def extract_xml_from_zip(self): """ извлекает выписки из ЕГРН на земельные участки из архива zip, сохраняя исходный архив, удаляя промежуточные архивы и файлы ЭЦП """ self.textBrowser.append("Идёт извлечение выписок xml из архивов...") directory = get_settings('folder_in_xml') files = os.listdir(directory) zipfiles = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.zip'), files)) extract_all_zipfiles(zipfiles, directory) new_files = os.listdir(directory) new_zipfiles = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.zip'), new_files)) for i in new_zipfiles: if i in zipfiles: new_zipfiles.remove(i) extract_all_zipfiles(new_zipfiles, directory) result_files = os.listdir(directory) sig_files = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.sig'), result_files)) for sf in sig_files: os.remove(directory + '//' + sf) for zf in new_zipfiles: if zf not in zipfiles: os.remove(directory + '//' + zf) self.textBrowser.append("Извлечение выписок xml из архивов завершено.") self.textBrowser.append( "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" "---------------------------")
def rename_xml(self): """ переименовывает выписки из ЕГРН на земельные участки в формате: кадастровый номер---дата получения выписки """ self.textBrowser.append("Идёт переименование выписок xml...") directory = get_settings('folder_in_xml') result_files = os.listdir(directory) pb = 0 self.progressBar.setValue(0) count_successful_files = 0 count_unsupported_files = 0 xmlfiles = list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.xml'), result_files)) for file_name in xmlfiles: xml_file_path = directory + "\\" + file_name real_estate_object = None if AbstractRealEstateObject.create_a_real_estate_object( xml_file_path): real_estate_object = AbstractRealEstateObject.create_a_real_estate_object( xml_file_path) if real_estate_object is not None: parcel_kn = real_estate_object.parent_cad_number extract_date = real_estate_object.extract_date pkn = re.sub(':', '-', parcel_kn) ed = re.sub('\.', '-', extract_date) new_name = pkn + '---' + ed + '.xml' new_path = directory + '//' + new_name if file_name != new_name: if not os.path.exists(new_path): os.rename(directory + '//' + file_name, new_path) else: for num in range(2, 100): new_path_double = directory + '//' + pkn + '---' + ed + ' (' + str( num) + ')' + '.xml' if not os.path.exists(new_path_double): os.rename(directory + '//' + file_name, new_path_double) break count_successful_files += 1 else: count_unsupported_files += 1 pb += 1 self.progressBar.setValue((pb / len(xmlfiles)) * 100) files_do_not_require_renaming = len( xmlfiles) - count_successful_files - count_unsupported_files self.textBrowser.append("Готово!") if files_do_not_require_renaming > 0: self.textBrowser.append('Для ' + str(files_do_not_require_renaming) + ' xml-файлов переименование ' 'не требуется') self.textBrowser.append("Переименовано " + str(count_successful_files) + ' xml-файлов') if count_unsupported_files > 0: self.textBrowser.append("Не удалось прочитать " + str(count_unsupported_files) + ' xml-файлов') self.textBrowser.append( "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" "---------------------------")
def video_resize(size, ship=[[[0]]], draw=True): vo.set_screen_size(size[0], size[1]) # refreshes window size # refreshes location of visible assets and the game itself vo.refresh_loc_coords( vo.get_window_size(size[0], size[1])[2], vo.get_window_size(size[0], size[1])[3], lg.get_zustand()) if draw: # displays the menu on the game window vo.draw_screen(lg.get_zustand(), lg.get_background(), lg.get_language(), ship, resource_path, lg.get_task_number(), lg.get_settings())
def start_conv(self): """ запускает конвертирование набора выписок на земельные участки из формата xml в выбранные форматы файлов """ directory = get_settings('folder_in_xml') starting_xmlfiles = list( filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.xml'), os.listdir(directory))) if self.radioButton_zip.isChecked( ) is False and self.radioButton_xml.isChecked() is False: QMessageBox.warning( self, 'Ошибка', "Необходимо выбрать формат обрабатываемых файлов (xml или zip)" ) return False elif self.radioButton_xml.isChecked() is True and len( starting_xmlfiles) == 0: QMessageBox.warning( self, 'Ошибка', "В указанной папке нет выписок из ЕГРН в формате XML") return False elif self.radioButton_zip.isChecked(): self.extract_xml_from_zip() if self.checkBoxRename.isChecked(): self.rename_xml() if self.checkBoxExcel.isChecked() or self.checkBoxShape.isChecked(): xmlfiles = list( filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.xml'), os.listdir(directory))) self.textBrowser.append( "Идёт получение данных из выписок XML и запись в выбранные форматы файлов..." ) start_time = time.time() now = directory_out = get_settings('folder_out_xml') if self.checkBoxExcel.isChecked(): wb = Workbook() ws = fill_1 = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', start_color='c1c1c1', end_color='c2c2c2') font_1 = Font(name='Calibri', size=11, bold=True, italic=False, vertAlign=None, underline='none', strike=False, color='FF000000') # описание стиля границы ячейки в таблице MS Excel border_1 = Border(left=Side(border_style='thin', color='FF000000'), right=Side(border_style='thin', color='FF000000'), top=Side(border_style='thin', color='FF000000'), bottom=Side(border_style='thin', color='FF000000'), diagonal=Side(border_style='thin', color='FF000000'), diagonal_direction=0, outline=Side(border_style='thin', color='FF000000'), vertical=Side(border_style='thin', color='FF000000'), horizontal=Side(border_style='thin', color='FF000000')) ws['A1'] = 'Кадастровый номер' ws['B1'] = 'Кадастровый номер единого землепользования' ws['C1'] = 'Площадь, м2' ws['D1'] = 'Адрес' ws['E1'] = 'Статус' ws['F1'] = 'Категория земель' ws['G1'] = 'Вид разрешенного использования (по документу)' ws['H1'] = 'Правообладатель' ws['I1'] = 'Вид права, номер и дата регистрации' ws['J1'] = 'Ограничения прав и обременения' ws['K1'] = 'Вид ограничения (обременения), номер и дата регистрации, срок действия' ws['L1'] = 'Особые отметки' ws['M1'] = 'Дата постановки на кад. учёт' ws['N1'] = 'Дата получения сведений' ws['O1'] = 'КН расположенных в пределах ЗУ или ОКС объектов недвижимости' ws['P1'] = 'Кадастровая стоимость, руб.' ws['Q1'] = 'Вид объекта недвижимости' for cell_obj in ws['A1':'Q1']: for cell in cell_obj: cell.fill = fill_1 cell.font = font_1 ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 18 ws.column_dimensions['B'].width = 19 ws.column_dimensions['C'].width = 10 ws.column_dimensions['D'].width = 35 ws.column_dimensions['E'].width = 16 ws.column_dimensions['F'].width = 23 ws.column_dimensions['G'].width = 37 ws.column_dimensions['H'].width = 37 ws.column_dimensions['I'].width = 45 ws.column_dimensions['J'].width = 45 ws.column_dimensions['K'].width = 45 ws.column_dimensions['L'].width = 45 ws.column_dimensions['M'].width = 14 ws.column_dimensions['N'].width = 14 ws.column_dimensions['O'].width = 18 ws.column_dimensions['P'].width = 14 ws.column_dimensions['Q'].width = 20 row_numb = 1 if self.checkBoxShape.isChecked(): shp_wr = shapefile.Writer(directory_out + "\\" + 'real_estate_objects_EGRN_' + now.strftime("%d_%m_%Y %H-%M"), shapeType=shapefile.POLYGON, encoding="cp1251") shp_wr.field('CadNumber', 'C', size=20) shp_wr.field('SnglUseCN', 'C', size=20) shp_wr.field('NumOfCont', 'C', size=20) shp_wr.field('Area', 'N', 20, 2) shp_wr.field('Note', 'C', size=255) shp_wr.field('Parcel_St', 'C', size=255) shp_wr.field('Category', 'C', size=255) shp_wr.field('ByDoc', 'C', size=255) shp_wr.field('Owner', 'C', size=255) shp_wr.field('OwnRightN', 'C', size=255) shp_wr.field('Encumbr', 'C', size=255) shp_wr.field('EncRightN', 'C', size=255) shp_wr.field('Special', 'C', size=255) shp_wr.field('DatOfCreat', 'D') shp_wr.field('DateOfGet', 'D') shp_wr.field('EstateObjs', 'C', size=255) shp_wr.field('CadastCost', 'C', size=50) shp_wr.field('Type', 'C', size=60) xml_errors = [] pb = 0 count_successful_files = 0 self.progressBar.setValue(0) for xml_file in xmlfiles: xml_file_path = directory + "\\" + xml_file real_estate_object = None if AbstractRealEstateObject.create_a_real_estate_object( xml_file_path): real_estate_object = AbstractRealEstateObject.create_a_real_estate_object( xml_file_path) if real_estate_object is not None: parent_cad_number = real_estate_object.parent_cad_number entry_parcels = real_estate_object.entry_parcels area = real_estate_object.area # с помощью регулярных выражений удаляем из строк символы табуляции, новой строки # и возврата каретки pattern = "^\s+|\n|\r|\s+$" address = re.sub(pattern, '', real_estate_object.address) status = re.sub(pattern, '', real_estate_object.status) category = real_estate_object.category permitted_use_by_doc = re.sub( pattern, '', real_estate_object.permitted_use_by_doc) owner = re.sub(pattern, '', real_estate_object.owner) own_name_reg_numb_date = real_estate_object.own_name_reg_numb_date encumbrances = re.sub(pattern, '', real_estate_object.encumbrances) encumbrances_name_reg_numb_date_duration = real_estate_object.encumbrances_name_reg_numb_date_duration special_notes = re.sub(pattern, '', real_estate_object.special_notes) date_of_cadastral_reg = real_estate_object.date_of_cadastral_reg extract_date = real_estate_object.extract_date estate_objects = real_estate_object.estate_objects cadastral_cost = real_estate_object.cadastral_cost real_estate_object_type = real_estate_object.type if self.checkBoxReplace.isChecked(): address = to_shorten_a_long_name(address) permitted_use_by_doc = to_shorten_a_long_name( permitted_use_by_doc) owner = to_shorten_a_long_name(owner) encumbrances = to_shorten_a_long_name(encumbrances) special_notes = to_shorten_a_long_name(special_notes) if self.checkBoxShape.isChecked(): geometry = real_estate_object.geometry if geometry != {}: for key, value in geometry.items(): shp_wr.poly(value) inverted_date_of_cadastral_reg = date_of_cadastral_reg.split( ".")[::-1] if inverted_date_of_cadastral_reg != ['']: year1, month1, day1 = inverted_date_of_cadastral_reg else: year1, month1, day1 = 1, 1, 1 inverted_extract_date = extract_date.split( ".")[::-1] if inverted_extract_date != ['']: year2, month2, day2 = inverted_extract_date else: year2, month2, day2 = 1, 1, 1 if'\(', key): shp_cad_number = key[:key.index('(')] num_of_cont = key[key.index('('):] elif not":", key): shp_cad_number = parent_cad_number num_of_cont = key else: shp_cad_number = key num_of_cont = '' if parent_cad_number == shp_cad_number: shp_parent_cad_number = '' else: shp_parent_cad_number = parent_cad_number shp_wr.record( shp_cad_number, shp_parent_cad_number, num_of_cont, float(area), address, status, category, permitted_use_by_doc, owner, own_name_reg_numb_date, encumbrances, encumbrances_name_reg_numb_date_duration, special_notes,, int(month1), int(day1)),, int(month2), int(day2)), estate_objects, cadastral_cost, real_estate_object_type) else: self.textBrowser.append( f'Выписка {xml_file} не содержит координат границ' ) if self.checkBoxExcel.isChecked(): if not entry_parcels: row_numb += 1 ws['A' + str(row_numb)] = parent_cad_number ws['B' + str(row_numb)] = '-' ws['C' + str(row_numb)] = area ws['D' + str(row_numb)] = address ws['E' + str(row_numb)] = status ws['F' + str(row_numb)] = category ws['G' + str(row_numb)] = permitted_use_by_doc ws['H' + str(row_numb)] = owner ws['I' + str(row_numb)] = own_name_reg_numb_date ws['J' + str(row_numb)] = encumbrances ws['K' + str( row_numb )] = encumbrances_name_reg_numb_date_duration ws['L' + str(row_numb)] = special_notes ws['M' + str(row_numb)] = date_of_cadastral_reg ws['N' + str(row_numb)] = extract_date ws['O' + str(row_numb)] = estate_objects ws['P' + str(row_numb)] = cadastral_cost ws['Q' + str(row_numb)] = real_estate_object_type else: for parcel_cad_number in entry_parcels: row_numb += 1 ws['A' + str(row_numb)] = parcel_cad_number ws['B' + str(row_numb)] = parent_cad_number ws['C' + str(row_numb)] = area ws['D' + str(row_numb)] = address ws['E' + str(row_numb)] = status ws['F' + str(row_numb)] = category ws['G' + str(row_numb)] = permitted_use_by_doc ws['H' + str(row_numb)] = owner ws['I' + str(row_numb)] = own_name_reg_numb_date ws['J' + str(row_numb)] = encumbrances ws['K' + str( row_numb )] = encumbrances_name_reg_numb_date_duration ws['L' + str(row_numb)] = special_notes ws['M' + str(row_numb)] = date_of_cadastral_reg ws['N' + str(row_numb)] = extract_date ws['O' + str(row_numb)] = estate_objects ws['P' + str(row_numb)] = cadastral_cost ws['Q' + str(row_numb)] = real_estate_object_type if self.checkBoxShape.isChecked(): pass count_successful_files += 1 else: xml_errors.append(xml_file_path) pb += 1 self.progressBar.setValue((pb / len(xmlfiles)) * 100) if self.checkBoxExcel.isChecked(): for cell_obj in ws['A1':'Q' + str(row_numb)]: for cell in cell_obj: cell.border = border_1 cell.alignment = Alignment( wrapText=True ) # задаёт выравнивание "перенос по словам" + "\\" + now.strftime("%d_%m_%Y %H-%M") + " real_estate_objects_EGRN.xlsx") if self.checkBoxShape.isChecked(): shp_wr.close() self.textBrowser.append( "Получение данных из выписок XML завершено!" + chr(13) + "Результат сохранён в папке " + directory_out) sec = round(float("%s" % (time.time() - start_time))) if sec == 0: sec = 1 self.textBrowser.append("Успешно обработано " + str(count_successful_files) + " файлов за " + str(sec) + " сек.") if len(xml_errors) > 0: self.textBrowser.append("Не обработано " + str(len(xml_errors)) + " файлов:") for err_file in xml_errors: self.textBrowser.append(err_file) self.textBrowser.append( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" "-----------------------------")
def game_loop(settings, running, win, again): """ game loop, allowing for game to be played :param settings: bool; settings loop will be running :param running: bool; game is running :param win: int; player that is currently winning :param again: bool; game will be starting again after this game :return: bool, bool, int, bool; bools for loop management """ def set_settings(): """ activates settings loop allowing for visual changes to be made by the user """ # updates bools to start settings loop nonlocal settings nonlocal running running = False settings = True lg.set_aufgabe("main") # opens main page in menu lg.set_zustand("settings") # sets current loop to current loop while running: # game loop allowing the game to be played for event in pg.event.get( ): # goes through every input occuring while game window is in focus if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # button on mouse was pressed # gets the size of one virtual field field_size = vo.get_window_size(vo.get_screen_size()[0], vo.get_screen_size()[1])[2] button = lg.do_button_mouse_ingame(event.pos[0], event.pos[1], field_size, vo.get_buttons()[1], gaf(), resource_path, save_game) try: # gets coordiantes of the clicked field, whether a field was hit, and the hit field xcoord, ycoord, hit_check, xcoord_2, ycoord_2 = button except ValueError: # instead puts control values for hit fields if none were hit xcoord, ycoord, hit_check, xcoord_2, ycoord_2 = (-1, -1, False, -1, -1) if button == "end": settings = running = False win = 1 elif button == "settings": set_settings() except TypeError: # instead puts control values for hit fields if none were hit xcoord, ycoord, hit_check, xcoord_2, ycoord_2 = (-1, -1, False, -1, -1) if hit_check: # executes hit if a field was hit do_hit_player_input(xcoord_2, ycoord_2) if -1 not in pl.get_last_click(): # checks for control value vo.unclick(pl.get_last_click() ) # unclicks previously clicked field pl.set_angeklicktes_feld(xcoord, ycoord) # refreshes clicked field # displays the game on the game window vo.draw_screen(lg.get_zustand(), lg.get_background(), lg.get_language(), sh.get_ship(), resource_path, lg.get_task_number(), lg.get_settings()) if running: running, win = sh.check_ship_status( ) # checks whether all ships of one player have been destroyed elif event.type == KEYDOWN: # button on keyboard was pressed if event.key == K_ESCAPE: # escape button was pressed set_settings() else: try: # gets coordinates of the selected field xcoord, ycoord = lg.do_button_ingame_keyboard( event.key, resource_path) except TypeError: # sets coordinates to -1 when no field is selected yet xcoord, ycoord = -1, -1 if xcoord != -1 and ycoord != -1: # clicks a new field hit_small_field(1, xcoord, ycoord, resource_path, lg.get_sound_volume(), lg.get_language()) do_hit_player_input( xcoord, ycoord) # hits a field from a player input # displays the game on the game window vo.draw_screen(lg.get_zustand(), lg.get_background(), lg.get_language(), sh.get_ship(), resource_path, lg.get_task_number(), lg.get_settings()) running, win = sh.check_ship_status( ) # checks whether all ships of one player have been destroyed elif event.type == VIDEORESIZE: # checks whether the size of the window got adjusted video_resize(event.size, sh.get_ship()) elif event.type == pg.QUIT: # checks whether the wndow has been closed # ends the program settings = running = again = False win = 2 # sets win to 2, what is used to mark that no player has won the game return settings, running, win, again
def setting(settings, running, win, again): """ settings loop in game, allowing for settings to change that only effect the game visually :param settings: bool; settings loop is running :param running: bool; game loop will be running :param win: int; player that is currently winning :param again: bool; game will be starting again after this game :return: bool, bool, int, bool; updated bools for loop management """ num = 0 other_num = 0 while settings and lg.get_zustand( ) != "end": # settings loop enabling setting changes in game for event in pg.event.get( ): # goes through every input occuring while game window is in focus if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # mouse button was clicked # gets size of one virtual field field_size, orientation = vo.get_window_size( vo.get_screen_size()[0], vo.get_screen_size()[1])[2:] # executes feature of pressed button if there is one button = lg.do_button_start(event.pos[0], event.pos[1], field_size, vo.get_buttons()[0], resource_path) if button == "end": settings = running = False win = 1 if lg.get_aufgabe( ) == "volume": # checks whether a slider is on the screen for slider in vo.get_slides(): # goes through every slider try: if slider.button_rect.collidepoint( event.pos ): # checks whether the slider is pressed slider.hit = True # sets hit to true, so that it will be moved except AttributeError: pass # displays the menu on the game window vo.draw_screen(lg.get_zustand(), lg.get_background(), lg.get_language(), sh.get_ship(), resource_path, lg.get_task_number(), lg.get_settings()) other_num = num # refreshes control number used to fix bug with sliders elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP and num != other_num + 1: # checks whether a mouse button was lifted for slider in vo.get_slides(): # goes through every slider slider.hit = False # sets hit to false, so that it won't be moved # displays the menu on the game window vo.draw_screen(lg.get_zustand(), lg.get_background(), lg.get_language(), sh.get_ship(), resource_path, lg.get_task_number(), lg.get_settings()) elif event.type == VIDEORESIZE: # window size has been adjusted video_resize(event.size, sh.get_ship()) elif event.type == pg.QUIT: # ueberprueft, ob das Fenster geschlossen wurde # ends the program settings = running = again = False win = 2 if lg.get_aufgabe( ) == "volume": # checks whether a slider is on the screen for slider in vo.get_slides(): # goes through every slider if slider.hit: # checks, whether it is hit # moves the slider and thus changes the value of it slider.move( vo.get_window_size(vo.get_screen_size()[0], vo.get_screen_size()[1])[2]) # displays the volume settings on the game window vo.draw_screen(lg.get_zustand(), lg.get_background(), lg.get_language(), sh.get_ship(), resource_path, lg.get_task_number(), lg.get_settings()) elif lg.get_aufgabe() == "stats": update_statistics() # displays the statistics on the game window vo.draw_screen(lg.get_zustand(), lg.get_background(), lg.get_language(), sh.get_ship(), resource_path, lg.get_task_number(), lg.get_settings()) lg.set_aufgabe("statistics") if lg.get_zustand() == "ingame": # game has been started settings = False # continues the game running = True # continues counting, used to fix a bug instantly having a mousebuttonup event after mousebuttondown num += 1 if num > 254: num = 0 try: music.set_volume(lg.get_music_volume() ) # adjusts the volume of the music playing except NameError: # music has not been found pass return settings, running, win, again
def begins(begin, request, running, settings, win, again): """ loop running at the beginning of the game shows a menu, settings can be changed that impact the next game and are saved for future games :param begin: bool; setings loop is running :param request: bool; request loop will run :param running: bool; game loop will run :param settings: bool; settings loop in game will run :param win: int; current winner of the game :param again: bool; game is repeated from the begin loop to allow for another game to b played :return: bool, bool, bool, int, bool; updated bools for loop management """ global start_time # displays the menu on the game window vo.refresh_loc_coords( vo.get_window_size(vo.get_screen_size()[0], vo.get_screen_size()[1])[2], vo.get_window_size(vo.get_screen_size()[0], vo.get_screen_size()[1])[3], lg.get_zustand()) vo.draw_screen(lg.get_zustand(), lg.get_background(), lg.get_language(), [[[0]]], resource_path, lg.get_task_number(), lg.get_settings()) num = 0 other_num = 0 while begin and lg.get_zustand( ) != "end": # begin loop is running and settings can be changed for event in pg.event.get( ): # goes through every input occuring while game window is in focus if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # mouse button was clicked # gets size of one field and orientation field_size, orientation = vo.get_window_size( vo.get_screen_size()[0], vo.get_screen_size()[1])[2:] # executes feature of pressed button if there is one button = lg.do_button_start(event.pos[0], event.pos[1], field_size, vo.get_buttons()[0], resource_path) if button == "end": begin = settings = running = request = again = False # displays the menu on the game window if lg.get_zustand() != "ingame": vo.draw_screen(lg.get_zustand(), lg.get_background(), lg.get_language(), [[[0]]], resource_path, lg.get_task_number(), lg.get_settings()) if lg.get_aufgabe( ) == "volume": # checks whether a slider is on the screen for slider in vo.get_slides(): # goes through every slider try: if slider.button_rect.collidepoint( event.pos ): # checks whether the slider is pressed slider.hit = True # sets hit to true, so that it will be moved except AttributeError: pass other_num = num # refreshes control number used to fix bug with sliders elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP and num != other_num + 1: # checks whether a mouse button was lifted for slider in vo.get_slides(): # goes through every slider slider.hit = False # sets hit to false, so that it won't be moved # displays the menu on the game window vo.draw_screen(lg.get_zustand(), lg.get_background(), lg.get_language(), [[[0]]], resource_path, lg.get_task_number(), lg.get_settings()) elif event.type == VIDEORESIZE: # window size has been adjusted video_resize(event.size) elif event.type == pg.QUIT: # window was closed # ends the program running = begin = settings = request = again = False win = 2 if lg.get_aufgabe() == "stats": update_statistics() # displays the statistics on the game window vo.draw_screen(lg.get_zustand(), lg.get_background(), lg.get_language(), [[[0]]], resource_path, lg.get_task_number(), lg.get_settings()) lg.set_aufgabe("statistics") elif lg.get_aufgabe( ) == "volume": # checks whether a slider is on the screen for slider in vo.get_slides(): # goes through every slider if slider.hit: # checks, whether it is hit # moves the slider and thus changes the value of it slider.move( vo.get_window_size(vo.get_screen_size()[0], vo.get_screen_size()[1])[2]) # displays the volume settings on the game window vo.draw_screen(lg.get_zustand(), lg.get_background(), lg.get_language(), [[[0]]], resource_path, lg.get_task_number(), lg.get_settings()) # continues counting, used to fix a bug instantly having a mousebuttonup event after mousebuttondown num += 1 if num > 254: num = 0 if lg.get_zustand() == "request": # game has been started begin = False # starts the game try: music.set_volume(lg.get_music_volume() ) # adjusts the volume of the music playing except NameError: # music could not be found pass return request, running, settings, win, again