def authenticate(username, password): url = base_url + "login" payload = { 'client_id': username, 'client_secret': password } # Request to server # For real cert # r = requests.get(url, data=data, verify=True) # For self cert try: r =, data=payload, verify=cert) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("error", "connection failure") return False # Parse result try: response = json.loads(r.text) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("authentication failure", "failed to decode server message '%s'" % (r.text)) return False if response.get("status", False) and response.get("token", None) != None: # Authentication success global token global client_id token = response.get("token") client_id = username return True else: # Authentication failure log.print_error("authentication failure", "wrong username or password") return False
def logout(): global token if token == None: return False url = base_url + "logout" data = {"token": token} #r = requests.get(url, data=data, verify=True) try: r = requests.get(url, params=data, verify=cert) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("error", "connection failure") return False # Parse result try: response = json.loads(r.text) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("logout failed", "failed to decode server message '%s'" % (r.text)) return False if response.get("status", False): token = None # Logout successful return True else: # Logout failure log.print_error("logout failed", "failed to logout '%s'" % (r.text)) print("d") return False
def share(recipient, data): """ Upload the file to server. """ url = base_url+"share" print(token) print(recipient) print(data) data = { 'token': token, 'recipient': recipient, 'data': data } try: r =, data=data, verify=cert) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("error", "connection failure") return False # Parse result try: response = json.loads(r.text) print(response) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("authentication failure", "failed to decode server message '%s'" % (r.text)) return False if response.get("status"): return True else: return False
def get_vix(dates): try: URL = "" url = "{start}&toDate={end}" dfs = [] for x in dates.iterrows(): urlg = url.format( start=x[1][0].strftime("%d-%b-%Y"), end=x[1][1].strftime("%d-%b-%Y") ) print(urlg) dfi = indexdb.get_csv_data(urlg, indexdb.vix_cols) if dfi is not None: dfs.append(dfi) if len(dfs) > 1: dfo = pd.concat(dfs) elif len(dfs) == 1: dfo = dfs[0] else: dfo = None return dfo except Exception as e: print(url) print(urlg) print_exception(e) return None
def download(filename_rand, saveas=None, shared_by=None): ''' Download and save the file from server. ''' if saveas == None: saveas = filename_rand url = base_url+"download" data = { 'token': token, 'file': filename_rand } if shared_by != None: data['shared_by'] = shared_by #r = requests.get(url, data=data, verify=True) try: r = requests.get(url, params=data, verify=cert) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("error", "connection failure") return False if r.content == b'404 page not found\n': return False try: with open(saveas, "wb") as f: f.write(r.content) return True except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("IO error", "cannot open file '%s'" % (filename_rand)) raise
def delete(filename_rand): """ Upload the file to server. """ url = base_url data = { 'token': token, 'file': filename_rand } try: r = requests.delete(url, params=data, verify=cert) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("error", "connection failure") return False # Parse result try: response = json.loads(r.text) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("authentication failure", "failed to decode server message '%s'" % (r.text)) return False if response.get("status"): return True else: return False
def upload(filename_rand): """ Upload the file to server. """ url = base_url+"upload" data = {'token': token} files = {'document': open(filename_rand, 'rb')} #r =, data=data, files=files, verify=True) try: r =, data=data, files=files, verify=cert) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("error", "connection failure") return False files['document'].close() # Parse result try: response = json.loads(r.text) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("authentication failure", "failed to decode server message '%s'" % (r.text)) return False if response.get("status"): return True else: return False
def updateIndexData(dates, index="NIFTY%2050", symbol="NIFTY"): try: url = "{index}&fromDate={start}&toDate={end}" dfs = [] for x in dates.iterrows(): urlg = url.format( index=index, start=x[1][0].strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), end=x[1][1].strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), ) print(urlg) dfi = indexdb.get_csv_data(urlg, indexdb.idx_cols) if dfi is not None: dfs.append(dfi) if len(dfs) > 1: dfo = pd.concat(dfs) elif len(dfs) == 1: dfo = dfs[0] else: dfo = None if dfo is not None: dfo = dfo.rename(columns=indexdb.idx_col_rename) dfo["SYMBOL"] = symbol return dfo except Exception as e: print(urlg) print_exception(e) return None
def updateIndex_upto_date(): try: dates = indexdb.get_next_update_start_date("idx") if dates is not None: indexdb.update_index_for_dates(dates) else: print("Nothing to update for index...") except Exception as e: print_exception(e)
def getHistoricalNiftyAndBankNifty(): try: if indexdb.check_table_exists("idx"): idb = pd.HDFStore("indexdb.hdf") del idb["idx"] idb.close() dates = indexdb.get_dates(start="1994-1-1") indexdb.update_index_for_dates(dates) except Exception as e: print_exception(e)
def updateHistoricFNOBhavData(end_date): """ Do not call this function as this function tries to update the db since 2000-6-12 """ try: df = pd.bdate_range(start="2000-6-12", end=end_date).sort_values( ascending=False ) indexdb.updateFNOBhavData_for_given_dates(df) except Exception as e: print_exception(e)
def ui_share(): if not client_conn.is_login(): print("Please login first") return # Enter recipient username print("Invite people (username): ", end='') recipient = input().strip() # Recipient's email recv_email = None print("Recipient's email address: ", end='') recv_email = input().strip() # Get target's public key choice = None while choice != "1" and choice != "2": print("Obtain the recipent's public key:") print(" 1) Download from Hong Kong Post") print(" 2) Input from file (debug)") print("Choice [1,2]: ", end='') choice = input().strip() public_key = None try: if choice == "1": # Download from HK Post public_key = rsa.get_cert(recv_email, True) sender = "*****@*****.**" if choice == "2": # Import from file sender = "*****@*****.**" filename = "key/public_key.pem" public_key = rsa.load_public_cert_from_file(filename) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("error", "failed to load cert") return # Get user's private key to signoff if os.path.isfile("/home/star/.ssh/me.key.pem2"): private_key = rsa.load_private_cert_from_file("/home/star/.ssh/me.key.pem2") else: private_key = rsa.load_private_cert_from_file("key/private_key.pem") # Encrypt the filelist record print("File to share: ", end='') filename = input() record = filelist.export_record(filename, sender, recv_email, public_key, private_key) if record == None: print("Failed to share file") return # Send to server client_conn.share(recipient, record)
def get_share(): """ Upload the file to server. """ url = base_url+"listshare" data = { 'token': token, } data = {"token": token} try: r = requests.get(url, params=data, verify=cert) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("error", "connection failure") return False # Parse result try: response = json.loads(r.text) print(response) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("authentication failure", "failed to decode server message '%s'" % (r.text)) return False if not response.get("status"): return False if response["records"] == None: return False for i in response["records"]: sender = i['Sender'] record = i['Record'] print("Sender:",sender) print("Record:",record) try: if os.path.isfile("/home/star/.ssh/me.key.pem2"): public_key = rsa.get_cert("*****@*****.**") else: public_key = rsa.load_public_cert_from_file("key/public_key.pem") if os.path.isfile("/home/star/.ssh/me.key.pem2"): private_key = rsa.load_private_cert_from_file("/home/star/.ssh/me.key.pem2") else: private_key = rsa.load_private_cert_from_file("key/private_key.pem") share = filelist.import_record(record, public_key, private_key) print(share) if share != None: filelist.append_share(share['filename_ori'], share['filename_rand'], share['key'], share['iv'], share['tag'], sender) except: print("Failed to decrypt message") pass
def load_public_cert_from_file(filename): """ Load pem public key from file """ try: with open(filename, "rb") as key_file: public_key = serialization.load_pem_public_key(, backend=default_backend() ) return public_key except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("error", "failed to open file '%s'" % (r.text)) return False
def getHistoricalVix(): try: if not indexdb.check_table_exists("vix"): dates = indexdb.get_dates(start="2007-1-1") dfn = indexdb.get_vix(dates) dfn = dfn.rename(columns=indexdb.vix_col_rename) dfn.to_hdf( "indexdb.hdf", "vix", mode="a", append=True, format="table", data_columns=True, ) print(f"Done vix") except Exception as e: print_exception(e)
def updateFNOBhavData_upto_date(): try: dfd = pd.read_hdf( "indexdb.hdf", "fno", where="SYMBOL==NIFTY & INSTRUMENT==FUTIDX", columns=["TIMESTAMP"], ) dfd = dfd.sort_values("TIMESTAMP", ascending=False).head(1) df = pd.bdate_range( start=dfd["TIMESTAMP"].iloc[0],, closed="right" ) if len(df) > 0: indexdb.updateFNOBhavData_for_given_dates(df) print("Done updating FNO...") else: print("Nothing to update for FNO...") except Exception as e: print_exception(e)
def get_fno_csv_data(dt): action_url = "{date}§ion=FO" download_url = "{year}/{month}/fo{date}" url = action_url.format(date=dt.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")) urlp = requests.get(url, headers=indexdb.headers) if not "No file found" in urlp.content.decode(): urls = download_url.format( year=dt.year, month=dt.strftime("%b").upper(), date=dt.strftime("%d%b%Y").upper(), ) urlap = requests.get(urls, headers=indexdb.headers) if urlap.reason == "OK": byt = BytesIO(urlap.content) zipfl = zipfile.ZipFile(byt) zinfo = zipfl.infolist() zipdata =[0]) zipstring = StringIO(zipdata.decode()) try: dfp = pd.read_csv( zipstring, dtype=indexdb.fno_col_typ, parse_dates=["TIMESTAMP", "EXPIRY_DT"], error_bad_lines=False, ) # Sometimes options type column is named as OPTIONTYPE instead of OPTION_TYP if "OPTIONTYPE" in dfp.columns: dfp = dfp.rename(columns={"OPTIONTYPE": "OPTION_TYP"}) return dfp[indexdb.fno_cols] except Exception as e: msg = f"Error processing {dt:%d-%b-%Y}" print_exception(msg) print_exception(e) return None else: print(f"Failed at second url {dt:%d-%b-%Y}") print(url) print(urls) return None else: print(f"File not found for fno {dt:%d-%b-%Y}") print(url) return None
def encrypt_file(filename_ori): ''' Encrypt a file and store the ciphertext into another file. This function will generate a random key and iv for encryption. The filename of the output file will be randomly generated. Return a dict containing: {original filename, randomly generated filename, key, iv, tag} Raise IOError when failed to open the file. ''' # Read file data = None try: with open(filename_ori, "rb") as f: data = except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("IO error", "cannot open file '%s'" % (filename_ori)) raise # Encrypt using random key and iv ret = encrypt_rand(data) # Write ciphertext using random filename filename_rand = str(uuid.uuid4())+".data" try: with open(filename_rand, "wb") as f: f.write(ret['cipher']) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("IO error", "cannot write to file '%s'" % (filename_rand)) raise # Store original filename and the generated filename ret.pop("cipher", None) ret['filename_ori'] = filename_ori ret['filename_rand'] = filename_rand return ret
def update_index_for_dates(dates): try: dfn = indexdb.updateIndexData(dates, "NIFTY%2050", "NIFTY") dfbn = indexdb.updateIndexData(dates, "NIFTY%20BANK", "BANKNIFTY") if (dfn is not None) and (dfbn is not None): df = pd.concat([dfn, dfbn]) df = df[indexdb.idx_final_cols] df.to_hdf( "indexdb.hdf", "idx", mode="a", append=True, format="table", data_columns=True, ) print(f"Done index") else: print("Nothing to update for index...") except Exception as e: print_exception(e)
def decrypt_file(filename_ori, filename_rand, key, iv, tag): ''' Decrypt a file and write the plaintext to filename_ori. Raise error when failed to open/write file or decryption error. Any modification to the cipher will cause the decryption to fail. ''' ret = None # Read file try: with open(filename_rand, "rb") as f: data = except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("IO error", "cannot open file '%s'" % (filename_rand)) raise # Decrypt try: ret = decrypt(key, iv, tag, data) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("error", "failed to decrypt message") raise # Write to filename_ori try: with open(filename_ori, "wb") as f: data = f.write(ret) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("IO error", "cannot write to file '%s'" % (filename_rand)) raise
def updateVix_upto_Update(): try: dates = indexdb.get_next_update_start_date("vix") if dates is not None: dfn = indexdb.get_vix(dates) if dfn is not None: dfn = dfn.rename(columns=indexdb.vix_col_rename) dfn.to_hdf( "indexdb.hdf", "vix", mode="a", append=True, format="table", data_columns=True, ) print(f"Done vix") else: print("Nothing to update for vix...") else: print("Nothing to update for vix...") except Exception as e: print_exception(e)
def updateFNOBhavData_for_given_date(d, force_update=False): dt = None try: if isinstance(d, datetime): dt = datetime.combine(d, datetime.min.time()) elif isinstance(d, str): dt = parser.parse(d) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing input date {d}") print_exception(e) try: dfd = pd.read_hdf( "indexdb.hdf", "fno", where="SYMBOL==NIFTY & INSTRUMENT==FUTIDX & TIMESTAMP==dt", columns=["TIMESTAMP"], ) if len(dfd) == 0: dfd = None elif force_update: try: store = pd.HDFStore("indexdb.hdf") store.remove("fno", where="TIMESTAMP==dt") store.close() except: print("Unable to force update.") dfd = False except: dfd = None if dfd is None: dfc = indexdb.get_fno_csv_data(dt) if dfc is not None: try: dfc = dfc.reset_index(drop=True).query( "SYMBOL=='NIFTY' | SYMBOL=='BANKNIFTY'" ) dfc.to_hdf( "indexdb.hdf", "fno", mode="a", append=True, format="table", data_columns=True, ) print(f"Done fno {dt:%d%b%Y}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error saving data to hdf {dt:%d%b%Y}") dfc.to_excel(f"{dt:%d-%b-%Y}.xlsx") print_exception(f"Error in processing {dt:%d-%b-%Y}") print_exception(e) else: print(f"Data already updated for given date {dt:%d-%b-%Y}")
def registrate(username, password): url = base_url + "registration" payload = { 'client_id': username, 'client_secret': password } try: r =, data=payload, verify=cert) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("error", "connection failure") return False # Parse result try: response = json.loads(r.text) except Exception as e: log.print_exception(e) log.print_error("authentication failure", "failed to decode server message '%s'" % (r.text)) return False if response.get("status"): return True else: return False