def webserver_stat(): logs.ec2(''' ******************************* EC2 Monitor ******************************* Press 1 for vmstat Press 2 for netstat Press 3 for ps Press 4 to exit ******************************* ''') options = ["1", "2", "3", "0"] ans = (input(">> ")) if ans == "1": vmstat =["vmstat"]) webserver_stat() elif ans == "2": netstat ="netstat") webserver_stat() elif ans == "3": ps ="ps") webserver_stat() elif ans == "4": logs.ec2("GoodBye") exit() else: logs.wrong() webserver_stat()
def key_name(): logs.ec2("Is your key in this directory? [Y/N]") options = ["y", "n"] ans = (input(">> ")) if ans == "y": logs.ec2( "Press enter the name of your key & do not include .pem extension") global key # global is used for the object to be seen in other functions key = input('>> ') while key == "": # Loop until until user types an answer. key = input('>> ') if os.path.exists(key + ".pem"):"key found") logs.ec2.debug("keyname is " + key) region() else: logs.ec2.warn( "Your KEY is NOT in YOUR current directory, Please put key in Current directory NOW" ) logs.wrong() key_name() elif ans == "n": logs.ec2.warn( "Please place your key in your current directory to continue") key_name() else: logs.wrong( ) # Will print "Please try again" & will reprint the function again. key_name()
def tag_name(): logs.ec2("Please state your tag name") global tag tag = input('>> ') while tag == "": # Loop until it is a blank line tag = input('>> ') logs.ec2("OK") logs.ec2.debug("Tag Name is: " + tag) logs.ec2.debug("Tag Name is: " + tag) new_instance()
def terminate_instance(): logs.ec2(''' With your new instance Do you want to: 1: Terminate your instance 2: Stop your instance 3: Return to the main menu ''') options = ["1", "2", "3"] ans = (input(">> ")) if ans == "1": logs.ec2("Terminating instance now") instance.terminate() instance.update() menu() elif ans == "2": logs.ec2("Stopping instance now") instance.stop() instance.update() menu() elif ans == "3": logs.ec2("Returning to main menu") menu() else: logs.wrong() terminate_instance()
def new_instance(): logs.ec2("Creating a new instance!!!") time.sleep(5) logs.ec2.debug("using " + region + " as the region") conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region) reservation = conn.run_instances('ami-b04e92d0', key_name=key, instance_type='t2.micro', security_groups=[sec]) print("tagging your instance now") time.sleep(5) global instance instance = reservation.instances[0] instance.add_tag('Name', tag) logs.ec2.debug("waiting for instance") while instance.update() != "running": time.sleep(6) instance.update() print("Instance Running") connect_instance(key, instance)
def region(): logs.ec2(''' Please state your region 1. us-west-2" 2. eu-west-1 ''') options = ["1", "2"] ans = (input(">> ")) global region global conn if ans == "1": logs.ec2("OK") region = "us-west-2" logs.ec2.debug("using " + region + " as the region") conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region) security_group() elif ans == "2": logs.ec2("OK") region = "eu-west-1" logs.ec2.debug("using " + region + " as the region") conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region) security_group() else: logs.wrong() region()
def menu():["clear"], shell=True) logs.ec2(''' *********************************************** MENU Please choose one of the following: *********************************************** 1: Launch new instance 2: exit ''') options = ["1", "2"] ans = (input(">> ")) if ans == "1": logs.ec2("OK") logs.ec2.debug("starting new_instance()") key_name() elif ans == "2": logs.ec2("GoodBye") exit() else: logs.wrong() menu()
def security_group(): logs.ec2(''' Please choose the following: 1: Choose an existing security group. 2: Create a new security group. ''') options = ["1", "2"] ans = (input(">> ")) global sec if ans == "1": logs.ec2("State the name of the security group") sec = input(">> ") while sec == "": sec = input(">> ") logs.ec2.debug("security group is " + sec) tag_name() elif ans == "2": logs.ec2("State the name of the security group") sec = input(">> ") secgroup = conn.create_security_group(sec, 'Only HTTP and SSH') secgroup.authorize('tcp', 80, 80, '') # HTTP secgroup.authorize('tcp', 22, 22, '') # SSH logs.ec2.debug("security group is " + sec) tag_name() else: logs.wrong() security_group()
def update_instance(): logs.ec2("Would you like to update your instance? [Y/N]") options = ["y", "n"] ans = (input(">> ")) if ans == "y": logs.ec2("ok") logs.ec2.debug("updating EC2 instance now") update = ["sudo yum -y update"], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL ) # subprocess used to send bash command to instance y = update.returncode if y == 0:"updated successfully") time.sleep(3) check_nginx() else:"nothing to update") elif ans == "n": logs.ec2("OK") check_nginx() else: logs.wrong() update_instance()
def install_nginx(): logs.ec2("Do you want to install nginx [Y/N]") options = ["y", "n"] ans = (input(">> ")) if ans == "y": logs.ec2.debug("installing nginx") install1 =["sudo yum -y install nginx"], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) check_nginx( ) # Once installed the check_nginx function is recalled to run nginx elif ans == "n": logs.ec2("OK") logs.ec2.debug("not installing nginx") time.sleep(3) check_mysql() else: logs.wrong() install_nginx()
def install_mysql(): logs.ec2("Do you want to install mysql? [Y/N]") options = ["y", "n"] ans = (input(">> ")) if ans == "y": logs.ec2.debug("installing mysql") install1 =["sudo yum -y install mysql-server"], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) check_mysql( ) # once mysql is installed, check_mysql function is executed again to run mysql elif ans == "n": logs.ec2("OK") logs.ec2.debug("not installing mysql") webserver_stat() time.sleep(3) else: logs.wrong() install_mysql()
def connect_instance(key_name, instance): logs.ec2("Do you want to copy & run script? [Y/N]") options = ["y", "n"] ans = (input(">> ")) if ans == "y": logs.ec2("OK copying now") logs.ec2( "please ensure & are in this directory") dns = instance.public_dns_name time.sleep( 45 ) # Provide sufficient time to ensure the ssh is ready on the new instance logs.ec2.debug("Copying check_webserver") x =[ "scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i" + key_name + ".pem ec2-user@" + dns + ":." ], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) "copied check_webserver successfully" ) # scp statement used to copy to the new instance while x.returncode != 0: print( x.returncode ) # if the scp was not successful, it will try again until the returncode = 0 time.sleep(8) logs.ec2.debug("Copying") y =[ "scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i" + key_name + ".pem ec2-user@" + dns + ":." ], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)"copied successfully") while y.returncode != 0: print(y.returncode) time.sleep(8) logs.ec2.debug("Installing Python") z = [ "ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i" + key_name + ".pem ec2-user@" + dns + " " + 'sudo yum -y install python35' ], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) # this ssh statement is used"installed python successfully") while z.returncode != 0: print(z.returncode) time.sleep(8) logs.ec2("Running now") time.sleep(3) cmd =[ "ssh -i" + key_name + ".pem ec2-user@" + dns + ' ./' ], shell=True) terminate_instance() while cmd.returncode != 0: print(cmd.returncode) time.sleep(8) elif ans == "n": logs.ec2("OK") terminate_instance() else: logs.wrong() connect_instance(key_name, instance)