def _create_job(self): self.job_id = self.db.execute(""" INSERT INTO ppdl.job (id) VALUES (DEFAULT) RETURNING id; """, returning=True) log.debug("created job with id {}".format(self.job_id)) self.db.commit()
def _create_cycle(self): assert self.job_id is not None self.cycle_id = self.db.execute(""" INSERT INTO ppdl.cycle(job_id, starts_at, finishes_at) ( SELECT %s, now(), now() + interval '{}' sec ) RETURNING id """.format(self.cycle_time), (self.job_id, ), returning=True) log.debug("created cycle with id {}".format(self.cycle_id)) self.db.commit()
def upload(self, request): log.debug("Client {} uploading".format(request.clientId.txt)) # TODO don't let a client upload twice per cycle if self.phase != PHASE_TRAIN: raise self.Exception("cannot upload except in the training phase") if self.cycle_id != request.cycleId.num: raise self.Exception( "upload is for cycle {}, but server is on cycle {}".format( request.cycleId.num, self.cycle_id)) parameters = {p.index: p.value for p in request.deltas.parameters} self._add_parameters(parameters, request.clientId.txt) return pb.UploadResponse()
def _run_loop(self): # set initial parameters in first cycle self._create_cycle() parameters = self.initial_parameters_f() self._add_parameters(parameters, ADMIN_USER) while True: log.debug("Starting cycle {}".format(self.cycle_id)) self._create_cycle() self.clock = self.cycle_time"Entering download/train phase") self._train_phase()"Entering update phase") self._update_phase()
def download(self, request): log.debug("Client {} downloading".format(request.clientId.txt)) if self.phase != PHASE_TRAIN: # TODO maybe only allow downloads if enough time remaining raise self.Exception( "cannot download except in the training phase") # download a random subset of the parameters parameters_l = self._get_last_parameters() parameters = [ pb.IndexedValue(index=i, value=val) for i, val in random.sample( list(parameters_l.items()), int(len(parameters_l) * self.dropout_ratio)) ] log.debug( "all parameters = {}, parameters being downloaded = {}".format( parameters_l, parameters)) parameters = pb.Parameters(parameters=parameters) return pb.DownloadResponse( cycleId=pb.CycleId(num=self.cycle_id), parameters=parameters, )