Exemple #1
def nnCostFunction(nn_params, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels,
                   X, y, lamb):
    # cost function for a two-layer neural network (input, hidden, output)
    # nn_params is a vector of unrolled parameters for the neural network-> to be converted back into weight matrices
    # return parameters: grad is the unrolled vector of the partial derivatives of the neural network

    #first step: reshape the nn_params vector back into weight matrices Theta1 and Theta2 for the two layers
    Theta1 = nn_params[0:hidden_layer_size * (input_layer_size + 1)].reshape(
        (hidden_layer_size, input_layer_size + 1))
    Theta2 = nn_params[hidden_layer_size * (input_layer_size + 1):].reshape(
        (num_labels, hidden_layer_size + 1))
    m = len(X[:, 0])
    J = 0
    Theta1_grad = np.zeros(Theta1.shape)
    Theta2_grad = np.zeros(Theta2.shape)
    # start forward propagation
    # print Theta1[0:3,0:3]
    # print Theta2[0:3,0:3]
    # print X[0:3,0:3]
    # exit()
    X = np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), X))
    z2 = Theta1.dot(X.T)
    a2 = lg.sigmoid(z2)
    a2 = np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), a2.T))
    z3 = Theta2.dot(a2.T)
    htheta = lg.sigmoid(z3)
    htheta = htheta.T
    # start backpropagation: need approximate gradient for the neural network cost function
    delta3 = np.zeros((num_labels, 1))
    delta2 = np.zeros((hidden_layer_size, 1))
    for i in range(0, m):
        for k in range(0, num_labels):
            state_check = (int(y[i]) == k)
            J = J + (-state_check * np.log(htheta[i, k]) -
                     (1 - state_check) * np.log(1 - htheta[i, k]))
            delta3[k] = htheta[i, k] - state_check
        Theta2_grad[:, :] = Theta2_grad[:, :] + delta3.dot(a2[i:i + 1, :])
        delta2[:] = np.transpose(Theta2[:, 1:]).dot(delta3)
        delta2[:] = delta2 * lg.sigmoidGradient(z2[:, i:i + 1])
        Theta1_grad = Theta1_grad + delta2.dot(X[i:i + 1, :])
    J = J / (float(m))
    J = J + lamb * (np.sum(Theta1[:, 1:]**2, axis=None, dtype=np.float64) +
                    np.sum(Theta2[:, 1:]**2, axis=None, dtype=np.float64)) / (
                        2 * float(m))
    Theta1_grad[:, 1:] = Theta1_grad[:, 1:] + lamb * Theta1[:, 1:]
    Theta2_grad[:, 1:] = Theta2_grad[:, 1:] + lamb * Theta2[:, 1:]
    Theta1_grad = Theta1_grad / float(m)
    Theta2_grad = Theta2_grad / float(m)
    # unroll gradients
    grad = np.hstack((Theta1_grad.flatten(), Theta2_grad.flatten()))
    return (J, grad)
Exemple #2
def nnCostFunction_vectorized(nn_params, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size,
                              num_labels, X, y, lamb):
    # cost function for a two-layer neural network (input, hidden, output)
    # nn_params is a vector of unrolled parameters for the neural network-> to be converted back into weight matrices
    # return parameters: grad is the unrolled vector of the partial derivatives of the neural network

    #first step: reshape the nn_params vector back into weight matrices Theta1 and Theta2 for the two layers
    Theta1 = nn_params[0:hidden_layer_size * (input_layer_size + 1)].reshape(
        (hidden_layer_size, input_layer_size + 1))
    Theta2 = nn_params[hidden_layer_size * (input_layer_size + 1):].reshape(
        (num_labels, hidden_layer_size + 1))
    m = len(X[:, 0])
    J = 0
    Theta1_grad = np.zeros(Theta1.shape)
    Theta2_grad = np.zeros(Theta2.shape)
    # start forward propagation
    # print Theta1[0:3,0:3]
    # print Theta2[0:3,0:3]
    # print X[0:3,0:3]
    # exit()
    X = np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), X))
    z2 = Theta1.dot(X.T)
    a2 = lg.sigmoid(z2)
    a2 = np.hstack((np.ones((m, 1)), a2.T))
    z3 = Theta2.dot(a2.T)
    htheta = lg.sigmoid(z3)
    htheta = htheta.T
    # start backpropagation: need approximate gradient for the neural network cost function
    y_matrix = []
    eye_matrix = np.eye(num_labels)
    for i in range(len(y)):
        y_matrix.append(eye_matrix[int(y[i]), :])
    y_matrix = np.array(y_matrix)
    J = np.sum(-np.multiply(y_matrix, np.log(htheta)) - np.multiply(
        (1 - y_matrix), np.log(1 - htheta)),
    J = J + lamb * (np.sum(Theta1[:, 1:]**2, axis=None, dtype=np.float64) + np.
                    sum(Theta2[:, 1:]**2, axis=None, dtype=np.float64)) / 2.0
    J = J / float(m)
    delta3 = htheta - y_matrix
    delta2 = (delta3.dot(Theta2[:, 1:])) * lg.sigmoidGradient(z2[:, :].T)
    Theta2_grad = ((a2.T).dot(delta3)).T
    Theta1_grad = ((X.T).dot(delta2)).T
    Theta1_grad[:, 1:] = Theta1_grad[:, 1:] + lamb * Theta1[:, 1:]
    Theta2_grad[:, 1:] = Theta2_grad[:, 1:] + lamb * Theta2[:, 1:]
    Theta1_grad = Theta1_grad / float(m)
    Theta2_grad = Theta2_grad / float(m)
    # unroll gradients
    grad = np.hstack((Theta1_grad.flatten(), Theta2_grad.flatten()))
    return (J, grad)
Exemple #3
#X_cv = data[m:m,1:n]
# print X.shape
# #print X_cv.shape
# print X.dtype

#### definition of the neural network with three layers: inputs, hidden layer, output layer
#### input layer size is the number of features (i.e. the number of pixels)
input_layer_size = 784
### hidden layer contains 25 knots
hidden_layer_size = 500
#### we have ten labels for digits 0,1,...9
num_labels = 10
### test the sigmoid function
print lg.sigmoid(np.array([1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1]))
print 'this should be 0.73106   0.37754   0.50000   0.62246   0.73106'
print lg.sigmoidGradient(np.array([1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1]))
print 'this should be 0.19661   0.23500   0.25000   0.23500   0.19661'

### randomly initialize weights of the neural network
initial_Theta1 = rd.nnrandInitializeWeights(input_layer_size,
initial_Theta2 = rd.nnrandInitializeWeights(hidden_layer_size, num_labels)
#### unroll the intial theta parameters into a vector:
initial_nn_params = np.hstack(
    (initial_Theta1.flatten(), initial_Theta2.flatten()))

### Check gradient implementation is correct:
lamb = 3
# gc.checkNNGradients(lamb)
#### now actually train the neural network on the training data:
lamb = 0.0