Exemple #1
 def playback(self):
     # This is just like PerformLine.playback, but it doesn't echo
     # the line when rerecording, because PostponeLine has already
     # echoed it.
     if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
         print >> sys.stderr, "Executing", self.srcline, self.line
     exec(self.line, sys.modules[__name__].__dict__)
     if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
         print >> sys.stderr, "Finished", self.srcline, self.line
     self.status = "done"
     return False
Exemple #2
 def playback(self):
     # This is just like PerformLine.playback, but it doesn't echo
     # the line when rerecording, because PostponeLine has already
     # echoed it.
     if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
         print >> sys.stderr, "Executing", self.srcline, self.line
     exec(self.line, sys.modules[__name__].__dict__)
     if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
         print >> sys.stderr, "Finished", self.srcline, self.line
     self.status = "done"
     return False
Exemple #3
def signalLogger(obj, signal, *args):
    if logutils.recording() and not logutils.replaying():
            records = findLogger(obj).record(obj, signal, *args)
        except logutils.GtkLoggerTopFailure, exc:
            if logutils.debugLevel() >= 3:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Can't log %s (%s): %s" \
                      (obj.__class__.__name__, signal, exc)
        except logutils.GtkLoggerException, exc:
            if logutils.debugLevel() >= 1:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Can't log %s (%s): %s" % \
                      (obj.__class__.__name__, signal, exc)
Exemple #4
def signalLogger(obj, signal, *args):
    if logutils.recording() and not logutils.replaying():
            records = findLogger(obj).record(obj, signal, *args)
        except logutils.GtkLoggerTopFailure, exc:
            if logutils.debugLevel() >= 3:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Can't log %s (%s): %s" \
                      (obj.__class__.__name__, signal, exc)
        except logutils.GtkLoggerException, exc:
            if logutils.debugLevel() >= 1:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Can't log %s (%s): %s" % \
                      (obj.__class__.__name__, signal, exc)
Exemple #5
 def playback(self):
     # Do NOT echo to the logfile, even if rerecording.  The point
     # of rerecording is to allow checkpoints to be added by the
     # code.
     if checkpoint.check_checkpoint(self.comment):
         if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
             print >> sys.stderr, "Reached checkpoint", self.srcline
         self.status = "done"
         self.status = "repeating"
         if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
             print >> sys.stderr, "Waiting on checkpoint", self.srcline
         gobject.timeout_add(retrydelay, self, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_LOW)
     return False
Exemple #6
def _writeline(line):
    global _prevline
    if line != _prevline or _not_redundant(line):
        print >> logutils.logfile(), line
        if logutils.debugLevel() >= 2 and not logutils.replaying():
            print >> sys.stderr, "//////", line
    _prevline = line
Exemple #7
def _writeline(line):
    global _prevline
    if line != _prevline or _not_redundant(line):
        print >> logutils.logfile(), line
        if logutils.debugLevel() >= 2 and not logutils.replaying():
            print >> sys.stderr, "//////", line
    _prevline = line
Exemple #8
 def playback(self):
     if logutils.recording():
         loggers._writeline("pause" + self.delaytime)
     if _threaded and self.delaytime > 0:
         if self.status == "running":
             self.status = "repeating"
             if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
                 print >> sys.stderr, self.srcline, \
                       "Pausing", self.delaytime, "milliseconds"
             gobject.timeout_add(self.delaytime, self,
         elif self.status == "repeating":
             if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
                 print >> sys.stderr, "Done pausing", self.srcline
             self.status = "done"
         # not threaded, no need to wait for background tasks
         self.status = "done"
     return False
Exemple #9
 def start(self):
     # Install ourself as an idle callback.  The callback is set to
     # a low priority, because we're simulating a user's mouse
     # clicks and keyboard events, and users are slow.  If we run
     # at normal priority, the simulated events interfere with
     # normal gtk operation.
     if self.status == "initialized":
         self.status = "installed"
         if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
             print >> sys.stderr, "Installing", self.srcline
         gobject.idle_add(self, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_LOW)
Exemple #10
    def playback(self):
        if logutils.recording():
            ## Hack opportunity: if it's necessary to modify some
            ## lines in existing log files, check for the lines here,
            ## and call loggers._writeline with the modified version.
            ## This will allow log files to be modified by rerecording
            ## them.

        if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Executing", self.srcline, self.line
        # Exec'ing the line with an explicitly provided dictionary
        # allows variables created on one line to be available on a
        # later line.  Otherwise, the variable's scope would just be
        # this function call, which wouldn't be very useful.
        exec(self.line, sys.modules[__name__].__dict__)
        if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Finished", self.srcline, self.line
        self.status = "done"
        return False
Exemple #11
 def start(self):
     # Install ourself as an idle callback.  The callback is set to
     # a low priority, because we're simulating a user's mouse
     # clicks and keyboard events, and users are slow.  If we run
     # at normal priority, the simulated events interfere with
     # normal gtk operation.
     if self.status == "initialized":
         self.status = "installed"
         if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
             print >> sys.stderr, "Installing", self.srcline
         gobject.idle_add(self, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_LOW)
Exemple #12
 def playback(self):
     if logutils.recording():
         ## Hack opportunity: if it's necessary to modify some
         ## lines in existing log files, check for the lines here,
         ## and call loggers._writeline with the modified version.
         ## This will allow log files to be modified by rerecording
         ## them.
     if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
         print >> sys.stderr, "Executing", self.srcline, self.line
     # Exec'ing the line with an explicitly provided dictionary
     # allows variables created on one line to be available on a
     # later line.  Otherwise, the variable's scope would just be
     # this function call, which wouldn't be very useful.
     exec(self.line, sys.modules[__name__].__dict__)
     if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
         print >> sys.stderr, "Finished", self.srcline, self.line
     self.status = "done"
     return False
Exemple #13
def checkpoint(comment):
        if logutils.recording():  # recording
            print >> logutils.logfile(), "checkpoint", comment
            if logutils.debugLevel() >= 2:
                print >> sys.stderr, "////// checkpoint", comment
        if logutils.replaying():
                _checkpointdict[comment] += 1
            except KeyError:
                _checkpointdict[comment] = 1
Exemple #14
def checkpoint(comment):
        if logutils.recording():  # recording
            print >> logutils.logfile(), "checkpoint", comment
            if logutils.debugLevel() >= 2:
                print >> sys.stderr, "////// checkpoint", comment
        if logutils.replaying():
                _checkpointdict[comment] += 1
            except KeyError:
                _checkpointdict[comment] = 1
Exemple #15
def checkpoint(comment):
	#print "checkpoint access attempt: %s" %comment
        if logutils.recording():        # recording
           # print "checkpoint accessed for recording: %s" %comment
            print >> logutils.logfile(), "checkpoint", comment
            if logutils.debugLevel() >= 2:
                print >> sys.stderr, "////// checkpoint", comment
        if logutils.replaying():
                _checkpointdict[comment] += 1
                #print "checkpoint accessed for replaying: %s" %comment
            except KeyError:
                _checkpointdict[comment] = 1
                #print "checkpoint fail to be played: %s" %comment
        #if not logutils.replaying() and not logutils.recording():
	  #print "checkpoint access failed: %s" %comment
Exemple #16
            if logutils.debugLevel() >= 3:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Can't log %s (%s): %s" \
                      (obj.__class__.__name__, signal, exc)
        except logutils.GtkLoggerException, exc:
            if logutils.debugLevel() >= 1:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Can't log %s (%s): %s" % \
                      (obj.__class__.__name__, signal, exc)
            if records is GtkLogger.ignore:
            elif records is not None:
                assert type(records) is types.ListType
                for record in records:
                if logutils.debugLevel() >= 1:
                    print >> sys.stderr, "No record function for", obj, signal
    return False  # propagate events

## Some lines are logged too often.  This code eliminates redundant
## lines, making the log files easier to read and faster to run.

## _redundantlines is a list of regular expression objects that match
## lines that are redundant when repeated.
_redundantlines = [
    # Each time a Window is created, it emits four 'configure-event'
    # signals, which show up as four 'resize' lines in the log.
    re.compile(r".*\.resize\([0-9]+, [0-9]+\)$"),
    # set_position lines for HPaned and VPaned widgets are generated
    # from their children's 'size-allocate' signals, which are
Exemple #17
    def __call__(self):
        # Execute our line of the gui log, *if* the previous line has
        # completed.  Figuring out if the previous line has completed
        # is non-trivial, because the previous line may have emitted a
        # gtk signal that caused a modal dialog box to open, in which
        # case its "emit" call won't return until the box has closed!
        # *This* line contains the commands that operate the dialog
        # box, and must be issued even though the previous command
        # hasn't returned.  If the previous line hasn't returned it
        # must have called Dialog.run or started up a new gtk main
        # loop, so by keeping track of gtk.main_level() and the number
        # of open dialogs, we can tell when it's time to execute our
        # line.  (This is why we must redefine the Dialog class.)
        if self.logrunner.aborted:
            # The previous line raised an exception, so don't run this
            # line, even though it's already been installed as an idle
            # callback.
            self.status = "aborted"
            return False

        # Run this line, but only if there are no postponed lines
        # ready to go, and if this line is also ready.
        if not self.run_postponed() and self.ready():
            assert self.status in ("repeating", "installed")
            # Add the idle callback for the next line *before*
            # executing our line, because we might not return
            # until after the next line is done!  This is why we
            # need a separate idle callback for each line.
            if self.status != "repeating" and self.nextLine() is not None:

            if _threaded:
                if self.status == "installed":
                    self.status = "running"
                self.runLevel = logutils.run_level()
                # self.playback performs some suitable action and
                # returns True if the idle callback should be
                # repeated, and False if it shouldn't.  It can also
                # reinstall the callback, and should set self.status
                # to "done" if the task is finished.
                    result = self.playback()
                    if self.nextLine() is None:
                    return result
                except logutils.GtkLoggerTopFailure:
                    # It's possible that the previous log line tried
                    # to open a window, but the window hasn't actually
                    # appeared yet.  In that case, our line will have
                    # failed with a GtkLoggerTopFailure exception.  We
                    # just want to keep trying (within reason) until
                    # the window appears.  Using checkpoints to wait
                    # until the window is mapped makes this problem
                    # less frequent, but doesn't make it go away
                    # entirely.
                    self.status = "repeating"
                    self.ntries += 1
                    if self.ntries == maxtries:
                        if logutils.debugLevel() >= 1:
                            print >> sys.stderr, \
                                  "Failed to find top-level widget after", \
                                  self.ntries, "attempts."
                    # Keep trying.  By reinstalling ourself in the
                    # idle callback table and returning False
                    # (meaning, "don't repeat this callback") we move
                    # to the back of the queue.  This allows the
                    # widget we are waiting for to appear, we hope.
                    gobject.timeout_add(retrydelay, self,
                    return False

                except logutils.exceptions(), exc:
                    # Any type of exception other than GtkLoggerTopFailure
                    # is fatal.
                    self.status = "aborted"
                    if self.logrunner.exceptHook:
                        if not self.logrunner.exceptHook(exc, self.srcline):
                            raise exc
                if _threaded:
        # We're still waiting for the previous line to execute. We put
        # ourself at the back of the execution queue (by reinstalling
        # and returning False) so that the previous line will run
        # first.
        if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Reinstalling", self.srcline
        gobject.timeout_add(retrydelay, self, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_LOW)
        return False
Exemple #18
    def __call__(self):
        # Execute our line of the gui log, *if* the previous line has
        # completed.  Figuring out if the previous line has completed
        # is non-trivial, because the previous line may have emitted a
        # gtk signal that caused a modal dialog box to open, in which
        # case its "emit" call won't return until the box has closed!
        # *This* line contains the commands that operate the dialog
        # box, and must be issued even though the previous command
        # hasn't returned.  If the previous line hasn't returned it
        # must have called Dialog.run or started up a new gtk main
        # loop, so by keeping track of gtk.main_level() and the number
        # of open dialogs, we can tell when it's time to execute our
        # line.  (This is why we must redefine the Dialog class.)
        if self.logrunner.aborted:
            # The previous line raised an exception, so don't run this
            # line, even though it's already been installed as an idle
            # callback.
            self.status = "aborted"
            return False

        # Run this line, but only if there are no postponed lines
        # ready to go, and if this line is also ready.
        if not self.run_postponed() and self.ready():
            assert self.status in ("repeating", "installed")
            # Add the idle callback for the next line *before*
            # executing our line, because we might not return
            # until after the next line is done!  This is why we
            # need a separate idle callback for each line.
            if self.status != "repeating" and self.nextLine() is not None:

            if _threaded:
                if self.status == "installed":
                    self.status = "running"
                self.runLevel = logutils.run_level()
                # self.playback performs some suitable action and
                # returns True if the idle callback should be
                # repeated, and False if it shouldn't.  It can also
                # reinstall the callback, and should set self.status
                # to "done" if the task is finished.
                    result = self.playback()
                    if self.nextLine() is None:
                    return result
                except logutils.GtkLoggerTopFailure:
                    # It's possible that the previous log line tried
                    # to open a window, but the window hasn't actually
                    # appeared yet.  In that case, our line will have
                    # failed with a GtkLoggerTopFailure exception.  We
                    # just want to keep trying (within reason) until
                    # the window appears.  Using checkpoints to wait
                    # until the window is mapped makes this problem
                    # less frequent, but doesn't make it go away
                    # entirely.
                    self.status = "repeating"
                    self.ntries += 1
                    if self.ntries == maxtries:
                        if logutils.debugLevel() >= 1:
                            print >> sys.stderr, \
                                  "Failed to find top-level widget after", \
                                  self.ntries, "attempts."
                    # Keep trying.  By reinstalling ourself in the
                    # idle callback table and returning False
                    # (meaning, "don't repeat this callback") we move
                    # to the back of the queue.  This allows the
                    # widget we are waiting for to appear, we hope.
                    return False

                except logutils.exceptions(), exc:
                    # Any type of exception other than GtkLoggerTopFailure
                    # is fatal.
                    self.status = "aborted"
                    if self.logrunner.exceptHook:
                        if not self.logrunner.exceptHook(exc, self.srcline):
                            raise exc
                if _threaded:
        # We're still waiting for the previous line to execute. We put
        # ourself at the back of the execution queue (by reinstalling
        # and returning False) so that the previous line will run
        # first.
        if logutils.debugLevel() >= 4:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Reinstalling", self.srcline
        gobject.timeout_add(retrydelay, self, priority=gobject.PRIORITY_LOW)
        return False
Exemple #19
            if logutils.debugLevel() >= 3:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Can't log %s (%s): %s" \
                      (obj.__class__.__name__, signal, exc)
        except logutils.GtkLoggerException, exc:
            if logutils.debugLevel() >= 1:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Can't log %s (%s): %s" % \
                      (obj.__class__.__name__, signal, exc)
            if records is GtkLogger.ignore:
            elif records is not None:
                assert type(records) is types.ListType
                for record in records:
                if logutils.debugLevel() >= 1:
                    print >> sys.stderr, "No record function for", obj, signal
    return False                        # propagate events

## Some lines are logged too often.  This code eliminates redundant
## lines, making the log files easier to read and faster to run.

## _redundantlines is a list of regular expression objects that match
## lines that are redundant when repeated.
_redundantlines = [
    # Each time a Window is created, it emits four 'configure-event'
    # signals, which show up as four 'resize' lines in the log.
    re.compile(r".*\.resize\([0-9]+, [0-9]+\)$"),
    # set_position lines for HPaned and VPaned widgets are generated
    # from their children's 'size-allocate' signals, which are