('bumped', 0) isCopy = kw.get('isCopy', 0) showFitting = kw.get('showFitting', 0) showTechLevel = kw.get('showTechLevel', 0) if typeID: if bumped: if hasattr(self, 'icon') and self.icon: self.icon.Close() self.icon = DraggableIcon(parent=self, typeID=typeID, isCopy=True if isCopy == 1 else False, state=uiconst.UI_DISABLED) if showFitting: powerEffect = None powerIcon = None powerEffects = [const.effectHiPower, const.effectMedPower, const.effectLoPower] for effect in cfg.dgmtypeeffects.get(typeID, []): if effect.effectID in powerEffects: powerEffect = cfg.dgmeffects.Get(effect.effectID, None) powerIcon = {const.effectHiPower: 11, const.effectMedPower: 10, const.effectLoPower: 9}.get(powerEffect.effectID, None) break if powerIcon: c = uiprimitives.Container(name='powericon', align=uiconst.BOTTOMRIGHT, parent=self.icon, width=attrs.width / 4, height=attrs.width / 4, idx=0) uiprimitives.Line(parent=c, align=uiconst.TOLEFT, color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)) uiprimitives.Line(parent=c, align=uiconst.TOTOP, color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)) uiprimitives.Fill(parent=c, padRight=2, padBottom=2, color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) pwrIcon = uicontrols.Icon(icon='ui_8_64_%s' % powerIcon, parent=c, align=uiconst.TOALL, idx=0, hint=localization.GetByLabel('UI/Common/FitsToSlot', slotType=powerEffect.displayName), ignoreSize=True) if showTechLevel: techSprite = uix.GetTechLevelIcon(None, 0, typeID) if techSprite: c = uiprimitives.Container(name='techIcon', align=uiconst.TOPLEFT, parent=self.icon, width=16, height=16, idx=0) c.children.append(techSprite) else: uicontrols.Icon(parent=self, align=uiconst.TOALL, state=uiconst.UI_DISABLED, pos=(0, 0, 0, 0), typeID=typeID, size=attrs.width, isCopy=isCopy) else: log.LogInfo('Couldnt convert', attrs.src[9:], 'to typeID')
def ConfirmWithCharID(self, charID, *_): log.LogInfo('Character selection: Character selection confirmation') if not self.ready: log.LogInfo('Character selection: Denied character selection confirmation, not ready') eve.Message('Busy') return isInSync = self.WaitForClockSynchroAndGetSynchroState() if not isInSync: eve.Message('ClockSynchroInProgress') return if sm.GetService('jumpQueue').GetPreparedQueueCharID() != charID: self.__Confirm(charID)
def Read(self, *args, **keywords): with bluepy.Timer('Socket::GPS::Read'): if stackless.getcurrent().is_main: raise RuntimeError("You can't Read from a socket in a synchronous manner without blocking, dude.") try: while True: if self.packetNumber in self.packetQueue: r = self.packetQueue[self.packetNumber] serial = self.packetNumber del self.packetQueue[self.packetNumber] log.LogInfo('[Packet Order] address:', self.address, 'removed packet', self.packetNumber, 'from reordering map (queue:', len(self.packetQueue), 'elems)') break else: value = self.socket.recvpacketoob() if value is not None: r, oob, serial = value if self.packetNumber == -1: self.packetNumber = serial if self.packetNumber < serial: log.LogInfo('[Packet Order] address:', self.address, 'got', serial, 'expected', self.packetNumber, ', adding to map (queue:', len(self.packetQueue), ' elems)') self.packetQueue[serial] = r self.numReorderedPackets += 1 continue elif self.packetNumber > serial: log.LogError('[Packet Order] address:', self.address, 'got', serial, 'expected', self.packetNumber, ', dropping old packet (queue:', len(self.packetQueue), ' elems)') continue break else: r = None break self.packetNumber += 1 except socket.error as e: if e[0] == errno.WSAENOBUFS: log.LogException() self.Close(localization.GetByLabel('/Carbon/MachoNet/SocketWasClosed'), exception=e) raise GPSTransportClosed(**self.closeReason) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, RuntimeError) and e.args and 'too large a packet' in e.args[0]: self.Close(localization.GetByLabel('/Carbon/MachoNet/ConnectionWasClosed'), exception=e) raise GPSTransportClosed(**self.closeReason) self.Close(localization.GetByLabel('/Carbon/MachoNet/SomethingHappenedSocketWasClosed'), exception=e) log.LogTraceback() raise if r is None: self.Close(localization.GetByLabel('/Carbon/MachoNet/ConnectionWasClosed')) raise GPSTransportClosed(**self.closeReason) if self.socketStatsEnabled: self.statsBytesReadPerPacket.AddSample(len(r)) self.statsBytesRead.Add(len(r)) self.statsPacketsRead.Add() return r
def DDXTabStationDetails(self): try: log.LogInfo('>>>DDXTabStationDetails') self.station.stationName = self.GetNodeValue('details_name') self.station.description = self.GetNodeValue('details_description') self.station.dockingCostPerVolume = self.GetNodeValue('details_dockingCostPerVolume') self.station.officeRentalCost = self.GetNodeValue('details_officeRentalCost') self.station.exitTime = self.GetNodeValue('details_exitTime') * 100 if self.IsServiceAvailable(const.stationServiceReprocessingPlant): self.station.reprocessingStationsTake = self.GetNodeValue('details_reprocessingStationsTake') / 100 finally: log.LogInfo('<<<DDXTabStationDetails')
def UpdateViewPort(self, *args): l, t, w, h = self.GetAbsoluteViewport() log.LogInfo('SceneContainerBrackets::UpdateViewPort', l, t, w, h) if not w and not h: return self.viewport.width = uicore.ScaleDpi(w) self.viewport.height = uicore.ScaleDpi(h) log.LogInfo('new viewport dimensions', self.viewport.x, self.viewport.y, self.viewport.width, self.viewport.height) log.LogInfo('projection', self.fov, self.viewport.GetAspectRatio(), self.frontClip, self.backClip), uicore.ScaleDpi(h))
def SetSceneType(self, sceneType): if self.primaryJob.sceneType == sceneType: if sceneType == SCENE_TYPE_INTERIOR: self._EnableLoadingClear() return if sceneType != SCENE_TYPE_SPACE: self.DeactivateFISCamera() self.primaryJob = SceneContext(sceneType=sceneType) if sceneType == SCENE_TYPE_INTERIOR: log.LogInfo('Setting up WiS interior scene rendering') self.primaryJob.renderJob = self.incarnaRenderJob self.characterRenderJob.Disable() self.fisRenderJob.SetActiveScene(None) self.fisRenderJob.Disable() for each in self.registeredJobs: each.object.UseFXAA(True) self.ApplyClothSimulationSettings() if getattr(self.secondaryJob, 'sceneType', None) == SCENE_TYPE_SPACE: self.secondaryJob.renderJob.UseFXAA(True) else: self._EnableLoadingClear() elif sceneType == SCENE_TYPE_CHARACTER_CREATION: log.LogInfo('Setting up character creation scene rendering') self.primaryJob.renderJob = self.characterRenderJob self.incarnaRenderJob.SetScene(None) self.incarnaRenderJob.SetBackgroundScene(None) self.incarnaRenderJob.Disable() self.fisRenderJob.SetActiveScene(None) self.fisRenderJob.Disable() self.ApplyClothSimulationSettings() self._DisableLoadingClear() self.characterRenderJob.Enable() elif sceneType == SCENE_TYPE_SPACE: log.LogInfo('Setting up space scene rendering') self.primaryJob.renderJob = self.fisRenderJob self.incarnaRenderJob.SetScene(None) self.incarnaRenderJob.SetBackgroundScene(None) self.incarnaRenderJob.Disable() self.characterRenderJob.SetScene(None) self.characterRenderJob.Disable() self.fisRenderJob.UseFXAA(False) for each in self.registeredJobs: each.object.UseFXAA(False) self._DisableLoadingClear() if getattr(self.secondaryJob, 'sceneType', None) == SCENE_TYPE_SPACE: self.secondaryJob.renderJob.UseFXAA(False) if self.secondaryJob is None: self.fisRenderJob.Enable()
def bulk_scrape(client, create_missing_performers=False, create_missing_tags=False, create_missing_studios=False, delay=5): try: create_missing_studios = bool(config.create_missing_studios) create_missing_tags = bool(config.create_missing_tags) create_missing_performers = bool(config.create_missing_performers) delay = int(config.delay) except AttributeError as e: log.LogWarning(e) log.LogWarning("Using defaults for missing config values") except ValueError as e: log.LogWarning(e) log.LogWarning("Using defaults for wrong values") log.LogInfo('##### Bulk URL Scraper #####') log.LogInfo(f'create_missing_performers: {create_missing_performers}') log.LogInfo(f'create_missing_tags: {create_missing_tags}') log.LogInfo(f'create_missing_studios: {create_missing_studios}') log.LogInfo(f'delay: {delay}') log.LogInfo('#############################') # Search for all scenes with scrape tag tag = client.findTagIdWithName(control_tag) if tag is None: sys.exit("Tag scrape does not exist. Please create it via the 'Create scrape tag' task") tag_ids = [tag] scenes = client.findScenesByTags(tag_ids) log.LogInfo(f'Found {len(scenes)} scenes with scrape tag') count = __bulk_scrape(client, scenes, create_missing_performers, create_missing_tags, create_missing_studios, delay) log.LogInfo(f'Scraped data for {count} scenes')
def copy_all_tags(client): log.LogWarning("#######################################") log.LogWarning("Warning! This task will copy all information to all galleries with attached scenes") log.LogWarning("You have 30 seconds to cancel this task before it starts copying") log.LogWarning("#######################################") time.sleep(30) log.LogInfo("Start copying information. This may take a while depending on the amount of galleries") # Get all galleries galleries = client.findGalleriesByTags([]) log.LogDebug(f"Found {len(galleries)} galleries") count = __copy_tags(client, galleries) log.LogInfo(f'Copied scene information to {count} galleries')
def ShowMenu(object, auxObject=None): CloseContextMenus() m = None menuFunc = getattr(object, 'GetMenu', None) if menuFunc: if type(menuFunc) == types.TupleType: func, args = menuFunc m = func(args) else: m = menuFunc() if not m or not filter(None, m): if auxObject and hasattr(auxObject, 'GetAuxiliaryMenuOptions'): m = auxObject.GetAuxiliaryMenuOptions() else: log.LogInfo('menu', 'ShowMenu: No Menu!') return elif auxObject and hasattr(auxObject, 'GetAuxiliaryMenuOptions'): m = m + auxObject.GetAuxiliaryMenuOptions() if getattr(object, 'showingMenu', 0): log.LogInfo('menu', 'ShowMenu: Already showing a menu') return object.showingMenu = 1 uicore.contextMenuOwner = weakref.ref(object) try: d = uicore.desktop mv = CreateMenuView(CreateMenuFromList(m), None, getattr(object, 'minwidth', None)) object.menuObject_weakref = weakref.ref(mv) topLeft = 1 func = getattr(object, 'GetMenuPosition', None) if func is not None: ret = func(object) if len(ret) == 2: x, y = ret else: x, y, topLeft = ret else: x, y = uicore.uilib.x + 10, uicore.uilib.y if topLeft: x, y = min(d.width - mv.width, x), min(d.height - mv.height, y) else: x, y = min(d.width - mv.width, x - mv.width), min(d.height - mv.height, y) mv.left, = x, y, mv) finally: object.showingMenu = 0 log.LogInfo('menu', 'ShowMenu finished OK')