import numpy as np import copy # USER LIBRARIES import fmt import lib import errors import logger import reporter # Define instances Logger = logger.Logger("calculator") # CONSTANTS BG_LOW_LIMIT = 4.2 # (mmol/L) BG_HIGH_LIMIT = 8.5 # (mmol/L) BG_VERY_HIGH_LIMIT = 11.0 # (mmol/L) DOSE_ENACT_TIME = 0.5 # (h) def computeIOB(net, IDC): """ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
import sqlite3 import numpy as np import logger import sys, os sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd()) from src.rule.graph import Graph from src.rule.semQL import Sup, Sel, Order, Root, Filter, A, N, C, T, Root1, Turn, ValueS, Distance from src.rule.sem_utils import alter_inter, alter_not_in, alter_column0, load_dataSets from src.parse_sql_py import parse_sql DB_DIR = os.path.join('sparc', 'database') log_dir = 'log_tmp' if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) record = logger.Logger( os.path.join(log_dir, os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0] + '.log'), 'w') def split_logical_form(lf): indexs = [i + 1 for i, letter in enumerate(lf) if letter == ')'] indexs.insert(0, 0) components = list() for i in range(1, len(indexs)): components.append(lf[indexs[i - 1]:indexs[i]].strip()) return components def pop_front(array): if len(array) == 0: return 'None'
if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.exit("Usage: <configuration_name>") config_name = sys.argv[1] set_configuration('configs_luna_props_scan', config_name) # predictions path predictions_dir = utils.get_dir_path('model-predictions', pathfinder.METADATA_PATH) outputs_path = predictions_dir + '/%s' % config_name utils.auto_make_dir(outputs_path) # logs logs_dir = utils.get_dir_path('logs', pathfinder.METADATA_PATH) sys.stdout = logger.Logger(logs_dir + '/%s.log' % config_name) sys.stderr = sys.stdout # builds model and sets its parameters model = config().build_model() x_shared = nn.utils.shared_empty(dim=len(model.l_in.shape)) givens_valid = {} givens_valid[model.l_in.input_var] = x_shared get_predictions_patch = theano.function([], nn.layers.get_output( model.l_out, deterministic=True), givens=givens_valid, on_unused_input='ignore')
tf.set_random_seed(42) # config configs_dir = __file__.split('/')[-2] config = importlib.import_module('%s.%s' % (configs_dir, args.config_name)) experiment_id = '%s-%s' % (args.config_name.split('.')[-1], time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d", time.localtime())) if not os.path.isdir('metadata'): os.makedirs('metadata') save_dir = 'metadata/' + experiment_id # logs if not os.path.isdir('logs'): os.makedirs('logs') sys.stdout = logger.Logger('logs/%s.log' % experiment_id) sys.stderr = sys.stdout print('exp_id', experiment_id) # create the model model = tf.make_template('model', config.build_model) x_init = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(config.batch_size, ) + config.obs_shape) init_pass = model(x_init, init=True) all_params = tf.trainable_variables() n_parameters = 0 for variable in all_params: shape = variable.get_shape() variable_parameters = 1
def setUp(self): self._input = TestInputSingleton.input self._servers = self._input.servers self.log = logger.Logger().get_logger()
best = # metadata metadata_dir = utils.get_dir_path('models', pathfinder.METADATA_PATH) metadata_path = utils.find_model_metadata(metadata_dir, config_name, best=best) metadata = utils.load_pkl(metadata_path) expid = metadata['experiment_id'] if best: expid += "-best" print("logs") # logs logs_dir = utils.get_dir_path('logs', pathfinder.METADATA_PATH) sys.stdout = logger.Logger(logs_dir + '/%s-test.log' % expid) sys.stderr = sys.stdout print("prediction path") # predictions path predictions_dir = utils.get_dir_path('model-predictions', pathfinder.METADATA_PATH) outputs_path = predictions_dir + '/' + expid if valid_tta_feat or test_tta_feat or all_tta_feat or train_tta_feat: outputs_path += '/features' utils.auto_make_dir(outputs_path) if dump: prediction_dump = os.path.join(outputs_path, expid + "_" + args.eval + "_predictions.p")
def main(args): time_str = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") logger_ins = logger.Logger(HOME + '/catkin_ws/src/Turtlebot3_Pheromone/src/log', output_formats=[logger.HumanOutputFormat(sys.stdout)]) board_logger = tensorboard_logging.Logger(os.path.join(logger_ins.get_dir(), "tf_board", time_str)) sess = tf.Session() K.set_session(sess) ######################################################## game_state= phero_turtlebot_exp1.Env() # game_state has frame_step(action) function actor_critic = ActorCritic(game_state, sess) random.seed(args.random_seed) ######################################################## num_trials = 400 trial_len = 256 log_interval = 5 train_indicator = 1 tfirststart = time.time() # Reward Logging with open(HOME + '/catkin_ws/src/Turtlebot3_Pheromone/src/log/csv/{}.csv'.format(actor_critic.file_name), mode='w') as csv_file: csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) csv_writer.writerow(['Episode', 'Average Reward']) # Double ended queue with max size 100 to store episode info epinfobuf = deque(maxlen=100) num_robots = game_state.num_robots current_state = game_state.reset() # actor_critic.read_human_data() step_reward = np.array([0, 0]).reshape(1,2) step_Q = [0,0] step = 0 if (train_indicator==2): for i in range(num_trials): print("trial:" + str(i)) #game_state.step(0.3, 0.2, 0.0) #game_state.reset() current_state = game_state.reset() ############################################################################################## total_reward = 0 for j in range(100): step = step +1 #print("step is %s", step) ########################################################################################### #print('wanted value is %s:', game_state.observation_space.shape[0]) current_state = current_state.reshape((1, game_state.observation_space.shape[0])) action, eps = actor_critic.act(current_state) action = action.reshape((1, game_state.action_space.shape[0])) print("action is speed: %s, angular: %s", action[0][1], action[0][0]) _, new_state, reward, done, _ = game_state.step(0.1, action[0][1]*5, action[0][0]*5) # we get reward and state here, then we need to calculate if it is crashed! for 'dones' value total_reward = total_reward + reward if (train_indicator==1): # actor_critic.actor_model.load_weights("actormodel-90-1000.h5") # actor_critic.critic_model.load_weights("criticmodel-90-1000.h5") for i in range(num_trials): print("trial:" + str(i)) #game_state.step(0.3, 0.2, 0.0) #game_state.reset() _, current_state = game_state.reset() ############################################################################################## total_reward = 0 epinfos = [] for j in range(trial_len): ########################################################################################### #print('wanted value is %s:', game_state.observation_space.shape[0]) current_state = current_state.reshape((1, game_state.observation_space.shape[0])) action, eps = actor_critic.act(current_state) print("action is speed: %s, angular: %s", action[0][1], action[0][0]) _, new_state, reward, done, info = game_state.step(0.1, linear_x = action[0][1], angular_z = action[0][0]) # we get reward and state here, then we need to calculate if it is crashed! for 'dones' value total_reward = total_reward + reward ########################################################################################### if j == (trial_len - 1): done = np.array([True]).reshape(game_state.num_robots, 1) step = step + 1 #plot_reward(step,reward,ax,fig) #step_reward = np.append(step_reward,[step,reward]) #step_start = time.time() #sio.savemat('step_reward.mat',{'data':step_reward},True,'5', False, False,'row') #print("step is %s", step) #print("info: {}".format(info[0]['episode']['r'])) #Q_values = actor_critic.read_Q_values(current_state, action) #step_Q = np.append(step_Q,[step,Q_values[0][0]]) #print("step_Q is %s", Q_values[0][0]) #sio.savemat('step_Q.mat',{'data':step_Q},True,'5', False, False,'row') epinfos.append(info[0]['episode']) start_time = time.time() if (j % 5 == 0): actor_critic.train(j) actor_critic.update_target() end_time = time.time() print("Train time: {}".format(end_time - start_time)) #print("new_state: {}".format(new_state)) new_state = new_state.reshape((1, game_state.observation_space.shape[0])) # print shape of current_state #print("current_state is %s", current_state) ########################################################################################## actor_critic.remember(current_state, action, reward, new_state, done) actor_critic.replay_buffer.add(current_state, action, reward, new_state, done) current_state = new_state ########################################################################################## if (i % 10==0): actor_critic.save_weight(i, trial_len) epinfobuf.extend(epinfos) tnow = time.time() #fps = int(nbatch / (tnow - tstart)) ################################################## ## Logging and saving model & weights ## ################################################## if i % log_interval == 0 or i == 0: #ev = explained_variance(values, returns) reward_mean = safemean([epinfo['r'] for epinfo in epinfobuf]) logger_ins.logkv("serial_timesteps", i*trial_len) logger_ins.logkv("nupdates", i) logger_ins.logkv("total_timesteps", i*trial_len) logger_ins.logkv('eprewmean', safemean([epinfo['r'] for epinfo in epinfobuf])) logger_ins.logkv('eplenmean', safemean([epinfo['l'] for epinfo in epinfobuf])) logger_ins.logkv('time_elapsed', tnow - tfirststart) # for (lossval, lossname) in zip(lossvals, model.loss_names): # logger_ins.logkv(lossname, lossval) # logger_ins.dumpkvs() # for (lossval, lossname) in zip(lossvals, model.loss_names): # board_logger.log_scalar(lossname, lossval, update) board_logger.log_scalar("eprewmean", safemean([epinfo['r'] for epinfo in epinfobuf]), i) board_logger.flush() with open(HOME + '/catkin_ws/src/Turtlebot3_Pheromone/src/log/csv/{}.csv'.format(actor_critic.file_name), mode='a') as csv_file: csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) csv_writer.writerow(['%i'%i, '%0.2f'%reward_mean]) if train_indicator==0: for i in range(num_trials): print("trial:" + str(i)) current_state = game_state.reset() actor_critic.actor_model.load_weights(self.path + "actormodel-160-500.h5") actor_critic.critic_model.load_weights(self.path + "criticmodel-160-500.h5") ############################################################################################## total_reward = 0 for j in range(trial_len): ########################################################################################### current_state = current_state.reshape((1, game_state.observation_space.shape[0])) start_time = time.time() action = # need to change the network input output, do I need to change the output to be [0, 2*pi] action = action.reshape((1, game_state.action_space.shape[0])) end_time = time.time() print(1/(end_time - start_time), "fps for calculating next step") _, new_state, reward, done = game_state.step(0.1, action[0][1], action[0][0]) # we get reward and state here, then we need to calculate if it is crashed! for 'dones' value total_reward = total_reward + reward ########################################################################################### if j == (trial_len - 1): done = 1 #print("this is reward:", total_reward) # if (j % 5 == 0): # actor_critic.train() # actor_critic.update_target() new_state = new_state.reshape((1, game_state.observation_space.shape[0])) # actor_critic.remember(cur_state, action, reward, new_state, done) # remember all the data using memory, memory data will be samples to samples automatically. # cur_state = new_state ########################################################################################## #actor_critic.remember(current_state, action, reward, new_state, done) current_state = new_state
def __init__(self, bookmarks): """ Analyze constructor """ self.logger = logger.Logger(name=__name__, log_level=logger.INFO) self.my_logger = self.logger.logger'INIT') self.bookmarks = bookmarks self.schemes = [] self.hostnames = [] self.pathnames = {} self.host_protocols = {} = {} self.subdomains = {} self.domain_types = {} self.duplicates = {} self.deleted_bookmarks = [] self.empty_bookmarks = [] self.mobile_bookmarks = [] self.processed_bookmarks = [] self.file_bookmarks = {} self.keyword_database = Keywords() self.href_database = Keywords() #: a local copy of 'TheConfig' for ease of debugging self.the_config = TheConfig #: populated as we discover various sites self.host_sites = {section: [] for section in TheConfig.sections} #: bookmark menubar, populated as we parse the various sections self.menubar_ = { section: {topic: [] for topic in TheConfig.sections[section].keys()} for section in TheConfig.sections } # bookmarks that appear at the head of the bookmark menubar self.menubar_['head'] = [] # bookmarks that appear at the tail (end) of the bookmark menubar self.menubar_['tail'] = [] self.scan_bookmarks() self.delete_empty_bookmarks() self.build_keyword_dictionary() # build a list of bookmark hosts for all of the sections self.scan_bookmark_hosts() # build a list of bookmarks that reference a file self.scan_bookmarks_files() # scan bookmarks - head/tail items for site in TheConfig.menubar['head']: self.scan_bookmarks_site(site, self.menubar_['head']) for site in TheConfig.menubar['tail']: self.scan_bookmarks_site(site, self.menubar_['tail']) # scan bookmarks in the order specified in the configuration file try: for section in TheConfig.scanning_order: for topic in self.menubar_[section].keys(): self.my_logger.debug(f'Scanning: {section}/{topic}') config_list = TheConfig.sections[section][topic] scan_list = self.menubar_[section][topic] self.scan_bookmarks_section(config_list, scan_list) pass except Exception as e: print(e) # remove any mobile bookmarks if a desktop site exists mobile_bookmark_values = len(self.mobile_bookmarks) for mobile_index in range(mobile_bookmark_values, 0, -1): bm_mobile = self.mobile_bookmarks[mobile_index - 1] # break bookmark url into parts and remove any 'm' bm_mobile_parts = bm_mobile.href_urlparts.hostname.split('.') bm_desktop = '.'.join( [bm_part for bm_part in bm_mobile_parts if bm_part != 'm']) # scan all bookmarks and check for a 'desktop' equivalent of the 'mobile' site for bm_desktop_key, bm_desktop_value in self.bookmarks.items(): if not bm_desktop_value: continue if mobile_index > len(self.mobile_bookmarks): break # scan all bookmarks for bookmark desktop site bm_desktop_values = len(bm_desktop_value) for desktop_index in range(bm_desktop_values, 0, -1): bm = bm_desktop_value[desktop_index - 1] if bm.hostname == bm_desktop: if bm.href_urlparts.hostname not in self.duplicates: self.duplicates[bm.href_urlparts.hostname] = [ (bm.href_urlparts.path, bm) ] del self.mobile_bookmarks[mobile_index - 1] break else: self.duplicates[bm.href_urlparts.hostname].append( (bm.href_urlparts.path, bm)) del self.mobile_bookmarks[mobile_index - 1] break # add any unscanned bookmarks to the miscellaneous section self.menubar_['misc']['misc'] = [] for bm_key, bm_value in self.bookmarks.items(): if not bm_value: continue for bm in bm_value: if not bm.scanned: self.menubar_['misc']['misc'].append(bm) bm.scanned = True self.delete_scanned_bookmarks() pass
# You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import yaml import ast import logger logger = logger.Logger() CONFIG_SECS = [ 'train', 'valid', 'test', 'infer', ] class AttrDict(dict): """ AttrDict """ def __getattr__(self, key): return self[key]
def __init__(self, debug, silent, vformat): self.log = logger.Logger("FFmpeg", debug, silent) self.vformat = vformat
device_cpu = torch.device('cpu') device = torch.device('cuda') if args.cuda else device_cpu # Create directory for checkpoint to be saved if os.makedirs(os.path.split([0], exist_ok=True) # Set seeds np.random.seed(args.seed) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) if args.cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(args.seed) # Visdom setup log = logger.Logger(server=args.visdom_server, port=args.visdom_port, env_name=args.visdom_env) # Create data loaders (return data in batches) trainset_loader, valset_loader = \ data.get_train_val_loaders(train_dir=args.train_dir, max_trainset_size=args.max_trainset_size, collate_fn=csv_collator, height=args.height, width=args.width, seed=args.seed, batch_size=args.batch_size, drop_last_batch=args.drop_last_batch, num_workers=args.nThreads, val_dir=args.val_dir, max_valset_size=args.max_valset_size)
class Config(object): def __init__(self, configFilePath): self.configFilePath = configFilePath self.configParser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() def _open(self): if os.path.isfile(self.configFilePath) == True: return True else: return False def get_value(self, section, key): return self.configParser.get(section, key) class Mongo_config(Config): def __init__(self, configFilePath): super(Mongo_config, self).__init__(configFilePath) # Write test code for reading the MONGO config file. if __name__ == '__main__': config = Mongo_config('./plugin.conf') log = logger.Logger() if config._open() == True:'MONGO', 'HOSTNAME'))'MONGO', 'PORT'))'MONGO', 'COLLECTION'))
def __init__(self): self.success = False = None self.options = None self.project = None self.logger = logger.Logger()
def main(): time_str = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") logger_ins = logger.Logger( '/home/sub/catkin_ws/src/Turtlebot3_Pheromone/src/log', output_formats=[logger.HumanOutputFormat(sys.stdout)]) board_logger = tensorboard_logging.Logger( os.path.join(logger_ins.get_dir(), "tf_board", time_str)) sess = tf.Session() K.set_session(sess) ######################################################## game_state = phero_turtlebot_exp2.Env( ) # game_state has frame_step(action) function actor_critic = ActorCritic(game_state, sess) ######################################################## num_trials = 5000 trial_len = 256 log_interval = 5 train_indicator = 1 tfirststart = time.time() # Double ended queue with max size 100 to store episode info epinfobuf = deque(maxlen=100) # Experiment related num_robots = game_state.num_robots current_state = game_state.reset() # actor_critic.read_human_data() step_reward = np.array([0, 0]).reshape(1, 2) #step_Q = [0,0] step = 0 if (train_indicator == 2): for i in range(num_trials): print("trial:" + str(i)) #game_state.step(0.3, 0.2, 0.0) #game_state.reset() current_state = game_state.reset() ############################################################################################## total_reward = 0 for j in range(100): step = step + 1 #print("step is %s", step) ########################################################################################### #print('wanted value is %s:', game_state.observation_space.shape[0]) current_state = current_state.reshape( (1, game_state.observation_space.shape[0])) action, eps = actor_critic.act(current_state) action = action.reshape((1, game_state.action_space.shape[0])) print("action is speed: %s, angular: %s", action[0][1], action[0][0]) _, new_state, reward, done, _ = game_state.step( 0.1, action[0][1] * 5, action[0][0] * 5 ) # we get reward and state here, then we need to calculate if it is crashed! for 'dones' value total_reward = total_reward + reward if (train_indicator == 1): # actor_critic.actor_model.load_weights("actormodel-90-1000.h5") # actor_critic.critic_model.load_weights("criticmodel-90-1000.h5") for i in range(num_trials): print("trial:" + str(i)) #game_state.step(0.3, 0.2, 0.0) #game_state.reset() ''' Get states of multiple robots (num_robots x num_states) ''' _, current_states = game_state.reset() ############################################################################################## #total_reward = 0 epinfos = [] for j in range(trial_len): ########################################################################################### #print('wanted value is %s:', game_state.observation_space.shape[0]) current_states = current_states.reshape( (num_robots, game_state.observation_space.shape[0])) ''' how can I solve this? using for loop iterating over num_robots?''' # num_robots actions = [] for k in range(num_robots): action, eps = actor_critic.act(current_states[k]) action = action.reshape( (1, game_state.action_space.shape[0])) actions.append(action) actions = np.squeeze(np.asarray(actions)) #print("Actions: {}".format(actions)) #print("action is speed: %s, angular: %s", action[0][1], action[0][0]) _, new_states, rewards, dones, infos = game_state.step( actions, 0.1 ) # we get reward and state here, then we need to calculate if it is crashed! for 'dones' value #print("Rewards: {}".format(rewards)) #total_reward = total_reward + reward ########################################################################################### if j == (trial_len - 1): done = 1 #print("this is reward:", total_reward) #print('eps is', eps) step = step + 1 #plot_reward(step,reward,ax,fig) #step_reward = np.append(step_reward,[step,reward]) #step_start = time.time() #sio.savemat('step_reward.mat',{'data':step_reward},True,'5', False, False,'row') #print("step is %s", step) #print("info: {}".format(info[0]['episode']['r'])) #Q_values = actor_critic.read_Q_values(current_state, action) #step_Q = np.append(step_Q,[step,Q_values[0][0]]) #print("step_Q is %s", Q_values[0][0]) #sio.savemat('step_Q.mat',{'data':step_Q},True,'5', False, False,'row') #print("Train_step time: {}".format(time.time() - step_start)) epinfos.append(infos[0]['episode']) start_time = time.time() if (j % 5 == 0): actor_critic.train() actor_critic.update_target() end_time = time.time() print("Train time: {}".format(end_time - start_time)) #print("new_state: {}".format(new_state)) new_states = new_states.reshape( (num_robots, game_state.observation_space.shape[0])) # print shape of current_state #print("current_state is %s", current_state) ########################################################################################## actor_critic.remember(current_states, actions, rewards, new_states, dones) #actor_critic.replay_buffer.add(current_states, actions, rewards, new_states, dones) current_states = new_states ########################################################################################## if (i % 10 == 0): actor_critic.save_weight(i, trial_len) epinfobuf.extend(epinfos) tnow = time.time() #fps = int(nbatch / (tnow - tstart)) ################################################## ## Logging and saving model & weights ## ################################################## if i % log_interval == 0 or i == 0: #ev = explained_variance(values, returns) reward_mean = safemean([epinfo['r'] for epinfo in epinfobuf]) logger_ins.logkv("serial_timesteps", i * trial_len) logger_ins.logkv("nupdates", i) logger_ins.logkv("total_timesteps", i * trial_len) logger_ins.logkv( 'eprewmean', safemean([epinfo['r'] for epinfo in epinfobuf])) logger_ins.logkv( 'eplenmean', safemean([epinfo['l'] for epinfo in epinfobuf])) logger_ins.logkv('time_elapsed', tnow - tfirststart) # for (lossval, lossname) in zip(lossvals, model.loss_names): # logger_ins.logkv(lossname, lossval) # logger_ins.dumpkvs() # for (lossval, lossname) in zip(lossvals, model.loss_names): # board_logger.log_scalar(lossname, lossval, update) board_logger.log_scalar( "eprewmean", safemean([epinfo['r'] for epinfo in epinfobuf]), i) board_logger.flush() print("num_trial") step_reward = np.append(step_reward, [[num_trials, reward_mean]], axis=0) sio.savemat( '/home/sub/catkin_ws/src/Turtlebot3_Pheromone/src/log/MATLAB/step_reward_{}.mat' .format(self.time_str), {'data': step_reward}, True, '5', False, False, 'row') if train_indicator == 0: for i in range(num_trials): print("trial:" + str(i)) current_state = game_state.reset() actor_critic.actor_model.load_weights("actormodel-160-500.h5") actor_critic.critic_model.load_weights("criticmodel-160-500.h5") ############################################################################################## total_reward = 0 for j in range(trial_len): ########################################################################################### current_state = current_state.reshape( (1, game_state.observation_space.shape[0])) start_time = time.time() action = current_state ) # need to change the network input output, do I need to change the output to be [0, 2*pi] action = action.reshape((1, game_state.action_space.shape[0])) end_time = time.time() print(1 / (end_time - start_time), "fps for calculating next step") _, new_state, reward, done = game_state.step( 0.1, action[0][1], action[0][0] ) # we get reward and state here, then we need to calculate if it is crashed! for 'dones' value total_reward = total_reward + reward ########################################################################################### if j == (trial_len - 1): done = 1 print("this is reward:", total_reward) # if (j % 5 == 0): # actor_critic.train() # actor_critic.update_target() new_state = new_state.reshape( (1, game_state.observation_space.shape[0])) # actor_critic.remember(cur_state, action, reward, new_state, done) # remember all the data using memory, memory data will be samples to samples automatically. # cur_state = new_state ########################################################################################## #actor_critic.remember(current_state, action, reward, new_state, done) current_state = new_state
args = sys.argv[:] log_to_stdout = True log_file_name = 'build' for arg in args: if arg.lower() == '--no_stdout': log_to_stdout = False sys.argv.remove(arg) elif arg.lower().startswith('--log_name'): log_file_name = arg.rsplit('=', 1)[1] sys.argv.remove(arg) #================================ # Initialize logging #================================ lg = logger.Logger(log_file_name, log_to_stdout=log_to_stdout) lg.log( "#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) lg.log("# BUILD START") lg.log( "#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) start_time = time.time() lg.log("Start Time: " + time.ctime(start_time)) lg.log( "Running $Header: //source/qcom/qct/images/scons/qc/rel/1.0/tools/build/scons/build/ $" ) # Call the build function
# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with kmotion. If not, see <>. """ Exports various methods used to initialize motion configuration. These methods have been moved to this seperate module to reduce issues when the motion API changes. All changes should be in just this module. """ import os, ConfigParser import logger, mutex log_level = 'WARNING' logger = logger.Logger('init_motion', log_level) def gen_motion_configs(kmotion_dir): """ Generates the motion.conf and thread??.conf files from www_rc and virtual motion conf files args : kmotion_dir ... the 'root' directory of kmotion excepts : return : none """ # delete all files in motion_conf skipping .svn directories for del_file in [ del_file
def main(argv): global client def err(): print("Usage: %s [TCP/UDP]" % argv[0]) sys.exit() if len(sys.argv) == 2: if sys.argv[1].lower() == "tcp": # remote_list returns a array of tuples (hostname, port) from servers.txt remote_list, _ = remotes.create_remote_list() client = ClientTCP(remote_list) elif sys.argv[1].lower() == "udp": client = ClientUDP() else: err() else: err() # Create Loggers global g_ClientLog # serverLogFile = open("Client.log", "w") # g_ClientLog = logger.Logger(serverLogFile) g_ClientLog = logger.Logger(sys.stdout) g_ClientLog.header("Client") while True: # recebe a expressão aritmética do usuário. expression = input( "Type an arithmetic expression. Example: 1+1, (13+1)*2, 5^3\n") client.send_exp(expression) received_result = False try: result = client.receive_result() received_result = True # print expression result received from server if result == "exception": print( "[Client ] An exception was detected. Try a valid mathematical expression" ) elif result == "zero division": print( "[Client ] A division by zero was detected. Try a valid mathematical expression" ) else: print("result = " + result) sys.stdout.flush() except socket.timeout: g_ClientLog.print("[Client ] Timeout") print("Server timeout, try again") sys.stdout.flush() pass except Exception as e: # Other exception g_ClientLog.print("[Client ] Exception: " + str(e)) if not received_result: g_ClientLog.print("[Client ] No server could respond") print("No response") sys.stdout.flush() client.close()
# Importing packages import logger import sys import os import os.path import psutil import urllib import query if sys.version[0] == '2': reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') pid = psutil.Process().pid logger_obj = logger.Logger(filename='rdf-query-interface.log', instance_id=pid) logger_obj.write_log('RDF query interface program has started with process id: '+str(pid), to_print=False) file_name = sys.argv[5] query_obj = query.Query(file_name) if len(sys.argv) != 6: logger_obj.write_log('Program needs query_or_number, query and config', to_print=False) exit() query_or_number = int(sys.argv[1]) query = sys.argv[2] config = sys.argv[3] show_result = sys.argv[4] respFile = ''
""" integration step """ dt_log = 0.1 """ logging step """ dt_vis = 1 / 60 """ visualization frame step """ t = 0 """ time variable """ # Initialize the logger & plotter ########################################################## ts = time.time() name = name1 + "_" + name2 + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime( "_%Y%m%d%H%M%S") """ Name of run to save to log files and plots """ fullname = "logs/" + name logger = logger.Logger(fullname, name) plotter = plotter.Plotter() # Initialize the visualization ######################################################### panda3D_app = pandaapp.Panda3DApp(plus, qrb, ref, 3) readkeys = pandaapp.ReadKeys(ref, 3, panda3D_app) # The main simulation loop ######################################################### while readkeys.exitpressed is False: #------------------------------------begin controller -------------------------------------------- if abs(t / pos_controller.dt_ctrl_pos_p - round(t / pos_controller.dt_ctrl_pos_p)) < 0.000001:
import threading import socket import time import datetime import sys from louie import dispatcher import crc import logger import event import error from utils import * log = logger.Logger('Tello') START_OF_PACKET = 0xcc WIFI_MSG = 0x1a VIDEO_RATE_QUERY = 40 LIGHT_MSG = 53 FLIGHT_MSG = 0x56 LOG_MSG = 0x1050 VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CMD = 0x20 VIDEO_START_CMD = 0x25 EXPOSURE_CMD = 0x34 TIME_CMD = 70 STICK_CMD = 80 TAKEOFF_CMD = 0x0054 LAND_CMD = 0x0055 FLIP_CMD = 0x005c
import re import signal import sys import time sys.path.append("..") import requests from retrying import retry import defaults, logger, utils from BloomFilterRedis_ex.BloomfilterOnRedis import BloomFilterRedis from BloomFilterRedis_ex.connection import bloom_filter_from_defaults spider_name = os.path.split(__file__)[1].split('.')[0] logger = logger.Logger(spider_name) full_PID_file_name = os.path.join(defaults.PIDS, defaults.PID_FILE_NAME) \ % {'spider_name': spider_name, 'tm': defaults.TM} full_data_file_name = os.path.join(defaults.DATA_PATH, defaults.DATA_FILE_NAME) \ % {'spider_name': spider_name, 'tm': defaults.TM} exit_signal = False RETRY_TIMES = 5 # 网络请求超时重试次数 ItemId = '71' # 百度 API_URL = '' class GXguojiCrawl(object): # 共享国际 name = 'gongxiangguoji' redis_server = bloom_filter_from_defaults(defaults.BLOOM_REDIS_URL)
def __init__(self, name): super(foo, self).__init__(name=name) self.logger = logger.Logger(name) self.logger.cls_set_glo_file("global.log", clear=True) self.logger.set_loc_file("%s.log" % name, clear=True)
import actions import logger import testsamples import test_engine from test_engine import Table, Column log = logger.Logger(__name__, logger.INFO) class TestDocModel(test_engine.EngineTestCase): def test_meta_tables(self): """ Test changes to records accessed via lookup. """ self.load_sample(testsamples.sample_students) self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "columns"], [ [1, [1,2,4,5,6]], [2, [10,12]], [3, [21]], ]) # Test that adding a column produces a change to 'columns' without emitting an action. out_actions = self.add_column('Students', 'test', type='Text', isFormula=False) self.assertPartialData("_grist_Tables", ["id", "columns"], [ [1, [1,2,4,5,6,22]], [2, [10,12]], [3, [21]], ]) self.assertPartialOutActions(out_actions, { "calc": [],
def learn(self): # For logging time_str = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") logger_ins = logger.Logger( '/home/swn/catkin_ws/src/turtlebot3_waypoint_navigation/src/log', output_formats=[logger.HumanOutputFormat(sys.stdout)]) board_logger = tensorboard_logging.Logger( os.path.join(logger_ins.get_dir(), "tf_board", time_str)) # reassigning the members of class into this function for simplicity total_timesteps = int(self.total_timesteps) nenvs = 1 #nenvs = env.num_envs # for multiple instance training ob_space = self.env.observation_space ac_space = self.env.action_space nbatch = nenvs * self.nsteps nminibatches = self.nminibatches nbatch_train = nbatch // nminibatches noptepochs = self.noptepochs nsteps = self.nsteps save_interval = self.save_interval log_interval = self.log_interval restore_path = self.restore_path gamma = self.gamma lam = self.lam lr = cliprange = self.cliprange deterministic = self.deterministic # Define a function to make Actor-Critic Model make_model = lambda: Model(policy=self.policy, ob_space=ob_space, ac_space=ac_space, nbatch_act=nenvs, nbatch_train=nbatch_train, nsteps=self.nsteps, ent_coef=self.ent_coef, vf_coef=self.vf_coef, max_grad_norm=self.max_grad_norm, deterministic=self.deterministic) # Save function # if save_interval and logger_ins.get_dir(): # import cloudpickle # with open(osp.join(logger_ins.get_dir(), 'make_model.pkl'), 'wb') as fh: # fh.write(cloudpickle.dumps(make_model)) # Make a model model = make_model() # Restore when the path is provided if restore_path is not None: model.restore(restore_path) # Create a runner instance (generating samples with nsteps) runner = Runner(env=self.env, model=model, nsteps=nsteps, gamma=gamma, lam=lam) # Double ended queue with max size 100 to store episode info epinfobuf = deque(maxlen=100) # Get the start time tfirststart = time.time() # Calculate # for update (iteration) nupdates = total_timesteps // nbatch assert (nupdates > 0) ''' PPO (iterating) 1. Run policy in the environment for T timesteps 2. Compute advantage estimates (in Model class) 3. Optimise Loss w.r.t weights of policy, with K epochs and minibatch size M < N (# of actors) * T (timesteps) 4. Update weights (in Model class) ''' step_reward = np.array([0, 0]).reshape(1, 2) # In every update, one loop of PPO algorithm is executed for update in range(1, nupdates + 1): # INITIALISE PARAMETERS assert nbatch % nminibatches == 0 nbatch_train = nbatch // nminibatches tstart = time.time() frac = 1.0 - (update - 1.0) / nupdates lrnow = lr(frac) cliprangenow = cliprange(frac) # 1. Run policy and get samples for nsteps ids, obs, returns, masks, actions, values, neglogpacs, states, epinfos, rewards = ) epinfobuf.extend(epinfos) mblossvals = [] # Do not train or log if in deterministic mode: if deterministic: continue # 3. Optimise Loss w.r.t weights of policy, with K epochs and minibatch size M < N (# of actors) * T (timesteps) if states is None: # nonrecurrent version inds = np.arange(nbatch) # Update weights using optimiser by noptepochsprint("ids {}, obs {}, returns {}, masks {}, actions {}, values {}, neglogpacs {}, states {}, epinfos {}".format(type(ids), type(obs), type(returns), type(masks), type(actions), type(values), type(neglogpacs), type(states), type(epinfos))) for _ in range(noptepochs): # In each epoch, update weights using samples every minibatch in the total batch # epoch = m(32)*minibatch(4) for start in range(0, nbatch, nbatch_train): end = start + nbatch_train mbinds = inds[start:end] # 4. Update weights mblossvals.append( model.train(lrnow, cliprangenow, ids[mbinds], [obs[i] for i in mbinds], returns[mbinds], masks[mbinds], actions[mbinds], values[mbinds], neglogpacs[mbinds])) else: # recurrent version assert nenvs % nminibatches == 0 envsperbatch = nenvs // nminibatches envinds = np.arange(nenvs) flatinds = np.arange(nenvs * nsteps).reshape(nenvs, nsteps) envsperbatch = nbatch_train // nsteps for _ in range(noptepochs): #np.random.shuffle(envinds) for start in range(0, nenvs, envsperbatch): end = start + envsperbatch mbenvinds = envinds[start:end] mbflatinds = flatinds[mbenvinds].ravel() slices = (arr[mbflatinds] for arr in (obs, returns, masks, actions, values, neglogpacs)) mbstates = states[mbenvinds] mblossvals.append( model.train(lrnow, cliprangenow, [obs[i] for i in mbinds], returns[mbflatinds], masks[mbflatinds], actions[mbflatinds], values[mbflatinds], neglogpacs[mbflatinds], mbstates)) # Calculate mean loss lossvals = np.mean(mblossvals, axis=0) tnow = time.time() fps = int(nbatch / (tnow - tstart)) ''' Logging and saving model & weights ''' if update % log_interval == 0 or update == 1: #ev = explained_variance(values, returns) logger_ins.logkv("serial_timesteps", update * nsteps) logger_ins.logkv("nupdates", update) logger_ins.logkv("total_timesteps", update * nbatch) logger_ins.logkv("fps", fps) #logger.logkv("explained_variance", float(ev)) logger_ins.logkv( 'eprewmean', self.safemean([epinfo['r'] for epinfo in epinfobuf])) logger_ins.logkv( 'eplenmean', self.safemean([epinfo['l'] for epinfo in epinfobuf])) logger_ins.logkv('time_elapsed', tnow - tfirststart) for (lossval, lossname) in zip(lossvals, model.loss_names): logger_ins.logkv(lossname, lossval) logger_ins.dumpkvs() for (lossval, lossname) in zip(lossvals, model.loss_names): board_logger.log_scalar(lossname, lossval, update) board_logger.log_scalar( "eprewmean", self.safemean([epinfo['r'] for epinfo in epinfobuf]), update) board_logger.flush() reward_arr = np.asarray([epinfo['r'] for epinfo in epinfobuf]) reward_new = np.delete(reward_arr, np.where(reward_arr == 0.0)) step_reward = np.append(step_reward, [[ update, self.safemean([reward for reward in reward_new]) ]], axis=0) sio.savemat( '/home/swn/catkin_ws/src/turtlebot3_waypoint_navigation/src/log/MATLAB/step_reward_{}.mat' .format(time_str), {'data': step_reward}, True, '5', False, False, 'row') if save_interval and (update % save_interval == 0 or update == 1) and logger_ins.get_dir(): checkdir = osp.join(logger_ins.get_dir(), 'checkpoints') if not os.path.isdir(checkdir): os.makedirs(checkdir) savepath = osp.join( checkdir, '%.5i' % update + "r" + "{:.2f}".format( self.safemean([epinfo['r'] for epinfo in epinfobuf]))) print('Saving to', savepath) print("Done with training. Exiting.") self.env.close() return model
def test_rebalance_in(self): log = logger.Logger().get_logger() master = self._servers[0] num_of_docs = TestInputSingleton.input.param("num_of_docs", 100000) replica = TestInputSingleton.input.param("replica", 100000) add_items_count = TestInputSingleton.input.param( "num_of_creates", 30000) rebalance_in = TestInputSingleton.input.param("rebalance_in", 1) size = TestInputSingleton.input.param("item_size", 256) params = { "sizes": [size], "count": num_of_docs, "seed": str(uuid.uuid4())[:7] } RebalanceBaseTest.common_setup(self._input, self, replica=1) rest = RestConnection(master) buckets = rest.get_buckets() bucket_data = {} generators = {} for bucket in buckets: bucket_data[] = {"kv_store": ClientKeyValueStore()} while len(rest.node_statuses()) < len(self._servers): for bucket in buckets: kv_store = bucket_data[]["kv_store"] add_items_seed = str(uuid.uuid4())[:7] self._add_items(add_items_seed, bucket, add_items_count, kv_store) errors = RebalanceDataGenerator.do_verification( kv_store, rest, if errors: log.error("verification returned {0} errors".format( len(errors))) load_set_ops = {"ops": "set", "bucket":} load_set_ops.update(params) load_delete_ops = { "ops": "delete", "bucket":, "sizes": [size], "count": add_items_count / 5, "seed": add_items_seed } thread = RebalanceDataGenerator.start_load( rest,, RebalanceDataGenerator.create_loading_tasks(load_set_ops), kv_store) generators["set"] = {"thread": thread} #restart three times generators["set"]["thread"].start() thread = RebalanceDataGenerator.start_load( rest,, RebalanceDataGenerator.create_loading_tasks( load_delete_ops), kv_store) generators["delete"] = {"thread": thread} generators["delete"]["thread"].start()"current nodes : {0}".format( [ for node in rest.node_statuses()])) rebalanced_in, which_servers = RebalanceBaseTest.rebalance_in( self._servers, rebalance_in) self.assertTrue(rebalanced_in, msg="unable to add and rebalance more nodes") for bucket in buckets: kv_store = bucket_data[]["kv_store"] errors = RebalanceDataGenerator.do_verification( kv_store, rest, if errors: log.error("verification returned {0} errors".format( len(errors))) generators["set"]["thread"].join() generators["delete"]["thread"].join() for bucket in buckets: kv_store = bucket_data[]["kv_store"] bucket_data[]["items_inserted_count"] = len( kv_store.valid_items()) RebalanceBaseTest.replication_verification( master, bucket_data, replica, self)
def main(argc, argv): argc = len(argv) if (argc < 2): #command-line argument codes. #-i:config file. #-c:command codes #-m:mosaic dataset name #-s:Source data paths. (as inputs to command (AR/AR) #-l:Full path to log file (including file name) user_args = \ [ "-m: Mosaic dataset path including GDB and MD name [e.g. c:\WorldElevation.gdb\Portland]", "-s: Source data paths. (As inputs to command (AR)", "-l: Log file output path [path+file name]", "-artdem: Update DEM path in ART file" ] print "\ v5.6 [20130801]\nUsage: -c:<Optional:command> -i:<config_file>" \ "\n\nFlags to override configuration values," \ for arg in user_args: print arg print \ "\nNote: Commands can be combined with '+' to do multiple operations." \ "\nAvailable commands:" user_cmds = solutionsLib.Solutions().getAvailableCommands() for key in user_cmds: print "\t" + key + ' = ' + user_cmds[key]['desc'] sys.exit(1) base = Base.Base() global log log = logger.Logger(); base.setLog(log) argIndx = 1 md_path_ = artdem = config = com = log_folder = '' while(argIndx < argc): (values) = argv[argIndx].split(':') if (len(values[0]) < 2 or values[0][:1] != '-' and values[0][:1] != '#'): argIndx += 1 continue exSubCode = values[0][1:len(values[0])].lower() subCode = values.pop(0)[1].lower() value = ':'.join(values).strip() if (subCode == 'c'): com = value.replace(' ', '') #remove spaces in between. elif(subCode == 'i'): config = value elif(subCode == 'm'): md_path_ = value elif(subCode == 's'): base.m_sources = value elif(subCode == 'l'): log_folder = value elif(exSubCode == 'artdem'): artdem = value elif(subCode == 'p'): pMax = value.rfind('$') if (pMax == -1): argIndx += 1 continue dynamic_var = value[pMax + 1:].upper() v = value[0: pMax] if (dynamic_var.strip() != ''): if (base.m_dynamic_params.has_key(dynamic_var) == False): base.m_dynamic_params[dynamic_var] = v argIndx += 1 if (md_path_ != ''): (p, f) = os.path.split(md_path_) f = f.strip() const_gdb_ext_len_ = len(base.const_geodatabase_ext) ext = p[-const_gdb_ext_len_:].lower() if ((ext == base.const_geodatabase_ext.lower() or ext == base.const_geodatabase_SDE_ext.lower()) and f != ''): p = p.replace('\\', '/') w = p.split('/') workspace_ = '' for i in range(0, len(w) - 1): workspace_ += w[i] + '/' gdb_ = w[len(w) -1] base.m_workspace = workspace_ base.m_geodatabase = w[len(w) - 1] base.m_mdName = f if (os.path.isfile(config) == False): errMessage = u"Error: Input config file is not specified/not found! " + config arcpy.AddMessage(errMessage) return False if (artdem != ''): (base.m_art_ws, base.m_art_ds) = os.path.split(artdem) base.m_art_apply_changes = True comInfo = { 'AR' : { 'cb' : postAddData } #assign a callback function to run custom user code when adding rasters. } configName, ext = os.path.splitext(config) configName = os.path.basename(configName) if (com == ''): com = base.const_cmd_default_text if (argv[1].lower() == '#gprun'): log.isGPRun = True log.Project ('MDCS') log.LogNamePrefix(configName) log.StartLog() log_output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(solutionLib_path), 'logs') if (log_folder != ''): (path, fileName) = os.path.split(log_folder) if (path != ''): log_output_folder = path if (fileName != ''): log.LogFileName(fileName) log.SetLogFolder(log_output_folder) solutions = solutionsLib.Solutions(base) success =, com, comInfo) log.WriteLog('#all') #persist information/errors collected. print "Done..."
import argparse import collections from flask import Flask from flask import request import json import logger as doctor_log import threading import time from keystoneauth1 import session import novaclient.client as novaclient import identity_auth LOG = doctor_log.Logger('doctor_inspector').getLogger() class ThreadedResetState(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, nova, state, server): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.nova = nova self.state = state self.server = server def run(self): self.nova.servers.reset_state(self.server, self.state)'doctor mark vm(%s) error at %s' % (self.server, time.time())) class DoctorInspectorSample(object):
def __init__(self, logFilePath=None): """Init the custom logger""" self.logger = logger.Logger(logFilePath)
def _construct(self): self.logger = logger.Logger(FILEPATH, LOGGER)
import write2dashboard from optparse import OptionParser from datetime import datetime #log.disable( #disable log BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) #BASEDIR = "C:\\Simon\\CrickTest" SWITCHCONFIG = BASEDIR + "\\ConfigResolutionData.xlsx" INPCOUNT = 0 #count input protocal pass number OUTPCOUNT = 0 #count output protocal pass number INFCOUNT = 0 #count input protocal fail number OUTFCOUNT = 0 #count output protocal fail number PATPCOUNT = 0 #count output pattern pass number PATFCOUNT = 0 #count output pattern fail number logname = BASEDIR + "\\log\\" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") + ".log" log = log.Logger(logname) def executeTest(cmdoptions, cmdargs): """ Execute the test; :param cmdoptions: :param cmdargs: :return: """ global INPCOUNT, OUTPCOUNT, INFCOUNT, OUTFCOUNT, PATPCOUNT, PATFCOUNT, TESTPARAS, outport, outporttype print("Your Test will be start after 3 seconds, please wait...") loadProcess() starttime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()) time1 = #Get config vars from the data sheet: