def argument(self, shape, dtype=np.float64): """ Return an instance of :class:`numloopy.ArraySymbol` which the loop kernel expects as an input argument. """ if isinstance(shape, int): shape = (shape, ) assert isinstance(shape, tuple) inames = tuple(self.name_generator(based_on='i') for _ in shape) arg_name = self.name_generator(based_on='arr') rhs = Subscript(Variable(arg_name), tuple(Variable(iname) for iname in inames)) subst_name = self.name_generator(based_on='subst') self.register_substitution(lp.SubstitutionRule(subst_name, inames, rhs)) self.substs_to_arrays[subst_name] = arg_name, shape=shape, dtype=dtype)) return ArraySymbol(stack=self, name=subst_name, dtype=dtype, shape=shape)
def arange(self, stop): """ Registers a substitution rule on to the stack with an array whose values are filled equivalent to ``numpy.arange``. :arg stop: An instance of :class:`int` denoting the extent of the array. :return: An instance of :class:`numloopy.ArraySymbol` of shape ``(stop,)``, corresponding to the substitution rule which was registered. """ assert isinstance(stop, int) subst_name = self.name_generator(based_on="subst") arg = ArraySymbol(stack=self, name=subst_name, shape=(stop, ), iname = self.name_generator(based_on="i") rhs = Variable(iname) rule = lp.SubstitutionRule(subst_name, (iname, ), rhs) self.register_substitution(rule) return arg
def cumsum(self, arg): """ Registers a substitution rule in order to cumulatively sum the elements of array ``arg`` along ``axis``. Mimics :func:`numpy.cumsum`. :return: An instance of :class:`numloopy.ArraySymbol` which is which is registered as the cumulative summed-substitution rule. """ # Note: this can remain as a substitution but loopy does not have # support for translating inames for substitutions to the kernel # domains assert len(arg.shape) == 1 i_iname = self.name_generator(based_on="i") j_iname = self.name_generator(based_on="i") space = isl.Space.create_from_names(isl.DEFAULT_CONTEXT, [i_iname, j_iname]) domain = isl.BasicSet.universe(space) arg_name = self.name_generator(based_on="arr") subst_name = self.name_generator(based_on="subst") domain = domain & make_slab(space, i_iname, 0, arg.shape[0]) domain = domain.add_constraint( isl.Constraint.ineq_from_names(space, {j_iname: 1})) domain = domain.add_constraint( isl.Constraint.ineq_from_names(space, { j_iname: -1, i_iname: 1, 1: -1 })) cumsummed_arg = ArraySymbol(stack=self, name=arg_name, shape=arg.shape, dtype=arg.dtype) cumsummed_subst = ArraySymbol(stack=self, name=subst_name, shape=arg.shape, dtype=arg.dtype) subst_iname = self.name_generator(based_on="i") rule = lp.SubstitutionRule( subst_name, (subst_iname, ), Subscript(Variable(arg_name), (Variable(subst_iname), ))) from loopy.library.reduction import SumReductionOperation insn = lp.Assignment(assignee=Subscript(Variable(arg_name), (Variable(i_iname), )), expression=lp.Reduction( SumReductionOperation(), (j_iname, ), parse('{}({})'.format(, j_iname)))) self.substs_to_arrays[subst_name] = arg_name self.register_implicit_assignment(insn) self.register_substitution(rule) return cumsummed_subst
def sum(self, arg, axis=None): """ Registers a substitution rule in order to sum the elements of array ``arg`` along ``axis``. :return: An instance of :class:`numloopy.ArraySymbol` which is which is registered as the sum-substitution rule. """ if isinstance(axis, int): axis = (axis, ) if not axis: axis = tuple(range(len(arg.shape))) inames = [self.name_generator(based_on="i") for _ in arg.shape] space = isl.Space.create_from_names(isl.DEFAULT_CONTEXT, inames) domain = isl.BasicSet.universe(space) for axis_len, iname in zip(arg.shape, inames): domain &= make_slab(space, iname, 0, axis_len) reduction_inames = tuple(iname for i, iname in enumerate(inames) if i in axis) left_inames = tuple(iname for i, iname in enumerate(inames) if i not in axis) def _one_if_empty(t): if t: return t else: return (1, ) subst_name = self.name_generator(based_on="subst") summed_arg = ArraySymbol( stack=self, name=subst_name, shape=_one_if_empty( tuple(axis_len for i, axis_len in enumerate(arg.shape) if i not in axis)), dtype=arg.dtype) from loopy.library.reduction import SumReductionOperation rule = lp.SubstitutionRule( subst_name, left_inames, lp.Reduction(SumReductionOperation(), reduction_inames, parse('{}({})'.format(, ', '.join(inames))))) self.register_substitution(rule) return summed_arg
def __getitem__(self, index): """ Registers a substitution rule pointing to the indices through `index`. :arg index: An instance of :class:`tuple` of int, slices or :class:`ArraySymbol`. """ if isinstance(index, Number): index = (index, ) assert isinstance(index, tuple) right_inames = [] left_inames = [] shape = [] for axis_len, idx in zip(self.shape, index): if isinstance(idx, int): right_inames.append(idx) elif isinstance(idx, slice): # right now only support complete slices # future plan is to make it diverse by adding it more support # its easy, anyone intereseted can do it, with a small change # to make_slab, or wait for kernel_callables_v3 to go through # into master assert idx.start is None assert idx.stop is None assert idx.step is None iname = self.stack.name_generator(based_on='i') right_inames.append(Variable(iname)) left_inames.append(iname) shape.append(axis_len) else: raise TypeError('can be subscripted only with slices or ' 'integers') rhs = Call(Variable(, tuple(right_inames)) subst_name = self.stack.name_generator(based_on='subst') self.stack.register_substitution( lp.SubstitutionRule(subst_name, tuple(left_inames), rhs)) def _one_if_empty(t): if t: return t else: return (1, ) return ArraySymbol(stack=self.stack, name=subst_name, dtype=self.dtype, shape=_one_if_empty(tuple(shape)))
def reshape(self, new_shape, order='C'): """ Registers a substitution rule to reshape array with the shape ``new_shape``. Mimics :func:`numpy.ndarray.reshape`. :arg new_shape: An instance of :class:`tuple` of :class:`int`. :arg order: Either 'C' or 'F' """ # need an error here complain if there is a shape mismatch # how to do this: # look at how loopy sets its dim tags, from shape and order. subst_name = self.stack.name_generator(based_on='subst') inames = tuple( self.stack.name_generator(based_on="i") for _ in new_shape) new_arg = self.copy(stack=self.stack, name=subst_name, shape=new_shape, dim_tags=None, order=order) linearized_idx = sum( Variable(iname) * dim_tag.stride for iname, dim_tag in zip(inames, new_arg.dim_tags)) strides = tuple(dim_tag.stride for dim_tag in self.dim_tags) if self.dim_tags[0].stride == 1: pass elif self.dim_tags[-1].stride == 1: strides = strides[::-1] else: raise ValueError() indices = [] for stride in strides[::-1]: current_idx = linearized_idx // stride indices.append(simplify_via_aff(current_idx)) linearized_idx -= current_idx * stride # should we assert that the linearized index is 0? rule = lp.SubstitutionRule(subst_name, inames, expression=Variable(*tuple(indices))) self.stack.register_substitution(rule) return ArraySymbol(stack=self.stack, name=subst_name, shape=new_shape)
def fill_array(shape, value, name_generator): """ Helper function to fill an array of shape ``shape`` with ``value`` . :arg shape: An instance of :class:`tuple` denoting the shape of the array. :arg value: The value with the array should be filled. :arg name_generator: An instance of :class:`pytools.UniqueNameGenerator`, for generating the name of the new array. :return: A tuple of the name of the subtitution, the substitution rule and the modified name generator. """ inames = tuple(name_generator(based_on='i') for _ in shape) rhs = value subst_name = name_generator(based_on='subst') rule = lp.SubstitutionRule(subst_name, inames, rhs) return subst_name, rule, name_generator
def _arithmetic_op(self, other, op): """ Registers a substitution rule that performs ``(self) op (other)`` element-wise for the arrays. :mod:`numpy` broadcasting rules are followed while performing these operations. :return: An instance of :class:`ArraySymbol` corresponding to the registered substitution for the element-wise operation. """ assert op in ['+', '-', '*', '/', '<', '<=', '>', '>='] assert self.stack == other.stack def _apply_op(var1, var2): if op == '+': return var1 + var2, self.dtype if op == '-': return var1 - var2, self.dtype if op == '*': return var1 * var2, self.dtype if op == '/': return var1 / var2, self.dtype if op == '<': return, if op == '<=': return var1.le(var2), if op == '>': return, if op == '>=': return, raise RuntimeError() if isinstance(other, Number): inames = tuple( self.stack.name_generator(based_on='i') for _ in self.shape) rhs, dtype = _apply_op( Call(function=Variable(, parameters=tuple(Variable(iname) for iname in inames)), other) subst_name = self.stack.name_generator(based_on='subst') self.stack.register_substitution( lp.SubstitutionRule(subst_name, inames, rhs)) return self.copy(name=subst_name, dtype=dtype) elif isinstance(other, ArraySymbol): if self.shape == other.shape: inames = tuple( self.stack.name_generator(based_on='i') for _ in self.shape) rhs, dtype = _apply_op( Variable(*tuple( Variable(iname) for iname in inames)), Variable(*tuple( Variable(iname) for iname in inames))) subst_name = self.stack.name_generator(based_on='subst') self.stack.register_substitution( lp.SubstitutionRule(subst_name, inames, rhs)) return self.copy(name=subst_name, dtype=dtype) else: left = self right = other new_left_shape = self.shape[:] new_right_shape = other.shape[:] if len(left.shape) > len(right.shape): new_right_shape = ((1, ) * (len(left.shape) - len(right.shape)) + new_right_shape) if len(left.shape) < len(right.shape): new_left_shape = ((1, ) * (len(right.shape) - len(left.shape)) + new_left_shape) # now both have the same shapes # let compute the shape of these guys new_shape = [1] * len(new_left_shape) for i, (left_len, right_len) in enumerate( zip(new_left_shape, new_right_shape)): if left_len == right_len: new_shape[i] = left_len else: if left_len != 1 and right_len != 1: raise ValueError("Cannot be broadcasted.") else: new_shape[i] = left_len * right_len new_shape = tuple(new_shape) if new_shape != left.shape: subst_name = self.stack.name_generator(based_on="subst") inames = tuple( self.stack.name_generator(based_on="i") for _ in new_left_shape) def _empty_if_zero(_idx): if _idx == (0, ): return () return _idx indices = _empty_if_zero( tuple( Variable(iname) if axis_len != 1 else 0 for iname, axis_len in zip( inames[-len(left.shape):], left.shape))) rule = lp.SubstitutionRule(subst_name, inames, Variable(*indices)) self.stack.register_substitution(rule) new_left = left.copy(name=subst_name, shape=new_shape, dim_tags=None, order=left.order) else: new_left = left if new_shape != right.shape: subst_name = self.stack.name_generator(based_on="subst") inames = tuple( self.stack.name_generator(based_on="i") for _ in new_right_shape) def _empty_if_zero(_idx): if _idx == (0, ): return () return _idx indices = _empty_if_zero( tuple( Variable(iname) if axis_len != 1 else 0 for iname, axis_len in zip( inames[-len(right.shape):], right.shape))) rule = lp.SubstitutionRule(subst_name, inames, Variable(*indices)) self.stack.register_substitution(rule) new_right = right.copy(name=subst_name, shape=new_shape, dim_tags=None, order=right.order) else: new_right = right return new_left._arithmetic_op(new_right, op) else: raise NotImplementedError('__mul__ for', type(other))
def __setitem__(self, index, value): """ Registers an assignment in order to make the indices represented by ``index`` to ``value``. :arg index: An instance of :class:`int`, or :class:`slice` or :class:`numloopy.ArraySymbol`. :arg value: An instance of :class:`numloopy.ArraySymbol`, with the same shape as represented by ``index``. """ if isinstance(index, (Number, slice, ArraySymbol)): index = (index, ) assert isinstance(index, tuple) # current heuristic: assumes that the dereferenced guys are # always arguments and not temporary variables, maybe we need to fix # this later? try: arg_name = self.stack.substs_to_arrays[] except KeyError: inames = tuple( self.stack.name_generator(based_on="i") for _ in self.shape) arg_name = self.stack.name_generator(based_on="arr") insn = lp.Assignment( assignee=parse('{}[{}]'.format(arg_name, ', '.join(inames))), expression=parse('{}({})'.format(, ', '.join(inames)))) self.stack.register_implicit_assignment(insn) space = isl.Space.create_from_names(isl.DEFAULT_CONTEXT, inames) domain = isl.BasicSet.universe(space) for iname_name, axis_length in zip(inames, self.shape): domain &= make_slab(space, iname_name, 0, axis_length) # now handling the second assignment try: inames, iname_lens = zip(*tuple( (self.stack.name_generator(based_on="i"), axis_len) for idx, axis_len in zip(index, self.shape) if isinstance(idx, slice) or isinstance(idx, ArraySymbol))) space = isl.Space.create_from_names(isl.DEFAULT_CONTEXT, inames) domain = isl.BasicSet.universe(space) for iname_name, axis_length in zip(inames, iname_lens): domain &= make_slab(space, iname_name, 0, axis_length) except ValueError: inames = () iname_lens = () indices = [] _k = 0 for idx in index: if isinstance(idx, slice): indices.append(Variable(inames[_k])) _k += 1 elif isinstance(idx, ArraySymbol): indices.append(Variable([_k]))) _k += 1 else: indices.append(idx) assert _k == len(inames) indices = tuple(indices) if isinstance(value, ArraySymbol): insn = lp.Assignment(assignee=Subscript(Variable(arg_name), indices), expression='{}({})'.format(, ', '.join(str(iname) for iname in inames))) elif isinstance(value, Number): insn = lp.Assignment(assignee=Subscript(Variable(arg_name), indices), expression=value) else: raise TypeError("arrays can be only assigned with number or other " "arrays") self.stack.register_implicit_assignment(insn) if not in self.stack.substs_to_arrays: subst_name = self.stack.name_generator(based_on="subst") inames = tuple( self.stack.name_generator(based_on='i') for _ in self.shape) rule = lp.SubstitutionRule( subst_name, inames, expression=Subscript( Variable(arg_name), tuple(Variable(iname) for iname in inames))) self.stack.register_substitution(rule) self.stack.substs_to_arrays[subst_name] = arg_name = subst_name