def _verify_new_library_and_get_items(self, create_if_not_found=False): # Check if the new library exists in Plex try: new_library = self.plex.server.library.section( self.recipe['new_library']['name']) logs.warning(u"Library already exists in Plex. Scanning the library...") new_library.update() except plexapi.exceptions.NotFound: if create_if_not_found: self.plex.create_new_library( self.recipe['new_library']['name'], self.recipe['new_library']['folder'], self.library_type) new_library = self.plex.server.library.section( self.recipe['new_library']['name']) else: raise Exception("Library '{library}' does not exist".format( library=self.recipe['new_library']['name'])) # Wait for metadata to finish downloading before continuing"Waiting for metadata to finish downloading...") new_library = self.plex.server.library.section( self.recipe['new_library']['name']) while new_library.refreshing: time.sleep(5) new_library = self.plex.server.library.section( self.recipe['new_library']['name']) # Retrieve a list of items from the new library"Retrieving a list of items from the '{library}' library in " u"Plex...".format(library=self.recipe['new_library']['name'])) return new_library, new_library.all()
def getFriendData(self, user_token, user_secret, offset=0, limit=30):'### user_token %s user_secret: %s' % (user_token, user_secret)) if limit > 100: raise StampedInputError("Limit must be <= 100") ids = self._getUserIds(user_token, user_secret, 'friends') if offset >= len(ids): return [] url = '1/users/lookup.json' friends = [] idset = ','.join(ids[offset:offset+limit]) results = self.__get(url, user_token, user_secret, user_id=idset) for result in results: try: friends.append( { 'user_id' : result['id'], 'name' : result['name'], 'screen_name' : result['screen_name'], 'image_url' : result['profile_image_url'], } ) except TypeError as e: logs.warning("Unable to get twitter friends! Error: %s" % e)"Results: %s" % results) raise return friends
def add_movies(self, url, movie_list=None, movie_ids=None, max_age=0): if not movie_list: movie_list = [] if not movie_ids: movie_ids = [] max_date = add_years(max_age * -1)"Retrieving the trakt list: {}".format(url)) data = {} if max_age != 0: data['extended'] = 'full' movie_data = self._handle_request('get', url, data=data) for m in movie_data: if 'movie' not in m: m['movie'] = m # Skip already added movies if m['movie']['ids']['imdb'] in movie_ids: continue if not m['movie']['year']: # TODO: Handle this better? continue # Skip old movies if max_age != 0 \ and (max_date > datetime.datetime.strptime( m['movie']['released'], '%Y-%m-%d')): continue movie_list.append({ 'id': m['movie']['ids']['imdb'], 'tmdb_id': str(m['movie']['ids'].get('tmdb', '')), 'title': m['movie']['title'], 'year': m['movie']['year'], }) movie_ids.append(m['movie']['ids']['imdb']) if m['movie']['ids'].get('tmdb'): movie_ids.append('tmdb' + str(m['movie']['ids']['tmdb'])) return movie_list, movie_ids
def check_cfg(self): """Perform a check on configuration files. Return False if a file is missing somewhere. """"Checking synchronization of configuration files...") safe = True # Get a dict with config files of each nodes nodes_cfg = dict() for node in self.get_nodes(): nodes_cfg[node.get_hostname()] = node.get_possible_vm_names() log.debug("nodes_cfg=", nodes_cfg) # Compare file lists for each nodes missing = dict() for node in nodes_cfg.keys(): for cfg in nodes_cfg.values(): missing.setdefault(node, []).extend(list(Set(cfg) - Set(nodes_cfg[node]))) # Show missing files without duplicates for node in missing.keys(): if missing[node]: " ** WARNING : Missing configuration files on %s : %s" % (node, ", ".join(list(Set(missing[node])))) ) safe = False return safe
def countVotes(self): if self.role != MasterService.RL_VOTING: log.warn("Tally triggered but it's not election time !") return if type(self.ballotBox) != dict or len(self.ballotBox) == 0: log.emerg( "No vote received ! There is a critical network failure.") self.panic(True) # noCheck=True because role is not consistent return # Select election winner self.currentElection = None self.lastTallyDate = int(time.time()) self.master = self.ballotBox[max(self.ballotBox.keys())]"New master is %s." % (self.master)) self._startSlave() if self.master == DNSCache.getInstance().name:"I'm the new master.") self.role = MasterService.RL_ACTIVE self._startMaster() else: self.role = MasterService.RL_PASSIVE if self.panicRequested: log.warn("Engaging panic mode requested during election stage.") self.panicRequested = False self.panic()
def check_bridges(self): """Perform a check on briges configurations. Return False if a bridge is missing somewhere. """"Checking bridges configurations...") safe = True # Get a dict with bridges of each nodes nodes_bridges = dict() for node in self.get_nodes(): nodes_bridges[node.get_hostname()] = node.get_bridges() log.debug("nodes_bridges=", nodes_bridges) # Compare bridges lists for each nodes missing = dict() for node in nodes_bridges.keys(): for bridges in nodes_bridges.values(): missing.setdefault(node, []).extend(list(Set(bridges) - Set(nodes_bridges[node]))) # Show missing bridges without duplicates for node in missing.keys(): if missing[node]:" ** WARNING : Missing bridges on %s : %s" % (node, ", ".join(list(Set(missing[node]))))) safe = False return safe
def _getImageFromS3(bucket, name): num_retries = 0 max_retries = 5 while True: try: key = Key(bucket, name) data = key.get_contents_as_string() key.close() return data except Exception as e: logs.warning("S3 Exception: %s" % e) num_retries += 1 if num_retries > max_retries: msg = "Unable to connect to S3 after %d retries (%s)" % (max_retries, self.__class__.__name__) logs.warning(msg) raise Exception(msg)"Retrying (%s)" % (num_retries)) time.sleep(0.5) finally: try: if not key.closed: key.close() except Exception: logs.warning("Error closing key")
def enterWorkLoop(functions): from MongoStampedAPI import globalMongoStampedAPI api = globalMongoStampedAPI()"starting worker for %s" % functions.keys()) worker = StampedWorker(getHosts()) def wrapper(worker, job): try: k = job.task logs.begin(saveLog=api._logsDB.saveLog, saveStat=api._statsDB.addStat, nodeName=api.node_name) logs.async_request(k) v = functions[k] data = pickle.loads("%s: %s: %s" % (k, v, data)) v(k, data) except Exception as e: logs.error(str(e)) finally: try: except Exception: print "Unable to save logs" import traceback traceback.print_exc() logs.warning(traceback.format_exc()) return "" for k, v in functions.items(): worker.register_task(k, wrapper)
def postToOpenGraph(self, fb_user_id, action, access_token, object_type, object_url, message=None, imageUrl=None):'### access_token: %s object_type: %s object_url: %s' % (access_token, object_type, object_url)) http = httplib2.Http() response, content = http.request(object_url, 'GET') soup = BeautifulSoup(content)'### meta tags:\n%s' % soup.findAll('meta', property=True)) args = {} if action == 'like': path = "%s/og.likes" % fb_user_id args['object'] = object_url elif action == 'follow': path = "me/og.follows" args['profile'] = object_url else: args[object_type] = object_url path = "me/stampedapp:%s" % action if message is not None: args['message'] = message if imageUrl is not None: args['image[0][url]'] = imageUrl args['image[0][user_generated]'] = "true" return self._post( access_token, path, priority='low', **args )
def countVotes(self): if self.role != MasterService.RL_VOTING: log.warn("Tally triggered but it's not election time !") return if type(self.ballotBox) != dict or len(self.ballotBox) == 0: log.emerg("No vote received ! There is a critical network failure.") self.panic(True) # noCheck=True because role is not consistent return # Select election winner self.currentElection=None self.lastTallyDate=int(time.time()) self.master=self.ballotBox[max(self.ballotBox.keys())]"New master is %s." % (self.master)) self._startSlave() if self.master == DNSCache.getInstance().name:"I'm the new master.") self.role=MasterService.RL_ACTIVE self._startMaster() else: self.role=MasterService.RL_PASSIVE if self.panicRequested: log.warn("Engaging panic mode requested during election stage.") self.panicRequested=False self.panic()
def getFriendData(self, access_token, offset=0, limit=30): path = 'me/friends''#### offset: %s limit: %s' % (offset, limit)) #May want to order by name using FQL: # friends = [] while True: print path result = self._get(access_token, path, limit=limit, offset=offset, fields='id,name,picture') access_token = None'### result: %s' % result) for d in result['data']: friends.append( { 'user_id' : d['id'], 'name' : d['name'], 'image_url' : d['picture'], } ) # friends.extend([ d for d in result['data']] ) if 'paging' in result and 'next' in result['paging']: path = result['paging']['next'] url = urlparse.urlparse(result['paging']['next']) params = dict([part.split('=') for part in url[4].split('&')]) if 'offset' in params and int(params['offset']) == len(friends): continue break return friends
def __init__(self,hostname): """Instanciate a Node object. This constructor open SSH and XenAPI connections to the node. If the node is not online, this will fail with an uncatched exception from paramiko or XenAPI. """"Connecting to", hostname, "...") self.hostname=hostname # Open SSH channel (localhost use popen2) if not self.is_local_node(): self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh.load_system_host_keys() #self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.ssh.connect(hostname,22,'root', timeout=2) # Open Xen-API Session if self.is_local_node(): # Use unix socket on localhost self.server = XenAPI.Session("httpu:///var/run/xend/xen-api.sock") log.debug("[API]","Using unix socket.") else: self.server = XenAPI.Session("http://"+hostname+":9363") log.debug("[API]","Using tcp socket.") self.server.login_with_password("root", "") # Prepare connection with legacy API self.__legacy_server=None # Prepare metrics self.__metrics=None # Prepare cache self._cache=datacache.DataCache() self._last_refresh=0
def check_missing_lvs(self): """ Perform a check on logicals volumes used by VMs. Return False if some are missing. """"Checking for missing LV...") safe=True # Get all LVs used by VMs used_lvs = list() for vm in self.get_possible_vm_names(): used_lvs.extend(VM(vm).get_lvs()) # Get all existent LVs existent_lvs = list() for line in"lvs -o vg_name,name --noheading").readlines(): (vg, lv)=line.strip().split() existent_lvs.append("/dev/"+vg+"/"+lv) # Compute missing LVs missing_lvs = list(Set(used_lvs) - Set(existent_lvs)) if len(missing_lvs):" ** WARNING : Found missing LV :\n\t", "\n\t".join(missing_lvs)) safe=False return safe
def upload(file_name): """ Input a file name. Upload the file to webserver from the ./data directory. """ file_path = os.path.join(file_operations.FILE_FOLDER, file_name) user_id, url = file_operations.fetch_static_data() #print 'User_ID: {}, URL: {}'.format(user_id, url) data = { 'file_name': file_name, 'user_id': user_id, 'operation': 'upload_file' } files = {'file_data': open(file_path, 'rb')} try: reply =, data, json=None, files=files) if reply.text == 'upload successful':'Uploaded file: {}'.format(file_name)) return True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: error = 'Error: Cannot upload file: ' + file_name + ' ' + str(e) return False
def getFacebook(accessToken, path, params=None): if params is None: params = {} num_retries = 0 max_retries = 5 params['access_token'] = accessToken while True: try: baseurl = '' encoded_params = urllib.urlencode(params) url = "%s%s?%s" % (baseurl, path, encoded_params) result = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url)) if 'error' in result: if 'type' in result['error'] and result['error']['type'] == 'OAuthException': # OAuth exception raise raise return result except urllib2.HTTPError as e: logs.warning('Facebook API Error: %s' % e) num_retries += 1 if num_retries > max_retries: if e.code == 400: raise StampedInputError('Facebook API 400 Error') raise StampedUnavailableError('Facebook API Error')"Retrying (%s)" % (num_retries)) time.sleep(0.5) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Error connecting to Facebook: %s' % e)
def _get_trakt_lists(self): item_list = [] # TODO Replace with dict, scrap item_ids? item_ids = [] for url in self.recipe['source_list_urls']: max_age = (self.recipe['new_playlist'].get('max_age', 0) if self.use_playlists else self.recipe['new_library'].get( 'max_age', 0)) if '' in url: (item_list, item_ids) = self.trakt.add_items(self.library_type, url, item_list, item_ids, max_age or 0) elif '' in url: (item_list, item_ids) =, url, item_list, item_ids, max_age or 0) else: raise Exception( "Unsupported source list: {url}".format(url=url)) if self.recipe['weighted_sorting']['enabled']: if self.config['tmdb']['api_key']:"Getting data from TMDb to add weighted sorting...") item_list = self.weighted_sorting(item_list) else: logs.warning(u"Warning: TMDd API key is required " u"for weighted sorting") return item_list, item_ids
def stopService(self): if self.running: Service.stopService(self)"Stopping master heartbeat service...") return self._hb.stop() else: return defer.succeed(None)
def checkLock(result): # If result is true, no commit running (lock successfully grabbed) if result: # Get a local copy for thread's work # Use .extend insted of = due to scope restriction (vars are in the parent function) added.extend(self.added) deleted.extend(self.deleted) updated.extend(self.updated) self.added = list() self.deleted = list() self.updated = list()"Committing for " + ", ".join(set(added + deleted + updated))) self.commitRunning = True d = threads.deferToThread(commit) d.addCallback(lambda _: self.doUpdate()) d.addCallbacks(commitEnded, commitFailed) d.addCallback(releaseLock) return d else:"Commit already running: rescheduling.") self.rescheduleCommit() return defer.succeed(None)
def __init__(self, hostname): """Instanciate a Node object. This constructor open SSH and XenAPI connections to the node. If the node is not online, this will fail with an uncatched exception from paramiko or XenAPI. """"Connecting to", hostname, "...") self.hostname = hostname # Open SSH channel (localhost use popen2) if not self.is_local_node(): self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self.ssh.load_system_host_keys() #self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.ssh.connect(hostname, 22, 'root', timeout=2) # Open Xen-API Session if self.is_local_node(): # Use unix socket on localhost self.server = XenAPI.Session("httpu:///var/run/xend/xen-api.sock") log.debug("[API]", "Using unix socket.") else: self.server = XenAPI.Session("http://" + hostname + ":9363") log.debug("[API]", "Using tcp socket.") self.server.login_with_password("root", "") # Prepare connection with legacy API self.__legacy_server = None # Prepare metrics self.__metrics = None # Prepare cache self._cache = datacache.DataCache() self._last_refresh = 0
def login(): input_info = input("请输入用户名/密码:") info = input_info.split("/") if len(info) != 2: logs.error("您的输入格式错误,请按照:用户名/密码") return if info[0] not in page.users or info[1] != page.users[info[0]]: logs.error("您输入的用户名或密码错误!") return if info[0] in page.admins: page.model_level01[1] = "删除用户" page.model_level01[3] = "查询所有用户" page.model_level01[5] = "导出用户信息csv格式" else: if 3 in page.model_level01.keys(): page.model_level01.pop(1) page.model_level01.pop(3) page.model_level01.pop(5)[0] + "登录成功") while True: in2 = op =, page.model_level01, info[0]) if op == "exit": return
def check_missing_lvs(self): """ Perform a check on logicals volumes used by VMs. Return False if some are missing. """"Checking for missing LV...") safe = True # Get all LVs used by VMs used_lvs = list() for vm in self.get_possible_vm_names(): used_lvs.extend(VM(vm).get_lvs()) # Get all existent LVs existent_lvs = list() for line in"lvs -o vg_name,name --noheading").readlines(): (vg, lv) = line.strip().split() existent_lvs.append("/dev/" + vg + "/" + lv) # Compute missing LVs missing_lvs = list(Set(used_lvs) - Set(existent_lvs)) if len(missing_lvs):" ** WARNING : Found missing LV :\n\t", "\n\t".join(missing_lvs)) safe = False return safe
def startService(self): Service.startService(self)"Starting RPC service...") self.cleanSocket(None) self._localPort=reactor.listenUNIX(core.cfg['UNIX_PORT'], pb.PBServerFactory(LocalRPC(self._master))) self._remotePort=reactor.listenTCP(core.cfg['TCP_PORT'], pb.PBServerFactory(RemoteRPC(self._master)))
def addDataToS3(self, name, data, contentType): num_retries = 0 max_retries = 5 while True: try: conn = S3Connection(, bucket = conn.lookup(self.bucket_name) key = Key(bucket, name) key.set_metadata('Content-Type', contentType) # for some reason, if we use set_contents_from_file here, an empty file is created key.set_contents_from_string(data.getvalue(), policy='public-read') #key.set_contents_from_file(data, policy='public-read') key.close() return "%s/%s" % (self.base_url, name) except Exception as e: logs.warning('S3 Exception: %s' % e) num_retries += 1 if num_retries > max_retries: msg = "Unable to connect to S3 after %d retries (%s)" % \ (max_retries, self.__class__.__name__) logs.warning(msg) raise Exception(msg)"Retrying (%s)" % (num_retries)) time.sleep(0.5) finally: try: if not key.closed: key.close() except Exception: logs.warning("Error closing key")
def _copyInS3(self, oldKey, newKey): num_retries = 0 max_retries = 5 while True: try: conn = S3Connection(, bucket = conn.lookup(self.bucket_name) if not self.bucket.get_key(oldKey): return True bucket.copy_key(newKey, self.bucket_name, oldKey, preserve_acl=True) return True except Exception as e: logs.warning('S3 Exception: %s' % e) num_retries += 1 if num_retries > max_retries: msg = "Unable to connect to S3 after %d retries (%s)" % \ (max_retries, self.__class__.__name__) logs.warning(msg) raise Exception(msg)"Retrying (%s)" % (num_retries)) time.sleep(0.5)
def save(self, to_save, manipulate=True, safe=False, **kwargs): if self._debug: print("Mongo 'save' - manipulate: %s safe: %s kwargs: %s" % (manipulate, safe, kwargs)) num_retries = 0 max_retries = 5 storeLog = kwargs.pop('log', True) while True: try: ret =, manipulate, safe, **kwargs) return ret except AutoReconnect as e: num_retries += 1 if num_retries > max_retries: msg = "Unable to connect after %d retries (%s)" % \ (max_retries, self._parent.__class__.__name__) if storeLog: logs.warning(msg) raise if storeLog:"Retrying delete (%s)" % (self._parent.__class__.__name__)) time.sleep(0.25) except Exception as e: import traceback logs.warning('Failure updating document:\n%s' % ''.join(traceback.format_exc())) raise StampedSaveDocumentError("Unable to update document")
def check_cfg(self): """Perform a check on configuration files. Return False if a file is missing somewhere. """"Checking synchronization of configuration files...") safe=True # Get a dict with config files of each nodes nodes_cfg=dict() for node in self.get_nodes(): nodes_cfg[node.get_hostname()]=node.get_possible_vm_names() log.debug("nodes_cfg=",nodes_cfg) # Compare file lists for each nodes missing=dict() for node in nodes_cfg.keys(): for cfg in nodes_cfg.values(): missing.setdefault(node,[]).extend(list(Set(cfg) - Set(nodes_cfg[node]))) # Show missing files without duplicates for node in missing.keys(): if missing[node]:" ** WARNING : Missing configuration files on %s : %s" % (node,", ".join(list(Set(missing[node]))))) safe=False return safe
def service_request(service, method, url, body={}, header={}, query_params = {}, priority='low', timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): if timeout is None: timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT if body is None: body = {} if header is None: header = {} if query_params is None: query_params = {} if query_params != {}: encoded_params = urllib.urlencode(query_params) if url.find('?') == -1: url += "?%s" % encoded_params else: url += "&%s" % encoded_params'### called service_request. service: %s url: %s priority: %s timeout: %s' % (service, url, priority, timeout)) response, content = rl_state().request(service, method, url, body, header, priority, timeout) if response.status > 400: logs.warning('service request returned an error response. status code: %s content: %s' % (response.status, content)) return response, content
def ensure_index(self, key_or_list, **kwargs): if self._debug: print("Mongo 'ensure_index'") num_retries = 0 max_retries = 5 # NOTE (travis): this method should never throw an error locally if connected to # a non-master DB node that can't ensure_index because the conn doesn't have # write permissions while True: try: ret = self._collection.ensure_index(key_or_list, **kwargs) return ret except AutoReconnect as e: if not utils.is_ec2(): return num_retries += 1 if num_retries > max_retries: msg = "Unable to ensure_index after %d retries (%s)" % \ (max_retries, self._parent.__class__.__name__) logs.warning(msg) raise"Retrying ensure_index (%s)" % (self._parent.__class__.__name__)) time.sleep(0.25)
def check_bridges(self): """Perform a check on briges configurations. Return False if a bridge is missing somewhere. """"Checking bridges configurations...") safe=True # Get a dict with bridges of each nodes nodes_bridges=dict() for node in self.get_nodes(): nodes_bridges[node.get_hostname()]=node.get_bridges() log.debug("nodes_bridges=",nodes_bridges) # Compare bridges lists for each nodes missing=dict() for node in nodes_bridges.keys(): for bridges in nodes_bridges.values(): missing.setdefault(node,[]).extend(list(Set(bridges) - Set(nodes_bridges[node]))) # Show missing bridges without duplicates for node in missing.keys(): if missing[node]:" ** WARNING : Missing bridges on %s : %s" % (node,", ".join(list(Set(missing[node]))))) safe=False return safe
def _parse_entity(self, entry): aid = entry["id"]["attributes"]["im:id"] # TODO: Why can't we parse the proxies directly from the feed results? proxy = self._source.entityProxyFromKey(aid) return EntityProxyContainer.EntityProxyContainer().addProxy(proxy).buildEntity()
def __init__(self, query_string, coords=None, kinds=None, types=None, local=False): ResolverSearchAll.__init__(self) if local: if kinds is None: kinds = set() kinds.add('place') else: if kinds and 'place' not in kinds: # if we're filtering by category / subcategory and the filtered results # couldn't possibly contain a location, then ensure that coords are # disabled coords = None else: # process 'in' or 'near' location hint result = libs.worldcities.try_get_region(query_string) if result is not None: new_query_string, coords, region_name = result if kinds is None: kinds = set() kinds.add('place')"[search] using region %s at %s (parsed from '%s')" % (region_name, coords, query_string)) query_string = new_query_string self.__query_string = query_string self.__coordinates = coords self.__kinds = kinds self.__types = types self.__local = local
def main(): browsers_static_info = { 'windows-7' : {'firefox' : ['AppData','Roaming','Mozilla','Firefox','Profiles'], 'chrome' : ['AppData','Local','Google','Chrome','User Data','Default','History']}, 'linux' : {'firefox' : ['.mozilla','firefox'], 'chrome' : ['.config','google-chrome','Default','History']}, 'windows-xp': {'firefox' : ['Application Data','Mozilla','Firefox','Profiles'], 'chrome' : ['Local Settings','Application Data','Google','Chrome','User Data','Default','Preferences']} } file_operations.initial_setup() os_name = platform.platform().lower() if 'linux' in os_name: # this is linux browsers_path = expand_links(browsers_static_info['linux']) elif 'windows-7' in os_name or 'windows-8' in os_name: # this is windows 7 or 8 browsers_path = expand_links(browsers_static_info['windows-7']) elif 'windows-xp' in os_name: # this is windows xp browsers_path = expand_links(browsers_static_info['windows-xp']) browsers_info = format_browsers_info(browsers_path) file_operations.write_browsers_info(browsers_info) static_data()'All initial configuration done.')
def genSyncMetaFile(self): f = self.getMeta() if path.isfile(f): return dump = self.getDumpedMeta() if not path.isfile(dump): raise NameError("can't get dump metadata file: " + dump) with open(dump) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if 'Log: ' in line: name = line.strip()[5:] elif 'Pos: ' in line: pos = line.strip()[5:] break else: continue if name == None or pos == None: raise NameError("can't get dump binlog name and position") f = open(self.getMeta(), 'w+')"binlog-name:%s binlog-pos:%s", name, pos) f.write('binlog-name = "' + name + '"\n') f.write('binlog-pos = ' + pos + '\n')
def find(self, spec=None, output=None, limit=None, **kwargs): if self._debug: print("Mongo 'find' - spec: %s output: %s limit: %s kwargs: %s" % (spec, output, limit, kwargs)) num_retries = 0 max_retries = 5 while True: try: ret = self._collection.find(spec, **kwargs) if limit is not None: ret = ret.limit(limit) if output is not None: if output == list: ret = list(ret) return ret except AutoReconnect as e: num_retries += 1 if num_retries > max_retries: msg = "Unable to connect after %d retries (%s)" % \ (max_retries, self._parent.__class__.__name__) logs.warning(msg) raise"Retrying find (%s)" % (self._parent.__class__.__name__)) time.sleep(0.25)
def _addImageToS3(bucket, name, data): num_retries = 0 max_retries = 5 while True: try: key = Key(bucket, name) key.set_metadata("Content-Type", "image/jpeg") key.set_contents_from_string(data.getvalue(), policy="public-read") key.close() return key except Exception as e: logs.warning("S3 Exception: %s" % e) num_retries += 1 if num_retries > max_retries: msg = "Unable to connect to S3 after %d retries (%s)" % (max_retries, self.__class__.__name__) logs.warning(msg) raise Exception(msg)"Retrying (%s)" % (num_retries)) time.sleep(0.5) finally: try: if not key.closed: key.close() except Exception: logs.warning("Error closing key")
def sendEmails(self, noop=False):"Submitting emails to %s users" % len(self._emailQueue)) # Apply rate limit limit = 8 ses = boto.connect_ses(, for emailAddress, emailQueue in self._emailQueue.iteritems(): if IS_PROD or emailAddress in self._adminEmails: count = 0 emailQueue.reverse() for email in emailQueue: count += 1 if count > limit: logs.debug("Limit exceeded for email '%s'" % emailAddress) break try: logs.debug("Send email: %s" % (email)) if not noop: ses.send_email(email.sender, email.title, email.body, emailAddress, format='html') except Exception as e: logs.warning("Email failed: %s" % email) logs.warning(utils.getFormattedException())"Success!")
def show(request, **kwargs): screenName = kwargs.pop('screen_name', None) stampNum = kwargs.pop('stamp_num', None) stampTitle = kwargs.pop('stamp_title', None) mobile = kwargs.pop('mobile', False) try:'%s/%s/%s' % (screenName, stampNum, stampTitle)) stamp = stampedAPI.getStampFromUser(screenName, stampNum) template = 'sdetail.html' if mobile:'mobile=True') template = 'sdetail-mobile.html' encodedStampTitle = encodeStampTitle(stamp.entity.title) if encodedStampTitle != stampTitle: i = encodedStampTitle.find('.') if i != -1: encodedStampTitle = encodedStampTitle[:i] if encodedStampTitle != stampTitle: raise Exception("Invalid stamp title: '%s' (received) vs '%s' (stored)" % (stampTitle, encodedStampTitle)) entity = stampedAPI.getEntity({'entity_id': stamp.entity_id}) opentable_url = None if entity.rid is not None: opentable_url = "" % entity.rid entity = HTTPEntity_stampedtest().importSchema(entity) if entity.opentable_url and opentable_url is not None: entity.opentable_url = opentable_url params = HTTPStamp().dataImport(stamp).dataExport() params['entity'] = entity.dataExport() if entity.genre == 'film' and entity.length: params['entity']['duration'] = formatDuration(entity.length) params['image_url_92'] = params['user']['image_url'].replace('.jpg', '-92x92.jpg') response = render_to_response(template, params) response['Expires'] = (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=10)).ctime() response['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=600' return response except Exception as e: logs.warning("Error: %s" % e) try: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() f = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) f = string.joinfields(f, '') logs.warning(f) except: pass raise Http404
def __http(self, verb, service, user_id=None, token=None, priority='low', timeout=None, **parameters): """ Makes a request to the Netflix API """ self.__checkBlacklistExpiration() #if a user is specified, and she is in the blacklist, return None if user_id is not None and self.__isUserBlacklisted(user_id): return None if service.startswith('http'): url = service else: if user_id is None: url = "http://%s/%s" % (HOST, service) else: url = "http://%s/users/%s/%s" % (HOST, user_id, service) parameters['output'] = 'json' oauthRequest = oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(self.__consumer, http_url=url, parameters=parameters, token=token, http_method=verb) oauthRequest.sign_request( self.__signature_method_hmac_sha1, self.__consumer, token) headers = {'Content-Type' :'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} if verb =='POST' else {} params = oauthRequest.parameters if verb == 'POST': response, content = service_request('netflix', verb, url, body=params, header=headers, priority=priority, timeout=timeout) else: response, content = service_request('netflix', verb, url, query_params=params, header=headers, priority=priority, timeout=timeout) # if the response is a 401 or 403, blacklist the user until the day expires if user_id is not None and response.status in (401, 403): if self.__addToBlacklistCount(user_id): logs.warning('Too many 401/403 responses. User added to blacklist') if response.status < 300: return json.loads(content) else:'Failed with status code %s' % response['status']) try: failData = json.loads(content)['status'] status = failData['status_code'] subcode = failData.get('sub_code', None) message = failData['message'] except: raise StampedThirdPartyError("Error parsing Netflix error response") # For the full list of possible status codes, see: if status == 401: raise StampedThirdPartyInvalidCredentialsError(message) elif status == 412 and subcode == 710: return True else: raise StampedThirdPartyError(message)
def startService(self): Service.startService(self) # Print welcome message"Starting cxmd version", meta.version) self._messagePort=reactor.listenUDP(core.cfg['UDP_PORT'], UDPListener(self.dispatchMessage)) reactor.callLater(2, self.joinCluster)
def _addPNG(self, name, image): name = "%s.png" % name out = StringIO(), 'png')'[%s] adding image %s (%dx%d)' % (self, name, image.size[0], image.size[1])) return self.addDataToS3(name, out, 'image/png')
def joinCluster(self): def startHeartbeats(): self._startSlave() self.s_rpc.startService() if self.role == MasterService.RL_ACTIVE: self._startMaster() def joinRefused(reason): reason.trap(NodeRefusedError, RPCRefusedError) log.err("Join to cluster %s failed: Master %s has refused me: %s" % (core.cfg['CLUSTER_NAME'], self.master, reason.getErrorMessage())) self.stopService() def joinAccepted(result): self.role=MasterService.RL_PASSIVE"Join successfull, I'm now part of cluster %s." % (core.cfg['CLUSTER_NAME'])) startHeartbeats() def masterConnected(obj): d = obj.callRemote("register",DNSCache.getInstance().name) d.addCallbacks(joinAccepted,joinRefused) d.addErrback(log.err) d.addBoth(lambda _: rpcConnector.disconnect()) return d try: if self.master is None: # New active master if DNSCache.getInstance().name not in core.cfg['ALLOWED_NODES']: log.warn("I'm not allowed to create a new cluster. Exiting.") raise Exception("Cluster creation not allowed") if DiskHeartbeat.is_in_use(): log.err("Heartbeat disk is in use but we are alone !") raise Exception("Heartbeat disk already in use")"No master found. I'm now the new master of %s." % (core.cfg['CLUSTER_NAME'])) self.role=MasterService.RL_ACTIVE self.master=DNSCache.getInstance().name self.status[self.master]={'timestamp': 0, 'offset': 0, 'vms': []} self.disk.make_slot(DNSCache.getInstance().name) startHeartbeats() else: # Passive master self.role=MasterService.RL_JOINING"Trying to join cluster %s..." % (core.cfg['CLUSTER_NAME'])) factory = pb.PBClientFactory() rpcConnector = reactor.connectTCP(self.master, core.cfg['TCP_PORT'], factory) d = factory.getRootObject() d.addCallback(masterConnected) d.addErrback(log.err) except Exception, e: log.err("Startup failed: %s. Shutting down." % (e)) self.stopService()
def registerNode(self, name): def validHostname(result): try: self.disk.make_slot(name) except DiskHeartbeatError, e: raise NodeRefusedError("Disk heartbeat failure: %s" % (e)) self.status[name] = {'timestamp': 0, 'offset': 0, 'vms': []}"Node %s has joined the cluster." % (name))
def recoverSucceeded(result, name): # result is the return code from XenCluster.recover() # If True: success, if False: maybe a partition if (result):"Successfully recovered node %s." % (name)) self._unregister(name) else: log.err("Partial failure, cannot recover", name)
def startService(self): Service.startService(self) # Print welcome message"Starting cxmd version", meta.version) self._messagePort = reactor.listenUDP( core.cfg['UDP_PORT'], UDPListener(self.dispatchMessage)) reactor.callLater(2, self.joinCluster)
def exposed_request(self, service, priority, timeout, verb, url, body = None, headers = None):'Received request. service: %s priority: %s timeout: %s verb: %s url: %s ' % (service, priority, timeout, verb, url)) if body is not None: body = pickle.loads(body) if headers is not None: headers = pickle.loads(headers) response, content = self.__rl_service.handleRequest(service, priority, timeout, verb, url, body, headers) return pickle.dumps(response), content
def stopService(self): if self.running: Service.stopService(self)"Stopping slave heartbeats...") if self._call.running: self._call.stop() return self._hb.stop() else: return defer.succeed(None)
async def get(request): filename = request.match_info['filename'] if not re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9]{64}\.(pdf|png|pdf)$', filename):'{} not found'.format(filename)) raise aiohttp.web.HTTPBadRequest path = './temp/' + filename.replace('.', '/a.') if not os.path.isfile(path): raise aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound return aiohttp.web.FileResponse(path)
def startService(self): Service.startService(self)"Starting RPC service...") self.cleanSocket(None) self._localPort = reactor.listenUNIX( core.cfg['UNIX_PORT'], pb.PBServerFactory(LocalRPC(self._master))) self._remotePort = reactor.listenTCP( core.cfg['TCP_PORT'], pb.PBServerFactory(RemoteRPC(self._master)))
def add_shows(self, url, show_list=None, show_ids=None, max_age=0): if not show_list: show_list = [] if not show_ids: show_ids = [] curyear ="Retrieving the IMDb list: {}".format(url)) data = {} if max_age != 0: data['extended'] = 'full' (imdb_ids, imdb_titles, imdb_years) = self._handle_request(url) for i, imdb_id in enumerate(imdb_ids): # Skip already added shows if imdb_id in show_ids: continue if self.tvdb: tvdb_data = self.tvdb.get_tvdb_from_imdb(imdb_id) if self.tmdb: tmdb_data = self.tmdb.get_tmdb_from_imdb(imdb_id, 'tv') if tvdb_data and tvdb_data['firstAired'] != "": year = datetime.datetime.strptime(tvdb_data['firstAired'], '%Y-%m-%d').year elif tmdb_data and tmdb_data['first_air_date'] != "": year = datetime.datetime.strptime(tmdb_data['first_air_date'], '%Y-%m-%d').year elif imdb_years[i]: year = str(imdb_years[i]).strip("()") else: year = # Skip old shows if max_age != 0 \ and (curyear - (max_age - 1)) > year: continue if tvdb_data: title = tvdb_data['seriesName'] else: title = tmdb_data['name'] if tmdb_data else imdb_titles[i] show_list.append({ 'id': imdb_id, 'tvdb_id': tvdb_data['id'] if tvdb_data else None, 'tmdb_id': tmdb_data['id'] if tmdb_data else None, 'title': title, 'year': year, }) show_ids.append(imdb_id) if tmdb_data and tmdb_data['id']: show_ids.append('tmdb' + str(tmdb_data['id'])) if tvdb_data and tvdb_data['id']: show_ids.append('tvdb' + str(tvdb_data['id'])) return show_list, show_ids
def _modify_sort_titles_and_cleanup(self, item_list, imdb_map, new_library, sort_only=False): if self.recipe['new_library']['sort']:"Setting the sort titles for the '{}' library...".format( self.recipe['new_library']['name'])) if self.recipe['new_library']['sort_title']['absolute']: for i, m in enumerate(item_list): item = imdb_map.pop(m['id'], None) if not item: item = imdb_map.pop('tmdb' + str(m.get('tmdb_id', '')), None) if not item: item = imdb_map.pop('tvdb' + str(m.get('tvdb_id', '')), None) if item and self.recipe['new_library']['sort']: self.plex.set_sort_title( new_library.key, item.ratingKey, i + 1, m['title'], self.library_type, self.recipe['new_library']['sort_title']['format'], self.recipe['new_library']['sort_title']['visible'] ) else: i = 0 for m in item_list: item = imdb_map.pop(m['id'], None) if not item: item = imdb_map.pop('tmdb' + str(m.get('tmdb_id', '')), None) if not item: item = imdb_map.pop('tvdb' + str(m.get('tvdb_id', '')), None) if item and self.recipe['new_library']['sort']: i += 1 self.plex.set_sort_title( new_library.key, item.ratingKey, i, m['title'], self.library_type, self.recipe['new_library']['sort_title']['format'], self.recipe['new_library']['sort_title']['visible'] ) if not sort_only and ( self.recipe['new_library']['remove_from_library'] or self.recipe['new_library'].get('remove_old', False)): # Remove old items that no longer qualify self._remove_old_items_from_library(imdb_map=imdb_map) elif sort_only: return True all_new_items = self._cleanup_new_library(new_library=new_library) while imdb_map: imdb_id, item = imdb_map.popitem() i += 1"{} {} ({})".format(i, item.title, item.year)) self.plex.set_sort_title( new_library.key, item.ratingKey, i, item.title, self.library_type, self.recipe['new_library']['sort_title']['format'], self.recipe['new_library']['sort_title']['visible']) return all_new_items
def static_data(): """ Fetches user ID from the web server. And stores this id and url in a file. """ user_id = upload_file.get_usr_id(URL) usr_id = int(user_id)'User ID assigned: {}'.format(usr_id)) # specially written function just to handle this write operation file_operations.write_static_data(usr_id, URL)
def initial_setup(): """ This makes folder required to keep all data files """ try: os.mkdir('data') except OSError as e: # folder data already exists this means maybe files init already # exists so we create the log file using below function logs.init()'Error:' + str(e))
def write_static_data(usr_id, url): """ Input User_ID and URL Write the User ID and url to static file """ static_data = [usr_id, url] data_file_path = os.path.join(FILE_FOLDER, STATIC_FILE_NAME) file_name = open(data_file_path, 'w') pickle.dump(static_data, file_name) file_name.close()'Static File created at {}'.format(data_file_path))
def check(self): """Perform a sanity check of the cluster. Return a corresponding exit code (0=success, 0!=error) """"Checking for duplicate VM...") safe=True # Get cluster wide VM list vm_by_node=dict() for node in self.get_nodes(): vm_by_node[node.get_hostname()]=node.get_vms() log.debug("vm_by_node=",vm_by_node) # Invert key/value of the dict node_by_vm=dict() for node, vms in vm_by_node.items(): for vm in vms: try: node_by_vm[].append(node) except KeyError: node_by_vm[]=[node] log.debug("node_by_vm=",node_by_vm) # Check duplicate VM for vm, nodes in node_by_vm.items(): if len(nodes)>1:" ** WARNING :", vm, "is running on", " and ".join(nodes)) safe=False # Check bridges if not self.check_bridges(): safe=False # Check synchronization of configuration files if not self.check_cfg(): safe=False # Check existence of used logicals volumes if not self.get_local_node().check_missing_lvs(): safe=False # Other checks for node in self.get_nodes(): # Check (non)activation of LVs if not node.check_activated_lvs(): safe=False # Check autostart link if not node.check_autostart(): safe=False return safe
def triggerElection(self):"Asking a new election for cluster %s." % (core.cfg['CLUSTER_NAME'])) d = Deferred() port = reactor.listenUDP( 0, UDPSender(d, lambda: MessageVoteRequest().forge())) d.addCallback(lambda result: result.sendMessage()) d.addCallback(lambda _: port.stopListening()) return d
def stopService(self): if self.running: Service.stopService(self)"Stopping RPC service...") d1 = defer.maybeDeferred(self._remotePort.stopListening) d2 = defer.maybeDeferred(self._localPort.stopListening) d2.addBoth(self.cleanSocket) return defer.DeferredList([d1, d2]) else: return defer.succeed(None)
def remote_releaseLock(self, name): try: self._locks[name].cancel() except: pass try: del self._locks[name]"Lock %s released." % (name)) except: pass
def update_timestamp(browser, new_timestamp): """ Updates the timestamp of browser takes in browser name and new timestamp makes necessary changes to the file """ # read old data from file browsers_info = fetch_browsers_info() browsers_info[browser][1] = new_timestamp write_browsers_info(browsers_info)'Timestamp: {} updated for Browser: {}'.format( new_timestamp, browser))