Exemple #1
    def _process_rule(self, a, b):
        # right part first
        if isinstance(b, Logic):
            # a -> b & c    -->  a -> b  ;  a -> c
            # (?) FIXME this is only correct when b & c != null !
            if b.op == '&':
                for barg in b.args:
                    self.process_rule(a, barg)

            # a -> b | c    -->  !b & !c -> !a
            #               -->   a & !b -> c & !b
            #               -->   a & !c -> b & !c
            # NB: the last two rewrites add 1 term, so the rule *grows* in size.
            # NB: without catching terminating conditions this could continue infinitely
            elif b.op == '|':
                # detect tautology first
                if not isinstance(a, Logic):    # Atom
                    # tautology:  a -> a|c|...
                    if a in b.args:
                        raise TautologyDetected(a,b, 'a -> a|c|...')
                self.process_rule(And(*[Not(barg) for barg in b.args]), Not(a))

                for bidx in range(len(b.args)):
                    barg = b.args[bidx]
                    brest= b.args[:bidx] + b.args[bidx+1:]
                    self.process_rule(And(a, Not(barg)),
                                        And(b.__class__(*brest), Not(barg)))
                raise ValueError('unknown b.op %r' % b.op)

        # left part
        elif isinstance(a, Logic):
            # a & b -> c    -->  IRREDUCIBLE CASE -- WE STORE IT AS IS
            #                    (this will be the basis of beta-network)
            if a.op == '&':
                assert not isinstance(b, Logic)
                if b in a.args:
                    raise TautologyDetected(a,b, 'a & b -> a')
                # XXX NOTE at present we ignore  !c -> !a | !b

            elif a.op == '|':
                if b in a.args:
                    raise TautologyDetected(a,b, 'a | b -> a')
                for aarg in a.args:
                    self.process_rule(aarg, b)
                raise ValueError('unknown a.op %r' % a.op)
            # both `a` and `b` are atoms
            na, nb = name_not(a), name_not(b)
            self.proved_rules.append((a,b))     # a  -> b
            self.proved_rules.append((nb,na))   # !b -> !a
Exemple #2
    def _process_rule(self, a, b):
        # right part first
        if isinstance(b, Logic):
            # a -> b & c    -->  a -> b  ;  a -> c
            # (?) FIXME this is only correct when b & c != null !
            if b.op == '&':
                for barg in b.args:
                    self.process_rule(a, barg)

            # a -> b | c    -->  !b & !c -> !a
            #               -->   a & !b -> c & !b
            #               -->   a & !c -> b & !c
            # NB: the last two rewrites add 1 term, so the rule *grows* in size.
            # NB: without catching terminating conditions this could continue infinitely
            elif b.op == '|':
                # detect tautology first
                if not isinstance(a, Logic):  # Atom
                    # tautology:  a -> a|c|...
                    if a in b.args:
                        raise TautologyDetected(a, b, 'a -> a|c|...')
                self.process_rule(And(*[Not(barg) for barg in b.args]), Not(a))

                for bidx in range(len(b.args)):
                    barg = b.args[bidx]
                    brest = b.args[:bidx] + b.args[bidx + 1:]
                    self.process_rule(And(a, Not(barg)),
                                      And(b.__class__(*brest), Not(barg)))
                raise ValueError('unknown b.op %r' % b.op)

        # left part
        elif isinstance(a, Logic):
            # a & b -> c    -->  IRREDUCIBLE CASE -- WE STORE IT AS IS
            #                    (this will be the basis of beta-network)
            if a.op == '&':
                assert not isinstance(b, Logic)
                if b in a.args:
                    raise TautologyDetected(a, b, 'a & b -> a')
                self.proved_rules.append((a, b))
                # XXX NOTE at present we ignore  !c -> !a | !b

            elif a.op == '|':
                if b in a.args:
                    raise TautologyDetected(a, b, 'a | b -> a')
                for aarg in a.args:
                    self.process_rule(aarg, b)
                raise ValueError('unknown a.op %r' % a.op)
            # both `a` and `b` are atoms
            na, nb = name_not(a), name_not(b)
            self.proved_rules.append((a, b))  # a  -> b
            self.proved_rules.append((nb, na))  # !b -> !a
Exemple #3
def deduce_alpha_implications(implications):
    """deduce all implications

       Description by example

       given set of logic rules:

         a -> b
         b -> c

       we deduce all possible rules:

         a -> b, c
         b -> c

       implications: [] of (a,b)
       return:       {} of a -> [b, c, ...]
    res = {}
    for a, b in implications:
        if a == b:
            continue  # skip a->a cyclic input

        I = res.setdefault(a, [])
        list_populate(I, b)

        # UC:  -------------------------
        #     |                         |
        #     v                         |
        # a='rat' -> b='real' ==> (a_='int') -> 'real'
        for a_ in res:
            ra_ = res[a_]
            if a in ra_:
                list_populate(ra_, b, skipif=a_)

        # UC:
        # a='pos' -> b='real' && (already have b='real' -> 'complex')
        #                   ||
        #                   vv
        # a='pos' -> 'complex'
        if b in res:
            ra = res[a]
            for b_ in res[b]:
                list_populate(ra, b_, skipif=a)

    # let's see if the result is consistent
    for a, impl in res.iteritems():
        na = name_not(a)
        if na in impl:
            raise ValueError('implications are inconsistent: %s -> %s %s' %
                             (a, na, impl))

    return res
Exemple #4
def deduce_alpha_implications(implications):
    """deduce all implications

       Description by example

       given set of logic rules:

         a -> b
         b -> c

       we deduce all possible rules:

         a -> b, c
         b -> c

       implications: [] of (a,b)
       return:       {} of a -> [b, c, ...]
    res = {}
    for a,b in implications:
        if a == b:
            continue    # skip a->a cyclic input

        I = res.setdefault(a,[])

        # UC:  -------------------------
        #     |                         |
        #     v                         |
        # a='rat' -> b='real' ==> (a_='int') -> 'real'
        for a_ in res:
            ra_ = res[a_]
            if a in ra_:
                list_populate(ra_, b, skipif=a_)

        # UC:
        # a='pos' -> b='real' && (already have b='real' -> 'complex')
        #                   ||
        #                   vv
        # a='pos' -> 'complex'
        if b in res:
            ra = res[a]
            for b_ in res[b]:
                list_populate(ra, b_, skipif=a)

    # let's see if the result is consistent
    for a, impl in res.iteritems():
        na = name_not(a)
        if na in impl:
            raise ValueError('implications are inconsistent: %s -> %s %s' % (a, na, impl))

    return res
Exemple #5
def deduce_alpha_implications(implications):
    """deduce all implications

       Description by example

       given set of logic rules:

         a -> b
         b -> c

       we deduce all possible rules:

         a -> b, c
         b -> c

       implications: [] of (a,b)
       return:       {} of a -> set([b, c, ...])
    res = defaultdict(set)
    for a, b in implications:
        if a == b:
            continue  # skip a->a cyclic input


        # (x >> a) & (a >> b) => x >> b
        for fact in res:
            implied = res[fact]
            if a in implied:

        # (a >> b) & (b >> x) => a >> x
        if b in res:
            res[a] |= res[b]

    # Clean up tautologies and check consistency
    for a, impl in res.iteritems():
        na = name_not(a)
        if na in impl:
            raise ValueError('implications are inconsistent: %s -> %s %s' %
                             (a, na, impl))

    return res
Exemple #6
def deduce_alpha_implications(implications):
    """deduce all implications

       Description by example

       given set of logic rules:

         a -> b
         b -> c

       we deduce all possible rules:

         a -> b, c
         b -> c

       implications: [] of (a,b)
       return:       {} of a -> set([b, c, ...])
    res = defaultdict(set)
    for a, b in implications:
        if a == b:
            continue    # skip a->a cyclic input


        # (x >> a) & (a >> b) => x >> b
        for fact in res:
            implied = res[fact]
            if a in implied:

        # (a >> b) & (b >> x) => a >> x
        if b in res:
            res[a] |= res[b]

    # Clean up tautologies and check consistency
    for a, impl in res.iteritems():
        na = name_not(a)
        if na in impl:
            raise ValueError('implications are inconsistent: %s -> %s %s' % (a, na, impl))

    return res
Exemple #7
    def deduce_all_facts(self, facts, base=None):
        """Deduce all facts from known facts ({} or [] of (k,v))

           * This is the workhorse, so keep it *fast*. *

           base  --  previously known facts (must be: fully deduced set)
                     attention: base is modified *in place*  /optional/

           providing `base` could be needed for performance reasons -- we don't
           want to spend most of the time just re-deducing base from base
           (e.g. #base=50, #facts=2)
        # keep frequently used attributes locally, so we'll avoid extra
        # attribute access overhead
        rels = self.rels
        beta_rules = self.beta_rules

        if base is not None:
            new_facts = base
            new_facts = {}

        # XXX better name ?
        def x_new_facts(keys, v):
            for k in keys:
                if k in new_facts and new_facts[k] is not None:
                    assert new_facts[k] == v, \
                            ('inconsistency between facts', new_facts, k, v)
                    new_facts[k] = v

        if type(facts) is dict:
            fseq = facts.iteritems()
            fseq = facts

        while True:
            beta_maytrigger = set()

            # --- alpha chains ---
            #print '**'
            for k,v in fseq:
                #print '--'

                # first, convert name to be not a not-name
                if k[:1] == '!':
                    k = name_not(k)
                    v = fuzzy_not(v)

                #new_fact(k, v)
                if k in new_facts:
                    assert new_facts[k] is None or new_facts[k] == v, \
                            ('inconsistency between facts', new_facts, k, v)
                    # performance-wise it is important not to fire implied rules
                    # for already-seen fact -- we already did them all.
                    new_facts[k] = v

                # some known fact -- let's follow its implications
                if v is not None:
                    # lookup routing tables
                        tt, tf, tbeta,  ft, ff, fbeta = rels[k]
                    except KeyError:
                        # Now we have routing tables with *all* the needed
                        # implications for this k. This means we do not have to
                        # process each implications recursively!
                        # XXX this ^^^ is true only for alpha chains

                        # k=T
                        if v:
                            x_new_facts(tt, True)   # k -> i
                            x_new_facts(tf, False)  # k -> !i


                        # k=F
                            x_new_facts(ft, True)   # !k -> i
                            x_new_facts(ff, False)  # !k -> !i


            # --- beta chains ---

            # if no beta-rules may trigger -- it's an end-of-story
            if not beta_maytrigger:
            #print '(β) MayTrigger: %s' % beta_maytrigger

            fseq = []

            # XXX this is dumb proof-of-concept trigger -- we'll need to optimize it
            # let's see which beta-rules to trigger
            for bidx in beta_maytrigger:
                bcond,bimpl = beta_rules[bidx]

                # let's see whether bcond is satisfied
                for bk in bcond.args:
                        if bk[:1] == '!':
                            bv = fuzzy_not(new_facts[bk[1:]])
                            bv = new_facts[bk]
                    except KeyError:
                        break   # fact not found -- bcond not satisfied

                    # one of bcond's condition does not hold
                    if not bv:

                    # all of bcond's condition hold -- let's fire this beta rule
                    #print '(β) Trigger #%i  (%s)' % (bidx, bimpl)

                    if bimpl[:1] == '!':
                        bimpl = bimpl[1:]
                        v = False
                        v = True
                    fseq.append( (bimpl,v) )
        return new_facts
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, rules):
        """Compile rules into internal lookup tables"""

        if isinstance(rules, basestring):
            rules = rules.splitlines()

        # --- parse and process rules ---
        P = Prover()

        for rule in rules:
            # XXX `a` is hardcoded to be always atom
            a, op, b = rule.split(None, 2)

            a = Logic.fromstring(a)
            b = Logic.fromstring(b)

            if   op == '->':
                P.process_rule(a, b)
            elif op == '==':
                P.process_rule(a, b)
                P.process_rule(b, a)
                raise ValueError('unknown op %r' % op)


        # --- build deduction networks ---

        # deduce alpha implications
        impl_a = deduce_alpha_implications(P.rules_alpha)

        # now:
        # - apply beta rules to alpha chains  (static extension), and
        # - further associate beta rules to alpha chain (for inference at runtime)
        impl_ab = apply_beta_to_alpha_route(impl_a, P.rules_beta)

        if 0:
            print '\n --- ALPHA-CHAINS (I) ---'

            for a,b in impl_a.iteritems():
                print '%s\t->  α(%2i):%s' % (a,len(b),b)

            print '   - - - - -   '

        if 0:
            print '\n --- ALPHA-CHAINS (II) ---'

            for a,(b,bb) in impl_ab.iteritems():
                print '%s\t->  α(%2i):%s  β(%s)' % (a,len(b),b, ' '.join(str(x) for x in bb))

            print '   - - - - -   '

        # extract defined fact names
        self.defined_facts = set()

        for k in impl_ab.keys():
            if k[:1] == '!':
                k = k[1:]


        #print 'defined facts:  (%2i)  %s' % (len(self.defined_facts), self.defined_facts)

        # now split each rule into four logic chains
        # (removing betaidxs from impl_ab view) (XXX is this needed?)
        impl_ab_ = dict( (k,impl)  for k, (impl,betaidxs) in impl_ab.iteritems())
        rel_tt, rel_tf, rel_ft, rel_ff = split_rules_tt_tf_ft_ff(impl_ab_)

        # XXX merge me with split_rules_tt_tf_ft_ff ?
        rel_tbeta = {}
        rel_fbeta = {}

        for k, (impl,betaidxs) in impl_ab.iteritems():
            if k[:1] == '!':
                rel_xbeta = rel_fbeta
                k         = name_not(k)
                rel_xbeta = rel_tbeta

            rel_xbeta[k] = betaidxs

        self.rel_tt = rel_tt
        self.rel_tf = rel_tf
        self.rel_tbeta  = rel_tbeta
        self.rel_ff = rel_ff
        self.rel_ft = rel_ft
        self.rel_fbeta  = rel_fbeta

        self.beta_rules = P.rules_beta

        # build rels (forward chains)
        K = set (rel_tt.keys())

        rels = {}
        empty= ()
        for k in K:
            tt = rel_tt.get(k,empty)
            tf = rel_tf.get(k,empty)
            ft = rel_ft.get(k,empty)
            ff = rel_ff.get(k,empty)

            tbeta = rel_tbeta.get(k,empty)
            fbeta = rel_fbeta.get(k,empty)

            rels[k] = tt, tf, tbeta,  ft, ff, fbeta

        self.rels = rels

        # build prereq (backward chains)
        prereq = {}
        for rel in [rel_tt, rel_tf, rel_ff, rel_ft]:
            rel_prereq = rules_2prereq(rel)
            for k,pitems in rel_prereq.iteritems():
                kp = prereq.setdefault(k,[])
                for p in pitems:
                    list_populate(kp, p)

        self.prereq = prereq
Exemple #9
def deduce_alpha_implications(implications):
    """deduce all implications

       Description by example

       given set of logic rules:

         a -> b
         b -> c

       we deduce all possible rules:

         a -> b, c
         b -> c

       implications: [] of (a,b)
       return:       {} of a -> [b, c, ...]

    res = {} # a -> [] of implications(a)

    # NOTE: this could be optimized with e.g. toposort (?), but we need this
    # only at FactRules creation time (i.e. only once), so there is no demand
    # in further optimising this.
    for a,b in implications:
        if a==b:
            continue    # skip a->a cyclic input

        I = res.setdefault(a,[])

        # UC:  -------------------------
        #     |                         |
        #     v                         |
        # a='rat' -> b='real' ==> (a_='int') -> 'real'
        for a_ in res:
            ra_ = res[a_]
            if a in ra_:
                list_populate(ra_, b, skipif=a_)

        # UC:
        # a='pos' -> b='real' && (already have b='real' -> 'complex')
        #                   ||
        #                   vv
        # a='pos' -> 'complex'
        if b in res:
            ra = res[a]
            for b_ in res[b]:
                list_populate(ra, b_, skipif=a)

    #print 'D:', res

    # let's see if the result is consistent
    for a, impl in res.iteritems():
        na = name_not(a)
        if na in impl:
            raise ValueError('implications are inconsistent: %s -> %s %s' % (a, na, impl))

    return res
Exemple #10
    def deduce_all_facts(self, facts, base=None):
        """Deduce all facts from known facts ({} or [] of (k,v))

           * This is the workhorse, so keep it *fast*. *

           base  --  previously known facts (must be: fully deduced set)
                     attention: base is modified *in place*  /optional/

           providing `base` could be needed for performance reasons -- we don't
           want to spend most of the time just re-deducing base from base
           (e.g. #base=50, #facts=2)
        # keep frequently used attributes locally, so we'll avoid extra
        # attribute access overhead
        rels = self.rels
        beta_rules = self.beta_rules
        if base is None:
            new_facts = {}
            new_facts = base

        def x_new_facts(keys, v):
            for k in keys:
                if k in new_facts and new_facts[k] is not None:
                    assert new_facts[k] == v, \
                            ('inconsistency between facts', new_facts, k, v)
                    new_facts[k] = v

        if type(facts) is dict:
            fseq = facts.iteritems()
            fseq = facts

        while True:
            beta_maytrigger = set()

            # --- alpha chains ---
            for k, v in fseq:
                # first, convert name to be not a not-name
                if k[:1] == '!':
                    k = name_not(k)
                    v = fuzzy_not(v)

                #new_fact(k, v)
                if k in new_facts:
                    assert new_facts[k] is None or new_facts[k] == v, \
                            ('inconsistency between facts', new_facts, k, v)
                    # performance-wise it is important not to fire implied rules
                    # for already-seen fact -- we already did them all.
                    new_facts[k] = v

                # some known fact -- let's follow its implications
                if v is not None:
                    # lookup routing tables
                        tt, tf, tbeta, ft, ff, fbeta = rels[k]
                    except KeyError:
                        # Now we have routing tables with *all* the needed
                        # implications for this k. This means we do not have to
                        # process each implications recursively!
                        # XXX this ^^^ is true only for alpha chains

                        # k=T
                        if v:
                            x_new_facts(tt, True)  # k -> i
                            x_new_facts(tf, False)  # k -> !i


                        # k=F
                            x_new_facts(ft, True)  # !k -> i
                            x_new_facts(ff, False)  # !k -> !i


            # --- beta chains ---

            # if no beta-rules may trigger -- it's an end-of-story
            if not beta_maytrigger:
            fseq = []
            # let's see which beta-rules to trigger
            for bidx in beta_maytrigger:
                bcond, bimpl = beta_rules[bidx]
                # let's see whether bcond is satisfied
                for bk in bcond.args:
                        if bk[:1] == '!':
                            bv = fuzzy_not(new_facts[bk[1:]])
                            bv = new_facts[bk]
                    except KeyError:
                        break  # fact not found -- bcond not satisfied
                    # one of bcond's condition does not hold
                    if not bv:
                    # all of bcond's condition hold -- let's fire this beta rule
                    if bimpl[:1] == '!':
                        bimpl = bimpl[1:]
                        v = False
                        v = True
                    fseq.append((bimpl, v))
        return new_facts
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, rules):
        """Compile rules into internal lookup tables"""

        if isinstance(rules, basestring):
            rules = rules.splitlines()

        # --- parse and process rules ---
        P = Prover()

        for rule in rules:
            # XXX `a` is hardcoded to be always atom
            a, op, b = rule.split(None, 2)

            a = Logic.fromstring(a)
            b = Logic.fromstring(b)

            if op == '->':
                P.process_rule(a, b)
            elif op == '==':
                P.process_rule(a, b)
                P.process_rule(b, a)
                raise ValueError('unknown op %r' % op)

        # --- build deduction networks ---

        # deduce alpha implications
        impl_a = deduce_alpha_implications(P.rules_alpha)

        # now:
        # - apply beta rules to alpha chains  (static extension), and
        # - further associate beta rules to alpha chain (for inference at runtime)
        impl_ab = apply_beta_to_alpha_route(impl_a, P.rules_beta)

        # extract defined fact names
        self.defined_facts = set()

        for k in impl_ab.keys():
            if k[:1] == '!':
                k = k[1:]

        # now split each rule into four logic chains
        # (removing betaidxs from impl_ab view) (XXX is this needed?)
        impl_ab_ = dict(
            (k, impl) for k, (impl, betaidxs) in impl_ab.iteritems())
        rel_tt, rel_tf, rel_ft, rel_ff = split_rules_tt_tf_ft_ff(impl_ab_)
        rel_tbeta = {}
        rel_fbeta = {}
        for k, (impl, betaidxs) in impl_ab.iteritems():
            if k[:1] == '!':
                rel_xbeta = rel_fbeta
                k = name_not(k)
                rel_xbeta = rel_tbeta
            rel_xbeta[k] = betaidxs

        self.rel_tt = rel_tt
        self.rel_tf = rel_tf
        self.rel_tbeta = rel_tbeta
        self.rel_ff = rel_ff
        self.rel_ft = rel_ft
        self.rel_fbeta = rel_fbeta

        self.beta_rules = P.rules_beta

        # build rels (forward chains)
        K = set(rel_tt.keys())

        rels = {}
        empty = ()
        for k in K:
            tt = rel_tt.get(k, empty)
            tf = rel_tf.get(k, empty)
            ft = rel_ft.get(k, empty)
            ff = rel_ff.get(k, empty)

            tbeta = rel_tbeta.get(k, empty)
            fbeta = rel_fbeta.get(k, empty)

            rels[k] = tt, tf, tbeta, ft, ff, fbeta

        self.rels = rels

        # build prereq (backward chains)
        prereq = {}
        for rel in [rel_tt, rel_tf, rel_ff, rel_ft]:
            rel_prereq = rules_2prereq(rel)
            for k, pitems in rel_prereq.iteritems():
                kp = prereq.setdefault(k, [])
                for p in pitems:
                    list_populate(kp, p)
        self.prereq = prereq
Exemple #12
def deduce_alpha_implications(implications):
    """deduce all implications

       Description by example

       given set of logic rules:

         a -> b
         b -> c

       we deduce all possible rules:

         a -> b, c
         b -> c

       implications: [] of (a,b)
       return:       {} of a -> [b, c, ...]

    res = {} # a -> [] of implications(a)

    # NOTE: this could be optimized with e.g. toposort (?), but we need this
    # only at FactRules creation time (i.e. only once), so there is no demand
    # in further optimising this.
    for a,b in implications:
        if a==b:
            continue    # skip a->a cyclic input

        I = res.setdefault(a,[])

        # UC:  -------------------------
        #     |                         |
        #     v                         |
        # a='rat' -> b='real' ==> (a_='int') -> 'real'
        for a_ in res:
            ra_ = res[a_]
            if a in ra_:
                list_populate(ra_, b, skipif=a_)

        # UC:
        # a='pos' -> b='real' && (already have b='real' -> 'complex')
        #                   ||
        #                   vv
        # a='pos' -> 'complex'
        if b in res:
            ra = res[a]
            for b_ in res[b]:
                list_populate(ra, b_, skipif=a)

    #print 'D:', res

    # let's see if the result is consistent
    for a, impl in res.iteritems():
        na = name_not(a)
        if na in impl:
            raise ValueError('implications are inconsistent: %s -> %s %s' % (a, na, impl))

    return res
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, rules):
        """Compile rules into internal lookup tables"""

        if isinstance(rules, basestring):
            rules = rules.splitlines()

        # --- parse and process rules ---
        P = Prover()

        for rule in rules:
            # XXX `a` is hardcoded to be always atom
            a, op, b = rule.split(None, 2)

            a = Logic.fromstring(a)
            b = Logic.fromstring(b)

            if op == '->':
                P.process_rule(a, b)
            elif op == '==':
                P.process_rule(a, b)
                P.process_rule(b, a)
                raise ValueError('unknown op %r' % op)

        # --- build deduction networks ---

        # deduce alpha implications
        impl_a = deduce_alpha_implications(P.rules_alpha)

        # now:
        # - apply beta rules to alpha chains  (static extension), and
        # - further associate beta rules to alpha chain (for inference at runtime)
        impl_ab = apply_beta_to_alpha_route(impl_a, P.rules_beta)

        # extract defined fact names
        self.defined_facts = set()

        for k in impl_ab.keys():
            if k[:1] == '!':
                k = k[1:]

        # now split each rule into four logic chains
        # (removing betaidxs from impl_ab view) (XXX is this needed?)
        impl_ab_ = dict( (k,impl)  for k, (impl,betaidxs) in impl_ab.iteritems())
        rel_tt, rel_tf, rel_ft, rel_ff = split_rules_tt_tf_ft_ff(impl_ab_)
        rel_tbeta = {}
        rel_fbeta = {}
        for k, (impl,betaidxs) in impl_ab.iteritems():
            if k[:1] == '!':
                rel_xbeta = rel_fbeta
                k = name_not(k)
                rel_xbeta = rel_tbeta
            rel_xbeta[k] = betaidxs

        self.rel_tt = rel_tt
        self.rel_tf = rel_tf
        self.rel_tbeta  = rel_tbeta
        self.rel_ff = rel_ff
        self.rel_ft = rel_ft
        self.rel_fbeta  = rel_fbeta

        self.beta_rules = P.rules_beta

        # build rels (forward chains)
        K = set (rel_tt.keys())

        rels = {}
        empty= ()
        for k in K:
            tt = rel_tt[k]
            tf = rel_tf[k]
            ft = rel_ft[k]
            ff = rel_ff[k]

            tbeta = rel_tbeta.get(k,empty)
            fbeta = rel_fbeta.get(k,empty)

            rels[k] = tt, tf, tbeta,  ft, ff, fbeta

        self.rels = rels

        # build prereq (backward chains)
        prereq = defaultdict(set)
        for rel in [rel_tt, rel_tf, rel_ff, rel_ft]:
            rel_prereq = rules_2prereq(rel)
            for k, pitems in rel_prereq.iteritems():
                prereq[k] |= pitems
        self.prereq = prereq