Exemple #1
def run(Pattern, Tokens):
    Ptr = importlib.__import__(Pattern)
    indtok = 0
    Limittok = len(Tokens)
    Limitpat = len(PATTERNS)
    while indtok < Limittok:
        indpat = 0
        while (indpat < Limitpat):
            Pat, Action, Mode, Verbose = PATTERNS[indpat]
            Tok0 = Tokens[indtok]
                Tok1 = Tokens[indtok + 1]
                Tok1 = ('eof', 'eof', 0, 0)
            Len, Vars = matches(indtok, Tokens, Pat, 0, Verbose)
            if Verbose:
                logs.log_info('final out %s %s %s' %
                              (Len, Vars, Tokens[indtok]))
            indpat += 1
            if Len > 0:
                indpat = Limitpat + 10
                Action(Vars, Mode, indtok)
                indtok += Len
        if (indpat == Limitpat):
            indtok += 1
Exemple #2
def ram(Obj):
    Clk = Obj.Conns['clk']
    Edge,ColClk = Obj.db.Nets[Clk].posedge()
    Res = [],[]
    if Edge:
        if 'QQ' in Obj.Context:
            Res =  [('q',Obj.Context.pop('QQ'),ColClk.copy())],[]

        cs,Colscs = Obj.vals('cs')
        if cs=='1':
            add,Colsa = Obj.vals('a')
            A = logs.intx(add)
            we,Colswe = Obj.vals('we')
            if we=='1':
                din,Colsd = Obj.vals('d')
                D = logs.intx(din)
                logs.log_info('ram cswr ad=%d data=%d '%(A,D))
            elif we=='0':
                if A in Obj.Context:
                    QQ = bin(Obj.Context[A])[2:]
                    QQ = 'x'
                logs.log_info('ram csrd ad=%d data=%s %s'%(A,QQ,Obj.Context))

    return Res
Exemple #3
    def runOne(self):
        while self.Queues[0] != []:
            Onet = self.Queues[0].pop(0)
            for Obj, Pin in Onet.Ins:
                Obj.setPin(Pin, Onet.Value, Onet.Colors, False)

        while self.Queues[1] != []:
            Onet = self.Queues[1].pop(0)
            Onet.setVal(Onet.Next, Onet.Colors, False)
            Drv, Pin = Onet.Outs[0]
            for Obj, Pin in Onet.Ins:
                Obj.setPin(Pin, Onet.Value, Onet.Colors, False)

        while self.Queues[0] != []:
            Onet = self.Queues[0].pop(0)
            for Obj, Pin in Onet.Ins:
                Obj.setPin(Pin, Onet.Value, Onet.Colors, True)
        if self.times == []: return
        self.Simtime = self.times.pop(0)
        logs.forcedCycles = self.Simtime
        if (self.Simtime >= self.LastTime) and (self.LastTime > 0):
            logs.log_info('lasttime reached. exiting')
            self.RUN = False
        List = self.timeWheel.pop(self.Simtime)
        for Onet, Val, Colors in List:
            Onet.setVal(Val, Colors, True)
Exemple #4
def uart(Obj):
    if 'cycles' not in Obj.Context:
        Obj.Context['cycles'] = 0
        Obj.Context['state'] = 'idle'

    Clk = Obj.vals('clk')
    if Clk[0] == '1': return [], []

    Obj.Context['cycles'] += 1
    db = Obj.db
    if Obj.Context['cycles'] == 30:
        db.setNet('write_tx', 0, '1')
        db.setNet('txdata', 0, '11001100')
    if Obj.Context['cycles'] == 31:
        db.setNet('write_tx', 0, '0')
    if Obj.Context['cycles'] == 800:
        db.setNet('write_tx', 0, '1')
        db.setNet('txdata', 0, '10101010')
    if Obj.Context['cycles'] == 801:
        db.setNet('write_tx', 0, '0')

    txd = db.Nets['txd'].Value
    db.setNet('rxd', 0, txd)

    rx_valid = db.Nets['rx_valid'].Value
    db.setNet('read_rx', 0, rx_valid)
    if rx_valid == '1':
        rxdata = db.Nets['rxdata'].Value
        logs.log_info('rxdata=%s clk=%s' % (rxdata, Clk[1]['clk']))

    return [], []
Exemple #5
def main():
    Fname = sys.argv[1]
    logs.log_info('insts %d nets %d' %
                  (len(db.Nets.keys()), len(db.Insts.keys())))
    if db.script:
        AA = db.script.split('/')
        if len(AA) > 1:
            Path = '/'.join(AA[:-1])

        MM = AA[-1]
        MM = MM.replace('.py', '')
        exec('import %s' % MM)
        exec('db.Script = %s' % MM)

    while db.RUN:
Exemple #6
def matches(ind, Tokens, Pat, Level=0, Verbose=False):
    if (ind + len(Pat)) >= logs.getVar('tokens'):
        return 0, []
    if Verbose and (Level > 0):
        logs.log_info('%d enter %s %s %s %s' %
                      (Level, Pat, ind, Tokens[ind], Tokens[ind + 1]))
    Tok, Kind, Lnum, Cnum = Tokens[ind]
    PP = Pat[0]

    if PP in SETS:
        Set = SETS[PP]
        for P0 in Set:
            if (P0 == Tok):
                if len(Pat) == 1:
                    return 1, [Tokens[ind]]
                LL, VV = matches(ind + 1, Tokens, Pat[1:], Level + 1, Verbose)
                if LL > 0:
                    return LL + 1, [Tokens[ind]] + VV
                    return 0, []

    if (PP == Tok):
        if len(Pat) == 1:
            return 1, []
        LL, VV = matches(ind + 1, Tokens, Pat[1:], Level + 1, Verbose)
        if LL > 0:
            return LL + 1, VV
            return 0, []

    elif ((PP[0] == '?') and (PP[1:] == Kind)) or (PP == '?'):
        if len(Pat) == 1:
            return 1, [Tokens[ind]]
        LL, VV = matches(ind + 1, Tokens, Pat[1:], Level + 1, Verbose)
        if LL > 0:
            return LL + 1, [Tokens[ind]] + VV
            return 0, []

    if PP == '*':
        Next = Pat[1]
        LL = 0
        org = ind
        while True:
            while (ind < logs.getVar('tokens')) and (Tokens[ind][0] != Next):
                ind += 1
                LL += 1
            if ind == logs.getVar('tokens'): return 0, []
            if len(Pat) == 2:
                return LL, []
            LL, VV = matches(ind + 1, Tokens, Pat[2:], Level + 1, Verbose)
            if LL > 0:
                return LL + 1, [Tokens[org:ind]] + VV
                ind += 1

    if PP in DOUBLES:
        Bef, Aft = DOUBLES[PP]
        if Tokens[ind][0] == 'eol': ind += 1
        if Tokens[ind][0] != Bef:
            if Verbose: logs.log_info('() failed on %s' % Bef)
            return 0, []
        Closing = findBalancedClosing(ind, Tokens, Bef, Aft)
        if Closing < 0:
            if Verbose: logs.log_info('doubles failed on closing')
            return 0, []
#        print('>>closingDBL>>>',Closing,Tokens[Closing])
        if len(Pat) == 1:
            return Closing - ind, [Tokens[ind:Closing]]

        LL, VV = matches(Closing, Tokens, Pat[1:], Level + 1, Verbose)
        if LL == 0:
            if Verbose:
                    'double failed on postmatch tokens=%s %s pattern=%s' %
                    (Tokens[Closing], Tokens[Closing + 1], Pat[1:]))
            return 0, []
        return LL + Closing - ind, [Tokens[ind:Closing]] + VV

    if PP in ['()', '[]']:
        if PP == '()': Bef, Aft = '(', ')'
        if PP == '[]': Bef, Aft = '[', ']'
        if Tokens[ind][0] == 'eol': ind += 1
        if Tokens[ind][0] != Bef:
            if Verbose: print('() failed on %s' % Bef)
            return 0, []
        Closing = findBalancedClosing(ind, Tokens, Bef, Aft)
        if Closing < 0:
            if Verbose: print('() failed on closing')
            return 0, []

#        print('>>closing()()>>>',Closing,Tokens[Closing])
        if len(Pat) == 1:
            return Closing - ind, [Tokens[ind:Closing]]
        LL, VV = matches(Closing, Tokens, Pat[1:], Level + 1, Verbose)
        if LL == 0:
            if Verbose:
                    'lvl=%d ()[] failed on postmatch tokens=%s %s  patern=%s' %
                    (Level, Tokens[Closing], Tokens[Closing + 1], Pat[1:]))
            return 0, []
        return LL + Closing - ind, [Tokens[ind:Closing]] + VV

    if (Level > 0) and (Tokens[ind][0] == 'eol'):
        return matches(ind + 1, Tokens, Pat, Level, Verbose)
    return 0, []