def block(self, diag: Diagram, j: int, p: Phase, trace: Optional[RelaxedTrace] = None, safety_goal: bool = True) -> Union[Blocked, CexFound]: if trace is None: trace = [] if j == 0 or (j == 1 and self.valid_in_initial_frame( self.solver, p, diag) is not None): if safety_goal: utils.logger.always_print('\n'.join( ((t.pp() + ' ') if t is not None else '') + str(diag) for t, diag in trace)) print( 'abstract counterexample: the system has no universal inductive invariant proving safety' ) # TODO: placeholder for analyzing relaxed trace # import relaxed_traces # print(relaxed_traces.diagram_trace_to_explicitly_relaxed_trace(trace, phases.phase_safety(p))) if utils.args.checkpoint_out: self.store_frames(utils.args.checkpoint_out) raise AbstractCounterexample() else: if utils.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): utils.logger.debug('failed to block diagram') return CexFound() while True: with utils.LogTag(utils.logger, 'block-attempt'): if utils.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): utils.logger.debug('blocking diagram in frame %s' % j) utils.logger.debug(str(diag)) self.print_frame(j - 1, lvl=logging.DEBUG) res, x = self.find_predecessor(self[j - 1], p, diag) if res == z3.unsat: utils.logger.debug('no predecessor: blocked!') assert x is None or isinstance(x, MySet) core: Optional[MySet[int]] = x self.augment_core_for_init(p, diag, core) break assert isinstance(x, tuple), (res, x) trans, (pre_phase, pre_diag) = x trace.append((trans, pre_diag)) ans = self.block(pre_diag, j - 1, pre_phase, trace, safety_goal) if not isinstance(ans, Blocked): return ans trace.pop() if utils.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and core is not None: utils.logger.debug('core %s' % core) utils.logger.debug('unminimized diag\n%s' % diag) diag.minimize_from_core(core) diag.generalize(self.solver, self[j - 1], self.automaton.transitions_to_grouped_by_src(p), p == self.automaton.init_phase(), j) e = syntax.Not(diag.to_ast()) if utils.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): utils.logger.debug( 'adding new clause to frames 0 through %d phase %s' % (j, if utils.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):"[%d] %s" % (j, str(e))) self.add(p, e, j) utils.logger.debug("Done blocking") return Blocked()
def block(self, diag: Diagram, j: int, p: Phase, trace: Optional[List[Tuple[Optional[PhaseTransition], Union[Diagram, Expr]]]] = None, safety_goal: bool = True) -> Union[Blocked, CexFound]: if trace is None: trace = [] if j == 0 or (j == 1 and self.valid_in_initial_frame( self.solver, p, diag) is not None): if safety_goal: utils.logger.always_print('\n'.join( ((t.pp() + ' ') if t is not None else '') + str(diag) for t, diag in trace)) print('abstract counterexample') raise Exception('abstract counterexample') else: if utils.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): utils.logger.debug('failed to block diagram') # utils.logger.debug(str(diag)) return CexFound() # print fs while True: with utils.LogTag(utils.logger, 'block-attempt'): if utils.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): utils.logger.debug('blocking diagram in frame %s' % j) utils.logger.debug(str(diag)) self.print_frame(j - 1, lvl=logging.DEBUG) res, x = self.find_predecessor(self[j - 1], p, diag) if res == z3.unsat: utils.logger.debug('no predecessor: blocked!') assert x is None or isinstance(x, MySet) core: Optional[MySet[int]] = x self.augment_core_for_init(p, diag, core) break assert isinstance(x, tuple), (res, x) trans, (pre_phase, pre_diag) = x trace.append((trans, pre_diag)) ans = self.block(pre_diag, j - 1, pre_phase, trace, safety_goal) if not isinstance(ans, Blocked): return ans trace.pop() if utils.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and core is not None: utils.logger.debug('core %s' % core) utils.logger.debug('unminimized diag\n%s' % diag) diag.minimize_from_core(core) diag.generalize(self.solver, self[j - 1], self.automaton.transitions_to_grouped_by_src(p), p == self.automaton.init_phase(), j) e = syntax.Not(diag.to_ast()) if utils.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): utils.logger.debug( 'adding new clause to frames 0 through %d phase %s' % (j, if utils.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):"[%d] %s" % (j, str(e))) self.add(p, e, j) utils.logger.debug("Done blocking") return Blocked()