class DepthSensor: def __init__(self): self.sensor = ms5837.MS5837_30BA( ) # Default I2C bus is 1 (Raspberry Pi 3) self.client = Client(ports.DEPTH_DRIVER_PORT) self.logger = Logger(filename='depth') def run(self): # We must initialize the sensor before reading it if not self.sensor.init(): print("Sensor could not be initialized") exit(1) # We have to read values from sensor to update pressure and temperature if not print("Sensor read failed!") exit(1) loop_condition = True while loop_condition: if self.client.send_data(self.sensor.pressure() * SCALETOCM) #print(self.sensor.pressure()) msg = str(self.sensor.depth()) self.logger.log(msg) else: loop_condition = False def __del__(self): pass
class DepthSensor: def __init__(self): self.sensor = ms5837.MS5837_02BA( ) # Default I2C bus is 1 (Raspberry Pi 3) self.client = Client(DEPTH_DRIVER_PORT) self.logger = DEFLOG.DEPTH_LOCAL_LOG if self.logger: self.logger = Logger(filename='depth_sensor', directory=DEFLOG.LOG_DIRECTORY) def run(self): # We must initialize the sensor before reading it if not self.sensor.init(): error = "Sensor could not be initialized" self.log(error, 'error') print(error) exit(1) # We have to read values from sensor to update pressure and temperature if not error = "Sensor read failed!" self.log(error, 'error') print(error) exit(1) loop_condition = True while loop_condition: if self.client.send_data(self.sensor.depth()) msg = str(self.sensor.depth()) if self.logger: self.logger.log(msg) else: loop_condition = False def __del__(self): self.logger.exit() def log(self, msg, logtype='info'): if self.logger: self.logger.log(msg, logtype=logtype)
class Sonar: def __init__(self, USB_device_adress=USB.SONAR): self.logger = DEFLOG.DISTANCE_LOCAL_LOG if DEFLOG.DISTANCE_LOCAL_LOG: self.logger = Logger(filename='front_distance', directory=DEFLOG.LOG_DIRECTORY) self.sensor = Ping1D(USB_device_adress, 115200) self.log("connected to the device") self.client = Client(DISTANCE_DRIVER_PORT) self.log("connected to the server") def run(self): # We must initialize the sensor before reading it if not self.sensor.initialize(): error = "Sensor could not be initialized" print(error) self.log(error, 'error') exit(1) loop_condition = True while loop_condition: data = self.sensor.get_distance() if data: self.client.send_data(data["distance"] / 10) msg = str(data["distance"]) self.log(msg) else: loop_condition = False time.sleep(0.035) def log(self, msg, logtype='info'): if self.logger: self.logger.log(msg, logtype=logtype) def __del__(self): pass if self.logger: self.logger.exit()
class LightHandling: def __init__(self): self.pi = pigpio.pi() self.logger = Logger(filename='light_handling', directory='logs/electro/') if not self.pi.connected: self.logger.log("pi not connected", logtype='error') exit() self.logger.log("setup") self.setup() def setup(self): self.pi.set_PWM_frequency(PWM_lights, 400) self.pi.set_PWM_range(PWM_lights, OFF) # 550 - OFF, 950 - ON_FULL self.pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(PWM_lights, OFF) def lights_set_brightness(self,x): if x < 0: x = 0 if x > 100: x = 100 x=100-x self.pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(PWM_lights, -8*x+1400) self.logger.log("lights' brightness: " + str(x) + "%")
class AHRS_Separate(): yaw = 0 pitch = 0 roll = 0 free_acc = [0, 0, 0] rate_of_turn = [0, 0, 0] def __init__(self, log_direcory=""): self.serial = serial.Serial(IMU_PORT, 115200, stopbits=2, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE) self.lock_rate_of_turn = threading.Lock() self.lock_free_acc = threading.Lock() self.lock_angular_pos = threading.Lock() self.logger = Logger(filename='ahrs_separate', directory=log_direcory, logtype='info', logformat='[{timestamp}] {logtype}: {message}', title='AHRS logger', logexists='append', console=False) self.close_order = False self.yaw_correction = 0.0 self.previous_yaw = 0.0 def get_message(self): MID = 0 data = 0 ser = self.serial while True: pre = if pre.hex() == 'fa': # check preamble bid = checksum = bid[0] if bid.hex() == 'ff': # check bus ID MID =[0] checksum += MID len = len_value = len[0] checksum += len_value if len.hex() == 'ff': # extended message len_ext = len_value = int.from_bytes(len_ext, 'big') checksum += len_ext[0] + len_ext[1] data = for byte in data: checksum += byte checksum +=[0] if checksum & 0xff == 0: # Checksum OK! break self._interpret_message(MID, data) self.should_fix() def _interpret_euler(self, data: BytesQueue): length = data.pop() if length != 12: print("Unexpected euler angles data length") roll_bytes = data.pop(4) pitch_bytes = data.pop(4) yaw_bytes = data.pop(4) with self.lock_angular_pos: self.roll = struct.unpack(">f", roll_bytes)[0] self.pitch = struct.unpack(">f", pitch_bytes)[0] self.yaw = struct.unpack(">f", yaw_bytes)[0] def _interpret_free_acceleration(self, data: BytesQueue): length = data.pop() if length != 12: print("Unexpected free acceleration data length") accX_bytes = data.pop(4) accY_bytes = data.pop(4) accZ_bytes = data.pop(4) with self.lock_free_acc: self.free_acc[0] = struct.unpack(">f", accX_bytes)[0] self.free_acc[1] = struct.unpack(">f", accY_bytes)[0] self.free_acc[2] = struct.unpack(">f", accZ_bytes)[0] def _interpret_rate_of_turn(self, data: BytesQueue): length = data.pop() if length != 12: print("Unexpected rate of turn data length") rotX_bytes = data.pop(4) rotY_bytes = data.pop(4) rotZ_bytes = data.pop(4) with self.lock_rate_of_turn: self.rate_of_turn[0] = struct.unpack(">f", rotX_bytes)[0] self.rate_of_turn[1] = struct.unpack(">f", rotY_bytes)[0] self.rate_of_turn[2] = struct.unpack(">f", rotZ_bytes)[0] def _interpret_mtdata2(self, data: BytesQueue): while data.length() > 0: data_type = data.pop(2) if data_type.hex() == "2030": self._interpret_euler(data) elif data_type.hex() == "4030": self._interpret_free_acceleration(data) elif data_type.hex() == "8020": self._interpret_rate_of_turn(data) else: # print("Unexpected mtdata2 information type: {hex}".format(hex=data_type.hex())) return def _interpret_message(self, mid: int, data: bytes): data_queue = BytesQueue(data) if mid == 0x36: self._interpret_mtdata2(data_queue) else: print("WARNING: Unknown message type") def get_data(self): """ To call from oudstide the function :return: {'lineA_x':0,'lineA_y':0,'lineA_z':0, 'angularA_x':0,'angularA_y':0,'angularA_z':0, 'yaw':0,'pitch':0,'roll':0} """ data = {} with self.lock_free_acc: data['lineA_x'] = (self.free_acc[0]) data['lineA_y'] = (self.free_acc[1]) data['lineA_z'] = (self.free_acc[2]) with self.lock_angular_pos: data['yaw'] = (self.yaw) data['pitch'] = (self.pitch) data['roll'] = (self.roll) with self.lock_rate_of_turn: data['angularA_x'] = (self.rate_of_turn[0]) data['angularA_y'] = (self.rate_of_turn[1]) data['angularA_z'] = (self.rate_of_turn[2]) return data def run(self): while not self.close_order: self.get_message() def close(self): self.close_order = True @staticmethod def isAHRSconected(): ''' :return: True if you can use AHRS or False if you can't ''' return os.path.exists(IMU_PORT) def should_fix(self): LIMIT = 175.0 if self.yaw > LIMIT and self.previous_yaw < -LIMIT: self.yaw_correction -= 360.0 elif self.yaw < -LIMIT and self.previous_yaw > LIMIT: self.yaw_correction += 360.0 self.logger.log("prev: "+str(self.previous_yaw)+" curr: "+str(self.yaw)) self.previous_yaw = self.yaw
class CameraClient: def __init__(self, host=IP_ADDRESS, port=CAMERA_SERVER_PORT, retry_no=5, name_modifer = "", logs=True): """ Initialize Camera Client Class :param host: [String] Server host :param port: [Int] Server port :param retry_no: [Int] Number of retries """ = host self.port = port self.retryNo = retry_no # set logger file self.logs = logs if self.logs: self.logger = Logger(filename='camera_client'+name_modifer, title="CameraClient", directory=LOG_DIRECOTRY, logexists='append') self.logger.start() if not self.__auto_retry(self.__create_socket()): if self.logs: self.logger.log(f"ERROR: Create socket failure") return if not self.__auto_retry(self.__connect_to_server()): if self.logs: self.logger.log(f"ERROR: Connect to server failure") return def __create_socket(self): """ Create socket for making connection possible :return: [Bool] True if successful """ try: self.socket = socket.socket() return True except socket.error as msg: if self.logs: self.logger.log(f'WARNING: Socket creation error: {msg}.') return False def __connect_to_server(self): """ Establish connection to server :return: True if successful """ try: if self.logs: self.logger.log(f"Connecting the port {}:{self.port}") self.socket.connect((, self.port)) return True except socket.error as msg: if self.logs: self.logger.log(f"WARNING: Socket binding error: {msg}.") return False def __auto_retry(self, function): """ Auto-retry function :param function: [Function] Function to try. Require False/0 if unsuccessful :return: True if finished with retry number of tries """ for i in range(self.retryNo): if function: return True elif i == self.retryNo: if self.logs: self.logger.log("ERROR: Initialize error. Check logs for more info.") return False if self.logs: self.logger.log(f"Retrying. Try: {i} of {self.retryNo}.") @property def frame(self): """ Get frame from server :return: Frame of image """ limit = struct.calcsize(">L") data = b"" self.socket.send("get_frame".encode()) while len(data) < limit: data += self.socket.recv(4096) packed_msg_size = data[:limit] msg_size = struct.unpack(">L", packed_msg_size)[0] data = data[limit:] while len(data) < msg_size: data += self.socket.recv(4096) frame_data = data[:msg_size] # data = data[msg_size:] frame = pickle.loads(frame_data, fix_imports=True, encoding="bytes") return frame def change_camera(self,id): self.socket.send(("change_to:{}".format(id)).encode()) confirmation = self.socket.recv(4096).decode() if confirmation == 'true': return 'true' else: return 'false'
class Main(): ''' Creates object of all sensor types, packs their references into a list. Creates Communication thread. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Creates and stores references of all slave objects. ''' self.logger = Logger(filename='main_xavier', title="Main Xavier", directory=LOG_DIRECOTRY) self.logger.start() # cameras self.camera_client = CameraClient(IP_ADDRESS, name_modifer="_main") self.logger.log("Cameras created") #communication self.communication = Communication() self.rpi_reference = self.communication.rpi_reference self.logger.log("communication was established") # sensors self.ahrs = AHRS(self.rpi_reference) self.depth_sensor = DepthSensor(self.rpi_reference) self.distance_sensor = DistanceSensor(self.rpi_reference) self.hydrophones = Hydrophones(self.rpi_reference) self.logger.log("sensors created") self.sensors = { 'ahrs': self.ahrs, 'depth': self.depth_sensor, 'distance': self.distance_sensor, 'hydrophones': self.hydrophones } #control self.movements = Movements(self.rpi_reference, self.logger) #self.torpedoes = Torpedoes(self.rpi_reference) #self.manipulator = Manipulator(self.rpi_reference) self.dropper = Dropper(self.rpi_reference) self.logger.log("control objects created") self.control = { 'movements': self.movements, #torpedoes': self.torpedoes, #'manipulator': self.manipulator, 'dropper': self.dropper } # task sheduler self.task_scheduler = TaskSchedululer(self.control, self.sensors, self.logger) self.logger.log("Task scheduler created") def run(self): self.logger.log("main thread is running")
'--threshold', default=0.5, type=float, help="Detection threshold (from 0 to 1)") args = parser.parse_args() server = Flask(__name__) cam_client = CameraClient(host=str(os.system('hostname -I'))) model = DarknetYoloModel( model_path=f"{PROJECT_ROOT}/neural_networks/models", threshold=args.threshold) model.load(model_name='gate') logger.log("Model loaded to server") predict_time = 0 @server.route("/predict_with_image", methods=["GET"]) def predict_with_image(): start = time.time() img = cam_client.frame getting_frame = time.time() - start start = time.time() result = model.predict(img) global predict_time predict_time = time.time() - start start = time.time() result.append(img) result = pickle.dumps(result)
class ServerXavier: def __init__(self, host=str(os.system('hostname -I')), port=CAMERA_SERVER_PORT, black_and_white=False, retry_no=5): """ Initialize server :param host: [String] host address :param port: [Int] port :param black_and_white: [Bool] Is white and white camera image? :param retry_no: [Int] Number of retries """ = host self.port = port = black_and_white self.retryNo = retry_no # set logger file self.logger = Logger(filename='server_xavier', title="ServerXavier", directory=LOG_DIRECOTRY, logexists='append') self.logger.start() # start up camera front_camera_connected = False bottom_camera_connected = False try: front_camera = cv2.VideoCapture(CAMERAS.FRONT_CAMERA_DEVNAME) front_camera_connected = True except: self.logger.log("Front camera not connected") try: bottom_camera = cv2.VideoCapture(CAMERAS.BOTTOM_CAMERA_DEVNAME) bottom_camera_connected = True except: self.logger.log("Bottom camera not connected") if front_camera_connected and bottom_camera_connected: self.camerasDict = {"front": front_camera,"bottom": bottom_camera} self.cameraCapture = self.camerasDict["front"] elif front_cammera_connected: self.camerasDict = {"front": front_camera} self.cameraCapture = self.camerasDict["front"] elif bottom_camera_connected: self.camerasDict = {"bottom": bottom_camera} self.cameraCapture = self.camerasDict["front"] else: self.print("No camera connected") self.logger.log("No camera connected") if not self.__auto_retry(self.__create_socket()): self.logger.log(f"ERROR: Create socket failure") return if not self.__auto_retry(self.__bind_socket()): self.logger.log(f"ERROR: Bind socket failure") return self.logger.log(f"Init complete") # variables for videoClient use self.VIDEO_PATH = '' self.VIDEO = None self.VIDEO_FRAME_COUNT = 0 def __create_socket(self): """ Create socket for making connection possible :return: [Bool] True if successful """ try: self.socket = socket.socket() return True except socket.error as msg: self.logger.log(f'WARNING: Socket creation error: {msg}.') return False def __bind_socket(self): """ Bind selected socket and listen for connections :return: [Bool] True if successful """ try: self.logger.log(f"Binding the Port {self.port}") self.socket.bind((, self.port)) self.socket.listen(5) return True except socket.error as msg: self.logger.log(f"WARNING: Socket binding error: {msg}.") return False def __auto_retry(self, function): """ Auto-retry function :param function: [Function] Function to try. Require False/0 if unsuccessful :return: True if finished with retry number of tries """ for i in range(self.retryNo): if function: return True elif i == self.retryNo: self.logger.log("ERROR: Initialize error. Check logs for more info.") return False self.logger.log(f"Retrying. Try: {i} of {self.retryNo}.") def socket_accept(self): """ Accept connection from client :return: None """ conn, address = self.socket.accept() self.logger.log(f"Connection has been established! | {address[0]}:{address[1]}") threading.Thread(target=self.__handle_client, args=(conn,)).start() def change_camera(self, id): if id in self.camerasDict.keys(): self.cameraCapture = self.camerasDict[id] return True else: return False def __handle_client(self, conn): """ Handle client in separate function :param conn: Client connection data :return: None """ counter = 1 while True: data = conn.recv(1024).decode() if not data: break elif "change" in data: if self.change_camera(data.split(':')[1]): conn.send('true'.encode()) else: conn.send('false'.decode()) elif "get_frame" in data: conn.send(self.__frame(source=self.cameraCapture, h_flip=True)) elif "get_video" in data: # set video variables if counter == 1: self.VIDEO_PATH = data.split()[1] self.VIDEO = cv2.VideoCapture(self.VIDEO_PATH) self.VIDEO_FRAME_COUNT = self.VIDEO.get(7) if counter < self.VIDEO_FRAME_COUNT: conn.send(self.__frame(source=self.VIDEO)) counter += 1 else: self.VIDEO.release() self.VIDEO = cv2.VideoCapture(self.VIDEO_PATH) conn.send(self.__frame(source=self.VIDEO)) counter = 2 conn.close() def __frame(self, source, v_flip=False, h_flip=False): """ Get picture frame :param v_flip: [Bool] Is image flipped vertical :param h_flip: [Bool] Is image flipped horizontal :return: frame """ # Capture frame ret, frame = # Handles the mirroring of the current frame frame = cv2.flip(frame, self.__flip(v_flip, h_flip)) if # Change color to black and white if decided frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Code image result, frame = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame) data = pickle.dumps(frame, 0) size = len(data) return struct.pack(">L", size) + data def __flip(self, v_flip, h_flip): """ Get flip parameter :param v_flip: [Bool] Is image flipped vertical :param h_flip: [Bool] Is image flipped horizontal :return: [Int] value for cv2 flip method """ if h_flip and v_flip: return -1 elif v_flip: return 0 else: return 1
directory=DEFLOG.LOG_DIRECTORY) engine_slave = rov_comm.Client(ports.ENGINE_MASTER_PORT) if MODE == 'ROV4': spi = spidev.SpiDev(), 0) spi.max_speed_hz = 15600000 else: engine_driver = EngineDriver() print("WIP") while True: try: movements = engine_slave.get_data() #robimy z byte na movements if logger: logger.log("movements: " + str(movements)) if MODE == 'ROV4': powers = compute_power_rov4(movements['front'], movements['right'], movements['up'], movements['yaw']) else: powers = compute_power_rov3(movements['front'], movements['right'], 0, movements['yaw']) if logger: logger.log("engines: " + str(powers)) time.sleep(0.05) if MODE == 'ROV4': set_engines(powers)
class DarknetClient(): """ Class for interacting witch python darknet server. """ def __init__(self, url= ""):#url=f"http://localhost"): """ :param port: Port of running darknet server :param url: Url of running darknet server external eg: "" """ with open('ports.txt','r') as f: self.port = str(int( print("Darknet client port",self.port) self.url = url self.logger = Logger(filename='darknet_client', title="Darknet_Client", directory=LOG_DIRECOTRY, logexists='append') self.logger.log(url) def load_model(self, model_name, retries=3) -> bool: """ Sends a post request to darknet server, and load new model from memory :param model_name: string with dir name that contains trained model :param retries: max retries before giving up :return: Response from darknet server. True if operation succeeded """ data = {'model_name': str(model_name)} for i in range(retries): try: server_url = self.url + ":" + self.port + "/load_model" req =,data = data) result = req.content self.logger.log("Model loaded correctly") break except Exception as e: time.sleep(0.1) result = False self.logger.log(str(e)) return result def change_camera(self,camera,retries = 3) -> bool: """ Sends a post requests to darknet server, and change source camera from with server takes frames. :param camera: name of camera in string that specifies source eg: "bottom" :param retries: max retries before giving up :return: Response from darknet server. True if operation succeeded """ data = {'cam_name': str(camera)} for i in range(retries): try: server_url = self.url + ":" + self.port + "/change_camera" req =,data = data) result = req.content break except Exception: time.sleep(0.1) result = False return result def predict(self): """ Request prediction from darknet server, and get BoudingBox :return: Response from darknet server contains bbox structure """ server_url = self.url + ":" + self.port + "/predict" req = requests.get(url=server_url) result = req.content result = pickle.loads(result) self.logger.log("Img predict") if result: self.logger.log(str(result[0].normalize(480,480))) return result def predict_with_image(self): """ Request prediction from darknet server. When server get BoudingBox with image :return: Response from darknet server contains bbox structure and image """ server_url = self.url + ":" + self.port + "/predict_with_image" req = requests.get(url=server_url) result = req.content result = pickle.loads(result) return result def prediction_time(self): """ Request prediction time from darknet server :return: Response from darknet server time of prediction """ server_url = self.url + ":" + self.port + "/prediction_time" req = requests.get(url=server_url) result = req.content return float(result) def change_threshold(self, threshold = 0.5, retries = 3) -> bool: """ Change detection threshold from 0 to 1. :return: Response from darknet server. True if operation succeeded """ data = {'threshold': str(threshold)} for i in range(retries): try: server_url = self.url + ":" + self.port + "/change_threshold" req =,params = data) result = req.content break except Exception: time.sleep(0.1) result = False return result
class TorpedoHandling: def __init__(self): self.pi = pigpio.pi() self.logger = Logger(filename='torpedoes_handling') if not self.pi.connected: self.logger.log("pi not connected", logtype='error') exit() self.logger.log("setup") self.setup() def setup(self): self.pi.set_mode(reed_switch, pigpio.INPUT) self.pi.set_mode(trigger, pigpio.OUTPUT) self.pi.set_mode(en, pigpio.OUTPUT) self.pi.write(en, 1) self.pi.set_PWM_frequency(PWM_serwo, 330) self.pi.set_PWM_range(PWM_serwo, 1000) # 270 max_cw, 730 max_ccw, 500 neutral self.pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(PWM_serwo, NEUTRAL) def initial_rotation(self): self.pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(PWM_serwo, NEUTRAL + FAST_ROTATION) time.sleep(TIME_OF_INITIAL_ROTATION) self.pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(PWM_serwo, NEUTRAL) def position(self): self.pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(PWM_serwo, NEUTRAL + FAST_ROTATION) while == 0: pass self.pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(PWM_serwo, NEUTRAL + SLOW_ROTATION) while == 1: pass self.pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(PWM_serwo, NEUTRAL - SLOW_ROTATION) while == 0: pass self.pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(PWM_serwo, NEUTRAL) def fire(self): self.pi.write(trigger, 1) time.sleep(DELAY_AFTER_TRIGGER) self.pi.write(trigger, 0) def stop(self): self.pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(PWM_serwo, NEUTRAL) self.pi.write(en, 0) def sequence(self): #self.pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(PWM_serwo, 300) self.logger.log("initial rotation") self.initial_rotation() # TODO move to __init__ self.logger.log("position") self.position() self.logger.log("fire") self.logger.log("stop") self.stop() self.logger.log("koniec") self.pi.set_PWM_dutycycle(PWM_serwo, 0) self.pi.stop()