def get_config(config_file): """Parse agent config params in specified yaml file and return as Python dict""" with open(config_file) as f: config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # if missing in the config, use following defaults config.setdefault('shuffle_nodes', False) return config
def init_logging(): logger_conf_path = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..", "logconf.yaml")) with open(logger_conf_path) as config_file: config = yaml.load(config_file) config.setdefault('version', 1) logging.config.dictConfig(config)
def get_app(config=None): """App factory. :param config: configuration that can override config from `` :return: a new SuperdeskEve app instance """ if config is None: config = {} config['APP_ABSPATH'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) for key in dir(settings): if key.isupper(): config.setdefault(key, getattr(settings, key)) media_storage = None if config['AMAZON_CONTAINER_NAME']: from import AmazonMediaStorage media_storage = AmazonMediaStorage config['DOMAIN'] = {} app = superdesk_app(config, media_storage) configure_logging(config['LOG_CONFIG_FILE']) return app
def setup_logging(config): """ Takes a logging configuration and ensures the root logger has a handler named "default", which can be referenced in the logging configuration. Most loggers will defer to this default handler implicitly, by way of propagation. The augmented configuration is then handed off to logging.config.dictConfig(). This function should only be called once at program startup. :param config: Logging configuration dictionary :type config: dict """ formatters = config.setdefault('formatters', {}) if 'default' not in formatters: formatters['default'] = { 'format': DEFAULT_FORMAT } handlers = config.setdefault('handlers', {}) if 'default' not in handlers: handlers['default'] = { 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'default' } root_logger = config.setdefault('root', {}) root_handlers = root_logger.setdefault('handlers', []) if 'default' not in root_handlers: root_handlers.append('default') logging.config.dictConfig(config)
def get_app(config=None, init_elastic=False): """App factory. :param config: configuration that can override config from `` :return: a new SuperdeskEve app instance """ if config is None: config = {} config['APP_ABSPATH'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) for key in dir(settings): if key.isupper(): config.setdefault(key, getattr(settings, key)) media_storage = None if config['AMAZON_CONTAINER_NAME']: from import AmazonMediaStorage media_storage = AmazonMediaStorage config['DOMAIN'] = {} app = superdesk_app(config, media_storage, init_elastic=init_elastic) configure_logging(config['LOG_CONFIG_FILE']) return app
def read_config(): if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILENAME): init() cp = configparser.ConfigParser() config = dict(cp['ciqw']) for k, v in DEFAULT_CONFIG.items(): config.setdefault(k, v) return config
def process_user_args(user_args): def get_opt_val(opt_name, cfg_dict, default=False): default_val = 'not_found' if default else None opt_val = cfg_dict.get(opt_name, 'not_found') if opt_val == 'not_found' and args.get('subcommand'): opt_val = cfg_dict.get(args['subcommand'], {}).get(opt_name, default_val) return opt_val for arg_name, arg_val in list(user_args.items()): """ if arg_name in ignored_args: continue """ if isinstance(arg_val, dict): if args['subcommand'] == arg_name: process_user_args(arg_val) del config[args['subcommand']] else: del config[arg_name] continue arg_val = get_opt_val(arg_name, user_args) default_val = get_opt_val(arg_name, default_config, default=True) if arg_val is not None: if arg_val != default_val: # User specified a value in the command-line/config file config[arg_name] = arg_val if default_val == 'not_found': results.args_not_found_in_config.append( (arg_name, default_val, arg_val)) else: results.default_args_overridden.append( (arg_name, default_val, arg_val)) else: # User didn't change the config value (same as default one) # TODO: factorize if config.get(arg_name, 'not_found') != 'not_found': config[arg_name] = arg_val else: config.setdefault(arg_name, arg_val) else: if default_val != 'not_found': if config.get(arg_name, 'not_found') != 'not_found': config[arg_name] = default_val else: config.setdefault(arg_name, default_val) else: # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() raise AttributeError("No value could be found for the " f"argument '{arg_name}'")
def update_config(path_or_json=None, incremental=True, listen_port=logging.config.DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONFIG_PORT): config = _get_config(path_or_json) # Don't overwrite full config by default config.setdefault('incremental', incremental) data_to_send = json.dumps(config) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(('localhost', listen_port)) s.send(struct.pack('>L', len(data_to_send))) s.send(data_to_send) s.close()
def configure_logging(config): config = config.copy() if config.pop('http_debug', False): http.client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 else: http.client.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 0 if config.get('coloredlogs'): conf = config.pop('coloredlogs').copy() conf['field_styles'] = dict_merge(coloredlogs.DEFAULT_FIELD_STYLES, conf.get('field_styles', {})) conf['level_styles'] = dict_merge(coloredlogs.DEFAULT_LEVEL_STYLES, conf.pop('level_styles', {})) coloredlogs.install(**conf) else: del config['coloredlogs'] # in case 'coloredlogs': null or {} config.setdefault('version', 1) logging.config.dictConfig(config)
def get_app(config=None): """App factory. :param config: configuration that can override config from `` :return: a new SuperdeskEve app instance """ if config is None: config = {} config['APP_ABSPATH'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) for key in dir(settings): if key.isupper(): config.setdefault(key, getattr(settings, key)) config['DOMAIN'] = {} app = superdesk_app(config) configure_logging(config['LOG_CONFIG_FILE']) return app
def _add_config_defauts(config): config.setdefault('version', 1) config.setdefault('disable_existing_loggers', False) config.setdefault('formatters', { 'standard': { 'format': CONFIG_FORMATTER }, })
def _get_config(path_or_dict=None): """ Loads a yaml/json file, or python dict """ if path_or_dict is None: path_or_dict = os.environ.get('LOG_CONFIG', None) config = {} if isinstance(path_or_dict, dict): config = path_or_dict elif os.path.exists(path_or_dict): with open(path_or_dict) as f: data = # Can load both yaml and json files config = yaml.safe_load(data) elif path_or_dict is not None: raise ValueError(('Config could not be loaded: ', str(path_or_dict))) else:'Using default logging config') # always need a default formatter, handler and logger config.setdefault('formatters', {}) config.setdefault('handlers', {}) config.setdefault('loggers', {}) default_log_format = config.pop('default_log_format', DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT) default_log_level = config.pop('default_log_level', 'DEBUG') default_formatter = { 'format': default_log_format, 'class': 'colored_formatter.ColoredFormatter', 'style': '{', } default_handler = { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'default', } default_handlers = [ handler for handler in config['handlers'].keys() if config['handlers'][handler] is not None ] default_logger = {'level': default_log_level, 'handlers': default_handlers} config['formatters'].setdefault('default', default_formatter) # logging to console can be disabled by setting the console handler to None config['handlers'].setdefault('console', default_handler) # set the global root logger config config['loggers'].setdefault('', default_logger) return config
def configure_logging(daemon=False, daemon_log_file=None): """ Setup the logging by retrieving the LOGGING dictionary from aiida and passing it to the python module logging.config.dictConfig. If the logging needs to be setup for the daemon running a task for one of the celery workers, set the argument 'daemon' to True and specify the path to the log file. This will cause a 'daemon_handler' to be added to all the configured loggers, that is a RotatingFileHandler that writes to the log file. :param daemon: configure the logging for a daemon task by adding a file handler instead of the default 'console' StreamHandler :param daemon_log_file: absolute filepath of the log file for the RotatingFileHandler """ config = deepcopy(LOGGING) daemon_handler_name = 'daemon_log_file' # Add the daemon file handler to all loggers if daemon=True if daemon is True: if daemon_log_file is None: raise ValueError( 'daemon_log_file has to be defined when configuring for the daemon' ) config.setdefault('handlers', {}) config['handlers'][daemon_handler_name] = { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'formatter': 'halfverbose', 'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler', 'filename': daemon_log_file, 'encoding': 'utf8', 'maxBytes': 100000, } for name, logger in config.get('loggers', {}).iteritems(): logger.setdefault('handlers', []).append(daemon_handler_name) logging.config.dictConfig(config)
def configure_logging(config): """One-time global logging configuration. Set up logging as described in ``config``. ``config`` should be a top-level configuration dictionary with a key ``logging``, and the value of that key is used as a configuration dictionary for :mod:`logging.config`. If there is no ``logging`` key but there is a ``version: 1`` key/value, ``config`` is used directly as the configuration. Otherwise a minimal default configuration is used. If the configuration does not define any handlers, then a default console log handler will be created and bound to the root logger. This will use a formatter named ``fixed``, defining it if necessary. :param dict config: :mod:`logging.config` setup dictionary .. deprecated:: 0.4.0 Pass :mod:`dblogger` to :func:`yakonfig.parse_args` instead. """ # find the actual logging config dictionary if 'logging' in config: config = config['logging'] config.setdefault('version', 1) elif config.get('version') == 1: config = config else: config = { 'version': 1 } # create default handler if required if len(config.setdefault('handlers', {})) == 0: config.setdefault('formatters', {}) if 'fixed' not in config['formatters']: config['formatters']['fixed'] = { '()': 'dblogger.FixedWidthFormatter', 'format': ('%(asctime)-23s pid=%(process)-5d ' '%(fixed_width_filename_lineno)s ' '%(fixed_width_levelname)s %(message)s'), } config['handlers']['console'] = { 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'fixed', } config.setdefault('root', {}) config['root']['handlers'] = ['console'] # also, we must set this magic flag, or any logger created at the # module level will stop working config['disable_existing_loggers'] = False logging.config.dictConfig(config)
def load_config(): config = [] try: f = open(args.config_file).read() config = yaml.load(f) except IOError: print("Unable to read config file {0}".format(args.config_file)) sys.exit(2) except (yaml.reader.ReaderError, yaml.parser.ParserError): print("Invalid YAML syntax in config file {0}".format( args.config_file)) sys.exit(2) except: raise config.setdefault("couchbase_host", "localhost") config.setdefault("couchbase_admin_port", 8091) config.setdefault("couchbase_admin_port_ssl", 18091) config.setdefault("couchbase_query_port", 8093) config.setdefault("couchbase_query_port_ssl", 18093) config.setdefault("couchbase_fts_port", 8094) config.setdefault("couchbase_fts_port_ssl", 18094) config.setdefault("couchbase_ssl", True) config.setdefault("nagios_nsca_path", "/sbin/send_nsca") config.setdefault("service_include_cluster_name", False) config.setdefault("service_include_label", False) config.setdefault("send_metrics", True) config.setdefault("dump_services", False) config.setdefault("all_nodes", False) if args.all_nodes: config["all_nodes"] = True if args.dump_services: config["dump_services"] = True if args.no_metrics: config["send_metrics"] = False if args.couchbase_host: config["couchbase_host"] = args.couchbase_host if args.monitor_host: config["monitor_host"] = args.monitor_host if args.monitor_type: config["monitor_type"] = args.monitor_type if args.couchbase_user: config["couchbase_user"] = args.couchbase_user if args.couchbase_password: config["couchbase_password"] = args.couchbase_password if args.verbose: config["logging"]["handlers"]["console"]["level"] = "DEBUG" logging.config.dictConfig(config["logging"]) if config["couchbase_ssl"] is True: config["couchbase_admin_port"] = config["couchbase_admin_port_ssl"] config["couchbase_query_port"] = config["couchbase_query_port_ssl"] config["couchbase_fts_port"] = config["couchbase_fts_port_ssl"] # Unrecoverable errors for item in [ "couchbase_user", "couchbase_password", "monitor_type", "monitor_host", "monitor_port", "node", "data" ]: if item not in config: print("{0} is not set in {1}".format(item, args.config_file)) sys.exit(2) for item in config["data"]: if "bucket" not in item or item["bucket"] is None: print("Bucket name is not set in {0}".format(args.config_file)) sys.exit(2) if "metrics" not in item or item["metrics"] is None: print("Metrics are not set for bucket {0} in {1}".format( item["bucket"], args.config_file)) sys.exit(2) return config
level = logging.getLevelName(level) level -= verbosity * 10 # adjust to be in bounds level = min(level, logging.CRITICAL) level = max(level, logging.NOTSET) # bring back to a string try: level = logging.getLevelName(level) except KeyError, e: pass # stash config['handlers']['console']['level'] = level # Re-bind console logger if required if verbosity > 0: config.setdefault('root', {}) config['root'].setdefault('handlers', []) if 'console' not in config['root']['handlers']: config['root']['handlers'].append('console') # Enable debug logging config.setdefault('loggers', {}) for logger in config.get('debug', []): config['loggers'].setdefault(logger, {}) config['loggers'][logger].setdefault('handlers', []) config['loggers'][logger]['handlers'].append('debug') # We've used these options and integrated them into other things, # so reset them for option in ('verbose', 'quiet', 'debug'): config[option] = default_config[option]
def main(cli_args=None): if cli_args is not None: args = parser.parse_args(cli_args) else: args = parser.parse_args() logging.config.dictConfig({ 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'formatters': { 'default': { 'format': '%(levelname)s: %(message)s' }, }, 'handlers': { 'default': { 'level': args.log_level, 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'default', }, }, 'loggers': { '': { 'handlers': ['default'], 'level': args.log_level, 'propagate': True, } } }) if args.config is not None: config = load_config(args.config) elif path.exists(path.expanduser(DEFAULT_CONFIG)): config = load_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG) elif path.exists(OLD_DEFAULT_CONFIG): config = load_config(OLD_DEFAULT_CONFIG) elif path.exists(path.expanduser(SITE_DEFAULT_CONFIG)): config = load_config(SITE_DEFAULT_CONFIG) else: # get default config and print message about missing file config = load_config() if 'NTFY_BACKENDS' in environ: config['backends'] = environ['NTFY_BACKENDS'].split(',') if args.backend: config['backends'] = args.backend if args.option is None: args.option = {} for backend, backend_options in args.option.items(): if backend is not None: config.setdefault(backend, {}).update(backend_options) if getattr(args, 'func', None) == run_cmd and args.longer_than is None and\ 'longer_than' in config: args.longer_than = config['longer_than'] if getattr(args, 'func', None) == run_cmd and 'hide_command' in config: args.hide_command = config['hide_commnad'] if hasattr(args, 'func'): message, retcode = args.func(args) if message is None: return 0 if emojize is not None and not args.no_emoji: message = emojize(message, use_aliases=True) return notify( message, args.title, config, retcode=retcode, **dict(args.option.get(None, []))) else: parser.print_help()
def main(): '''Main(). Commandline parsing and stalker startup.''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-p", "--posttroll_port", dest="posttroll_port", help="Local port where messages are published") parser.add_argument("-t", "--topic", dest="topic", help="Topic of the sent messages") parser.add_argument("-c", "--configuration_file", help="Name of the config.ini configuration file") parser.add_argument("-C", "--config_item", help="Name of the configuration item to use") parser.add_argument("-e", "--event_names", help="Name of the events to monitor") parser.add_argument("-f", "--filepattern", help="Filepath pattern used to parse " "satellite/orbit/date/etc information") parser.add_argument("-i", "--instrument", help="Instrument name in the satellite") if len(sys.argv) <= 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit() else: args = parser.parse_args() # Parse commandline arguments. If args are given, they override # the configuration file. args_dict = vars(args) args_dict = { k: args_dict[k] for k in args_dict if args_dict[k] is not None } config = {} if args.configuration_file is not None: config_fname = args.configuration_file if "template" in config_fname: print("Template file given as trollstalker logging config," " aborting!") sys.exit() cparser = RawConfigParser() config = dict(cparser.items(args.config_item, vars=args_dict)) config.update(args_dict) config.update( {k: config[k].split(",") for k in config if "," in config[k]}) config.setdefault("posttroll_port", "0") try: log_config = config["stalker_log_config"] except KeyError: try: loglevel = getattr(logging, config.get("loglevel", "DEBUG")) if loglevel == "": raise AttributeError except AttributeError: loglevel = logging.DEBUG logger.setLevel(loglevel) rootlogger = logging.getLogger("") rootlogger.setLevel(loglevel) strhndl = logging.StreamHandler() strhndl.setLevel(loglevel) log_format = "[%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s] %(message)s" formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format) strhndl.setFormatter(formatter) rootlogger.addHandler(strhndl) else: logging.config.fileConfig(log_config) logger.debug("Logger started") # Start watching for new files notifier = FilePublisher(config) notifier.start() try: while True: time.sleep(6000000) except KeyboardInterrupt:"Interrupting TrollStalker") finally: notifier.stop()
def main(cli_args=None): if cli_args is not None: args = parser.parse_args(cli_args) else: args = parser.parse_args() logging.config.dictConfig({ 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'formatters': { 'default': { 'format': '%(levelname)s: %(message)s' }, }, 'handlers': { 'default': { 'level': args.log_level, 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'default', }, }, 'loggers': { '': { 'handlers': ['default'], 'level': args.log_level, 'propagate': True, } } }) if args.config is not None: config = load_config(args.config) elif path.exists(path.expanduser(DEFAULT_CONFIG)): config = load_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG) elif path.exists(path.expanduser(OLD_DEFAULT_CONFIG)): config = load_config(OLD_DEFAULT_CONFIG) else: # get default config and print message about missing file config = load_config() if args.backend: config['backends'] = args.backend for backend, backend_options in args.option.items(): if backend is not None: config.setdefault(backend, {}).update(backend_options) if getattr(args, 'func', None) == run_cmd and args.longer_than is None and \ 'longer_than' in config: args.longer_than = config['longer_than'] if args.title is None: args.title = config.get('title', default_title) if hasattr(args, 'func'): message = args.func(args) if message is None: return 0 if emojize is not None and not args.no_emoji: message = emojize(message, use_aliases=True) return notify(message, args.title, config, **dict(args.option.get(None, []))) else: parser.print_help()
def get_config(config_file): """Parse agent config params in specified yaml file and return as Python dict""" with open(config_file) as f: config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # if missing in the config, use following defaults config.setdefault('shuffle_nodes', False) config.setdefault('observation_space', ['ingress_traffic']) # safety checks assert 'objective' in config and config['objective'] in SUPPORTED_OBJECTIVES, \ f"Objective {config['objective']} not recognized. Must be one of {SUPPORTED_OBJECTIVES}, " \ f"recommended default: 'prio-flow'." if config['objective'] == 'prio-flow': assert 'target_success' in config and \ (config['target_success'] == 'auto' or 0 <= config['target_success'] <= 1) if config['objective'] in {'soft-deadline', 'soft-deadline-exp'}: assert 'soft_deadline' in config if config['objective'] == 'soft-deadline-exp': assert 'dropoff' in config and config['dropoff'] > 0, "Use 'soft-deadline' objective for 0 dropoff." if config['objective'] == 'weighted': for weight in ['flow_weight', 'delay_weight', 'node_weight', 'instance_weight']: if weight not in config: logger.warning(f"Using weighted objective, but {weight} not configured. Defaulting to {weight}=0.") config.setdefault('target_success', None) config.setdefault('soft_deadline', None) config.setdefault('dropoff', None) for weight in ['flow_weight', 'delay_weight', 'node_weight', 'instance_weight']: config.setdefault(weight, 0) return config
def _read_config(self, configfile, defaults=None): """Read a configuration file from disk. :param: configfile: the path to a configuration file :para: defaults: default configuration values as a dictionary :returns: configuration values as a dictionary """ # You can't have a dictionary as a default argument for a method: # # python-gotchas/ if not defaults: defaults = {} cp = ConfigParser(defaults=defaults) if not os.path.exists(configfile): raise exceptions.FileNotFound('Configuraton file %s is missing' % configfile) if not cp.sections(): raise exceptions.NoConfigFound( 'The configuration file %s appears to contain no configuration' % configfile) config = self.config = dict([[s, dict(cp.items(s))] for s in cp.sections()]) config.setdefault('main', {})['hostidfile'] = '/etc/opencenter/hostid' config_section = self.config_section if config_section in config: if 'include' in config[config_section]: # import and merge a single file if not os.path.isfile(config[config_section]['include']): raise RuntimeError( 'file %s: include directive %s is not a file' % (configfile, config[config_section]['include'])) config = self.config = self._read_config( config[config_section]['include'], defaults=config) if 'include_dir' in config[config_section]: # import and merge a whole directory if not os.path.isdir(config[config_section]['include_dir']): raise RuntimeError( 'file %s: include_dir directive %s is not a directory' % (configfile, config[config_section]['include_dir'])) for f in sorted( os.listdir(config[config_section]['include_dir'])): if not f.endswith('.conf'):'Skipping file %s because it does ' 'not end in .conf' % f) else: import_file = os.path.join( config[config_section]['include_dir'], f) config = self.config = self._read_config( import_file, defaults=config) # merge in the read config into the exisiting config for section in config: if section in defaults: defaults[section].update(config[section]) else: defaults[section] = config[section] # pass logging config off to logger return defaults
import logging import logging.config import click import yaml from rfexplorer import RFExplorer # TODO: look up implementing a repl that can perform lots of functions without # having to run the cli multiple times # would be usful for quickly searching channels to see if they're in use. with open('logging.yaml') as f: config = yaml.load(f) config.setdefault('version', 1) logging.config.dictConfig(config) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @click.command() @click.option('-p', '--port', prompt='port of the RFExplorer', help='full path for unix, com# for windows') @click.option('-fpv', '--fpv-scan', is_flag=True) def main(port, fpv_scan): """Console script for rfexplorer_api""" try:'wat')
def _read_config(self, configfile, defaults=None): """Read a configuration file from disk. :param: configfile: the path to a configuration file :para: defaults: default configuration values as a dictionary :returns: configuration values as a dictionary """ # You can't have a dictionary as a default argument for a method: # # python-gotchas/ if not defaults: defaults = {} cp = ConfigParser(defaults=defaults) if not os.path.exists(configfile): raise exceptions.FileNotFound( 'Configuraton file %s is missing' % configfile) if not cp.sections(): raise exceptions.NoConfigFound( 'The configuration file %s appears to contain no configuration' % configfile) config = self.config = dict([[s, dict(cp.items(s))] for s in cp.sections()]) config.setdefault('main', {})['hostidfile'] = '/etc/opencenter/hostid' config_section = self.config_section if config_section in config: if 'include' in config[config_section]: # import and merge a single file if not os.path.isfile(config[config_section]['include']): raise RuntimeError( 'file %s: include directive %s is not a file' % ( configfile, config[config_section]['include'])) config = self.config = self._read_config( config[config_section]['include'], defaults=config) if 'include_dir' in config[config_section]: # import and merge a whole directory if not os.path.isdir(config[config_section]['include_dir']): raise RuntimeError( 'file %s: include_dir directive %s is not a directory' % (configfile, config[config_section]['include_dir'])) for f in sorted(os.listdir( config[config_section]['include_dir'])): if not f.endswith('.conf'):'Skipping file %s because it does ' 'not end in .conf' % f) else: import_file = os.path.join( config[config_section]['include_dir'], f) config = self.config = self._read_config( import_file, defaults=config) # merge in the read config into the exisiting config for section in config: if section in defaults: defaults[section].update(config[section]) else: defaults[section] = config[section] # pass logging config off to logger return defaults
def merge_config_before(sender, config): if data.get(EXTENDS_KEYWORD): extend_list = config.setdefault(EXTENDS_KEYWORD, []) extend_list += data[EXTENDS_KEYWORD]
def main(): '''Main(). Commandline parsing and stalker startup.''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-p", "--posttroll_port", dest="posttroll_port", help="Local port where messages are published") parser.add_argument("-t", "--topic", dest="topic", help="Topic of the sent messages") parser.add_argument("-c", "--configuration_file", help="Name of the config.ini configuration file") parser.add_argument("-C", "--config_item", help="Name of the configuration item to use") parser.add_argument("-e", "--event_names", help="Name of the pyinotify events to monitor") parser.add_argument("-f", "--filepattern", help="Filepath pattern used to parse " "satellite/orbit/date/etc information") parser.add_argument("-i", "--instrument", help="Instrument name in the satellite") if len(sys.argv) <= 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit() else: args = parser.parse_args() # Parse commandline arguments. If args are given, they override # the configuration file. args_dict = vars(args) args_dict = {k: args_dict[k] for k in args_dict if args_dict[k] != None} config = {} if args.configuration_file is not None: config_fname = args.configuration_file if "template" in config_fname: print "Template file given as trollstalker logging config," \ " aborting!" sys.exit() cparser = ConfigParser() config = dict(cparser.items(args.config_item, vars=args_dict)) config.update(args_dict) config.update({k: config[k].split(",") for k in config if "," in config[k]}) config.setdefault("posttroll_port", "0") try: log_config = config["stalker_log_config"] except KeyError: try: loglevel = getattr(logging, config.get("loglevel", "DEBUG")) if loglevel == "": raise AttributeError except AttributeError: loglevel = logging.DEBUG LOGGER.setLevel(loglevel) rootlogger = logging.getLogger("") rootlogger.setLevel(loglevel) strhndl = logging.StreamHandler() strhndl.setLevel(loglevel) log_format = "[%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s] %(message)s" formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format) strhndl.setFormatter(formatter) rootlogger.addHandler(strhndl) else: logging.config.fileConfig(log_config) LOGGER.debug("Logger started") # Start watching for new files notifier = FilePublisher(config) notifier.start() try: while True: time.sleep(6000000) except KeyboardInterrupt:"Interrupting TrollStalker") finally: notifier.stop()
def create_loggers( self, log_dir: str, params: List[Dict[str, Any]], disable_existing_loggers: bool = False, ): """Create loggers from configuration""" if self.logger_config is None: config = {} else: config = self.logger_config config.setdefault("loggers", {}) config.setdefault("handlers", {}) config.setdefault("formatters", {}) global_logger_name = "tvm.meta_schedule" global_logger = logging.getLogger(global_logger_name) if global_logger.level is logging.NOTSET: global_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) config["loggers"].setdefault( global_logger_name, { "level": logging._levelToName[ # pylint: disable=protected-access global_logger.level], "handlers": [handler.get_name() for handler in global_logger.handlers] + [ global_logger_name + ".console", global_logger_name + ".file" ], "propagate": False, }, ) config["loggers"].setdefault( "{logger_name}", { "level": "INFO", "handlers": [ "{logger_name}.file", ], "propagate": False, }, ) config["handlers"].setdefault( global_logger_name + ".console", { "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "stream": "ext://sys.stdout", "formatter": "tvm.meta_schedule.standard_formatter", }, ) config["handlers"].setdefault( global_logger_name + ".file", { "class": "logging.FileHandler", "filename": "{log_dir}/" + __name__ + ".task_scheduler.log", "mode": "a", "level": "INFO", "formatter": "tvm.meta_schedule.standard_formatter", }, ) config["handlers"].setdefault( "{logger_name}.file", { "class": "logging.FileHandler", "filename": "{log_dir}/{logger_name}.log", "mode": "a", "level": "INFO", "formatter": "tvm.meta_schedule.standard_formatter", }, ) config["formatters"].setdefault( "tvm.meta_schedule.standard_formatter", { "format": "%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(message)s", "datefmt": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", }, ) # set up dictConfig loggers p_config = { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": disable_existing_loggers } for k, v in config.items(): if k in ["formatters", "handlers", "loggers"]: p_config[k] = batch_parameterize_config(v, params) # type: ignore else: p_config[k] = v logging.config.dictConfig(p_config) # check global logger if global_logger.level not in [logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO]: global_logger.warning( "Logging level set to %s, please set to logging.INFO" " or logging.DEBUG to view full log.", logging._levelToName[global_logger.level], # pylint: disable=protected-access )"Logging directory: %s", log_dir)
def before_extend(self, sender, config): #raise if data.get(EXTENDS_KEYWORD): extend_list = config.setdefault(EXTENDS_KEYWORD, []) extend_list += data[EXTENDS_KEYWORD]